I Cheap Postal Service. The cheapest postal service In tha M Is that of Japan, where letters aro conveyed all over the empire fur, two sen about seven-tenths of a pen py. This Is the more wonderful con sidering the uillieuhie.s of tiansport over tho moiiataiiioiis and lingular country, while wagons can pa over only a lew of the chief rouda und the steamers connect hut a small number of (oust stations. Beware of Ointments (or Catarrh that Contain Mercury, a mrrur will tutriy di-in.T ih irn v r.f .m, i at rompirlrly ili-ranm wholr wl.fii nilrrluu It llinmnh ihr mucin, .urn..,-. s,.n arllil lnull iirvir Im at.-ii p,,,,.,,.,. il. in In.iu rfi.uti.lile pliy.l, I.,,., , , ,.' III U.i l If ii lulil tu II, y p.,.,;,,,. d,'. lr tr.nn IIii-mi. lUll'n t .turrit t tin-. iimniuai-iiirrd ! r. J. t hfnry O.. LiU-il... o.. . ..iii.ln. n,,r. rllty.auil U lukvn liitrraally. acting Ulrf. un.n tl.a l.l..l anil unlt-mit iirtjrr ..I I'm .-,.,, 1. lu- tttic ll!l I ,iurrli ( urn am v,,,i ,t' u uulnr. It It l.kru ImrriKlly an.l ma,i In l,iru I'll!", hy r . .1. 1 ln-nr I 11. I ! 1 in.mU free ' Sulil hy UriwuMa. I'rli-l- TV. prr li.illl 'iako llan'i Family 1'llla for 'uuiliti,.a. Thorp 1110 a few self made men and h lot of seirtnade blonde women In the world. Any girl who things us much of a man aa she does of herself will do to tio to. Klllt KKNT OK NtlK On Crop Paymmti, KKVTRAL CHOICE FAHHS. bena Ul lltU J. MIXIIALI., .Sioux City, low There Is one school dellgnta to get into a let. a Florida hoy school of mill- The ten commandments are examples of broken English. good Itollanre atarcn IH guaranteed big pest ami best or money refunded. 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now. To sec what is right and not to do It Is want of courage. Confucius. True happiness consists, not In tho multitude of friends, but In tho worth ind choice. JolniHon. riRO'sCuro cannot bo too hlRhly spoken of i acoinitt curt). J. YV. O lluiLN, ifcsj Third Ay, li., lilunen nulla, Muiu., Juu. 0, 1UU0. Occasionally a man manages to beat n woman in an argument hy keeping his mouth shut. A man who puts a new mat of kal Fomino on his past often thinks ho has really reformed. for St.GU Sioney Order. The John A. Knlzcr Seed Co., La Crosse, AVIs., mall postpaid l.'i trees, consisting of Apricots, Apples, Crabi", ("lurries, Plums, I'l'iii hrs anil Pears, just tho thing for city or country cartleii, Including the great l'.lsmarlt Apple, all hardy Wisconsin utricle, are Bent you free upon receipt of $1.6j. AND FOII 10U AND TUIS NOT1CI!. you Ret SUfllcleiit seed of Celery, Car rot, Cabbage, Onion, Lettuce, Hudiah it ml Flower Seeila to furnish buslU'ls nf t holee flowers and lots of vegetables for a biff family, together with our treut riant and seed catulou.(W, N. U.) Knowledge is priceless and stone. a treasure at onco Imperishable). Ulad- Ii'a a pity men can't iiostpone their trials as easily as a lawyer can slave them off in court, If you had $2,000.00 insurance in tut STATU FARMER'S MUTUAL INSUR ANCE CO. tho past eight years It cost you $31.00 for Fire, lightning and Tornado. Do you know what Old Lino Insuranco would have cost you? Why not Invest about $10.00 of the saving In live stock, and soon buy another farm? Write to the Secretary for rn formation. R. R. Stouffer, Secretary, South Omaha, Nebr. Rorrowlng Is not begging. Leasing. much better than If tombstones are truthful the cem eteries contain more good people than ever lived. You never hear any ono complain about "Defiance Starch." There ll none to equal It In quality aud quan tity, 16 oun'8, 10 cents. Try It uow and save your money. Faith Is a smaller word than genius, but it is a better guide. Most people would rather blame a man for what ho rtnosn't than give him credit for what lie does. riTe pwiKn'MtrcnrKl. N'n tllnornrrfimro'tNt I 1 1 0 ilrnt il.v ' iim(. ir. Kllnr'n limit N-r- KK". r. IwiiiI fr t'lll i: J.OO trial li.illl.' ulnl tnull.fc l. U. U. Klw, UU., Ul Ana SUvot, CHI la.lv Iplila, f A mother's tears are tho same lu all languages. It may be all right to give credit tr whom credit Is due. but spot cash is always preferable. a cltidal I hat one should never waste Is the stronghold of a good con science. fltopn the OomrIi nmt Work Oir I lie Cotit Laxative liroino ijuiujo Tublots. rrieoi"c. A man rnnnot cannot find him. go w here t cm lit at ion Try me Ju.;t to come again. oneo nnd I ntn sure Defiance Starch. Truth cannot be expressed where ulncfilty Is suppressed. Salirr't Horn Daltdrr Corn. go niunej bri-auKt 60 ncipn ,roduccd o heavily that lt prtHtt1!! built a IhvpIv homp. Pee Sulxer' cutalog. Ylclilrd In 1903 In 1ml., Km bn.. Ohio 160 bu.. Trnn. !S bn., nnd In Mich. bu. por aire. You inn beat this record In 1904. watt i0 TOO TniNar or tatM Tiilm I ra ai aat 1:0 bu. TVardlem Hnrley per acrp. tul .n Kiilier'H New Nat. (lilt per A. SO Im. .al7iir Speltx Macaroni Whoat. 1 Km bu. IVdlKroe Potatnos per aci-p. 14 ton of rich llllllon 1I. C.raaa Hay. r.o.OiHi llic. Victoria Uape fur sheep acre. lixuieo His. TfoslntP. tbp finldcr wonder, LiniHi lli Siilrer'n Superior Fodder Corn-1 li b. Juicy fiildcr. per A. Vuuf aneh viel.ln vim tun have. Mr, rnrin.r. In L"4, If ou will plant. Sal ter's seed". jt uT atsn tni NOTt. R Nn ItV In t:iini. In John A. Sul.T Pi'ed CO. 1 f r.m.n Uli. nnd receive their cppAt (Mtn'lorf and lot of farm seed ample". (V. N. I' ) It Is Impossible to patch up a repu tat ion so (he patches won't show, ark torn ruvritRi r.nof TVp. Red Criwa Kail Ulup and makp thrri lilto BKnin. l.nrt; 'i ot. pacaA I, fi ctuU. Self conquest Is the greatest of vic tories. Tho rennict ties mut b l'awsoa. with self and selfish fotifiht out. Ooort NNEWS IN NEBRASKA m: SELECT STATE FAIR OFFICERS. Men Who Will Assist in Managing Various Displays. Members of I he executive rotnmit- tee of the htaie board of a riculiure have chosen the following io assist In the management of the various ills p!uyn: (leiiciHl Kiiptrinteiident, Wil liam Foster, Suiltillo: chief of police, ('. J. Tracey, I.oup City; superintend Mit aRriciiltural hall. V. K. Kwitis, Kiankltn; master of ttaiisportation. O. M. lliuse, l.incolii; siiprriuteliilelit of jjaies, U. M. Searles, jr., ()j:ailala: su perintendent of amphitheater. (!. K. Williams; superintendent of fUh ex hibit and fish hulldiiiK. W. .1. O'lltien. South liend; sitpi nnieiiiient of speed, R. J. Flick, Lincoln: landscape gar dener, J. II. Haaklnsiiii. Omaha: su pei Ititeiident of horses, David llanna, Wood Lake; nsistant supeiiutenib'tit of horses, (J. 1. I leiuleishot, Hebron: superinteiiilent of cattle, FJijah Fin ley, lleynolils; assistant superintend cut of cattle, W. A. Appersou, Tecum sib; Kupcriiiti'tiileiit of swine, L. W Leonard, rawnee City: assistant su periiitendent of sw ine, V. Arnold, Yer don; superintendent of sheep, K. M Woli'ott, Falnier; superintendent of poultry, V. M. Loweiiing, lirownville; Ktipei'lntenileiit of farm products, L. Morse, lletiklenian ; suiiet inteiident .of textile department. Mrs. li. II. Hever in, Omaha: superintendent line1 arts Mrs. F. M. Hall, Lincoln; superintend ent dairy, A. L. Hacker, Lincoln; su perintendent education, Charles For dyce, I niversity Flare; superintend ent bees and honey, L'd. Whitcomh, Friend: .superintendeiit machinery. W. C. Caley. Creighton; superinleiuleut county collective exhibits. W. K. KwIuk, F'ratiUlin; Kuperintcndenl. spec ials, Charles Mann, Chadron: superin tendent agricultural instruction, T. L. Lyon, Lincoln. HOLDS CAMELING LAW INVALID. Such a Decision Is Handed Down by Attorney General Prout. Attorney tleiieral Front lias ham down u decision that the gambling law of tliis stale making gambling a felony is invalid and of no elTec'. The reasons given by the attorney general lor Ins decision are tlie same us mentioned in this column several days ago when the matter first came Up. lie holds that the liile of the bill is not proper, in that the body of the bill contained wider matter than was shown by the title, and I hat all of the bill which was change I lifter it passed the senate, where it originated, was not read three tituvs in each house, as provided for in the einiHlitutioii. This decision leaves the old gambling law. which provided a penalty of a line of $loo or three months in jail, still in force. The county attorney of York county wrote lo the attorney general for the opin ion. A number of prominent Lincoln at torneys do not agree witn the attorney general on his stand. Former County Attorney Manger, who fought out the whole thing in the local courts six or seven years ago, said that the attor ney general certainly did not go en tirely through the matter or he would not have arrived at such a conclusion. "I have all the records, including the senate ami bouse bills, pasted to jrether In my otllce nnd I not only believe the law to be good, but it lias been so passed upon by the district court. Judge Holmes aud Hall silting on the case. Tabulating Land Values. Land Commissioner Folleni is work ing on a tabulation m laud values that will be placed before the State Hoan' of Equalization, ubich is expected tc materially assist the board in nrrivlnj. at something like the true assesmeiit of land throughout the state. Mr.! Fallmer has a rcc.ir.l or is securing a record, of all (he li-mi sales iti every county in the state, with the price paid. Not Signing Any Contracts. LINCOLN Athletic managers af the state university have cased sign ins contracts for spring athletic events. This litis been done on ac count of the action of tho hoard of regents In the location of the physics building", the construction of which will encroach on the athletic Held. Students hope to get the regents to reconsider their action. Betts Brought to Lincoln. LINCOLN. Frank Belts, a youthful forger with many names, was brought to the city by Detective Benlley, who pot the prisoner from the authorities at Milwaukee. Since last December Betts lus forged paper to X lie extent of more thou $.",0ini. He swindled Lin coln j.'wclers out of more than $iiod and for this ho will be tried Oue of the exploits of Retls while In Minneu jhiIIs wus to buy a grocery store Willi a bogus cheek for $:0. Re.lc of Territorial Dayt. PA PILLION Joseph Whit ted re ceived from friends at Florence. Neb. some relics of the early days of that town In the shape of some $1 notes, (laled 18.ri(. Recently an old sufe had been opened nt Florence and in it was loiind a bunch of 'heseolil bank miles. The notes ore not slgied, but were Is sued by the Bank of Florence and a;i: In perfect condition Mr. Whitted was an early settler of Florence and In ills ti'lhtiting the iin'is iit.iongst those liv ing In Florence in t'l it year Mr. Whit ted v ns not fo.'g itti ;i. Funds Awaiting Investment. LINCOLN. Stale Treasurer Mort etiscu still has on hum!, awaiting In vestment. 1 1 l.T. ST. 1 :. of the pennant tit educational funds. He bus just paid out $100.0110 for the purchase of the Massachusetts state bonds. Resides the permanent funds now on hand tli'Te Is n large amount lu the gen eral fund, waiting for the call for llo'i.nou (,f general fund warrants. lilch. will take effect Friday. Feb ruary 2il. t-lightly In Goiiciol fund warrant cces:i of $.''io.tM'i) will be redeemed dining Fibr.iaiy. THE STATE AT LARGE. The Roosovcit club at Osceola is ar ranging for a celebration March 1. The tool house of the Union Pacific at Columbus was destroyed by tire. I Mrs. Julia Thomas of Sarpy county, 'four score aad two, died a few days n go. Dr. Canfli ld. a practicing physician died last for many years at Kdgar, week. Rouvrl meetings have been started at Columbus and will continue two weeks. lhe second week meeting at Osceola of the revival is on with con- tinned success. lames 1). ltrown. a pioneer of But ler county and a wealthy one withal, died last week. Rakers of Lincoln are discussing the advisability in view of the increas ed rate of wheat. Farmers are showing much Interest in institutes being held here and there throughout the state. A four weeks' revival has just clos ed at Crab Orchard, the result being a great spiritual uulilt. I;r. Offerman. a pioneer of Nemaha county, died last week. He was for many years a leading practitioner. Tin1 Omaha Mitten and Manufactur ing company of Oinana has tiled arti cles of incorporation with the secre tary of state. The firm has a capital slock of $100,11(10. At a meeting of farmers and cili.ens i of Kenesaw at the Exchange bank It I was voted to incorporate a local tele J phone company with a capital of $10, duo and put in an up-to-date plant. " I The Stale Hank of Elwood, has Tiled an application with the comptroller I of the currency to reorganize and form a national bank, to be known as the Fust National bank of Elwood. Onirics Roitricfi nn old soldier, who has been acting rather queer of late, was taken before tho commissioners on insanity at Nebraska City and de clared Insane, tie will be taken to the asylum. A Weaver of Rockford. tlage county, was in Beatrice recently with a three-year-old son who was bitten by a pet ilog. Mr. Weaver went to Wyniore in tending to have a loadstone applied to the wound. Tin1 spring season of district court of Hall county is about, to open with but lil'ty live civil cases, none of any great importance and but live crimin al cases, of which only two will pro bably come to trial. The Beatrice l'roduee and Cold Stor age company, which was recently in corporated in Beatrice with a capital stock of $2011. noil, expects to erect tt cold storage building and lee planl there the coming spring. The ground of the Jefferson County Agricultural society were sold at sheriff's sale and were purchased by Fairbury for park purposes for $8,500. Tho grounds are thirty acres in extent and only four bloocus from the court, house. The Fulton bloodhounds were sent to Seneca, Kansas, at Beatrice, to as sist In the capture of two men sus pected of robbing the bank at tioff, Kans. They were driven overland to Marysville, where a train was cauglt for Seneca. While he was prying at a window at night, the prowler who has dis turbed residents of Grand Island for some weidis post was shot at and con lidently believed to have been hit by Mrs McBridc, the wife of a Union Fa cilic conductor. A disastrous fbo. which broke out in the basement ot the opera house at Greenwood, destroyed that building, a mill and an adjoining food store and caused the dentn of Manager Culler of the opera House. Mr. Cutler was nsieep in the basement, where the lire luoki out. and was hurtled to death in his bed. For the first time since Imprison ment of Frank Baker, the alleged double murderer, his mother visited Mm at Red Cloud and the meeting was one of great sorrow to the stricken mother and her evidence of grief was great. The prisoner was uncon cerned and showed no sorrow at tlui trouble that has overcome him. An Important discovery in the Bar ker murder case lias been made by Ihu finding of a :!2-culihre revolver in ihn barn of the murdered man. Tinea empty chambers were found which tab ics with the number of bullet holes found in the bodies of the victims. The weapon was found beneath thei hay. The prisoner has not yet been apprised of the finding of the gun. A number of farmers in lhe vicin ity of Cedar creek have recently made complaints that persons have visited their Uirtis recently during the night time and several Hit Its have been com mitted. Jerry Sehroeder's barn was entered Sunday night and four of his horses were poisoned, it is supposed, by mixing rough-on rats with feed. John J. Moor, a wealthy cituen of Coleridge, bus gone to Ireland, his na tive hind, to spend a year in recrea tion and recuperation. The state board of public lands and buildings will accept an offer of the Van Horn Iron works to put 1Mb cells In the state prison for the sum of $Sit.Oort. The members hod made a contract to allow the concern to place Kill cells in the penitentiary for $!!, o:b. Fire destroyed the born of E. A. Spur near Belmont, entailing n loss of probably $2.ihii and almost consum ed the barn of James Strlno, across the alley from the lirst named. The county commissioners of Hall county propose to sell the old court house and build u new one. , It Is announced that he Northwest tin will rebuild thirty miles of Its Lne between Fremont and Oniifha this year, beginning in April. Sixty and I sixty live pound steel rails will be used. Last ear the entire line be tween Ml.isourl Valley and Fremont was laid with seventy two pound rails. Major McLaughlin and Captain Eb- I I lie were In Nebraska City and 111 'speeted Company C of the Second Ne- brosko Notional Guard. The Inspec- tlou was public nnd a large asseni- i plage of representative clilcns was 'present tu encourage the company to , Its best Ptnlt nvors. STORY CF THE FIGHTING. What Viceroy Altxieff Saya of The Recent Nival Engagement. ST. I'ETF.HSBl KG. A telegram from Viceroy Abxicff to the caf cava: "At I:!., o'clock on the morning of February :'. numerous Japanese tor pedo boats attempted to attack tho battleship Hetian. 1 here were sev eral largo stiamers loaded with in flammables. The Ketvuan was the first to ol.sene the torpedo boats and opened a stt ing lire on them. She was supkrtcd by the laud batteries Slie destroyed two steamers near the entrance of the harbor: they were coming directly toward hur. One of them went on the rocks near the lighthouse on Tiger peninsula, and the other sank under Gulden Hill. The Retviau observed four steamers in a sinking condition and eight torpedo boats departing slowly to rejoin the waiting Japanese warships; A por tion of the crews of the" Japanese ves sels was drowned. The grounded steamer U still burning. The enemy Is observed In the offing of Fort Ar thur In two lint's. i "The Japanese crews saved them selves on boa's, and it is possible that some of them were picked up by the enemy's torpedo boats. "Iain proceeding to examine tho coasts. The entrance of the linrboi is open. 1 attribute the complete de rangement id the enemy's plan to the brilliant action and destructiveness of the Retvlan. "Floating mines are still visible In the roadstead. 1 have recalled the three cruisers sent in pursuit of the enemy in order, in the lirst place, to clear the roadstead of floating mines e have no losses." HANNA LEFT SEVEN MILLIONS. Appraicrl cf Estate Shows it is Larg er Than First Reportea. CLEVELAND Dan R. llanna anil bis attorney reported to the probate court Friday thai tho estate of the late Senator M. A. llanna showed a valuation of $7 eeo.doo. This is more than double the amount reported at the time of the presentation of tho will for probate This makes it the largest over presented for probate in Hie county. The holdings of the late senator in the Cleveland Electric Kuilway com pany are valued i't $2.0lin,000. He also was a heavy stockholder in the American Shipbuilding company, Pittsburg Coul company, Cleveland & Pittsburg railroad, as well as in M. A. llanna & Co. His interests in the Pittiibui'g Steamsnip company, the ma rine wing of the United Slates Steel corporation, wire disposed of but a short time before his death, lie was als.o Interested in a Lumber of other corporal ions. In local bank stocks he held 1.000 shares of the Union National bank, of which lie was president, valued at 108 a share; in the Bank of Com merce. I'oo shares, valued ni 201; In the Federal Trust compnny. forty-five shares, nt tin; Guardian Trust, 2.10 shares, at 212. IMPORTS FROM THE LUZON. Only Small Part of Business Carried on Under American Flag. WASHINGTON The development of the Philippines commercially and Industrially for the first nine months of 1903 is the subject of a special bul letin by the bureau oT Insular affairs. It is shown that both In Imports and exports there was on increase, coin pare'd with a corresponding period in tho preceding year. Heavy exports in hemp and copra offsetting heavy im ports of ll -e, explained the increase. . During the period named the Im ports were $2U,103.fi0l, against $21. 3.18,322 for 1H02. The exports amount ed to $23,503,128. an increase of near ly $4,500,0(10. The rice import were the only ones that Increased and there was a falling off in the general trade. 1 Ro United Slates losing 10 per cent and the United Kingdom 10 per cent, while Spain has only two-thirds of the umount of Its trade In 1!I02. United Stales exports increased from $7,232,111 to $!).3S0,03ii and the trade with Spain was practically the same. But a small part of the United States business is carried under the American flag and all but 5 per cent of the general trade of the islands is done in foreign bottoms. NEBRASKA COURT SUSTAINED. The Tax Lien Foreclosure Case Comes Urt for Discussion. WASHINGTON Justice Day hand ed down the opinion of the supreme court of the United States alllrnilng the Judgment of the supreme court of Nebraska In the raso of Alvln P. lieigli against Henry S. Green. Involv ing tax sales of property. The court held that the owner of a tax lien may foreclose the lien upon notice by pub lication, which shall being In anybody nnd everybody Intended, nnd that In the exericse of tie taxing power the states may delegate that right and authority, as was done in tnis case, to the purchasers of the tax sale, and that such procedure Is not violative of tbp rights guaranteed by the four teenth amendment of the constitution. Shipping to the Philippines. WASHINGTON The house com mittee on merchant marine and fish eries listened to the arguments of many representatives of the ocean shipping Industries of the country In favor of the Fryp-Llttlcfleld bill, pro viding that the commerce between the United Stales nnd the Philippine Is lands shall be carried In American ships, but exempting the Inter-Island trade In the Philippines from lhe op, ei-atlon of the navigation laws of the United States, which ure. under exist ing laws, mode applicable after July 1. Lively Times In Wheat Pit. CHICAGO-Wheat for May sold Tuesday at $ 1 OS'-j a bushel. A Jump of " cents above Saturday's final figures. The cause was u scsation ndvnnce In prices nt foreign grain markets, apparently due to growing fear of European complications over the Russian-Japanese war. A lerrlfln slump followed, ,'ne to profit Inking May wheat made n sheer descent of 4c. dropping to Jl.ul'i,. The market developed on extraordinary whip-saw choructPr. n actii.g qncj.va full cent to $1.05 'v. A COMRADE OF GENERAL Says: l BENJAMIN Benjamin F. Hawkea.of Washington, D. C, Is One of tho Throo Living Comraclos of Gonoral Qrant In His Cadet Days at Wost Point t In a recent letter from till G Street, ft. W., Washington, 1). C, this vener able gentleman says of IVruna : " have tried Peruna after having tried In vain other remedies for ca tarrh, and I can say withsut reser-t vation that I never felt a symptom of relief until i naa Riven nruna the simple trial that its advocates advise. I do not believe it has a superior, eiiher us a remedy for ca- 1 tm rrh nw ma m 1nnlt. fur rftp nriecjW mntl rUnitipil rnntlJtlnn u hti h l:x !one at the effects of the disease." -Benjamin F. tlawkes. I ?AAC BROCK, a citizen of McLen nan County, Texas, has lived for 111 Years. In speaking of his good henlth aud extreme old age, Mr. Brock says : "Peruna exactly meets all my require ments. It protects me from the evil ef fects of sudden changes; it keeps mo in good appetite; it gives n;u strength; it keeps my blood iu good circulation. 1 People ruled by the mood of attract to them gloomy things. gloom If yon don't get the biggest and best it's your own fault. Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there Is positively nothing to equal It In quality or quantity. Good breeding Is all over the world. a letter of credit THE WABASH RAILROAD. Ea and South. Special rates on sale daily to all Winter resorts of the South. Half fare round trip plus $2.00 on first nnd third Tuesdays each month to many points South. The only line with its own station at main entrance of World's Fair grounds. The Wabash runs on its own rails from Omaha, Kansas City. Dog Moines, St. Ixmis nnd Chicago to Toledo, Detroit, Niagara Falls and Buffalo with through connections be yond. All agents can route you via the Wabash. For World's Fair descrip tive matter and all information ad dress, Hurry E. Monies, G. A. P. 1)., Omaha, Nebr. A good hand-me-down Is sometimes better than a new nilslit. Moravian HnrUy ami Sptltz. Two gi'pat cereals makes growing nnd fattening bogs and cattle possible In Dak.. Mont., Idaho, Colo., yes every where, nnd ndfl to above Salter's Bil lion Dollar Grass. Teoslnte, which pro duces SO tons of green fodder per acre, Pitl.er's Earliest Cane. Siib.er's fid Day Oats and a hundred of other rare farm seeds thct be offers. jesr ctt this oct ANn mrim it with lno In stamps Io the John A. Salzer Seed Co., 1. 11 Crosse, Wis., and get their big catalog and lots of farm aecd samples. W. N. U.) An Enthusiastic Reception. Sir Harry itawson was welcomed ns governor of New South Wales with the greatest enthusiasm. One port greeted him In a novel and interesting way. There wen1 no guns big enough lo salute him with, so nn enterprising loyalist lilt on the happy Idea of util izing kerosene tins. With the assist ance of plugs of dynamite and a fuse tho sulute was duly given, resulting in a round dozen of loud bangs, the same number of flying kerosene tins, and distracted natives fleeing for their lives In all directions. A LA B A ST I N E ha Durabal Waif Coating, Won't Rub Off) WHY? Decnnso it etmtnta to, nnd is not atuck on the vail w ith decaying, auitiml ftltio, ns are tlio vnrions so-called "wall fin ishes," which aro knlsotuiiua sold under fanciful names. Tog can apply lliki.line. 'Sit Do Not Believe Pe-ru-na Has a Superior for Catarrh." 'tr F. HAWKES. . I have come to rely upon it. ulnio-t. entirely for (lie inuny little, things for which 1 uivil medicine. "When epidemics of la grippe first be-g-itl to make t in-1 1 appearance in this country 1 was u sufferer from this' dis ease. "I had several long sietret with tha grip. At, first I did not, know ih,-a IV iiimv was a remedy for this disease. When I beard that, hi grippe was epi demic, catarrh, I tried I'eruna for la grippe, and found It to bu just tho thing." Isaac Brock.. l'eru-na Used in the Family for Years. Mm. E. West. 1:17 Main Street. Mennshn. Wis , writes: We have uset'. IVi unit in our family for a number of years and w hen I say that it is a Hue medicine for catarrh anil colds, I know what. 1 am talking alioul. I have taken it, every spring and fall for four years and I find thai it. keeps me robust, strung, with splendid appetite, and free from any illness. A few years Hgo it. cured me of catarrh of the stomach, which the doctors li nil pronounced incur able. I am very much pleased with Pcruua. I am K7 years old." Airs. E. West. Do what Is worthy of reward and desire none Claudius. lira. Winttow'a SmtHtlng- h,rrnp. Fort-tiUilrt'D Irothliiir, sofieDft the ttnmi, nuluceii 1n Uamuiatluu,alla)iiiilD,curiii wtmlcullu. ,c a Lr nilo. Be loving, und you will never want for love. Mrs. Craik. .-Ta. ... WE SELL TAR At Hi Follow liijr. rlrei 4 barrel 1 barrel nt I2.S0 at 4 :'.rt Pr bsrrel Gas Drip suld oriAHA, neb. OMAHA (Patented) Vi vi - 1 1 Laundry Blue DIRECTIONS FOR USE:-Wlolestlck Aitorxn iv the water. WiqnleStkk t.ArNnr.T m.tT won't spill, break, freeze norspot clothes Costs l(le and ennuis '.'Of worth of nnv oilier bbiintr. If vour croeer does not. Wen, it send 10c for sample to THE LAUNDKY For Man (X. iA-i- 1. to II ICY.lllllll E3M lltfMHUJ mi t . 1 J 'J t ? it f M CtDCHIdlEO) For Cattle ALABASTIIM E The Only Sanitary and Permanent Wall Coating ALABASTINC la not dlteaacbratdlng, hot wittr ln wall flnMi, fnrnMi but Imlirmrnt and liartmr -crtmml for dlM-aie trcrma; it N a natural, rork-1'an composition, la viliitt. a:nl m.i ,y cTipil iielr beautiful tint-. ; In jsiwdt r form, reatly f.r 1 y simply tiiltl:it Willi cold wataf. Aiiyuno run bneh U on. ALABASTINC ctmeata to Wal!, dWroya tlNeaw p. nun and Terrain, and nnTr mi s off or realm. Oilur wall n: lug, under fanolful namas, and n-ually mlxetl Willi hot vatof. aro uiilimltlitid kaltm!i., stuck 0:1 w wall with Blua, whloh soon rots imurUii Bt rmit of tbitdly d: .n, nil-, and pe,., sH.llin waIN, clothlnR ami furnllur.'. Win n it ii-ery to n-nu!'h, tho old ca: mu.t bo h,,1 off-n iipenslve, na-ty, tllsaur, lilt. J..),, timklnK the ntpm damp a id nniU to live In. When wuIN ara cart, nsitid ::h AlaU.tln... auivtllnu rtta may bn appllnl, yrar after yrnr, without wa-liln the wall, tltux saving gr.-at t-nt and aniitiyance. Hot and Cold Water Kalsomines Have No Merit R.mir-tbulers try ton 11 flit m.btiylnif them cVap. and trying toaell on AlabaattutTa demand Until sorh time a their rwtonirra lrn of tha lnisnltlon THEY ARE WORTHLESS PREPARATIONS If yon cannot buy All-llr.a of yenr lianlwan., paint nr drng tlmlrr, rfni all Imltallons. and rile n. We will t.ll yon whrrti y,m ran ft AtatwHtne without tblar. or wlllt to y.m direct. $800.00 GIVEN AWAY. Write for ttartlculara. I.i-anrt nf dalntv tlnt. Mn an decnratlnc, tllyinc lh home, I f,,, lltir Alal.tlne ui.ljlu Alabastine Company GRANT IV-ru-na is a Catarrhal Tonic 1. specially Adapted to the Ik-tlining Powers of Oid Age. III olilj age the lnueoin membrane In come Ihitkt-ucd und partly lose iLeir luuc- llllll. This leads to partial loss of Iichtih. smell and taste, as well as t'-igt'slne tlev lui'baiices. lVniuit corrects ull thla by it rixt itiff opei-alitui tm ail the mucous meuibruiiif of I ho body. Ono bottle will convince anyone. Oncj u-etl and Peninit becomes a life lei j stand bv with oltt and voiing. Mis. F. E. Little, 'l'oloim. 111., wiite-i "1 i nn recommend IVruna as n good uittk iciae lor cliroino ca t.trrh of tho stomach icid bowels. 1 have been troubled, re vel cly vviih it for over u year, and nlo A TRAVELER AT SEVENTY ONI VCAR8 OF ACS n cough. Now my cough is all gone, suit all the distressing symptoms of eatarih 14 t he stomach anil bowels have disappt artit, 1 will recommend It to all as a run1 n 111. eilv. 1 am so well I mil contemplating n trip to Vellmv Stone Park this coining smi son. I low is that for one 71 years old ) ' In n biter letter sho sjijs: "I am only too thankful to you for your k'ml tulvne and for tbn good health, that 1 mil en joying wholly from the so of your Fo rma. I lava bi-cn out to the Yellow Stout, National Vark und many other places if tho west, and shall nlwuva thank you lot your generosity." Mi-s. i K. Little. Strong and Vigorous at the Age of GiRhty-L-lght. Rev. ,T. N. Parker. Utlca, N. Y writof 'in .lune, l'.Kil, 1 lost 111 v sense of bean I11K ent irt ly. Mv hearing lutd lieen mime, what impaired for several years, but not so touch allected but that I could hold convi-rso with 111 v friends; but in June, MM. my sense of liearing left 1110 so t !.'. I conlil bear no sound whatever. I was also troubled wilk severa rheumatic piiiiui in 111 v limbs. 1 commenced taking l'i- runa and iioiv mv hearing Is icsinrcd as gooil ns it. was prior to .lune, l'.n l. My rheiiniat it: pains are all gone. 1 cannot seak too highly of 1'eruim, nnd now w hen eighty-eight years old can sav it has invigorated n.y whole system." Rev. J. N. Parker. Mr. W. 11. Scbnodcr, of Terre Hill, 1 a., writes: "1 got sick every winter, and had a spell of cold in February, lsmi, I could not h anything for almost two months. Jn DecenilM-r, ls'.HI, I say one of your bonk about, your remedies. Then 1 wrote to l. Ibtrtninii for ml vice, and bo wrote that should commence the use of I'eruna, and how to take euro of myself. "I (I id not lose onu 'day Inst winter Hint T could not tend to my stock. I am sixty, three years old, nnd I cannot thank you too innch'for what you have done for inc." if you do not, derive prompt nnd satisfnn tory'resit Its from tho use of Peruna, wrilo at, iiui-e to Dr. llartman.civiugBftillftiite ment of your case and lie will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hart man, President of the Ilartmau Sanitarium, Columbus, O. No wonder some are tired of rclig' Ion when they take It all In kangaroo leaps. DuDanco Starch Is put up 16 ounces in a package, 10 cents. One-third more starch for tho samo money. Hvlivcrnl In Ouialia: barrels at 4 00 pT barrtl ' 10 liarr is nt i. 10 per ban el at same pil.es. OAS CO. 20th and HntolnAie. IlLUB CO., 19 Michigan St., ebteago. For: Horses BG02H5K For Poultry and our artlata un-iwilata . k....- tJkaV.nw'TlSXL GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. mi 10$ Wilrr Jt, Rrt Tart City. V5