"1 r 13! 3 RSV0lrji'( vwmrS JIN 5L.-:-,-.;.of7 J J Wit V r. Trv I r. A 1 1? Miss Nellie Holmes, treasurer of the Young Woman's Temperance Association of Buffalo, N. Y., strongly advises all suf fering women to rely, as she did, upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Deab Mrs. Piskitam : Your medicine la indeed an ideal woman' medicine, and by far the best I know to restoro lost health and strength. I suffered miserv for several years, beinp; troubled with monorrhagia. My back ached, I had Iwarlng-down pains and frequent headaches. I would often wake from restful sleep, and in Buch pain that I suffered for hours before I could go to sleep spain. I dreaded the long nights as much as the weary days. I consulted two different physicians, hoping to get relief, but, finding that their medicine did not seem to cure me, I tried your Vegetable Compound on the recommendation of a friend from the East who was visiting me. " I am glad that I followed her advice, for every ache and pain is gone, and not only this, but my general health is much improved. I have a fine appetite and havo gained in flesh. My earnest advice to suffering women is to put awuy nil other medicines and to take Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vcgo taolo Compound." Miss Nellie Holmes, 540 No. Division St., Buffalo, N.Y. Hiss Irene Crosby, prominent in Social Life in East Savanah, Ga., adds her testimonial to the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 yV!t ( Remember that every woman Is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anything about tier case or symptoms she docs not understand. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn, Mass. Ilor advice is free, and is cheerfully given to any ailing woman who asks for it. $5000 FORFEIT I' ws cannot forthwith reduce the original letter! and ilgnitartiof above toiUiaoulala, vrtuch will pror tholr abwilutn jienuineneaa. Lydia E. I'lnkb-m Med. Co., Lyon, Mail. FARMERS and STOCKMEN W run ro you tnlrtctli-man profit bv linvlnir our twn wrvhiiuM mil fceillnt; jmnln. Knit c ; iirln tinihMt piKMihii. prlri- for your grklu ml tlm Ik. H'nil tor our t Kht: "IlixikUit." Finn-rV Cram and Live Slock Commiuton Cc. ?U Colony SiuldiOf. Ch'iAgo, 11). WELL DRILLING MACHINERY. P OHTAlll E anl drill anr di-fith, by ilram or hum power. 43 IUTKRENT STYLES, Weehallrnfre cnmprtltlun. 4 tor t rw lllwtratra lalalnat Sa, 4. KFI.l.Y TAKV1III.I. 0. Ckc.laut HI., W aMriKi, Ion. CAPSICUM VASEUfiTl (pit rr iw eoLLapsmi. ti-bih) A vbatitute for and superior to niu-taid 0r any oihi-r plaster, and will not blistor tho mint dchrato akin. The rain allnyina and curativf. Tinlitics of thil article an womlcifu!. It will i ip llie loniharhe at onre, nnd rrlirrn head ache and sciaui a. e rorommrnd it an tlip l.i-st and ufet exirrnal c ountfr irritant knonn. aUo at an external lumpily for pains in tho chtt and tniuach and ail iheumatic, ncuinliiic and i iiyroniplitinit. A trial will prove nhat r rlaini fot it. jnd it will ho fmnd to in.alu alilo in thi household. Many penplo any "it is I'ic betl of all your prepaiaiioni." I'tire 13 cnit, at all dnismMs or oilier dealers, or bv tenilmg this amount to us in po3tagetnmi-e wilU:nd ou a tube by mail. No aiticle auould be acrepted by the public tinlesi thj time cirnea our label, as otherwise it i not .-nuine. cnusr.nuoi oH mpo. co., n State Street, Nw Vok Cut. Looking for a Home? Than why not keep In view the fact that the farming lands of Western Canada to vi8h irtit to -up port population of 50 000,000 ot nvn ? Ttv imnuiiation far ihe lit eait liu btcn pheuonional. FREE Homsstiad Lands tfrMilil8, while other lnn.lt nnv be pnr ftuvti fiom Hailwav and 1 and Coinpmii, The tram anf gtartnc lantU at rtfrn Catiala aif the bt oil (hi continent, pioiluring thn hmt irnin, anj caitla ifeJ on iia alone) teaily fur nuikct. Urlt't, hrlinoU. Ilttllwuya ttml all othrr ronl(tlona rttakft Vratvrn nKl mi rnl UI ot for th rttlr. WfiitoSuprtintenilfnt Immlcrattnn.Otuwa.Can U ( u a tlftM tiptivt AtU andoilirt iitfui ihutioti. nt to the amltonetl an;idian t iovprnnicnt Ak iu W. V. ItrnretU H Nuw Vo.lt Lift IluilUmg. Omaha. StU. PORTRAIT AGENTS Pfal Dlrarlwilh Maulartu r r and Savt Honev Cur la Itif lit. Trier i lir-mm it, lmini lrt i-.n-. If Ih i-rr of all i'rtrtu auaranlif(t. McL'ttit fanij an! f"Mi Iri'i' ti'n-l f-r r'ai.-iMii. A.(r, AOaK J. KK01.L CO., Kra Baiidmc. Chirac. W. N. U.. Omaha. No. 101904 When Aniwerlng Advertlaementa Kindly Mention Thit Paper. i Eth ll'hnl M o.,li Kjnip. TwinUI. t'e f"l In tlm h rtrt,pUta 11 " .-C i lift- - "sv - . - .7 - t H i. 1 Pear Mns. Finkiiam : " It always gives mc pleasure to find an article of real value and unquestioned merit. I have found Lydia 13. Pinklinm's Vcuetublo Coin pound well calculated to relieve and cure the various troubles arising i. jia irregulari ties nnd menstrual pains. "Much (suffering could be 6parcd if wo only paid more attention (o proper living end diet, but as long as women do net do this, your Vegetable Compound has como to the front as a true friend in need. I have been very pleased indeed with the relief it has brought mc. I find that I havo perfect health now, nnd that my mind is also more clear and active since I used your Vege table Compound. It has been of great benefit to me, and I gladly recommend it. Very sincerely yours, Miss Irene Crosby, 313 East Charlton St, East Savannah, Ga." GREGORY'S cprnc rln,t n,,,'r iw.in. J. J. H. CREOORV 4. SON, Marbluhead, Muaa, SMOKERS FIND LEWIS- SINGLE BINDER Z. Cigar better Quality than most 10! Cigars iour Jotiber or direct (mm Jactory, 1'eorla, IV AlLfAlLlNAWy Hit 5ICN Of THE FISH NEVER fAILS IN A VET TIME. Remember thij whenoubuy Vet We&ther Clothing and look for the name TOWER on the buttons. fa This sin and this name have stood for the DE5T during sixty-jeven IfDur dealer will not supply ou write for free catalogue of black or eiiow water proof oiled coats, slickers, suits, hats, and horse poods for all kinds cf wet work. A. J. TOWER CO. t THE oWER aotTON.HAis. v .. ' 3IGN i L.. s, TOWER CANADIAN CO. TOUOMTO. CAM f'SlMtiWr, W. L. DOUGLAS 3.SS 43 SHOES Bi U . Ti. )oiislit pflor linvo by thrlr Fxrrllfiit style. Msy-flltlnn;, ii nil nuporlor Monrln (IlilllltlOH, bcIiIcvimI thn liai'Ki'Ht oalo of nny nl iocs in the worltl. Tln-y uro Just on cool tliose that oust yon. 4 to 8.1 tho only uiioroiK'o Is tlio price. Sold Cinrywhtrt. lAHk for tiBino ai" lirii'e on liottnin. :, - " - ivj". ' it Lnllakln, which larvervw lirre coih imIi'iI to tlie tlnrat Pntent l,-ltifryrt .n..liiril. nif Valor Cii'lm w. Shwahrniail.fur.rilra. Writ for Catalog. H.L.Uoualaa, Urot ktoa.llaae. ONLY 2 CHANCES MARCH lat and 15th. TEXAS. OKLAHOMA AND 1ND. TERRITORY From St. Louis ftnd Kanun City, $19.00 From ChicflRO, S25.0O From Dm Moines, I0.9) From Cinclnnntl, $20.40 From liHlionapolis, $20. B5 Tirkft- arr fnvt rlas ami pnnit top rtvira nn coih( ttip. aouth of Wnnlvir. M-.. wnlnn IfMtitit limit uf 15 rttul limt. 1 ilava fit'ni ilate nf ale. Nrrr bffie h thete lrrn m h a chalirr to r tli Southwell in all il !mprtitv. (nr-mav. arfnnit -rlas tif Vt mil Id aaiiie tUw at a rrtlu r-i rjit". Nrver Vb'Hiti will the Ml' pp t (,0 NOW- I oi iattii utaia, wiite or rail en GEORGE MORTON, . r. a . KN4V Blrlff. 8t. Louts, Mo. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CL'RUS catarrh of the stomach. ' mm Child's Sacque and Kimono. I.OOSS aacquog that ran be slipped on at t moniont's notice are always In demand for the wee folk, who must be kept warm. The little sacque and k I mono Illustrated are quite different In effeet. but eaih serves Its purpose admirably. The saique Is made of white cashmere wllli trimming of lace Insertion and frills and the kimono of pale blue flannel embroidered with French knots, hut both are suited to a variety of materials. Tuo sacque is made with fronts and back that are pathcred an J attached to a shallow joke. At the neck edge is a big round collar that falls well over the shoulders nnd the sleeves aro full nnd ample, gathered Into wrist bauds. The kimono is made in one piece wliiili Is so shaped as to form sleeves w Uc.l tied toset'aer at the open spaces. Tho quantity of material required 3 S 9-J 0 VS 1 ''3. 4650 t'lilld's Soi qiiP anil Kimono, 6 mm. 1, 2 mill 4 yours, for the inailium size (2 years) Is for sacque 1 yards "1 inches wide, yard 22 or Vt yards 44 Inches wide, with 4 yards of insertion and C yards of edging to trim as Illustrated; for kimono 1 yard 27 Inches wide or ?a yards 32 or 41 Inches wide. The pattern, 4650. Is cut in sizes Tor children of ti months, 1, 2 and 4 years of age. The New Wide Girdle. Girdles are becoming more com plex as they widi-n. Some that close In back taper off Into ends that ex tend down Ihe skirt and end In fringe or like dangle. Some of these go away to the hem; others not far from the waist line. Boy's Blouse Knickerbocker Suit. No costume yet devised takes the place of the blouse suit for the grow ing boy. It allows perfect freedom for the active limbs and is becoming and tasteful at the same time that It is ideally comfort able. Tills one Is made of bhie serge stitched with tor ticelll silk and is as servicable as it is attractive, but there aro a va riety of materials from which to choose. With the coming of warm weather washable 46D5 Doy's Knicker bocker Suit, 4 to 10 yrs. fabrics will be In vo-rue and for flie cooler days all the ligtit weight wools are appropriate. The suit consists of blouse and knickerbockers The blouse is shaped by means of shoulder and under-arm seams and finished with tucki at the front, which give the effect of a wide box plait, while its lower edge is drawn up by means of elastic Inserted In tho hem. Tho sleeves are box plaited and finished with straight cuffs. At the neck is a turn over col lar. The knickerbockers are the reg ulation ones that arc opened at tha sides and drawn up by means of elas tic beneath tho knees. The quantity of material required for the medium size (S years) is STi yards 27 inches wide, 2-i yards 44 inches wide or 2', yards 52 inches wide. The pattern, 4655, Is cut in sizes for boys of 4, C, 8 and 10 years of age. Tucked Waist. Tucks of all widths, in all combina tions make a notable featuer of the best and latest waists and aro shown to advantage In the fashionable soft and pliable fabrics. This smart model shows them used most effectively and is susceptible of various tratmonts that render it elab orate or simple as desired. As illus trated it is made of ivory loul.siiio silk with trim mill g of lace in sertion and Is adapted to theater and afternoon oc mm 3'r Vt : 4GG3 Turkcd WuW, 32 to 40 bint. casions, but with bishop sleeves and without the trimming, ns shown In tho small cut, It becomes a simple waist suited to morning and homo wear and to the many cotton, linen and wool walstinps of the season, Tho taper ing vest front, outlined with box plaits, gives admirable lines whatever the treatment may bo and tho fronts and back, tucked to yoke depth, pro vide the fulness below that is to be notwl on many of the advnnce models. Tho waist is made over a lilted foundation, that can he used or omit ted as material may determine, and consists of fronts, back and vest front. Tin? vest front Is without fill r.ivs but both fronts and back form folds below the tucks anil the fronts blouse becomingly ov.rr the belt. The Pradrs of Mill paper ean neouro any May Manum pattern Mint rntrd ubovo bv tllliiiRout ill blanks lu coupon, anil miiilliii', nun luci'uiv to K. K, Harrison & Oo..(V I'lynmuib l'luoo, Chi cago, rutun u will bo mulled promptly. Name ... Town State Tattcrn No Walsl Mcsur (If for aittrt) Bunt MrutiTiMtf for wnlt! ., As (if clilld'ior mln pattern) .... Writ plainly. Kill out all blank. Knrlne 100. Mill to E. E. lUirliunlt Co.,tinjiuuio Place. Chlrj. Bp sleeves can be In bell shape, tucked above the elbows, over full soft puffs, or In bishop style and are finished at the wrists with novel cuffs. At tha neck Is a stock with a pretty pointed cravat that is crossed at the center front. The quantity of material required for the medium sie is 5T4 yards 21 Inches wide, h yards 27 inches wide or 34 yards 44 inches wide, with Hi yards of chiffon for pulls wheu double sleeves aro used. The pattern, 4653. is cut In sizes for a 32, 34, oil, "S and 41' inch bust measure. Sectional Tucked Skirt. Triple skirts are shown in many of tho newest costumes and are greatly liked for all the pretty soft fabrics in ftyle. This one Is made of foulard, amethyst color with figures of black and white, stitched with black cortl celli silk, and is charmingly grace ful, but Is adapted to tho entire rang of seasonable ma terials, cotton and linen as well as silk and wool, and is peculiarly do- 46E4 SwtlonnU'u. k. sirahle for border- ed Skirt, 12 to 20 ed goods and tho ulst washublo fabrics which it Is always well to cut straight nt the lower edge. Tho tucked upper portion Is fitted smoothly over tho hips but allowed to fall in folds below and tho center and lower portions give graceful lines that harmonize therewith. Tho skirt consists of the three por tions, all of which aro straight at the lower edges. The upper portion Is left plain at the front but Is tucked at sides and back while the center and lower portions aro gathered a', their upper doges. Each section is finished with a hem :.nd beneath those of tho upper and center portions the Joinings are made. When preferred the tucks at tho belt can be omitted and the ful ness arranged in gathers. Tho quantity of material required for the medium sizo Is ll'.i yards 21 Inches wide, 8 yards 27 Inches wide 5yards 44 Inches wide or 4 V4 Yards 52 Inches wide. he pattern 4654 is cut In sizes for a'22, 21, 2G, 28 and 3H inch waist meas ure. Trim and Pretty Girdles. Dead bells have hud their day but artistic creations of the kind from abroad are always an fait. The nar row patent leather belt that was so undeniably trim and stylish has been banished, and tho broad belt of soft leather or suede has taken its place. The broad bells are unbecoming to tho average woman, they are very expensive and call for high-priced buckles that can never be used for' any other belt. One of tho best of Ibeui is of soft suede in a pale pray. It crushes almost as easily as a satin, and therefore aconuuodates itself nice ly to the figure. Uroad red leather belts look well worn under s'.iort Eton coats. Illuminated Leather Novelties. "Illuminated leather" table mats and spreads are taking the plate of thofiirnt leather novelties which havo been so popular. Some rich effects are obtained by this new method of decoration, which is far handsomer than anything ever devised by the py rogapher. The work is done by the use of a stencil and 'he decoration is in the embossed slyle. One of the most (decant table mats is circular in shape and about thirty six Inches In diameter. It is of dark brown leather and has a llreclan scroll border In gold, with raised Iri descent figures above It. As the light ONE OF THE NEW t ' : r , ..A.. . J7 mm, mm mm. ." :- .; :. ; : ' ... " ' I.lnen, with bunds of Ilulgarlnn em bnildery, makes the smm-test of all smart ninterlals for shirt waists. Tho excellent model shown Is made of white linen eiiimine with bands of tho same material embroidered by hand, all the linen fabrics, colored as well as white, are In vogue and woven bandings, similar lu color nnd design to the embroidered ones ran be ob tained. The waUt Is tucked to give a yoke effect at the front and to form a V at the bark and Includes ihe favor ite sleeves of the season that" are snug falls on the mat the latter appears to be illuminated, hence the name. Alcohol added to tho Ice wntrr In which coM compresses aro dipped will make these much more cillcaclous. Where cold cloths are applied to the head or throat they should be as light as possible. Muslin or cheesecloth makes the best compress. Nuts are said to make a great Im provement In chicken salad. A cup of English walnut meats to n cup of celery cubed and one of chicken also cut iu cubes is tho proper proportion An easy way to keep enamel sauce pans, pie dinltes, etc., clean: Take a small piece of emery cloth, damp it and rub all soiled parts; rinse well first in soapy, then In clean water, when they will be found quite spotless and quite new. Put u gill of cream, well salted, into a strong, damp cloth; tie it up tightly and bury it in the earth, well cover ing it ; leave all night, and in tha morning take it up, and yuu will have a lump of nice, stiff cream checao. Press it into a nice shape and decorato with parsley. Loose, belted back coats are very fashionable for walking suits. Tho drooping shoulder line !s mast fashionably imperative at present. Tiny ruches, now a very smart trimming feature, is an old fashion revived. Tho passing of the long coat by spring is confidently predicted by fashion wisacres. Tho prevalent Idea In dress just now is to have everything loose and comfortable. Unfiles such as wore In stylo In 1830 now trim the skirts of the smart house gown. Newer by far than either tucks or shil lings are tho old timo gaugiugs and sniockings. A feature, wholly new, upon the coats of tailor gowns for dress wear is the high girdle. ' Except for strictly rough-and-ready gowns the swagger sleeve is almost two-thirds laco. A strip of carpet glued to a piece of wood will remove mud from boots quickly and without the slightest in jury to leather, and U far bitter than the usual brush. When pouring hot fruit Into a glass dish place tho laiter on a wet cloth. This prevenis any eha.ieo of the glass cracking, which would otherwise bo very likely to happen. When bottling pickles or ketchup it is a good plan to boil the corks, and while hot press them tightly Into the botibs, so that when thty aro cold they are tightly sealed. Milk rinses off bottles and glasses easily if these are dipped in wn'.er as soon as emptied. They nre not clean, but they will clean all the easier when the time i'iiiiii s. LINEN WAISTS. T. .... '' J- ' . . f . I ' .':r ; , I 11 ' . V'Y ':'."". -y ' ' '' f ? . . . ''I .. ' : at the shoulders and form full puffs below the elbows. Tho front edge 1 finished with a regulation box plr.lt' over which the banding Is applied, sr thnt the design heroines suited to i plain waii-t as will as to a trimmc. nun. The (illil lit 11 V of 111 II t cr lilt lenulr ed for a woman of medium sle Is 41' yards 21. .1 4 yards 2. or 2'4 yards 4 Inches wide with 2'4 nrds of banding' 2'-j Inches wide to trim ns Illustrated. A May Manton pntiorn, No. 4617, sizes 32 to 4' will bo mailed to any address on receipt of ten cents. DOCTORS FALL IN LINE. Practicing Physician 1 recogni;t tha unfailing reliability of Doan's Kidney Pills by Pr. scribing than lor Backache, Kidney, Bladder, and Urinary Disorders -a tribute woe by no other Proprietary Medicine, Four cues cited front "Notes ol His Practice," by Dr. Leland Williamson, ol Yorktown, rk. Fostb-mii.burn Co.. Fuffalo. N. Y. Yorktowk, Ark., Mar. 1, 1104. Gcntltmen: have been cnnageJ in the practice of medicine ia this section tor ten years. This 13 a wry sickly climate, on the Bayou l'ar tholomew, near tho Arkansas River. It is particularly malarious and miasmatic; we meet with many and various abnormal conditions of the human family, prominent among the cases in which I have been called upon to prescribe ii kidney disease. Many of these disorders manilest themselves by pains in the back, often extending to other parts of the body; sometimes headache is present, caused byuramicor chronic utic acid poisoning, soreness in region of kidneys, cloudy, thickened and foul-smelling urine, discharges of pus or corruption; intlammation o the kidneys, extending to the bladder, is caused by excess of utic acid and decomposition of tho urine. Hemorrhage is sometimes met with, caused by high state of inllammation or congestion. There is no class of diseases a doctor is called oftener to treat than the variety of kidney diseases, in many of which the patient will have chillscrrigors, followed by fever, a result of the kidneys failing toelir.i inato the uricacid poison from the system. Such cases retjuiio thekid nevs restored to their natural functions, then the poison nnd foreign sub stances are removed thocl; to the nervous system averted, and tiatmal health restored. I have, for some time, been using Doan's Kidney Tills in these many manifestations nnd with uniform success, curing most cases. 1 ran further sav that even in hopeless rases where they have wailed too long, Doan's Kidney Tills a'loul much relief and prolong life. I caniecoin iv.cn d the pills in conditions of excessive or deficient secretion of mine, as also in convalescence from swamp-fever and malarial attaiks, as verified by the following cases in my practice. CASE 1. Th os. Orhi.i., near. Ark., age (in. Tain in back for seveial weeks, then chills, irrpgulnr sometimes, severs ritfois followed by fever, (lave pood purgative of calomel nnd padnph, and Doan's Kidney Tills. After taking four Ihixos of thn pi'Is, patient up and enjoying good health for una of his age. CASE 2. Mrs. Smith, Tarry, Ark., age I"), mother of four children. Had lemals complaint and kidney trouble, mani fest by pain in back and urine irregu lar; sometimes very clear, changing to cloudy, and with much sediment on standing in chamber. Gave local treatment for female complaint and prescribed Doan's Fills; after using six boxes aha regards herself as cured. These are a few of the typical cases in w hich I have used Doan's Kid ney Pills. In a great many instances I use them alone with curative results, while with some others indicated remedies are associated. I believe that by the judicious use of Doan's Pills many serious com plications are arrested and many hopeless and incurable cases of Pi i'ht's disease prevented. I have often found that one boK of the pills is all that is required to effect a cure, but in some cases I continue their use until all symptoms are entirely absent and the cure effectual and permanent. Yours truly, A free trialof tbis grrat KidneTund Mad . "O -) iter Specific ran bo obtained bymMiettMnf f 6 sv-r O FtntrrMilburn Co.. liuHalo. N. V. Tha qU , &tstf OCCOUsry , rrsular aie 50 cent? rer boi, If not for v tale br your druf eibtor dealer, will be ; ent V r A by inail,cb!e prepaid, on receipt of yncs. XORKTOWN, ARC If -r5?. PI I 1 11 II I 1 1 P II II H Ml OS : i n-i-iin-i-rM-iTir ,.-T, - rn-nai-...' it.r,, mumi ih-iMi frfr. ankntn --a is, , It Ij the purest cleanest starch made.,, It is free of injurious chemicals. It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid to use starch of any kind. That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA. NEB. WiMmmsrm Facloiy Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. It's not sentiment Wm tiwi iu.UiW(3 illHl TT1UKCO it 10 most Intelligent and succesaful shots shoot Winchester f actory Loaded Shotgun Shells. It's the results they give. It a their entire reliability, evenness of partem and uniform shooting. Winchester "Leader" shells.load ed with smokeless powder, are the best loaded shells on the market. Winchester Repeater" shells loaded with smokeless powder are cheap in price but not In quality. I ry either of these brands and you will be well pleased. Bo sure to get Winchester Factory Loaded shells. Tilt 5tlCLLSTrlC CHAMPIONS. SMOOT. I'm tins one's ir.otiiuer to the wheel may bruise and hurt, but It works Its own sold cure. Pl.'TNAirFAlil'Mi'RSS I) YRS pro dnro tho brlRhtoHt and fustest colors. Faro oil tlilnRs; even Adversity Is polite to a man's fare. Jonh Hilling:). Cheap Excursions to the South. On February If), March 1 and 15, the Kansas City Southern railway will' offer to tho public tho extremely low rate of $10.00 for tho round trip to all pnlnts on thn Port Arthur Itouto, )a eluding Honuniunt, Port Arthur, Lnko Clmrlos, Slireveport, Texarkann, Fort Smith, Menu. Do Quern and all lntor modiato points. Tlio return limit or. thrsn tlrkrtu will to twrnty-nno tlaya from date of rnle, with stnpovrr prlvl li'gcs nt all points south of Knnsiu City on thn Rolng trip. Any Informs lion desired by tho public rrlatlvo to thr rhrnp oxcursions will bo chnor fully furnlahril upon application to s. G. WarniT, G. P. and T. A., Kausp .City, Mo, CASE 3. Buowm Pars, Wynne, Ark., ,-; 21. Had severe ease of malarial bo-malaria or swamp fever, (iavo necessary liver medii ine.calomel and pa.loph, ami morph.-sulph., to re lieve pain, and ordered Doan's Pills (or tho high slato of congestion and inflammation of Ihe kidneys. He-t-overy resulted in two weeks. Pre scribed Doan's Kidney Pills, to be continued until the kidneys wets thoroughly strengthened and all pain in back subsided. CASE 4. Elijah Fixiott, Tarry, Ark., age 34. Tain in back and legs and haailac he. Uric-acid poisoning, pre scribed Doan's Kidney Tills. After taking several boxes pain subsided urine became normal, or natural, and patient able to resume his work. llWIMaW - MII I t WW Wt I I I HP nn Ka ,... 1 .. J Tho moro you say the Irss peoplo romombor. ThaLANKFORO HUMAN! Horse Collar It l riition-flllol. ntt-rhflni. It will p.i"lilvtMjr curi ami iretMit iritll Rnl im IimiiMitii mul iiwiir with pA.U. Ak yiir ilrniK f .r lym. ttntu f'r rma ir'i rul ri'ii'tin nur iiiotii'imiii'im (,'n.uni ti..k (rrf. THE P0W. IKS Mru. CO., W.Urliw, to. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo A . ...... . a THE LINCOLN IMPORTING HORSE (0 Lincoln. Nebraska Certudn (ojifi, perencrons. tiff, freiuti ir.lt ill Bclidns. TS. I APCirST Iimm'.. riP!T. 9 CLASS ilili.m ol any rtmrrm in all Ihi rt ti OVtK bO Mb AD TU&Kl.Hcr n FROM. Oil arnin In I Inroln lakt IU JJ Suit Fann vmt car l I, u hint 4iNttlr ! o fhir ham, Conia and mt ua o. wrtit . n L. D..i. Tl. 1.4 A L Sullltan, Hir (38o.0eij8' w - ....... ' oooooooooooooooooooooooooo