The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 25, 1904, Image 7

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rtui itrvT tt stir
Cr "!. SIVf.KAL CMOli K TtF
W4 lutillk J- AM Lit Al ,MU) 1 llj, luna.
The telephone is not deaf, hut it ki
often hard ol he.iiirn
I M I lll
I J .1 .i I M.:
W '. y . j . ,v.,
One puff from the OKI IJarbarian and the whole structure vanishes into nothingness.
Courtesy nf Tlio Commoner.
The New York Sun. the nut hiiIi
Kervient of all the servile tools of pre
datory wealth, lian with rharaeterlstir
inemlaclty misrepresented anil then at
tacked one part of Mr. Ilryan's speech.
In speaklns of the Aldrich hill. Mr.
Hiyan Raid that It provided for the loan
of aliout three hundred millions of
government money to pet hanks at one
and one-half per cent, or ahoiii I'
and a half million dollars, lie con
demned It. among other reasons, he-
aiiHe It would furnish the hasls of an
.normouH corruption fund and ho
pointed out that three hundred mil
lions of government money loaned hy
the hanks at four and a half per cent
would Rive the hanks nine millions a
year ahove tho Interest paid the gov
ernment, or thirty-six millions in four
years. He then siiKKested that hy Riv
ing one-fourth of this sum the hanks
could supply a ramnalKii fund of nine
millions, or enough to buy four hun
dred and fifty, thousand votes at $-(
apiece enough votes to have changed
the result of the lust national election.
This argument was made against the
Aldrich hill and had no reference to
past campaigns. The Sun so distorts
the ahove argument as to make it refer
to the laKt campaign and then bitterly
denounces Mr. llryan.
That the republican party spent enor
mous sums In both IS'.tti and WOO is well
known, but no democrat has been able
to ascertain the exact amount, nor
have the republican managers pub
lished any statement showing how it
was expended, but it must lie apparent
to all that the corporations I hat put
up the money biive dominated the ad
ministration. This is the question
that papers like the Sun fall to meet.
- On this question they nre silent. The
Sun has even praised the president for
surrendering on the trust question -it
congratulated him on his masterly re
treat. The great trouble Is that the
government Is being used hy the repre
sentative of organized wealth to ad
vance their business enterprises and
papers like the Sun are run for no
higher purposes than to aid In the de
ception of the public. The Sun dares
not state the proposition fairly be
cause it can neither disprove nor defend,
More than a year ago Mr. Roosevelt,
speaking at Princeton. 111., said: "Our
currency laws need such modification
as will Insure tho parity of every dol
lar coined or Issued by the govern
ment." How does It happen that Mr.
Roosevelt has done nothing to bring
about the result he said was so desir
able? Is It pocslblo that Mr. Moose
veil has discovered that the parity of
every dollar coined or issued by the
government wna long ago Insured
even before the time when the repub
lican leaders pay the American people
declared In favor of the rlngle gold
standard hy electing to power a pollt
hal party whose platform declared In
favor of International bimetallism?
President Roosevelt has again tailed
attention to bin civil service views by
api ointlng "Doe" Jamleson of Chicago
to a tat fetletal oftlee. This nppolnt
inent upn'ts ft whole volume of beauti
ful rhetoric on the virtues of the civil
All this Interrst In the Integrity of
China shows tip In marked contrast to
the indl (ft rente exhibited towards the
integrity of Colombia.
Kvrry time a Rtts.-.lan "ngrct to te
pert" tomes over the tables, John Bull
quickly shl steps and looks for a kopje.
Among other horrors of war Is th.'1
man who pt rslts In rending out loud to
us the reports from the scene of con
flict and stammer over the pronuncia
tion. If this country Is to send an army offi
cer to .la, an. why not send Brigadier
Oeneral Mills? The dbfanee Is PVion
miles, but Mills recently beat that
Thofr i.ewspaper pictures of Riuslan
and Japanese warship serve to vividly! nome Interesting; pl'tures we
saw prior to txnd during in Yanko
Suanko war.
I ff .7 ; , ,
5 -:, ; - -
The Nashville Banner Hives Its read
ers tv pplemlid sample of the political
immorality of the reoi'Kaiik'.ers. It
complains heianse Mr. Bryan points !o
the corrupt use of mon.'.v hy the demo
cratic lenders ill IMC and piotesis
nualust a repetition of the nitthoiib
then employed. The Banner tays:
"Ills persislrnl accusations of cor
ruption against the democrat lc party
of 1X!C come with poor urate from a
man who has twice hecn the nominee
of the party, and who now professes
to he a 'democratic leader anxious for
thp party's a.u-eesa. If he knew :ui.h
things to be true, as he alleges, it would
become him to keep quiet. Revela
tions of that kind should he left to the
If there Is any lower moral plane
than tills the Banner ought to point
It out. for nnl.'ss It does, its readers
will he Justified In believing that it has
reached the bottom. This would seem
to he on a ):ar with the hoodler'a max
im of " Division and silence." There
Is even great.'r reason for a protest
from democrats than from republicans
for the h.ime reason that one should
he more anxious to correct wrong-doing
In its own than in his neighbor's
family It Is Impossible for the demo
(ratlc party to condemn corruption in
the republican party so long as il coun
tenances coriupllon within Its own
ranks. The trouble with the Bann-r
is thai It is committed to the cause
of organised wealth and recognl'.es
that money must he used to purchase
i riviliges. It naturally resents, there
fore, any effort to purify politics or to
lift, campaigns to a higher plane.
"marsh 1 1 kn r y is mad onck
Henry Watterson refuses to be ree-
oncilrd, anil In his anger and stubborn
ness he falls Into the mhtake made by
so many who are. blinded hy their pas
sions, lie declares that "the demo
cratic party nerds votes." and that "on
tho lines of ls:it; and P'Oli it lost them."
Mr. Watlerson's mere dictum will not
sulllce he will have to prove that the
parly lost votes In those two cam
paigns. And In view of the fact that
the parly's candidates in 1S!C polled
more votes than had ever before been
east for the candidal) s of any parly,
and the further fact that thU record
was almost equalled In l'.ioo, Mr. Wat
lerson's statement, will be taken with
a large grain of salt by those who ar.
not so healed menially as to miss seo-
ing plain I'iun. Mr. Watterson says
he "will refuse to be a party to It."
This is sad. but In view of the fact
that democrat are becoming accus
tomed to Mr. Watlerson's desertion
they will probably he able to survive
another case of it.
"What Is neutrality?" queries the
Kansas City .Liurnal. Well, It k. ems to
have been license to sell mules to n
monarchy making war on a little rr
public a few years ago, ami a grand
stand play at the present time for the
purpoK1 ol helping out the party that
formerly bought the males.
latest reporn from Wall strett nre
to the effect that a h t of eminent flnnn
tiers in (hat n Ighbothood nre some
thing of hroni'ho blisters Ihemselve-t.
They appear to have made the presi
dent brldlewlse.
Perhaps the p;esidtnt spokn a good
word for Colonel Lynch In the hope of
securing the Flip'. or! of those Boers
who are about to settle In the north
Japan utius determined to tall the
trar's attention lo the desirability of
calling upon The llagu tribunal.
The reorganise rs have been encour
aged by (he fad that all the rcptih
llean and gold paper have been
preaching reorgatil.atlon-but wait un
til the okrs speak.
To the New York World: The ' In-triii-'"
value" of a I'nlted States note
yfFtcnlfiy. or almost any othrr day.
was something- n-ar ,oimiik2 cents. But
what does that prove?
While fight lug over Korea and Man
churia Russia and Japan should keep
a sharp eye on Mr. Rockefeller. The
king of kertmene might take a ajdden
notion to pocket the territory blnuWf.
' . -i- ' - IV.' i i.
The Dubuque (la.) Telegiaph pays
Its compliments to the Chicago Chron
icle In tills way: "Il is esteemed as
the narrowed, most bigoted, nicst un
reasonable, and ahles-t disciple of pre
dntory wealth In the country. It knows
everything; nothing Is hard or impos
clble to it; who disagrees with It Is a
liar, a demagogue, or a bedraggled ex
pounder of anarchy. It would snuff
out the life of everyone who opposes
the designs of Its hidden plutocratic
owner, and the vulture-like, vampire
like, parasitic class of which he Is
typically representative. The Chroni
cle Is. In Its own estimation, Impecca
ble. The opposition can have not even
the 'lightest element of Justice on its
side. It is wrong, all wrong, and,
worse yet. Is slinking through alleyB
in the dark with a drawn stiletto or a
cocked revolver waiting for an oppor
t unity to shoot the llrst passer-by
through sheer lust of murder."
The Indianapolis News says: "It has
been eight years since the great battle
was fought for the gold standard, and
yet the country has not yet fully en-
iovetl the results of that victory. For
our currency and hanking systems are
still unreformed, and the gold stand
ard has not been solidly established
as the republicans themselves admitted
in the campaign of 1i00." It will be
temcmbered that eight years ago the
republican party declared In favor of
International bimetallism; ami yet the
News, like other republican publica
tions. insls.ts that in lSIifi, whllo one
party stood for independent bimetal
lisin and another party pretended to
stand for international bimetallism, the
latter party, being elecietl to power,
rreelved a commission to support the
single gold standard.
In an editorial entitled "Bryan as an
Alllletlon," the Chicago Chronicle Inti
mates that Mr. Bryan is "a mere
mouther, a cheeky upstart, a blatant
demagogue, a hypocrite and phnrisee.
a slick adveuturer, a grasping money
maker, a subservient tool of rich ami
ambitious men, a slanderer of his bet
ters antl a promoter of hate and strife
and revolution." Of course, this Is not
altogether important, but it is Inter
esting by way of showing the fine spirit
in which the reorganizes approach
their great task of harmonizing tho
demoeintic party.
J. Sloat Fassett fays we have an in
terest In the preservation of Korea
because we have a commercial treaty
with thai country. Mr. Fassett is
growing forgetful. We had a treaty
with Colombia, loo. hut that did not
prevent the administration from vio
lating It when a chance for exploitation
hove In sight.
The New York World Is booming
Cleveland for the democratic nomina
tion. A few years ago the World was
denouncing Cleveland because he
rhowed a "vexatious Indisposition" to
heed the World's plea not to let the
bond gamblers work the treasury. The
Wild's forgetirry Is In good working
The loud noise from the shores of
Chesapeake bav Is being mnde by a
few thousand Baltitnoreans scratching
away the ashes to find the proper place
for laying bigger and better founda
tions. Naturally enough J. Adam Beetle'
maiden speech in congress aroused
laughter. Most attempts to bolster up
present republban policies are laugh
able. Judging by the reports the Japanove
forces are not led by any favoilte
If liter.'' Is anything In precedent,
Mr. Whlttaker Wiigln's mistake did
not consist of dishonesty, but In not
having a title to his name ami assist
ing noine other fellow to do Hie dirty
What with military escorts for civ
ilian olllters, and uniforms for mrs
sengers, watchmen and Janitors, we
r rapidly approaching the Knicker
bocker antl gold lice court function.
It was the regeneration of democ
racy that forced a lot of recreant I -ad-en
to fall back upon (he demand fur
Drfecii "that Vjy Render Them Un-:
coutitutionsl. 1
LINCOLN-I'efevt.s in Nebraska's
gambling laws may ivi.d. r them tin
const it mutual and tiieti the date would
be a paradise fur gam'tcrs.
An evamir.ulk.n o! the records at
the of the secretary of state has
revealed the fact that an amendment I
to the title of the act of IsST was not .
copied In the journal of the procei-il i
intrs iirohahlv ivudcrim; the amend- '
.n,.nts void Th a-. no ramblers in I
the penitentiary at piocr.t. but should
one be sent there habeas corpus pro
(ceding;! would at once be started.
l'he law amended is sections 'Jit uiul
"l.'t of the code of criminal procedure.
relating to gambling ami the keeping,
of gaming tallies, devices and ma i
chines of any description. Previous;
to 1 SS7 the penalty fur gambling wa. ,
a fine of not exceeding $iun or I in I
prlsonment in the c ty jail l.ot more
tnan three months. The penally fori
keeping a gaming table was a tine ofj
not less than $.10 nor more than $loo. ;
The legislature of, 1SS7 amended this ;
law, the act being known' as senate j
tile OS of that session. This bill was!
introduced under the title of "A bill j
for an act to amend sections 211 and j
213 of the criminal code." I'uder thisj
title it was read three times mid pass-i
ed by the senate. No amendment to
the title appearing in the records of
the proceeding!) of the senate, It was
read in the house tinder the title "A
bill for an act to amend sections 214
and 213 of ie criminal code and to
provhlo for ttie recovery of money or
other property lost in gambling."
The Journals of tho house and sen
ate fail to disclose when this amend
meM to the title was made. The bill
was then read In the house for the
third time and passed tinder the or
iginal title. It was then presented to
tho governor under the title "A bill
for an act to amend sections 211 and
215 of the criminal code and to pro
vide for the recovery of money or
other property lost in gambling, and
to repeal said original sections." The
Journals of both house and senate fail
ed to show where this last clause or
iginated. Tho law as signed by the
governor and as at present on file In
the secretary's office bears this latter
Skin Grafted Six Times.
NEBRASKA CITY Word has boon
received from Omaha that Miss Ollie
Holhrook has undergone Iho sixth op
eration In skin grafting to have her
head covered. She had her scalp
lorn off on Christmas morning and
the physicians in the hospital whore
Rhe was taken from here have been
trying to cover the head with skin
ever since. All of the grafts that
they have put on from the bodies of
other persona have sloughed off and
now they are grafting from her body,
cutting tho flesh from her limbs.
Mourn Death of Dr. Swenson.
OAKLAND Dr. E. J. C. Sward of
this city received a telegram from A.
J. Colson of Omaha, now In l)3 An
geles, Cal., stating that Dr. Carl Swpn
son, president of Bethany college at
Lynchburg, Kan., died In Los Angeles
very suddenly of pneumonia. Dr.
Swenson is well and favorably known
here, as in his connection with the
Lutheran church he has visited here
frequently and also made several
speeches here during presidential cam
paigns. Saved Boy from Death,
NEBRASKA CITY A young son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Clinkenbtard
tried to board a moving train at the
B.' & M. passenger depot and fell un
der the car. Yard Master Jack Gir
ardy chanced to bo standing near at
hand and rescued tho little one just
. as the wheels of one of the coaches
caught his clothing.
Brief in Li II ie Case.
Ilamer & Ilamer, attorneys for Mrs.
Lllllu, charged with the murder of her
husband, have filed in the supreme
court a second brief In defense of their
client. In It they state there Is noth
ing to sustain tho contention of the
state that she killed her husband
They contend that Lillie was shot from
the west side of the bed and this,
they claim, shows that Mrs. Lilllo did
not do the shooting. They claim fur
ther that Mrs. Lillie was well able to
pay all the hills that she had contract
ed hy her deals on the board of trade
and therefore the fact that her hus
band's life was Insured would not do
for a motive for the deed.
New Mill for Fremont.
FREMONT Articles of Incorpora
tion of the Royston Milling company
were filed In the office of the county
clerk. The capital stock Is $.1o,nuo,
divided Into shares of $lu0 each.
Flags r.t Half Mast.
As an expression of sorrow at the
death of Senator M. A. Haiina I ho flag
over the Btate house at Lincoln was
l;opt at half mast for several davs.
Not a Candidate for Senator.
LINCOLN 1). E. Thompson, minis
ter to Bia.II. is not a candidate- for
United Stalo.t senator, nnd In his state
ment nnnoiiiielng this, published In his
paper, the Lincoln Star, he conies out
for an unmentionable Lincoln mnn.
Perkina Out for Delegate.
ST. PAFL-Cinrk Perkins, editor of
the Pt. Paul Republican, has announc
ed himself as a candidate for delegate
from the Sixth congressional district
lo iho national republican convention
at. Chicago.
Police Unrble to Catch Thievea.
NEBRASKA CITY The local police
force so far has been unable to locate
Hie thieves thnt pre continually rob
bing cellars and fr'iirht cars In this
city. Officer Heart-noil (he premises
of a man living In iho north part of
town whom they suspected on account
of his not being regularly employed.
The man made no protest to Iho
search and the oRlcera were unable
to locate any stolen artlc'e Th peo
ple hero have begun to ronRiir? the
police force for not being able to can
ttire the thieves.
.Tu!. Lombvil. the sweet sin.-'er of
Om.tha. has b . a admitted to piuttico
betore .he siipn me court.
Congressman H'tishaw has recom
memied die re;.;Hiintiiicnt of Wil
in Koer as postmaster at Seward.
' A. (iiiurley. a sewing mat bine
peddier. was arrested at Kdgar for in
sulting ttonieii and lined for the of
Karl KhtcU. the !t -year-old sou of
C'ave Khlck. lixing two miles north
! of Richland, bail lie., hand badly ho or-
e.oil in 1. 1 cog s ol a teeil grinder.
The Missouil Pat i!ie Uailwiiy com
pany have been having a great deul of
trouble thi-s winter locating the l :ieves
that have lue:i robbing their tar
Nebraska Cit;-.
Cantam Br.i.lner D. Slaui.'.Uer. rav
master, has been ordered to Oinahu to
report to the comnvimling general of
the department of lue Missouil for
duty in linn at v.
The ladies; of Albion gave a leap
yen- cneliiv pj.rlv ami dance hi the
opera house. The whole affair was
managed by the ladies of Albion, wit h
out Hie assistance of a man.
Cuslave Wies of Oeneva. who ha
the hallucination that uukiiow-i per
sons are trying to hypnoti.e him. was
adjudged insane bv the commissioners
and taken lo the stale asylum.
Preparations for the meetings to be
held March 2H to .",1 by the four teach
ers' associations of the utate are about
completed, and most Interesting pro
grams have been prepared for each.
By the turning of a truck at the tie
pot In Nebraska C:fy twenty-seven
cases of eggs that were consigned to
the cold storage company there and
in charge of the express company were
Henry Orrrll. who is charged with
burglarizing a store al Berlin, went
before Judge Jessen at Nebraska City
and pleaded guilty lo tho charge ami
was sentenced to one year In the pen
itentiary. Mayor A. M. Anderson of Tekamah
has called a mass meeting at Hie court
house to consider the advisability of
starting a movement to build a new
court house for Burt county In the
near future.
Chairman Hall of the democratic
state centra! committee has called a
meeting of that body at Lincoln,
March 13, at 8 o'clock p. ni., lo con
sider the lime ami place of holding a
stato convention.
The smallpox quarantine at the
Shelby hotel was raised February 13.
Charles DeVant. the proprietor, was
(he only one that had the disease, out
six other persons stayed at Hie hotel
all the time he was sick.
Robert MoCleary fell from a load of
hay at Rogers and suffered Internal
Injuries which caused death In a few
minutes. When picked up he was un
conscious and could not tell how It
happened. No one saw him fall.
A Salida (Colo.) dispatch says: S.
M. Allc.ndcr anil his son Earl, arrested
for keeping two Nebraska girls for im
moral purposes, were held for trial In
the district court. The Ratekln girl's
home is In Nebraska City and the
Murphy girl's home is In Omnha.
Word has just been received by the
sheriff of Burt, county that George
Keeler, Samuel T. Bullls and Thomas
Gray, the parlies who it is supposed
robbed one of the Lyons, Neb., banks
a month or so ago. had been arrested
In Kansas City and would be held lor
tno officiate.
Regent Parker K. Holbrook of Ott
awa. Prof. C. C. Nutting, professor of
zoology and curator of tho museum
and Architect Proudfoot will leave
soon for the east, where they go In
observe the museum buildings of the
largo eastern Institutions thnt (ho
new museum building which th" uni
versity Is soon to erect mny be built
along the lines approved by the irroat
est talent the United States affords.
John Trimble, a well known farmer
living several miles south of Hum
boldt, sustained a severe Injury in Iho
overturning of a load of hay upon
which he was riding. Who he saw the
load was slipping he jumped to the
ground, crushing his; hit ankle so Hint
the bones protruded through tho
W. F. Jeisup, a Burlington brake
man, had a narrow escape front death
at Columbus. While switching at
Pleasant Dnle he lost his balance and
fell from the top of a ear while It
was in motion. He was so badly
stunned by the fall thnt he was unable
to crawl off the track, but the engl
neer succeeded In stopping the car
within a foot of his bodv
The Nebraska supreme court has
emphatically decided that a wife may
testify to the exact age of her hits
band even If she were not actually
present at his birth. This decision
was filed In the case of Mrs. F. Barles
of Colfax county against the Ancient
Order of I'nlted Workmen, Her hus
band was accused by the order of mis
stating his ag" nnd the wife was the
only witness. Tho district court re
fused her testimony, but Iho supremo
eo'irt reversed.
Towns or villages must not aid a
private person or corporation In the
construction of water works. The su
preme court declared nil Issue of $1.
000 in bonds Issued by tho village of
(rant, l'etklns county, void nnd I. W.
Sheriill, tho purchaser, will lose Hie
amount unpaid.
The Duroe-.IiM'sey hog sale by
C.oorgo Btiggs & Son. held at trulr
farm near Harvard, Is reported i
have made an average of a Hi tie more
than id each. This Is considered one
of the best sales hail ami attracted
many buyers I rum various parts of
the stale.
Articles of Incorporation have been
filed with the secretary of state by tho
Pnolps County Telephone company,
which has a capital Flock of lld.iiiio.
!. M. Ornishy, a prominent cltl?,en
nnd well knowu stockman, tiled at the
Kim hotel In Fremont nfter n ton days'
illness with pneumonia.
The Farm l-and Investment nun
panv of Lincoln wants lo do bus'nesn
In Nebraska, ami Its application will
be considered at (he nxt meeting ol
the stato banking board.
The Humboldt Roosevelt dub pass
ed resolutions deploring the death ol
A Surprise.
A Kliiblec yoiinit ixt of Prugu
lot,- Kuine amorous li:it'8
'111 H Mnllill- litUy.
lierrnt lo r p.i pa
Tonk nil rlitlini
tun or I. mi
'v kl, king linn in ttio statu!
VV li.ll III- IlKltO'l?
lMt tiii think
Tl.i ,i:, pot-ir .'
'U (
The English SpJirow.
A Kansas professor says the English
sparrow is a disease spreader and a
hi Hi rurveyor. We spoke casually to
Pat about this vesterdny while driv
ing ou the avenue. Having lighted Ms
dinlcon. given a hitch lo his trousers
mut batted hist Put tint down on
hW wheelbarrow handles and diilv-
red himself thus:
'I'll' IlillMllstl I.IIT"V Sit
l"ioll 111 wintlv-sill,
An' I h.M'e. tie iii)i, be elilfps
An' Huts his' t.uicy lull'.
"Wi.llil bis llnrfv coat
There lurks Willie geiMis
Tlmt bid n. kIhio him oft'
lo no iiiiKi'lie teniis!
"ll.ol rt's! n pesky elill :
t!o way an' sit down!
lei until -pill-la-.
Kte else Kit out of town!
"Ye ialii"i'ii. vV'ro a "scub'
An' work wiitont a card!
No union ( suiipori.
Ytr hours are lar too hard!
"Ye multiply be day.
Ye multiply be nitTit!
Alween ye 1111 lb' men
Tliiiea bound t' be u fight!
"So off wld ye. vp scamp!
ltoiiorry. tin: 1 say!
l.e'lo union sweepem elean
T'b' boulevards lr puj i"
Das Moot.
Ob, ilas meek nu' lowly innol!
II. t lialli' Wllilell fee lias foul!
lla Initio long an' ha Imnn lank,
lla luiuo Keutle. aye don't tank!
Das bar tuool!
" 1.".,
th, das moot, ha inak no fuss.
Hut sye know lias tricky cuss!
lla hail gout moid Just for chance
Tu keek me In ho bar punts!
Das bur mule!
Rag Weed.
We are In receipt of a magazine
entitled "Our Dumb Animals." N
Ins personal, wo trust.
The man behlutt the snow
has no hay fever.
This Is the time of year w
blu ins make a man forget al!
If Jolm Jones can run a mil
minutes, how long will It take Farmer
Ragtop to weed an onion patch?
A couple, aged 80 and 84 respective
ly, ran away and were mar;!''d. Pre
sumably the parents of these mere
children wanted them to wait awhile.
A Cincinnati unfortunate named Ra
con, killed himself because ho could
not, be cured.
One of the greatest disappointments
nf youth is to find, after serenading
tor an hour under the window of your
lady love, that the family moved six
blocks up the street day before yester
day! Fellowship Is all right In Its way,
but sometimes a man prefers that his
wife will miss him! Still, she usually
throws (piUe straight, for a woman!
Very frequently we hear It snld of
the new baby, "The dear it He sing
has it own poppy-wopsy'r. hair!" and
that explains why pa Is rjuite frequent
ly bald headed!
All are fortune hunters but few are
good shots.
If Japan and Russia fight, that will
be war! but If a feud springs up
between two families In a city flat,
that, will be Well, you know
what we mean!
One half the world does not know
bow the other half lives simply be
cause the women have never tried to
find out!
Jinks sent his boy to Iho depart
ment store to secure a position. Hav
ing failed to make an Impression, he
tin nod to leave. Seeing a pin lying
tiKn Iho floor. Jink's son stooped, and
picking It up. laid it 011 tho counter.
The manager, noticing this little act of
thrift, recalled tho lad and gave him
n place In the store. When the boy
went home Hint nlgvi he related his
experience and Jinks armed his next
oldest boy with two plus anil sent
him lo tho same store. The plan
worked well, ami now the second
boy has two jobs, working night and
At midnight when" the rloiuM are
catttltiR Fl'.Wietted ahndowa from thrt
tree, when all Is wlerd and Khtwtly
In Iho miburbH, If a lone, lanky, blark
feline Htidtlenly darts out nf the .hihIio
ahead tif you and jiernlbls In rroKNtoff
the atreet. It la a lpn that tho rat
want tt Ret to the other nldc of tho
( ( i
Very few rich girl aic wealthy
enough to purehano a Ponton bulldog,
an automobile and TitUn, and all In
one neaion. The reason In, the "Juke"
romea no hlh aa a flrat purchase,
there I nothing U(1 lor automobiles
or canines.
Makes a hit ottonor than the acton
the Mage carpenter.
Tea'er say that as soon ai cus
tomer tries IVtiaiue Starch 1 is Im
possible to s'U them any yther coH
water starch. Il can be, 'used cjld
or boiled.
The timekeeper of a factory noco
sarily has a watch movemen'.
The art of keeping the mouth shut
liiouhl be taught in every school.
If you tad $2.uiMi.iiii Insurance. In the
ANTE CO. the pad eight years it cost
jmi $::iiu for lire, lightning and
Tornado. Do you know what Old Lino
Insurance would have cost you? Why
not invest about $i.iui of the saving
in live stock, and soon buy nnollipr
farm? Write to the Secretary for in
I'mniiUioii. J!. R. StoulTvM', Secretary,
South Omaha, Nehr.
Acting Is supposed lo be a profe.
sion. but sometimes (I Is merely a
walk in life.
Many School Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray 's Sweet powders for Childirn,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children f
Homo, New Ynrk.hicak up Cold in hour,
cure 1 everishness, Headache, Slomacjl
Troubles, Teething Disnrdeis and Destroy
Worms. At all druggi!', 2.V. Sample mailed
free. Address Allen S.Olinsted.Le Uoy.N.Y.
Some men who rble In parlor tail
nre sadly deficient in parlor mannei j,
10,000 rimilK for lOti.
This Is a remarkable offer tho John
A. StlUer Seetl I'll., La liusNi", Win.,
makes. They will send you their blir
plant and seed catalog, together with,
enough Heed to grow
1.0(H) line, solid Cabbages,
i. DUD delicious Currolx.
2,000 blanching, tuitty Celery, ,
2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce.
1.000 splendid Onion.
1.000 rare, IiihcIuuh Uitdisho.
1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
This great offer is made In order tr
induce you to try their warranted seed
for when you once plant them you,
will grow no others, and
ALL, FOR hit ltlo rosTAne,
providing you will nturn this notice,
and if you will send them 20e m post,
age, they will add to the above a pack
age of the fumous Berliner Cuulltlowcr.
(W. N. U.)
Florida sunshine Is Hie magnet that
Is drawing the magnates southward.
riM'n Cure Is the host n.rcictne we evnr e1
for nil iifti'i'tlons of tho th.out nnd lungi.-Wu
O. E.DS1XY, Vunbrreu, Iud., l'b. 10, ItWU.
A widow always believes In platonlo
love for others.
IVIqqle-Stick l.AiMiitY ni.t r 1
Won't spill, break, freeze nor Sot clothe.
(,'osts 10 cents and eipials !J0 cents worth of
any other bluing, if your grocer does not
keep it semi 10c fursiimplo lo The Ijiundry
lillie CO., 14 Mieliipo, 1' eee' I Mil,.,,.,,.
(ftt rr iv roi.i.Arini i Trnr)
A snbttitiite ifr and nper tor to milliard or iny
other plMMer, and will not Muter tho mml
d)icto ikin. The pain-allayim: and curative
qtialitirs of this article are wonderful. It will
Ktop the toothache at once, and rHirva bend
ache and actatii'H. Werrrommrnd it a the hcit
iud aiVt external countrr utitant known, alio
as an external rrmrdy fur paint in the chest
and ktotnnch and all rheumatic, neurulutc and
gouty complaints. A trial wilt prove what we
rlnim for it. and it will ho found to be invalu
able tn the household. Many people toy "tt it
the best of all your preparation." Pure IS
rent, at all dnnriivt or othrr dfalrr, or by
lendinc this amount to u in poatftuRStainpt we
will arm! vnu a tube by mail. No article mould
be accepted by the public unless the inmo
curriet our label, a otherwe it is not ?iiuine,
CliKM!HkOUlM MR). CO.,
17 State bticct. New Yok Citt.
Lincoln. Nebraska ?
German (oarti, g
Percnerons, g
n$ilsn Shire
K French Droit 2
,wvtr(yi uiiu uciyui.c. o
Th LARGEST Importer, of FIRST- g
CLASS .ulltoni of liny ennrrm In .11 tht r
FROM. Oil trnvtng in Lincoln t.kt tht n
Slate Farm street or nmi direuly to q
our him. Come and iec u or write. n
L. Out. Tel. 675 A. I, SullHan, Jlgr. X
gcr on our.
tradt mark. Tell your
dealer you wont the best
starch your money can buy;
Insist on having the but,'
It i 16 ounces for 10 ccnU.",
No premiums, but one
pound of the very best
strfrch made. We put all
our money In the starch.
It needs no cooking.
It b absolutely pure.:
It gives satisfaction or
money back.
Planets redr riari
are noLju' I
-jtur-" 1
f flora
f 1 tor
L 7
H't1 Ik "HrwaW
X II Put your (In. II
w Omaha, Neb,