Parmclc Theater Leroy J. Presents the Musical Comedy Success Peek's Bad Boy With an All m Brilliantly Beautiful A Great Musical Treat A Grand Chorus Magnificent Scenery Army of Pretty Girls Beautiful Costumes Prices 25c, 35c Lower Floor 50c Stats on Sale Wednesday Morning. Hall's Cash Store yorv PackaScs 25 cents. Malta Vita, per package 14 cents. Force, per package 9 cents. Quail Oats, per package 9 cents. White Dove Oats, per package 9 cents. Anchor Matches, per packag 20 cents. Beans, per can 9 cents. Corn, per can 9 cents. Three pound can Tomatoes 10 cents. Heisel's Plain sifter Flour ' $ 1 00 " Premain Patent 1 10 Weeping Water Diamond 100 " . "" K.&II. HO Brakcnfield, 1 00 " Patent, - 1 10 Twenty lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 The coming of the ever funny farce comedy "Peck's Had Hoy," at the Par mclc Theatre, Thursday, March 3, will delight every small boy, for there is nothing short of a circus that will make the eyes of the small boy sparkle with delight as quickly as a sight of the (laming pasters along the walls an nouncing the coming of "Peck's Had Hoy." Hut not only docs the small boy enjoy it, but adults as well, for it carries them back to days of long ago and for the time they forget all cares, and Imagine themselves back to their boyhood days. The play Is full of bright and (sparkling specialties, catchy music, combined with the pranks of the Had Hoy, make It one of the most entertaining of plays. County Assessor Teegarden has pre pared a statement showing the sales of farm property which were made In Cass county during the year l!03. The total number of sales wcro 127, while the total number of acres were 14,390. The total amount Involved was s;o, 027, or an average of $tK).87 per acre. This statement has been forwarded to the state board of equalization. Cards arc out announcing .the mar riage of Mr. Fred Diocks and Miss Liz zie Hannlck, both of Coalrldge, Neb. The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride's parents. The bride is a sister of Mrs. W. II. Puis, of Maple Grove. I Bottled in Bond. SWW Puiit.SreiiJlliJKB andCiidii I ntWIBOTTLL. IPlnillip Thierolf. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA - Thursday, March 3d French - Star Cast Superbly Staged New Fabrics For Spring In suitings, trouserings and for overcoats are now to be seen in all the latest novelties from English, Scotch and American manufactu rers. We will make your Spring overcoat or suit in the best and swellost style and of artistic ele gance at a reasonable price. Frank McElroy Firth and Main Sts. Upstairs The Jolllest crowd that "ever came down the pike," Invaded the Journal ofllce on Tuesday, and all from the vi cinity of Louisville. They were John Group, Will Lau, Wm. Wendt, Aug. Pautsch, Andrew Sherman, It. II. Meyers, G. J.Stohlman, Andrew Stobl man and F. A. Stohlman. They are friends of the Journal, and always wel come to the best in the shop. So come again, gentlemen. The following are new patrons of the Journal this week: F. A. Schafer and A. II. Engelkemler, of Nehawka; Jacob Hlld of Mynard, and George Schafer of Monroe, Oregon. All of these were brought In by W. II. Puis, of Maple Grove. Biljy has our thanks for the Interest manifested in the Journal's behalf. J. T. Morey, superintendent of the Nebraska School for the Blind, located at Nebraska City, was In the city yes terday making arrangements to give an exhibition here on the 10th of March, In which sixteen Inmates of tho school will take part. While here Mr. Morey gave the Journal a pleas ant call. John Wolpcrt of Louisville, was In the city yesterday on business, and made the Journal a visit to renew for another year. Mr. Wolpcrt Is one of the prominent German farmers of Louisville precinct. TTbc Best milbfehs td tbc Cbcapc0t tn tbc EnN Toor Whisky is not only dis agreeable to tnste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tlo good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies ns Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it is como in and try it. PRICES: Guckenhclmennye, per gallon... 14 00 Yellowstone, "... 4 00 Honey Dew, " ... 3 00 Big Horn, "... 2 00 LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald block. If It Is the best you got It at Gerlng & Co't. Claui shears and razors at John Bauer's. 23, 30, and 35 gallon sugar kettles at John Bauer's. - i Miss nelen Travis Is enjoying a selge of the mumps. Wm. Kroehler Sundayed with rela tlves In Havelock. Smoke the Wurl Bros.' celebrated "Gut Hell" cigars. Mrs. A. Jackson Is visiting friends in Lincoln this week. Everything In the drug line at Ger log & Co's drug store. A complete line of Imported enamel led ware at John Bauer. Almost a million square feet of wall paper at Gerlng & Co's. The mumps seem to be in style In Plattsmouth at present. . Wall paper almost at your own prices at Gerlng & Co'i drug store. ' James Herald Is now warehouseman at the B. & M. freight bouse. Judge Jessen will convene district court In this city next Tuesday. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Office with Dr. E. D. Cummins. Galvanived iron and cast tank heat ers at lowest prices at John Bauer's.' Miss Amelia Martens came In from Gretna and spent Sunday with rela tives. ; ' y Andrew Sherman of Louisville, is a new applicant for the Journal ths week. Mi&s Mamie Graves came down from Lincoln a few days ago to visit home folks. : j It's Your Own Fault if You are not Getting, any of Those Bargains in Shoes at -M DOVEY'S Ladies' Shoes at... 48c, 79c, 98c, $1.29, $1.48 Children's Shoes at 25c, 35c, 48c, 69c, 98c teHn Underwear Our Muslin Underwear Sale is the Talk of the Town. "Defender Brand" I' The Kind You Read About in all 10c to siM E:. Qx. DOUErY 6c SON Chicken pie supper at A. O. U. VT. Ilall, March 17, St. Patrick's day, fjom 5 to 9 p.m. ;.. John Melslnger was In Saturday and had his subscription credited up, to March, 1905. John Kraeirer of Mynard. was tn the city yesterday and paid his respects' fc the Journal. V. i County Judge Travis was called to Oklahoma Tuesday on an Important business matter. Have your prescriptions filled at Gerlng & Co's. It makes no difference who the doctor Is. - And still they come. Geo. P. Mel- singer was In Saturday and renewed to January 1, 1905. The paint that Is guaranteed for five years Is rat ton's Sun Proof Paint. Sold by Gerlng & Co. The Journal is Informed that Pr6f. Lcssman contemplates removing his college to Nebraska City, s Ben Elston went to Norfolk yester day morning, where, it Is asserted, he will take charge of a store. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Messersmlth were down from Havelock to spend Sunday with Plattsmouth relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Lenhoff came down from Omaha Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. C. S. Johnson. ' Mr. George Edmlnson and Miss Mary Ervln, both of Cass county, were mar. rlcd In Nebraska City last Monday. ' Mr. Cleve Scott of Central City, was a Sunday visitor In Plattsmouth, the guest of Washington Smith and family. George Miller of Cedar Creek, while In the city Saturday, called and re newed for the Journal to Aug. 1, 104. J. C. Melslngcr, not to be behind other advance paying patrons, called Saturday and renewed to March, 1905. Read Fanger's advertisement In this Issue. He Is offering some (treat bar gains In all departments. Go and see them. Adam Hlld, one of the well known and wealthy farmers of Cass county, canca .Saturday and ordered the Jour nal sent to bis brother, Philip Hlld, of Green Valley, Illinois, for one year. BY KEEPING IN LJNEr! And marching straight to UeeKbaeb ?o, where yon will be re paid for your trouble by getting the best oo the markets. Groceries, Canned Goods, ., Fruits, fresh daily from the markets. VEGETABLES. gathered fresh every morning. 'Phone 34. Waterman Block Plattsmouth. A Jaunt to Old.'Mcxtco. On February 18th the Burlington will run a personally conducted excur sion frcm Lincoln to Old Mexico and return. This is a rare opportunity to see the "Egypt of theiWestern Heml shrro" at minimum cost. Early in timation of your Intention to accom pany this party is necessary. For full Information write to G. W. Bonnell, City Passenger Agt, Burlington Route Lincoln, Nebraska. "Gut nell," the favorite cigar. YOU CAN GET I 13T EVERY PAIR A POSITIVE the Magazines ; Bittir Than Gold. ,. "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility," writes F. J. Green of. Lan caster, N. n. "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the njedlclnes I ever used. They have also kept my wife In excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and Invlgorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take Its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satis faction guaranteed by F. C. Frlcitc & Co. Everyone says It Is a pleasure to trade at Gerlng & Co's drug store, for they are always pleased to give you the best service If It Is Gc or ITiOO worth that you buy. Wall Paper I have just received my new stock of Wall Paper. Remember, our stock is all new no paper left over from last year. Come in and let us show you what pretty patterns wc have. You'll be surprised to learn how nicely you can paper a room. 6eo. W. Oilman Zbc Druoolst COATES BLOCK Mrs. Geo. II. Olive, wife of the edl tor of the Weeping W.iter Herald, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. John M. Lejda or tn is city. Terry is prepared to accommodate you with good things to eat. Call at his resuurant. o samples, no side linos. Pkruy Uttkhback, Prop, Seventy people were served dinner at Perry's restaurant last Saturdav. This shows which way the wind blows w hen you want a good square meal. Wm. Hagel of Mynard, while In the county seat Friday, called and renewed for the great moral, religious and democratic weekly for another year For a bad taste in the mouth take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. 25 cents. War ranted to cure. For sale by all druir gists. Mrs. M. A. Bates and daughter, Lucille, arrived in the city Friday night last, and the senior of the Jour nal will soon bo "at home" to his friends. G. G. Pitts, one of our prominent German farmers, called Tuesday and renewed for the Journal another vear The Germans are all friends of the Old Reliable. f J. W. Lowther of Nohawka, while in the city one day last week, called and renewed his allegiance to the Jour nal. Mr. Lowther is a staunch friend of the Journal. Tretty Miss Nellie llascomb, Omaha: "I owe my good looks and health to Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. Have fully regained my health." Tea or tablets, 35 cents. PhllThelrofT and J. r. Falter re turned from their western triD Fridav evening. As tho Journal predicted, Philip bought a farm while ironc. but says lie don't expect to commence till ing the soil for a few years yet. BARGAIN Bargains in Lace Curtains REMNANTS OF Silks and Dress Goods Corsets at Less Than Half Price Prices 29c and 49c Our Embroideries Specif, for Themselves All New Goods at Bargain Trices School Notes. Marbles have thawed out. Don't break the rules to play, boys. The seniors arc talking commence ment. Look out for something good. Ideals keep the heart pure, the thought clear and the act righteous. Stetson. The sophomores have taken ud Diane geometry and find this new subject very Interesting. The school authorities are gratefi.1 to Mrs. Polk and Miss Rennlc for their services as sulistltutes when they were mucii needed. Be patient with the boys von are dealing with soul stuff. Destiny awaits Just around the cornor.EIIort Hub bard. Mrs. Williams and Miss Edwards are each taking an enforced vacation. Mrs. Morgan and Miss Colo are substi tuting for them. The fourth grade pupils have com menced their geography course. This subject Isof suftlclent value to Justify the use of another half year. The Juniors arc having their intro duction to solid geometry. Their con structions to Illustrate the proposi tions arc unusually meritorious. The Freshman class have taken up the English work this semester with much Interest. This is a new class and Is a Bulwtltutc for one semester of book keeping. Occasionally parents complain that pupils are overworked. Wc arc always glad to hear suggestions of any charac ter. However, before you charge the schools with too serious a fault con sider the other demands upon the child. No pupil can do good work In school and take music, painting and dancing. Some diversion Is proper, but "all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy." Hie lcst physic. "Once tried and you will always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says William A. Glrard, Pease, Vt. These Table U arc the most prompt, must pleasant and most reliable cathartic loose. For sale by all druggists. 1904! W e tako this opportunity of returning onr most .sincere thanks for past favors, and solicit a continuance of your patronage in tho future. During 11KM, we shall endeavor to supply tho market, ns usual, with that . Which Suits the People! both in quality ami prices. Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, wo invito nil to como ami be comforted by making your purchases from tho largest furniture house in Plnttsraouth. Sattler & Fassbender, Wm. HolKchuh, of the west part of the city, called Friday and renewed for the Journal another year. F. P. Brown, who accompanied the remains of his sister, Mrs. C. S. John son, to Rock Island, Illinois, returned yesterday morning. Chicken pic supper. Eat your 1111; It costs no more, at the A. O. IT. W. Hall, March 17, from 5 to 9, p. m., given by the L. (). T. M. 11. B. Windham has removed his of fice from the bank In the Riley block to his new quarters In the Coates block, where he has most elegent quarters. Rev. Baumgartncr, II. E. Kupka, C. Kupka and wife, Chas. Schneider and Andrew Schlcifert of Murdock, were here Tuesday, as witnesses in the Kupka case in county court. Miss Ida Conn went to Yates Cen ter, Kansas, Sunday evening In res ponse to a telegram announcing the serious Illness of her father. Mr. Conn Is a former resident of Cass county. Chris Parkenlng, living southeast of town, was In Saturday and renewed for the Journal another year. Mr. Parkenlng is one of our most indus trious farmers, and likes the Journal. Have you Indigestion, constipation, headache, backache, kidney trouble? Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well, if it falls pet your money back. That's fair. Tea or tablet form. X cents. Ge.-iiic & Co. A. 1). and O. W. Zaa of South Bend, were In Plattsmouth FrJday on business and paid tho Journal a brief but most enjoyable visit. The latter while here renewed for tho Old Ro uble another year. Frank Mlcck of Cedar Creek, was a caller Saturday, and ordered his post ofllce address changed to Vcrldge, Nebraska, near which place he ex pects to make his future home. He also renewed for the Journal to April 1905. It Isn't how much cold cream a woman puts on her face but how much Rocky Mountain Tea she takes inside that brings out real beauty. Hollls ter's Rocky Mountain Tea complexions stay. 35 cents. Tea or tablets. Gor ing & Co. F. W. Young, one of the Journal's Union patrons, was here over Mondnv night, and Tuesday mornlnir called and left a dollar on subscription to the Journal. Mr. Young is one of the well-to-do young farmers of that vicinity. A special Invitation Is extended to every lady In Cass county to call and examine our line of wall paper. Then you will say It Is beyond comparison In price, quality and style. Gerlng & Cj. arc tho largest dealers of wall paper In Cass county. Our old friend John D. Ferguson, while In the city Saturday, made the Journal ofllce a most pleasant visit, and while here renewed to January l!K)5. Tho next time he comes to Plattsmouth wc Insist on him leaving that old fur cap at home I. O n, 5 Farmers 'avis and o box 8 AsH Blackleg. Nooooooooooooocoocc 0 I Insure Your I Cattle I Against Use International Stock Food! F. G. FRICKE & CO., PHARMACISTS. CttGOGOCQOSO! $1.00 FOR 50 GENTS. You certainly would exchange a Mo piece for.Jl.oo every minute In tho clay. Ihen why not como to the Hub Clothing store and examlno the many winter articles that we willing to al most cut the price In tho center wltli you. All winter goods must go to make room for our spring stock. Como now, for the present prices will cer tainly move tho goods. HUB CLOTHING STORE, At the referee's sale of tho real es tate belonging to the estate of the late James M. Patterson, held at thn house yesterday, Judge Ramsey bought the old homestead. The referees wero J. W. Johnson, F. G. Morgan and Andrew B. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schlatcr de parted Friday for Wabash to attend the celebration of the twentieth wed ding anniversary of their daughter, wrs. Joseph Tlghe. They will also visit with Mr. and Mrs. Tlshe and other friends in the vicinity for a few days. ' -' George Melsinger. another nnn of' that numerous family so well known In Cass county for their eicellenfc qualities, was In Saturday and renew ed for the Journal another year. The Melsingers are all alike when It comes to business, and In such matters are very strict. The funeral of Mrs. Deborah N. Por ter, who died In Council Bluffs. Iowa. and whose remains were sent here for burial, occurred at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Feb. 21, from St. Luke's church, Rev. II. B. Burgess conduct ing tne services. Interment was mado In Oak Hill cemetery. A large num ber attended the funeral. The Journal regrets to learn that Its friend, C. J. Gacbel. Is confined to his home near Louisville, with a first class case of mumps. It hasn't been many days since he was poking fun at his neighbor, Wm. Wendt, whoso face presented the appearance of a. full half moon, caused from the same com plaint. Evidently, Charley knows "how It Is himself." arly Elisors THE FAMOUS LITTLE PILLS. For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles arts Ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DeWltt's Little Early Risers ara un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that 1 1 Is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and elfective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic tho liver. niMiiD only ir C. C. DWitt & Co., Chicevrfo For Sole by F. 0. FRICKE & CO. After linvintr once usod Pnrko.' & Co.'s "Klnckleiroids" ns n corn preventive for Blackleg, you will never uso anything elBO. It is tho surest euro and easiest to use one little pill does the work, nsHtiring the snmo amount of medicine in ench dose. A hypodermic svrine nnd n littlrt of pills is all there is to it. Your Neighbor About It Send or Call for Circulars now, piv inn Complete Direction.