The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 25, 1904, Image 3
1 Mrs. Elizabeth II. Thompson, o! Lillj dale, N.Y., Grand Worthy Wise Templar, and Member of W.C.T.U., tells how she recov ered by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dkah Mm. 1'iNKiiiM : 1 am ono tf tho many of your prateful fricud.i trim have been cured thrown the uso f I.ydla I'. IMnkliain's Yuetallo Compound, and who can to-day thanlt you lor tliu fine health I en joy. When I wan thirty-flve yearn old,I euITcreil severe backache and frequent Waring-down pains; in f;ict, I had womb trouble I was very anxious to pet well, ami reading of tlieeures your Compound had made, I decided to try it. I tool- only i,lx Ixittlesjmt it built nu upandcured mo entirely of my troubles. " My fumily and relatives were nr.turnlly as g rati fled as I was. My niece had heart trouble and nervous prostrn'on, and was considered incur able, ho took your Vepetr.We. Cora pound and it cured her in a short time, and f-lie beeamo well and ptroriff, and her home to her joy and her hus band's delight was blessed with a baby. ' I know of a numlier of others who have lieen cured of different kinds of .female trouble, and am satisfied that your Compound is tho bet;t medicine for hick women." Mus. Kiizaiiktii II. Thompson, llox 10.r, Lillvdale, N.Y. $6000 fnrfmt if nrlilnal of abivi Itttir areaaf Kihonler in a political mcetini; sel dom bcRlns until after It is called to ti'der. in Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. Your feet feel uncomfort able, nervous and often cold and damp. 1( you have sweating, sore feet or tight klioes, try Allen's boot-Kase. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores, 25 cents. Sample sent free. Address Allen S. Olm sted. Le Koy, N. V. There are two sides to every story, "The victory you win means defeat for the other fellov. DON'T HPOII. YCHTR CLOTHES. re Hod Cross Hall Hluo and kep thorn white as huuw. All grocer. Se. a puvkage. Sometimes the brcnldiiK of an en gagement enables tho jjartlos to live happily eu-r after. Ftats or Ohio, city or Toi.roo, i 1.1 I A I'nl'NTV ( " Vkank .1. rni nnikea oath Hint ho t" umiSt tiiriniT or tin' linn or I'. .1. ( iikm:y ,V t o,. i,iiik I iiHtio lu t lie i lly of Tnli-iln, I ,imiiy unit Man. ufuir.iu.l, nint lliul ml,t 11 mi III mv tl'o Mint of UNI. lir MH.'KII noi.i.AUs for rm h ami rti-rr il t I A I AHHIl llllll I'llliuot bo flll-t'U 1JT 111,, umi of llALl.'l. (. AiAKIII! (.1 UK. THANK .1. CIH'.NKV. Sworn to 1-r.irft me nml .iiiim-rllii-il In iny jiri't- ei.,e. on. bin uu) oi iieut'tiittcr. A. i. iwh. UtAL J A. W. UI.KASOV, NoT.llV I'lnur. Hall'. Catarrh Ciiro In taken Internally ami net. illreri ly uu i he IiIimhI and miii-mi. .urlat-ei of itiu )lmi. Semi for le.llniiinlnl.. free. K. J. I IIKNtV CO., Toledo, O. Sold hv U I'niuiil.l.. lake IlalTa family 1111 forconitlpatlou. The world will forglvo a man almost anything except failure. Wat Officially Dead. A curious Incident occurred in an Kngllsh police court recently where a man named Travis was sentenced to a month's imprisonment for obtaining a postal order by false pretenses. He pleaded that he was "officially dead." and his story was that when with the British nrmy in South Africa ho deserted, o..taiiied some clothes from the Kaffirs, made his way to tho coast and worked his passage homo. lie then discovered that he was reported dead, and though he subsequently gave himself up as a deserter the war office gave an official assurance that he had "died at the front'' and would not arrest him. He Wat From New York. Hev. (ieorge C. Lorimer, when he was pastor of Treinont temple, in Huston, entered ono evening a Huston hall where a lecture was In progress. Mr. Iorimer stood In the vestibule a little while, listening to the lecture. and the Janitor, a colored man, an- nroached him respectfully. "A fair lecture, sail." said the Janitor. "Oh. nore than fair, don't you think?" de murrcd Mr Lorimer, "I would call this lecturer a brilliant man." "Sca'cely a brilliant mnn. sail." said the Janitor "Ah fink he's a fair man, sail, but not o' do nrlmu facie class. He's a good man sah. a well meanln' man but not a talented man. lie's a New York man, sah." TIMELY CALLING. N How the Pattor Saved a Life. A man near Fort Gay, W. Va.. mads au entire failure in getting strength from the kind of food he ate and not knowing that the trouhlo was with the food kept on losing health until the doctors gave him up to die. ' It was supposed to he consumption because he was wasting away stead ily and slowly dying. His minister railed from tlmo to time and one day brought along a package of Grape- Nuts, thinking from what he knew of the famous food that perhaps it might help him. Tho sick man took to it at onto and from that day began to get well. In writing he says: "l walked to town to-day 3 miles. Have gained over iO pounds in about 3 months and my neighbors don't know what to say. 1 frequently am told It was as if 1 am raised from the dead. Everybody here knows of my case, you can tell people to writ to the Postmaster or Rev, I P. liryaa I will !iiak,e a sworn statement that Crape-Nut1! saved my life." Namo given ty Post urn Co., Hattle Crock, Mich. This Is another Illustration that where all other food falls one can bo bronchi back to heBlth and Mrerg'h on Ornpo Nuts. "Thrrc a reason." lNik In rsrh pkg. for th famoul little book, ' The lload to WcIIvllte. Mrs. Elizabeth I!. Thompson,! ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION WILL BE GREATEST EVER HELD ON EARTH Estimated Cost, Exclusive of the Value of the Exhibits. Is from Forty to Fifty Million Dollars Miles of Wonderful Displays in More Than Twenty Duildings. It is now a little more than two mouth before tho gates will open upon the Worlds Fair at St. Louis and the public will be Invited to seo the greatest exposition that has ever been created. Th vast exhibit palaces are complete and many of them have been finished for several months. Within the next two n.orlbs all of them are to bo brightened with new coats of paint so that, on the upeiilng day. the magnificent array of palaces will ap pear as fresh as a newly blossomed rose. No one, no matter how vivid his Im agination, can picture to himself tho scene that will be presented when the Exposition Is complete. Th tnore one seos this great collection of exhibit paluecs aud countless other buildings, the more deeply Impressed he he- comes with the grnndeur of the under- taking. As the days grow longer mid the air becomes balmy with the breezes of spring, the Exposition will take on far grealer activity than it has seen during tho boisterous days of winter. In spite of the severe weuther, work has not ceased upon the construction of the World's Fair for more than a day or two at a time and there Is every expectation and prom ise that it will be complete on the opening day. The buildings and grounds, inagnlfl- rsv ! v View looking eist from the Plaza St. the cent though they be, are but the set ting for a far more Interesting display. In all the buildings the best products that the world can offer will be arrang ed In the most attractive order and will convey to the mind a better Idea of what the wide world Is doing than would years of study and Inquiry. Fifty-one nations of the world and all of the states of the American I'nlon will be represented In this extensive portrayal of the world's present-day effort. Those who are familiar with the Columbian Exposition at Chicago have often asked If the ixuilslana Pur chase Exposition would equal In ex tent or grandeur the celebrated Ex position of 1893, When told .hat It would he twice as large In extort of grounds and DO per cent larger In exhibit space in buildings, they have MARKETING FOR THE SEA COW. It Is Necessary Now to Cut Through Ice to Get at the Eel Grasi. Tho man who docs the marketing for the Aquarium's sea cow has had to do some lively hustling this winter to keep that big animal supplied with food. The sea cow is eight foot long, weighs Sou pounds, and has a iralthy appetite. In the first eighteen weeks after its arrival here from Florida, on Sept. 3 last, it ate ninety bushels of eel grass, six bushels of fennel-leafed pond weed and two bushels of ulva. or sea lettuce, making ninety-eight bushels of a- ,tatlc plants in all In tighteen weeks, or an average of Riout five and one-half bushels a ook. which Is about Its present rate of consumption. The eel grass and other things for the sea cow's table are gathered In (Iravesend Pay or the waters there with connected. Itaymen say that the present has been the hardest w'nter herealMiuts on th water in Iwentv five yearc. On many days It has been nec essary to cut through the Ice to get Swiss Industrial Schools, There are industrial schools for clock and watch making In Geneva, lxicle. Chttiix-de Fonds, etc.; there are art and Industrial working schools In Zurich and other cities for women, and there are Industrial schools for the hand trades in most of the titles and towns of the country. The sub jects taught In these s( hools are draw-In-;, arithmetic, geography. IxxiUecp yj. German. French and practhal In struction In the trade choftn 1" '" pupil. Horse Eats Wrapping Paper. A remarkable gaslronomlcal feat was performed In the square at IM lows Falls. A horse attached to a de livery wagon was seen to rat three sheets (if heavy wrapplnj; paper with out a change of features. Home With Many Closets. The old Sherninn manxlnn of Fair field. Conn., has enough cloFct room to tathfy any housekeeper. There are said to be no less than sixty cluaets lo the house closets within closets. r-i-.' -..: .. mm.Lexiss. iJlirc. -&&ul- Zamti. ... ;,;..,,-..;.;:,,;.;;.. , .: ;, , ; , ,w;,:,,Ji ' ' . . - -. . ...... . - - becn loth to believe such a statement Hut such Is the tact. The exhibit pal aces of the Jouislana Purchase Ex position average much larger than those of Chicago and are greater in number. About 130 acres of floor space are provided In the various pal aces of the present World's Fair and more than twenty buildings will be used for exhibit purposes. Tho larg est of theso la the Palace of Agricul ture, which covers twenty acres. The 3t In size Is the Palace of Transpor tation, covering fifteen acres and con taining four miles of railway tracks for the exhibit of locomotives' and cars. At the Chicago Exposition there were practically no outdoor ex hibits. At this World's Fair about 100 acres are given up to outdoor displays, supplementing in a most pleasing manner the hundreds of thousands of indoor exhibits. At the Chicago Ex position one building was used for no less than throe important depart ments. At the World's Fair in St. Louis four buildings, covering forty five acres, are given up to the same four departments. , Tho total cost of the World s Fair Is estimated at from forty to fifty million dollars, exclusive of the value of the exhibits. The Palace of Ma chinery alone will contain exhibits to the value of eight million dollars. AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS. Anthony. Palace of Varied Industries right. Palace of Manufactures in the To mention the big things of the World's Fair of l!lo4 would bo to .live a catalogue of the greatest achieve ments of man in mauy lines of en, deavor. For example: We shall see tho largest locomotive ever built, weighing nlnety-flve tons and having twelve driving wheels. We shall hear the largest organ in the world In the most beautiful festival hall ever built. We shall see some of the greatest sea roast defense guns manufactured for the United States government. In the Government Building, which Is the largest exhibit building ever erected by federal authority at an Exposition, there will be a model of a half of a battleship for the Navy display. The I'nltod States Government has also erected a bird cage so large that tall tn'es grow within the inclosure, In which will be held captive during the at the etd grass required for the sea cow's food, sometimes through Ice ten Inches In thickness and often through ice of five or six inches. Sometimes when the ice had moved out with a shift of the wind, leaving open spaces, access to tho eel grass would he easy, but frequently the Ico would havo closed In, and then It would be necessary to cut holes in It to get at the eel grans below. So the work of supplying the sea cow's tuhle has been so far this win ter attended by more or less difficulty, hut there has never been a day on which tho sea cow has had to go hun gryNew York Sun. Brain Growth, P.raln development Is found by Prof. Scggcl of Munich to have two periods of acceleration from 10 to 11 and from 17 to 18 in girls, and from 12 to 13 and lit to :o in boys. At the period of most rapid Increase In height from 12 to II years tho Rrowth of the brain Is less than one-hundredth that of the body, but at 17 to 19 It grows one-thirtieth as fast, and at 20 reaches one-seventh of the body growth. Wholesale Marriage, No fewer thsn forty-two couples were married simultaneously at Plon gastel (liwer Brittany) one morning recently. Work in the village and In" all the surrounding hamlet was en tirely suspended for the day, for the excellent reason tha'. there was scarce ly a living soul In the neighborhood not related to one or other of the brides or bridegroom, for tho good people of Plongastel never marry out side their own commune. London Mall. American Railroad Travel. The aver.tRe American makes twen ty nine trips on a railroad In a year. Some of these trips are exceedingly short, yet the average American gets on the train ten times oftener than does his English cousin. Sharks in European Water. The shnrk has returned tt) European watirs. In the Baltic, where sharks had been unknown since 1 ;."!, they have msiie their appearance in conid rrabl numbers. Exposition P(a rj, thousands of birds representing many species aud climes. The largest hotel ever built, contain ing 2.30O rooms. Is within the World's Fair grounds. The largest statue ever cast will stand in the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy as the exhibit of the Iron Industries of Birmingham, Ala. Twelve acres are dc voted to a mining gulch containing all manner of mining machinery and exhibits. A floral clock, 112 feet In diameter, the hands of which weigh more than a ton each, will tell the time of day upon the slope north of the Palace of Agriculture. A map of the Vnlted States, six acres In extent, planted with cereiU and other plants common to the various states, Is an Interesting display by the United States Bureau of Plant Industry. Forty acres are devoted to the Phil ippine exhibit and thirty acres are de voted to the Indian display. Six acres are di voted to the garden of roses. Twenty acres are set apart for the ac commodation of airships, which will participate In the contests for prizes amounting to $L'uo,000. The Quadren nial Olympic games will be held dur ing the World's Fair upon the athletic field of the Exposition Grounds. An intramural railway, having fourteen miles of track will convey the visitors to any part of the Exposition. Some forty restaurants will feed the multl- s .1- vf.r t on the left. Palace of Electricity on distance. tude, and an amusement street a mile long, containing the most novel and wonderful entertainments, will furnish diversion to the guests of the Exposi tion. All St. I.ouls is preparing for the World's Fair, which will open on April 30 next and continue for seven months. Hundreds of buildings have been remodeled Into hotels, and thou sands of hon es have been listed, upon invitation of the World's Fair manage ment, to help core for the visitors. Every preparation has been made for a period of unusual festivity, mil St. I.ouis expects to give her visitors a delightful season of sight-seeing and entertainment. Thirty five miles of roadway have been constructed within the World's Fair grounds. HE DID NOT UNDERSTAND. Amusing Error of Frenchman That Cost Him $5. A French visitor to New York, an enthusiastic automobilist. has learned a lesson as to how things are done In America. On several occasions when speeding a machine through Central park he has seen policemen hold up a hand. The result, was an Increase of speed and a wave c f the band in return. The police, have been In the hopes of catching him, and finally one of them did so by placing his horse In the auto's track, compell Ing It to come to a standstill. In court the Frenchman was amazed at the cause of his arrest, lie took the sig nals of the officers as commendations and congratulations i.nd turned on more power to show them v hot he could do. The lesson cost him $5. French Taxet Increase. Returns of the revenue frortr Indi rect taxes In France in l!i3 show that receipts amounted to $:.i;s,r,sn,3S0, nn Increase of $2i;.;.,r.7...8o over the esti mates, and $.'!u,175, Still over Il'u2. -i-,-,wvwm How the Starfish Feeds. A starfish can neither see nr hoof. Neither has It the sense of smell. In spite of those seeming Impedimenta, nevertheless. It seeks and devours its prey as neatly as an ordinary fish. The starfish lies upon Its prey and folds Its "arms" or rays completely about It. Then It pushes Its stomuch out through Its mouth and will wrop even a large oyster and shell within the folds of the stomseh. The mouth of the starfinh Is In the center of In rays. Used to Paying Toll. . The hMbit of paying toll Is a hard one for Brewer. Me., people to for fet. and almost every clay someone pulls up nt the teUhnuso and tries to pay the Bnnror policeman who Langs out mound there. Banks Increase. Ten vrar aco there was one hank f..r uriy 7.Pi inhabitants of tbe I'nlted States; five years ago then was one bank for every 4..V; nyw e ' a bark for tury K.K in STERS RELY CATARRH, P&vzafcr coughs wndods in children W ft 4 SISTERS CFST. JOSEPH Use Pe-ru-na for La Grippe and Winter Catarrh. TN EVERY country of the civilized world the outers of Charity tire .nunu. ,ot, oniy no Tiiev minister to the Miirituul and intellect mil needs of the charges committed to their care, but thiy ulso wiuisitr to their bodily liecds. Whenever coughs or colds, lit grippe or pneumonia mako t heir toiiiciiraiice niuoou tun o nil r,',i , ill.,. niuTiti-d u ,,,,, b edie. to apply. With so manr children to take enre of and to protect from cliniHle aud disease niese wise mm liniiii-ur Msiers Imve luuuii reruna c iieUT-:aiiiu;j safeguard, msm . mm m t & Sisters of St. Joseph, of the Deaf Mute Institute, 1S19 (Vs Ave., St. I.ouis, Mo., writes: We appreciate Peruna very much. It certainly does rood work with catarrh and also with colds and la grippe. We have faith la Peruna and nave inspired many others with the It has certainly kept us from being winter for our little ones. Thanking you for your kindness to us and our afflicted ones, we remain, yours gratefully, SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH." Dr. Kartmau receives ninny letters from Catlinlic iSisters from all over the Culled States. A recommend reeeutly received from a Catholic institution in Detroit, Mich., reiuls as fullows: Dr S. U. liartman, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Sir: "The young girl who used the Peruna was suffering from laryngi tis, and loss of voice. The result of the treatment was most satisfactory. She found great relief, and after farther use of the medicine we hope to be able to say she ia entirely cured." Sisters of Charity. This vouna ciii was under tho rare of the Sisters o( Cliarit y and usi-d IVrinia for catarrh of tbe throat, with good results as the above letter testifies. From a Catholic Institution In Cen tral Ohio comes the following recom mend from the Sister Superior: Mime years auo n friend ot our insti tution recommended to us Or. llartiiuin's Vertina as) tin excellent remedy fur the influenza of which we then had several roses which threatened to be of a serious character "Wo beenn to uo It nml exncriciiccd such wonderful results that since then Exterminating th? Hippopotamus, j It seems that the hippopotamus is j to be extorminuti'd. It Ik hardly prob-! able that the hippopotamus will enjoy this, but it will be a good tiling for mankind, according to the LoihIoii Globo. The intelligent animals con stantly attacks bouts, fields and gar dens, and "what he doou not eat" (says an authority) "tie sits on." Now he Is himself to be sat on. We trust that those In charge of the campaign will remember the advice of one of our foremost naturalists, and "shoot the hippi potanius with' bullets made of platinum." For If they use the other kind, bis hide will surely flatten 'em. Red Heads Seldom Bald. Red headed people are less subject to baldness than others. A doctor explains the matter thus: The hair of the red headed Is relatively thick, one red hair being almost as thick as five fulr or three brown hairs. With 30,000 red hairs the scalp Is well thatched, whereas with the same number of fair hairs, one Is compar atively bald. It takes nearly UiO.imO fair and 103,01)0 brown hairs to cover adequately an ordinary head. Got the Right Kind. Gainesville, Texas, Feb. 2-nd. Mr?. I E. Htirton of 507 Glad street, this city, writes the following letter: "I have been awfully troubled with my Kidneys; I was in a bad fix and had been doctoring with the Doctors, but was getting no better. I tiled a remedy called Dodd's Kidney Pills and I found they did me lots or good. I had a slight return of my trouble and I went to the Drug Store and call ed for Dodd's Kidney Pills. They suid there was no audi pills. I told them there was. They said they had the best pills that were made and per suaded me to try a box of another kind, not Dodd's. As I needed some medicine, I bought a box, hut they did me no good so 1 went elsewhere and got the real Dodd's Kidney Pills ami very Boon was completely cured. I took a box up to the Drug Store and showed them that there was such pills nnd asked them to order some, but as I haven't needed any more 1 haven't railed to see whether or not they got them." If n man who fulls In love at sight Is wise lie will take a second look he fore proposing. Don't you know that. Defiance Starch, besides being absolutely supe rior to any other. Is put up It? oumes In package! and sells at same price as 12-uunee packages of other kinds? The fellow who would marry for money finds It pretty hard to work. noon not'KK KEEPERS r the lient. That's wiiv th-r buy Uml C'run Boil Ulna. Atleadiuggrwori.&ceuta. Kxpcrlcncn takes dreadfully high WBKcs. but It Is the best teacher. When Antvvering Advertisements Kindly Mention Thlt Paper. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 91904 l.titJtH WtHlfcft Ail i J Hw 4 ounb fc!ruiiv Tmu tt-iwjj. Vi :.MHHMrt.M?f.J hi -imfi rmn pt nrMpiriMti 411 1"VS - " - aV . wtM OF ST. ON PE-RU-NA TO COUGHS, COLDS, GRIP 1 'Wif 1 Wmr-.y-i'M. i IK T'ZZy. same. We do not like to be without it. very sick. It did a world nt mod last --.i Vermis has become our favorite medicine for inline u.n, catarrh, cold, cough and broiubitis." Another recommend from a Catholic Institution of one of the Central States written by the Sister Superior reads as follows: "A number of years ao our attention vras culled to Dr. Ilurtman's Periiun, and since then we have n-ei it with wonderful results for grip, coimh-, colds and catarrhal diseases of the head and stomach. "For grip nr.d winter catarrh espe cially it. has been of great service to the lumaU'S of thU institution." SISTERS OF CHARITY All Over the United States Use Pc-ru-na for Catarrh. A recommend recently received from a Ciitholin inst itut ion lu the South wes.'. reads as follows : A Prominent Mother Superior Says: "I can testify from experience to the efficiency of Veruca as oueof the very best Fy-hvi--rr:-. It I CONSUMERS OF SHOES ALWAYS ASK FOR THE BCST WESTERN MADE SH0C3.- - These Brands will guarantee )ou a jood shoe for men: Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker Comet Cock of Walk Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Women's and Children's Shoes. Srt that our tiamt i.i on (lie ahots you bus'. F. P. KIRKENDALL sbtfi akc-Down Don't soend f nom $50 1 Fsmv. WW IV fit 1 I I much less money you can buy a Winchester Take Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and outlast the highest-priced double-barreled gun, besides being as sate, reliable and handy. Your dealer can show you one. Th'ty ere sold everywhere. FREEl Our U0-?M)t Wustntcd CMogoe. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVCN.CONN. I J Little white lies live long and pros per. Alfalfa Clover. Tor years the editor has been urglnit farmers to sow Alfalfa Clover, ami Kind be is that thousands of wlde Hwuke farmers srattered ull over Ann r lcu, rip doing this now, to their great benefit and satisfaction. A. Wolford, Westlore Farms. Va., writes: "1 have 60 acres In ShIw's Al falfa Clover. It Is Immense. I cut three crops this seasuu uud have lots of jiasture besides," Hon. II. F. tranter. S. n.. says, "Sal ter's Northern Grown Alfalfa clover cannot be bent. I huve solved the question of stock raising here. Salzer's A 1 fulfil Is eood for 8 rousing crops of hay, Halzer's .isit, fur M Im. of grain and 3 tons of buy, Salter's Macaroni Wheat for ;.' bu. best bog fattetilng wheat, and S.iler's Manna Parley, for arid, dry land. Is good for 70 bu nrr acre. These are all great hog, sheep and cm tie fatleners, and Inst but nut least. Sniper's Victoria upe for sheep, and Seiner's Tenslnt. good fur fa tons of green food fur cuttle, and's Million Dollar Crass Htiiiniis IihtiiiIs for lots and lots of good hay. These tilings make It possible for me to grow live stork by the thousands. Have you beurd of I'.aillest cane? Gives six mowings a year, and Ten slnte, the SO ton per acre fodder wonder? JUST HE.SU THIS NOTICE AND UK IN ST4lf to the John A. Snb.-r fo-d Co., I .a Crosse, Wis., and rect-lve their blic cat aloir nnd lot of farm seed samples free. OV. N. U.) Too many men are inrnpalile of lo inx their own thlnklim. Mr. tit-tow' HMi,ilnrf S-rap. Tnr rtiliilri-tl Ir-ttilntf, Miftrn. ih. -'ftiii, -,liirf tB,i'Ur.. wlnui-uliu. J.'ttltuctlt. It is quite possible for ore to be come Intoi.lented on water If he he a hoard a boat. Hundreds of dealers Fay the etrs qusntlty and superior quality of De fiance Starch Is fast tuKInc place of nil other brands, others say they cannot sell any other stanu. A lot of misery (onus to the man who sits down and wait. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. FIGHT cAildlen Vf rtS medicines, nnd it '"""'i gives mo pleasure s J5x to add mv praise to llll, tllMi,lli,ir aa-Ji"tilc who have used it l'or years I suf fered with catarrh of the stomach, all remedies Iiroving valueless for relief, .ast iqirlng 1 went to Colo rado, hoping to be benefited by a cliHiige of 'illmate and w'bile there a frieud advised me to try Peruuo. After u.dng two bottles I found myself very much in proved. The remains of toy old diseasi lieliiK now so slight, 1 consider mysell cured, yet for n while I intend to con tinue the uho of Pcniiia. I am now treating another patient with your medi cine. She has been sl"k with miliaria and troubled with leuchorrhiea. 1 hnvci no doubt that a euro will be speedily effected." These are samples of letters received by Dr. liartman from the various orders of Catholic Sisters throughout the United States. Tho names and addre-scs to these let ters have beeu withheld from rcstiect to the Sisters, but will ho furnished on request. (Iiie-hulf of tho diseases which iifTIIrt mankind inn duo to soma catarrhal de rangement of the mucous membrane lin ing some organ or passage of the Imm) y. A remedy that would act immediate ly uikmi t lie cong"sted mucous membrane Nuioiing it to lis normal state, would consequently euro all theso tiisenses. Catarrh is catarrh wherever located, whether it lie In tho head, throat, lungs, stomach, kidneys or piilvio organs. A remedy that, will cure It in one location will cure it. in all loeatious. l'eruna cure catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the us of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving n, full statement of your case uud he will he pleased to give you his valuublo advice grat is. Address Dr, Ilartmnn, President of Tho Hurt man Sanitarium, Cduubus, Ohio. & CO. Manufactured In OMAHA. 11 Repeating Shotguns to $200 for a Run. when for so MEXICAN Mustang Liniment CTires Sprains and Stralun. . GREGORY'S Warranted SEEDS I'm., tr-.h, rrli.lil-. ('.talnon The FREE Homestead LANDS OF wm Western mm Canada Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904. M illicit-, ft rir nf mainifir-nt Ctiin ami ('.ni hil liul in lr hail Ir-a ,ifi, 01 l.f (,,,, h.. tium Kailmv ( Land Coipoiatinnt, nr. THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS timid Crn, tlellKhiful rllnial. Kilrnilll mil t-alrm, H-rfrrt aiM-lal rrniilltUiiia, -, railway Kilvantii-Mi, nnd allli and aninrnre arqulml null-. Th- pnpiilalinn of W-.t-rn C.n.,l nrr-.-4 I ii tin immi-iatinn diuiii- Ilia put -,,, , 1 u-cmib niuci it ins, I Wiilrioii.ieMnilioilr,ICana.lianr.oK.fmm i At-nl fur t Alio anil othrt,--. t.n ad'li--. Siipi. ot tiiininiailon.O(iaa.("aiirta W, y. ic-nurti. Mil N. Voik Lifii bin Idiot TM nW C P. 0 I Mirnau, Collar- an taldlaa Willi BB trad, mark an madt troni th. ,-',C l.hion,d t.nnd C.litorn,. kaltiw. w nn can iu ia a lilnm. Aa rvn b.tlr ll iKcw Art ma, k.H.ii . Snd 2-crnl lor Cat.:-- 4 war M.rn-M ana k . L a- l biy ih.m. BU hSTtrr II K IIS,, Th llsrnaa. M-a. L I n o I n , Nbraaka, FARMERS and STOCKMEN W ,-ti M. ,,ii n,M.'.-,, -, br hmt ,w ;'" I- i; roc-. i. , gru and .im k Mid ..-.f I II IK M,m,H-,- " U ,,u,k (Id 'iZ'u?i S;j.,nd llBtl1 C0-ia.l-.lo CO. Sid ,!,-,, Caaa-, JU OCK-i w 4 r