The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 25, 1904, Image 2

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a V-V M. Ar: 1 JJ5v''v''.'-
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To Prove what Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy
Will Do for YOU. Every Reader of this paper May
Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys arc responsible for mere
Sickness and sufloriiif? than uny other disease, therefore, when
through, neglect or other causes, kidney trouble U ncruiitted to
continue, fatal results aro (sure to follow.
3 Your other organs lan'y need attention but your kidneys most,
because they do most anil need attention first.
If you aro sick or "feel badly," ?iegin taking Dr. Kilmer's
Kwump-Koot, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because
at soon as your kidneys beIn to get better they will help all the
other organs to health. A trial will convince auyoue.
The mild and immediate effoct of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the) great kidney
and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases. Swamp
Koot will set your whole system right,
lad the best proof of this is a trial.
14 Bait 120io St., Nsw York Citt.
Lisas Sir: Oct. 15th. 1103.
"t had f been aufforinf severely from kiilnet
trotibln. All ayminoina were on band; my former
urnnnth ind power had left me; 1 could hardly
araa oiyMlf alom Even my nientnl capacity was
Iivina out, and ullen I wished to die. It was then
aa an advertisement of yours in a New Yuik
aapnr, but would not have paid any attention to it.
Bad it not promised a tworn ituaranum with every
bottle of your medicine, avtertina that your Swainir
Modi is purely vesetiihle, and dam not contain utiv
harmful drugs. 1 am seventy yeorsund four months
old. and with a food conscience l.ran recommend
Swamp-Koot to all sutlerers from kulney troublr.
"aur members of my family have hoeu Using
Swamp-Hoot for four dilluient kiduejr Oiauues,
with the same good retiulta,"
Willi many thanks to you, I rntnair.,
Voiy ttuly youn.
You may have a sample bottle of this
famous kidney remedy, Swamp-Root,
lent free by mail, postpaid, by which you
may test its virtues for such disorders as
kidney, bladder and uric acid diseases,
poor digestion, being obliged to pass
ful Swamp-Root in promptly curing even
the most distressinj caws of kidney, liver
or bladder troubles, that to prove its won
derful merits, you may have a sample bottle
and a book of valuable information, both
sent absolutely free by mail. The book con
tains many of the thousands upon thou
sands of testimonial letters received from
men and women cared. Tbe value and suc
cess of Swamp-Root is so well known that
cur readers are advised to send for a sample
boK'e. In sending your address to Dr. Kil
mer 4 Co., Dioghamton, N.Y., be sure to say
The nmrt who buys and smokes
rlgais evidently has money to burn.
Storekeepers report that the extra
iuajtlty. together with the superior
quality of Deflaneo Starch maUes It
next to impossible to sell any other
If amine I with
sure eyes, use
(Thompson's Ey Water
Salzer'a Nntlonal Oats.'
Ilml prollllo Oatt on eurtti. The
I. H. llrnL or Affrli ii ttiro. U'.h.
Infton.aaya: "Ntl.rrr's Oala ar. th
rx-iiout orovrr roiir bumlrnl aorta
tested by ua." ThU Brand Oat
yielded In Wlaconsin V hn m.iA
l7 bu., Mlchtirao Ul tut., MmsoiiM
liibn.,anil North OukotallObu. per
r,ncl n III poaitlrelydoaswell hr
nu. Try It. sir, and U convinced.
A Few Stvoria In VIIH.
fUlitr'l SMrOm Bsrla.. 11 ka I
Salirr'i Miaoaatlilrr Itra. lut ba. arrt,
Salirr'i llf I ter tali, A ... y,
fUlm'i Va kaliMal ttaii, III it. Mr 1,
lilm'i r.tatws. ka. pr I.
Kalitf'l (aiuas. I.u ka. arr 1.
All of nnr rnrni ami I'mi,m.Cu..m
pnlisrea slot k, brnl ri ttlil upto bi( yields.
Salrcr's Sclt(rmnierl.
Onvttxt cm-il wMiitrr nf the aire. It la
nutittrii tn.mi.ent, in.r rye. nor t,r!)y.iiiir
oats, Ihii a irolueti MiiiitHn.itiniinr MM'i'all,
Tl''llina a. Ihi, of ari n an.l 4 l.,n ,,r r,..h
atia luiy fr a-r .tKirit stoik foodoa
tuiilk liucwiMi'Trryitiicra.
Salxer's Mlllloa Dollar Craws.
It wl lalsi-.l nf rrsu on rih. r.liinrs and
t wicer I'mtmaiia and A.ti. uiinnl l.ciinvn
triwo il will,,. ul aluiti y ,.!,) t,.ns if ncli
ij ainl lutsvl 4iasiire b.hlt, iwra. te.
Rsrer'. Twwnte prxtiv. lit ri-h, ti'ie.,
I".t, lufy sm, ks fmiii ,,t.e kernel t.f an il, ,
lone I.I .irrn inil.lrr wr a. re. It
w.!) iwimi, j.asi, est,
ui cm ill
Granwra and t lover.
Only targe trrnweta of rraand
rl..ei (or .1 in Murnia.
HiM-rnle otef Sun aer.-a, imt
seeila are asrranle-t. e niake
a arai stie. iniiT it iiras.e ai
t'lnveia, t (filler f'tmii, I I'Ml.r
taNM-a,iiiM..n, i rMar. and all
auctsof 'iial.le-iU.
For 19c In ajtimpfi
M tlt html of lht tiMf-w
wi( ttii von it t of fxnn
fW MinplYft, iti.'hitlintf
ttf U)Trt lrllsf Htl Hir
Itajl-Ml MsTWint, for
Wit ) U )KKH
tintf lor r
r-l Dleoet will
sat Safe Bcaey
OiiraiaMlsthaneat, Trlrea the l.ovest. 1'r.inint thift-
wienia. itetteery Man ..rtrll. (asraateo.1. rlefant
.amn es anit f"li fee t.rni f"f eiai- A4l-e
kOtm i. IIOLtCO, ttm Ir BaiMiaf. Ckieaaja.
I All
n.-',.irjr-?,t-zr i
'.3 i Tr Jja - aaua.
your water frequently oiRht and day
smarting or irritation in passing, trick
dust or sediment in the urine, headache,
backache, lame back, dizziness, sleepless
ness, nervousness, heart disturbance due
to bad kidney trouble, skin eruptions from
bad blood, neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes,
bloating, irritability, wornout feeling, lack
of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow com
plexion, or llright's disease.
If your water, when allowed to remain
undisturbed in a glass or bottle for
twenty-four hours, forms a sediment or
settling or has a cloudy appearance, it is
evidence that your kidneys and bladder
need immediate attention.
Swamp-Root is the great discovery ol
Dr. Kilmer, tho eminent kidney and blad
der sjiecialist. Hospitals use it with won
derful success in both slight and seiere
cases. Ikx iors recommend it to their
patients and ue it in their own families,
because they recognize in Swamp-Root
the greatest and most successful remedy.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
for sale at drug stores the world over in
bottles of two sizes and two prices fifty
cents and one dollar. Remember the
mime, Swumi Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamf-Ritot, and the address, Binf
ha ml A". J'., on every bottle.
yjj read ttis gjnerout offer in this paper.
Please writ or till in this coupon with your
name ami aaures and pr. hilmi tt I o. will send
you a le. Sample Bottle ol Swamp-Koot th.
Ureal Kidney Remedy.
Name .
St. and No
City or Town ;
Mention (his papsr.
What a Riand and glorious world
this would be If every man would fol
low I ho advice he gives to others!
IKdltorlal Corrcipondonce l
Moose Jaw, Asslniboia.
Farmers' Review,
Chicago, July 22, 1903.
Most of the prairies In the United
States have eeased to exist. Man has
broken them up with orchards, for
ests and farm buildings. Hut in
Western Canada tho prairies still
Ktretch grandly fr.,m tiorlxou to hori
zon as yet tiiiinnrred by the hand of
! man, save where the Iron road has
I been laid. To a city man the.e Is
I something dellclnttsly restful about
tho vast. Krassy solitude..
Numerous clumps of lres mark the
cottrso tif the A.sslnltwiino river, which
I keeps in night of the railroad for some
j dlstnnce.
j "Grass Is one of the notable thlnss
j about all the landscape of Western
i Canada. It Is a remarkable fart that
th entire length of tho Canadian Ia
cllle railway from Its eastern terml
1 nus to the Rocky Mountains Is over
plains where grass grows. The sage
brush appears at some points, but
never to tho exclusion of grass. There
Is thus not a mile of this country that
cannot lie used for some agricultural
purpose either fur tilling or ranch
lug. ! "Moose Jaw Is a town of over 2,000
Inhabitants, and one of the most Im
portant places In Asslniboia, being the
center of a very good farming coun
try and a great grain and slock ship
plno; Kilnt.
"Near Mouse Jaw BRrlciilturo and
ranching go hand In hnml; for near
the town was seen a herd of beef
cattle several hundred In number. On
another file was seen a good slcil
herd of dairy cows, tho property of
tho clti.ens In the town.
"In rldlnit over the prairies we saw
many koi fields of alfalfa. The creat
need of the country Is timber, which
arrows readily whore plnnted, as was
demons! rated by the shelter belts on
some of the fnrnir,. and the treej on
the resilience lots In the town.
' "Stories were told the writer of
men who Inst year cleared from their
wheat crop more than the Innd on
which It was Rrown originally cost
them. This Is easy to believe, in view
of the large crop and hlith price for
wheat last year." Henry F. Thurston.
i Dy sending your address to any
agent of the Canadian Government
you will have mailed to you a copy of
ar. atlas, railway rates, etc.. elvlng
fullest Information regarding Western
The blows against sin that rouut
are not iuaJt with the month.
Jeweled Hose.
Smart women are always looking
for something new. and their latest
fancy Is jewel vl siccUnss. Tur
quoises senu on bronze colored silk
hose, with brorz't kid shoes to tu'itc'.i.
are the favorites.
Pink and preen t on aay col
ored grounds, with shoes of the kaine
Khaile, and Iridescent liards, beetles
anil reptiles embroidered on black ara
worn with hlacl: siitin shoes.
The daintiest of all are the white
sill; KtofUings worn in Knghrnd. Tliey
are netted all over with lace or ttvl
lised with embroidery, and tit for a
fairy princess.
No matter what the demand for
fancy iii.rht.-'.owus may be every wom
an wants it few of the comfortable
sort thut can be worn when occasion
demands. This one is modeled on
simple lines, but is tasteful at the
same time and includes wide sleeves
that are both com
fortable and fash
aide, and are fin
ished with deep
beeoinltiR frills.
M jl.l'jif, J h The model Is made
W Jl '.'J 1. 'I from cambric with
trimming of era
4649 Night (.own, broidery, but all
32 to 46 bum. material In use for
underwear, cottons, flannelet, wash
flannel and the liKe are appropriate.
The g;ovn is tnutlo with full length
fronts and a back which is gathered
and attached to the yoke. At the
neck Is a simple roll over collar and
tno rlnlit hem laps over the left to
form the closing. . The sleeves are
fuller below the elbows than above
and are gathered into narrow bands to
the lower edge of which the frills
are attached.
The quantity of material required
for fhe medium tlzo la V,i yards 27
Inches wide or 0 yards 36 Inches wide,
with 34 yards of embroidery to trim
as illustrated.
The pattern 4649 Is cut In sizes for
a 34. :tt'.. 3S, 40, 42, 44 and 4U inch bust
"Buste- Brown" buit.
"Buster Brown" has become far too
familiar a .Inure to need Introduction.
Ills admirers are many and it Is safe
to assume that Interest In his cos
tume is as general as Is amusement
over bis dolnss. The model shown
will be recoRiii.rfd at a glance and Is
made of dark blue sergo stitched with
4646 "Buster Btowa" Suit,
2 to C years.
corticelli silk and vorn with linen
collar and cuffs and silk tie, but as
all the materials used for boys' suits
of the sort are appropriate there Is
amplo range of choice. The blouse
drawn on over the head, which makes
the essential characteristic, Is emi
nently becoming to small boys as well
as simple to make and the trousers are
full and ba&gy p.t the knees.
The suit consists of blouse and
trousers. The blouse is shaped by
means of, shoulder and under-erin
seams and Includes full sleeves with
roll-over cuffs and a belt that Is pass
ed under straps attachod at the under
arm seams. At the front is cut a
short openltiR that is concealed l-y the
tie. The trousers aro In knlckor
bocker style, drawn up under the
knees and allowed to tlroop.
The quantity of material required
for the medium size (4 years) Is 3', 4
yards 27 inches wide, Z yards 32
Inches wide or 2' yards 44 Inches
The pattern 4646 Is cut In sizes for
boys of 2, 4 and 6 years of age.
Don't sacrifice fitness to fashion.
Don't spoil the gown for a yard of
ftu IT.
Don't saviillco neatness to artistic
Don't neglect quality for the sake of
Don't dress more fashionably than
Don't Imagine beauty will atone for
Don't dress to startle people's eyes,
but! to satisfy them.
Don't dress the bend at the expense
of the hands and feet..
ase wes wvwww
Ft coder of this pnrK-r can accuro uny May
JIftiilc.Q pattern lllustiuted nbovo by filling oui
all blauks In coupon, and untiling, Willi lucent,
to K. li- Harri-iunA; Co.. 65 Plymouth I'laoe, UUl.
rata l'siu-ru will be mailed promptly.
Nam .
Town .
Plate. .
Pattern No
Waist Mfaaura (If for skirt)...
Bust M'aiur(lt for waist' ......
At (If cbtlU'iormlas i pattern) ,
Write plainly. Fill out all blanks. Kne'oat
toa. Mall to C. E. Ilai rlaoa Uo, , K PLymuuta
flaoa.CS ii
W-sV. " t J'.-.v.
"V ji- n
, , V A. t f ,
' ;:''.?
A i,t.-: '..ilh . -
: Vv -.U-y .1 a V .';
Blouse coats with shoulder capes
are the smartest of all smart things
and suit young girls exceedingly well.
This one is made of tan colored
broadcloth and is I rimmed vit h fancy
braid, but all suiting and cloaking
materials aro equally appropriate.
When desired the capes can be omit
ted, but they add largely to tho effect
and are much to be desired. Both
blouse anil skirt are tucked at front
C6rsage Sachet.
The heart-shaped corsage sachet of
white satin Is to wear around tho neck
beneath the lingerie. The ribbon edge
and bow make a pretty finish and It
la suspended by a ribbon,
Another corsage sachet on this or
der consists of two pads about two
inches square, with a small bow in
tho center of each. They are fastened
to the ends of a strip of baby ribbon.
For the Japanese sachet, made of
Japanese silk, a bag two und oie-half
by three inches, and in the top seam
fasten a Japanese doll's head. Around
Its neck a ribbon Is tied, stock fashion.
The most popular sachet odors at
present are sandal wood, orris and the
Japanese perfumes.
Walking Skirt With Kilt.
Since walking skirts have become
established facts smart women are
ever on the outlook for novel effects.
The skirt illustrated Is quite new and
Is In every way admirable, as It pro
vides the smooth
fit over the hips,
that means perfect
outline, combined
wilh generous flare
below the knees.
The model Is inado
of mixed gray
cheviot stitched
with corticelli silk,
but all suiting and
skirt materials life
464C Wftlkli.g Skirt,
22 lo 30 irulst.
The skirt Is made with circular
front and sides, full length back gore
and flounce. The back Kore and the
flounce are laid In deep kilt plaits and
are Joined to the tipper portion, which
Is made circular and fitted by means
of short hip darts.
The quantity of material required
for the medium sine is 8 yards 27
Inches wide, 5Vj yards 44 Inches wide
4 yards 52 Inches wide.
The pattern 4648 Is cut In slen for
a 22. 24, 2u 28 and HO Inch waist meas
ure. The Walking Skirt.
The short skirt can be quite becom
ing and smart, provided It Is full.
Heavy winter skirts this year aro be
ing made without linings, and are
worn with n very smart silk petticoat
of sufficient substance to keep them
well out at Ihe feet.
Nervousness and a sallow skin crime
frequently from the lack of deep
breathing. Deep breathing stimulates
the circulation and helps the hotly to
throw off Its Impurities.
1'ut a few drops of eucalyptus nil on
a handkerchief and him 1 1 occasion
ally. This is excellent for both pre
venting and curing colds. When ap
piled externally, the oil Is good for
neuralgia, tic or toothache.
Coffer is a fairly good n!r purifier.
A little burnt on hot coals will purify
a hick room and abolish bad smells.
Many physicians think highly of the
bracing effect of coffee taken before
they visit cases of Infectious disease.
A German physician has discovered
that tho wearing of ti;ht laeo veils
may easily produce skin troubles.
The nets catch and hold dust and
entrap all general Impurities of the
air and endanger not ou'.y tin com
nletlon, but the lungs.
j I
-v.- i
t ."'iii
'I ..Vy
' V - ' -
" -TVi I V
and hack and are Joined nt the waist
line beneath the belt. The sleeves are
large and ample with shaped cuffs
that are eminently stylish. To make
the coat for a girl of 14 years of brc
will be required r yards of material
27, 3 yards 44 or 2"H yards 52 Inches
vide. A Mav Manton uattern. No.
I 4634, sizes 12 to lti years, will be
j mailed to any address on receipt of
.' ten cents.
Fancy Waist.
All broad shoulder effects are In
vogue und. as a consequence, berthas
of all st rts are worn. This smart and
effective waist combines pine green
Coreau crepe with chiffon velvet ln a
deeper shade and cream colored laee.
and exemplifies a bertha of the new
est sort together with sleeves that
can be full or elbow length as de
sired. The lace
yoke over the un
der one of velvet
is singularly hand
some as well as
novel and the use
of both heavy and
fine lace on the
same waist js a
feature of the lat
est designs.
The wrist Is made
over a fitted lining
C47 Fanry Waist,
32 lo 40 bust.
which Is faced to form the yoke and
on which the full front and backs
and the circular folds, which give
a bertha effect, are arranged. The
sleeves are made plain above the folds
but full and soft below, forming full
puffs, which are finished with frills
when elbow length Is used, and be
low which deep ruffs are nddetl to
give full length. At the waist is a
shaped bodice that Is softly draped.
The qunntlty of mnteiial required
for the medium size Is 5 yards 21
Inches wide, 4 yards 27 Inches wide,
or 2?i yards 44 Inches wide, with 1
yard of all-over lace, 1?4 yards of
velvet antl 3 yards of lace for frills to
make as illustrated.
The pattern 4647 Is cut ln sizes
for a 32, 34, CO, 38 and 40 inch bust
An old steel pen if kept In your
Inkpot to absorb the acid, will make
tho pens In dally use wear better.
Cnrron oil. which should always be
kept ready to use In cases of burns, Is
made of equal parts of linseed oil and
lime water.
While fur can be denned by rub
bing with sawdust moistened with
benzollne; but the benzoline must not
be used near a light or fire. ,
When denning plate mix the whit
ing occasionally with a little gin or
whisky und water, and you will get a
fur better polish than If water alone Is
Hot water cans should nlwnys be
turned upside down after use. It Is
the tiny drop of water left standing
In Ihe bottom that causes rust, and
holes soon follow.
Clean white corsets by scrubbing
with a lather of onp, ammonia and
warm water, afterwards thoroughly
rinsing. Steel should be removed
first, or Iron molds will result.
Pearls Produced to Order.
In his scientific pearl farming- Prof.
Dubois has transplanted n colony of
pearl oysters from the coast of Tunis
to a point near Toulon. Of these oys
ters one in l.Snn yielded a pearl. Act
ing on the theory that, tho pearl dis
ease of the shell Is due to the accre
tion of mother of pearl under the ac
tion of a parasite, the experimenter
has tried to transmit tho disease to
other oysters and has uceeded In
producing one or more pearli from
rery ten oysters
Jeweled Figure of the Virgin Scld fc:
$23.000 Discovery of Its Value jr.
Accident Hid Been for Years Coir
paratively Unnoticed.
A curious discoery has Just been
made concerning an Image of the Vir
gin it the chapel of the Colegio de lr.s
Vlcninas in the City of Mexico.
One d:y. In 17:!2. three Spaniards
while rambling through the city nolle-
ed a number of poor children playing
in the srivet, uipnrently uneared for
and with no school to attend. Thl-i
mcetltr; inspired tin m to erect at a
cosl ,t i;u(I,i:iiii ih, great, gloom:
red stone building occupying an en
lire block and known as the Colegh)
de las Vlcainns, or de San Ignaeio
or tie la f'az, fur girls chlelly orphans.
The intention of the generous trio,
natives ni liistay. was to limit the
lienelli.s of tl,t school to children of
Spanhtrds, but Ioik ii'M !his a;
found Impracticable.
Tii is ancient institution is conducted
under the supervision of some of the
foremost ladies of Mexico, includiiif;
the wile of President Diaz. Recently
some of iiinse women received peniiis
sirn to renovate the robes of the Im
a;;es in the college chapel. To do
this they unlocked all the cases, in
cluding one of wood and glass In which
a figure of the Virgin stood for many
years undisturbed.
To their umiucmont the apparently
humbly chid Image proved to be of
wood, beautifully and artistically carv
ed, covered by a sheet of silver iUud
detl with gold anil precious stones.
Competent judges suy the imago
represented originally the Virgin of
the Angels und was later transformed
into tbe Virgin of the Conception, as
shown by the mutilation of the group
of angel heads on which the feet rest
ed. At one time there were ueven
heads and three had been severed. A
silver crescent, row in two pieces, had
been nailed over the head and face,
of ono of the angels.
The attitude of the body Is extreme
ly natural nnd correct, antl the work
manship of the silver tunic antl tho
veil, hanging In rich folds and grace
fully caught at tho waist, Is highly
praised by artlsls. From crown to
base the height Is 1 metre and 15 cen
timetres. The jewels consisted of 192 dia
monds. ;M2 emeralds. 2C. rubles, 1,947
pearls, with four stores said to be
hyacinths. Notwithstanding the enre
taken to protect the linu;;i after the
discovery of its value, tiome thief was
able to steal from the ease seventeen
gold chains, one gold and emerald but
terfly and several dlun- nds and
An expert from the Monte de Pie
dad, national pawnshop, estimated the
value of the figure nnd decorations at
$20,1100. An offer from a jeweler of
$2r,(i(Hi was accepted and the Image
sold to him. It is rumored that tho
Image will be sent to Paris,
The purchase money will be used
In providing for an additional number
of students who, after receiving an
education, desire to remain in the
school instead of going Into the world.
Tbe right to this home, "lugar do
gtacia," ceases with marriage.
Queer Marriage Proposal Accepted by
Lady Duff Gordon.
A quaint story Is told of the man
ner In which the late Ijidy Duff Gor
don was proposed for by her husband.
When she was a young girl sho was
thrown much Into tho company of
Sir Alexander Duff Gordon, nnd peo
ple began to gossip about them. .
"Do you know people say wo aro
going to be nia.Tled?" Sir Alexander
said to her one day.
Indignant that he should mention
the matter so bluntly, she biir.-.t out
with a hot retort, but he checked her.
"Shall we make it true?" ho asked.
She forgot her Indlgnatlt n and shy
ly answered "Yes."
Lady Duff Cordon lived a great part
of her life In Kgypt, and was loved
by the natives more than any other
Hngllsnwomiin has been before and
since. She was very beautiful, and a
veritable Helen of Troy In her power
over tho hearts of men. When she
was a gray-haired grandmother a
young Arab sheikh begged her to di
vorce her husbnnd and mnrrr him.
telling her that the wis "a woninn for
whom men killed each other or them
selves." Life and Love.
Most men knew luve but n il purl nf life;
They hide It III mini' porinr f llm hionxt,
Kven from tlii'inseivca; und utily wheti
tlioy resl.
In the brief limine; nf tlint enrlhlv ftrlfi
WhTPWlth our win M iiiIkIk ilst tie not eu
They dniw II forth (as nno drjt forth
n my.
To aoiitlie antiii' ardent, klss-rxaollnc
And hnlil It up to nmlher. rhlM nr wife
Alt, mo! Why nmy urn life nnd love ho
Why wnlk wo thus alum, when tit our
l.nvi. like n vMhle umi. might I cur
a; tilde?
How would ilio imirla grow iiohlo, and
(lie Mtrivt,
Worn like u duiiRi-on Hour, with wonrv
Poem then a Kohli-n cutirtw.iy of tin- aim,
Henry Tlnirod.
Making Study of Cancer.
Jensen has successfully Inoculated
white mice with cancer. This will
materially aid the pathologist to
study the methods of the growth and
communication of cancer. Ho car
ried the cancer through nineteen gen
erations by reimplantation of the
cancer cells. He ) "marks that these
cells, Isolated, retailed their vitality
for twelve days at room temperature,
while nt the temperature of the body
they perished In twenty four hours. If
ground In a mortar the experiments
resulted negatively. Itrlght light was
rapidly desirurtlve to the cells and
also one fourth of 1 per cent solution
of carbolic arid.
Wild Sand Rat.
The Somali wild burrowing rat lives
le the sand, never coming bIkivo tho
surface. It feeds on bulbs nnd roots,
nnd Its scientific name Is hotrocopi
halus phlllpsl. It was discovered In
1SS.-I by K. Uirl I'hllllps.
Big Glaciers.
There are 230 Rl.rlcrs In th Alps
that are said to be over lv miles
Russia's Drastic Censorship.
Ncwpap,T vvtirk in Itu-sia is net
pleasant. The Koverunient spend
more money on lis pu-sM ceiihors than
on us schools. Last year eighty
three papers were suspended for vuri
oils pi'tliuN nnd Iwt toy six vveie for
bidden to accept all udvoitlsemenK
while 2.VI editors were told they could
have a short vacation In Siberia i
the) continued their methods of reviv
ing various public querulous.
Last and South.
Special raies on sale daily to n'l
Winter resorts of Ihe South. Half
fare round trip plus $:'.iiu tin tit : t and
third Tuesdays each month to many
points South.
'Pie only lii.e with lis own station
tit main entrance of World's lvr
grounds. Th, Wabash runs uu us own
rallt Iroi'i O.unha. Kansas City. lVs
Moines, St. Louis and Cliic;u;o ti
Toledo, Detroit. Niagara rails mid
llufi.ilo with tiiriiu"!i cotui 'i'i ions lie
j mill.
All agents can route yni via ti..
Wabash. l-'or World's Lair descrip
tive iisat'er and all Informal Ion ad
divss, Harry K. Moore.-., C. A. 1'. IV,
Omaha, N'etir.
Uru; iay Minister a Novelist.
Dr. IMiK'.'do Aeevado Du,- the i:ev,.
ly .i;ipiiiie I minister from Lnua ty.
who lias been sent to Washington to
open a le;;.u ion. Is known in i-oini !
America as n novelist of high repu e.
Not confining himself to running i
newspaper as editor ami dabbling in
affairs oi slate, Sennr Diaz found time
to publish In t-.panish a large number
of roamnees of thrilling Interest.
Most of ihcje lerien have :i!l the In
terest, of Spanish love tales und aro
typical of South Anierleii. taking hh;.i
mark in the lighter literature of that
Ix'wis' "Single Itindi r"sl rnigbt r.cclgiir.
Made of riie, mellow tutiiit' si. so in Ii in
quality that many who forineily smoked
liie cigar now smoke l'vvis' "Singh)
Hinder." Iwis' Factory, 1 'curia, 111.
No ordinary man can love a woman
as much ns she thinks be ought to
and attend to his work ut the siunu
1-ots of good time Is lost by most
people lu talking about a man's sin
when they might bo praying for him.
Cheap Excursions to the South.
On February K5, March 1 and 13,
the Kansas City Southern railway will
offer to the public the extremely loiv
rate of $10,00 for tho round trip to all
points on the I'ort Arthur Route, in
eluding Ileair.nunt, I'ort Arthur, Lake
Charles, Slireveport, Texuikann, Fort
Smith, Menu, Do Queen and nil Inter
niedluto points. Tho return limit on
these tickets will be twenty-one days
from date of sale, with stopover privi
leges at all points Bouth of Kansas
I City on the going trip. Any Informa
tion uoBircu ny me public relative to
these cheap excursions will be cheer -fully
furnished upon application to S.
G. Warner, G. I and T. A., Kama
City, Mo.
The Value of Persistency.
John Dledrlcli Spreckels, the son of
Clans Spreeklcs, is the proprietor oi
a S,.n Francisco newspaper. To an
editor ono day Mr. Spreckles was talk
ing about persistence and In the
course of his remarks lie said: "My
father Is a great believer ln persist
encein patience. Once when I was a
boy I abandoned In despair some
childish task that I had undertaken
and my father reproved me for It.
Tcrslstcnco will do niiyililiig.' he said.
'There's nothing you can't accomplish
with patience.' And then he smiled
slightly atul added: 'You could even
carry water In a sieve if you would
have the patience to wait long
enough I have to wait?' I said, 'Till
It froze,' my father answered."
To Cnre n Coltl in Cine lny.
Tnko brunt I vo lirnmo tiiilnltio Tablets. All
druggbtarufuud muuuy if iti'ullHtocura. ic.
Norway's Workingmen'a Bank.
Norway has established a working
men's bank, the object of which Is to
loan money nt a low rnte of Interest
to worklngiiien wilh which to pur
chase homes. The plot of ground Lj
be bought is not to exceed five acres,
nnd the erection of the home thereon
Is not to exceed a total cost of $su
The Interest (barged Is 3i or 4 per
cent. Forty-two years aro allowed in
which to refund the money.
makes top of Ihe market butter.
A man does not make hla own load
of troubles any lighter by burdening
his friends with them.
Tim rliinaia a tho thini at San Antonio. ' A
rata Jim lar it not tutor than lha amaiia , T
in San Ani.inm. Climatn. arrnrrr anrl thi
noil hntrU maka il a t-aifori Winirr rrmn.
'I nn ro.tiiupiilitan P"isilna:i. Ihe rriimllni(
wallt, mini ami i'ju hi.nui.- ilarr urn ,sn
Ant.inio aia Miriallv im 'fnnt.
Kati-'a tliimigh Pullman nli-rtrri fmm St.
I.miiv Kana ( it? ami Miievrpuri maka ilia
litp (-niufortatilo.
' Th Murv f San Ant. into." a hea'itlfnar
lllii.lratril h'taik:! alhiitt ilin rliy. ta lil.i.irv an-t
lla lArlnl a'tni.-tlonv a 111 In ul anfalii-ro n
ri-t-ipt uf ic In aiiiip. hep haijr'a Attcu:, ur
Gn. Paaa. Ant. 8T. LOUIS, MO.
lartrn'wlvnHrverrw1iireln th
mrlit whrrrrr Hie nmrtle li.adcr
haaiiivctl uy to the t.rtcvh loailcr.
It la tiiaiti- In li ta'rr( and lt
Kiuljiped cattrt.:,je l.ictury lu caia
Thla aominta for the uniformity of
Id tmaluila.
Tall if dealer It. M. C"
baaaaai "Whal klndr"
a. i Catalog- fre.'
Tt. Upton Melililo Cirtrldoi Co.
(tacr, an uroadaaar.
M,w l erki Uir, R. T,