There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. vA, Customers can always rely upon getting prime cuts for broiling or roasting. Wo never purchase inferior grades of meats. They would not please our customers, and would bring us moro complaints than profits. Lorenz Brothers North of Post Office EWo will open a fresh and complete stock of Gro ceries, Canned Goods, Etc., in the room adjoining our meat market Monday morning, February 15th. Call and see us. PARMELE THEATER ( WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY ) Monday, February 22 d Jule Walters' Always Funny Side Tracked" 44 In Conjunction With that Intellectual Comic Orator HORATIO XERXES BOOTH Superior Vaudeville Q "Side Tracked" is an Old Play Prices 25c and 35c Bottled hi Bond. Slfli ParSif SraiJili and Qdr MMfJIMnLL. 'gite IT CI n U V X X IPliilllp Thierolf. 1 LATTSMOUTIi Clearing e Block Fino stock ia moving moro freely now, and High Grade Meats Aro easily obtained. Plattsmouth, NebrasKa New Fabrics For Spring In suitings, trouserings and for overcoats are now to be seen in all the latest novelties from English, Scotch and American manufactu rers. We will make your Spring overcoat or suit in the best and swellest stylo and of artistic ele gance at a reasonable price. Frank McElroy Fifth and Main Sts. Upstairs Thespians of Ability Embellished With New Ideas All Lower Floor 50c to the Cheapest in tbc Unit Poor Whisky is not only (lis agreeable to taste, but undoubted. Iv injurious to the stomach. A lit tle goxl Whisky is a tine tonic and hlw instead of harming. Such Whiskies ns Yellowstone, for in. stance, will do you iust ns much good as a doctor's prescription. If you turn i know how kixmI it is como in nnd try it. PRICES: (iiiekeiiliclmrriHye, ior gallon . . .tt 00 Yellowstone, " ... 4 00 Honey iK-w, ... 3 00 ltltf Hern, "... 2 00 NKBKASKA LOCAL BREVITIES. Filti Frlcke went to Lincoln Tues day. Dr. Marshall, dentist. Fitzgerald block. Claus shears and razors at John Bauer's. Smoke the Wurl Hros. celebrated "Out Hell" clears. A complete Hn of imported enamel led ware at John Uauer. M. X. Drake of Louisville, was a county seat visitor Tuesday. Geo. II. Jackman of Louisville, was Plattsmouth visitor Friday. The peach croD In southeast Ne braska Is Indeed very cheerless. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Orilce with Dr. E. D. Cummins. Galvanived iron and cast tank heat ers at lowest prices at John Bauer's. Matthew (Jerini: was in Lincoln the fore part of the week on legal business. Miss Sadie Nichols of Omaha, was the guest of Miss Francis Mitchell over Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Newell and F. E. White came down from Omaha Tuesday for a short visit. Mike Waruo. an pmnlnv rf t)m JIavcluck shops, Sundayed with Tlatts mouth friends. Hon. E. M. Pollard of Nehawka. passed through Plattsmouth Tuesri.av enroute for Omaha. Mr. and Mr?. Geo. B. Lehnhoff and little daughter, of Omaha, Sundayed with relatives in this city. O. V. Virgin, who receives his mall at Mynard, called Saturday and had his name enrolled for the Journal. Mr. Walter LauKhlln and MIssTocle Chopin, of Greenwood, were married In Lincoln, Saturday, Feb. 13, 1904. In connection with this Bale we will have a special clear a nee sale on As our stock in this department must bo reduced. GREAT BARGAINS IX Men's, Women's and Children's SHOES Don't Forget the E:. Qy. DOWErY 6c SON Miss Jessie Robertson departed Mon day morning for Lincoln to resume her studies In the State university. Miss Gertrude Haumgartner, who was visiting In this city, returned to her home In Nebraska City Monday. . W. S. Copenhavcr is another new addition to the Journal's big list of subscribers at the Murray postofllce. Fred Howland, general foreman of the Ilavelock shops, visited Platts mouth friends the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Chandler aro re joicing over thearrival Tuesday morn ing of a new baby of the female per suasion. Mrs. P. V. (Jates, of Council RlufTs, was here Saturday and Sunday visit ing Mrs. J. W. Johnson, returning home Sunday evening. After a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Lawhead In this city, Mrs; L, A. Russell returned to her home In Ia citic Junction Tuesday. Henry Reed returned from Sulphur Springs, Ark., Friday, where he was for several weeks taking treatment for catarrh trouble, and feels greatly re lieved. Alf Nichols of near Murray, called Saturday and had anotheryear'scredit mark put opposite his name. Mr Nichols Is always a little ahead In pay ing his dues. Judge R. W. Swoaringen, John Stone and Willie were here from Murray Monday night, and while in the city the Judge paid his respects to Journal headquarters. J. P. Falter, Henry uckweller and Philip Thelroir departed Tuesday night for a business trip to Pierce Knox counties. If Philip and Henry don't Invest in a small tract of real estate while absent, we miss our guess. St. John's Club gave a dance at Coate'shall Friday night, which, as usual with all the entertainments given by this club, was participated in byagiKiJ number, all of whom arc high In their praise of the excellency of the occasion. BY KEEPING IN LIME:! And marching straight to Ueelbael? 1 ?o, where you will be re Iid for your trouble by getting the best on the markets. Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits, fresh daily from the markets. VEGETABLES, gathered fresh every morning. 'Phone 54. Waterman Mock I'latUmouth. A Jaunt to Old Mexico. On February 18th the Burlington will run a personally conducted excur sion frcm Lincoln to Old Mexico and return. This Is a rare opportunity to see the "Egypt of the Western Hemi shere" at minimum cost. Early in timation of your intention to accom pany this party Is necessary. For full Information write to (J. W. Bunnell, City Passenger Agt, Burlington lloute Lincoln, Nebraska. "Gut Hell," the favorite cigar. E. G. Bovey & Son WILL HOLD THEIR Annual Muslin Underwear Sale (DEFENDER BRAND) In the Room East of the Dry Goods Store ( Lately Occupied by Bon Elson. For Complete Descriptions of Styles See Hand Bills PRICES 25c, 49c, 75c. 89c and 9Sc 0 EMBROIDERIES Will be placed on sale. The Greatest Values Ever hIiowii in Plattsmouth. All new goods 8c to 48c a Yard Date, Sale Begins Better Than Gold. "I was troubled for several vears with chronic Indigestion and nervous debility," writes F. J. Green of Lan caster, N. II. "No remedy helped me until 1 began using Electric Hitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife In excellent health for years. She says Electric Hitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invlgorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place In our family." Try them. Only ate. Satis faction guaranteed by F. C. FrlcKc &Co. A nice little valentine uartv was given at the home of Elizabeth Jackson on Saturday afternoon last, in honor of the young hostess. At the o'clock a three course luncheon was served, (lames and dancing were In dulged In, and the guests generally most joyously entertained. Those who participated In the happy event were: Alice Root, Charlotte Fetzer, iHimtliy Brltt, Ellen Pollock, Fern Eads, Ger trude Morgan, Helen Herold, Mauiine LchnholT, Madallne Miner, Mildred Johnson, Masie iHniglass and Mildred Cummins. The work of covering the celling of F. J. Morgan's Moro room with corru gated metal has leen completed. This Is a very substantial improvement, and also Improves the appearance of the room. It Is an excellent piece of work, how s master workmanship, and reflects great credit upon John llauer, the contractor. Come to the opening of our store Saturday afternoon and evening, Feb. 20. We want to get acquainted with you.our desire is to treat everybody cor dially at all times, nice music will 1h furnished and a souvenir for visitors that day. Geo. W. Gllinan, the drug gist, dates block. Win. Stockliam and Fred Hecbner of Nehawka, were In the city on busi ness this morning, coining in on tic 5:43 train last evening. While here Itoth gentlemen vailed on the Journal. AV. M. Thomas left Tuesday for a business trip to Furnas county. For a bad tate in the mouth take a few des of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. 2:. cents. War ranted to cure. Fur sale by all il rug Cists. Pretty Miss Nellie Ila.M'oinb, Omaha: "I owe my good looks and health to Hollister's Hucky Mountain Tea. Have fully regained my health." Tea or tablets, 3.". cents. Many country merchants sell goods cheaper than the big mail order house but they forget to tell the general public that fact through the columns of their local newspaper. A great many farmers are selling out and leaving Cass county, on ac count of high rents and the pike of land. Most of them are going to kla homa or Indian Territory. Our old friend, Conrad Schlater, dropped in Tuesday to see how the Journal was getting alone. This is his first visit In two weeks, the weather having been too cold for him to get out. A fine view of Main street of Platts mouth, from Seventh street to the river, will be one of the illustrations in the February number of the Jour nal Magazine. Also a view of the 15. & M. bridge. The Journal's friend Charley Stone. of Murray, has purchased a lino resi dence property In that village. This looks rather suspicious Charley, but we will defer extending congratula tions for a few weeks yet. Dr. Richards will examine eves at the Riley Hotel, Monday, February, 2iul, both day and night The doctor needs no recommendation, as the hun dreds of persons can testify with whom he has done business w ithin the hut few years at Gering & Go's drug store. ODDS AND ENDS Lace Curtains - AND- REMNANTS -OF SHK Dress Goods, Etc. From nil departments. Monday, Feb. 15 Dr. E. A. Walker, late of I'nion, gone to Muskogee, Oklahoma, to Ic catc, If the surroundings suit him, and it is to be hoped they will. 'I he best physic. "Once tried and you will always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says William A. Girard, Pease, Vt. These Tablets arc the most prompt, most pleasant and most reliable cathartic In use. For sale by all druggists. Ir. Richards, the eye and eyesight specialist of Omaha, will be at tl.c Riley Hotel Monday, February 22nd, lK)th day and night, and will exainli c eyes and lit them with glasses, acd guarantees all work. I f you are unable to visit him in the day time, lie will serve you in the evening. Don't fail to come in and siibserile for the Journal by March 1st If jou want the Journal Monthly Maga.ii e, which is alone worth one dollara y ar. Remember If you subscribe for and i ay by that lime you get both for that money. After that date ymi will have to pay 1.30 for the two. A dispatch from Minneapolis, Minn, reports "four marriages in one family the same day." It dues not, state whether "Teddy the Terror" worked up the event or not. If Teddy could work olT a few of the old maids in Plattsmouth on some marriageable gents, they would undoubtedly feel grateful to him. When you feel blue mid that every thing goes wronif, take a dose or CliamlK-rlain's stomach nnd Liver Tablets. They will cleanse :,nd in vigorate your stomach, regulate your bowels, give you a reli!i f. r your food and make you feel that in this old world Is a good place to live. For sale by all druggi.sls. The Februry number of the Journal Magazine will contain among other good things, the able address delivered by Prof. K. L. House, Kiipeiinlendenl of the liattsinoiitli public schools, .. fore the annual Sfate Teachers' Assn elation last year. Ve publish this able document by request of a nuinlier of teachers of Cass vounty. r 1904! W e take this opportunity of. returning our nukst .sincere thanks for "past favors, and solicit a continuance of your patronage in tho future. During UH.U, we shall endeavor to Bupply tho market, as usuh' with that Which Suits the People! both in quality and prices. Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, wo invito all to como and be comforted by making your purchases from tho largest furniture houso in Plattsmouth. Sattler & Fassbender. We regret to learn that our est coined friend. J. A. Walker, of Murray, lias been in very feeble health for the past several months. The Journal hopes Willi the daw n of spring he will have fully recovered to his former health. It Isn t How much cold cream a woman puts on her face but how much Rocky Mountain Tea she takes Inside that brings out real beauty. Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea complexions stay, o") cents. Tea or tablets. Ger ing & Co. Geo. .7. Meisinger, of near Mynard, was in the city Monday, and while here called and renewed for the Jour nal another year. Mr. Meisinger be longs to that numerous family who have so nearly run out of names that they now go by numbers, like George or John the first, second and third. J. P. Thackcrand C. Albin, both of near Union, were In the city last Thursday and were callewat the Jour nal headquarters. While here both renewed their subscriptions for an other year. Messrs. Thackcrand Albin are two of Liberty precinct's best citi zens, and we are always pleased to meet them. (Jus Dagcndorfer and family depart ed Tuesday for Pacossett, Indian Ter ritory, near which place they will make their future home. Mr. Dagcn dorfer called Monday to see that his name and postofllce address were placed on the hook all right. Here Is another hard working farmer who leaves in order to make a home for himself and family. Land is too high for him to do it here. J. F. Cook of near Mynard, called Saturday and paid his subscript ion to January I, l'.mii. Mr. Cook contem plates removing to near Precept, Fur nas county, Nebraska, the first of March, where he has purchased a farm. He was ltorn and raised on the old home farm, from where he is mov ing, and it will be bard for him to get weaned away from the scenes of his childhood, yet the Journal wishes him success and contentment in his new home. A slick agent is working down the state on a new advertising scheme. He gets out a catalogue of a rural mule, with the names of all the patrons, and solicits the merchants to put in their ads, on the plea that the patrons on the route are expecting the meiehants to help pay the expenses of the cata logue under the penalty of being Isiy- colled. It is a similar scheme to the hotel directory and such, always a threat attached for those w ho fail to put in a card. Geo. Stander, one of Cass county's energetic farmers, was in Saturday and after paying for his paper another year ordered the Journal sent to his mother-in-law, Mrs. E. A. Clark at Centralia, Mo. Mr. Slander icvntly visited in IJnone county, Mo,, and is well pleased with the country. He says land lias become too valuable hi Cass county for a poor man to get a start, and we would not be surprised to see him eastward bound most any time in the near future. S Blacklcn. 8 s"'"1 S S 8 I k c k i rarmCrS b After IirvIhk owe used l'nrkp, b S Davis iV C,o.'s"l,.leklet,'oiil!l"nHncuro ! S T S ami pivvi'iitivo for UlnrkK'K. you will S InSUrC b nev.-r use nnjtliin else. It tho ! N N Hiireht cure nnd onsiest to uho one I 8 Q lilll.' tlocs the work, nHHiirintr 8 YOtir b Hie Hiuiif iinidiint of m.'tlieine in (.(irli ft X iIimc. 5 ft S A liyixidermie nyriiit,' nnd n little I I CllttG V " of pills isnll tliere is to it. Against AsH Your Neighbor About It il I Use International Stock Food! j If. G. FRICKE & COJ e i T Public Sale The undersigned will sell at Public Auction at his farm, ono miles west and one mile south of Mynard, on Tuesday, February 23d Commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m., the following described property: One gray horse, 8 years old, weight 1 100: one rmn lini-un nt ..1,1 ' ......n., j jtuil Will, weight l.'KK); one team black geldings, o years oio, weignt asoo; one team mares, 7 years old, weight 2800; haV mare. 10 vnnra nl.l wnl.rht I I - ' J i . . 1 w 1 1 . , WVIKUU Jl One havmill'P. li vn-iroiM wnLlif l one two-year-old mule; ono yearll i'iiv 1 iiiit. iivi mi:iii fu firrm. nrr do.en ehiekprw t) lit W I 1 1' 1 1 I II II il. I IllClllir 1 nr nv iiku days; one lladger cultivator; tbrt ii II -1 ....... .1 4 1 . . . . nuiiiiiiKrmuvuLors; i eru riding iibij mu Lin iiiiiHMi w i k nj nwrnrc coin nlnw twn Dlvt.w.r. in.h . Champion hay rake; Champion 1 t 1 r ... . wn I ....... 1.1. 1 . f i"U will IIIUIILUrS WILU CIICCK I teen-foOt harrow lan Imrrnui ,i..:n. " "i 111, otaiK rane; nay rack; 11 vi num imiuess; nuy-gaiion IP) aim oiner articles loo nun mention. Terms of A erorllf nf nun ia .. ' all sums over $10. purchn uaitKame note at eight. est; uii sums unner V.I All property must he: ueing removed. W. D. V W. J) Jones. Audi Sour Stomach No lDDetltn. In nf at nL r r . w. aiioiigui, IIGIVUU9 ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, Cenera! debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach .HV wuimjgaiiuu, rwuuui cures Indlgcatlon. This new discovery repre- nt tH natural 1..! ( j, ' ,ultc, o, oigesuon as tney exist In a heallhu inmak 1.1 j ..L . ,.,.,,., buiiiuiuca wnn the greatest known tonic and reconstructive K.u'"". rwoaoi uyspeps'.a Cure does not only cure Indlcestlnn nnM Hu.n..t. 1,... .li. famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strenclhenlnp ths munm,. m.i. , . ,9 -..-ww buitiaiica lining; the stomach. . Mr. T. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W. Vi., tt kLT ,our s,om,ch '' " Iot baby " " " now u,ln " In nu Kodol Digests What You t Bottles only, i 1. 00 sua holdln, 2 timet tlx trial lie, which aella for 50 cent. Prepared by E. O. D.WITT CO., OHIOAQQ For Sale by F. 0. FRICKE & CO. Liver Pills That's what you need: some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion. Aycr s Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative. Alldr2gI.ts. in; V'liir HI..H.I,., im or Ik kmI licautifut lir.iKii nt Tli h liliirli ? TIii-ii tun BUCKINGHAM'S DYEVSU r ff t"" n W Man A rrt Hum t N H ,,r c,,n f,,r Cir,u,ars wf Kiv. m' C'i'mi.lfteDin cti.m. X fV' t .