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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1904)
1 fho DlnMcrrmnrri .Irmriinl IIU 1 lUVVUiliVUlll VUUI IIUI MCXICAX ft 1 i AIIiXICAN MUAitAA MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN muslang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Austang Liniment Austang Liniment Mustang Liniment lUrt" C UtM' UurU!h '-JruUf... iu use for MVtfr miUy year-, for Mao, Deat r lWtry. uKmt for llorstf aiiuu-ut-. limber mi Stlffjoiuu. iHrt" "" Chilblain. MEXICAN MEXICAN U. A. UATK.S, l'l HUSHKK. V fculcred at the pimtofltrr t l'lutunumth, N bra.ik. mi wcuiuIcIum ruaiit-r. up stiirjoiut. ril't-fllED WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. It Is proposed to furnish the White House ithi complete flrc-alarmKoritf. Well, wliU'l the matter with the pres ent one? Toon Old Mickey is to be downed for rcnomlnatlon. It has been fully demonstrated that he Is entirely too small for governor. Gormax calls a halt on army and navy expenditures and demands more Ifood roads and other Important Inter national Improvements. TitK president will now proceed to "reprimand" those sixteen railroad presidents who oppose his nomination and are In favor of Miles. It seems that stock-jobbing was a part of the Panama conspiracy and that some In the confidence of the ad ministration mado hundreds of thous ands of dollars. It Is intimated that oQlulals are Involved. Tni president said in multitudinous speeches: "Who would pull down the flag? When once raised it must never be lowered. It. must stay put." And now he has been and pulled It down In Cuba, and left the Cuban flag Hying all by Itself. This country is dreadfully shocked, of course, but Is likely to survive. A new "Iowa Idea" has broken out A.UH1 uerore ine legislature makes it necessary for a prospective bride and groom to furnish a reputable physi clans' certificates that they have been thoroughly Instructed in the course prescribed by law concerning the causes of disease and the birth and rearing of children. i . nnnnlo will flirlir uliv it nlllplnl .Inaugurated bv the editor of the li His booms irenenuh' turnout torn-dc-ays. They soar with laiTiuLCS uuu uiu line iiiuuieu i a broken drum. If a can ys success his first step Is -II .41. XT J : . come out llat-footcd A Johnny Mickey is iTird tlmn ta tret a ro. '" emstliat ho IneWsIn 1 t.i. u- m At.- governor, and the tate realize this ! four candidates rlends of Judge A to iret his con JUtL.The bat- . - - r, "Anythfltf to beat strict republicans nmnfa X'.i r men r f n l e crv is. "An vi ii iir r.n rnn r. m icinv" First district republicans arc anx lous to promote Keprescntatlvc Uur kptt to the seriat', not only for the purpose of honoring him but In order that they may send J udge Taul Jessen to congress. Kearney Hub. The Judge would be a great improvement over Gas-bag Hurkett. But then If they wait till Burkett Is elevated to the senate, we arc afraid the Judge stands a very poor show of getting into congress, Tiik editor of the News Is just now ngaged In making candidates for city offices. He no doubt will keep right on at this business until lie has men tioned about every prominent man i'l the city for some position. If hypocri sy will make a man popular the editor of the News Is preparing to make him self so before election by mentioning every available man In town for olllcc. Why don't somebody mention Farley? . Maybe that Is what ho wants. Ir the cand idatcs for county attorney In Cass county would make their an nouncement through the press Instead of by writing letters toa few of the pol iticians they would not only save them selves a great deal of extra labor but the voters In general would become aware that they aro out for the olllcc. Any newspaper In the county will print your announcement, gentlemen, and not charge you moro than the regular local rate. Don't try to slip Into olllcc on the cheap plan. Louisville Courier. Tun esteemed Trlbuno last week Kve Congressman Burkett a punch in the ribs, very much deserved. We congratulate the Tribune upon its course. If we arc to have a republican In tho senate from Nebraska let it be . norae one not of the red-tag variety, like Burkett. Burkett has the How of the mouth to make a first-class auction eer, but lacks the great essential of hard sense so necessary In that occupa tion, and because of the How and lack of sense, the republicans mado hi in vongrcssman. Hastings Democrat. Last fall some people in this city be came greatly Interested In the serving of distress warrants, and from the wall that went up these warrants were not nerved fast enough for them. Circum stances sometimes changes the tunc a ixrson is whistling, and this seems to l the case with one of these fellows at the present time, who from shortage of the wherewith, had the audacity the other day to ask tho treasurer to hold the Issuing of a distress warrrant for his personal tax. Last season the Sheriff was not serving them fast nough for him, but now they can't lie Issued and served any too slow to jleasc him. He evidently lias arrived at that point to learn "how It Is him self' when ho hasn't the money to uy his tax rc!pt. A .MEXIfN. Mustang Liniment curea S-pruinj anil Strains. MEXICAN A1 . , .' . .Jaw!1? L,mmcn 1 u posit vc cure for Piles. Rockefeller and Andrews. In the course of a defense of univer sities accepting money from magnates of the John I). Koekefellertype, Chan cellor K. Benjamin Andrews of the University of Nebraska made the fol lowing extraordinary prophecy: "Society, as it becomes more enlight ened, will snulTout the lives of sickly and deformed infants, to prevent tlieir becoming at maturity a burden to it and to themselves. As with the cradle, so It will be with other cases. A committee of skilled physicians, I lirmly believe, eventually will deter mine the fate of those who are sickly or whoso recovery from disease is im possible. Such persons, if the physi cians agree, will mercifully he put to death." The steel that struck this scintilli tion from what may be presumed 10 be the Hint of the Andrews naluie was a retort hurled at the Chancellor while he was acting as apologist for the Rockefeller business methods and trying to justify the Standard Oil Company's custom of crushing out weak competitors. "Like mercifully taking-up a sickly child and benevolently wringing its neck," interrupted somebody. '-Kx-actly," replied Andrews, and then pro ceeded to air his amazing prediction. It is doubtful whether the trusts will be duly grateful to Mr. Andrews for bringing out in so clear and start ling a light the anology between their methods and that of social progress as defined in the Andrews dictionary, but that is sure-thatthc general pub lic will henceforth know what to think of Andrews. Certain so-called philosophers have suspected that there Is a point where culture and savagery meet that re finement and barbarism are halves of the same circle. Judging by what he says, the Chan cellor of the University of' Nebraska has discovered and taken his post at this exact place of junction. And yet Andrews would doubtless get very mad if anybody should ven ture to say that lie leaned over into the barbarous curve of the circle. It seems to be conceded that Bryan, Thompson, Metcalf and Shellenberger wifl be tuc'iHrjfntoK at largo to the St. Louis convention. This Is tiite a combination, and one that will com mand considerable attention in the national convention. A Cure for Eczema. My baby had Eczema so bad that its head was a solid mass of scabs, and its hair all came out. I tried many reme dies but none seemed to do any per manent good until I used he Witt's Witch hazel Salve. The Eczema is cured, the scabs arc gone and the little one's scalp Is perfectly clean and healthy, and its hair is growing beau tifully again. I cannot give too much praise to DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Erank Farmer, Blulf City, Ky. In buying Witch Hazel Salve look out for counterfeits. DeWitt's is the origi nal and the only one containing pure Witch hazel. The name E. C. hc- Witt & Co. is on every box. Sold by F. 0. Fricke & Co. When You Have a Cold. The first action when you have a cold should be to relieve the lungs. This is bust accomplished by the free use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy This remedy liniilies the tough 11111 cons and; causes its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs, produces a free expectoration, and opens the se cretions. A complete cure soon fol lows. This remedy will cure a severe cold In less time than any oilier treat ment and it leaves the system in a natural and healthv condition. It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by all druggists. Boh Ellis and wife came dow n from Omaha last evening for a visit to his sister, Mrs. Berry Utterback. Mr. Ellis departed today for Ids future home In Idaho, while Mrs. Ellis will remain here until her husband gets fully settled. M. J. and Will Kuinimi returned from a trip to Furnas county the latter part of last week. These gentlemen have purchased a farm in that county, and we regret to learn that they will remove there soon. A. S. Johnson, a B. & M. engineer, running out of Lincoln, was hern yes terday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson. The Journal was favored with a brief call from the gen tleman. Michael Warga, jr.. aged 2.1, and Miss Katharine Matoush, aged 'Jl, both of Havclock, were granted a marriage license yesterday. Miss Matoush is the daughter of A. Matoush, of this city. Kunsman & Baiuge will occupy the room vacated by (illluiun. Die drug gist, as Noon as it can be placed In readiness. 2."), 30, and 3 gallon sugar kettles at John Bauer's. Sawdust for sale liy the car load or wagotiload C. A. Riuiauj. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment . . cures Siuvtn and Ringbone MEXICAN Austang Liniment cures nil forms of KhenmatUm. MEXICAN Murray, Svhi CiirrcNiciiitlriit. Mont. Itohli made a business trip to iinalia Tuesday, Henry Snyder, the I'lattsmouth jew eler, as a visitor to this burg, Wed nesday. Bev. Jackson, of Lincoln, w ill preach at the Christian church next Sunday. The new organ will also he dedicated. Wm. Holmes, who recently sold his property here, will leave with his fam ily for Kansas as soon as he can secure a car. Their many friends in this vi cinity unite In wishing them success and happiness in their new home. T J. Khoilen, who hasbeen suffering with typhoid fever, is reported to be iua very serious condition. S. 1. Smith and family, of Havclock, are visiting with relatives in this vi cinity. Ir. Walker, Mrs. Chas. Carroll, Wm. Ilenrieks and Mrs. Taylor left Tuesday lor Oklahoma, where tliey will spend some time looking at the country. The dunce conducted by Bert Blill pot, which took place Saturday night in the brick hall, was very much en joyed by all present. Saturday night the Modern Wood men initiated two new members into the mysteries of woodcraft, and have another for next meeting night. Lee Allison visited in town a couple of hours last Saturday afternoon, for the lirsttiinesinceOctober.- Thiscon dition is much improved at present. A Visit to Murray. A Journal representative made a Hying trip to Murray last Friday, and hadn't more than landed from the train ere Charley 'Stone took charge of us as his guest, and would not let loose of us until after we had partaken of an elegant dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Berger. It Is Indeed a comfort for a newspaper man to get away from home occassionally, es pecially when he has an opportunity of partakinir of a sumptuous repast as we did on this occasion. We did not have as much time on this trip as we wished, and consequently did not have the opportunity of seeing many of those we desired. When the weather gets a little warmer we expect to visit Murray again and write up the busi ness interests of our thriving little neighbor, and visit more of our friends. Relief in One Minute. One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute, because it kills the microbe which tickles the mucous membrane, causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inflammation and heals and soothes the affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of Coughs, Colds and Croup. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for old and young. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Accidently Killed. Saturday afternoon Ansel rittman, son of C. W. rittman, living near Ne haw ka. a young man about 20 years of age, was going to the field with a younger brother for a load of straw. He carried a loaded shot gun In his hand; and on the way stopped to catch a rope that was falling oil the wagon. As be :lid so the hammer of the gun struck i-ometliing and fired the charge which struck near the lower rib, and, ranging upward, severed an artery, finally lodging just below the collar hone. His death was Instantaneous. The funeral services occurred Monday, under the auspices of the Ancient Order United Workmen, of which he was a member, carrying $1,000 insur ance. Escaped an Awful Fate. Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla., writes: "My doctor told me I had Consumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. The olfcr of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, induced me to try It. Results were startling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe it all to Dr. King's New Discovery. It surely saved my life." This great cure Is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by F. C. Fricke, druggist. Trice 50c and 1. Trial bottles free. Have You Indigestion? If you have Indigestion, Kodol Dys pepsia Cure will cure you. If; has cured thousands. It is curing people every day- every hour. You owe It to your self to give It a trial. You will con tinue to sutler until you do try It. There Is no other combination of dl gestants that digest and rebuild at the same time. Kodol docs both. Kodol cures, strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by F. (i. Flicked Co. Illr-'N work fur man fmm the llrsl Kllimni-r of IIl'IiI. ItiK-ky .Mmnitiiln Ten works fur luiinkliiil Uilli l;iy ami nik'lil. That h why Ii 1 famuli tin" worlit 01T mid (IT. It Mill not let y,ul turn over tun! tuki iiiiotlicr hiion:. lierhiK Jk to, Have you indigestion, constipation. headache, backache, kidney trouble? Ilolllsters Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well. f It falls get your m y bae'e That's fair. Tea or tablet form. ccuLs. Ccrlng & Co. i a MEXICAN Mustang Liniment ...i i..t.i.. heal Uld Sort's quickly. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cure Coked Udder in cow b. MEXICAN Sheriff's Sale. BV vlrliii' uf nn (inli r of sjilo Usiicd liy ,lnv KoU-rlson. clerk of the district inurl. Uliln hihI lor Chs county, N'tliritskii. mid to mi' direvn-d. 1 will uil U10 Stb Day of March. A. D , 1904 nt S o'clock p. in., of Mild day tit t In sult Ii di Kir of the court liousc. In tlio Cliy of rialtsmotit Ii. In Mtld cininty. sell ut pulilic miction, to tlin Iik'lu-it litddt r for, the followliiK real Mull- to-wit: Iti'trlnnhiK ut t lit northwest eornerof north oust itutirter of the northeast uuurlcr of sec tion -4 111 Uiwnship II raiiKc lit, east of the Dili principal uterinum 111 1 iis iouut.y, eiiritska thence rulililiiir south aloiu; the west line 11 said tract (Ml and UIH'M feel to it luirr-tmli .lake, t hencii north as deurves, ttl minutes east from Mild west line Ml unit Nl-IKI feel to the north line of said trad, thence west itlouit said north line 4!rj feet to the place of In fill iiiiik. coiualiiinu J and Ki-ltm acres more or less, r.xccpt from the llrit description herein I lie following descrlltcd laud, coutmeuclni; at a point IS feet east of the norl hwest corner of thu nnrthi'ast iiunrti-r of the northeast, iimir ter of section 24, In toiishlu K. runiri' III. Cuss county, Nehraska. thence ruriilnir smith parallel with the west Hue of said tract I'.i feet, thence east parallel with the norl Ii II 111 of said tract 44 feet thence north 174 feet thence west 44 feet to the place of luvlllliini: I'ontalnlmt litt-IUCUor ail acre, which said des rrlptlou has liecn released from tho lien of said inorU'iitfi!. together with the privileges anil appurtenances thereunto itclouuiin; or In uny wise apiiertalnltij.' I he same liclni: levied upon and tuken us the property of Haulel lltirrls. Nancy A. Ilurrls. John l. Tint. I.lovd 11. Ilennett, Maritaret Iteiinett. Artie M. ,Mor row. us administratrix of the estate of W II mini Morrow, deceased, ItuMi-r I urti-r. and Mrs. lltiMler Carter and the Oily of I'latls mouth. Ilefendents to satisfy a .udi;inent of sunt court ns-overed hy Anselino 11. Stullli. plaint 111', against mi id defendants. I'latls- iiKiutli, :Sclruskii. l-eliruary im., A. I).. Hull. .i.mi. 11. .Ml IIKI .Irskk Ij. KllOT. I'lalntllf's Attorney Sheriff. Cass Co.. .eh. Administration Notice. TN TIIK COUNTY CorKT OK CASS ((UN A I y. Nehraska. In the mutter of the estate of Stephen M. llavis.dts-eased. Marv.M. Davis. Troy L. Davis Frank .1. Davis mid Scarl S. Davis, it minor, mid ull other persons Interest ed In the estate of said deceased are hereby notllicd that upon thclfith (lav of l-Vlmiarv, A. D.. l'.mt. Krank J. Davis Hied In said court Ids duly verllled petition uIIckIuk utnoiur ijthi-r things that Stephen M. Davis died in testate In said con in yon the lttth day of lili. rtiary. 1!KI4. seized ami isissessed of real and personal estate situated In said county to he administered upon. Tho prayer of said pe tition Is that thu court appoint said Troy I.. Davis as administrator of said estate. Von are notified that a hearing will la' had ti.ii said petition at. thu county court room at riattsinoutli. Cass county. Nelirasktt. timu tlin lnth day of March. I!m4. at II o'clock In the forenoon, and If you fail to appear at said lime and object to the proceedings the court may appoint Troy 1 Davis, or some oilier suitable person administrator of said estate uml proceed to it settlement thereof. Witness tuy hand and the si -a I of said court at riausnioiilli, this l.ilh (lay of I ebrnarv. A. D 1IKI4. IIAKl r.l II. TKA IS. KKAI.j County .linip-. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, I - ' , , Cass County. ( SH- In County Court. In the matter of Hie estate of Knuil Hanson deceased. Mill lee Is hereby irlven Unit the eredilors of M said deceased will meet the executor. Lewis Hanson, of said estate, before me county JuilKe of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court r,Him in I'lattsmouth. In snld county, 011 the lh day of March. I:I4. and on the twenty-ninth day of AuriisI, 1!M. at 111 ocliM-k a. m each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. Six months nre ill lowed for the creditors of SI1 1 used U) present their claims, and one year and six months for the executor to set t le sijlu estate, from the :tltli day of February, Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, ut l'laltsinouili. Nebraska, this iilli (lay of January, mu. Hvhvky I). Tiiavis. (skal.) County .lude. Notice to 4 Creditors. Slate of Nebraska I ; County of Cuss In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Kolicrt K arnes. deceased : JsTotick Is hereby itlven that the creditors of , sulci decensed will meet the adudnlsi ra toror said estate In-fore inn, county Indue of Cass count y. Nebraska, at the count v court room In IMattsinouth, in said 1 n'ty and stale. 1111 the lot Ii day of March. Iwn. and on hilh day of Septemls-r. I!)4, at n:nu o'clock a. m. each day. for the, purpose of presentlmr their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims, and one year for the administrator to settle said estate from the lutli day of .March, Witness my hand and seal of said county court at Haltsmoutli, Nehraska. this 4th day of February, mm. Haiivkv D. Thavih. County Judce. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, I Ciisn County. Is" In County Court. In the matter of the estate of Iturlon W. Mar nier, deceased. JTOTICK I hereby irlven Unit the creditors ' or said deceased will meet the adminis trator of said estate, la-fore me. Count v .1 imIl'i- of Cass county. Nebraska, ut the ty court f'.?'.1".1" 1 1'dlsniouth. In said county, on the 14th day of April, 1!I4. and on the 14th day of N-ptemlM-r III o'clock a. hi ich the purpose of presenUnifthelr claims fore umliuitlon, adjustment and allowance. 7," ."'""H's are allowed for the eredilors of suldn.s-eased to present their claims, and one year for the administrator to settle said es tate from th0 ion, (y (l Mnp,.,, twt Witness my hand uml seal of said couiily court, ut I'Ullsniouth, Nebraska, this li.lli day of hehruury, lii. lKKAi.1 IIAUVEV I. TIIAVIM. Count y .ludk'i-. Notice of Administration. TTI'EMATTKUOP TIIK KSTATI'. U- Michael u Dounhiic deceased. All -rsoiis nterested In stild estm,. are hereby notllled that it petition has been tiled In the Count v Court of Cuss county. Nebraska. itlleKlnif that said ilts-eascd died leaving no hist will and praylinifor administration uimn Ids estate. im tin i ii tney tall toapix-ur ut said conrl the city nf I'laltsmoinli. Nebrasku. on the hh.Ii day of March. Inu4. at nine o'clock a. m.. tiieoiitesl the said m-II Ioii ll oitrt may L'ranl Ihesaiiieiind uriint udmlnlsirallonof said es t itn toAshrr Clark or some other suitable M-rsoii uml proceed ton settlement I hens if, lHISM IIAIIVKY ll. TIIAVIS. County . I iiiIkc. CCiCC05C005COCOOQOOl Perry's Restaurant f ?nlShort Order House f iooeocococcosoacoooococvJ Monls SitvimI nt Regular Monl Hours, Fresh Oysters (IN SEASON) Fish or nnytLiiiK' in Market. j QXK5XS3XDJXDGXD S OIVK US A CALL. P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor, MARTIN BUILDING, North Sldt I- Main Strait )ln Strait 8 00060009 u ' i Uso... L MEXICAN Mustang Liniment . .V . licst for Cuttlo -. iluiculs. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Hest for Sheep nilmt tits. Our e CO U o o u o c Per cent, CD (6 P INDIOPJCNDICNT 'PHONIC 198. y PloLttsmouth, HIS FIRST START in tho world was f nun S. VI N That is true (if ninety-nine in a hun dred of the .successful men whilst; names you see in the papers. J'ol- inw uieir jriKxl example and put your money, even a few dollars, in this bank. That, with the inter est we pay, may put vou in busi ness for yourself. Start an ac count now. Plattsmouth Saving Bank. ..HORSES.. mr-v ' , i r . 'ji'.tw' mt .n v V-.. . X.'A FOR SALE OR TRADE! I luivi' just shipped in a couple of car loads of eond all purpose horses and mares, which I will oiler for Mile or will trade fur smaller horses for tho I ho southern market. Call and sec horses at my farm. A. S. WILL. II. Ii. TUAVK ATTOllSr.V-.VM.AW HllOMK H, U, W AMI II. WvrilUM. 1 1 l.l M K, I'l.A ITSMtH Til. M UUAsKA. KI.IIIIASKA TKI.r.l'llilNr., '.""""'I. I m.ri iir i k. 4 Grain Wanted! I'.y the S. V.. Walnwrlk'lit Uraln & Lumber Co. Seed. V. Maker, at the I'erkiiiH I louse, or M. S. Ilrls, up stairs In the CoatcH bK-k. I'latts mouth, Nclt. C. I. I.onu departed Tuesday morn ink' for Ills ranch in (Jailh-ld county. His father accompanied him. mmMm MEXICAN Mustann Liniment . 1 lciut rates tv the very bone. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment nlwn given untlsfactlot;. JaLnuatry Business Increased over our December, business of 1903 Why 7 because the people are becoming aeiiainletl with our meth ods of iloinj business, and find that we represent nothing we do not do and they pay for nothing they do not tfet. MR. READER Just try us Yourself. PEARSON.. UNION BLOCK, FIRST Farm and Ranch Lands In Adams, Phelps, Harlan and Furnas Counties, Nebraska at from 2 to $45 PER ACRE Depending on Location and Improvements For 1' rice Lists VV. ffl. Lowman or -1- Ltnouln Axe. Hastings, XchrasU; Hall's Cash Store Vi.r 3 packages 25 cents. Malta ila. per package 14 cents. M.rce per package j milSs niia.H ats, per package i) mits. UhitelWeOats, per package...'..... J ccnts. Anchor Matches, per paekatf 20 cents 1 leans, per can o 4 n ' vai V cents. torn, per can o. a,nls Three pound can Tomatoes .10 lleisel s Plamsifter Flour $ i ,)() " t l'remain Patent. ; " i ) Ueepinn; Vator I)iarn(,d i 00 Hiakenhdd lwl 1 ' 1 l i I oil latent, . . 1 10 Twenty lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 D It. MAIIMI.VLL HKMIST. IHA"-- l"'.'V'f.""",:,l ',th . mini.-Unit li-i- ti usiiniilili-, -'i i n iiiirituiis-ii. nl-'KleK Hum'k. To. ll sr No. Suit ir ... Tlie It. M. pay car inad lt,s usual nioiitltly MMi t !,,,, i,r,ay( and therinplorcH were made happy. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment ltcst thlug lor u luuie hurtiv. Mustang Liniment drives out ull intlanimntion. to Nebraska.. CLASSIC- and M.itw trriin i, - - -(-' M IVV . ' E. A. Paine & Co. Oxford, Neb. V Abstracts of Title V Thomas Ualliij. OKKICK-Aiilicuw-r-lluKli IIUh Ic. w -w w y w r4ririrtra Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block,