The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 11, 1904, Image 7

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    The Men Who Will Lead
The Armies of the Czar
Koiiropatkin Well Known
as One of the Finest
Soldiers of the
Present Day.
Was the Right Hand of
Russia's Greatest and
Most Brilliant Gen
eral. Skobeleff.
The late Archibald Forbes, tho war
correspondent, was fund of telling
how he mot Skobeleff. the Russian
Mcneral, after one of the flercet of
i he many desperate fights before
"I was sitting In my tent writing a
despatch," said Forbes, "when the flap
was suddenly drawn allele and in
i 7si 1
0 I.
r . .(VP.
stalked the most terrible and awe In
spiring object I have ever seen In my
life. It was Skobeleff, whom I knew
well, but I had to look twice before I
recognized him.
"His smart general's uniform was
torn into shreds and stained with
blood and gunpowder from head to
foot. Ills sword, which ho held !n his
Imnd, was simply smothered In blood,
and great drops of it fell on the Moor
of Iho tent as ho greeted me.
"There was a terrible gash across
the top of his forehead, and his eyes
still blazed with the fierce excitement
of the hand-to-hand fight which ho had
just had with hundreds of Turks.
"While he stood there telling me
about tho battle, his favorite Cnptain
Koiiropatkin, came up and called him
away to decide about the disposition
of some of tho prisoners. Kouropat
kin hx)ked even more lilto a god of
war fresh from the scene of carnage.
"Ho was bleeding from half a dozen
wounds, but he stood as steady as a
rock when lie saluted Skobeleff. The
latter suggested that ho had better go
into the hospital, but ho curtly re
plied: "No, general. Thcro Is work to be
"I heard afterward that Skobeleff
and Koiiropatkin had fought sido by
side throughout that bloody day, and
had slain the Turks literally by doz
ens. Their exploits formed the theme
of many a story told beside the camp
(Ires of both armies throughout the
Capt. Koiiropatkin, who was the
right-hand man of Skobeleff a
ihrnugh the kusso-i urkish war, as
well as In the fight at Plevna, Is now
Gen. Koiiropatkin, the czar's minister
of war, and the most noted of all the
Russhiu fighting men.
Koiiropatkin became tho hero of the
Russian army, second only to his
great leader Skobeleff, by his bravery
'"They will not be able to conqaer I
tho Turcomans," he declared. "The
'iurcoman barrier will last for our
lifetime at least."
Gen. Tergoukasoff. the Russian com
mandur In Ceutral Asia, disagreed
with Ird Salisbury. He told the crar
that the Turcomans might be con
quered by three years' hard fighting.
"That la too long," said the ciar.
He recalled Tergoukasolf and sent
Skobeleff to command the troops. Sko
beleff promptly secured Koiiropatkin
for his chief lieutenant, and together
they performed In a few weeks the
task which the Urltlsh Premier had
declared would take a lifetime.
Geok Tepe, the great stronghold of
the Turcomans, wai carried by assault
after a month's siege. The brunt of
the attack fell on Koiiropatkin, who
commanded a body of light troops
from Turkestan.
It was a great victory, but It Bullied
the reputation of both tho Russian
leaders. They ordered their troops to
Rive no quarter to the Turcomans of
t'.ther sex, and all the horrors usual
when Biich orders are given were perpetrated.
Spectators say that even when the
Turcomans flud In a disorderly mob
across tho desert, men, women and
children mingled together, no mercy
was shown to them. Artillery and
cavalry followed In their rear and
mowed them down until darkness put
an end to the pursuit.
In that few hours' chase 1.000 pur
suing Russians slaughtered 8,000 fu
gltlves, while over six thousand were
massacred In the fortified camp of
Geok Tepe.
"The whole country was covered
with corpses," said Samuel Gouro
vltch, who acted as interpreter in the
Russian forces. "The morning after
the battle they lay In rows like fresh
ly mown hay, as they had been swept
down by the mltratlleurs and artillery.
"Hundreds of women were sabred,
and I myself saw babies bayoneted or
slushed to pieces. The troops, mad
with drink and the lust of fighting,
were allowed to plunder and kill for
three days after the assault."
This Is the single great blot on Gen.
Kouropat kin's record. It Is true thnt
he was not In supreme command, but
bis Turkestan troops played the lead
ing part in tho slaughter.
He is a great leader of men. The
march of his Turkestan contingent
across the almost unknown deserts of
Central Asia. In order to Join SNobe-
srhomos for conquering liu'.la plceoa-
holttd in his desk.
Auother well known Russian sol
dier, who might be expected to play
leading part in time of war. Is Gen.
Ubrubcheff. He is tho hero of a hun
dred desperate fights In the successive
Central Asian campaigns, aud enjoys
a greater reputation for personal four
age than probably any other Russian
During the siege of Geok Ten Ot
rubrheff was sent out by Skobeleff one
night to reconnoiter the position of
the enemy. He refused to take any
soldiers with him, as the other officers
detailed for that duty used to do, but
went alone disguised In Turcoman
He penetrated to one of the camp-
fires of the Turcomans, underneath
the walla of the fortress, and sat down
and calmly ate supper with them, In
'he Election of a President on I
Tariff Reform Plank Drawn Up by
the Party of the People Means End
of Trust Extortion
X yj-c ''c
o 4' 7 1
Advance to Ural Mountains on East
and to Archangel on North,
and fine generalship a I tho capture of
Geok Tepe In 1882.
When the Russians, bnlked In their
dreams of winning Constantinople by
the Berlin Congress, were making
their great swoop through Central
Asia to the gates of Hernt. I.ord Sal
isbury told the nrltlsh imbllc not to
be alarmed for the safety or inula
Dr. Walker for Thirty Years a Teacher
in China.
Among the most Interesting of the nttenillnc the general con
ference of tho Methodist church In a
Angeles, Cal., next May. will be Rev.
Ii. Wilbur Kiske Walker of Tientsin,
who will represent the north thlna
conference. They will leaie PeUIn by
the Slebrlan railroad, come through
Russia and northern Europe, and ar
rive In New York alout the middle of
April. Dr. Walker has been a mission
ary in north China for over thirty
years and was a member of the heroic
band that held tho British legation
during the slego of Pekln In 19ml. be
ing one of the two missionaries In
command of the 3,000 native Chris
tians whi aided tho foreigners In tho
defense. lx Chi Ming Is one of the
famous native preachers of China, be
ing a graduato of tho Pekln Methodist
university. He. too. Is a hero of ths
Chinese war of 1M. having giAdod
the relict expedition from TinTin
to rckln.
Part of Lapland Added Permia Dis
trict Conquered.
leff for tho slego of Geok Tepe, was
as line an achievement as Ixinl Rob
erts' famous inarch to Cnndnhar.
"Koiiropatkin," said Gen. Annen
koff. who met him at the end of the
march, "had been for twenty-six days
marching over a sandy and waterless
desert, yet his force marched in clean
and trim, and as fresh as a daisy."
Gen. Koiiropatkin Is now the unchal
lenged head of the war party in Rus
sia. He believes In pushing Russian
troops to tho uttermost ends of Asia.
In the movements toward the Indian
frontiers, which have alarmed Eng
land In recent years; In the absorp
tion of Manchuria, and In the threat
ened attacks on Corea, his hand Is
plainly to be seen by Hny one familiar
with Russian politics.
Before becoming minister of war,
Kouropatklu commanded the Russian
army. He would probably command
It again In the fi.Md In nny campnlgn
that amounted to a national emer
gency, for he is unquestionably Rus
sia's greatest general.
He Is the Idol of the army, for Sho
bel"ff Is a name to conjure with in the
Russian service, and he was Skobe
leff's right hand man In four campaigns
the Russo Turkish war, the Khlvan
expedition and the Khokandese aud
Merv campaigns.
One of Kouropatkln's strongest sup
porters to-day Is the same Gcu. Annen
kot! who admired his march through
the desert to Join Skobeleff before
Geok Tepe.
Gen. Anuenkoff has played a leading
I art in the in' .v;nlnst England
on the Indian frontier, and Is credited
with having at least fifty specific
1648-1809 Siberia, Crimea and Finland
troducing himself as a man from an
other branch of the tribe who had
been separated from his comrades.
From the talk around the campfirc
he learned all he wanted to know, and
he was about, to retire iinobtruslvel
when n Turcoman, who had known
him as a Russian olllcer before tho
war, strolled up to the eanipllre and
recognized him.
Almost before the Turcoman could
denounce him Obruhohcff sprang to
his feet, drew his sword, rushed to
tho nearest horse and cut It looss
from its heel rope. Several Turco
mans riu.hed up, but he cut his way
through them aud was swallowed uv
In the darkness before most of them
realized what was happening.
The czar's uncle, the Grand Duke
.Michael, may be regarded as the
Nestor of the Russian army. Ho
played a loading part In the Rosso
Turkish war. commanding the army
of tho Caucasus.
He is now 72 and would not bo like
ly to take tho field again. Hut ho
would certainly help to form Russia's
plan of campaign if she went to war.
He has been a soldier for over fifty
years, and his military talents are
held in high esteem by Russian offi
cers. Another grand duke, Alexis Alex-
androvitrh, is the theoretical head ol
the Russian navy, being high admiral
He takes keen interest in naval mat
tors, but the practieal control of then:
is in tho hands of Vice-Admiral Tyr
tow, who directs tho ministry of ma
rine. Count Lanisdorff. the foreign minis
ter. Is regarded in Russia as a very
poor successor to such diplomatic
giants as lgnatieff. Oortchakoff and
Lobanoff. lie is unpopular with the
army, because he has always shown
himself to be on the side of peace.
Other ministers of the czar surround
The outlook for tariff reform was
never brighter than at present. The
election of a Democratic president la
more promising than at any time
since 1892, and a Democratic majority
In the next House of Representatives
Is more than probable. A change of
only a few votes In a majority of the
close states and congressional dis
tricts will produce that happy result.
Every one, by talking with his neigh
bors, can find a considerable percent
age of Republicans who are either de
nouncing trust extortion or are dis
gusted with the policy of their lead
The independent voter, the suffer
Ing workingman whose wages are be
ing reduced, the farmer who Is paying
protection prices and whose products
sell In competition with the world, the
citizen of limited income who finds
the cost of living beyond his means,
all of these, who are not hide-bound
partisans, are awaiting the opportun
ity to vote for tariff reform. These
and other voters are not made more
satisfied with conditions, since the
manifest, attempt of the Republicans
to confine the Investigation of graft
ing and looting In the government
service to the lesser rascals.
A large element of conservative Re
publicans la dissatisfied with Presi
dent Roosevelt and many aro openly
opposing his nomination for another
term. A much greater number are
secretly working for his defeat. Many
of the old soldiers are disgruntled
with the aspect of affairs; they fear
the departure from the honest and
less spectacular government of former
years and long for the return to the
more conservative administration of
Lincoln and the other fathers of the
Republican party. In some of the
most important states, such as Now
York, Indiana and Illinois, the pros
pect Is that enough of these dissatis
fied elements to turn the scale will
vote against their party or stay at
home on election day.
Those voters whose hearts are set
upon reforming tho tariff and curbing
the exactions of the trusts, but who
think the Senate will stand as a bul
wark against reform, can tako cour
age when they remember there are a
number of Republican Senators who
are Inoculated with the anti-trust
virus and will respond to the public
demand for reasonable tariff reform
and an honest and economical admin
istration of national affairs. With
a Democratic president and a major
ity of the House of Representatives of
tho same political affiliation there will
bo found enough Senators to pass a
reform bill that will at least reduce
the tariff so that trust productions
will be sold as cheaply here as
plex system of production aud
change. If intelligence, honesty and
sense of Justice were cemmeusurate
with natural advantages, prosperity j
would be a permanent condition."
This tails part tit the story but It
Iocs not tell all. The trusts and their
crafty manager have uudoubtedly
over-reached themselves In their ef
fort to grab more than their fair
shares. They hart, lit fart, killed, or
nearly killed, the goose that lays the
golden eggs for them. But what Is
responsible fur these trusts and their
crafty unscrupulous managers? Where
did they get the power to work so
much mischief and to upset our pros
perity when oat it rat condltiens were
entirely favorable' to continued pros
perity? There can be but one Intelligent
answer to these questions. Thwo
hundreds of greedy trusts with crafty
nianagers are here to trouble us be
cause of bad legislation. They began
to grow and fiourlth Immediately after
the passage of the Dlngley tariff bill
In 1897. This outrageous piece of leg
islation put a wall around rearly 80,
000,000 of people and said to the pro
tected manufacturers, "The peoplo
are now at your mercy, we have cut
them off from foreign markets. Go for
them! Plunder them! Make the most
of your opportunities."
The manufacturers were net slow In
accepting the Invitation. They form
ed great trusts In all Industries. They
put prices p to the highest levels
known in recent years. There was
great prosperity for the trusts. For
tunately for them the country was
blessed with tho greatest crops known.
Fortunately also foreign crops wero
poor and high prices obtained for
our crops. These facts made better
picking for the trusts and caused less
squawking from the farmers who were
being plucked. Hut for tho millions
who aro neither farmers nor trust
owners these years of high prices and
cost of living have been hard ones.
These millions will be thankful when
hard times and lower prices return
and when the trusts take a back seat
The moral of all this is, as Presl
dent Roosevelt sees it, "Stand pat,"
and keep the tariff at the highest notch
and let the trusts get as much as jkjs
siblo before disturbing them.
Republicans to Meet in Lincoln,. May
18, to Name Ticket.
LINCOLN Chairman Lindsay of
the republican state committee has
mailed to the chairman and secretary
of thu various county committees tho
official call for the state convention
to be held In the auditorium In IJn
coin, Wednesday. May 18. By the
rules of the national committee It is
necessary for the call to be published
at least thirty days before the state
convention. The call follows;
The republicans of the state of Ne
braska are hereby called to meet In
convention at the auditorium In the
elty of Lincoln on Wednesday. May
18, 1904, at 2 o'clock In tho afternoon,
for the purpose of placing in nomina
tion candidates for the following of
fices, to be voted for at the next gen
eral election to be held In the state of
Nebraska. November 8, 1904, viz.:
lieutenant governor.
Secretary of state.
Auditor of public accounts.
Superintendent of public instruc
Attorney general.
Commissioner of public lauds and
Eight electors of president and vice
And to elect four delegates-at-largo
and four alternates to the republican
national convention to be held In the
city of Chicago, HI., on Tuesday, the
21st day of June, 1904; and for the
transaction of audi other business as
may regularly come before said state
"Soup-House Prosperity.'
cm. Hm-r, in
wMocorr w.flfV XaTval I cmivr
ii V
NTS" ,
"You can fool part of the people all
of the time; all of the peoplo part
of t!;o time; but you can't fool all the
people all tho time." Abraham Lin-
col u.
Good Work of Charity.
Lewis Stiiyvesant ('hauler, the mil
lionaire New Yorker, Is coming to be
called "the rich lawyer for tho poor."
He has been around the courts for
ten or twelve years, and In Hint time
bus defended prisoners oft oner than
be can eniemhi-r without getting a
cent for bis services. On one occa
sion he paid the $2."i fine imposed on
a poor loil who was caught In a pol
icy rHld. The man paid him back In
half-dollars and quarters a he could
scrape them together. Mr. Chanler
Is now defending a woman who Is
charged with having murdered her
hu.diand. He Is a pleasant faced fel
low of 34. aiiout six feet tall, married
nnd the happy father of two children.
Port Arthur and Tallenwan Leased
From China 1898 Advance Com
menced 1898.
themselves by secret service agents
and are as difficult to Interview as tlx
Grand Lama of Tibet. Not so Lams
dorft. Ho mixes freely with the pub
lie. alone and unguarded, and anybody
with a reasonable excuse can see him
at bis office any day. New York Sun
Well-Informed Congressman.
Congressman Henry 8. lUuitell of
Chlragu ha a passion for digging
Into old records ami hunting up lit
ers rr conceits. Ho has a most curi
ous collection of old epitaphs, which
ho thinks of publishing. Mr. Iloutell
is a storehouse of Information regard
ing oddities of American and English
Facts Must Be Produced to Satisfy
' Senator Allison.
senator Allisons weariness of dl
reel statements Is proverbial anion?
public men In Washington. The an
ecdote about a friend w inning a wage
of a cigar from an lownn lli:;l l!
st umor w i not state in so man)
words that a flock of sheep approach
ing had been sheared has become fa
miliar. "They aeein to be sheared on
this side." the senator Is quoted a
having said. The other day In th
senate this anecdote was duplicated
after a fashion. There had been ills
ousslou about tho wisdom of appro
prlatlng a lump sum annually foi
Keeping tne sidewalks and streets ol
Washington free from snow and Ice
Mr. Allison was drawn Into the (lis
russlon. "Snow has been falling or
the streets and sidewalks of Washing
ton for many years past." observed
Mr. Allison. "And will for many yean
to come." Flei atir Sroonp
"As to that." rejoined Seoato" Allison
"I will not prophesy."
It Should Come Down In the Interests
of Both Countries.
Wo are taxing the peoplo of the
Philippines 75 per cent of the Dinglcy
tariff rates on their products that are
imported in the United States. They
are naturally asking us to abolish, or
at least reduce, that exhorbltant tax
on their business relations with us.
The United States bought the Philip
pines from Spain and we have under
taken to govern them for our own
benefit. It has proven to bo a costly
experiment and will probably always
remain a tax upon the American peo
ple; but to raise up a tariff wall to
prevent their products from coming
here and our products from reaching
thorn would seem to be taking an un
fair advantage of a poor defenseless
peoplo. The only excuse for taking
he Philippines and governing them
in the way that imperial governments
rule their colonies is that It will
eventually be profitable to the Ameri
can people. But even the financial
prospect Is not encouraging; for all of
our profits bo far would not pay for
the beer thnt tho United States army
in the Philippines consumes. The
only way they ever will be a profitable
Investment Is to encourage them to
grow tropical products that we need
and so give them money enough to
buy our products In return. A high
tariff tax at both ends of the route
will not bring that about; yet the pro
tectionists are opposed to abolishing
or even reducing the tariff wall be
tween us.
The representatives In Congress of
the protected Industries, such as sugar
and tobneco, are denouncing nny at
tempt to reduce tho Philippine tariff
and declare they will fight It more bit
terly than they fought Cuban reciproc
ity. The time must come, however,
If we continue to hold the Philippines,
when there will bo free trade between
these Islands and the United States.
There Is no more reason for a tariff
wall bet won us and tip Philippines
than there was for continuing tho
tariff against Porto Rico. We have i y
duocd tho tariff In Cuban producii
and wo do not own that Island; how
can wo refuse to do better than that
for our own colony?
A few protected Interests should
not bo allowed to stand In the way of
giving the American people all the ad.
vantages thnt aro possible In return
for their enormous outlay In purrha,
nr, and bidding tho Philippines, ami
any tax on trade Is to our advantage.
Farm Products Cur Only Salvation
In commenting upon the very proa!
value of our prlnclpnl farm crops for
1903 which tho Department of Agr'.
culture estimates at $2,MU87.3('.T-i
nnd the great siipKut the farming In
dustry gives toother Industries, ninny
of which now show a tendency to
weakness and depression, the Now
New York Journal of Commerco and
Commercial Bulletin says:
"If prosperity falls to continue In
full measure It will bo due to other
causes than lack of favoring circum
stances, to defects In the means and
methods pursued In turning our op
portunities to account, mslnly to the
unscrupulous greed of some to s-nire
mors than their share by crafty de
vices which Interfere wilu Iho normal
adjustment and operstlon of a corn-
Republican Rakeof from Panama
When tho Inside history of the se
cession of Panama Is given to the
world It will make interesting read
ing for those ardent friends of the
strenuous occupant of tho White
House, who, they claim, had no know!
edge of the conspiracy that hatched a
rebellion to order when needed. The
regular correspondent at Washington
of the Chicago Chronicle In a special
telegram on Dec. 22d said:
"One of tho sensational charges
Senator Gorman Is prepared to make
hereafter Is that a coterie of New
York men subscribed a war fund to
the Panama revolutionists amounting
to 1300,000 with the understanding
that they would be repaid tenfold
from tho $10,000,000 Panama expected
to receive and the $40,000,000 which,
ostensibly, will be appropriated for
the French company. Senatof Gor
man is said to know the names of the
men who advanced this money.
"lie will charge In connection with
this disclosure that the fund was sub
scribed only after definite and posi
ttve assurances were conveyed to the
subscribers by responsible persons
connected with tho administration
that substantial aid would be extend
ed to the revolutionists and the re
public of Panama would not only bo
recognized by this government but
that Its Independence would be guar
an teed as well.
Several Democratic Senators will
charge in addition that the lobbyists
and promoters who are expected to
receive a lurge share of tho $ 10,000,-
000 have agreed to mako a substan
tial contribution to the next Rcpiib
llcan campaign fund. The Democratic
Senators believe the story. One of
their number said in discussing it
that ho hail been informed that the
amount set aside for political pur
poses was $5,000,000.
' If that is true, ne saut. "no won
dor the presidents political friends
are not worrying about the hostility
of Wall street."
Besides wages, mention something
that has been reduced by the trusts.
Why do the trades unions limit tho
number i.f American apprentices
(their ow n children), who aro anxious
to learn a trade, while they cheerfully
admit nny foreigner Into their local
assemblies who is willing to put up
tho Initiation fee?
Why does Theodore Roosevelt In-
vlst on dignx Hint canal by hook or
by crook (especially crook), to facili
tate tho exchange of foreign commod
ities, while both ho and his party
favor n prohibitive tariff to exclude
Why l:i It that articles manufac
tured In this country tire sold cheaper
In Europe than they are hero?
Dan Cnvanaugh.
The Curae of Poverty.
In the court that dismissed Sena
tor Dietrich on a technicality a young
man who broke Into a postofllco and
Pfole .10 pennies and $D worth of
utanips was sentenced to three yoars
In tho federal penitentiary, while an
"mplol'o In ti Omaha sntof!lco who
stole $2,:9 waNvlet off with a fine of
$2,000 or $29 les than Iho amount
of his stcilits. And jot there are
those who ooiiivluln because there is
an apparent growth of popular dli
'rust of the courts. The Commoner.
What is Set Forth In Warden Beemers
The report of Warden Boomer of the
state penitentiary, filed with the sec
retary of state, shows that thvro are
now in the institution .so persons,
nineteen of them having been receiv
ed during tho month; five were ills
rhareed and two were paroled. Of
those paroled, eleven were from Doug
las county and were: John D. Smith
assault to rob, three years; James
Jaughan, assault to rob, three years',
John Bally, robbery, three years; Hnr
ry Johnson, robbery and burglary, four
years; Frank Coleman, assault, three
and one-half years; Ella Monroe, cut
ting to wound, one year; Minnie
Brown, larceny from tha person, one
year; James Hunter, burglary, four
years; Warren Henley, daylight burg
lary, four years; Andrew Tucker, mur
der, fourteen years; James Mosley,
daylight housebreaking, one year. The
The others received were: Paul Kosin
ski. Antelope, criminal assault, three
years: John MeCool, Dakota, horse
stealing, four years; Bert Butler, for
gery, one year; David Wlckborg, for
gery two years, Lincoln; John Smith,
burglary, three years; William Davis,
burglary, three years, from Dodge; T
J. L. Peek, assault to kill, two years
Garfield; James Burke, burglary, three
years, Lincoln county. James Dlggs
of Douglas county was returned from
Nebraska Resources Illustrated.
Thla is a condensed history of Ne
braska, covering a period of fifty
years, from the first, settlement In
this state down to the present time.
It Is a book oi 144 pages and over
100 Illustrations of scenes, public in
stltutions and men who mado the
state. Many Interesting historical
facts about Nebraska are enumerated
In this condensed history, making It.
alike valuable to retain and' to send
abroad as an invitation to settlement.
The book is issued by the Nebraska
Farmer, Omaha, and goes freo with
a subscription to that Journal at the
regular price of $1.00, or Is sold sin
gly for 50 cents.
County Clerks Did Not Report
LINCOLN Adjutant General Cul
ver has stated that many of the coun
ty clorks of the state have failed to
report the able bodied male citizens
between the aces of 18 and 4u, as pro
vided by the Dick bill.
Destroys Saloon at Bassett.
NORFOLK Impersonating Carrie
Nation, Mrs. J. Courtney visited a sa
loon at Bassett, Neb., with a hammer
and smashed all of the glass In the
mirrors behind the bar pounded the
bottles Into hits, rolled amber fluid
and liquors out upon the floor, poured
beer Into mo cuspldores and scared
the little crowd of men who were
standing up to drink until they trem
bled. She naa not yet been arrested
School Closed Suddenly.
NORTH BEND A country school
two miles north of this place was clos
ed suddenly and the teacher, Miss Ma
mle Forman, filed charges against
Fremont young man, charging him
with being the father of her child
which was born about the time that
the school closed.
Fear a Warrant Famine.
LINCOLN Two hundred blank war
rants are resting In the office of the
state auditor, and no more can be had
The stale printing board advertise!
for bids, but no one responded. It
has been ascertained that the plates
belong to the Stale Journal nnd are
considered expensive. Other printing
firms did not bid. neither did the Jour
nal. The state printing board Is con
alderlng tho plan of getting new plates
and loaning tho set to the printers
making the bid. This will prevent any
hold up or overcharge.
Sold Lottery Tickets.
ELK CREEK George Burrstetta
one of the leading merchants of thi
place .was arrested on a state war
rant charging him with setting tot
tery tickets In tl.'o disposal of a suit
of clothes. He was fined $8.25, Includ
ing costs.
Ne Appointment Yet.
LINCOLN Judges of the supreme
rou.t are non committal, but It Is un
derstood that no clerk of the supreme
court will be appointed at this les
Grand Island has a "Peeping Tom"
for whom many guns are loaded.
A nww company has been organlied
to operate the Koehlcr hotel at Grand
The superintendent of schools of
Aubtrn has been re-elected fur tha
sixth time.
Methodists of Auburn aro takli-g tha
preliminary atepa for building a $iu.
uoo church.
Rev. C. F. Shulti, the Lutheraa pas
tor at Stella for the last three years,
has handed In his resignation and will
accept a call to Wellington, Kaa.
The Cass county mortgage record
for January la as follows: Farm mort
gages filed amounting to the aum of
$31,280: released, $13,480; tiled on city
property, $3,650; released, $5,S4l.
Nineteen life Insurance companies
and nine fire Insurance companies do
ing business In Nebraska have not fll
en their annual reports with Deputy
Auditor Pierce of tho insurance de
partment. The supreme court granted the re
quest of Uro and Wead of Omaha, who
asked leave to file a mandamus suit
to compel the city council of Omaha
to reconvene aa a board of equalisa
tion to assess railroad property.
The Cedar Telephone company has
mado arrangements to connect with
tho Petersburg local company and as
soon as tho weather will permit the
work of running the lino from Elgin
to Petersburg will be completed.
While hunting on the farm of A. T;
Cole, adjoining Beatrice, Fred Gould
killed a large wolf. The animal wai
snot not a great distance from tho
barn, and It la supposed it was In
eearch of pigs, chickens or other prey.
The Wahoo board of education vot
ed to Issue $8,000 bonds of $100 each
wltn interest at 4 per cent, payablo
In 1914. with an option to pay any
amount after 190(5, home purchasers to
be given preference in the sale- of the
William M. Chapman, an employe of
the Cooper Ico company, Lincoln, has
liied a suit against Dr. G. O. W. Farn
ham in the district court, asking dam
ages to the amount of $15,000. Do al
leges negligence in treatment at the
hands of the physician.
While coasting at riattsmouth the
sled on which Mrs. John Kopp waa
riding became unmanageable, causing
a collistlon. Mrs. Kopp was removod
from the wreck badly bruised and with
an ugly gash on her right Mmb some
eleven Inches In length.
William Schleferecke, a farmer liv
ing north of Petersburg, had tho mis
fortune to fall from a load of hay, and
striking upon the frozen ground broke
his hip bone at the joint and sustain
ing other injuries that will cripple
him for the remainder of his life.
Members of the Congregational
church of Petersburg aro making ar
rangements to observe the tenth an
niversary of the Petersburg church..
March 15. An effort Is being made
to have former pastors present, and
a general resume of the church work
for the last ten years will bo ono of
tho features.
The officers of Johnson county have
notified the officers at Nebraska City
that they want Frank Roberts as soon
as he completes his Jail sentence,
Roberts was found guilty of stealing
a large number of chickens from tho
farmers of Osage precinct and was
given a Jail sentence. The Johnson
county officers have evidence that he
did the same thing In their county.
Word came to Rivertoa of a mur
der which happened five miles east of
that place. Daniel Barker and wife
are missing and Frank Barker, his
brother. Is under arrest. The bloody
carpet and clothing Indicate a murder.
A hole lias been found In the Ice in
the Republican river, which Is the
onlv indication as to their whereabouts.
Harley Fcazle, living near Bo3t-
wick, in a rather secluded and rough
portion of the county, Is in jail at Nel
son, charged with the murder of his
uncle, E. W. Feazle. The alleged
crime is supposed to have been com
mitted In November. The complaint
is sworn to by a brother of the sup
posed dead man.
It cost 8 cents per day per man to
feed tho 288 convicts at the peniten
tiary during the month of January,
and 10 cents and 4 mills to feed the
Articles of incorporation have been
filed with the secretary of state by
the R.-C. Iind and Cattle company of
Plattsmouth. The capital stock Is
$30,000. The company expects to d.
a general ranching business In Ne
braska, and is Incorporated by C. A,
Rawls. M. E. Rawls, B. R. Churchill
and P. II. Churchill.
William E. Hill, who broke jail at
Seward January 12, 1901, is back In
his old quarters. He was In Jail
charged with burglarizing Holllngs
worth's hardware store at Milford, to
which charge he pleaded guilty at hts
preliminary hearing and was in jail
awaiting action of tho district court.
He says he has been in Minnesota.
At the session of the council of
Grand Island the proposition of Mr.
Abbott, a mechanic in tho Union Pa
cific shops, who Is the patentee of ono
device used on a voting machine, to
bring a madilno (bore free of cost If
the council would Inspect and test tt,
was accepted.
Northwestern officials at Norfolk
aro making preparations to handle a
crowd of 75,000 peoplo when the Roso
bud reservation Is opened. Already
the rush to Gregory county has begun
and every train carries a score of pas
sengers or moro who
the ground floor,
Sheriff Case i
Kndleott who were trying to sill a lot
of new clothing and notions. They
gave the names of W. Barton ,f Iowa
and Thomas Blair of Wisconsin. It
Is thought the roods were 8to;l,n and
the men are held pending an )ntvttl0
tlon. 'S ;
The Northwestern Telephone pom
pany of Wakefield has filed artnC'M
of Incorporation with the secretary (V
ms a can tit
van ii.-b a m-ifi v ui pas-
) who are gettlhg In on
arrested two anen at
state. The concern
stock of K 00,000.
Fremont has a new superintendent
or schools, the former superintendent
having refused to stand for reelection
t i .