The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 11, 1904, Image 6

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R. A. BATES. Publicher.
Andro Matteson. once editor ot th
Chicago Times, dlod at his home In
Highland Turk. Chicago.
There are 29.000 Indian chlldreu lr.
school, tiU.Gl'i Indians who can. speak
English, and 143.974 Indian who wear
tvliized dross.
King Edward, who la establishing
tho most frlotiLly rclatlous with the
Irish people, proposes to make anoth
tr-visit to Ireland.
Many Wisconsin democrats favor
K. C. Wall of Milwaukee, former na
tional conimltteeman, as a candidal
for the presidency.
It cost ?318.30G,047 to run New Yorli
City during 1903. During the Bis
years since Its consolidation the clty'i
total expenses have been 11,394,252
The re are .190,227 professional beg
ears in Spain, Bogging Is recognizer"
as a legitimate business, and tho cit
lea demand a certain portion ot tt
alms collected.
Emperor Wllltum talked into a pho
nograph at tho request of United
States psychologists, and the recordi
will be preserved at Washington anc
mrvard university.
Representative citizens of Bismarck
and Mandan, N. I)., appeared befor
tho secretary of the Interior to urg
the establishment of an .Indian train
lng school in that vicinity.
Kentucky democrats will erect
handsome monument to tho late (!ov
ernor Goebel, who was killed In 1900
at Frankfort. It will be of bronze,
with a pedestal ot Vermont granite
The Pennsylvania Railroad company
has arranged to borrow $50,000,000
irom a syndicate, the money, it Is said,
being intended chiefly for improving
tho main line from New York to Chi
cago. Five hundred operatives at the
Frank Diesel branch of the American
Can company at Chicago struck, ty
ing up tho plant. Reduction in waged
was tho cause. The plant is picketed
by girls.
It was announced .that the gift tft
?.riO,000 by John Hays Hammond
of New York, the mining engineer, for
a metllurglral laboratory at Yale, has
been Increased by Mr. Hammond to
The agricultural appropriation bill,
reported to the house, carries a total
of 15.711,240, an Increase of $233,000
over tho current law. Only two sal
aries are raised by the bill, and theso
only temporarily.
A charter was granted at Topeka to
the Arkansas, Missouri & Kansas
railroad company, capitalized at $1,
500,000, to build a line southeast f-oni
Chanute, Kas. Boston capital Is be
uind tho compnny.
Two masked men bound and gag
ed Fred Stridor, a farmer residing
.near Cllve, a small town five miles
west of Des Moines, while he was
milking, and secured $1,500, proceeds
oi a live stock sale.
Samuel J. Kit son, the Boston sculp
tor, has just completed In marble a
bust of Archbishop Williams, which
is to be placed in a niche beside the
Image of the late Pope Leo XIII at
the Catholic university in Washington.
The senate committee authorized
Senator Nelson to report favorably on
his bill to provide for the construc
tion of roads in Alaska, for the main
tenance of schools and support of in
sane and destitute persons In the ter
ritory. A dispatch received In Vienna from
Sofia, Bulgaria, says the chiefs of tho
Macedonian revolutionary organiza
tion In the interior have sent out cir
culars to the members of the organi
zation, ordering renewal of the Insur
rection. President Samuel Gom.iors of the
American Federation of Iabor has
presented arguments to the house
committee on labor la favor of the
Sibley bill prohibiting the purchase or
uso by the federal government of prison-made
A dispatch to the Central News
agency from Toklo says that the
newspapers there publish telegrams
saying that 20,000 Russian troops
have been concentrated In the Yalu
valley with the probable Intention of
seizing North Korea.
Slxto Lopez, the well known Fill
plno agitator, whoso unfriendly ills
position toward American rule In the
Philippines has been exhibited upon
occasions in the past, has refused to
taite tho oath of allegiance. He will
be promptly deported.
Representative Martin of South Da
kota introduced a resolution In con
gress requesting the secretary of com
merce and labor to investigate tho
causes of the low prices of beef cat
tie slnco July 1, 1903, and the unusu
ally large margins between the prices
of beef cattle and the selling price of
fresh beef, and whether theRe condi
tions have resulted from a trust or
The statement Is made that 100 spt
tiers have been killed In German
Southwest Africa during the present
troubles there.
The United States transport Sum
tier sailed from Santiago with the Sev
cnteentb. and Nineteenth batteries of
The state department announced
the receipt of Information that Japan
has called Its subjects from the Yalu
district In Korea Into Seoul.
An appropriation of $5,000 has been
asked for to cover damages to private
property hy the discharge ot heavy
army artillery.
Walter Wellman write that the
ratification! of tho Panama cannl treaty
before tlit end of this month Is tho
present linnram In the senate and
that opposition U virtually at an end
Wllllfl.n R. Hearst will havo a ma
Jorlty f the Illinois delegation In tho
democratic national convention.
S'-notor Knooner announced I'.i tho
He that ho rcmiiiiioon party uoes
Intend to enter Into a revision of
tirlff nt Ihl session of congress,
' lie funeral of William C. Whitney
Held at draco inurcn. ,ew ioru,
iTlean nnvnl vessels were" ordere.l
Hsplny flar,s nt half mast.
News in Brief
Warships of the Mikado Attack Those !
of the Czar Near Port Arthur, Put
ting Three Out of Service How
British Renard Matters.
CUKE KOO Tho Japanese fleet at
tacked Port Arthur at midnight on
Two Russian battleships and one
Russian cruiser were disabled by tor-!
pedoes. j
The two battleships disabled are the
Poltava and the Czarevitch. The dis
abled armored cruiser Boyaim and the
grounded battleships block the en
trance in the harbor, preventing gun
boats from going out and battleships
and cruisers from going In ami get
ting coal. Besides this. Japan has the
Russian gunboats Varaig and Koretz
might at Chemulpo. They were
bound for Vladivostock.
The Japan fleet was under com
mand of Vice Admiral Togo, and four
fast cruisers, the Chltose. Shlklshlma,
Yashinirt and Iwato, circled outside,
drawing the fire of tho Russians. They
then Joined the main fleet and nil
went In to attack the armored cruisers
In the Japanese fleet, which consisted
of two divisions, were the Mikasa, the
flagship; the first class battleships
Ashl. Fuji. Inashlma, Shikashl Ma,
PatsiiRe and tho dispatch boat Tatsti
ma. Tho second division of the fleet,
under command of Admiral Kamim
ura, on the flagship ldsumo, consist
ed o the armored cruisers Yakuma,
Asania and Iwatz.
When seen hy the steamer Foo
Chow Tuesday morning the fast cruis
ers were circling In a radius or bIx
miles. No torpedo boats were seen
and it is probable that they left the
vicinity after the torpedo attack of
Monday night. The Russian fleet out
side of the harbor consisted of ths
battleships Petropawlawsk. flagship;
Poreswet, sub-flagship; Pobicda. Pol
tava, Czarovitch, Itotvlzan and Sobas
topol. nnd the cruisers Novik. Boy
nrin, Bayaru, Dlnnu, Pallida, Askold
and Angara. The disabled battleships
are Inside Forts Iluan Ching Shan and
Chi Kwan Shan. The cruiser Is out
side, but within range of the forts.
LONDON The naval men in Lon
don regarded the result of Japan's
first attack with torpedo boats on the
Russian fleet off Port Arthur as be
ing a staggering one. They pointed
out that. Viceroy Alexioff's reference
to "mines" obviously meant "torpe
does," and said that If the Russian
voesoIs have been struck by "white
head torpedoes" they probably have
been sunk or are resting on the mud
In Pert Arthur. In nny case hopelessly
out. of action for a considerable tlnio.
Board of Inspection Testing Dattery
of Big Battleship.
WASHINGTON. Captain Train,
president of the Board of Inspection
and Survey, telegraphs to the Navy
department from Fort Monroe that
while the Board of Inspection was
testing the battery on the battleship
Iowa botli guns In tho starboard for
ward eight-inch turret blew off their
muzzles. No damage was done excent
to the guns and one whale boat.
Immediately on receipt of the tele
gram announcing the accident Secre
tary Moody sent a dispatch calling for
full details and ordering the Iowa to
proceed at once to New York for ex
amination and repairs. This second
explosion on the Iowa In less than a
year has cast a gloom over the offi
cial! of the navy department. The
cause of the explosion off Panama
last year. In which there was a loss
of life and considerable damage to
the ship, remains a mystery.
Papers Are
In a Pugilistic
LONDON Special dispatches re
ceived from Ihe far east and pub
lished Thursduy morning add nothing
to the actual nit nation. Tho St. Pe
tersburg correspondent of the Dally
Telegraph quotes from the Novo
Vreniya as making a hitter editorial
attack upon the United Stales, which
lie supposed to be an outcome of tho
dispatch to the American consul to
The Nove Vreniya accuses the Uni
ted States of a desire to win the trado
of the entire globe and exclue Europe
of the entire globe and exclude Europe
dares: "If, as It seems likely, war
breaks out. It will have been Instigat
ed by the Yankees."
Robbers Crack a Bank Safe.
FORT WORTH ,Tex.-A special
from Commerce, Tex., says news Is re
ceived here thai bandits have crock
ed the safe of a bank at Ravla. I. T.,
and secured $l,"on. The citizens,
aroused by the noise of the explos
ions, attacked the robbers. Firing en
pued. but no one wss hurt. The rob
bers escaped.
Merchant Goes to Prison.
RAWLINS Wyo.-Frnnk J. Keefe.
the Rawlins merchant who killed Po
licemen John Baxter a:id Lieutenant
Thomas King here last summer, unci
was found gully of manslaughter and
sentenced to four years In the peni
tentiary, has concluded that he will
not ask for a now trial. He thought
at the time or l lie trial that he should
be acquitted, but his friends have con
vinced him Hint he had better lei well
enough alone. If Keefe behaves him
self he will be will be released In
alout three years.
Italy Will Not Mix.
ROME Premier GlolltM announced
in the chamber of deputies that Italy
would maintain the strictest neutral
ity during the war In the far cost, and
would do all possible to otherwise
bring about the rcc.;inblshmeiit of
Witness in Smoot Case.
WASHINGTON. Senator Burrows.
cliHirman of the -tiiltiee on privi
leges and election. Ill subpoenaed
Iv P. Criuhlow ns a witness In the
tuvertlgatlon f Senator Smoot.
Representative Emerieh "Offers Meat-.
ure Appropriating $1,000,000.
WASHING! ON A bill was 1n!r
, duced Monday by RcpusohMtivc Eni-
eriih till.) appropriating fl.OOn.noj
for the relief of sufferers trorn the
Baltimore The . preamble re
cites the destruction by lire and says:
"Where as. The fire hss so crippled
the merchants and business interests
in the city of Baltimore that nhey are
unable to adequately and properly
provih and caro for the many who
are rendered home less onfl penniless
by this calamity; and,
"Whereas, The city of Baltimore
and its people are probably unable in
the face of the unlooked fur catastro
phe to provide proper minis for
checking the fire and promptly no re-1
move me emners ana deiirts:; and.
"Whereas. The same while remain
ing are constantly a menace to th
safety of many citizens, it is enact -n'
that the secretary of the treasury be
authorized and diricted to pay upon
the order of the city council of Balti
more, certified 'by the mayor of the
city, to any designated authority of
said city, any necessary sum of mon
ey not exceeding $1,000,(11)0 of any sum
in the treasury of the United States
not otherwise appropriated, to be
useil for the purpose of providing shel
ter for those rendered homeless by
the said lire, and also lo be used for
the purpose of clearing the streets
and localities devastated by the fire
and in order to render the city avail
able for the use or residents and oth
ers as speedily as possible."
The bill was referred to the com
mittee un appropriations.
Bill Giving Baltimore
Days' Holid.iv.
Md. The general assembly met at
the state house lo devise plans for the
relief of the fire sufferers. General
Gill of Baltimore Introduced a bill
authorizing Governor Warfield fo de
clare ten successive legal holidays in
the city, of Baltimore, so ns to aid the
property owners and other losers by
the fire to get their business affairs
in as good shape as possible. Tho
bill, which was passed at once nnd
signed by the governor, also au'hor blni to extend tho suspension of
business beyoiu. ten days ir neces
sary. A bill to make n relief appropria
tion, which was to have been pre
sented In the house by Wells or Prince
George's county, was laid over until
the conditions and amounts needed
can be ascertained.
The legislature adjourned and the
members left here at 10 o'clock for
Haiti more.
Contents of Bank Vaults in Cood
BALTIMORE. As a result of nn
examination of the new custom house
building. It is almost certain that the
whole structure must be torn down,
so great Is the damage done. The
building is now nearly up to the third
floor, and nearly $;;r.0,n(iu of work has
been done. The building Is about
half completed. A careful examina
tion M ill he made later before the con
tractors, Henry Smith & Sons of Bal
timore, ure notified what must be
done under the contract. Under the
law the loss will fall on the contrac
tors unless congress passes a relief
The vaults have been found in good
condition In several banks where ex
aminations were made. This Includes
the vaults of the National Exchange
bank, where It is understood there
are $SOO,000 of United States govern
ment funds in the vault.
Minnesota Doctor Wanted for Embez
lement Ends Life.
For, doctor, ex -soldier nnd Inventor,
who' was wanted by the Minneapolis
police authorities for embezzlement,
has committed suicide here by tak
ing poison. Be la Fer fame to this
city last Aprli from Minneapolis In or
der to escape trial for the misuse of
funds entrusted to him.
While in MinneaiKiIls he attained
some distinction as an Inventor of
electric railway devices, a number or
which are nt. present in use. When
the Spanish-American war broke out
he enlisted in the Thirteenth Minne
sota volunteers and was made an as
sistant surgeon, serving with dlstlnc
tion in the Philippines.
Are Anxious for the Fray.
VANCOUVER, n. C-Despite Ihe
fact that no call for men from Brit
ish Columbia hus been issued by the
Japanese government. twenty-five
Vancouver Japanese have sailed for
Japan. They are going on their own
Initiative, and will be joined at Vic
toria by a like number of their coun
trymen who desire to be early on hand
lo take port In the hostilities. It Is
estimated (hot there are in this prov
ince between 12.000 and Japan
ese and among them are 3.0110 or 4.000
liable to service for Ihcir country.
Operates In Milwaukee.
MILWAUKEE. Arthur S. Spencer,
who was arrested In Pittsburg on the
charge of trying to sell Chinamen
false registration certificates, was in
Milwaukee on .lunuary 20 and made
tho rounds of Milwaukee laundries In
coinpuny with the deputy United
Stales marshal, and a number of
Chinamen were sent to the connly
jail because they were unalne to pro
due" oi rtlflcutes showing they were
(ntltled lo reside In the United Slates.
Soino of the Chinamen produced pa
pers nnd were released.
Gladness In Berlin.
BERLIN. Jupnn'M Initial success In
the flrtt atUek with torpedo bonis on
the R'sian fleet off Port Arthur pro
duce. I a deep Impression both on the
peiple nnd military nnd naval critics
here. Croups goihered around the
distributers of Ihe "extras" . the
streets and read Ihe new almost
with cxclnninilnns ot gladness. The
comment nt the murine department
s that even tho temporary disable
ment (r three warships placed Ihe
Russians si a great disadvantage lu
the lilture epilation.
Tr.e Loss n CuildinQs A'ene is $153,
000,003 That on the Destruction of
Coods Will Doubtless Amount to as
Much Hart.
BALTIMORE One or the Rrcitest.
ir luit the greatest fire in the history
of American ciiies is now ravins iu
the city or Baltimore, it suited nt
anout 11 o'clock Sunday forenoin t'i
one of tho iarse dry cood; stoics hi
the heart of the city nnd at the pres
ent writing it Is as far from bein:;
under control as at nny tiu'e since its
Inception. Aid lutB bern sit.; by th."
Hie 'departments of Washington Phila
delphia mid Wilmington, bat the com
bined eH.iits of the firemen are mak
ing no Ir.ipicssUm on Uie flm?s.
Dynamite is belug used to slop its
syread, biiil.'.hiRs In Its path being
blown up in the hope of destroying
the food for tho flames. arc
being driven, however, by a fierce gal-J
and burning brands are being scat
tered all over Ihe city and constantly
starting fires in new places. Theie
appears little hope of stopping the
progress of the fire unlil It has swept
everything In Us path.
Over 400 streams from Are engines
have been playing on the flames, but
for all the apparent good they have
done the heroic work of tho firemen
might just as well not have been done.
Owing to the natnre of the buildings
Involved the fire has not spread with
the rapidity of some conflagrations
and consequently so far as known no
lives have been lost. The immense
warehouses, stores and office build
ings, however, have' been reduced to
The estimates of the losses vary
widely, and, in fact, it Is an Impossi
bility at this time to make an intelli
gent estimate. The estimates given,
however, range all the way from $40.
000,0(10 to $JOO.Oi)0,nuO. This laltar
figure is $10,000,000 In excess or the
loss from the great Chicngo fire cf
October 0. 1871.
LATER After a battle lasting from
11 o'clock Sunday morning until sun
down Monday, the firemen succeeded
lr. stopping tho great conflagration
which swept through the heart of the
city of Baltimore. The 2amcs swept
everything before them until they
reached the snial! river which flows
through the city. Here the fire tug
Calareat nnd the engine companies
sent from New York mode a stand,
and by the foothold on tho lumber
yard and by the heroic efforts
succeeded in preventing the lire from
gaining a root hold on the lumber yard
011 the further hank. The various com
panies then commenced to fight their
way into the fire swept area from
every aide and the hundreds or
streams soon had the fire subdued
all around the outskirts of the burned
urea. Though the ruins in the heart,
of the tract are blazlnz fiercely, there
Is no danger of their again gaining
the mastery.
The estimates of the loss vary
greatly, running all the way from
$100,000.(1(11) to $;on.noo,ooo. but no
one is willing to make au estimate of
the insurance.
Unlike the grist Ch'cago fire, the
only one with wuich it can bo com
pared, the residence district or the
city was not invaded by the flames,
anil there will be no physical suffering
except, perhaps, that rood supplies
may be scarce for a few days, owing
lo the destruction of r'l the grent
commission and produce houses.
The cliy Is under martial law, ond
no ono except those who have busi
ness within the lines is admitted t;i
the district covered by the fire. The
best or order has been preserved
throughout, nnd at all times the po
lice and military have hnd the situa
tion well in hand and not a singlo
cose or looting has been reported.
The local police have been reinforced
by details from Washington and
With the fire under control, there
comes a little rest for the weary fire
men .and late at night some of the
companies were s;'iit to their houses,
while others and those from outride
cities keep up the work.
Clad to Hold Up the President's
NEW YOltK-Ellhu Root wns the
guest or members or the Union League
club at dinner Wednesday night. Mr.
Root spoke at some length ot Ihe re
gard President MeKinley hnd lnspird
In him and reviewed the progress
made In Cuba nnd the Philippines
since the war with Spain. Speaking
or President Roosevelt. Mr. Root
"1 count It one of tho greatest priv
ileges of my life to havo been able
when that sad day enmo that brought
tho deuth of President McKtnlcy tn
hold up the hands of his. true and loy
al successor."
Bryan 8cores Two Points.
NEW HAVEN. Conn. In two de
cisions handed down here Judge
Thayer, In the supreme court, sus
tains counxcl for Win. J. Bryan In cer
tain contentions growing out or the re
fusii I In probate court to admit to pro
bote n a part or the will or the late
P. S. Bennett the sealed letter giv
ing $r0.(Mio to Mr. Bryan. One do
clslon sustains a demurrer entered hy
counsel for Mr. Bryan lo plea In abate
ment filed on behalf of Mrs. Bennett,
the widow, from Mr. Bryan's appeal
from the probate court's decision.
Army Officers Lose Jobs.
LONDON in pursuance of tha
army reforms all the heads of depart
ments of tho war oftlco on Thursday
received letters of dismissal, nnd were
notified that they will bo employed
elsewhere, lird Roberts, command-erlii-chlcr
of the forces: Lleiitenn'il
Ocnetal Lord Orenfell, 1 otnnintulliig
tho Fourth army corps; Lieutenant
Ooim;nl Sir John French. In command
(r the First army mips, nud Sir Wil
liam llutlrr, commanding the West
dlstlli I, Iihvp been Invited to Join the
new army council.
For years a movement has been afoot to have the government puhaEe
the groves of California redwood trees for a national park, but compara
tively no headway was made until the women of the country became Interested.
Japan Would Not Wait for Russia's
Long Delayed Note. Imperial Gov
ernmer.t Sends Messages. Tele
graphs Ministers an Official Notice.
lor(T, the Russian foreign minister,
has officially informed the Russian
representatives abroad that Japan has
decided to break off all negotiations
with Russia and to withdraw the min
uter and whole Japanese legation
staff from St. Petersburg. The Rus
sian foreign minister hns thereupon
ordered tuo Russian minister, Baron
de Rosen and his staff to leave Toklo.
The Official Messenger publishes the
following circular telegram dated Feb
ruary (. l! has been si nt cut by" the
Russian foreign minister to the repre
sentatives or the Russian government
"Acting under instructions from his
government the Japanese minister at
the imperial court has presented a
note which Informs the imperial gov
ernment of the decision of Japan to
break off further negotiations and re
call her minister and the entire staff
at the Japanese legation.
"In consaquence of this his imperial
majesty has been p!eat:cd to order lhat
t ho Russian minister nt Toklo. with
the entire staff of the imperial mis
sion, shall leave the capital of .Tnpnn
without delay. Such an altitude on
the part, of the Toklo government,
which has not even awaited tho an
swer of the Imperial government,
which was sent off during the last few
day, throws the whole responsibility
for the consequences which may arise
from a nipt urn of diplomatic negotia
tions between two empires on Japan."
TOKIO The severance or diplo
matic relations between Russia and
Japan appears to bo only a step to
ward war, although when the minis
ters oi Russia and Japnn withdrew
from their respective posts quick ntul
decisive action is expected. When
the minister for foreign affairs, Ko
niiira, on Saturday notified Baron tie
Rosen, the Russian minister, of Japan's
determination to sever diplomatic re
lations he is i-oportod to have declared
to him that Japnn Is tired of RussIp's
delays, evasions and Insincerity and
has decided to lake Independent action
for the conservation or Japan's orien
tal interests.
During the final negotiations Japan's
repealed requests for answers were
treated In a most unsatisfactory man
ner. Japan waited until convinced
that It was useless to wait longer and
hns now ended the dlctisslon. Tho In
dications aro that there will be no
formal declaration of war.
Files Big Mortgage Bond.
SALT LAKE CITY A $.-.0,000,000
thirty-year 5 pur cent mortgage bond
was placed on record hero Thursdav
by the Western Pacific company, a
concern Incorporated in California for
the purpose or building nnd operating
a line or railway between Son Fran
cisco and Salt Lake.
Anti-Slavery Bill.
WASHINGTON. The house com
mit lee on insular affairs took up the,
bill to prohibit slavery In the Philip
pines, but positioned action, as It wns
decided to hear Secretary Tuft on the
Bell Compsn; Loses Suit.
BOSTON Tho American Bell Tel
ephone company Is ordered by Judge
Colt ot the United Slates circuit court
to give an accounting, the West
ern Union Telegroph conipony. tho
successful plaintiff In a damage suit
Involving millions or dollars. Judge
Colt hus also appointed Everett W.
Bunletl special master to take charge
of the company and secure all evi
dence that may be presented. Tho
suit wns brought to recover royalties
In Ihe American Bell company on cer
tain Inventions.
Wants Legation Archives.
CARACAS. Venezuela The Colnm
Man government Iihs sent notice to
W. W. Russell, the American thnrgp
d'affaires hero, who has In his posse
slon the archives, safe and hooks be
longing; lo the Colombian legation nt
Corncns slnco diplomatic relations be
tween Colombia nnd Venezuela were
severed, to transmit this property to
Bogota. It hn boon learn,., hero
that largo quantities of iro InIdii re
cently havo been bought nt Curs
ono and to be sent to fca
vanilla stid Cartagena, Colombia.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Rebels Fire on Americans, Killing the
SAN DOMINGO. Tne Insurgents on
Friday deliberately fired on tho launch
or tho auxillury cruiser Yankee, kill
ing J. C. Johnston, the engineer. The
bullet entered his hf ad above the eye.
United States Minister Powell has
directed the captain of the Ynnkeo to
take drastic, measures to avenge
Johnston's deuth and this insult to
the American Hag. Johnston will bo
buried on shore this afternoon.
The German coiihiiI here has re
quested United Slates Minister Powell
to afford protection to Herr Wonnuii,
the German vice consul, that be might
bring his family Into the city, ns tho
insurgents have given Mr. Wornian
forty-eight hours to leave where ho
is or suffer tho consequences.
Mr. Powell secured a guard of
sixty men from the cruiser Columbia
and informed the government that it
was the intention of the German con
sul and himself to bring Herr Wor
man's family into the city and asked
the government that its troops not
fire upon this party while it was on
its mission. He said that if fired upon
this party would protect themselves.
The guard started out. As soon as
they panned outside the city they wcro
covered by the guns of Hie Columbia.
No attack was made and the Wornian
family and their belongings wcro
brought back here in safety.
All the houses outside the city walls
have been pillaged. The insurgents
are desperate nnd are destroying for
eign property wherever they find it.
Mr. Powell has received urgent ap
peals to protect foreign property
against this pillaging and tho Colum
bia rimy be compelled to land murines
to do so. The firing n round the city
continues. The situation Is serious,
the prices of provisions aro very high
and tho poor aro suffering from want
of food.
The funeral of Johnston took place
yesterday. The body was escorted
to the grave by a detachment of mu
rines, bluejackets and officers from
tho Yankee, headed by the ship's band.
United States Minister Powell, the
American consul and vice consul, nnd
nearly all the diplomatic and consu
lar representatives lure went to tho
Much Wholesale Trade Must Go Else
where. BALTIMORE. While the fire wu:i
confined within a certain territory of
the city, tin effect of the conflagra
tion will be more or less national In
Its scope.
Wholesale trade here will be par
alyzed for months to come, nnd south
ern buyers a large number deal In
Baltimore will havo to go elsewhere
to pnrchnse their goods. Tho manu
facturing centers of the country will
feel Ihe effect to 11 more or less ex
lent by the countermanding of orders.
To many of the manufacturers there
will bo a positive loss on orders
which cannot now he accepted by the
Baltimore firms, and the goods jvlll
have to be carried by the manufactur
ers until they can find other buyers.
Insurance men from ell section's o
the cast came to town.
lova Man a Big Loser.
Relnccker, the Webster City million
aire, lost a quarter of a million dol
lars In the Baltimore lire. He owned
tho steel structure next to the Hurst
building. In which tho lire slurted.
lie carried but $1,000 Insurance.
Refuse to Carry the Mails.
CHEYENNE. Wyo. By the failiiM
or tho stir route contractors carrying
mall from Rawlins to lender and tho
refusal of the company having chargo
of tho route between Casper and Lan
der and Thorinopolls to carry the
mail at tho present rates of compen
sation, tho entire centril part of tho
s ate, which has no railroad com
munication. Is practically shut out
rrotn tho world. Mail Is accumulat
ing at the different points named and
no remedy has as yet been pro
posed. Senate Bill from the Sick Room.
WASHINGTON Senator Hnnnn
sent to tho senato a Mil providing for
a naval training station at Put In
Pay. ().. on Lake Erie, and appropriat
ing $2n.(ti'0 tor the purpose. It wns
Introduced by Senator Foraker.
Cashier Rose Gets Ten Years.
CLEVELAND, O. Hoor'to A. Rosf.
bio cashier of Ho. Produce F.x hnncn
bank, who recently confessed to cm
luvzllng $is:.nmt of tho bsnks fund,
wps sentenced to srvi ten years '.n
the penitentiary.
Would Empower United States Attor
neys to Enforce Act.
WASHINGTON Representative
Hearst IN. Y.) tntrtxlinvd a till to
"empower I nited States attorneys
without the direction of the attorney
geueral lo enfbrce the act to protect
trade and commerce against unlaw fiu
restraints and nionoxdles."
The bill amends the Sherman anti
trust law to read as follows in sec
tion 4:
"Tho several circuit courts or the
United States arc hereby vtshM with
jurisdiction to prevent and restrain
violatinuK r this act. and It shall bo
the duty of tho several district attor
ney of the United States In their re
spective districts to Instituto proceed
ings In equity to prevent and restrain
such violations. Such proceedings
may he by way of petition, sotting
forth the case and praying that such
violations shall bo enjoined or other
wise prohibited.
"When the parties complained of
shall have been duly notified of such
petition, the court shall proceed In
the hcariiif nnd determination of the
( fiso, nnd pending Fueh peliilon ami
before final decree the court may at
any time make such temporary re
straining order or prohibition as shall
be deemed jqst in tho premises, but
nothing in tills act cr In the nets of
which it is umendiitory shall lie so
construed us to apply to trade unions
or other organizations of labor, or
ganized to deal with hours of labor,
wages or other conditions under which
lubor is to be performed."
Temporary Arrangements for Getting
Out Editions.
HAI.TIVOR... Md. The newspaper
situation in Baltimore Is temporarily
arranged ,?s follows:
The Sun will use Its job priming
blunt, which was outside the fire lines.
The Ker.ild Is being set by hand in
the office of the Carbolic Mirror, nnd
will be printed on the presses of the
Evening World, which wns also out
of the burned district. The American
lias establisiied temporary quarter'-,
in Eutaw street, and the Evening
News has heudqunrters In I ho offices
occupied some years ago by Ihe Her
aid at Eutaw and Ballinioro streets,
and wi'l send their matrices to the
Philadelphia Press, the copy being
forwarded by wire nnd special mes
senger. The German Correspondent
is gettinr; out lis morning edition at
the offices of the World.
Carries Nearly $2,000,000 Several Po
litical Speeches Follow.
WASHINGTON The animation -if
Wednesday was completely lacking in
tho proceeding;! of Ihe house Thurs
day. The principal feature of the day
was the rivalry between republican
leaders for (lie honor of moving an
Tho diplomatic bill, carrying $l.
OO.'i.iioO, was passed wlthovt amend
ment. Everything but the bill
discussed during its consideration.
Mr. Mnrroll (Pa.) led with h it ariru
incut for some system of building up
the American merchant, marine. A
democratic politlenl speech hy Mr.
Hamlin or Missouri followed and r
ceived a brief reply from Mr. Fuller
of Illinois. Mr. Lind of Minnesota
s:oke for Canadian reciprocity.
Concession is to Be Made to the
LONDON English correspondents
in St. Potoi'simrg refer to an excep
tional honor which hns been accord
ed the American press. Tho corre
spondent of the Times In St. Peters
burg, who considers war Inevitable,
declares that the czar's hesitation bus
beene overcome and that Russia will
make no concession. He says;
"Up to the present time not a line
of information or apparently a wrd
or Inspiration hns been given the Rus
sian press on these serious negotia
tions, all Bough the American press
hns been honored with the granting
or an audience to the czar ot the rep
resentative of a trans-Atlantic news
Had Been Shot and Killed and Then
Buried In a Cattle Shed.
INAVALE, Neb. Greit excitement
prevails In this community over Iho
discovery of tho bodies of Dan Bnr
kcr and wife, who were murdered lust
Sunday night. Tho bodies were found
in a shallow grave In a cattle shed,
clothed only In their sleeping gar
ments. Bullets from a revolver which
hnd pierced tho man and his wife told
the story of the gruesome affair. There
were two bullet holes In Barker's neck
and breast and one in Mrs. Barker's
Frank Barker, tho murdered man s
brother, is held in Jail suspected or
the crime. Although ho strenuously
denies his guilt, clrcumstnntlnl evi
dence points very strongly to him and
it Is feared Hint ho will bo lynched
by tho Infuriated citizens. The sher
iff of Webster county Is exercising ev
ery precaution to protect his prisoner.
Exhibits at World's Fair.
ST. LOUIS Tho combined value of
tho exhibits In the ton principal ex
hibit palaces or tho World's fair Is e-i-tlmated
by E. S. Hooh, assistant to
Directors of Exhibits Skiff, at $72,5oo.
000. This cstimnto Is based on sta
tistics In the division of exhibits ns
to the amount and nature of tho ex
hibits which will be Installed In oneli
building. This doe not Include tho
display In tho fine arts pnlace nor
the contents of tho various govern
ment structures nor concessions that
will bo ot nn exhibit nature.
State May Aid Consumptives.
FORT DODGE-Bllls were Intro
duced In tho senate by Senators Young
and Wright asking that $10,000 bo ap
preprinted by tho state for the use of
trustees or tho charity fund of tho
Boulder lidgo sanitarium for con
sumptive nt Fort Dodge. Th" money
I desired lor Iho purpose of keeplna
Ki pntient hero ono year, by wbU-h
time the siinitnrhim will hitvo panic I
tho cvpcrlmeiital slngo nnd It can bo
delei mined If tho support of sm b
an Institution would be a benefit to
the ilate,