The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 11, 1904, Image 5

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aves J
Customers can nlvrnys rely upon getting prime cuts for
broiling or rousting. We never purchase inforior grades of
meats. Tlioy would not plecse our customers, and would
bring us moro complaints than profits.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office
tfiTVo will open n fresh and complete stock of Gro
ceries, Canned Goods, Etc., in tho room adjoining our meat
market Monday morning, February loth. Call and see us.
--1 W. 7,r.:V-3:-WWM 1
Parmcle Theater
Under the Management of P. Lawrence Walker
Free list entirely suspended during this engagement.
Carriages may be ordered at 10: Vt o'clock.
j ... jAvar,
Bottled in Bond.
rLATToMOUni, '
Fino stock ia moving more
frooly now, nnJ
High Grade Meats
Are easily obtained.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
New Fabrics
For Spring
In suitings, trousorings and for
overcoats are now to tie seen in all
tho latest novelties from English,
Scotch and American manufactu
rers. Wo will make your Spring
overcoat or suit in tho best and
swellest stylo and of artistic ele
gance at a reasonable price.
Frank McElroy
l-'iftlt and Main Sts. Upstairs
Friday, Feb. 12
Engagement of tho" Distinguished
American Actor,
Mr. Chas. B.
Miss Marie Drofnah
In a magnificent production of tho
great historical tragedy,
Richard III
A notable cast and production
ttbc JBcst Wlbfehs
is the Cheapest
in tl?c EnW
Poor Whisky is not only dis
agreeable to taste, but undoubted,
ly injurious to Ihestomach. A lit
tie good Whisky is a fine tonic and
helps instead of harming. Such
Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do you just ns much
good as a doctor's prescription, If
you don't know how good it is
come in and try it.
fiuckenlicliner;IJye, per gallon. . ,4 00
Yellow st one, " "... 4 00
Iliuicy Iew, " "... 3 oo
Horn, "... 2 (H)
'Gut Hell," tlie favorite clar.
Jewel Hase Hurner's at John Bauer's.
Pr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald
Claus shears and razors at John
John Sharp was in Havelock on
business Saturday.
Jonathan Adams of F-agle, was here
on business Monday.
F. J. Kendall of Union, was a Platts
mouth visitor Monday.
Joseph Mullen of Elmwood, was a
county seat visitor Monday.
George Matheson was down from
South llend Friday on business.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Otllce with Dr. E. D. Cummins.
District Court Clerk Robertson was
in Louisville Saturday on business.
II. II. 1'ayno of Hastings, was in
Plattsmouth Saturday on business.
Walter Rutherford of South Omaha,
was a Plattsmouth visitor Saturday.
Miss Clara lirown, who has been
quite 111 for some time, is convalescing.
Dr. E. W. Fost2r, of Cedar Creek,
Sundayed with Plattsmouth friends.
Sheriff McBrido went out to Eagle
yesterday to serve some district court
R. II. Vanatta, the Cedar Creek
groccryman, visited In this city over
Miss Gertrude Paungarden of Ne
braska City, visited In this city over
John Everett and E. R. Chapman,
both of Union were In the county seat
K. E. Fogerty and family came down
from Havelock Friday for a visit with
In connection with this sale we
will have a Bpecial clear
ance salo on
As our stock in this department
must bo reduced.
Men's, Women's and Children's
Don't Forget the
K. A. Uates of the Journal, visited
in Silver City, Iowa, a few hours Sat
urday evening.
L. W. Harder and wife spent Sun
day In this city, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Peterson.
"Who will he the next mayor of
riattsmoulh?" Is what Is worrying
some people at present.
M. McCool and wife returned Sun
day evening from a week's visit with
relatives In Ottumwa, Iowa.
William A. Rohertson has been con
firmed hy the county commissioners as
deputy clerk of the district court.
Joseph Hell, who visited friends In
the capital city several days last week,
returned to I'lattsmouth Monday.
1'eter Keil, that line old (ierman
farmer, of Klght Mile (trove precinct,
was transacting business here Satur
day. Twenty new subscribers since our
last Issue is pretty fair. Keep a
cumin' hoys. We know you all like
the Journal.
Henry Steinhaur departed Monday
for Superior, Nebraska, to attend the
funeral of Ids uncle, Matt Spohn, who
died Sunday.
The city election Is not far distant
audit Uhooves those who desire 10
serve the "dear people" to come to
the front and say so.
August Stander, John Koop and M.
Trltsch, all lnilsvllle patrons, are re
newals to tho Journal this week.
Thanks, gentlemen.
That good old democrat, Mr. W. p.
llallcy of this city, dropped In Satur
day and renewed his allegiance to the
Journal for another year.
Misses Grace and Cora Walker, who
came down from State t'niversity to
attend the funeral of Sister Craig, re
turned to Lincoln Monday morning.
Have you Indigestion, constipation,
headache, backache, kidney trouble?
Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea ill
make you well. If It falls get your
money back. That's fair. Tea or
tablet form. 3." cents. Coring & Co.
And marching
straight to
Ueekbaeb, a o,
where you will be re
paid for your trouble
by getting the best
on the markets.
Canned Goods,
frosh daily from the markets.
gathered fresh every morning.
'Phone 54.
Wuternmn IUocIc Pluttsniouth.
Mysterious Circumstance.
One was pale and sallow and the
other fresh and rosy. Whence the dlf
ference? She who Is blushing with
health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills
to maintain it. Ry gently arousing
the lazy organs they compel good di
gestion and head off constipation. Try
them. Only 25c, at F. C. Frlckc &Co.,
Jacob Keiser, August Pautsch and
Ernest Pautsch are new additions to
the Journal's list at Louisville.
E. G. Dovey & Son
Annual Muslin Underwear Sale
In the Room East of the Dry Goods Store
Lately Occupied by Ben Elson.
Complete Descriptions
PRICES 25c. 49c.
Will be placed on sale.
The Greatest Values
Ever shown in Plattsmouth.
All new poods
8c to 48c a Yard
Date, Sale Begins
Escaped an Awful Fate.
Mr. II. Ilagglns of Melbourne, Fla.,
writes: "My doctor told me I had
Consumption and nothing could bo
done for me. I was given up to die.
The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Induced me to try It. Results
were startling. I am now on the road
to recovery and owe It all to Dr. King's
New Discovery. It surely saved my
life." This great cure Is guaranteed
for all throat and lung diseases by 1".
C. Frlcke, druggist. Price 50c and 1.
Trial bottles free.
Mr. Carl N. Neilson and MlssJennie
ohm, were married at the home of
the bride's parents In this city, on
Monday evening, February 8, HUM,
Rev. A. F. Ploetz, of the German
Presbyterian church, officiating. The
bride Is very popular In the city and a
most lovely young lady. The groom Is
a most highly respected young man,
and Is an employe In the H. & M.
shops at Havelock, where the happy
couple will make their home.
Our true friend, Z. W. Schroeder,
one of the prominent farmers of Cass
county and one of tho best democrats
that God ever put breath In, was In
the city Friday, and accompanied by
Mr. J. It. C. Gregory, another good
democrat, called at tho Journal head
quarters, and after spending a few
moments in social chat, the latter be
came a new addition to our Nehawka
When you feel blue and that every
thing goes wrong, take a dose of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They will cleanse and In
vigorate your stomach, regulate your
bowels, give you a relish for your food
and make you feel that In this old
world Is a good place to live. For sale
by all druggists.
Mike Swart .fisher of Mt. Pleasant
precinct, called Monday and renewed
Tor another year. Mr. Swart.flsher
says the Journal Is so popular with his
family, that when It arrives it Is a
scramble amom; his children to sec
who gets It first.
A marriage license was granted to
Samuel C. Hardnock of Alvo, and Miss
Anna E. Miller of Avoca, at Lincoln
February 1
Fred Horn, one of Cass county's
must energetic young farmer, while
in the city Saturday called and re
newed his faith in the Old Reliable.
John Theiroff, one of the prominent
German farmers of Eight Mile Grove
precinct, called yesterday and paid for
another year's reading of the Journal.
For a bad taste In the mouth take a
few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. 23 cents. War
ranted to cure. For sale by all drug
gists. Mrs. Lillian K. Ilasse, who was
Judge Douglas' clerk in the probate
otllce, has been employed as assistant
book keeper for the Rank of Cass
Police Judge Archer's report for the
month of January shows there were
but four arrests. Three paid fines
and costs aggregating $13. 10, and one
was committed.
John Schafer is another one of Cass
county's farmers who must have the
Old Reliable In the family, and conse
quently called Tuesday and renewed
for another year.
Tretty Miss Nellie Hascomb, Omaha:
"I owe my good looks and health to
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Have
fully regained my health." Tea or
tablets, 35 cents.
Judge A, W. Crites, well known to
all the old inhabitants of Cass county,
but now of Chadron, Nebraska, remits
another dollar this week to renew for
the Old Reliable.
Joe Holly, one of Plattsmouth's in
dustrious citizens, called Saturday and
renewed his subscription for 1!H4. Mr.
Holly Is like all who take the Journal
can't do without it.
of Styles See Hand Bills
75c. 89c and 98c
Lace Curtains
Sill( Dress Goods, Etc.
From all departments.
Monday, Feb. 15
Geo. Woods, the genial cashier of
the Hank of Commerce, and Charley
Richcy, the clever lumberman, both
of Louisville, were transacting busi
ness in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
S. C. Patterson, a former citizen of
Cass county, but now a citizen of Col
umbia, Texas, remits for the Journal
another year, and In doing so adds in
his letter: "I am not thoroughly
weaned from my old friends In Cass
county, and never expect to be."
J. W. Oberg, a fanner living near
Glenwood, Iowa, was In Plattsmouth
Monday looking for a runaway boy,
aged fifteen years. The lad evident ly
didn't come this way, as no one saw a
boy in this city of the description
given. He left home last Friday.
K. C. llaldwin, one of our prominent
farmers who receives his mall at the
Plattsmouth postoillce, dropped in
Tuesday and renewed for the Journal
another year. Mr. Baldwin began
taking tho Journal a year ago, and
says he can't get along now without It.
J. F. Marston, the crooked insur
ance man, who finished a Jail sentence
here last Tuesday, was released to
fall Into the hands of Constable Dun
gan of Falls City, to answer to a simi
lar charge, and was taken to that city.
It Is sain his victims are numerous In
Falls City and vicinity.
The name of the fellow who took a
blanket off one of Gus Dagendorfer's
horses last Saturday night Is known.
The team was hitched In the shed in
the rear of Hans Goos' saloon, corner
of Main and Fifth streets. If It Is re
turned nothing more will be said. If
not, the law must take Its course, as
it will he reported to the proper au
thorities. Remember that If you desire the
Journal Monthly Magazine you must
renew your subscription to January.
l!HT). All those who fall to take ad
vantage of this proposition during the
present month will have to pay fifty
cents extra for Hie magazine, if they
want It. From now till the first of
March the offer of both for holds
We take this opportunity of returning our
mast sincere thanks for past favors, and solicit a
continuance of your patronage in tho future.
During VXH, we shall endeavor to supply tho
market, as usual, with that
Which Suits the People!
both in quality and prices.
Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, wo
invito all to como and bo comforted by making
your purchases from tho largest furniture house
m I'lattsmouth.
Sattler &
A complete line of Imported enamel
led ware at John P.auer.
Sawdust for sale by the car load or
wagon load C. A. Richaut.
Attorney C. E. Tellt of Weeping
Water, was in the city yesterday on
Mrs. Louella Jewell and son Ralph,
of Omaha, are visiting with Judge and
Mrs. Archer.
Don't forget the masked hall at
Turner Hall Saturday night. Don't
fail to be there if you desire to enjoy
a good time.
Mr. Henry 1). Trisherand MissMin
nie Holllday, both of AVeeping Water,
were married in Omaha on Wednes
day evening, February 3.
A marriage license was Issued yes
terday to Reese O. Ilutclilns, aged 20,
and Miss Mabel E. Peckham, aged 23,
both of Weeping Water.
About seventy-live couple partlcir
pated in the leap year ball given by
the members of G. L. G. C. Club at
Sokal hall Saturday night. It was a
very successful affair In every par
ticular. "Angels Commedians" is the style of
show company that is now traveling
the land. As their name would indi
cate they should be doing business in
that land where the streets are paved
with gold.
W. L. Witherow has finally conclud
ed to discontinue the publication of
the I'lattsmouth Tribune, and ar
rangements have been made by which
all paid up subscriptions will be tilled
out by the News.
The next number of the Journal
magazine will make Its appearance
some time between the l."th and 20th
of the present month. If you want
both the Journal and the magazine
for 1.00 subscribe now.
E. W. Reins, living on rural route
No. 1, and one of our prosperous young
farmers, called Saturday and enrolled
his name for the Journal. Mr. Reins
says he has done without the Old Re
liable as long as he intends to.
'1 he best physic. "Once tried and
you will always use Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets," says
William A. Glrard, Pease, Vt. These
Tablets are the most prompt, most
pleasant and most reliable cathartic
In use. For sale by all druggists.
Dr. Richards, the eye and eyesight
specialist of Omaha, will he at the
Riley Hotel Monday, February 22nd,
both day and night, and will examine
eyes and lit them with glasses, and
guarantees all work. If you are unable
to visit him in the day time, he will
serve you In the evening.
Mrs. R. M. Stoutenborough returned
Monday from Denver where she had
been visiting her daughters, Dorothy
and Mrs. Gisli. Mrs. Stoutenborough's
many friends will be pleased to learn
that she has been appointed to act on
the committee on rules anil regula
tions at the St. Louis World's Fair by
the national president of Women's
Clubs, Mrs. Denisun, of New York
City. b Farmers
8 S
I Your
I Caltte
vw .
jj Against
Use International Stock Food!
Public Sale
The undersigned will sell at Publio
Auction at his farm, two miles west
and one mile south of Plattsmouth,
near Mynard, on
Tuesday, February 23d
Commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m., the
ivunniii uuaciiuuu I'rujfuriy.
One gray horse, 8 years old, weight
1700; one roan horse, 10 years old,
weight 1300; one team black gcldlng3,
8 years old, weight 2U00; one team bay
marcs, 7 years old, weight 2800; ono
bay mare, 10 years old, weight 1300;
one bay mare, 14 years old, weight 1200;
one two-year-old mule; one yearling
bay colt; live head of cattle; fifteen
dozen chickens; three farm wagons;
new eight-foot Dering binder, used 4
(lays; one Hadger cultivator; three
walking cultivators; Peru riding lister;
two combined walking listers; two-row
corn plow; two slxteen-lnch walking
plows; X-ray Rradley riding plow; one
Champion hay rake; Champion mower;
two corn planters with checK row; sixteen-foot
harrow; disc harrow; wheat
drill; stalk rake; hay rack; five sets oC
work harness; fifty-gallon iron kettle,
and other articles too numerous to
Terms of Sale
A credit of one year will be given on
all sums over 10, purchaser giving good
bankable note at eight percent inter
est: all sums under 10 cash in hand.
All property must be settled for before
being removed.
W. D. Jones. Auctioneer.
A Well Known Cure for Piles.
Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, eo
zema, skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds
painless. We could not Improve the quality
If paid double the price. The best salve
that experience can produce or that money
can buy.
Cures Piles Permanently
DeWltt's Is the original and only pure and
genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for
the name DeWITT on every box. All others
are counterfeit. rMrAiioiv
For Sale by F. C. FR1CKE & CO.
Dizzy ?
Then your liver isn't acting
well. You suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Pill.
Small doses cure. ainiSSii...
Want y..ijriiuu.iJ,H,e or In-.rd . bwuuiGi
nruwnnrrlrh lil.rk? Then ui. "u"""
ft ftiKy- t rtm tt p Hill A f n.M,. H M
After linvinr? once used Dnrlo
Davis k Co.'h "J'.lnckleoiila" ns n cure
ntul jirevcntivo for Blackleg, you will
never use nnvtliinur else. It in Mia
5 surest euro ntul ensiest to nso one
fi little pill docs the work, assuring
6 the sumo amount of inedicino in onch
S tloso.
8 A hypodermic syriug and n little
ii inio ia mi mere is 10 u.
Your Neighbor About It
or Call for Circulars now, giv-
nig Complete Direction.