The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 11, 1904, Image 4

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The Plattsmouth
- IL A. BATES, rinl-HE'i
EnVerod tt the pnnWifflr t ptfmouth, Ne
braska, as iccuuilclaaa u,u r.
rti.-4llED WEEKLY AT
"Irwac&nnot win with Roosevelt,
we cannot with anybody," says Sena
tor Piatt of Connecticut. Well, who
said you oould?
Tna Washington clerks arc still In a
ferment over the rule compelling them
to work seven hours a day. Tbey even
prefer elder that works only a little.
Bekoue Uncle'.Sara goes gunning
for the Russian bear because he delays
to open the;door real wide In Manchu
ria; it might be well for him to grease
our own hinges in the Philippines,
The president's virtuous robbery of
, Colombia Is "still under Jdlscussion in
copgress. Senator Spooner has wisely
" withheld from publication the spacious
and sophisticated frazzle which he calls
an argument..
'Goveknor Cl-mmisos, of Iowa, Is
going down to Washing ton "to Impress
his tariff reform views upon the presi
dent." Somebody should tell the Gov
ernor that this matter has been post
poned "until after the presidential
The president, charged with enter
ing Into a conspiracy to destroy the
republic of Colombia, simply answers
"I haven't done a thing!" What Is he
doing now, with his two fleets and re
. Inforcementsof marines at the Isthmus
but making war upon the republic of
Colombia to prevent the restoration of
Its union of states?
The democratic party is so governed
by principle that it is weak in cohesive
elements. The republicans In congress
act as one man; the democrats seem
hopelessly divided. Tbey aro worse
off than the old woman who had two
teeh left, one In each jaw. She earn
estly cauea attention to mat ract ana
added "But thank God, they hit!"
Senatok Hanna has committed to
memory several Important observa'
tlotassuchfas "Stand1 pat," "We'll
name'the trump," "We'll cut the
cards," "We don't need the widow,'
"The Lord, hates a bob-tall flush,'
"The Joker takes the bower." They
,fvy that he has added "We hold the
ace," but as that ismcre nonsense, he
pyobably said "I;hold the age," and
he. docs, 67 years.
, .SenatoH Carmack- of Tenn., said
to our correspondent in Washington
.''The Colombianlscnate acted strictly
within its rights In rejecting the
treaty'and we have nomore right to
abuse theTcitlzens of that rcpbulic
than England had to abuse us for re
jectlng the Johnson-Clarendon treaty
or than:anymanlhas to blame another
for refusing to sell his property at a
price which Is offered for it."
The administration, has a poet lau
rcate, a colonel bearing the romantic
name ofiTIIopklns. At the banquet
given by Secretary Root to Gov. Taft
the other evening he offered:
'll'he toast, . with '.brimming glnnsi'S to he
qdafTml. ' .
There's but one naiucj to-night, and that Is
. :- Tart"
It be had had an eye to sudden pro
motion, be would have added:
Like baseball fli'iuls. the army, horse and fiwit
liaa but out) woru of pralsu, auu that Is "Hoot I
Cokgkeks finally refused to pay its
members a quarter of a million dollars
miUeage for a visit to their homes
which was never made; this It, while
the clock was striking twelve between
two sessions. Members have reached
out for the money with great avidity
especially such members as Cushman
of Washington, (11,600) and the coffee
colored delegate from Hawaii ($4,noo.
This would have been a neat salary for
one minute's time.. Some members I
playful rebuko shook their fists at the
press gallery, but on a roll-call not
single member ventured to face public
opinion by voting for the boodle.
i u
The Boston Herald contends that
Judge Yandcventcr's construction of
law In the Dietrich case, runs counter
to the practice both of the senate and
of the house, and it Is pointed out that
both senators and congressmen are
elected for dcllolte terms, which begin
and end at specific dates. When the
Fifty-seventh congress adjourned sine
die on the fourth of last March, the
terms of Its members In the house, and
of one-third of the senators, ended at
that date. The former had been con
Kressmcn for the full two years' term
fixed bv the constitution. hen con
gross was called In extra session In No
vember last, the members who respond
cd fn tho house of representatives were
those who had been elected ror a term
of two years beginning on the fourth
of March last. They were members of
conirress. although congress had not
been in session and the oath had not
been administered to them. They met
oh the ninth of November, the roll was
called and they proceeded to the elec
. tlon of a speaker and tho transaction
of certain other business before the
oath was administered to any.
Dr. Richards will examine eyes at
Ue Rllv Hotel. Monday. February
22nd, tfcjth day and night. The doctor
1 ln , t nu thnbtin.
llCvua no ivvuuiiiiuiiMttwuut a
dre of persons can testify with whom
. 1 i i ... II 1 I,. ( t.n Ifitt
as mine uumiivm mmm
earg at Gerlng Co's drug store.
Ehter, Dentist,
Waterman Block.
Austang Limmcnt
curia Cuts, liunm, Lruisea.
Austang Liniment
curia Sprain. and Struiua.
Mustang Liniment
U a positive cure for Piles.
Roosevelt's Surrender.
"Terrible Teddy" Roosevelt, who
slngle:handed and alone whipped poor
.Spain, and notoriously self-advertised
as the greatest who never
bustcdatrust, has been "called down."
Not only has he been called down but
he manifests a willingness to stay
down" or any other old way the g. o.
trust magnates may say in order to
secure the republican nomination.
Terrible Teddy will no longer carry-
on sham battles against the trusts, and
word has been allowed to leak out that
the'trusts he has been prosecuting lo.
these many moons, according to the g.
p. papers are for him "tooth and toe
nail." Isn't it stranv'e that after bo
ng "vigorously" prosecuted the trust.'
are coming around to Roosevelt? Isn't
It strange that the man who denounc
ed these corporations as criminal is l lie
ery man they arc booming for presi
dent? Any one who has been reading
the daily papers the last ten days can
readily see that the big magnates have
the controlling Interest in the g. o. p.
menagerie have read Teddy the riot
act and he has promised them he would
be "good." Within the past ten days
he has wined and dined at the White
House all the magnates who were sup
posed to be against lilm. I minediately
after being "dined" they whoop it up
for Roosevelt.
Walter Wellman, the g. o. p. corres
pondent for the Chicago Record-Herald,
says: "It requires genius of a high
order to carry on a little crusade
against Wall Street and through it
gain immense popularity with the
masses of the people as a foe of the
trusts, and then turn round and gain
the approval and possibly the help of
a considerable share of Wall Street
Teddy Roosevelt has purchased his
peace with the trust magnates, and
surely no person who thinks for himself
will fail to see it. However it was the
only way In which he could lead the g.
o. p. A man who thinks for himself
need not apply for leadership in that
party. .
A Visit to Greenwood.
A Journal representative "took a day
off" this week in order to make a short
visit to Greenwood. This was the
first, and we hope will not be the last
visit to the thriving little city, and we
were considerably surprised to see so
much enterprise displayed in the tow n.
Greenwood citizens expect to recover
soon from the effects of the recent con
fiagragratlon that swept from the face
of the carlii several of their liest busi
ness houses. Already arrangements
are being perfected to replace on the
"burnt district" up-to-date substantial
bricks, by H. T. Swanback, (former
owner) John and Will Armstrong. The
block will be two stories, with three
fine store rooms below and lodge rooms
above, with a 7.Vfoot frontage and M
feet deep. These Improvements to
gether with the coming of the electric
railway, will furnish our little neigh
bor quite a boom during the coming
The electric railway company has
already purchased lots on which to
erect a depot and freight house, and
this movement has had a tendency to
advance the price of building lots.
While In Greenwood we had the
pleasure of stopping at the Commercial
Ilotel, owned and managed by that
genial gentleman, R. I. McDonald,
and we were most royally entertained
at his hostelry. Mr. Mclnnald is a
most clever gentleman, and took con
siderable pains to make ourstay a pleas
ant one. The Commercial is a good
hotel, and we fell no hesitancy in re
commending it to the traveling public.
We called upon Uro. Maylleld, of the
Enterprise,and found him in work upto
his eyes, and more In sight. Mr. May
field Is giving the citizens of Greenwood
a splendid local paper, and he deserves
the united support of the business men
of the little city in his unt Irlng efforts.
Among the wide-awake business men
we met were Mr. Frank Nichols, the
grain dealer, and Mr. K. 11. Craig, the
undertaker; the latter, we regretted
to learn, was not feeling well, ltuth
aro excellent citizens and we were
pleased to meet them.
We expect to pay Greenwood another
visit In the near future, at which time
we will give a more extended write-up
of the town and surrounding country.
We have on exhibition at the Jour
nal office several apples that are as
pretty as any one of riatLsmouth's
sixteen-year-old maidens, and It will
pay our apple growers, and especially
those who expect to put out new trees
In the spring, to call and see them.
Among these samples are snne called
the Nlack Ren Davis. Mr. E. P. ItulT
ner represents the Stark l'.ros' Nurser
ies of Louisiana, Mo., who wild these
samples to show that the apple is a
ready seller In any market and for
general use are In many respects su
perior to all other apples grown. Call
within the next Tew iinys. The Slark
Nurseries are known the world over
for the excellent qualities of fruit trees
they produce, and in fact for all kinds
of nursery stin k. See Mr. Kuffncr and
give him a trial order, rememlierlng
that Ed Is always ready to do the fair
tiling In replacing.
Mustang Liniment
In use for over sixty yearn.
Mustang Liniment
cured Spavin and Ringbone.
Mustang Liniment
cures ull forma of Rheumatism.
C. D. (juintnn spent Monday with
Tahnage friends.
Otto Rrooks was down from Lincoln
over Sunday.
Miss F.tta Gordon is numbered
among the sick.
Richard Fleshman Is taking treat
ment at an Omaha hospital.
Mrs. K. G. Copes of Cook, is the
guest of her son, Ora E. Copes.
Odamler TefTt returned first of the
week from a trip to Oregon.
15. C. Maniuardt and wife left Tues-
hv morning via. Omaha for St. Louis
ind other southern points.
John Shelton Is afflicted with the
Miss Setma Marquardt has returned
from Lincoln. .
William Langhorst and family en
joyed a visit from Berlin friends last
Edward Morley and C. L. I'utman
were Weeping Water visitors Saturday
Miss Rosa Xutzman returned from
Springfield Saturday evening.
Miss Anna Langhorst entertained a
number of her young friends at Flinch
I riday evening.
E. R. Straub visited Kansas Citv
last week.
C. E. Conrad was at Cook the first
part of the week.
I). G. McAllister was up from Dun
bar Saturday visiting his many friends
I). Askew of Weeping Water, spent
last I riday in Avoca.
John Seabloom and family will oc
cupy the Mrs. Churchill farm four
miles southeast of town after March 1
Wm. Mickel has purchased a farm
near Alvo, and will remove to same In
a few days.
Mrs. Ilaight, who has been visiting
Missouri relatives for the past month,
has returned home.
Special Correspondent.
Owini; to the rough roads and the
scarcity of cars, very little corn was
delivered during the past week.
John Faris, who has been on the
sick list the past two weeks, Is re'
ported no better.
The invitation dance, managed by
Frank Vallery, which took place in
the brick hall Friday evening, was an
enjoyable affair.
The town loafers will whistle a new
tune now there is a medicine show
in town this week.
Rev. T. K. Surface is holding pro
tracted meetings at the Ottcrblen
this week.
Clint Harris has a new rubber-tired
buggy. Re careful, Clint, this is leap
Considerable Ice has been put up
here lately, it Is of a good quality
and about twenty inches thick.
Three months ago the Christian Sun
day School, numbering sixteen mem
hers, chose Miss Ora Reed as captain
of one side, and Mrs. Lucy Sporer cap
tain of the other, and a revival was
begun which increased the enroll
ment to IOj members. Thursday even
Ing they gave an entertainment and
oyster supper which was a social as
well as a financial success.
Death of S. M. Davis.
Stephen M. Davis, one of the most
prominent and well known citizens of
Cass county, died at his home In this
city yesterday morning at 11:30. Mr,
Davis had been in ill health forscvcral
weeks, but it was thought during the
last few days that he was Improving
Consequently the announcement of
his demise came as quite a shock to
Ids many friends. The deceased was
fifty-six years of age, and ho leaves
widow and three sons; Troy L. and
Frank J., of Weeping Water, and
Searl S., of this city. Arrangements
have been made for the funeral ser
vices to occur Saturday morning at 10
o'clock, the services to be conducted
by Rev. Ezra M. Bushncll of Rcatrice,
Nebraska. Interment will be made
In the F.ight Mile Grove cemetery.
Better Than Gold.
"I was troubled for several years
with chronic indigestion and nervous
debility," writes F. J. Green of Lan
caster, N. II. "No remedy helped me
until I began using Electric Hitters,
which did me more good than all the
medicines I over used. They have also
kept my wife In excellent health for
years. She says Electric Hitters are
Just splendid for female troubles; that
they are a grand tonic and Invlgorator
for weak, run dow n w omen. No other
medicine can take Its place. In our
family." Try them. Only 50c. Satis
faction guaranteed by F. C. Fricko
& Co.
For Sale Acre tracts near town on
easy terms bargains.
It. K. Windham,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
2.1, so, and :.") gallon sugar kettles at
John Eaucr's.
Mustang Liniment
for Mas, Beast or Poultry.
Mustang Liniment
heals Old Sorea quickly.
Mustang Liniment
cares Caked Udder In cows.
Referee's Sale.
Ken F. Patterson. IMitintllT vs. Jiiiiies Pat.
U-r-ton rt. !.. lK'ft'iiilnnia.
I I l.nw 1 III will tam- nolh'r llial on Krli
ruarjf Twenty fourth. WH. Ht one uVlm'k In
me antTiioou ot Mtiu tiny, tin; uncleiMitmsl
refMvwiUuly auxlntHl u miko partition In
tlie ftlmve nilillnl rmiMi will, mutuant to tin
order of sale of the lilstrirt Court within untl
for l ass County. State of Nebraska, at Hie
aoutli from tloorof Hie Court house In the City
of l'lattsuiouth. Cass County. Nehruskit. sell
at public auction to the highest htililcr. ul-
lect u Menu aim Incumbrances thereon, the
following described real estate:
Lots one (1). two til. three '(Ml. four lil Ave
(5) and six (lit, in Block entity-three. (Mil; lots
one (I), two i2. three (31. four . live (51 uiul
six i. In Mock two oil In Younit and llavs
Addition; UiLs ton (10), eleven (111 and twehe
(ll't. In lllock seventy-six (Tti). ull In the City
of I'luttsniouth. Cass County, Nebraska. AU
iwri. mi iiiw iiomi r.nsi iiiaricr 01 tne romil
West uuarter: uart of tho Suth half of the
North Westuiiarterof the South Vi'stniiiirlir.
Lot twenty tat) In the South Kasl iiiarter of
uiewmin viesi quarter and t lie Soul n west
quarter of the South West quarter, all In Sec
tion one (It, Township twelve (12i. ltatme
unrieen (ui, in cass county, ZSetiraska. eon
Uttultnt eiirhtv-two isJl acres more or less.
Also Lot one (11 In the North Kasl quarter of
North Kast quarter of Section twenty-one (21).
Township twelve (121. KaiiK eleven (ID In
said County and State, containing thlr,y-nlne
i.R"t acres more or less. Also w est halt t W . "-,1
and South Kast quarter (S. K. t of Section
one (1), Township tifteen Oil, Itituiie Ufty (),
In Cheyenne County, Nebraska, containing
rour iiunureu ami r.ittiuy (4Nii acres more or
ess. Also lyots two (-1 ana twelve I") in lllock
(4) and Its four H) and live (5) in lllock six
(6) In Wise & Partuelee's Addition lo the City
of Omaha, ltouirlus County, Nebraska: also
lAit tirteen o.) in mock rour w In Institute
IMtice Addition to said city.
third (S) cash: one-third (',) payable In one
year and one-third (') payable In two years.
All deferred payments to he secured wlt'h ap
proved real estate mortKaitcx and beur In
terest at seven per cent, per annum.
Hash. S. Uamsky,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Joseph V. Johnson.
Anphkw H. Taylor,
First publication January 14, I'M.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of an order of sale Issued by Jits.
Kobertson, clerk of the district court,
within and for Cass county. Nebraska, ami to
me directed. I will on thu
Stb Day of March, A. D.. 1904
at S o'clock p, ni.. of said day at the
south door of the court house. In the Ciiv
of I'laltstnoiitli, In said county, sell at public
n ..... I 1.1. .1.... . 1. 1. 1. 1..- r. .....
nut nun, i j tun iiiKiienif limner lor lush, me
followlnn real estate to-wlt:
lletrltiuliiK at the northwest corner of north
east quarter of the northeast quarter of sec
tion 4 In township li raiiKe 13. east of the ilih
principal meridian in Cass county. Nebraska,
thence running south alonic the west line of
satd tract 60 and 2U-UIU feet to a burr-oiik
stake, thence north Jfr decrees. 4ii minutes i ast
from said west line S41 and so-lou feet to the
north line of said tract, thence west alotu;
said north line feet to the place of be chi
ning, containing 3 and HiV-nu acres more or
less. Except from the first description herein
the following descrllied land, commencing tit
a point 1 feet east of the northwest corner of
the northeast quarter of the northeast qimr
ter of section 24, In township li range 13, Cass
county. Nebraska, thence ruining south
parallel with the west line of said tract 174
feet, thence cast parallel with the north line
of said tract 44 feet thence north 174 feet
thence west 44 feet to the place of beginning
containing 17ii-Um0 f an acre, which said des
cription has been released from the lien of
said mortgage, together wit li the privileges
and appurtenances thereunto lielonglug or In
anywise appertaining. The same being levied
upon and taken as the procrty of lianlel
Iturrls, Nancy A. Hurris. John It. Tutt. Lloyd
I), ilennett, Margaret llennett, Artie M. Mor
row, as administratrix of the estate ot Wil
liam Morrow, deceased. Baxter Carter, and
Mrs. Maxter Carter and the City of 1'lalls
moutli. Defendents to satisfy a Judgment of
said court recovered by Anselmo B. Smith,
plaintiff, against said defendants, 1'litlts
mouth, Nebraska, February 2nd., A. I).. Uui.
. .INO. 1. McUKIltK.
Jfsse r Root. Sheriff. Cass Co., Nek
rialnilir's Attorney
Notice to Creditors.
Bta5SSM,I- In County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Knud Hanson
Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executor,
Lewis Hanson, of said estate, before me.
county Judge of Cass county. Nebraska, lit
the county court risim In I'luttsniouth. In said
county, on the 2sth day of March. 1WI4. and on
the twenty-ninth day of August, ISM. at Hi
o'clock a. m., each day. for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination, ad
justment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
year and six months for the executor to settle
said estate, from the IMth day of February,
Witness my hand and seal of said County
Court, at riattsniouth. Nebraska, this Uitli
day of January, VM. Hvhvev I). Thavir.
Ihkai..) County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska I
County of Cass ( " In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Koliert Karnes,
deceased :
JTOTirs Is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administra
tor of said estate liofore me, county Judge of
Cuss county, Nebraska, at the county court
Mom in I'lattsniouth, in said county and
state, on the luth day of March. U4, and on
loth day of Septc mlsT. 11104. at 10:Uu o'clock a.
in. eiu ii nay. ror the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjustment ami
allowance. Six months are allowed for the
creditors of said deceased to present their
claims, and one year for the administrator to
seme said estate rrotn the IDtli day or March,
Witness my hand mid seal of saltl county
court at riattsniouth, Nebraska, this 4th day
of February. IUU4. Hahvey 1. Thavih.
County Judge,
Perry's Restaurant
Short Order House I
Meals Served nt Regular
Meal Hours.
Fresh Oysters s
Fish or anything in Market.
P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor,
North Sldt
Main Si root
For Sale or Ttadel
Murray Hotel, Murray. Practically
new bullillng-and recently rcpa pored
and repainted and In excellent repair.
For further particulars call at Journal
olllco, or address
Murray, Nebraska
ang Lin
Austang Liniment
Best for Horse ailments.
Mustanq Liniment
lWHt for Cattle ailments.
Mustang Liniment
Best for Sheep ailments.
Per cent,
Free v Free
Radios Radios Radios
Stupendous Offer Made by a Well
Known Philadelphia Firm.
Radios Radios Radios
Thousands of Persons In all Sections
of the Country Have Been Healed
by This Wonderful Discovery
Every educated person has heard of
Radium, its wonderful powers and
healing qualities have occupied page
after page In the metropolitan publi
cations. Almost everybody knows that
It Is the greatest remedy that God has
ever given to suffering humanity. Dis
ease germs of every description lice be
fore It they cannot stand thecontact.
We have such faitli In our proposition
that we guarantee absolutely to cure
you. What Is more we will give you
a written contract to that effect. This
offer has never been duplicated. Fill
out the blank below and mark the
malady from which you are suffering
and receive by return mail Informa
tion that will be worth hundreds of
dollars to you. Ask any banking linn
regarding our responsibility.
Free Offer Free Offer Free Offer
M2 Drcxcl Uulldlng
Philadelphia, Pa.
Kindly send me free of cost
Information regarding your Ka
dluin treatment and your won
derful remedy "IJadlos."
I). TKAVIrt,
KoOtffl . 0 ARO 11. WTIHXX, I(H ,
neiuiA mirnoM. I "' no. .
( RMiiimi. 4t.
Austang Liniment
limber up Stiff Joint.
Mustang Liniment
pcuctrute to tho very bone.
Mustang Liniment
always gives satisfaction.
Jaaiuacry Business
over our December, business of 1903
because the people are becoming acquainted with our meth
ods of doing business, and find that we represent nothing
we do not do and they pay for nothing they do not get.
Just try us Yourself.
The undersigned will nell at wlint is known an tho J. W. Ynllery jr.
farm, four miles west nnd one mile south of Plattsmouth,
and tlireo miles northwest of Mynard, on
Wednesday, February 17, 1904
Commoncin;' nt 12:00 o'cloik sharp, the following property to-wit:
One Team Weighing 2800 One Driving Team Weighing 2000
One Mare Weighing 1100 One Team Weighing 2500
Ten Head of Cows and Calves One Sow and Eight Pigs
One Newton wngon, nearly new; three other wngons; two AMine corn
planters with chuck row nttnehment; one liny rack; throe sets of work
harness; ono single linrness; one set tly nets; one stalk cutter; ono
stalk rake; one top buggy; one walking cultivator; one two.mctioii
harrow; ono sleigh, nnd numerous other articles.
All sums of $10 and under, ensh in linnd; over $10 n credit of
six or twelvo months, to suit purchaser, will be given, with banka
ble, note bearing eight per cent. All property must bo settled for
before being removed.
Hall's Cash Store
Vifjor, 3 packages 25 cents.
Malta Vita, per package 14 cents.
Force, per package 9 cents.
Quail Oats, per package l) cents.
White Dove Oats, per package l) cents.
Anchor Matches, per packag 20 cents.
Deans, per can () cents.
Corn, per can ) cents.
Three pound can Tomatoes 10 cents.
Heisel's Plainsifter Flour $ 1 00
Promain Patent 1 10
Weeping Water Diamond 1 00
f " " K.&II. 1 10
Draken field, 1 00
Patent, 1 10
Twenty lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00
All klmlnof Drnliil work. lnlm nm.lollml
Wurk dimrintivl.
Or r lCK- KlTKIHHAI n llMKK.
ing Lin
Mustang Liniment
.1.1. I PL11I.I.I..
cure 1'roatbitca and Chilblain.
Mustang Liniment
llt thluS for a Iuiue horse.
Mustang Liniment
drives out all Inflammation.
V Abstracts f Title V
Thomas Ualli.
Or KICK-Anliruvr-liiHh Work.