J OHM M LEY DA, The Plattsmouth Journal ATTORNCr-MTLAW. ADST2ACTE8 OF LAND TITLES. PwDarln ls!miMof title. miivrv:in."tntf Mill enniliilii tttlut lu rt'itl fitHl a kpti-tui- Jotin l.umt I'lnlUmuuUi, IT- murk pruuony duiii hiiu rlinrvc unit., I'm Eotertnl t the ixwtuBW at Pl.ittsmoutli, Xe- brankit. aa n'oiid-l.i.! uiaiu-r. i: lUainui and Hullillnif. Mar Ouurt Huum Nebratk.b f ar a A COFFEY. I The Up-to-Datc .GROCERS. Here you can pel anything kept at a first-class grocery store, and at prices to suit the timeB., Finest line of Canned 6oods on the- market. Don't fail to call on them for anything in f the grocery lino. Everything t fresh from the markets. iWURL & COFFEY, i i Don't allow money to He around. It is easier to spend it and easier to lose it. SA'JE MONEY b$ keeping: it In a safe place such as It ll'l. "imimnlTIJW.'JI'.' T AMI l AW 1 1 111 1 1 The Banlj of Cass County You can Rive a check for any part of it at any time and so have a receipt ' for payment without asking for one. When you have a bank account you will be anxious to add to it rather than spend from it. Don't you want to know more about it. Independent Cigar PACTORYl R. A. HATES; l'l ulisiikii. ITBL1SIIED WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. mo u 5c CIGAR, Challenge! Comparison In Quality aud Workmanship. JULIUS PEPPERBURG, . . Manufacturer. ED. FITZGERALD, PROPRIETOR OF Livery, If Hack and Baggage Line MOVING VAN. moving of Household Goods a Spocialtv. Also, Heavy braying. Bee Hive Restaurant, Main Street IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE COURT nousE. Weeping Water l Mm tin; Ki pulilU un. Frank Karnes is now manager of the Dickson Lumber Co.'s yards. What has became of Bert Painter of Nehawka, and his perpetual motion machine? Mrs. Emeus, who has been here vis iting her daughter-in-law for several weeks, left for her home la Illinois, today. Miss May me Latta came up from Kansas City. Saturday and will re main at home for a short time with her mother, whose health is not very good. Large quantities of corn are coming to this market, and have been for some time. E. F. Marshall informs us that he frequently takes in as much as sixty to seventy loads in a day. At a meeting of the stockholders of the City National Tank on the 12th Inst. Jacob Domingo was elected prcs ident; John Domingo, vice-president; . Donclan, cashier; C. W. liish, assistant cashier. The usual divi dend was declared and the surplus fund added to, making it $7,200. S. A. Morrison of Omaha, changed cars here Friday morning enroute boine from Eagle where he had been called by the lllincss of Editor Ostran and got the Beacon out for him last week. Sandy says he' is now in the employ of the street railway company of Omaha as moterman and likes the work very much. Mrs. Emily Shirley, beloved wife of Alfred Shirley, was born in Jackson county, Iowa, August 18, 1832, died near Burlington, Kan., January 12, 1904. Miss Emily Dowlcr and Mr. Shirley were married December 5, 1807, and came to Cass county, Ne braska, In June, 18(18, where they re sided upon the Weeping Water, west of town, until the family removed to ColTec couty, Kansas, three years ago. from tho Herald. Mrs. C. A. Webster was on the sick list the ilrst of the week. Mrs. M. kressen lias been on the sick list the past week with the grip. J. T. Harrison made a trip to Wa terloo, Monday, on business for the company. Saturday, February Gth, is the date or the next big combination sale at Dunn's pavilion, Weeping Water. Miss Dome Winchell has some pets gathered from the lawn on Jan. Uth young grasshoppers, and they are all lively. Charley Ilitchman is located behind the bars in the First National bank, and says he enjoys the work, and be sides wo think he helps the looks of the crowd. John Domingo returned home last Saturday evening from Denmark, ac companied by Miss Ellen Jorgenscn The latter is a niece of Mrs. Peter Miller. Mr. Domingo was looking well, but says they had a rough voyage coming home. Jim Carey left last Wednesday on a trip to Coffee county, Kansas. Jim nas liio acres or lanci mere, and says he may probably buy another 100 ad joining. Jitnis another one of Cass county's good farmers that lias, con eluded a change would be better, and the family will move in the spring Mr. and Mrs. John Cook of Julian attended the funeral of Frank Dick son, Saturday. Years ago, while sur vcying, a ranic was a mcmoer or a party that boarded at Mr. Cook's for several months, and the old friend ship was strong enough to Induce these people to come to sec him for the last time. We regret to note that Masters Sam Baker and Ben Olive, while engaged In an air gun shooting tournament last week missed the mark, and Hen put a shot close to Sam's eye, which might have resulted much more scrl ously. It was an accident, but the gun is out of reach for the present and we realize they are a dangerous toy for small boys. Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a man endur ing pains of accidental cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, scalds, sore feet or stiff joints. But there's no need for It. Buckland's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure tho trouble. It': the best salve on oarth for piles, too, 2.x: at J" . w, l- riCKo x u. druggists. had time to call on a number of his Union friends, ami the Ledger editor was inciudej. J. E. Grimes of St. Louis, arrived here Wednesday to make a visit w ith his parents and other relatives and friends. EJ made this visit without the formality of sending his card in a.lvainv, giving Ids parenis a pleasant surprise. John Everett returned recently from several days visit in Arkansas, and enjoyed it like a little boy with a new tin whistle, lie saw some good country and good people, but he lost none of his good opinion of Cass county and Nebraska. W. B. Banning has put a fine new 10-horse "Otto" engine in his eleva tor to replace the smaller one and furnish more power which is often needed. A new separator of the Bar nard & Lease make Is another new aud valuable addition to his elevator equipments. Just One Minute. One Minute Cough Cure gives re lief In one minute, because it kills the mlcobe which tickles the mucus mem brane, causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inllamation and heals and soothes tho affected parts. One Min ute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards oil pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of coughs, colds and croup. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Meals at all hours. Special at tention to tho farmer patrons. 1 ho tables nro supplied with tho best .tho markets ntTord. JOHN COREY, Proprietor. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tho money If It falls to cure. E. W. drove's slg nature on each box. 2.V Insurance. Business men a-.d house owners who want gllt-cdgo iiMtinince at liri ng rates can serve their lu st Interests by calling on rnc before placing their risks, lm J. N. Wish. For Sale Acre tracts near town on rasy tcmis-bargnins. K. li. Windham, ' riattsmouth, Neb. From tlie Lender-Echo. Ch. Fescnbeck and wife have moved Into their residence property In Elm-wood. John Elliott returned Wednesday morning from a visit with the Stlnson, Stoehr and Hayes families at El Reno, Oklahoma. E. T. Comer and C. S. Ilart went to 'remont Tuesday evening to attend the state meeting of the volunteer remcn's association. Uncle Dave McCalg went to Lincoln Wednesday to besiege the fort and capture the district G. A. E. reunion for Elmwood this year. Mrs. Cunningham and Ed Mapes re eelved word Friday that their mother, living in Missouri, was dead. She was 78 years of age and leaves ten children and forty-two grandchildren. Wm. Campbell, who came from Mis souri to this neighborhood four or Ave cars ago, loaded his goods into a car Monday night and "returned to his first love." We are sorry to lose 'Billy." He was a good citizen. Ben Hoffman lias purchased the II II. Carroll property, south of J. A Wright's residence. Consideration $1,100. Mr. Carrol is to remove the buildings and Mr. Hoffman will build nice residence thereon in a few months and become a citizen of Elm wood. Milt Moore has sold his three eighties near Murdock to a Mr. Gram Hch, of Springfield, Nebraska. Con sldcratlon 24,000, or $100 per acre. Possession is to be given March 1st, 1005. Mr. Moore contemplates mov ing to Elmwood when lie leaves the farm. Union I'ron the I.ciluur, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lalluo hav cause to rejoice on account of the ar rival of a new son at their home Wed nesday afternoon. G. W. Shrader, one of the well known farmers of Kock niuns pre cinct, was In town Tuesday on his way home fom Lincoln, where he attended the Bryan banquet. Clarence.Murray arrived homcTues dav from a 1 1 . . ' Oregon, ami had a lino time vlsltlng4and looking ow some new country. If he saw anything that beats Nebraska he failed to men tion it to us. M. 11. Shoemaker and D. W. Foster went to Lincoln on Monday evening train to nartlolnatc In the Bryan ban quet, aud remained for the state met ing uf swine breeders and other asso ciations. James M. Stone of Nehawka was I town Wednesday, milng to Murray to visit his sns. Charles and Bruce. H Elmwood Greenwood The best way to staud up for your town is to patronize the industries that make the town. Mr. Isaac Stradley, who has been sick fur the past three weeks U on our streets again. Mrs. Anna Landon died at the home of her son. George Landon, north of town, Friday, January l.", 1004. II. F. Swanback is having the archi tects draft the pluns for his new store building w hich w ill be erected as soon as the frost is out of the ground. Grandma Cheuvront died at Taylor, this state, and her remains will be sent here for Interment. Services will be conducted at the Christian church, Saturday at 11 o'clock by Elder Utter- back. The Modern Woodmen met in the opera house last evening and initiated four members. Tho Alvo officers and foresters were here and took the boys through the mysteries of woodcraft. Judge R. D. McDonald performed the ceremoney Thursday evening at 7:110 o'clock which bound In holy wed lock, Mr. Samuel Aaron, aged 52 years, and the charming Miss Mary Moran, aged 42 years, at the home of the bride in the west part of town. This young couple have the best w ishes of all their friends, and the Enterprise predicts for them a happy voyage down life's uneven Journey. May their pathway be strewn so full of roses that a double-header snow plow will be required to shovel them out of their way, and th- rays of sunshine so bright that they w 111 have to carry a two-ply asbestos umbrella all the re mainder of their happy days. um 'it - i - tm 1 um Saved From Terrible Death. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt of Bargerton, Tcnn., saw her dying and were powerless to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consump tion was slowly but surely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption turned dispair into Joy. The first bottle brought Immediate relief and its continued use completely, cured her. It's the most certain cure In the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co. r r hi t t twi i'ii' - !i 7"" '''M J Says I V - ;;.,;. V to myself f SaysI- iffpil And so says everybody who .v-'-; .-vjt '--'a jMC "fr! C ever enjoyed the nutriment of 7. Jf&A this famous biscuit. fig'''' f-T? ' Bold ouly In alr-tlglit, moisture-proof vi f i pucliugeg. S lr m : national. tmhiM Jmafr'' f BISCUIT ifWitfli li'A il. ''t - Congratulations. Mr. John II. Cullom, editor of the Garland, Texas, News, has written letter of congratulations to the manu facturcrs of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as follows: "Sixteen years ago when our lirst child was a baby he was subject to croupy spells and we would be very uneasy about him. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In 1887, and finding it such a reliable remedy for colds and croup, we have never been without It In the house since that time. We have five children and have given it to all of them with good results. One good feature of this remedy is that it is not disagreeable to take and our ba bies really like it. Another is that it Is not dangerous, and there is no risk from giving an overdose. I congratu late you upon the success of your rem edy." For sale by all druggists. Louisville From the Courier. Fred Ossenkop of Walton, Neb., is visiting relatives at College Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John Waldron left Tuesday for their home in Dakota, after a week's visit with relatives In Louisville. There are damphew men who be come millionaires on the dead square let after they get possession of the dough they are the people. Little Dulclc Frater, who has been quite low with pneumonia this week, requiring the attention of a trained nurse, is now reported much improved Mrs. W. C. Frampton, of Lincoln, has recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia and will be able to return to Lincoln within a few days. She will be accompanied by herslstcr, Miss Minnie Lehnhoff. v. A. Jacobson s delivery wagon team made things lively Monday after noon by taking one of their accustomed spins. In attempting to cross the bridge on Third street they struck the banister. One of the horses kicked until it freed itself and started on a mad rush for Sarpy county. The wagon contained a number of cases of eggs, and while a plank in the big bridge was broken into kindling wood, tiic Harness named and the wagon had to go to the blacksmith for rc pairs, it was found that not an egg bad been broken. Eacgle From the Itcacon. Wm. Klimkcof Murdock was call ing on old friends In town Tuesday. Tho youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Wetcnkamp, jr., is quite sick. The Beacon pen pusher is back at his desk after a ten days absence, on the sick list. Stephen Benton who Is a patient at tho Insane hospital at Hastings Is gradually growing weaker. Ills men ial condition Is unchanged. Last, r. riuay wiuic Jacou jiursii was doing some carpenter work, lie struck a nail on the head, but It Hew up and struck him In the eye, cutting quite a gash near the sight. He carries said eye m a sung now anu it is hoped no serious results will happen. Mrs. Belle Gill, who was visiting her cousin, J. P. Burdick, a couple of weeks ago, was a passenger on tho 111 fated steamer, Challam, that sank during a storm In Ptigct Sound last Saturday. She had been visiting rel atives a couple of months, and was, on her way to her homo in Klondykc. At the home of tho bride's parents, live miles north and one-half mile east of Eagle, occurred the marriage of Miss Myrtle May Bennett to Mr. Wll Hard elites, on Tuesday evening, Jan nary luth, Rev. Gettys of Alvo, otllcl atlng. The young pcoplo are well and favorably known and need no Intro duction. They will make their fu ture home on tho farm. The happy voting couple wero tho recipients of many useful and beautiful presents. NehLwkL I'rom tlio Krister. Wc are sorry to hear that our old friend, Wm. Stockham, was under the doctor's care last week. Ora Whitehead, of Plattfmouth, has been rusticating with his friend, John Doughty, for a few days. T. 11. Smith and family left for Ottawa, Kan., Monday. We'll bet a big red apple they will come back to Nebraska next year. The young folks have been having lino skating on the ponds lately. About eighty of them were out one night last week and report a good time. John Wunderlieeh shipped two of his line blooded hogs to Coleridge, Nebraska, Tuesday. Wc would think they were lino hogs If they were not red. Charley Ilecbner Is preparing to build a hig hog house in order to care for his fast increasing herd. He has just bought of A. F. Sturm a $:i00 bill of lumber for that purpose. Albart Stoll is another victim to the mumps, having been out of the stoi c a couple of weeks with them. Wc un derstand his father's family are all having a scigc of the same. Mrs. Will C. Tucker lias been quite sick lately. A consultation of doctors was held Saturday to determine the method of treatment. Mrs. George Johnson is taking care of Mrs. Tucker. The ice harvest is about finished this week, and everyone is supplied with the finest Ice put up for several years, it is irom 12 to l( inches lliick and very clear and clean. Mrs. West returned from Lincoln Sunday, where she had been to see her mother, who Is taking treatment. She reports her mother somewhat Im proved. We hope she may soon re turn with her health entirely re covered. rrsriT- LliJ GAEDEL'S DUROC JERSEY I Brood Sale!! 30W Monday, Feb. 8, 1904. QQ-Daroc Jersey Brood Sows-40 ALL SOWS GUARANTEED SAFE IN PIG. These rows nro sired by Cliit-f Perfection lO'.l.")!), King prion, lK.").s;. (Slondulo Prince, Ti, l'rinco Mnrti, TOlKi, Wniu-ttii Bunker, llAYi, Tom Tucker, i:J021, mid other. Bred to Prinoo Echo, 12:J7., bred by J. I). Kid linger, Decatur, Indiana. King Huberts, Zl(V.)l, bred by Wm. Pioberta it Kon.Paton, Iowa. Sale to be held at my Sale Paviilion 5 Miles Southwest of Louisville. Free Lunch at 11:30. Sale at 12:00 C.J. GAEBEL, Owner. LOUISVILLE, NEB. COL.T. K. CALLAHAN ) . .. COL. J. P. Sl'EAKMAN Aucl1 lioneo" GEO. H. WOOD, Clerk. m LiauiLJxJI. jft.J...iiSc. it. jsl. JLJScJLixJLixJLnc..J Cured After Suffering 10 Years. B. F. Ifare, Supt. Miami Cycle & Mfg. Co., Mlddlctown, O., suffered for ten years with dyspepsia. He spent hundreds of dollars for medicines and with doctors without receiving any permanent benefit. He says, "One night whllo feeling exceptionally bad I was about to throw down the even ing paper when I saw an item in the paper regarding the merits of Kddol Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded to try It and while I had no faith In it I felt better after the second dose. After using two bottles I am stronger and better than I have been In years, and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and acquaintances suf fering from stomach trouble." Sold by F. O. Fricke & Co. A. Cough "I have made a most thorough trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and am prepared to say that for all dis eases of the lungs it never disap points." J. Early Finley, .ronton, O. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral wont cure rheumatism; we never said it would. It won't cure dyspepsia; wc never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and colds of all kinds. Wc first said this sixty years ago; we've been saying it ever since. Thru tltnt Ik., Ik.. II. All rnlH. (Vmitilt yonr doctor. If ht t Uk It. thn do ht mt If h IclU "U not Intake It, thin ilin't Ink It, IU knowi. L It with him. W r wlllln. J. t:. A Kit to.. Im.ll. Kul. Maple Grove Spi'diil CorrosiKJiHli-iirp. Quite a number from this vicinity were riattsmouth visitors Saturday. Fred Kngelkcmelcr purchased the A. Hanson farm of 100 acres last Saturday, for which he paid f 12,100. Quite a number from this section at tended the meeting of the Modem Woodmen at Mynard Saturday night. A ntimlK-r of farmers are now engag ed In hauling thclrcorn tc the railroad, having sold since the price advanced. Mr. and Mrs. George Scliaefer visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karnest Voting, near Nehawka, Sunday. Alfred Hanscnier and Glenn Iloc- deckcr came out from riattsmouth to spend Sunday with home folks. August and Annie F.ngelkeineler visited nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Fills Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F,d. Gensemer visited at the home Mr. and Mrs. John liock, Sunday. A Prisoner In Her Own House. Mrs. V. II. Layha of limi Agnes Ave., Kansas City, Mo., has for mv oral years been troubled with severe hoarsness and at times; a hard cough which she says "Would keep me in doors for days. I was prescribed tor by physicians with no notlclble ro stilts. A friend gave me a part of a bottle of ChamlH-rlaln's Cough Item- edy with Instructions to closely follow the directions and I wish to statetliat after the first day I could notice a tie elded change for the better, and at this time, after using It for two weeks, have no hesitation Is saying 1 realize that I am entirely cured." This remedy Is for sale by all trug Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block. Bottlzd in Bond. ill5iti'v mi ! nrrm c TTbc JBcst mWM q tbc Cheapest tn tbc inw till M. JL I l" -v -'-rfv "ttf Toor Whisky in not only dis nreenblo to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is n fine tonic and lielpH instead of linnning. Such Whiskies ns Yellowstone, for in Btiuicp, will do you just us much good ns n doctor's proscription. If you don't know how good it is. como in nnd try it. PRICES: GuekenhcimerilJye, per gallon.. . It 00 Yellowstone, " " ... 4 00 Ibmey lew, " " ... : oo lllg Horn, " "... 2 00 I13 In i 1 1 i D 'V In i o io L i PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Ha I s Cash Store Vitfor, 3 packages 25 cents. Malta Vita, jkt package H cents. Force, per package ') cents. Otiail Oats, per package ') cents. While Dovo Oats, per package ') cents. Anchor Matches, per packag 20 cents. 1 leans, per can ) cents. Corn, per can ') cents. Three pound can Tomatoes 10 cents. Heisel's I'lainsifUr Flour $ 1 00 Prcmain Patent 1 10 Weeping Water Diamond 1 00 K.Ai H. 1 10 Draken field, 1 00 Patent, 1 10 Twenty lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00