o3 We First National Beuk of Plattsmoulh. Condensed Statement (,f tlio O, mouth, Nil.., at thee iKiititui of First National Panic, of I'latts- iii.-inrv, January ind, Rtsoureas. ..:in mill lilHitintt ivrrilrnfu ' r. S. IIimhU In Mvurw i lri uiiiilliii rn-iiiluniH on Itniiiiii Stm-k. Ni'iirlilcM. Kif .".!. l: .il K-litteiml ami Hunk tlx- lure Knli-minlou r'uml Uli H. 'I riiiiirrr 1'usli on liaml unit due ux from olht-r hunks I 3i1 fC2 1 -' "in Tiu 1)0 I'M Vih hi ( -ir:t a ;u Liabilities. ynHn StiM-k uM III I W CM) 00 rmriiu r ii no Hint I mllvliUil I'ro Wl li-vt i'Mx iims uuil lut- iwl'l M KIT if a alumni Hank .Nous ntusliui'l- illll 15 ! M IK-lOiillt U Kj 1 47:i jti ay rA aeeouatt of frm cotf Indlvlauili. H.N. DOVEY. Cashier. LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald block. Clark Cone, of near Manley, was in the city Tuesday. A complete line of Imported enamel led ware at John liaucr. W. II. Pool, of Weeping Water, was here on business Saturday. L. K. Lee of Springfield, Neb., was a riattsmouth visitor Saturday. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Oillec with Dr. K. Cummins. For lease several line acreage tracts near the city. II. It. Windham. 'is it cold enough for you?" has been a common salutation for the past few days. F. M. Kichey made a business trip to Louisville and Weeping Water this week. Dr. K. W. Cook, we are pleased to note, has fully recovered from the mumps. Daniel MeCurdy and Tom Akeson, of the vicinity of Mauley were riatts mouth visitors Tuesday, l'ianoson monthly payments of $,",00 and up per month. Sec A.J. Jackson, at Streight k Street's. Keep February 2nd forDurno & Co., the greatest fun-provoking combina tion that ever visited this city. Lee J. Maytlcld was down from Louisville Tuesday, and reports the Courier in a most healthy and prosper ous condition. Sec advertisements of C. J. Uachel's big hog sale, which comes oil on Mon day, February 8th, at his home live miles southwest of Louisville. S. II. Aaron, aged fifty-two, and Mary Moran aged forty-two, both of (ireenwood, were granted a licence to marry by Judge Travis last Thursday. For a bad taste In the mouth take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. 25 cents. War ranted to cure. For sale by all drug gists. Douglas Shlnn, a former riatts mouth citizen, but now of Nebraska City, stopped oil here last Friday on his return from Chicago, to visit a few hours. l'lattsmouth has a fine opportunity of securing a canning factory if some of the old croakers about town don't spoil the work already done in that di rection. The Turners of this city never'do anything by halves, and those who attend their mask ball Saturday even ing, February IS, may expect some tiling grand. John M. llamsey and family, who have been visiting with the families of Judge H. F. Ramsey and Recorder Schneider, returned to their home In Manley Saturday. The l'lattsmouth Turners will rive a mask ball on Saturday night, Feb ruary 111. It Is the intention of the. management to make this one of the best ever given by this society. If Voii want to have a general good t ime don't fail to attend the Eagles' lance nt the Sokol hall Saturday night. The affair promises to be one of the grand and successful events of the season. Hilly Morgan, the genial sheriff of Mills county, Iowa, was a brief visitor to l'lattsmouth Friday afternoon. Sheriff Mellride escorted him through mr court house, and he pronounced it a daisy. Have you indigestion, constipation, headache, backache, kidney trouble? llollister's Kocky Mountain Tea will make you well. If it falls get your money bac!. That's fair. Tea or tablet form, ."ft cents. (ierlng&Co, Several bills have been Introduced In congress to increase the pay of rural route carriers. Thev are entitled to h 'tter pay, and the only way the gov eminent can expect to get efllicient service is to place the salary at a figure that good men can afford to work for I' rod (!. Fgenberger took his do I'uturo Sunday for a pleasure trip through southern California and Mexico, and expects to be alisent about two months, lie will be ac ciimpanied by William Krug, manager of of the Krug Krewing Co. at Omaha. The Mayor of Severance, Kansas, has served notice o:i all the bachelors of that town that this Is leap year and that it Is their duty to accept the hand and heart of the first woman who pro poses. If they fail to get married this year, with his cmsent, a heavy tax w e Imposed upon I hem. This scheme "f raising money heats an occupation tax, and then it Is somewhat of an ad vantage to old maids of a town, and we would not he surprised to hear of 'he old maids of l'lattsmouth, espe cially those who have been on the mar ket Tor lo, these many years, devising soma scheme to Induce Mayor Morgan to fellow In the wake of the Severance Mayor. "Gut Hell," tho favorite cigar. Jewel Uasc llurncr'sat John Dauer's. Claus shears and razors at John Iiauer's. Smoke the Wurl Uros.' celebrated "Cut Hell" cigars. Enterprise sausage grinders and stullers at John Iiauer's. Mrs. 15. A. Taylor of Union, was a l laltsmouth visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. licckerof Union, were county seat visitors Friday. lion. Win. Deles Dernier was down from Klmwood Friday looking after some legal matters. deorgc doodwin came down from Ilavelock last Friday for a brief visit with l'lattsmouth friends. Mrs. I-. It. fJuthman went to Mur dock Friday to visit a few days with her daughter, Mrs. II. II. Neitzeland family. Jicv. u. it. schleh or Omaha, and a prominent lecturer for the Woodmen of the "World, was here last Thursday night and addressed a meeting of the local camp. l'ostmaster Smith recently received notice from headquarters at Washing ton that beginning February 15th, the rural route out of Mynard will be changed to l'lattsmouth. Mrs. Zettle Lewis, of Denver, Colo., arrived Sunday morning and will re main several days visiting relatives and her many friends In the city. She is the daughter of Mrs. Schulhoff. licit Jameson, of Nchawka, sends the Journal a dollarand says he desires to read that great dispenser of demo cratic doctrine for one year. We hope he w ill be pleased w ith his investment. Newt Russell returned Monday from a few days business and pleasure trip over in Cass county, Neb. While In Klmwood he visited Clay Connor, who he reports prospering greatly. Pacific Junction News. Jennie Stitzer, Omaha "I have gained thirty-five pounds In two months. Nothing did me any good until I used llollister's Rocky Mount ain Tea." A blessing to sickly wo man, (hiring & Co. D. E. Sheesley, of Alvo, sends In the wherewith to renew his faitli In the Journal for another year. Mr. Shees ley is one of those democrats who be lieves in supporting ins party paper, and he says the Journal fills the bill The school board has elected Miss Clara Street of l'lattsmouth, as music teacher In the schools. The new teacher will give two days a week to teaching in the schools. She assumed her duties Monday. Clenwood Opin ion. W. L. Landon, who was in riatts mouth In the interest of establishing a canning raciory Here last week, re turned to his home in Council RlulTs, Saturday. The Journal was favored with a visit from the gentleman dur ing his stay In the city. II. C. Long, or near Murray, was a caller at Journal headquarters today for the purpose of renewing his faith In the Old Reliable. Mr. Long Is one of the prominent farmers of Cass county, and expressed himself as be Ing well pleased with the Journal "The nicest and pleasantest medi cine I have used for indigestion and constipation Is Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets," says Melard F. Craig of Middlegnjve, N. V. "They work like a charm and do not gripe or have any unpleasant effect." For sale by all druggists. A. E. Llesly, of (Ireenwood, was In the city Monday, and in company.wlth Superintendent Wortman, made this office a visit. Ileingonc of the rising voting democrats of Cass county, he wisely concluded that in order to keep up with the democratic procession, he must take the Journal. J. T. 1'orter and wife were county seat visitors Tuesday. Mr. Porter Is one of the prominent democrat ic farm ers of near Murray, and whilo In the city called and renewed his subscrip tion for another year, and also that of his father, to w hom he sends the Jour nal at Seven Mile Ford, Virginia. T. Y. Wiles, late republican candi date for county judge, has resigned his pisilioii with the llurllngton at St. Joseph, which he accepted soon after the election, and has accepted a posi tion with the Midland (iuarantee Co., of Omaha. 1 1 is household effects were shipped to that point last Saturday. The penitential season comes un usually early this year. Lent will commence on Asli Wednesday, Febru ary 17 ami r.asier nuuiiay winne.prn llrd. The date of (lood Friday this year comes on the first day of April. The remainder of the moveable feasts rest with Easter, which Is always the first Sunday aftor the fotirteonth day of tho calendar moon, which day falls next after March 21, according to the rules laid down for the construction of the calendar. Z 3 and 35 gallon sugar kettles at John Iiauer's. Remember t tie mask ball at Turner Hall, Saturday night, February 13. A canning factory may be a starter for another boom for l'lattsmouth. Sadust for sale by the car load or wagon load C. A. Riciiaut. Calvanived Iron and cast tank heat ers at lowest prices at John Iiauer's. Dr. Richards, the eye specialist of Omaha, will be at the Riley Hotel Saturday, February 0th. Call and see him if in need of glasses. H. C. McMaken is now engaged in filling his house with some very pretty ice about hi inches thick. Mr. Wm. S. Crane of California, Md., suffered for years from rheuma tism and lumbago. He was finally ad vised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did and it effected a com plete cure. For sale by all druggists. John Knabe, living near Nchawka, called Saturday and renewed Ids faith n the Journal. Mr. Knabe Is one of Cass county's energetic young farmers and we are pleased to number him among the staunch friends of the Journal. Dr. Richards will examine eyes at the Riley Hotel, Saturday, February 0th. The doctor needs no recom mendation, as the hundreds or per sons can testify with whom he has done business within the last few years at Gering k Co's drug store. Geo. Reynolds living nearNehawka, was in the city today on business, and while here called and renewed his sub scription. Mr. Reynolds is another Journal patron who Is well pleased with it. He also had the name of his mother, Mrs. T. A. Reynolds, enrolled on the Nchawka list. You must sec a magician to know what their work Is like. You will see what Is not there and not see what is there. It Is wonderful how they can deceive even the wisest. You will re gret It If you fail to see D'urno at the Parmele next Tuesday night. Ad mission 50c, 35c and 25c. The Omaha Ilec says of Durno, the mysterious: "Without doubt Durno Is the leading magician of the day. It Is said of him that none of the East India fakirs or the Chinese magicians can out-class him." Tins is high praise. Hear and see him at The Tar mele, Tuesday next. Admission 50c 35c and 25c - Dr. J. M. Green and Dr. F. J. Todd who contemplated moving to Louis ville for the purpose of practicing the! professions, will continue to occupy their quarters in the Coatcs block Dr. Todd, the dentist, will visit Louis ville two days out of the week for the purpose of serving those who desire first-class dental work. K. G. Laughlin, living about half way between Ashland and Greenwood was In l'lattsmouth Saturday on bus! ness, and favored the Journal with pleasant call. Mr. Laughlin is one. of Cass county s well-to-do farmers, and we were pleased to meet him. While here Mr. Laughlin renewed his allegi ance to the Journal. Anton Mcislnger, one of the younger set of that noted family of seven big brothers, gave the Journal a call Fri day for tiie purpose of renewing for another year. He is a great friend of the only democratic paper in Cass county, and we arc pleased to number him among our best friends. Every city has its ups and downs has its dull periods and lively times Its time for booming and its tlino for going back, l'lattsmouth has ex perl enccd all these. There is a fine oppor tunity right now to get an up-to-date canning factory, and if we succeed in securing mat we ociieve it win be a starter for another boom' for riatts mouth. If the business men, and all other citizens would cease their factional "pulling and hauling" and go to work for the best Interests of the city, there is no telling what their united efforts would bring forth. Why not try to 'all pull together" for awhile and see how it would work? This is the only way to have a prosperous and up-to- date city. W. M. Moore of Murdock. was in the city Saturday, and let tho Unlit of his genial and good-natured countenance beam In upon the Journal. Mr. Moore Is one of the best democrats in Cass county, and wo are always happy to meet him. He recently sold his farm of 240 acres near Murdock, for $25,000, or $103 per acre. We were pleased to learn that our friend entertains no notion of leaving Cass county. The boy who drops out of school early in the race, smokes cigarettes, loafs around the streets and runs with the toughs, Is ready to enter life's contests away In the rear. He has cut down his earning capacity to a low state. He w ill be very badly handi capped and the chances are he will lie beaten In the race of business and of wage earning and when he becomes middle-aged he will doubtless belong to those who say there Ih no ohance here for the poor man any more, that the rich are becoming richer and the poor, poorer. The annual meeting of the share holders of the Nebraska Masonic home, located in l'lattsmouth, was held In Omaha last Saturday, at which meet ing the following officers and directors, were elected: president (leorgo W. Llnlger, of Omaha; treasurer, Charles K. Contant, Omaha. Directors-D. II. Wheeler, Omaha: Chas. K. Phelps, Schuyler; Geo. II. Thummel, Omaha; Wm. ClelHune, Omaha; Funk K. White, E. Milliard. North Platte; W, J. White, Plattsmouthj Molvln . Hopewell, Omaha; Samuel P. David son, Tecuinseh. According to reports read, the home U In a splendid condition. The Murdoch Bank Looted. Information was received in this Ity Tuesday morning by H. R. NelUel ashler of the Murdock Rank, in this county, who was here visiting, that that Institution had been robbed the night previous, but at that time the amount taken could not bo ascertain ed. On his departure from Murdock the cashier had left the affairs of the bank In the hands of Henry Tool, the Ice president. When that gentleman went to the bank about 10 o clock Tuesday morning he w as first apprised of! what had been done. Sheriff Mo- Irlde, as soon as possible after being notified, proceeded to the scene of the robbery, lie also dispatched for the Beatrice blood hounds, and soon after their arrival were placed upon the trail. They followed the scent of the robbers to Louisville, near which point they had crossed tho river, and then on to Springfield, where the trail was lost and pursuit discontinued. Entrance to the building was gained by the aid of a skeleton key. A hole sufticiently large for a good sized man to crawl through, wasdugthrjughthe brick wall of the vault. After gain ing admittance to the vault the work of securing the funds was then com plete, as the safe door had carelessly been left wide open. The amount taken was about $1,495,-all tho money In the safe except three or four dollars In pennies. Up to the hour of going to press no clue to the robbers has been ascertained, and with some peo ple It seems to be a mystery how they could possibly elude tho scent of the bloodhounds In so short a space of time. One thing cortaln Sheriff Mo- Bride will leave no stones unturned in his efforts to capture tho looters A Ruse to Escape. On Friday night last the two hotel thieves concocted a scheme to escape from Jail, but It didn't work. Early in the evening, soon after the gas had been lighted, they in some manner tightened a rag to a broom handle and then poked it through the cell bars and by this means blew out the near est light, thus letting the gas escape Their Idea was to pretend to have 'been done up by the gas," and when help arrived make tholr escape through the crowd. But Marston, who was not a party to the scheme, became scared at the escaping gas and alarmed Mrs. McBride, who in turned notified Officer Weldy who arrived in time to nip the scheme in the bud, or before the boys had time to "fall on the floor and act the 'possom," or before it be came generally known. They denied blowing out the gas, but as all the oth er jets about the house were brightly burning, their denial looked rather "fishy." Forty-Second Anniversary. John M. Leyda was forXy-two years old last Tuesday, and this was one of his anniversaries that ho has occasion to remember for many years OnTues day evening about 8:30 o'clock, a large bevy of the Knights and Ladies of Se curity, of which order Mr. and Mrs, Leyda are both members, entered their home and took complete posses sion, to the utter surprise of both. It is unnecessary to remark the splendid time they enjoyed, and it is needless to say that the host and hostess "put In their best licks" to entertain the Intruders. Music, games and refresh ments was tha order of the evening, and when the parting hour came all departed feeling that they had enjoyed a royal good time. O m s y CO 8 8 8 U O 0 0 u 0 c (6 C 4 A Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR! We wish to sincerely tlinnk tho people- of rinttsinouth and vicin ity for their very liberal patronage to us for tho timo wo have been hero ami we can assuro you tlmt wo nro moro than gratified with tho treatment accorded us by the people of this community. So hoping that tho year 110-1 w ill he a hnppy and prosperous one to you, wo wish to further solicit your patronage and to help you make this the banner yenr. Help us and we will help you. Our prices nro right, our goods are fresh and of A 1 quality. Wo cpmranteo everything wo sell AS REPRESENTED. Any errors made here we gladly rectify. Wo will call and take your orders or you can call up riattsmouth riione PAS give us your order and wo will deliver it, or if you sond tho children it ninkes no difference you can rest assured your orders will receive tho suuio attention ns if you called in person. We are continually on the market and on tho lookout for any thing whereby we may benefit our customers, and thereby w hope to make you a customer, and by following this policy and by fair treat ment wo hopo to be able- to sny "once our customer, always so." Remember the place and give us a trial. Again wishing you a Happy Now Year, I remain, x Yours to servo, iii 8 5 ..P. PEARSON INDEPENDENT 'PHONE 198. 8 UNION BLOCK, Pla:ttsmouth, Nebraska., o o o 0- v 53 o o 0) 3 P o (A Turners' Mask. Ball. The riattsmouth Tum-Verein will give a grand mask ball at their hall on Saturday night, February 13. The I'armcle theatre orchestra, Including drums, will furnish the music. Several prizes will be given for best costumes and characters. Suits can be rented at the Turners' hall on the date of ball. The committee has made ar rangements to have a few specialty numbers on tho stage after unmask ing, for the benefit of spectators. This will undoubtedly be one of the grand est events of the season, and a general good time is assured to all who attend. Elmwood Gets the Reunion. The Journal congratulates tho citi zens of Klmwood upon their successful efforts In securing the district U. A. II. reunion. The district comprising the counties ot Otoe, Cass, Saunders, Lan caster and Sarpy. The officers elected for the ensuing year are: l'resident. r.S. Harnes; vice president, David Mo- dig, Elmwood; O,. M., Jessie Chappel, Lincoln; secretary, J. Y. Deanler, Syracuse; committeeman for Cass Co., J. 11. Davis, Weeping Water. The date for holding the reunion this year lias not yet been determined. A Very Close Call. "I stuck to my engine, although every Joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Hurlington, Iowa. "I was weak and pale, without any appetlto and all run down. An 1 was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Hitters, and after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did In my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by V. O. l-'rlcke & Co. price 50 cents. What's In a Name. Everything Is In the naino when It comes to Witch Hazel Salvo. K. C. DeWltt&Co. of Chicago discovered some years ago how to mako a salvo from ltoli llael that is a spocltlo for piles. hr blind, Wooding, Itch Inn and protruding piles, eciema.cuts. biinis, bruises and all skin diseases ln ill's, salve has no etiual. This has given rise to to numerous worth less counterfeits. Ask for De Witt's -the genuine. Sold by Y. O. Fricke & Co. The thermometer scored a goose-egg and then some last Monday. J. II. Kirschoff, of Elmwood, remits $1,00 and orders the Journal to "keep a coming " Tho old-fashioned man with the velvety ear-muffs Is now playing an engagement. Mr. B. Dill, a prominent farmer, of near Murray, while in the city yester day on business, called and renewed for the Journal another year. Sonii Mople ulwuys Imvo the lilues, While others wt-uru frown. Hut even them will smile nil ihiy When Durno comes to town. When is he coming? Tuesday, Feb ruary zna. . W. II. Lohnes, of Cedar Creek, call cd yesterday and enrolled his name for the Journal. Mr. Lohnes is one of those young democratic farmers who has come to the conclusion that It is almost impossible to keep houso will out the Journal. Supposing you are busted haven't a dime, netting poor isn't a serious crime; I'ut on a bold front, work with your might, You're sure to win by taking Rocky Mountain Tea at night, tiering & Co. Tiiat good-natured representative of the Emerald Isle, J. J. O'Leary, and a prominent farmers of Mt. J 'leas ant township, was in the city yester day on business, and while here called and ronewed Mrs. Maggie O'Lcary's subscription to the Journal. We were pleased to make Mr. O'Lcary's acquaintance. r 1QOZ11 Died at the Asylurr). J. II. Latrom, of Eagle, was in the city today on business with the county court, and gave the Journal a pleasant call. Mr. Latrom was guardian for Stephen S. Benton, insane, who died at the asylum at Hastings last Satur day, and whose remains were brought to Eagle for interment. The deceased was first sent to the asylum at Lincoln and then transferred to Hastings. While here Mr. Latrom enrolled his name for the Journal. lie is a hard ware merchant at Eaglo, a good demo crat and just the sort of a gentleman wo like to meet every day In tho week. We tako this opportunity of returning our most sincere thanks for past favors, and solicit a continuance of your pntronago in the future. During 11)04, we shall endeavor to supply tho market, ns usual, with that Which Suits the People! both in quality and prices. Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, wo invito nil to come and bo comforted by making your purchases from tho largest furniture house in riattsmouth. Sattler & Fassbender. 8 8 Farmers Insure Your Caltte Against Blackleg. 0 SAftor having once used Parke, Davis & Co.'s "Blacklegoids" as a cure 0 and preventive for Blackleg, you will never uso anything else. It is the surest euro and easiest to uso one little pill does the work, assuring 1 1 c me samo amount ot medicine in each S doso. A hypodermic syring and a little puis is all there is to it. AsH Your Neighbor About It o Send or Call for Circulars now, giv- g ing Complete Direction. iccGooccacococooscoea? Domestic Troubles. It Is exceptional to find a family w here there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, but these can be lessoned by having Dr. King's New Life Fills around. Much trouble they save by their great work in stomach and liver troubles. They not only relieve you, but cure. 2.1c at F. 0. Frlokc A Go's. drug storo. For Sale orTtade! Murray Hotel, Murray. Practically new building and recntly re pa pc rod and repainted and in excellent repair. I-or further particulars call at Journal ofllce, or address MUS. WM. r.KANTNKH, Murray, Nebraska. is Use International Stock Food! 0 G. FRICKE & CO., PHARMACISTS. If. & Constipation Docs your headache? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver I Aycr's Pills ere liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. All driijfjlits. 25c. nt yimr mnuatiw-hti or Ix-nrct bctutMut vnmii or rn-li bliirkT Thi-n BUCKINGHAM'S DYEV. Do You Want an Up-to-Date leu Wilier Suit? If you are contemplating getting (mc cau on the old reliable tailor Frank McElroy, examine his fine samples and leave youror der in time, and he will do the the rest. i 7 Ilk r I