The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 28, 1904, Image 2

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Cot Back in Rhyme at Missouri Pa-cfi-:'
General Pasoener Agent.
H. C. Tow nsend,' general iiMyrr
hnd ticket ag. r.t of tin; Missouri Pa
unc ith lu iKl'M-.aru r-i at St. Uu.N.
vent out a tiovi 1 hi.liiluy greeting to
tintrnr. of tho real ail was surprised
lo receive a re'Uinso In rhyme from
man In Arkansas. Hue la the greet
ing followed J.y iho answer:
Till l the trnlrj that nu.s oi f ut
Acmss thp plains In in.Hiiil.iini vntt;
Thin la the (rhiii that'a nrvur late,
And knepa lii a-rvlie to ilue
This Isi III trriln that rani out Wert,
And takri you ttn-ri- fur wot k or nt.
This in the truln mill to the. tin. I
t tnouiilM'ii. I. mil u ml canons i;i.iiiJ;
This in a, true Imi.-I in
It H'tveti to yo.i t tic bent of meaU;
This In the tram vuth rate
HI. loula to th (ioliirn tune.
If ym ahuuM wish to go that WJ,
hee H. C. Tow mend. I. P. A.
This la what the Arkansas trcvelcr !
wrote in response:
II. C. Townscml, O P. A :
1 rrretveil voiir card to-day.
And I'm w-rltlriK nuw to say
That your truin'a Al O. K.
I'm a rec'lar panienger
And I'm Iit to tell you air
lt' a corker mre ruoiiRh;
ll'loase don't take tin an a purr
All ycur lrnins nre up to Niinft
Btlk'tly .In ll-jimt t tie etulIS'
Mak?s me resiles, when I read
if the comfort mid the Hieed
Want to park my clothes iind '(lp
On thnt train Ciret What a tup!
Feeil you like n millionaire
Soh! read that llll-of-fiiret
Tender uleukH, well done or rare;
tlame and things from everywhere!
rtHtnda, desert, coffee, onke
Wowl It makes my stomach ache
And the rates I'll swear to you.
Hame an cutting naunht In two'
(Shame to tHke such service ch;ap
Ought to make us pay u heap!'
fitiess I've said nhout enough,
(Every word Ih ntnilght no guff.)
Ho I'll uli;n niyfelf. with rare:
Truly yours, A. TASSliNJ AIRE.
Of cotirso, a wlao man never makes
tho Bamo miflakb twice. It ho mar
ries a second time that's another mis
take. To Cure a Cold in One tiny.
Take Luiau vo Hrotuo Vuinlno Tablets. All
tlracglsts refund tuuuoy it it t alia tocure. Kjc
When an individual minda his own
husicess he is one kind of monoplist.
Little white lies live long and pros
per. Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces
in a package, 10 cents. One-third
moro starch for the same money.
The world will forgive a man al
most anything except failure.
Tolnto nnd lllluon Dollar Ornmi.
Tho two Ki-eatest fodder plants on
earth, one kcmji! for 14 tons hay and the
other 80 ton3 Kreen fodder per acre,
flrows everywhere, so does Victoria
Itane, yielding CO.nPO lbs. ahecp and
swine food per acre.
just lflc is STinrs to Tna
J.ihn A. fialKr Peed Co., I.a Crocs.
Wis., and receive In return their lilij
rntalnsr nnd lots of farm Boud samples.
OV. N. -U.)
A woman's Idea of a compliment is
to name her bnby after a rich rcda
tion. If you don't get tho bicgest and
best it's your own fault. Defiance
Htarch is for sale everywhere and
there is positively nothing to equal
it in quality or quantity.
It Is Impossible to patch up a repu
tation so that tho patches won't show.
It 13 the little things of life that
make the mighty wheels go round.
Kiiml tn it State l air.
The annual Importation of the Lin
coln, Neb.. Importing Horse Co., ar
rived about Kixty days ago, consisting
tif two tar loads. They nirdo the run
from New York to Lincoln in forty
four hours landing their horsc3 iu
most excellent condition. This im
portation consists of (lerman Coach,
l'ercheron. English Shire. French Draft
an 1 Belgians. Tliey now have In their
hams fifty hfad of imported stallions,
oil In excellent condition. They have
been In Ihc business for seventeen
yeara at this local Ion. Considering the
large number of horses and beautiful
barna It Is almost equal to a State Fair
entertainment to visit their barns.
Head their ad In this paper.
Pride shows many men how to keep
In the straight path.
Defiance Ktnreh Is guarantee-, big
pest and best or money refunds. 16
ounces, 10 cents. Try It now.
Human nature exhibits the same
frailty tn all languages.
Mustang Liniment
cmwe Sprains and Strains.
fVf ir totiWtl ".J trtttitu on t!ia Griin and
I nuiot t.andv anl uro pimpniuu and ftntisf.nt.
'Sir Wilde. I Luiiir mitl ial : "A new iiur
In litpn on Ihn hmimn, nnl it tn (ownul it tlml
hrf itnminrnt who IrnTOi thn l.tnrl o( 1m nnrrv
to rotn0 Mf1 seek a h-mirt ftr diiuiulf Dow
kit (it bit iao" Canada. Thfio U
Room for Millions.
HI ME Itnnimtemlii given itiTay. HehooU,
t'liurt-lien, llillw), Markvls, i'llttiute,
rerythlng to le ilinlrrd.
Vor II ilwerlplivn Allu nnd oilier Informntion.
HPldr toStiiiiiiiti'tiHrnl InuniKrniion. tini. l'n
Ada, or itlhoiicd t mia.tun ',oeitirnni Asrni
W. V. Hp. ncll. Sol New Voik Lit liuiltlini:,
Clniiba, Nrb.
National Oats
flrrlnt i!it rf the entiirr.
Tleianl In l i lit Ohio l7,
In XI. ti. id. In Hn. S.l.kDd In
I N. lkMaihii. twrrre, VH
i two! Uil tveue
unl la I
For 10c and this notice
we mil I yon free lnt n f fkrm t
Nkiueii una esrMxeiAiiit. tn.
In all amul tin ran wnnilrrftaa .
lboiiMuidof othnrMislft, yll
la CroM,
mm . Canada
j i " j p" , i -i . . . V
r - -. v- j.
J. W. s'.ls. P Ip.T
i:u tu!i at uf Strei ta
if Li'hanim, Ky.,
"My tightly rest wa.t bro'rt n. owing
to irri'sularltii's of the kidncj3. I
silfured tnteitst'ly from severe pains
in tl: small of my Ink and turoush
the kidneys and was annoyed by pain
ful passages of abnormal sicrctlnns.
Drx-tors fail'-d to rtlieve me. 1 beRaa
taking Doan's Kidney Pills and I e&
perlencetl Quick a:id lasting relit f.
Doan's Kidney l'i'is will prove a bless
ing to all sufferers f:-tmi kidney disor
ders who will give them a fair trial."
l'cler-Mi'.btirn Co., liuffalo, N. V.,
proprietors. For sale by all drustists,
price iO cnts per bo". t .
He Started Phil Sheridan.
The nian who started (Jeneial Phil
Sheildnu on his famous ride front
Fairfax station to Winchester, to win
back a battle that was lost, lives in
Warrensbiirg, a village In Illinois, and
his name Is George Mixell. lie was a
private in the Two Hundred and Sec
ond Pennsylvania regiment -at tho
JO, COO l'Untt for 10c.
This 1m a remarkable offer the John
A. fctiilzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis.,
make. They will send you their big
plant and seed cntaloij, together with
ciioukIi sued to grow
l.Oi'i) line, s-olid Cabbages.
2.U0O delicious Carrots.
2,000 blanching, nutty Celery.
2, W'O rich, buttery Lettuce.
1,000 Hpl-mlld Onions.
1.000 rare, luscious I'.iidlshes.
1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
This great otter Is made In order to
Induce you to try their warranted seeds
for when you once plant them you
will grow no others, and
providing you will return this notice,
and If you will aend them 20c in post
age, they will add to the above a pack
ase of the famous Uerllner Cauliflower.
(W. N. U.)
We sometimes open our mouths be
fore wo get our minds open.
Common sense is sometimes taken
in by uncommon chrewdnosa.
Few men are appreciated until they
take up their residence in a cemetery.
Purncd out, but was insured In the
ANCE CO. of South Omaha, Nebr.,
which means that he got. his money.
Has some agent tried to rancel your
Mutual Policy? Telling you all sorts
of things, almost crying for yon. Why?
llccamio ho needs the money he
would make out of you, wanted pay for
the tali; he gave. Don't be fooled.
Keep your Mutual Insurance, and get
more if you need it. Write to 13. It.
Stoufter, Secretary, South Omaha,
It is better to he a strong defendant
than to bo a weak plaintiff.
Llfo is a good deal like a meal in a
cheap restaurant. Tho things you
want fail to show up on the bills cf
Mother Gray's Sweet 1'owden for Children
Successfully used by Mother (tiny, nursa
in the Children's Home in New York, cure
Constipation, Feverishness, Had Stomach,
Teething Disorde'-s, move and regulate tho
Bowels and Destroy Worms. OverSO.OOOtes
timoniaiH. At all DriiKgists, 25o. Sample
FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Ixilioy.N.Y.
Never striko a boy smaller than
yourself; he may grow.
Do not lot tho stream of your life
bo a murmuring stream.
If you winh beautiful, eloar, wdilto clothe
One Ked Cross Bull blue. Largo 03.
package, 5 cents.
You cannot whitewash yourself by
blackening others.
Lsft-Handed People.
Prof. Lombroso, as tho result of his
observations on left-handed and left
sided pooplo finds thnt among 1,000
soldiers and operatives tho proportion
of left-handed people Is 4 per cent
among men nnd 5 to 8 per cent among
women. Among criminals the quota
of left-handed was found to oe more
than tripled in men and moro than
quintupled among women.
Camelback Riding.
Lord Kitchener of Khartoum is
credited with the best description of
camelback riding that '.s known. The
soldier gave this description at a din
nnr party In. London whh some
Americans attended. "When we ask
ed Lord Kitchener," one of the Amer
icans said, "to tell us what it felt like
to rido a camel, he twisted his mus
tacho and said: 'You know tho ga;ue
of cup and ball? You have a ball
and a cup, and you throw tho bah In
tho air and trv to catch It in tho cup,
then bounce it up and try to catch
it again? Well, when you ride a cam
el, the bnto plays cup and ball with
you, mlsslnj tou nearly every time.' "
A Dentist's Advice.
Toledo, Ohio, Jan. 2;th. Mr. Harry
I Lewis, Detitlit, 007 Sumlt street,
this city, says: "I certainly advise
anyone, no matter how severe they
may have Kidney Trouble to take
IVnld's Kidney Pills.
"I was troubled with Kidney Dis
ease for several years and Dodds Kid
ney Pills cured me. I had used
many so-called remedies without any
benefit. Four months ago, I was flat
on my hack with this painful trouble
and must say thnt I almost gave up
hones of ever getting any better.
Through a friend's advice I purchased
six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Fills.
"At first I could see but little bene
fit, but after two weeks, I could see
an Improvement. I bad been getting
up several times at night and pains
In my hack were very severe. When
I had taken six boxes I felt better
than I had for years. Tho pain bad
all gone and I didn't havo to get tip'
during the night at all. I continued
tho treatment until I had used several
more boxes, nnd row I am glad tc
say that I am completely cured."
A cold Is cno of the very few all
ments tho modern physician will tin
dertake to cure without a surgical op
iui i.
National Leseue Newt.
John M. Wuril is opposed to the
foul strike rule.
i rank UantToft considers ti e pro
insed lot-game schedule a business
Ned Hatilon may uive lrvin Wil
helm of last year's Pirates, a chance
si the rVi'.ig line.
Charley Nichols says that Catcher
K'ing Is today the star catcher of
the profession in a class by himself.
The loss of Second Ilasemaa Poolin
i:i a sad blow to llanlon. who had laid
crent store In the Jersey City recruit.
Van Haltren, tlie (Hants' centerfleld
cr, will come east next season, hut
will play with the Seattle club of the
Pacific Coast Leagup.
President Herrmann is quoted by
ilie Cincinnati Times-Star as saying
that sentiment In favor of consolida
tion I growing In both major leagues.
President Dreyiitss of the Pittsburg
club, makes the declaration that
President Ron Johnson of the Ameri
can League Is strongly In favor of
consolidation despite his utterances to
the contrary.
P.'iainess Manager Bancroft of the
Cincinnati club, declares that the
post-season series of seven games be
tween the Reds and Clfvclands will
be played next fall, despite the long
schedule of the National League.
For the first time since his connec
tion with the New York dub Manager
Mcdraw U beginning to make
"claims." He now says that "the
team that beats New York out next
year will win the pennant." Danger
ous business for any manager.
Joe Kelley tells this to the Ral',1
niore reporters: "Doth National and
American Leagues are plainly In
favor cf com:olUlntion, but Mr. Brush
stands In the way at present, and It
will take a year at least for the two
14 .-i?.
Outfielder of the Cleveland
bodies to get near enough together to
talk about the details of 'consolida
tion." Manager Hanlon hints that his new
first baseman, Frank Dillon, will cap
tain tho Brooklyn team next season.
Looks as If Jack Doyle would he let
out. The latter made a capable cap
tain until a few days before the close
of last season, when ho made a break
In Cincinnati that for the present, at
least, caused his relations with tho
Brooklyn management to bo consid
erably strained.
American League Notese.
Manager Barrow states positively
that Yeager will not play Detroit's
third base any more.
Hughey Duffy recommends De
troit's new shortstop, O'lary, late of
the Des Moines team, very highly.
Tho Detroit club offices have been
moved from the Majestic building to
lawyer Frank Navin's offices in the
Hammond building.
Homer Hillebrand, who will catch
for tno Senators next season, Is a
left-hander. This tloea not Interfere
with his- work behind the bat.
Jimmy Rynn says that Washington
Is a fino city to play In, and that It Is
the best town In tho country to sup
port a losing tenm year after year.
Ttlie Detroit News asserts that If
Pittsburg writers received a com
mission every tlmo they have sold the
Detroit club they could buy it them
selves.' Comlskey Is Just now burdened with
three Texas League kids Bateman,
Pennoll and McKay all said to be
wonders, but rather superfluous to the
old Roman.
Herman Long Is at loggerheads
with the New York club and talk.i of
linking a fig hi on his two-yenr con
tract, as Manager Crilhth has declar
ed himself through with him.
Comlskey has nelected Mllnn
Springs, Texas, as the training
grounds for the White Sox the com
ing season. He will havo thirty-one
men along for the spring trip.
Ban Johnson regards rittsburg or
Cleveland as tho two best ball towns
crT their size In the country. More
over they arc getting better each
year, owing to their rapid and steady
Pitcher Kissinger, whose plea for
freedom from reservation wns denied
by the National commission, says he
will go to Mexico as a civil engineer
X wm lit
Illtf 7
I i
if the Detroit club Insists on sending
hlai to a minor leamie team.
Picddenl Killilea of llosion. Has re
turned the Tom Walker case over to
President Johnson of the American
Li ague, for settlement. That Is equal
to saying that tho Cincinnati club
will have no further trouble in getting
Herman Long will go to Hot
Springs, Arkansas, to get ia condition
for the season, and sajs he will re
port to the New York club ready to
play ball. If arrangements can bo
made the Count will accept tho man
agement of the Toleuo club.
The hccrel of the big bags made by
Ran Johnson and Charles Comiskey
in the recent hunting trip is out. Be
fore taking to the woods they under
went extensive target practice. The
dummy at which they shot was label
ed "Joint T. Bruiih," and peppering
this made them so proficient that they
simply couldn't miss when they got
cut anions t!'e rc;'.l article.
l.-l.-l. League Items.
The Dubuque Club has signed ritch
?r Paul Cook of Racine, Wis.
Arthur Hlppard, who had a line rec
ord with Kowanoe, has been signed
by Bloom Ington for second base.
Tito Dubuque cl"'j has released
Second Baseman Harry Osborne of
Michigan, from reservation, and he hi
free to sisn where he pleases.
The Springfield management has
asked President Holland to approve
the deal by which Pitcher A. B. Hager
man wa- traded to Rock Island, nnd
he has done so.
Tho Rock Island Club has protest
ed against Little Rock claiming W. N.
Graham, E. A. Kamp, II. Womnck and
O. N. Williams, as the quartet belongs
exclusively to Rock Island.
Decatur seriously objects to the loss
American League Club.
of Ross Thornton, who has been
signed by Hock Island, as manager,
to succeed Donnelly. Decatur an
nounces thrt there must be a consid
eration before Thornton is released.
The League has decided to employ
five umpires In the future, one being
held In reserve. No umpires have
been signed for the season, inelr selec
tion being left to the new president,
who will make the appointments.
Springfield has completed Its team
with the signing of Pitcher Cadwala
tier of Rock Island: Outfielder Thomp
son of Ohio; Pitcher Smith of Michi
gan; Pitcher Woodyat of Dixon, III.,
and Outfielder Ward of Kentucky.
With "Hunkey" Hines on second
base and Charles Puelow on first, to
gether with the other men holding
over from the last season's club, ami
a few additions, Dubuque will present
tho strongest front, on paper, of any
team lu the league for next season.
President Holland Is hopeful tbat
next season will show an Improve
m en I In umpiring, nnd also thnt he
will be able to avoid fining players
next year. He Is anxious tha' his ad
ministration will be mnrked by good
order nnd harmony from the first to
tne last.
Nell her of the Iowa members of
this league are repelling much prog
ress In signing playt rs. Dubuque
seems to he satisfied with Hines nnd
the hold-over members of last year's
team. Behien 11111 of Cedar Rapids,
nevi r has much to say about his plans
for th-? future, and he prefers to piny
his cards last, lie can always be
counted upon to prodixio a first class
American Association Newt.
Indianapolis bus shuinl Short top
Kerr of the I. I. I, League.
Columbus retains Pitcher Olmstend.
Milwaukee hating waived Its claim to
that pitcher.
Tony Miilliine will nqnln be an
Association umpire. At present he Is
a Chicago policeman.
Ceorgc Tebenu feels confident there
will be an amalgamation of tho big
leagues in a year or so.
It has been settled that Second
Bnieinnn Fox of Indlnnapolln, Is to go
to M union polls as captain of Wall, Ins'
President Tcheau of l.oulsvUle. .i
trying to purchase the release of thrco
of the most prominent players in the
American Lcsgue.
Mere Proof cf the Iniquitous Working
cf the DHf-ley Lav Cc;t of Neces-r-arie
of Life Kept at the Highest
When the Repuljicjii leaders In
( ongress declared that wages were
never so good and certain for every
man that wants to w ork, thanks to .the
benign Influence of the Dingley law,
tho evidence shows they were bluffers
I of iho "stand pat " order. Tho last
employer In the United States to low
er waties in Uncle Sau and It may
be judged that times aro getting tight
and thai "the man Is set king the job"
when wages at the Charlestowu Navy
Yard, Boston, Massachusetts, were
cut 8 per cent, beginning January 2.
This information Is given 1;: the Bos
ton Transcript, Dec. ;tl, which says:
"Indignation runs high among tho
workmen employed at the Charles
town Navy Yard to-day. as it has been
niado public this noon that the men
employed at the workshops In the
yard will have their pay minced from
$2 to $1.84 per day. This includes- all
the lower grades or workmen. The
other employes, working for larger
pay, will also bo Included In this cul
This comes as a great blow to tho
several hundred men employed at
the yard, who considered to bo
mure experiene"d ami of a better
grade of mechanics than are generally
fund in cities or other government
departments. This announcement was
mado by circulars posted In tho differ
ent shops, nnd is thn outcome of the
report of the Board of Wages, which
includes the various head:! of depart
ments In the yard, nnd which decides
as to the grade of the wages paid
every six months. The cut takes ef
feet n the first day of the year."
The Board of Wages decides the
per diem that shall he paid, by the
.?oing rate for the same class of work
in other establishment:!, and only
reduced wages when they havo clear
evidence (hat for some time a similar
reduction lias been universally adopt
ed. The statement by the Republican
leaders that, "wages were never so
good," Is either, therefore, on effort to
deceive the people as to tho true
:;tate of affairs or shows dense Ignor
ance of economic conditions. If tho
Board of Wages could be given the
Job of also deciding what would he
a fair price for Hie trusts and com
bines to charge fur the nocuvsarlc3 of
life, there niiht be n reasonable hope
of the cost cf living being mado to
agree v.hh wa".; pui-i, 1'l'ori'tn?tely
,they have ro such po.v.r. and tho
iDingley law relciulosHiy gives most
l..f tho tnisis Mich enormous protec
tion that it arroui'ti to a monopoly in
much that i.) consumed iit'.i! prevents
competition from reducing tho price
of nearly everything else.
If the tariff was reduced to a rev
enue hfisU, so that It would produce
enough money to run the government,
with the postoilico nnd other grafting
eliminated, a-id with trust produc
tions that ere sold cheaper abroad
I ban here, on tho free list, tho cost
of living nnd labor would soon find n
.reasonable level. The old excuse for
protection, that it would foster and
bund up infnn: industries, cannot now
be claimed as necessary for the gigan
tic trusts, for some of the largest of
the combines me making profit so
great (hat they pay large dividends
on watered stocks, ten times grea'er
than their plants could be reproduced
for. The consumers of the united
Slates are therefore taxed not only
to support the government but also
the lunch greater iax Iniisised by tho
trusts, and that is what the Republi
can leaders call the ner.ign influence
of the Dingley law.
Yet the Republicans Say "Let Well
Enough Alone."
There are two reasona given for the
protective tariff by the Republicans,
one that it protects the manufacturers
from foreign competition and tho
other that it raises the price for labor.
As about all the manufacturers hnve
been organized Into trusts or com
bines nnd every Industry has long ago
thrown off Its swaddling clothes and
none of them can any longer ho called
infant industries, the first reason for
a protective tariff falls to the ground.
Tho rnpld decrease In wages now go
ing on, the numerous strikes nnd tho
continued high cost of living would
seem to demolish the other reason.
Bat tho protectionists aro still saying
"let well enough alone'." although
their voices are much less strident
than when Hanna Issued Instructions
to "stand pnt." There has been no
lowering of the tariff tax, the Dingley
bill Is still supposed to "adequately
secure American Industrial products
'against the competition of foreign
labor." but the old machine shows
signs of wear and rasps nnd groans
when the labor cogs need oiling.
Where proteitlon Is highest there
nee ins to be the most friction, ns In
the Iron nnd sue! industries.
The latent to chow signs of demor
alization Is the lumber and logging
husiness. In which wages have declin
ed nhout per cent. A dlrpnirh from
Ontonagon. Michigan, to the Boston
Transcript, says:
"During the past few weeks there
has been a rotable change In tho
labor situation In loRgiiig circles In
northern Mirhlgsn. At Ihe opening
of the reason men were so scarce
that lumbering concerns could only
ct n small perl Ion of Ihe help needed.
High were no Inducement.
Now, however, pore men are applying
for work thnn can be employed and
wages have dropped from $::o and JIT.
per month. Including board, to "0 nnd
Some :iilo ers are said lo be
securing preen hiituls fur ns low n:i
$IS per month."
The wood and lumber schedule of
the Dingley bill Is still protecting the
lumber trusts and combines, and al
lowing them to continue the cxorhl
tapt profit. 4 on lumber and thltiKles,
but the nun In the woods and who
run the saw mills are rot partal Ins
nf the prosperity-.
Will our Republican friends pleaso
explain this breakdown of the protee
tlvs theory, which, while evidently
protectlnc the trust, the combine
I n.1 thn manufacturers, does not pro
tect th worklnK?)rn, tbo farmer and 1
tV gn ..t ti'a.ior.i i f oile r
Willi the iv? l uf lhi::. r.t the too
notch, tl.e ni.iiiv are oi levd to e mi. ivi
n.i.'.e t.) n::i';e bi;;i i-u.N meet, wb:le
the few are a: laj-i'ng fortunes. Is
the KepiiHlea:i program a on",
t. "; :ai.d pat" under tne.-e c.i;it!uiuis.
Tl.e trusts, of course, Imknse the
plan of "letthig weil enough alone."
a".d the promise of tl.e Republicans
that some tune in the future, they
will revise ihe tariff, pleases the
trusts for the promise sets uo time or
what measure of reform shall be
effected. Tho Democratic promise !
unmistakable. The tariff wl'l be abol
ished on trust productions that are
mild cheaper r'.uoad than to our own
people and e.ra lual reduction of the
schedules to a revenue basis as condi
tions will c.F.iw.
G'oomy Outlook for Actors.
It would be hard to find n better
barometer of prosperity und ader
slty. at least with the city population,
than is afforded by the- theaters. When
the middle ruid rich classes are feel
ing prosperous they patronize Hut
theaters; when they are feeling the
pinch of hard times they spend com
paratively little for amusements. Tho
Washiimton Post of Jan. 2 says:
"Reports from New York containing
a reiiew of the season's operations in
the tlieaciei.l ::,! amusement world
show tb.;t ti.;ire than 200 companies
have been disbanded or reorganized
nince the opening of the theatrical
season l.;st fall, und that fully 3,oml
actor.;, good, bad, and Indifferent, are
now In New York, or trying to get
there, seeking engagements for the
rest of the season. The entire testi
mony is that the season which opened
last August lias been the most disas
trous since tho season following the
panic of l!b)3.
"The most discouraging reports
have come In from tho Middle West,
the South, and now it Is nnnounced
that the Pacific coast circuit, usually
so profitable at this season of the
year, is withholding Its patronage
from nil but a very few companies.
Backers and managers have with
drawn their companies until New
York now has nearly as many actors
out of employment as are usually
found there during the summer before
the season opens."
The Juggernaut of 1904.
i. Unnn.M.. X'
It crushes 4n,nfi0 holders of common
stock. Washington Star.
The Rockefeller Influence in the
United States Ucnate.
Senator Aldrlch of Rhode Island
seems to be the whole Republican
party in the United States Senate and
the greater majority of the party bow
down and submit to his dictation. It
would be difficult lo believe this If the
following verbatim report of tho evi
dence that confirms it had not ap
peared In the Congressional Record:
Senator Lodge I desire. Mr. Presi
dent, to bring ui) a liltle matter
Senator Bncoi-. But, Mr. President,
as I understand it, there Is an agree
ment in the Sennto by which no mat
ters shall be considered until Dec. 16,
except the Cuban reciprocity bill and
unopposed confirmations.
Senator Lodge I nm surprised, Mr.
President at such a statement. I
know of no such agreement.
Senator Hale Nor I.
Senator Cullom Nor I.
Senator Allison Nor I.
Senator Gorman Why, Mr. Presi
dent, I desire to express my surprise
low. The Senate has mndo such an
lgreenient and the Renators on this
-Ide of tho chamber perfectly under
stand it nnd aro w illing to abide by It.
By this lime a dozen or more lead
ers were on their feet on tho Repub
lican side. Senator Teller, who rose
on tho Democratic sido Just as Mr.
Gorman finished, was recognized by
the chair.
Senntor Teller For the Informa
tion ef the Senate I desire to say that
such an agreement was made by the
senior senntor from Rhode Island Mr.
Whereupon Senators lodge, Hale,
Culloin, Allison and seven others
quietly and submissively snt down.
Only Mr. Klkl-is of West V rglnla re
mained standing.
The President Pro Teni The sena
tor from Wert Virginia.
Senator Klklnr Of course, such an
agreement must bo kept, but it seems
to me that the senator on this side
of the chamber who makes It shuuld
be present to Fee thnt it Is kept.
As Hcra'or Aldrieb Is connected by
marriage ;ih tho great trust mag
nate. Hoi ki felb r, and Is reputed to
aid bltn in obtaining the legislation ho
desires, it is apparent that the Re
publican majority of the senate Is tied
hand nnl foot to nt least, sonio of
ihe prem trust.i. The other Republi
can leaders in tl.e Senate evidently
nre quite willing to carry out any
scheme of ) ,Matlon that Senator
Aldrlch thinks Pt to dictate, without
lilt dolsv'n;: to even Inform them how
ho 1ms arrancel nutters.
Senntor Aldrlch being utterly oppos
ed to any legislation that will. In tho
least way. hurt the trusts, or help
the people. It Is Impossible to expect
any relief from trust exactions, unle-.
public opinion can bo brought to bear
on enough other Republican senntors
who are not so steeped in trust wel
fare. Few Books In Russia.
In the matter of book publications
Russia i $ the foot 0f the list of nations.
A Tublic Dencfj;tor.
I "Yej. I tk out an -f: -I T,.:ti'i
Cabin' cii:ip-::y ycas-on :.u, li.
d to packe-i r.ousei i vi vywnere
"lm;ios.,;i.le: that el l me-:-tan?"
"Bat I did it just tbo s.ic. e."
"How did you work It?''
"Gave 'em a prodtteiien which r. ir
anteeil absolutely no Top- vs. l auy.-r
M.irkscs, or bloodhounds. This s i
son I'm going to elalmrate It. leaxing
out Uncle Tom and little F.:t. ami
filling up with a bullet and some Dutch
comedians and one or two p ipular
songs." Judge.
Srin oe Ohio. City or T"i, I
l.i i l . a STY
FtAM .1. I lirKY :uaWo iMUh lift ! ..Vf
P4l'm r el l flri'l ef t . J. I ilKW, ,v l . . a hirf
l"lH I'l 111" I II y of -I'till-l.l, liMITV U'l s .
Ht IU!!. Hll.l ill it l-Nl.l Hi. II Mt ..IV ltl hlllll f
oK Ml MuiKU Dim I. Alls t r i-a. li ,1 , ,,..v
C ll f I' ITAHKII Ui4l ,'MIUIol Ih) CUIt'il Ly Ilk UhU t.f
II A 1.1.' I A I AKIItt I I UK.
Flt.WK .' I lll'NV V
Sworn tn tnfon in mi.l Mil., riUt-,1 In my jiivj.
ruco. iluiiiib J.iy uf OrccturH.r, . i c-ii
, ' ( A. W. 1, 1.1 .WIN,
"i ' NoMMY f! ,.,,..
Ilmi'i Ctl-'rh Cum 1 tnkon tntrnni'v ,
dtifi-iiy un Mm Mood miU hmu-ohs hurl-ifi- of u.
tyiiiMii. bi'iiil for n-iitliiii'iiiiilv tr-p.
K. .1. I IU.M- V I o .To.eJi.a
Solit hi-nil Iriii;.-tat. 7.V.
'lute llaU'a rua.liy I'll la for i-tml Ij-att .u.
A Spirited Expression.
"Your eyes," stammered the wooer,
"are Intoxlcnling to me."
The heart bus damsel laughed rogu
ishly at this.
"For your own good," she hinted. "I
rhould advise you to sign the p!e(o,,
It took some moments for him to
grasp the idea that this was bis
conge; then, resenting her dialling,
he nrose from bis knees ami observed:
"Pardon me, but you Interrupted my
remark. I was about to say that eyei
are Intoxicating because they havj a
wry look." Judge.
A Rare Coed Thing.
"Am using ALLEN'S FOOT KASU, and
.an truly say J would not have been without
it so long, bad 1 known the relief it would
pivo my aching feet. I think it a rare K l
thing for nn vonn having sore or tired feet -
Mrs. Matilda lloltwert, Providence. It I "
Sold by all Druggists, "oo. Ask lo du y.
English Train's Record Run.
The London & Northwestern Rail
way company hns established a record
railway run. The American boat ex
press, which usually runs from Liver
pool to Eastoti without slop, was
pullo up at Crewe. The Journey from
Crowe to London, 158Vj miles, was
done In exactly as many minutes:, not
withstanding that on two occasions
speed was reduced (o n'n'.ost W;ilki!'a'
Mra. Wlna'iow'a Soothing Svrnp.
Fir rhllilrf a UwiIiIhk, mirii'n tha Kiimi, nvlui c tt
Eauimuilott, ui lu; a p iu, curu wlail cullc S'.c a botue.
Weed Seeds Ca'.ise Migration.
It Is becoming evident to students
i.f birds that they are Influenced al
most solely In their migratory habits
by the harvest of weed seeds nnd not.
by the climate. Fonnerely It was
.' I'Pposed thnt. the bird.; started south
ward ns soon ns the chill of autumn
r.pprnarliod, but. cold, front y weather
flight, como In August, nnd the birds
w:uld not begin to migrate. They nre
not weather prophets at nil, but sim
ply hungry little creatures In search
of ripening seeds.
fust to light and washing.
Ancient Celtic Vessels Unearthed.
In the course of some digging oper
ations in a garden at Haslemcre, Po
land, a sardener unearthed a number
of ancient vessels or peculiar shape,
together with a quantity of oilciuod
human bones, at a depth of about, two
feet below the surface. The British
museum authorities, who have exam
ined the dlscoverey, pronounce the
vessels to belong to tho late Celtic
age, about B. ('. 130. Only three or
four vessels were found in a perfect
condition. He computed that twenty
two urns and r"its were originally In
terred nt the spot.
Smokers find IwU' "Sbiple Binder"
i might, :,: cig:ir better quality than most
!t)o brands. JA-wis' Factory, puoria, 111.
Kentucky-Tennecsee Complication.
Some time ago J. ,T. Smith shot und
killed his father-in-law, O. Blovens, In
Wayne county, Ky., just over the Ten
nessee line. Bleveus was in thnt state
nnd Smith in Kentucky when the shot
was ilred. This Is probably tho flrnt
case on record where a man standing
In one state killed a man In another,
and just what procedure will be taken
N not known, as Smith, who is in this
state, has killed no ono In this state,
hecauso Blovens was In Tennessee
when killed, and no reoulstion. it
seems, can be Issued from Tennessee,
because Smith is not a fuiritlve from
Justice from that state, never having
been there. - The case will bo watched
with great Interest.
Plso'i Cure cannot be too blchly spoken of m
scouirh euro. J. W. O'Uiubn, S Third Af,
X., M.uueapuUs, Minn., Jan. 6, iW
There aro two sides to every story.
The victory you win means defeat for
tho other fellow.
You rannot .elect a more dlichifid top at
tint won than Ilia trip lo ONI Mnirn. a
irsuiil and liivinnMiiin rhno of climate;
irenny and kv that via with men o:!i-r in -nuifile
b.-auiv; tho oiu-of door M and tin
wcukar rtunn found only in the tropica-all
coiiitiino to moan mil a supeili Winii-r tiip.
Old Mc-iro it nuainily foieimi -a country of
piituiei.iue aisht and acenu.; a vonubta
a-linitinn nf a ntnv world.
Ill K4ty lliionsh Pullman rde-peri the trip
ran la node fioin St. I.oui lo Mexico Cil
coiiioiilnlily and without chain rn lunie
Ourauracllvr lm.,klet,"TiOid M.m:,-i " IPua.
Inn. idco, of intcrcai t lie utii en r,,u: . i
rnti-rlaliitiiK-ly .l...,-rU,. th mi .ion,. n, ,.,,,..
IPi..ll,-a or the pcpie. Don l Oilnk of yl.lil,,,,
MrH.-..wllh...ll,, ll l M f
Auionlo. s Kaiy'. Ai-nt or rl:
8t. Louis, Mo.
ti will wild my trarrelouH reneitv which
hM en rwl thousand of omonof f Micnr
rlio.'. DlnplJi.vmoi.m.ralliiiif of Womh,
Ilo! I-lu .h-ii. t lc.v-.uion, Tumor .iuin!l
remain Trouble Vtr to nav Ijidy r---
'I'llrmic It. Nomnimv.noC.O. It. AIM
uk In to t-ii y.iur frliTiln, Kxin-jtant
mother, It lrlnK-a uiiout childbirth without u
paniil pain or duniror. Writ." to-nav
MRS. M. MERKLE. bouUj Dond, In!
al Direct with
Kanuiacturtra Hie Se.l
and Save Moa
e-li',. t he 1..U ...t. ...
I)i-il err nf ull vmneu e-i.rani..i l i..
iTXii'V'ilioiV'r;; l""l' " A. Lire..
ADAM I. KKOLL-CO., Hew kra BiuWinf. Chiceia.
If amti lfi
.',:;.. Thompson's Eyi Vator
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.