The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 28, 1904, Image 1

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    ttemoutb Journal.
The J.mrniil will rvr Iw fmnd la-
bHulb anil I iim n.uiity In ?
? ...,! . I pau.1 Ik. 1. ..-...
tuvvuir M.
rocalvuf IK ukkt y In Ui county. I
11. A. HATES, 1'iiu.isiiEu.
OFFICE-So. 112, Sovth arm Street
Volume XXIV
Number 5.
And Other Hems cl Interest Prepared Es
pecially tor the Journal Readers.
"All llwi worlil't nMuiri'.
Ami in-ii uml womi'ii merely iiluyrrs,"
Hut Hunt- wlio ri'iul thi .limriiiil.
Ami Ur iiiniiiiK t lie MuyiTi.
What lius become of "Jack-the-Ilug-gcr?"
Never put oil until today what you
should have done yesterday.
Among men as well as animals, all the
tricky ones lave small heads.
The Is now the only weekly
paper published In riattsinouth.
Thegosslppor is the dirtiest dog that
barks hi the back yard of decency.
I) not try to get anybody else to hoi p
you keep a secret if you want it kept.
Another touch of winter makes the
w hole world ring up the coal dealer.
It never humbles an honest man to
apologize for having made a inlstaxe.
Evidently the January thaw got sor
ry for the Iceman; likewise for the coal
How much more agreeable It would
be If others would only see us as we see
Truth Is stranger than llctlon and a
great deal more scarce In some com
munities. Chicken thieves have been working
among the hen coops and the people
are loading their shot guns.
Leap year lias gone far enough
to gi ve ranee that most of the girls
want to look before they leap.
A pointer to scandal mongers: lie
member that evil reports like hornets'
nests, are go:d things to leavealone.
Some people are too anxious tospread
a report. They never even wait to
learn of lis truthfulness, or otherwise.
Sin wrote a note a dozen times
Hitfuru 'twas toller I uste.
Tlmii copied It must eiirefnllv.
Ami slunoil il "Yours In
There are several old maids in Piatt s
mouth who arc thinking of petitioning
Mayor Morgan to olllclally rtcogni.e
the leap year law and pronounce it In
' If the marriageable maidens do not
grab them a husband this year, in four
years from now It may be out of fash
Ion for women to woo. So "strike
while the iron's hot," girls.
'Tie Kreiieliniiin tuki's Ms niillvp wine,
'I'lie Iliiti-liiiinn tnkes Ills lieer.
Tim Ir nIiimiiii tils whisky tine.
Ami mtvi It I'linns kimhI dicer.
The kmtlUlitnnn Ills 'ulf uml 'ulf.
Ami miyn II leaves no lluliicss.
Itnl tim Yankee always has to liumli.
l''or !iu takes thu whole Illumed business.
"Jack-the-Kisser" got after a big,
fat woman over at Wahoo the ot her
night, and she gave him a terrlilc beat
ing, since which time he has ceased
ofcrations. AVonder if this is what
has happened to our "Jack-the-IIug
riat tsinouth Is particularly well lo
cated for manufactories, and we could
get several of them, too, if we could
correl a few old croakers every time a
person comes here to view the situa-
tlonand "talk business" with those
who have the future prosperity of our
city at heart.
Keep your gates closed. A citizen In
Columbus, Neb., ran against an open
gate one dark night recently and hurt
himself, and has brought suit against
the city for damages to the extent of
six thousand dollars. Residents who
arc so careless as to leave their gates
swinging over the sldewalksafterdark
should be held responsible for such ac
cidents, and not the city.
A Journal reporter asked an old dem
ocratic farmer and pioneer citizen ol
Cass county, who was in the city the
other day, w ho he was for for presi
dent, when he rcplier": "1 am for the
democratic nominee, whoever that may
be." That was the reply of a relia
ble democrat, and Just such an one as
should come the lips of every true dem
oc rat when asked a similar queston.
An exchange tells of a young man
who had occasion to use the 'phone
few evenings since and laid his lighted
cigar ina chair, rung the bell, took
dow n the receiver and Just as central
answered, a friend came In and was
about to sit down on the cigar when
the young man exclaimed: "Look out,
you'll bum your pants!" lie tried
hard to explain, and It Is to be Imped
that "central" forgave him, for central
was In charge of a young lady.
It would do most of us a good deal of
good to always keep in mind, or to be
now and then reminded of It lest we
should forget, that when we leave this
old town business will continue just
the Mine, and witli the exception of a
rew close mends, your name Is never
mentioned, and people soon forget that
there ever wassuch a person. So don't
you never think that Plattsmouth
can't get along without you- for she
can and will -and don't you forget It
"How Interesting a character t
study 1st lie man In love!" remarked
an old bachelor friend of the Journal
the other day, who had perhaps been
Jilted something less than a dozen
times, "he Is docile, kind, tractable
and while a trille foolish, yet on the
whole he appears at Ids best. His
heart Is In time with nature and lie Is
filled with lofty Ideals." Now, girls,
when you come across a fellow
that lias It this bad, nab before he gets
out of the notion.
Nine Thousand fcr a Foot.
The supreme court has decreed that
the Hurlington Ilallmad Co. must pay
to Leo Krayenbuhl of Merrick county,
ir' for the loss of a foot. A buy in
Merrick county tirst tlxed the damage
at, hut the district court cut
this down to 12,0iK) and recently the
supreme court cut out JJ,(KK) more.
The plaint ilT had his foot cut oil
while on a turntable w hich an employe
of the railroad had failed to lock.
Krayenbuhl is four years of age and
was playing on the turntablo with
some otlierchildren. Matthew Coring
of this city, Is one of the attorneys for
the plaintilT in this case, and while a
reduction has been made of one-half
from the original judgment, yet still
it is a great victory over the railroad
company In Nebraska, w here they con
trol every department of state gov
A Queer Railrond Accident.
Hurlington train No. 12 jumped the
track at the entrance to the Ashland
on Monday evening last at about 7::iO
o'clock, killing Michael J. Graybill,
engineer on freight train No. 30, who
was engaged in oiling his engine. The
engine and mall car passed over the
frog in safety, but the mail car Jumped
the track, tearing a number of bolts
from tho track and struck the engine
of No. 30. Some of the bolts struck
Engineer firayblll In the face. He
lived but a few minutes. Several win
dows were smashed in the baggage
coach. Tart of the coaches on No. 12
left the track. Although the passen
gers received a shaking up, no one was
seriously injured. The resistance made
by the engine of No. 110 perhaps saved
No. 12 from going over a steep embank
ment into Salt Creek. When it left
the track it was near the embank
ment. A wreckingcrcw worked several
hours to clear the track. Gravbill
leaves a wife and two children, who
live at Lincoln. He was an old time
engineer on the I!. & M.
Leap Year Ball.
The leap year ball given by the
young ladies of l'lattsmouth on Fri
day night last Is pronounced by all
who attended as a grand success in
every particular. This was guaran
teed from the start, when it was gen
erally known w ho were at the head of
the affair. Everything was carried
out in a most magnificent manner, the
hall was most elegantly and tastefully
decorated for the occasion, and the
music furnished by the I'armele Thea
tre Orchestra was superbly grand.
The program was carried out to the
letter, much to the credit of the floor
managers. In fact all thecommittces
deserve credit fortheir untiring efforts
in so successfully performing their
parts. All hail to the young of riatts
inouth, and may they live (if they
don't find some charming young man
to please them) to enjoy many more
like events.
Eighty-Six Questions to Answer.
The new schedule to bj used by the
deputy assessors for the return of the
personal property of the people of their
districts has cigity-six questions
The questions civer nearly every
thing and readies into all classes or
It touches your building and loan
association stock, money in banks or
loaned, all book accounts, Judgments,
tons of Ice, nursery stock, all kinds of
cycles, dogs owned or harbored, type
writers, sewing machines and a host
of other things too numerous to men
All of the questions on the blank?
have to be answered and sworn to, and
if your statement is false you can be
prosecuted for perjury. When the as
sessors call around they will get a dif
ferent answer from the ones that they
have been getting In yeais past, for If
you do not answer up promptly and
truthfully the law gives the assessor
power to add llfty per cent to the
value of the property that he llnds or
is able to locate, whether given by
you or some one else.
All of the property is to be returned
at its actual value and assessed at one-
fifth of the amount returned.
Taken to the Asylum.
Mrs. Fiankio I. Kichards, who was
brought here last week on account of
her demented condition, was examined
by the Insanity board and declared a
proper subject for the asylum. In ac
cordanco with the decision of the
board the unfortunate lady was con
vcyed to the asylum at Lincoln by
Miernr .Mciiriue. Nie is the wife ol
J. W. Kichards, of South Hend, and
the principal witness, s were Mrs. E
Leddy, Mrs. Minnie Hunter and Mrs
C. Kichards, of the same place.
City Editor Green Weds.
Oil. Frank E. Green was married to
Mrs. MollieJ. Koblnson, at the home
of the bride In I'lattsinouth last
Thursday evening. Colonel Green
the Hub's city editor, and In spite of
this he Is a genial and pleasant gent le
man, and we feel assured his good
judgment served hlin well In the
selection of a life companion. The
Democrat wishes them well, and If
Colonel Green will give us Ids number
we'll place Iiim on our exchange list.
Kearney Democrat.
A Very Enthusiastic Meeting of Citizens at
the Court House.
W. L. Langdon, of Council HlulTs,
arrived In l'lattsmouth on Friday last
to see what our people would do in the
way of establlsbinga firstclass canning
factory in this city, and in com
pany with Mayor Frank J. Morgan, he
visited most of tho business men and
others interested in such a move.
fter receiving a most favorable ex
pression for all It was decided to take
immediate steps in that direction,
consequently it was understood that a
meeting of those interested would be
held at the court house that evening;
So far as numbers were concerned
for such very short notice, it was quite
respectable. Mayor Morgan was made
chairman, and A. W. Atwood acted as
secretary. Mr. Langdon was intro
duced to the audience by the chairman,
who submitted tils proposition, which
was about as follows: If tho citizens
would furnish him a'slte upon which
to erect a canning factory, with a
sidetrack to same, and also furnish
him 1,500 acres ofsweet corn this year
ho would erect upon such a Bite one
two story brick building, 80x100 feet,
a two story frame building, 50x100 feet;
a corn shed, 00x150 feet, and a brick
toiler room, 10x24 feet. The factory
will bo equipped with the latest im
proved (new) machinery, with 'a
capacity of 80,000 cans perday,and will
furnish employment to 250 persons
during the canning season. The build
ings and machinery will cost abouc
75,000. One bushel ;ofcd will plant
five acres of ground, and the yield will
be about four tons to the acre, for
which he will pay $5 per ton. The
reason he desires to furnish the seed,
Is simply because It Is the kind gener
ally used for canning purposes.
This corn, as we understand it, is to
be contracted for, or guaranteed by
the citizens they to enter into a con
tract with farmers near the city to
furnish it. The proposition all through
seemed to be so fair that the following
committee was appointed to secure an
option on several sites, and report
their action at another meeting to be
called by Mayor Morgan: 11. 15. Wind
ham, A. W. White. C. C. Parmele,
ISyron Clark and C. E. Wescott.
A canning factory run on. business
principles w ill do more good forPlatts-
mouth and the farming community
in general than any other enterprise
that could possibly be established in
our midst and the Journal hopes that
our citizens will "all pull together" in
their efforts to Induce Mr. Langdon to
come here. And wo believe if l'latts
mouth people will do their duty Mr.
Langdon will not be found wanting in
doing his.
Send In Your Names.
Always anxious to help cur city and
county along we have been thinking of
making up a list of Leap Year bar-
gains-ln classes. First class to con
tain good looking marriageable young
men, green and tender. Second class
to contain names of old bachelors, safe
and reliable but slightly wilted. Third
class second hand goods such as
widowers, divorcees and old remnants
from last Leap Year eight years ago.
Any one wishing to enter the list may
send their names to the Journal and
state which class they are to be
placed In. No restriction on any one
in Cass county. Send In your names
boys; this may help you to secure a
Now a Denver Policeman.
Word to the effect that Dud DcLash
mutt may be seen any old day now
sauntering up and down tho streets of
Denver togged out In a policeman'
uniform with big, brass buttons, was
received here the first of the weok
hud's friends w ere not at first disposed
to credit the report, but later advises
confirmed it as being only too true
ic gods! Dud DeLashmutt working
for $ii0 per month. What's going to
happen nextY-l'acllic Junction News
Now, hud needn't have gone so far
away to get on the police force. If his
many friends In l'lattsmouth had even
surmised that he was "stuck on" that
kind of a Job, ho could Just as well
have had a position on the force Plaits
A Pleasant Affair Near Eimwood.
One of tne most brilliant functions
of the season was the entertaining at
whist at the 'Jowlc home, north of
Elmwood. The thoughts and corner
sat on of the truest s t imuoiinnt. th.
whole evening was of the science
which the lea ling tables were demon
st rating, there being ten tables, each
witli Its goal for the "llrst." Several
musical numbers were given by the
Misses lowle and Mrs, Lelbo of Fro
1114)1) t
During the Intervals of tho evening
the guests were served to punch and
nablseoes, and at the usual hour dainty
reiresnuienis were served.
The gucts from away were the
Messrs. and Mesdames Thomas. Mur
tey and ihillls, Weeping Water; Messrs,
J. Mclltigh and J. Hill, South Hend.
If you are a Judge of a wood smoke,
try the "Acorns" G cent cigar and you
wlllsinokc no other.
- The Teacher's Dream.
Lnst evenlnf I wan walking
Willi a Vat-hrr Vnnu lliu why,
Who told -nti of i ilream ht littd
On the titi of Christmas du.
1 1 1 1 1 iloxliiir 111 bis o'hco,
A vision fame to view.
Ami lit saw an anxel enter.
1 trussed lu garments white and new.
Hald the Biicel: "I'm from Heaven.
The l.orU Just sent tuu down.
To hrlni? you up to K'ory
Ami put on your guidon crown;
You've lafii a friend to everyone,
A workluK day tiy day.
You've honored your profession
Oil piior U'lJ uiu:iher pay."
"A) we want you up in nlory,
Kor you have lalmrvd hard.
And the trood Lord Is preparing
Your eternal. Just reward."
Then the nuirel and the teaeluir
Started ill) to Heaven's irate.
Hut when passing up hy Had:)
The uiikuI murmured, "Walt,"
"I've gut a place to show yon.
It's the hottest place In hell;
Where the chronic district Kosslpers,
In torment always dwell."
And behold, the teacher saw there.
Old gossips by the score.
And grabbing up a chair and fun,
lie wished fur nothing mure.
He whs 1m hi nil to Kit uml watch tlieni,
As they'd sU.ln. fry and burr,
And his eyes they'd rest on gosslper.
Whichever way they'd turn.
Sulci the angel. "Come on tenelier
For the p- arly gatei I see;"
Hut the teacher only muttered:
"This Is heaven enough for me."
lie refused to go on farther,
Hut preferred to sit and gam),
At the pile of rank old gossliis.
As they lay there in the blaze.
Just then the tchool door upeneil,
Loud peeled the old school lull I,
He waa soon at his post of duty.
Hut the gosslppern were lu-Umaliit,
The Durno Company.
One of the begt entertainments that
Plattsmouth people have seen Is what
the coming number of the School Lec
ture Course is to be. These men are
not lecturers nor concert entertainers,
but high class fun provokers, will
make you laugh and laugh as never be
fore. Durno makes the impossible
seem possible and unnatural. Ho
causes you to see what you do not see,
and not to see what you think you see.
V lien Durno stops to rest LeBarge will
not allow the merriment to stop, but
breaks in with'hls music, funny stories
and comic songs. Oh you'll miss it if
you ao not go. Everybody and every
body's grandmother and the babies
are going. There is a brisk demand
for scats now. Buy your ticket of
some high school student or a teacher
and thus be suro you'll have a scat re
served for you. Tills attraction ap
peared In the lloyd theatre In Omaha
Thursday of this week and Is in the
Oliver theatre in Lincoln on Mondav
night. It is without doubt one of the
best things that will be at the Parmele
this season. Tho data is Tuesday,
February 2. Admisslor.-50c, 35o 25c.
Seats on sale Monday and Tuesday.
A Cool Bluff.
That was a cool bluff sprung bv the
attorneys of George L. Farley in the
libel case now pending in tho district
court, wherein Sheriff McUrldo is
plaintiff and Mr. Furley is defendant.
Mr. Farley camo Into court and Hied n
motion asking that .Sheriff Mcllrlde be
suspended from performing his duties
in serving papers for the ensuing
March term of court, and requested
that all of the sheriff's business for
that term be transacted by the coroner.
unaouoteaiy mis was Intended as a
Joke. Surely the intelligent attor
neys who are lined up for the defense
had no Idea that Judye Jessen would
consldcrsueh a motion for a minute.
The Judge very promptly set down on
the motion without argument bv the
attorneys. If your evidence Is as clear
that the sheriff has been robbing the
county In making erroneous charges,
as you claimed it to be during the
campaign don't try to side step, Mr.
Farley, for tho voters of tho county
might draw the conclusion that after
all your oxpasure was simply for politi
cal purposes. It stands jou very much
In hand, Mr. Farley, if you really as
pire to the position held by Mr. Rose
water, to be very much in earnest
when you make charges of this kind.
If you are right you are sure to win.
If you have bcon mistaken well, that
couldn't be, hocauso you have ex
amined tho records. Louisville Cour
Two to One.
M. T. Scbroeder, foreman of Newell
& Atwood's quarries at Amazonia,
Missouri, was recently presented by
bis wlfo with triplets two girls and
ono boy. Mr. Shroeder formerly re
sided at Cedar Creek. May thev live
to be a great comfort to their parents
in their declining years.
John Way man, of Wyandotte, Mich.,
In remitting for the Journal another
year, says: "I was a resident of riatts
inouth for twenty years, and theJour
nal Is a most welcome visitor with us.
Wishing the Journal success. I am sin
cerely yours," etc. Mr. Wayiuan is well
known to many of tho readers of the
Uncle Sam Wants Him.
William St. John, tho former Cass
county man, whom tho Journal men
tioned week boforo last as being ar-
rcsieu in nuuuiu couniy lor sending a
threatening letter to a banker named
Melsner, has been taken In charge- of
by tho federal authorities on a charge
of the misuse of malls. St. John bit
terly protests his Innocence cf the
Groin Wanted!
Hy the S. K. WalnwrUht Oraln Sc
Lumber Co. See (). W. linker, at the
iVrklus House, or M. S. Ilrlggs, up
stairs In tho t'oatcs block, 1'latts-
A Genuine Sacrif 5ce
We arc offering our cnttre line of Chiklren's, Boys and Mens
Sweaters-at a reduction of 20 per cent, on the dollar.
All 50c Sweaters, now 40c.
" $1.00 " " 80c.
" $1.50 " $1.20.
" S2.00 " $1.40.
" $2.50 " " $2.00.
" $2.75 " " $2.20.
" $3.00 " " $2.40.
First; we desire to turn them into cash. Second; we need the
room for spring goods coming in dailv. Come and taka advan
tage'W this sale!
20 Per Cent Off 20.
: Leading
I Clothier....!
. j? r
Take iaxanve Dromo quinine Tathts.
Seven Minion boxes sold In past 12 months. This Signature.
Public Buildings Must Be Provided With
Fire Escapes.
The city council met In regular ses
sion last Monday evening and if the
Instructions of that body are obeyed,
the next few months will witness a
number of improvements in the way
of lire escapes made on public build
ings. A report of the tiro and water
committee was presented and adopted,
and City Clerk Soennlchscn Instructed
to notify the owners of such buildings
make these necessary improvements,
and the managers of the 1'arniele
Theatre were requested to place a tire
proof drop curtain on the stane of that
Institution, as recommended by said
The committee recommended that
fire escapes be placed on the west side
of the high school building from the
third floor and also that the tower be
removed, as they considered It unsafe.
The other buildings mentioned in the
committee report are the Perkins
House, Plattsmouth House, Odd Fel
lows' hall. A. O. W. ball, Coate's
building, Hotel Hiley, Parmele Thea
tre and Columbian school building.
The newly-elected foremen, assistant
foreman and captain of the lire de
partment were confirmed. The re
port of Foreman fitendyke, of the hook
and ladder cart, referred to some facili
ties which arc needed, was turned
over to the proper committee.
City Attorney II. 1). Travis' report
called attention to the unsafe condi
tion of some old electric wiring which
has been in use for lo, these many
years, which was referred to the proper
The otTer of nr. C. A. Marshall to
pay $.13 and costs of suit in full for tho
claim of, (tho city's claim
against him) for light servlc, was
Tho Adams Express Company, the
Western Union and Postal Telegraph
companies, through their local agents,
protested against paying their respec
tive occupat ion tax levied by the city.
The same was referred to the judiciary
The fire and water commilteo was
Instructed to ascertain tho condition
of tho new building that XV. XV. Cwates
was erecting In tho rear of his build
ings on Main street, and In case he
was not constructing the same In ac
cordance with the ordinance on lire-
proof buildings, to stdp the work. The
city has an ordinance in force to the
effect that property owners must tlrst
get a permit from the city council to
erect buildings of that description
within the fire limits, but It seems
that Mr. Coateshas gone rluht ahead
wit h ills work Just the same an If no
such ordinance whs in force, and Ig
noring the power or the council.
After adjournment tho members of
the couucll accepted ao. Invitation
To Cure a Cold in One Day
w ' V
from Manager Parmele to attend the
performance at the opera house.
John !l:int-r. Iiurilwurn & a
(. A Wt'iily. irpiiirs :J IU
Clip's I'lllllll V. Il.)lirilinif tirisjilu.ra I-. ik.
C llrniiii'liscn. Mn-ct, Wurk !...!!!!! 3 71
.liniri.itl, r I ii 1 1 hi- in ij)
riutlstiiuiiili Ti'Uihiiiie Co. phono runt' UU
What's in a Name, Anyhow?
The following from the Louisville
Courier, edited by our friend Lee May-
held, contains some things to which
we fail lo find any serious objection.
During the civil war we answered to
the appellation of "major," simply be
cause we served in the u,"th O. V. 1. in
Uncapacity ordrum major. This title
remained with us up to about sixteen
or seventeen years ago, when In com
pany with fifty or sixty newspaper
men of the Third Missouri congression
al district, then represented by Gov
ernor Dockery, met In St. Joseph to
organize an association. It is unneces
sary to remark that some of the lioys
got pretty well "organl.ed"durlrig the
day. After dinner we proceeded to
Lake Contrary by carriages and 'busses
(tills Incident occurring some time be
fore the railroad was built to that
pol nt ) the scene of more fun. Here we
were christened "colonel" by being
dumped out of a skl!T Into the lake and
nearly drowned. .So you perceive, Hro.
May Held, there was some reason for
calling us major, some caw.o for Mm an-
peiiatlon of colonel, but none on earth
for "Uncle Hilly," and here we wish to
draw the line, because our oldest broth
er answers to that cognomen:
Uncle liillv l!.'it.u iiw,
of the l'lattsmouth Journal, Is noth
ing it not a democrat. Ho was born
In Missouri, wliero democrats grow on
pawpaw bushes. For a great many
years he conducted a newspaper in
that state before coming to Cass coun
ty a'id nurchaslni the. ii III t xmmit li
JoUI'II.'LL It, V:m lint, ivttm-il
should feel jubilant over the success
of his nai l v in c f'.ntinttf In nnid or
lug some of tho best olllces at the last
election. I lo re It so uood over the to
suit that he so far deviated rrorrt Ills
old-time custom of chewing Kentucky
twist as to accept, a cliiar from Judge
Travis the other dav. :m,1
avers that hn has ut smoked a cigar
in iuriy years, ue ia mis oiui and
iitiuiiuiy mii im'ii it novii ii uk wet In
honor of 1 1 to election nr 1 1 lit rlinviirt n
judge. With tin; dylni! enihcisof the
cigar ho begun to recall scenes of his
o. no hi nays. mo scene came lo him
as clear as if set In bold faced type it
wasawav txiek lo tli, tin i.r.. ,i..
- . .. ..... tiv ... V.V
?"?r,,'l,.V!1.,lnch: Hlll' W!ls kmiwn as
Little Willie. 'IhehcermcirrieilwiUi
It an old barn loft w is stored
inegoKien leave.iiolnuro or ,u r(r,
father. LUllo Wllhn cm; lonei
never to touch Ik lln ivi.i ..,.i... .. ..
- ..... . ..w ii.i n v ill ir.u,i
to know just what It would taste like
.0 lie S 'I'll red ft corn i-n!i mwl u-iti.
alder tor a stem, made ti,c cutest little-
ini.iiiiiioie. n mi mis tn. Ids
overall pocket, mid a goodly supply or
homegrown tobacco. t,u lUiul a chWi
from toe lire phice and made for Ihe
inwpuw biisheiitol';ivehlsii;stsmoke.
The Hist pip,, ruil caused him to be
come lii.iy no ho ule a re ptwpaws
Uscttle his stomach. It was not long
beTore Willie began to see things. He
tried to got back to the house but the
ground persisted in Uylnir up ana hit
1 .
i Leading I
Com CHp
b Two Days.
cn every
ting him In tho face. lie reached the
house in due time and then and there
made a solemn resolve never to bit
the pipe again (until Judge Travis
was elected) and faithfully kept his
word. Tho repetition of the experi
ence of those early days was again en-
in.ii.-u mien uu smoKea me cigar trie
Other flilV vrlvon him t M II.
has now made another resolve.- Don't
iry lo persuade hira to break it, for
uuciu iiuiy is rrom Missouri.
Created Wealtt).
Something from nothlmr tv carden.
from a desert. Suoh is the history of
Irrigated sections. Take land that soils
for fifty cents an acre, put water on It,
and it sells for what? Thero are
quarters of land In Irrigated sections of
vAJiuiauo inai cannoi De purchased for
-w,uw uuu which earn a remunerative,
interest on that vat nntlrtn A nA vat.
you can purchase irrigated land3 where
the soli Is perfect beyond belief, where
the water supply Is plentiful and In
exhaustible, where climatlo conditions
arc healthful and exhilarating, where
fuel Is abundant and cheap,, for from,
$15 an aero up.
The reasons: The North Platte Val
ley, extending from Bridgeport Neb.,
to Guernsey, Wyoming, and' tho HI
Horn Itasin, Wyoming, have boen but
rucenuy mauo available for settlement
by tho extension-of the Hurlingto
railroad into those sections. Tho Ir
rigating Companies must have settlers
alow their ditches and t.hftf tfirTitt mitw
stautlal inducements In the shape of
iow priced water rights and lands,
How long will this condition con
tinue? None mav sav wirel. hut. it
won't bu for loiiff, and the sooner you
invest thochcarter will inn Ka
do so, for tile advance Is just as suro a
hasbccn.tho advance hvtbo price of
similar lands tn other sections. For
runner Information write to J. Francis
General passenger agent, Hurlington
iiouie, umana.
A Little Spurring.
Kvcn tho best horse needs once In a
while a little SDurrhur. It nhnwa him
that he Is being watched, and that he
iias to uo his duty, otherwise tho best
horse will become law. Is lfc not thi
same with ourselves? We need a
stimulus in order Lo prrform our du
ties toward ourselves, and town nl it-
do ty. We are spurred to charity, to-
social ttiut pnbllj duties, to a belter
life. This Increased activity exhaust
the bodily strength and the organs re
fuse to do their work. A little stim
ulus Is needorl-Trlner's1 Amerlcam
Kllxlrof liittcr Wltw. Nature give
us this remedy, a pure grnpe wine,
with selected herbs. Wlno Is nature's
Kllinulent ami tonic, herbs aro the
'uily remedies. I
(Stomach. In exhaustion, In dUcan.'S.a
mo biooti thero no loiter renmly..
It will put thtfj body. In the natural
condition. At drujbtore. Joscplk
Trlner, 5mi South ishland avonue,
Uucago, Illinois,
Walt for Durno, thoniau wbo makef
you laujjiu