8 3 NEW Remember tlio A;nin wishing 1 1 P. 0 INDEPENDENT 'PHONE 198. y PloLltsmouth. l904l We tako this opportunity of returning our most , sincere thanks for past favors, and solicit a continuance of your patronage in tho future. During l'.XM, we shall endeavor to supply tho market, as usual, with that Which Suits the People! both in quality and prices. Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, we invito all to conio and be comforted by making your purchases from tho largest furniture house in Plattstnouth. Sattler & Fassbender. Farmers o never 8 surest littlrt A lllJ V n Send Your Caltte o Afminst u - -o 0 0 I Blackleg. jj 8 Use Inte 0 f. g. fricke & co.,f 8 8 8 PHARMACISTS. b PHARMACISTS. Do You Want an Up-to-Date If you arc contemplating- tfettintf one call on the old reliable tailor Frank . McElroy, examine his fine samples and leave your or der in time, and he will do the the rest. place and Kvo us a trial. you a Happy New Year, I remain, Yours to servo, PEARSON.. UNION BLOCK, 1 8 After having once used Farke, S 8 Davis & Co.'b "Blacklegoids" as a cure X 8 and preventive for blackleg, you will 0 uso anything else. It is the euro and easiest to uso one mil does th( work, nssnrincr the samo amount of medicine in each ft I ' - - - 7t f Sdose. 8 8 A hypodermic syring and a little O box of pills is all there is to it. q AsH Your Neighbor About It b 8 or Call for Circulars now, giv- ing Conipleto Direction. rnational Stock Food! j v l i 4 i V'. P 0 s s 8 Nebraska.. V Abstracts Title V Ttyoma5 Jallii. OFFICE Aiilicuser-Bush Block. JJH. SIAIiSlIALL, DENTIST., All kind of TVntnl work. I'lutos made Mint Ht. !!H years ex prrlencu. I'rloen rctutoimblo. WorkKUiiruiili-uu. OFFICK Fitzqrkai.d Block. Tei.kpiionkNo.8oh.I7 H, I). TliAVIS. ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW KoOms 8, 0, 10 and 11, Watchman, Block, rUATTSMOUTIl. NEBKA8KA. NKBIUSKA TELF.l'HONB. 1"C " 2 ( HKMUKNCB. 4g. W. B. ELSTER, DENTIST. OFFICE: Waterman Block Plattsmouth, Nebraska I-I.UU. Pb.no. ZCV To Change Silver Into Gold! Put the silver (or nickle or paper) In tills bank and witness tlie change. S 1-2 Per Cent Intercut Compmtmkd semi-annually will make from the white to the yellow metal. Call and we will gladly tell you all about It. Plattstnouth Saving Bank. ..HORSES.. FOR SALE OR TRADE! I have Just shipped lu a couple of car loads of cood all purpose horses and mares, which I will oiler for sale or will trade for smaller horses for the the southern market. Call and see horses at my farm. A. S.VVILL. For Sale or Ttodel Murray Hotel, Murray. Practically new buildlng-and recently rc papered and repainted and In excellent repair. For further particulars call at Journal olllee, or address Mits. Wm. Uhantxeu, Murray, Nebraska- LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. Marshal!, dentist, FittgcraU block. Walt for Durno, the man who makes you laugh, j Dr. E W. Cook lias lern enjoying a siege of the mumps this week. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Office with Dr. E. D. Cummins. For lease several Une acreage tracts near the city. R. B. Windham. J. D. Rouse, of Esbon, Kansas, Is the guest of tils son, Trof. E. L. Bouse. C. N. Beverage orders the Journal sent to his addressat the Mynard post office this week. Charley Stone, cashier of the Mur ray State Bank, attended the funeral of Frank Dickson Sunday. Keep February 2nd for Durno k Co.. the greatest fun-provoking combina tion that ever visited this city. A marriage license was Issued yes terday to Jas. W. Cogdill, aged 30 and Miss Eva Applegate, aged 18, both of Union. Twelve nlw subscribers in one week Is not bad. The Journal list Is Increas ing right along. Let the good work proceed. Our young friend James Manners, of Murray, was here Saturday evening, and was a pleasant caller at Journal headquarters. A marriage license was granted Mon day to Charles W. Tlgner, aged twenty- four, and Miss WllhelmlnaDrost, aged nineteen, both of Murray. See advertisements of C. J. Gaebel's big hog sale, which comes off on Mon day, February 8ih, at his home five miles southwest of Louisville. II. Beck and Ed Gansamcr will hereafter receive the Journal regu larly at the Nehawka postolllce, having become new readers this week. The T. J. Sokol society gave another one of their grand masquerade balls at their hall Saturday night. It was a big success, both socially and finan cially. Wyotte Hutcheson, one of our pat rons of Rock Bluffs, was In the city Saturday, and while here Mr. Hutch- eson called and renewed for the Jour nal another year. George Kupler, M. Harding, John Sherwood and E. P. Holmberg, after visiting friends In this city a few days, returned to Alliance where they are In the employ of the B. & M. The Plattemouth Turners will plve a mask ball on Saturday night, Feb ruary 13. It Is the Intention of the management to make this one of the best ever given by this society. Wm. Leddy, of South Bend, called Monday and renewed for the Journal. Mr. Leddy Is one of our oldest resi dents, a fine gentleman and citizen and a dyed-in-the-wool democrat. Our friend, James Stapder, of Louis ville, was In the county seat Tuesday and gave the Journal a pleasant call, and while here ordered the Journal sent to W. F. Newman at Louisville. E. Ilarshman while In Plattsmouth Tuesday, called and had his name en rolled on the Journal's Nehawka list Mr. Ilarshman, like all others, is in love with the Journal as a county paper. Will Staddlcman, of Kearney, Neb., sends a dollar and orders the Journal sent his address. Will is an old Plattsmouth boy, but now has charge of the Independent Telephone Com pany at Kearney. Charles M. McQuinn and Miss Aggie Woodward, a young couple from the vicinity of Union, were united In the holy bonds of wedlock in this city on Tuesday, January 19, lw4, Judge M. Archer, officiating. C. J. Gaebel, of near Louisville, ac companied by C. E. Mockcnhaupt, both patrons of the Journal, were In the city Saturday, and of course paid their respects to democratic headquarters. We are always pleased to meet these gentlemen. Chas. Jacobson Is now a patron of the Journal, and will receive It In the future at the Avoca postolllce. Chas, says he has contemplated taking the Journal for some time, and while in Plattsmouth Tuesday called and de posited a dollar. Otto Wurl returned Tuesday even ing from Fremont, where he went to attend tho district convention of Turners. On his return trip he stop ped at several places to look after some interests connected with the Wurl Bros' cigar factory. Andrew Stohlman, one of Cass counties energetic young farmers, was In the city Tuesday and while here became a patron of the Journal. Be ing a democrat he came to the conclu sion that it was not possible for him to get along without It longer. Captain II. E. Palmer, formerly of this city, has been appointed post iiiuiw;r ai, umaua. captain Palmer settled In this city In 1870, and cn J t A. 1 4 Kak'cu in mo grain business removing 10 uraana in iw, He still owns several pieces of property in Platts mouth. Regarding the salaries paid to dif ferent county superintendents In the state, tho Journal misquoted from .Mipcrinicnucni wortman's petition last week. There arc thlrtv-foureoun ties which have paid the samo and less than a dozen which have from $.100 to $000 more per annum. T a. - j. rore.su manson, arrested four or Ave weeks since on the charge of ho- Ucltlng Insurance without license, and tho case continued several tlniM. nn. reared before Judge Archer Monday morning and entered a Dlea of milltv. A line of $.k) and costs was Imposed upon him, and not having the money 10 -poney up," lie very reluctantly re turned to Jail to "board it out." 7HE0LD ULUABLE 4l i mm 4'- ' r ..; Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE "Gut Hell," the favorite cigar. Jewel Base Burner's at John Bauer's. Claus shears and razors at John Bauer's. Vic Anderson Suud.iyid with Ilave- lock friends. George N. La Rue was lure from Union Saturday. Smoke the Wurl Bros.' tclcbraUd "Gut Hell" cigars. Enterprise sausage grinders and stuffers at John Bauer's. A complete line of imported enamel led ware at John Bauer. rianoson monthly payments of $",00 and up per month. See A. J., Jackson, at Strelght & Straight's. George Hicks, of Cedar Creek, called last Thursday and renewed for the Journal. Mrs. Arthur Ul;s returned to Ilavelock Saturday after a brief visit with Plattsmouth friends. Miss Pauline Holder of Pacific Junc tion, is visiting with Miss Kathryne Polsall In this city this week. William Gillespie, of Mynard, was a visitor in Plattsmouth Saturday, for the first time in several weeks. Ed Barstow, car inspector for the B. & M., attended the funeral of Frank Dickson Sunday and remained over till Monday. Wm. Waybright, of Lincoln, visited in this city with his brother Morgan, Friday. Mr. Waybright is an old- time engineer for the B. & M. Chas. Richey was down from Louis ville Sunday to attend the funeral of Ills brother-in-law, Frank Dickson, and went from here to Lincoln Monday. For a bad taste in the mouth take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. 25 cents. AVar- ran ted to cure. For sale by all drug gists. The Turners of this city never do anything by halves, and those who attend their mask ball Saturday even' Ing, February 13, may expect some thing grand. Otto Sprieck of Louisville, while in the city last Saturday on other busi ness, called and renewed for another year. Mr. Sprieck Is one of Cass coun ty's prominent young German farmers Jennie Stitzer, Omaha "I have gained thirty-five pounds In two months. Nothing did me any good until I used Ilollister's Rocky Mount ain Tea." A blessing to sickly wo man. Gcrlng & Co. Have you Indigestion, constipation, headache, backache, kidney trouble? Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well. If It falls get your money baclr. That's fair. Tea or tablet form. 35 cents. Gerlng & Co John Llbershall, an employe of the B. & M. planing mill, met with a very painful accident recently. He In some manner got his left hand caught in a Joiner machine, which resulted in severing three fingers from the hand. Our old frfend Harry Lelinholf, of Collego Hill, gave the Journal a very pleasant call lait Thursday after the issue for the week was on the press, Besides renewing for another year he spent a few moments in social chat Mr. Lehnhoff Is one of Cass county's very best citizens, and one that it is always a pleasure to meet. And still they come. Mr. W. A Ilardknock, of Eagle, sends in a dollar and requests the Journal sent to him foroneyear. We'll beucoonsklntliat Mr. Hardknocker is one of those dem ocrats who has been doing without the only democratic paper In Cass county for several years. We have room for more. Come on, boys! Mrs. C. M. Seybcrt returned from her eastern visit Saturday morning, where she went several months ago She first went to Covington, Va. whero she mado her principal lmaj quarters with Mrs. Andrew Fudge. Wullo at the latter place. she drove a distance of fifty miles to Monteray, Va., Mr. Seybert's old home. She also visited Washington, D. C, and had the pleasure of shaking hands with President Roosevelt, ami viewing many Interesting sights in and around the capital. Mrs. Seybcrt returns home much benefitted by the trip, and gives a very Interest ing account of her travels In general. "The nicest and pleasant est medl clnolhave used Tor Indigestion and constipation Is Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets," says Melard F. Craig of Mlddlcgrove, N. Y. "They work like a charm and do not gripe or have any unpleasant effect." For sale by all druggists. Supposing you arc bustcd-haven't a dime, Getting poor Isn't a serious crime: Put on a Inild front, work with your might, You're sure to win hv taking Itockv Mountain Tea at night, tiering Sit LOi GAEBEL'S DUROC JERSEY j brood bow bale! a Hi..i.Minaa.uaaa,taaaaM(alam I Monday, Feb. 8, 1904. I 40-Duroc Jersey Brood Sow$40l ! ALL SOWS GUARANTEED SAFE IN PIG. j QFj These sows are sirod J Kinr Orion, lSj3. (ilcmlalo Primv, W27, Princo ! Marti, TOM, Wanetta Unnkor, 11257, Tom Tucker, 1.1021, and other. S Bred to Princo Echo, 12:.7l, bred by J. D. Rid- linger, lWntur, Indiana. Kinc Roberta, 23691, bred by Win. Roberts Son.l'nton, Iowa. j Sale to be held at my Sale Pavillion I 5 Miles Southwest of Louisville. Free Lunch at 11:30. Salcat 12:00 C.J. GAEBEL, Owner. LOUISVILLE, NED. COL. T. E. CALLAHAN ) . .. COL. J. P. SPEARMAN Auctwneow. uc3 ; C. E. Smith was down from Ilave lock Saturday. 15, 30, and gallon sugar kettles at John Bauer's. J. H. Seybolt, of Murray, was a county seat visitor Saturday. Garry Treat of Weeping Water was a county seat vlsiu.r Friday. Remember tne mask ball at Turner Hall, Saturday night, February 1:1. A. 1?. Smith of Denver, was a busi ness visitor to Plattsmouth, Friday. Sawdust for salo by the car load or wagon load C. A. Kiciiart. Dr. IJ. F. Rrcndcll of Murray was In the city a few hours Saturday night Calvanived Iron and cast tank heat ers at lowest prices at John Panel's. G. W. Conrad, a farmer of near Ne hawka, was here on business, Friday. Tom Julian, foreman of the round house at Gibson, was in the city Saturday. J. II. Adams, living south of town, dropped In Tuesday and left a dollar for the Journal. If you are a Judge of a cood smoke, try the "Acorns" 6 cent cigar and you will smoke no other. William McCauley, of the 15. & M. paint shop, was off duty several days the past week on account of sickness. For Salc-Thc S. E. i of section 11, town 11, range 12 For terms, ad dress, It. B. Windham, Plattsmouth, Neb. C. K. Cook dropped In Saturday and renewed for the Journal. Charley says he can't keep house without the Old Reliable. Mr. Macky of this city called Satur day and renewed for the Journal for his brother, William Mackey, at Oxford, Nebraska. Judge and Mrs. Ardicr went to Omaha Sunday, the Judge returning the same evening, while Mrs. Archer remained several days with her son who Is very 111. J. P. Falter departed Monday for Creighton, Neb., where he will visit his father and mother for a few days, and thence to bis ranch where he will spend a month. II. II. Itagoos, of Cedar Creek, called last Thursday and renewed his allegi ance to the Journal. Mr. Ragoos is a very sociable gentleman and we were pleased to meet him. Mr. Wm. S. Crane of California, Md., suffered for years from rheuma tism and lumbago. He was finally ad vised to try Chamberlain's lain Ralm, which he did and It effected a com plete cure. For sale by all druggists. In the Ernest Kupka estate, Carey S. Polk, as administrator, was cited by the County Judge to show cause why he should not he removed as such ad ministrator. The citation was made upon the petition of the Kentucky heirs. Polk was given ten days to an swer saidcitation. E. M. Prlbb e, an employe of the Weeping Water Republican, camo in on the special train from that place Sunday, to attend the funeral of Frank Dickson, and stopped In the Journal olllce a few moments. Mr. Pi lbblc Is a genial young gentleman and we were pleased to meet him. We take tho following from the Council RlulTs department of the World-Herald: "Twenty-one men cm ployed at the round house repalrshops of the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Rluffs In this city have been discharged, and and It Is understood that the repair work which has here tofure been done here will l done In the "Q" shops In Creston, or In the Rurllngton shops in Plattsmouth." Messrs. Francis and Fred Swingle ol Avoca, Wisconsin, who were here vis iting Adam Kurtz, and whoso visit was also for tho purpose of viewing the surroundings for the purpose ot Inciting a cheese factory here, de parted for their homes Friday morn ing, returning via Northern Iowa. Tlirso gentlemen are practical cheese makers, und nrfl at present engaged In the business in Wisconsin. It Is alto gether probable that they will K-atc lu re some thno In the fut ure. Fur Sale A desirable l'M-Rcrc tract near Plat tsinou Hi, for ,".20U If taken a R. II. W INDIUM, Flattsm-nitl), xcb i.M 1 l KM lv Chief IVrfootion 10A."9. GEO. II. WOOD, Clerk. fen HARMELE v THEATRE. Monday, Jan. 25. The Everlasting Succes. The World-Famed Brothers Byrne In a Grand Revival of their enormous ly successful Spectacular Pan torn I mical Production, the NEW 8 BELLS The Funny Horse and Carriage. The Great Fire Scene. Tho Wondeaful Revolving Ship. Tho Lively OctODUs. The John Byrne Troupe of Acrobats. Prices from 50c to I$l. A Very Closi Call. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Rellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa. "I was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bitters, and after taking It, I felt as well as I ever did In my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co. Price 50 cents. What's In a Name. Everything Is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWltt&Co. of Chicago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles. For blind, bleeding, itch ing and protruding piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases DeV'Itt's salve has no equal. This has given rise to to numerous worth less counterfeits. Ask for DeWltt's the genuine. Sold by F. 0. Fricke & Co. Loss of Flesh When you can't eat break fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send a free sample. you ' See 6 iurt (hit (hit pldun In tht form of a Ubtl It the wrtnptr of f vtry twttU f EiMiuio yo txty. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHCMim, 409 Petri St, N.Y. S0c.uU $f sit fcvffUtoj c V J ,-' - n - . . rr