a aW i A .4 " rr r? m t r- - t t- ALL DCNC OUT. -' 1 J V .f'V' J- .-'.,t. '.' , . . , v sa .yyw&m I Miss Rose Hcnncssv. well known as a a poetess and elocutionist, of Lexington, Ky., tells how she was cured of uterine inflammation and ovaritis by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "Pear Mi-t. rijfKiiAM : I liavo been soblossotllyhclpefl throufrh the use of LyUu I I'mkliam's VcsotaMo Compound that I f.-cl it but just to acknowk'djre it, hopliiK that it may help omo other womiu Hufffrinj? as I did. " F(r ycurs 1 enjoyed thn host of health and thought that I would always do RO. I attended parties and receptions tliirJy clad, and would be suddenly chilled, but I did not think of the. results. I caiiffht a bad cold eighteen months n:o r'hile nu-niii rustini?, and this caused iallammr.tiou of the womb and consisted ovaries. 1 buffered exemeiatinir pains and kept Ret ting worse. My atteution was call".! to your Vegetable Compound and the wonderful cures it had performed, and 1 ujado up my mind to try it f jr two months and Beo what it would do for me WithiQ one month 1 felt mueh better, and at tho clo.se of Wvt second I wes entirely well. "I l.ave r.dvised a number of iny'lady friends to uso it. and all express themselves ,s -veil viti.slk'd with the, rrsult3 ai I was." Miss Koue Nor.A. llBSSEMY, 4H .s. Broadway, Lexlagtou. Ky. Tho oxpericrxo and t'siiinoiiy of nnine of tho most noted yom a ;( AMorica p to prove heyonc' a question that Lvrtiai:. 1'iukitiiin a evfedib'e romiioiunl v. Ill eorrcvt nil such trouble ami at ov.cy, by rMuoii: the -aut,c, aud rcsiuri: iho or;:.i!:s to a normul and healthy condition. . . tt Dear Mrs. I'ix-iiam:- About two ycarsnj? I consulted a ph?. BK'Kui alinHt my lr::k!i wliic-U li.nl beeoiiw so writ died tli.it 1 was i.o Ioiit n'.ie to La n'w.it. 1 liad severo liaekacli", lio.'.rii-d.e.vn pains, pa:n.. a-Tuss thu :ib;liniu:ii, Avas very jiervmi1; aad irritable, and thi.s trouble pvw votm) eaeii month. Tlio physician preseriU'd for me, b;'i I soon disn.w red tlitit lie :'s unable to lieli) me, ap.d I then deciiled to try Lydia i:. linkliams Vegetable Compound. ai:d soon f i:nd that it was doiuy uie K'"1- -ly appetite we.s returning, tho pains di.sapiiear lnj, and tin genu-ral bei.clits were well marked. " Von cannot realizn how pleased I was, and after taking the medi cmo for only three months. I found lhat 1 was completely cured of my troul)le,and have been welt and hearty ever since, and no more fear Iho monthly period, as it now passes without pain to me. Yours very truly, Miss 1'e.vkl AcksuS, 2s'orth Summer St., Xasliviile, Temu" Wlion u niedielno lias been xucecssful in rcstorinsr o health mrc than a million women, you cannot well sav without trying it I do not believe it will help me." If you are 111, do not hesitato to get a bottle of Lydia K. IMnklium's Vogetable Compound and write M rs. IMnkliam at Lynn, ."ilasx.. for special udvlce. Her ad' vieo is tree aiul helpful. Write to-day. Delay may he fatal. S10G0 FORFEIT" wconm.t f.irllmlth tirrvlti tlio nrljinnl loCcra nj L'niituro cf ubuvu lu.nmuiul, viiicU will jjrov? tf.fir (Imiluln t mwncm. Ljdlu t, l'luUliuiu iiea. Co., Lynn, .1Ima mm tn mm., mni urn O'I'T r: iv .'oi.t.r.jiMi k ti nr.) A i!iititiii (or ord r,;.n; mr i.i mu-t.,ir or anr 1 sk'ii. l.'.o M:n-u!Hrtn ami cutuh n iuiii;?i ot tins a' u.-lt uio v.umh iliil. ! will H li Ui tooii::irlu :.t nii. s, taut :: ln.'ve bwl ft' Imnnjkt-i- iica. W rn uLitiirml irr.s tht, t.f nj .ili't cMfii nl ri ii:iti r :rtn:i;it Knonn, al.o B, nn PTlrill.l lamA Fnr tiiit.. In (I. a n n:ul 8to..-.'i;'b nl ihmtiniiuc, neurulcic aiel gnnly r'm;i.,:ii(s. A in.lwill iwova wliui S clmui for it. and it will In tumid lo lw invnlu run vi an your preparation!. I'uca ' crnts, at nU diuti.i'11 or oilier dcalrri, or lu irmlinii tlf kiiitmikt to ui in pottai:r!itaiiipv'a will K-nd joti tube liymail. No aiiicla khonld be arrrpted l1 tin niblie unl'na tho aaiuo carrial our l.il-ct. a.othnwls it litiottrnuinc. CMHSEBK-OIKIH MFO. CO.. li State Street, Niw Yon it Citt. ..tinI anrf 1 1 r.o bettor toed is found on cart!). How to PW 1,800 bubcl 0:ioa3 trr acr with each oaci order. fH?3w c-"i , 1,-ihn 1. Si'7or Sir.l1 Tn.. CR02 WIS. SAN ANTONIO The rlirratr Oil tlnni at Sun Antonio. A ram linn- dsy i not finr than llip avi-tar! Jy in Sn Aiitonui. t'limutr. iu i.mi'iv and t tin .-Kd hntl niakt it a prtfm-t Wintii r'll. 1 h roHtiiorninati population, tha i'tiimolin walla, ruiti and tlx- h'.tonc piart QLal Sail Anliviio arn i.pirial!T intrrp. una. Katv's tllHMth 1'ultninn Irrprra front St. I omv Kata" Cii, and Sluevcporl make tha ttip mmfottlle. "I ha M,ir nf fan Antonl'.." a lanttfitllT Plii.irtt Ixtnitift aiMii iht flit. It hti tv and lia r.tif.l attmnpm.. til tn .nt .nrwlim no rvcrlpi uf i- '.a i tmpi. Hra Kaij Ai-nt, or riia GEORGE MORTON. Gon. Pai. Ant. 6T. LOUIS. MO. PORTRAIT AGENTS P"l Dtmtwith Manutar'.u r a r andliavaMuB.T "-raoiI.CiclH',i. rrt'. iha lot, I'h.nint otilp mnla. Iti'MtT of all h, rlT.lt. iriiar inland. Kttfini aan!1!.. an.t r.M, (r"i hrnit ror r.l.lotfti. llr,. AOkti. KK0IL C0M H.w kra BullJiaf, tt.1c.5a. When Answering Advertfsement Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U Omah. No. 4 19C4 :.-r;ificifi::"5 1 nt n( All llbt ; Ai.lTT ra biinf nuni m.K not. 1 1Ut i tn'iih Myrurs, Twi tt"-l. Vm in i mm p"iri nr n"tfr"T, tfXWW&S 60 cents lo V I IOiJ. -Mr- 9 "aw 4 1 .S -:Vii ;. ,.!, v:cv A woman's favorite word lii always tho last cap. Idleness is thi fuel':? contiaaoua holiday. .yp.VB TINT BlTTKIl COhOP. makes top of tho marU-t butter. Wc worry over tho extravagances of others more than wo do over our own. The reason Homo people look so ''ell im bucau.su they Keep their coaa leiiance. Stops tho CoJtgh nnd Works Off tlio CcUl Laxative liruuio (jttiuiao Talilow. PrieolC. When a woman reads a novel nho can't help dropping a teur over tho persecuted hero. Don't you know that Defiance Starch, bet'hips bring ahaolulely sape rlor to ar.y other, is put up 1C entires in paekai;';8 and sells at sime prlco aj 12-ounco packages cf o;1mt kinds? Man wo'.ihl rather propd the bt cycle of pleastiro thnn tho wheelbar row of ueccpslty. r.oot) HOfSEKr.KrKits ne the st. Thnt'ii why tltoy buy Red CroMi Uali tttue. At louJunj jrj.-ora, &eauU. Sin is the onu tning that has no ex cuse, but a Is not slow la mahlng them. baking for a iin? Than why not keep In vlaw tha foct that tno farmina londs of Western Canada r laufficifnt to u,.p(irt a ropulntton of fA (K(W nr ott Thi tr'.mmi uuou fur the s( n 'aii tat Wen phaiwi.ifiiftt. FREE l!om::!c3d Lands easily rriK:'iM. wliili mlnr InniW nmr b put thivri f pint kmhrsiif and I aini Lntupmiirh, 'l h train mm Kifu laitili of S rdem ChiimiIn art ll ht oil tlti runiiiirtit, PmmIih if)( tho bt grain, anU radio tt on ,i alone) rvmly tor marktt MurUta, SrhtMiU. Hwlhttiya nml nil other ('.million tiiiiltit M'rilrrti i unn.U nn iitI Mltla nnt for t tit arltliT. Writ,ioSp',iin(,n it Inimiciatinn. Ottawa. Can ala, fir a ilttiiipti' AlUv aiMtnihi iriluiniHtion, oi tu atnhorfri1 1 anaitian t.nvrnimpnt Aiftii W. V. hrnneu. tttl New York Lit UuiMio. Uouha, tNub, Rany whofonrterly sxckrd WYCifars oov$not LEWIS SINGLE BINDER STRAIGHT5 CIOAR lour Joi bar r 4lr I from Fa-tiirjr, raorla. III. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. at' . . ; I I- i ? ;:v: v 1. ,5! V4 If. I 4 . ( ? 1 3 'ti" ''A',, JAPAN. Field Artillery. Cavalry ir.?n. Infrntry Skirmishing. A dispalch to the Loudon Daily Mail from Seoul says that M. I'avlotT, the llu.ssian milliliter at Seoul, has notified the Corean government that Corean troops have crossed the Chinese boun dary repeatedly and committed ex .'.fJreii against the Inhabitants. Rus sian customs oluclal3 on the extreme northeastern border report Blniilnr oc current es and assert that the Coreans are burning villages and killinR peo ple. Mlnistt-r I'avloff warned tho an thorltles that Rt'.ch proceedings will nt't'CSFilate severe measures. Riots have broken out at ChyunB Cliyonptlo, in the province of Piyon san, C'orea. Iieuuctt I!urlelt;h, in ('.ii--!)ntches f "cia Tokio, iiiiys: "?";()! lutiiinn prob;;bly will proceed for four days more. You may discount continental assurances of Kassia'is eompleto acceptance of Japan's terms. Such rcixirta are manufactured. They cannot retard action when the hour has arrived. "A vast amount of material, Includ ing much of that needed for transport purioses, Is parked and awaiting ship ment In the arsenals. The Japanese show much Ingenuity and smartness In that militant department. Indeed, lhat class of material Is being requis itioned early, and much of It Is on board ship. "The cables are full of pacific news, but remember what I have, previously said, Itusslu Is not rendy for war, and cannot be for several months lo come. Therefore tho protraction of tho ne gotiations Is convenient to her. It would also ho an empty diplomatic triumph to secu-e an open door unless It Is enforced, when to-day the whole administration of Manchuria and Its enormous property Is already in Itus sla's hands. Sho !s master thero un less she Is made to withdraw her troops and administrators. "At the dinner given by the leading Japanese bankers, the chairman. In the course of his speech, said that if war occurred it would ho much more a serious affair thnn the war with Chl'-.a. Jnpan, lie said, could meet the cost. Japan's volume of trade was now fourfold greater ihun it was then. Kho need not borrow money abroad, but would be able to arrange without doing so for a two or three years' 'Wealthy English Brewer. nuprrt Guinness, who was recently married In England, will some day be one ot the richest men In tho lhitlsh umpire. As the eldest son of Lord Ixeagh, ho Is the direct heir to one of the largcsl fortunes that has ever iicen amassed In the brewing trade. The Ciiilnnesa company was recently floated at a capital of 2."i.ih)o,ii(io, and Lord Ives.tth retained a big share In the concern. Pretty Nearly Perfect. Senntor Matthew Stanley Quay ('rifted Into the lobby of the Arling ton In Washington In a spick and span new suit of clothes and a Sou: horn member of congress congratulated him Um his appearance. "Good fit . eh?" said Quay, much pleased. "Kit! Sets belter'n a hen, senator! " was tha reply. An Old Saw In a New Setting. The average girl doesn't understan l why new wine should not be put Into obi bottle, but sho doe know doth l.ltely why new girls should not be put Into old gowni. r - -x. t 'Vi i, 'v - TSIEEATENED ilUSSO-JAPANESE HOSTILITIES r, tV .- r. i. v. f IT , ,.. - , -v-v RV nvsn.x f v.... ' 4, I I - Map of the Probr.ble Seme of Oper ations and Tycss 0f ths Soldiery of t:-.e Rival Nations. struggle. Already corporations end private persons arc ofeiini; funds for the war chest. In Tokio, with the prospects for a great war In view, the demonstrations are quiet. There Is no ciieeitng, but crowds of weeping woine.i, the movements of the ships, and the active preparations of the troops make Impressive scenes. "A statesman of lCuroponn reputa tion toltt mo that this war, if it comes, will be a war for national life and honor, that all must he prepared to spend their fortunes and to die or win." In what it ch'Ur.s as an authorlla tive ptateineni. the LimiUiii Daily Graphic iinnotint e :- that tho negotia tions have arrived at a stage,' h aving two polr.ts upon wliith neither Russia nor Japan is inclined to yield, and as to which no means of ii com promise haw yet been found. Iloth these points concern Man churia nnd their acceptance would not In tho slightest modify the legal status quo or change the administrative sit uation in Manchuria, hut Japan in sists "that they he embodied in a treaty between Japan and Russia, while Russia, as a maiter of amour propre, refuses to accept such dicta tion at the hands of Japan. Much, however, Is still hoped from the czar's Influence." One of the diplomat t who Is re garded as quite one of the most Intel ligent in St. Petersburg, who two weeks ago nave an optimistic opinion of the piospocts for the maintenance of peace, and was distinctly pro-Kus-rlan, Is now In quite a different moed, and when asked what he thought of the situation he replied gravely: "It looks much more serious. The out look Is exceedingly black." "Don't you see any ray of light in the direction of peace?" was asked. Yen, certainly I do, but. the danger clouds are heavy. No one knows what may happen." "How do you find opinion?" mean ing In Russian political circles. "Intensely Irritated, and especially annoyed by the attitude toward this country adopted In the American press. Russia can never forget It. All, I am told, are equally had In printing that which may come under the head- Chinese Woman Doctor. Yamel Kin, the llrst Chinese Dr woman to take a tho I'liiled States, country from her whom she whs medical degree in s on a visit to this home In Nlngl'o, horn. Dr. Yamel graduated from the New York inetll- cat college ubout ten years ago. Then nho returned to China, where she practiced medicine. The doctor, who Is highly educated and well versed In languages. Is nn earnest worker In the cause of uplifting her fellow country women. Sho will remain iu America for a year or more. Carnegie a Heavy Taxpayer. Andrew Carnegie pays the largest tax levied upon any Individual In New York. Ho Is nssesaetl ipnin $.VO(iO,ikiO worth of property. Tho assessors could find but $ J.ut o.nto upon which to mulct Mr. Rockefeller. Regarding Education. "Education." said t'nele Ebon, "'urotild be a heap easier If u boy ct ubt only sen his brain glttln' bigger m' stronger, de name as he kin tie muscles la his arm." Washington Star. ;T . iV1;--;vV t f 4 -v ' VI !'J !i V ;-'Vf U'; . - m t- J - ' J ?l '-'i RUCSIA. rack of tho Line. Dragoon. Field Artillery. Co: lug of i.diiihg fuel to the tire, which it slm ild I;o UK; duty of every ouu to qupiich." His attention war, drawn to the fact that the St. Petersburg dispatches merely reflect a series of opinions diplomatic, political, military, and commercial taken from as high and representative sources as possible. While those from Washington are often pro-Japanese, they merely re flect tin! sentiment predominating In the United States, which it may be useful to Russia to know and which It is Impossibly to conca!. Asked wheth'-r the signal ere of the Chinoi-:o-Amorif an treaty had not enm p'lie'ited matters, lie replied: "CYrialn ! not. It sinipliMcil them nil the more. It gave iius.da the cpportiiiiit.t at once for csprOFsii'j; her readiness to aoe.'pt the open door policy. " Kroiii a reliable source is learned the splendid role of which, perhaps, few people are aware the Empress Marie has played In setting her in fluence in the strongest manner against, war. It is asserted that had it not been for her. hostilities might ere this have been forced. She has acted as a powerful check on the war party. An article published In London about the Grand Duke Alexin being an active mover In politics at St. Peters burg Is sheer nonsense. Mr. Kurino, the Japanese minister to Russia, voiced a note of peace, ssy Ing: "The fact that the Japanese gov ernment continues to negotiate through diplomatic channels shows clearly that my country is seeking by every possible- way to find n peaceful issue to the crisis." Doing urged to give Ms opinion on the outlook, Mr. Kurino agreed lhat the uituatbn Is serious. In further conversation he repeated whnl he had previously stated name ly: that even II the coming reply oi Russia Is not satisfactory Japan not. necessarily mean lo go to loos ar and that all depends upon Russia now. Referring to tho Innumerable ru mors of war being Inevitable, ho snltl: u kue poopie outsitio knew nio re about what Is going on Insld they would not prophesy war with such persistence." Special Cable to Chi cago Tribune. American Duchesses Busy. Wonderful things lire predicted con cerning the Intentions of the ylms inches-- of Marlborough Hs regards social entertainments at her Ixnnlon house Ibis season. Indeed, It would seem that American peeresses will have things their own way, for In ad dil Ion to her KiT.co of Marlborough tho duchess of Roxburghe and Lady Yarmouth are expected to take front lack among London hostesses. President of Boston University. Rev. Dr. W. E. Huntington, for twenty years dean or Ito.tton univer sity, has been elected president of that Institution to till the otaee of president, which hnd been vacnrit since the death of President William F. Warren a year ago. Prince Vigorous lo Old Age. His royal highness the duke of Cam bridge, although S5 years of ago. drove a distance of fourteen miles on t:io (lay before Chi lstmns to distribute Hh annual Christmas gifts to t'.ic workmen employed on his country es-lata. Aia, I 7 T A x A) l-' !L " - i h". 1! f i v&-;:J:. Texan Woold Take No chances. Riviresoniutivc Hub He ,ry td' Tex a; tolls the following s,oiy: "Word ivuie.one day to u man who lives down in my part ef Texas th.-t bis mother-in law had died In St. l.otiis. The first teKnam was fol lowed by ar.oihir teie. which read: "Shall we bury it cremate her?" "The T'Mis mutt wired back: " "Until: ti'ke no chances."' Va.:h-in-Tton Post. After the Cvicttrn. "In one respect at least," said Eve, "you have been an execptiotr.il hus band." "How's that?" queried Adam. "You have never once pronounced lay biscuit.! interior to the ones your mother used to manufacture," sho re plied. Between the Acta, "You (li n't look like an inebriate." "I'm not." "And yet jeo s y w lien yea went to ?;ot a 1 r'.nk many people were moved?" "Yes, they bid to sta.itl tip whilu I came down tlirtjiith the orchestra aisle." "A Pair of Old Slippsro." Great Luck for a Suburbanite. Subbubs Of nil the innrvetous things! Did you hear about the ser vant girl Ihuklotz took out from tho city with him yesterday? Citiinan No. She's going; to stay, Is she? Subbubs I should say so. He In ilueetl her to buy the place for only a lew hundred dollars less than bo paid for It. Philadelphia Press. Driven To K. ' I've come to kill a printer," sr.id the liulo man. "Any printer in particular."' asked the foreman. 'Oh, anyone will do. I would prefer a small one, but I've got to make sumo sort of a show at light or leave hti; i- finee the paper called my wife's tea party a 'swill affair.' This Is Awful. "1 beg your pardon," said tk fat passenger, who had just slapped a stranger on the back, "but that suit you have on Is a dead ringer fur ono worn by a friend of mi hp." "Ah, I see," rejoined thf stranger. "Sort of clothen-rlnger, as it were." His Advice. "Frankly, madam," said the lit-nest salesman, "I wouldn't ativl.-.e you to take that gown." "Why not?" asked the wcm;ii:. "It doesn't nmteli your c:iniple:.i;.r.." he explained. "Oh, well," she replied cire!";::;!)-, "I can change the o-hple.-.lon." Faithless Faith. Miggles "Why do you think IVr.th erly has no faith ia his new airship?" Wiggles "He took out three acci dent Insurance policies last, week." As Usual. Micky Say. Swips.cy. what do yer expect to have in yer slocking Christ mas mornln'? Swlpscy (mournfully) Holes! Information Wanted. Mary Do you think the Ice ia hard enough to skate on, Willie? Style Necessary. Mrs. Nurich Our daughter Is to be married to-morrow and we wiint a couple of oil It 1 rs to guard Iho pres ents. Chief of Drtrcil.es Y s, madam, I'll send two of my best plain-clothes men Mrs. Nurich That wi.uld never do. We want them to wear the handsom est unilorms they've got. This Is to be a swell wedding. A Wrong Simile. "Ah," he protested, "my love for you Is the greatest thing In the world. It Is larger thnn the world. It la wider than the sea. Let me pour It Into your ears.." "Sir!" ejaculated (he fair maid. "Do you mean to insinuate anything about the bI.o or shape of my carR?" A Childish Comment. "Whv don't you get married. Aur.t Jane?" asked the little one. "1 don't wish to, child." replied the elderly spinster. The little one looked at her rcproT Ingly. "Mamma says It's wrong to lie," ah remarked at last. K. ' V . ' fa k.1 Vt Veteran Joshua Heller of Too S. Walnut street. l bans, 111., says: "In the fall of 1S:9 nfter taking D e a n n Kidney Pills 1 told the readers of this paper that they had relieved me of kidney trouble, disposed of a lume back with paiu across my loins nnd beneath the shoulder blades. During tho Interval which has elapsed I have had occasion to resort to Doau's Kldn,y Dills when 1 noticed wi'iiilngs of nu attack. On each uc.tl every occasion the results obtained were just as satisfactory as when the pills were first brought to my iiotiee. 1 Just as emphatically en dorse the preparation today as 1 did over two years ago." Eoster-Milburti Co., Htiffiilo, N. Y., proprietors, l'or sale by all druiiists, price CO cents per box. No woman ever admits outside tho divorce court that sho drew a niati'l lnouinl blank. rtso's Curo !i ihn best inecllctiirt wo ever "Wl for nil ultrcl Ions of tho ttiio.il und ttitii.-s. W aU O. Ksust.r.T, Vaubutou, lud., I-Vb. la, liMiX Some women adapt themselves to circumstances anil others apply for a divorce. Deafness Cannot Ie Cured ly toi-rl nppllriill'lia, li. tln-y fHiuint ri'iKtl tltp itta eit'i-il )Hirilii uf til" r.r. i lirri' U "iilv win whv iu run- ileHlm-ii.. nnd tlmt U lv i-onMiiiHli.nhl reniner.. Ilatrim. 1. i'ait'.M liy nil tlittumril 4-iMli!tll"ll uf Itid iu-iHi, llnlnu cf ll.o KiiM.tt hliiii l iilw. vVh-n tlila tlll'l1 li llid.iineil yi.ll liatn u lilllilill'itf t'Olmil ur Inv-pi-rf.rt hHrlnn. anil w tii'li ll Ih nitre ly rlmtml, l)i,r nt'im I. I li n nil, himI nnli. t ti.- ItifUtiiliiitlliin can Im tiiki'n out ami iIiIh tube r-xtoit-d to It. tintum! r null tt -ii , lif-iii :riK wl'l ha ilririiyi'il fi.ri'vcr; lilin i-.m tint cf trn urn rnti..rd hy t aiurrh, whlrli I. ii.ttlilntf but an liulampd cniiillilou of the inurnii. aiirrun'. Wf will i;lvf Onip lliltiitri-il IMlUr fur any i f Po.ifni'i.a M-mlttt-d liy vaintrhl tlul --minnl h curi d by llil'a Catarrh ('urn. Nend for i-lirniara. frt-H. K. .1. CIIKNKV to., Tuiedu, O. Sold liv Irilirc!it. "'.e. TaWo ilMl'a l-'uinlly I'llli for ronnllpatlou. Happiness for many a woman di ponds upon her ublllty to stir up trou ble, among her neighbors. In riiiniona Co., Dnkotn, 'o can sell ynu ICO neres fine land. You can break 100 acres thltt sprlmf. sow It to Snl:.er's Flas nnd reap enough to pay for your land, etc., hav ing ii lino furm free the llrst year. Have tpn such pieces for snle, JOHN' A. SAUCER SEED CO., (W. U. U.) La Crosse, Wh Getting Into debt Is like droppln;, from a balloon. Getting out u.f-vaia ii lIKo climbing a greased pole. Hundred.-; of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of De fiance Starch is fast taking place of all other brands. Others Lay they cannot sell any other starch. Tho woman who regards money ni tho aim of life wonders why It cun t bring contentment. A bent pin is the easiest thin-? Imaginable to find when you aro not lookinc; for It. dovt HPim. vocit cr.oTnEs. TJho Rod Cross Hull llltto nnd koip thns'j white us snow. All grocurs. 5c. a paekajjo. Tho man who HUes club life nevej regards hlself ns the least bit selfish, London's Campaign Against Rat3. London's campaign ngnlnst the doeS rats has progressed satisfactorily. According to the official reports of the rat killers, over i.,000 of the ro dents have been killed every month of the past year. Since the bubonic plague scare roused the authorities to action, not less than Cro,iHJO rats have been Killed. The gain has been great, not only from the health point of view, but iu the saving of prop erty. Tho dest met ivc capacity of the Imdon wharf rat Is very largo, Individually and collectively. Medicinal Bones and Horns. A writer In the Pharmaceutical1 Journal remarks that considerable traffic Is carried on In tho present time In tho bones of tho tahr, the na tive nunia for tho wild goat, Capra Jemlanlca, which frequents tho steep tree covered slopes of the Himalayan range, and which bones are exported to Indln, being employed ns an Imag inary never falling remedy for rheu matism. Again, the antlers of tho Al tai waplta, ef the. deer tribe, nro ex ported, It Is said, to China, reali.hiK a very high price where they ara much esteemed for medicinal pur poses, wlillo tho horns ot the Sumat ra n rhinoceros are Imported by, antl valued In, the same country as a sup posed nienns of counteracting dlseasv WORRY A Sure Starter for III Health. Useless worrying (a form of ne vousness) Is Indirectly tho result (through the nerves) of Improper feeding. A furniliiro man of Mem phis says: "About a year ago I was afflicted with nervous spells, would worry so over trivial things. "I went to consult one of tho be-t physicians in Memphis nnd ho asked among many questions If I drank cof fee. "Ills advice was: 'Go to some pro Tlslon store nnd get a box of Postuin, drink It In place of coffee and as you are confined to join desk to a great extent try antl Get out In tho open air as much as possible.' I lollowed hla Instructions regarding tho Postum. "At that tlmo my weight was 112 and I was taking all Kinds of drugs and medicines to brace me up, but all failed; today 1 weigh 103 and all of my old troubles are gone, and all the credit Is duo to having followed this wise physician's advice and cut off tint coffee and using Postum In Its place, "I now consider my health perfect. 1 am willing to go beforo a notary public and testify that It was all due to my hpvlng used Postum In place if coffee." Kama given by IWum Co.. n.-Utlo Creek, Mich. . There's a reason for quitting tha time-drink colTee, and there's a rea ,n for drinking" Postum. Trial 10 daya proves them all. Look In each park sue for a copr ot tat famous llttla book, "The Road to WallrllU." A