The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 14, 1904, Image 6

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haiimwir joaajniBFApY 0R FIGHT!
n. A. SATES, Publisher.
News in Brief
Wurtemburg, in Germany, la over
run with teacher of Fnidish.
Germans smoked St'.S tons of oiga
nittf last year, a against thirty-eight
tons in lioi.
According to statistics per-
trms go from New Jersey to Manhat
m and return In a day.
Cioinoilor Knuie Maurice Marx Is 27
earn of aw, and th youngest mayor
II lrii?titnn H" n l'Iii ml ever hud.
Orders have recently lieeu executed
n Japan for a supply of fishing nota
ir Alaska, valued at $30,0on.
Colombia lias had seven ennstitu-
ous, ana tue title or tno repitiiiic
:s been changed tlireu times.
Railway traveling; Is tolerably sate
i England. Of every 9.211,002 pas
nuers in 1902 only one wan killed.
Joint A. Gillies, city treasurer of
-.ivorhltl. Mass,, was arrested, charg-
wlth larceny of $-13,000 of ttio city's
A blx months' cruise will do-crease
o speed of r. ship 1 per cent. This
owing to the barnacles that gather
the hull.
V. E. Clark, president of the Sool-
y of Christian Endeavor, has arrived
Honolulu on the steamer Sierra on
s tour of the world.
The dahlia waa introduced into En-
,m Fit. ( ., !.. " V t 1 . 1 1 1 1 n ..
1113 &VJI LUC 1UI11U U iLB II111U UB a
hfitltllto fnr rhn Tr l.ll nntnln whicl.
esemblea when baked.
rk In China. The soil Is an rich
t a Btitinre mile of it is capable
tipoprtingr a population of 4.000.
The number ortMvi to -Niagara
Falls averages thrY Ii hs o.'.i. mil
lion a year. In thoS I of the Buf
falo exposition there vJ, r,,iitiO,Ont).
Tbo Indiana legislaluije has made
It a misdemeanor for a rajilroad to per
, mlt men in the operatinfdepartmeuli"
to work more than sixteen hours con
tinuously. ;. -'
Parke Godwin, editor Cat yift New
York Evening Post from 1.ty to 1853
died In New York. Ho ' was well
known as an editor and the author
of several booki. -Hrigadler
General Edward M. Hays
U. S. A., retired, has been ordered to
report to the governor of Arkansas,
at Little Rock, for duty with the or
' ganlzed militia of Arkansas.
Miss Josephine Shebck, who died In
Chicago th other day at the age of
100, attributed her longevity to a diet
of boil. id. potatoes, on which she fro
quontly lived for weeks at a time.
; The use of electricity In connection
with fcrni work ia being strongly ad
voeatel. The Idea that the light is
, deleterious to vegetation is saiil to be
all vr.uiir, and that the contrary holds
It 1 rumored that Mayor Harrison
; of Chicago baa received threatening
Vttora on, account of his action in
tho ' theater disaster, and a
FpcelcTTaeUil of l
police surrounded his
It Is Raid that tho widow or tlie late
Max O'Rell will return to th stage,
ihe was once w-ll known in comic
operat as Beatrice Eresham. She Is
novr preparing In Paris for her rea
pearai!?e. The moet decorated man In Paris Is
Municipal Councillor Devllle. He was
'.ecorated last year by King Edward
H.-i the cxar, and now as the head of
the municipal administration, by the
kins' of Italy. j
United State Minister Grlssom ca
bles the stato department from To
kio Hint the grand vizier of Persia
sailed Wednesday on the Korea for
San Francisco, where he Is due on
the 22d Inst.
The government, has refused the re
quest of General Ueyes, the Colom
bian envoy, tuat the Panama question
?" be reopened ; General Reyes charged
this comucry Villi open violation of
the treaty of lSlfi.
Mr. Noel Williams, who has already
; written Interesting volumes on Mme.
Rocamlor and Mme. de Pompadour,
recently completed the first biog
raphy of Mme. do Montespau ever
pilnted In English.
Toifl Plus X's old soutane, which
, be tire when : patriarch of Venice,
, has t lived In Paris, and is used as
a Raiment wherewith to clothe a wax
NfiKure of his holiness now shown in
the Grevln museum.
United States Consul General dowdy
received Instructions from Secretary
of State Hay to represent Panama in
all consular matters and that the sec
retary had notified the other consuls
In Europe to take like action.
Archbishop Guidl, the apostolic del
egate In the Philippines, reporting to
the Vatican on the settlement of the
trlars land question, says the Inllu
once of Archbishop Inland contrib
uted considerably to bringing out a
satisfactory solution of the problem.
The first chamber of the Nether
lands parliament, following the exam
ple of Ihe second chamber, voted about
l."")0,000 for the purchase of quick
filing Krupp guns, after a declaration
of the war minister thai be consider.!
. the Krupp guns were preferable to the
K'.ierhiirdt guns.
A now record price of $1 5.000 n
ton has been established for whale
bone, Fays a dispatch from luidon.
Two and oiiequiirler tons brought that
prim In a snle at Dundee. Tho previ
ous hl-th mark was $I2.0im. Experts
say the visible supply Is now only
four tnqs In England and America.
The strike of the Philadelphia union
type founders, which commenced on
0tobcr1. was declareil off last woo.
The incli bad Tin grievance regarding
hours (ir wbri'h, but struck against
i'i.. "open simp. The has i out
the Rtilkertf Ji'eo.odit in nuc.
Post ills ster llouernl Piiyne 1ms np
ixdnted .'urnier Uepresenillve Kn-rlie
p. l.oud of ('a Ifnrnl i hi t!- 1'nited
.;tai,H delea(i- t-j the inieniati- nal
p, (oil"'-cis ,t" !ll-"t Pi P .rue. P
Illy, next Mi'-ini'i A o;o;i e.,l,,n,il up
V:oini..iioii of 5T.5 !'i ia' f. r
tho ep'-i ;cs ol the del";; :P e i.
This Will Be an ImporUnt Point in
the Event of War Japan's and
the United States' Rights in Man
churia. PEKING Authentic Information I
has reached the legation here that
two divisions of Hiissian troops are
coming liy the Siberian railroad.
A Russian force has occupied the
terminus or the new branch of tbo
Slian-llai Kwan New Cliwang railroad.
recently completed by the Chinese.
The teifiiniis Is Mi) miles northwest
of New-Chwang and will be an Im
portant strategic In the event of
Tho foreigners at New Cliwang. fear-
is z the town mav become the scene
of hobtlliiies in ca.;c of war on ac
counted the presence there of a Rus
sian Karriron are urging the consul
to secuiT action on the part of their
governments to maintain the neutral
ity of jx'ew-Chwang, assorting that
business will be seriously impaired
and adding that as the, Russiun oc
cupation is not recognized by China
or by tue powers the government;!
lave ground for action.
The Jiipiniosi: mail steamer leaving
Ching- an-Tao Tuesday carried tho
lamllics'of many Japanese merchants
of New-Cbwang.
The 1'nited States and Japan are
Htreuuously endeavoring to establish
their riil'ts in Manchuria under the
new coip'iierelal treaties before war
breaks f"1- The rat ideations of the
American treaty were to have been
exchanged at Washington, but with
the viev' f obviating the delay involv
ed in niailing the Chinese copy to
Washington, Minis'.er Conger is ur,
Iik the government to send a tele-
graiJMi.copy and to authorize the Chi
ni-se minister at Washington to make
(he exchange therewith. It is believ
ed uiero are precedents lor such a
proceeding. I'liiil the ratilications are
exchanged it is impossible Tor th
United States to claim l'ie right of
rending consuls to Mukden and An-
The. ratifications of (lie treaty be
tween Japan and China were exchang
ed at the foreign office here Monday.
A special agent brought the Japanese
copy from Tokio. The Chinese ofii
rials asked for the delay' of a day to
arrange some details, but the Japan
ese minister refused to agree to any
delay. This haste Is considered sig
nltlcant. .
Affixed at Peking Bscomea
fective r;t Once.
WASHINGTON Sir Oenlung 1.1-
an? Chen, th" Chinese minister here
called upon Acting Secretary of Stale
l.ooniis lute Tuesday afternoon and
informed liini that he had received 'a
cable dispatch from Peking stating
that the emperor had fixed his seal
to ihe Chinese-American treaty, and.
further, that he had acceded to the
request of the American government
through Minister Conger for the Im
mediate (-;( hange of ratifications.
Therefore, without awaiting ihe ar
rival in Washington of ihe copy of
the trcalv from Peking the minister
and Secretary Hay will within a dav
or two sign a protocol equivalent to
ratifications of treaties, and, the pi ev
ident, "s proclamation being is:;ued, the
convention will go into efiect at once.
The minister's advices induced Ihe
state department to change the plr.n it
had formed earlier in the day to
await the arrival or the mail copy of
Ihe Heat. v.
Contested Election Csess.
WASHINGTON House elections
committee No. f! Ilxeil February !T
for bearing arguments In the contest
e.l election case of Reynolds against
llntler, from the Twelfth district of
Missouri. Th committee took up the
Colorado case of Honyngo against
Sliafroth. Chairman Olmstead a
pointed Messrs. Miller. Currier and
Sullivan as a sul.ooniniit;eo to Invc?,.
tigale the ballots.
Twenty Kiiled in Explosion.
MEXICO CITY At the Los Laur
eles mines, near the little hamlet of l.n
Yesca, west of Guadalajara, a large
number of boxes of dynamite which
wen- stored in u powder house ex
ploded, killing twenty men and Injur
ing forty oihers.
Hobson's Mother Dying.
DENVKR. Colo. A special from
lloiildcr, Colo., says: The mother of
Captain Richmond P. llohsou Is dying
at D'c homo or Shirley Davis of
Boulder and her
",r plied 'o come.
Mm has bun leli
Exhibits Unfinished Work.
l.ONIK-N Augiisi E. LNidin. ihe
French sculptor, was received In audi
ence by King Edward at Hncklngliuiii
palace. .Mr. Rodin Is In LoimIou in
connection with ihe opening of the
exhibition of the International Socle! v
of Sculptors, Painters and Lngruvors.
to preside over which he was elected
oil Ihe death of .buiies McNeill
WhiM lor. Tlie i xhi'.il'inn was publicly
opened Tiiesdav. It in uily e insists
(i! works previously shown, iiielud! g
lllioe Wlllstlerr, one I'll.'illi.-be 1.
sustain Hlmmond Sur ornjlor..
ST I.OPIS. Mo - The aetk.n of He
Cali'.'oi'iiia .d'tho.liiu PpKcnual eonf.-r in ."is'.ieicl tr; Ihe Rev. J i
Hammond In S.n I'laii-Kui for
jea i was. by a vole of tea lo ni.u
pldue I proper by 'l,e col'-lui'tee.
lie : i
Quiet a', riithincff,
i:'(.si;i ::i; p , ,
" ;ee 1 1-nt all is i
TV' military am
.VI r.J
I "ce
Kl 'Inn
Itiri r,
the in
.-u I..1S
tioa. b
Hll hoi
as. d lor
it tills is
of p:
r,l e
ip.-ial ia ill-
National Committee Selects .World's
Fair City.
j WASHINGTON. The democratic
national corimittte m Tuesday f i;r-
! nUhed a surprise, selecting Si. Louis
as the place for the national conven
tion of P.H'4. The date fixed for the
convention was July G, at 11 o'clock.
Previous to ihe m.H'ting of the com
mittee it seemed a conclusion
that Chicago would be selected as the
place of meeting, but political exi
gencies entereil Into the situation and
majority of the commit tea voted for
St. Louis.
For some hours previous to the
meetting of the committee there waa
talk in the corridors and among the
mocratic leaders that the conven
tion in Chicago might find a strong
newspaper inuuence in tavor or some
particular candidate. Mr. Knapp of
the St. Louiii Republic hinted ai this
In his spee.'h, by saying that tho con
vention, if held at St. Louis, would be
welcomed by an ubsolvtely fair press.
The committee meeting covered con
siderable dlycnssion of politics and the
claims of various candidates were ad
vocated by their partisans, but nothing
like favoring any candidate appeared
In the committee proceedings.
Bu3y Paying Off Dtpositou Who
M-'ke a Run cn It.
SUPERIOR, Wis. A run was start
ed on the savings department of the
First National bank Tuesday morning,
and in the afternoon the depositors ex
tended out In the street.
A notice was issued by the bank's
olllcers stating that the bank would
remain open Tuesday night until the
last jK-rson in line had been paid.
The bank was still open at a late
hour Tuesday night, and a long line of
customers were being paid their do
posits as they were demanded.
President llf.nUs said he could keep
open all night if necessary and pay
every rne ill Rold,
The bank is the oldest in the city,
and has a capital of $2UO,iiOO, with de
posits of about a million and a half.
The bank paid out a vast sum, buf
business men made heavy deposits.
The c use of the run is not known.
To Revise Drawback System.
WASHINGTON, I). C Represents
tlce Lovering (Mass.) Introduced two
bills for the revision of the drawback
provisions of the Dingley law. One
bill is d"signed to encourage the ex
port trade In drugs and chemicals by
remitting the internal revenue in Ihe
shape of a drawback on domestic al
cohol used In manufactured articles
for exports. The second bill relates
lo drawbacks on imported raw ma
such raw ninteiin! is finished.
To Abolish the Office.
WASHINGTON Secretary Hitch
cook of the interior department has
recommended to the president, that
Cue olfice of railroad commissioner
held by the late General James
s'roet be abolished. It seems proba
ble now that the recommendation
will be adopted, as the duties of the
olllce piactlcnlly have been absorbed
liy the -nterstate commerce commis
sion. Permanent Camps of Instruction.
WASHINGTON. A bill Introduced
by Representative ICsch (Wis.) pro
vides for the establishment of perma
nent camps of Instruction end
maneuvering of Pnited States troops
at or near Fort Sam Houston, Tex.; Douglas. Wis.: C;nowago Val
ley, I'a., and Nieienito Ranch, Colo.
Prince Cupid Introduces C i I Is.
WASHINGTON. Mills were intro
duced Tuesday by Delegate Kalania
nole of Hawaii appropriating f I.Vi,onO
f ir a building at llilo. $l,tinii,iitio for
a building at Honolulu. fL'W.imo for a
revenue cutter and con
tests of elections in Hawaii.
Dowie Will Establish Colony.
DALLAS, Tex. A special from El
Paso says Alexander Dowie arrived
from ihe east and spent several hours
hero Tuesday. He visited Juarez.
Mcx., and drove over the city. He
says he will establish a colony In
Texas. Dr. Dowie left for San Fran
She is Victim No. 591.
CHICAGO The Iroquois theater lire
calmed another victim Tuesday, mak
ing 'he total number of death r91.
Miss Josephine Sponce was one of
those sevetclv burned at the fire. She
was found by relatives and taken to
her homo, where she died Tuesday.
Czarina Aqain III.
LONDON. The St. Petersburg cor
respondent of the Pally Mall says that
the czarina t; again III ami Unit her
temperature Is high. The doctors fear
(hat in nh.xcss is lormlng In the Inner
Japan Ccnciders Response.
TOKIO. The f'lial conference b
fore the throne to decide upon the
response lo Russia began nt 2 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon. It was attended
bv all the member of Ihe cabinet,
I live of the
dor statesmen.
i Ito ami ljuiii. and General Kodama
: Previous to the conference Admiral
Ynmamoto, represent ing Premier Knt
! leirn, who Is Indisposed, had a prlvatt
'audience with the emperor. Foreign
'Minbtir Kotnnia a. .Marquis Ito
Illso i-ol'fclTed privately.
Rucskin Brigadier Goes to Ccrea
PORT AitTlH It.-II Is reported
re e that ow inv. m t hp .o e.iiirj news
, -ei h i .1 II'- in a ihe ( : PiUlder
v' Ihe l-'cvent'.i IPcsla'i Lti.-.i'le hti"
l; .11" lo 'lie !'! 1 I i v e lo :-ei ct ti'iii
iinai". c:r,:i;s in; I eli.t a c 'ucnlm-
lien of troops. Owmg lo C:o nppr
I ctt-iona of a damn: da-h e:i the part
of the .lananene tit Per! Arlnir. ihe
authorities h' re
limy i'i 1 autloi
(evvi Httd nl U'g
Mac, huriHii r.i.i
liav e t as. ii xl I virdi
; la Hit
Ihe w hole
a i i
Tells That Efforts in Panama Are Fu
tile Threatens to Publish Corre
spondence Between Himself and
Hay Unless President Docs.
WASHINGTON General Reyes, the
Colombian special minister here, bad
an hour's conference with the secre
tary of state at the latter's home Tues
day respecting the Pnnaina situation.
Secretary Hay has not come to any
conclusion about sending the corre
spondence to congress, as requested
by General Ri ."es. He endeavored to
show General Reyes the futility of
Colombia's efforts to regain Panama,
but regards the matter as still open
to further efforts toward a peaceful
Secretary Hay, alter having been
confined to his home for several
weeks, appeared at the White House
Tuesday and had a long conference
with the president regarding the Co
lombian situation. The interview the
secretary had with General Reyes
formed undoubtedly the basis of the
interview between the president and
the secretary.
General Reyes has paid his official
farewell to Secretary Hay and to the
president through the secretary.
Dr. Herron. the Colombian charge,
says that he has, as yet, completed no
plans for leaving Washington.
The Associated press lias been in
formed that General Kaefel Reyes in
bis last note to the State department
threatened to publish the correspond
ence between himself and the Stale
department if Ihe president did not
see fit to send it to the senate or
make it public.
General Rafael Reyes left, at mid
night for New York, preparatory for
his departure for Colombia in a few
days. Preceding him went General
Ospina, who came lure as General
Reyes legal adviser, and who left for
New York on an earlier train. Gen
eral Ospina does not expect to return
Immediately to Colombia. The de
parture of General Reyes does not
constitute the breaking of diplomatic
relations with the United States, but
merely the suspension of negotiations
which have been going on with the
State department, having in view the
reintegration of Panama as a part of
the United States of Colombia.
Whether they will be resumed here
after is not known.
Dr. Herron. Colombian charge, re
mains in Washington lo attend to le
gation business olhor than Panama
matters. It is nut likely that he will
leave the city for two months, if then.
His future movements are quite un
determined. Advices which have
reached here from Colombia show that
there is considerable excitement I here
over tno attitude ibe Pnited States
lias taken in the Panama matter.
One Received by Magazine Writer to
Be Used Against Its Author.
WASHINGTON The senate com
mittee on military affairs has receiv
ed from Ray Staniuird Raker, the
magazine writer, a copy of a letter
which General Wood wrote to him
just prior to the latter's appearance
as a witness in the Wood invest Ign
tion. Mr. Raker told the committee
of the letter when lie was on the
stand and was then asked to send for
a copy. The loiter discusses the Ruti
cie incident and by inference sug
gests that Mr. Raker refresh his mind
along certain lines indicated by Gen
eral Wood. The letter has boon or
dered printed as an addenda to the
proceedings before I be committee.
The minority members of the com
m'utee who have vofed against the
nomination will argue to the senate
that the purpose of General Wood's:
letter was to prejudice the witness.
Tho Nebraska Representatives Are
Heard From.
WASHINGTON. D. C- Representa
tive Ilurkett introduced a bill provid
ing for the payment of losses sus
tained by union soldiers in having
their arms, accoutcrnicnts and cloth
ing taken from Iheni by the rebels
during the civil war. The bill placed
the amount of $;lti0 as the limitation
to be paid In any one Individual case.
Representative McCnrty recom
mended Marlon E. Richardson to bo
appointed postmaster nl Chirks, Mer
rick county, Nebraska.
Representative Martin Introduced a
hill to set apart a purl Ion of govern
ment land In the Dlack Dills district
to be used as a nubile park and iu
connection with ihe Soldiers' home at
Hot Springs, S. D. This nark Is !o
he known as the Hat tie Mountain San
itarium park.
Acquits Customs Officers.
MANILA Ilailaiulno and Miller,
charged with conspiracy lo defraud
Ihe customs by furthering the Illegal
entry of an exempt class of Chinese,
have both been acquitted In the cus
toms court of appeals before Judges
Crosi-ficld and Roxas. W. I). Ilallan
tine was an Inspector of customs at
the time of his arrest for the issuance
of alleged fraudulent Chinese eettifl
oihM, mid John T. Mltb r. initdb ated
with him. was
a former Inspector of
Tell Cause cf tho Advance.
CHICAGO, Id.-- Representatives
large companies, lest ifyli.g belore the
Interstate commerce commission Tues
day In regard lo an advance In freight
rates on grain from Missouri river
points to Chicago by western rail
reads, contradicted slaletmnls made
before I ho coininlsslon by. railway
trpfl'e managers. Tbo railroad men
deetded I' III'- t-ea-ol) f-.' tlie lid
Value 111 tut'-. vvJ i ll neerii;!:! of die
It- ivy advance in the price of i.iiUoad
Says American Occupation Lifts Up
SN Jl'AN - -Governor Hunt's inc.
sane, w liu-h will lie lead to the lej.i-l.i-lure
Tuesday, opens with won!.-, of
encim aperient The message will
i urge i hat lite mime
I ward to with coinage
! out thi't Porto Kico 1.
Ie liiol.e I tor
uml will loiiiit
m.!s in demon-
strating lo the peopK s d Ihe Wesl
Indies Lb. 1 1 American occupation li't '
up the patriotism ef people. The gov
ernor will advise strict economy and
that onlv the liquor and tobacco taxes
J be Increased.
j The inessai;. recommends the adop
i tion of the American code of i ii! pro
cedure. a special appropriation tor
the eradication of ironical anaemia.
Ihe creation ol elect ion inspectors, n
trial ol il-.e contract svsteai for ihe
building of roads, the inline li. He cre
ation id a s-eeial ittiuK'.al for the
prellipt setlleliu III ef all inieslions be
tween tho Catholic church and lie
f.ovcruiiieui, lease-! and not sales oi
government lands, the repeal of meas
ures by which road:i me built by con
viels and an increased appropriation
for Porto Ivican represent at imi at the
St. Louis Worlds exposition.
The message urues surveys of lauds
and the advancement of education by
industrial schools.
Bill Introduced Providing for Sweep
ing Changes.
WASHINGTON Representative
Dal.ell of I'etin.i.v Iv aula introduced a
bill providing for the consolidation of
third and fotirlh class mail matter, to
be admit led at the rate of I cent for
each I wo ounces. The bill enumer
ates in 'detail each article lo bo ad
milted iu this (lass, included in
which is "queen bees, when properlv
lie also introduced a bill atithori.
ing the postmaster general lo accept
all regularly issued publications for
transmission in the mails at a bull,
late of 0 cents a pound, when l.ol less
than Tion pounds are presented at one
lime, and thai Ihe publication shall
have i:o less than four issues a jour
and each copy shall weigh at leas: one
and one-half ounces. Soil ion - of
this bill state.-,: -Thai regulai'y is
sued publications, as heroin described
as second-class mat tor, shall boreal'
tor be designated fifth-class matter
with admission lo the mails a", heroi:;
He also introduced a bill providing
llial at least 2.IMIU identical picci s of
third and fourth class matter mav no
accepted for transmission through th
mails w ithout postage slumps afll.xed,
provided the postage shall be paid in
full thereon.
Revolutionists Still Continue to Fire
Shells Into the City.
SAN DOMINI O Re vol i it ion is I.; con
tinue to lire slulls into tho city and
several private dwellings have been
damaged. The revolutionists have de
feated General Castillo, rapturing two
cannon and a considerable quantity of
arms and ammunition. Manv were
killed and wounded in a lierci
last night.
A man named Pierce, an American,
entered Ihe city bearing a communi
cation Irom General Navvaro. minister j
of war in the .limine, government. IO
Pulled States .Minister Powell. The j
messenger was arrested by the gov-1
eminent authorities, who took the'
message from him and sent He mos-j
senger back. In his communication '
General Navvaro requested Minister
Powell to intervene with the provision
al government, but the minister re
I uses to treat with the general.
San Pedro do Maeoria in qnct. The
situation here remains unchanged, but
matters are complicated hceau.-o it is
impossible to foresee tho duration of
the revolution or its outcome. Uus
iness in general is suffering iu conse
I Secretary Hay Hjs Completed Rcvi
I sion of Reply to Colombia,
j WASHINGTON Secretary Hay lias
completed his filial revision of Ihe
j answer to be made by (he American
i government to the protest filed by
General Rafael Reyes, the Colombian
minister, against the action of the
Pnited Slates regarding affairs oi th
The communication Is a long one
and sets out in detail the position of
the administration on the various
points raised and grievances recited
by General Reyes In his note submit
ted to the slate department in the
i latt( t pari of Heei'inber. The reply
! has boon given verv earnest i nn.-bler-j
alien by the president. Secretary Roo
who assisted in its preparation during
the lime Secretary liav was
by Secretary liav himself,
per. to Keillor with General
note, it is expected, will be
"ongress probably next week.
'i in!
sent ;o
Free Admission rf Coal.
WASHINGTON Rcprosenl.ii ive
Williams (Miss. I introduced a bill
providing: "Thai from the time and
after ihe passage of this act no duty
' shall be levied or collected upon coal
j of any form or doscrlpi ion imported
I into the Pnited State. from foreign
, count i ies." Also a bill requiring die
secretary oi me p-easinv to iuuko nut
rebate of duties paid on all covl of
every (lesi ript ion imported into the
Pnited Statis Irom toreWn count: ic;
for the period of one year.
I Ruth Cleveland is Dead,
j PP.INCI.TON, N. J. Itudi Cl-vo.
I land. bb'st child of former P'-eselent
Ginver Cleveland, died of dinh i lierja
I here Thursday.
j The Immediate (an-e oi death vv:o
ll V.l akenn.g ol tile In ;i 1 1 action. IOV
j lag to n mild attack nt dip'ittii i n.
I Dr. Wi'-l.olT die fi'o 'iiling otivsl
dan, .-aid that AP--s ("ev eland
bci n 111 v I'll a mild toi iu oi dip
lin lor roar dav; and th; ' the !
nlTeei Ion vva ll it llU'ti 'p-l'e I Mo
ll v :-r- of are.
t to
V .O
, Court Decides That the Senator Was
Not a Member of Congress When
Contracts Were Made He is There
fore Not Guilty as Charged.
OMAHA The Dietrich trial iu the
federal circuit court is a thing of tie
past. The senator has been touud not
guilty of accenting a bribe, had the
indictments of couspiracv egainsl him
quash-d because t!:e coii.t held he
could not be ( liat'.M d twice with the
seine oll'ease and was relieved iroiu
defending himself iu the charge of en
joving a lea. e with the goiciiimoni
upon Ihe of ihe di. tnet a'toi
ucy Summers rcfus'-d to mal-i
neat alter the tn.i! was
si ai
lie no tit
lo uiak
have no luriher
mulling incr t
' 1 ha', e t oi king to say,"
utor Dietrich, "bowiiul the
I w as v illiug to vvaiv e any
Slid fell
I. nt that
ily in order lo secure a full trial. My
atiorneys advised me. and. I believe,
correctly, that the court would not al
low the case lo go to Hie jury, for
the reason that Summers would not
and could not prove thai I was a sen
j ator w hen the lease was made. The
lease v. as made before I was even
elected senator and while 1 was still
g ivernor. Summers knew this and
knoA thai his case would no! be al
lowed to go to (lie jury, bill ho per-
isisted in his effort solely lo besmirch
I my name."
A I the sinio time in the court room
I Senator Dietrich was surrounded by a
group of friends anxious lo shake his
hand and to say thai even though the
'prosecution losl out because it had
J r.ot been shaped iu onforiniiy to law,
J they were satisfied that ihe senator
:v.a.i guiltless literally as well its tech-
liicaMy. His daughter, .Miss ( bit rude
i Dietrich, was the cenier of a throng
of women, smiling and talking freely
I for the llrst lime since the trial be
I gun. Postmaster Jacob Fisher of
llasiings. who also was freed of the
1 charges iieniiing against him, was ;:
j pressing his satlsfaciion and saying
that ho did not care so much about
the indictment, but that it was "his
girls" that were the most conci rued
over the matter.
A most notable assemblage of law
yers heard the delivering of Judge
Van Devanter of I be two decisions,
both of which settled points never be
foie raised iu American Jurisprudence,
the first as to whether a senator is n
nienber of congress v. hen and after
he is elected or upon inking the oatli
of ollice, and the second being on 111"
content ion that a lease will: the gov
ernment made by a member ol con-g'-ess
before he becomes such till offi
cer does not operate t.i ause him to
fnict in-' the law because Its provis
ions are adhered to after the leasor
becomes a public o"!c r. - .
The point as to the exact time a
person becomes a member of congress,
was raised by General Covvin and
! argued oy both sides. It had been
anlietpalel as a vital nature ol tno
bribery case and the judges had pre
pared for it. They were ready, there
fore, with the decision, although, as
Judge llovatiler said, the reasoning
had not been reduced lo the form iu
which it will stand upon the court rec
ords. ' From the conclusions." ho said at
jtlie end. "we must instruct the jury
, to find ibis defendant not guiliy.
j "Gentlemen of the jury, it results
' fi'.iin that which has been jusl s ai' I
in vour presence that, if till tin evi
1 donee which the pro: ccut ion has in
j hand and w hich w. :i describe:! were
i now introduced and before yon, P
would atiiiear taut the defendant had
j not attained thai ollieial relation vvi'li
the I'nileu Slates which was neccs
j nary h should have attained in order
lo come within ihe inhibition of this
j statute, and hence we must instra-i
you lo find Ihe defendant not guiltv.
j The cviilMice has been rendered nee
j ossary and it is your duty to find ihe
defendant not guilty."
Takes the Place of Burt as President
of the Union Pacific.
NICW YORK- Directors of the Piv
ion Pin il'e railway met Thursday, ao
1 copied the resignation of Horace G.
Hurl ;n president of the system, and
elecicl T. II. I larriinau as his sue-
I eessor.
! The ol'iiee of chairman of die board
of directors vhich Mr. Hat ri inn ii has
i held for tic ,., iiii-,,,. years, was
: abolished. Air. Hurt will Miiitinite to
j serve as a director.
There is a vacancy in the position
of general manager of tho Pnion Pa
cilie. which President Hurrinian is cv
peo'ed to till Within Ihe next fe.v
(lavs. No inn, nation has been given
as lo who will bo appointed. Ho will
hardly appoint himself.
I Naturalization Methods.
I ST. LOl'IS -The methods cmplovcd
in natural!. :lng aliens In die state
courts of .Missouri are to be Investi
I gated for the government by C. V. C.
j Van Deuseti, special examiner for the
I department of Ju.diee In Washington.
who has ii i -1 arrived here. Air. Van
1 liousen v, ill be ;in his inquiries at once
Since his appointment by Attorney
; Kno.v last July, Mr. Van Rcicm-ii has
invest ie.ileil Hie methods einploveil in
' i'.-i ivai i .ia.; aliens In twenty six slate .
of t In Pnlon.
! RoEsoau Not Dangerously III.
j PUDS The condition or M, Wn!
I deck Kosseaa, former pri mil r. canso
I no serious apprehension, but i! has
I been o..l.hilshoi thai the ill-dill
I gui.-hed patient Is snffi ring from cal
Milit'.l Arrr8 and Equip-v.ent.
WASHINGTON. Secretary sliaw
in.-liiil led to I he leui -e a I oq'icM el
eereiarv Kent for mi UjoincirlnMoi!
C t ,s", imhi (or to w nt nn net equip
:e;,t f ir ( 1 ml" i.i
Forecast of Senate and House of Rep
resentatives. WASHINGTON t the begniiinc.
of Monday's s-esdon die sell. lie will
resume consideration of the Penrose
and Ciiriuai 1. resolutions for an invi
ligation of irregularities in Ihe post
it tlii o department. There are stilt
some democratic senators who ibsiie
lo bo heard on Ibis matter. Senator
Spooner has intimated his intention
to make a more extended reply to
Senator Carmack's charge thai PoM
master Gem ial Payne has boon al all
liikiw mi in the prosecution of fraud,
in bis dojuvlment. Tho i"mc' siand
ing is teat Ibis question v. ill not be
allowed to retain its place be' ore the
senate in it-; presold shape tor .i great
length of lime, as Senator German,
the leader of the democratic sena
loi s. has i-X" reused a w iliiegue -s to
have the resolutions refoi rod in th"
posloiliee committee, and there is no
doubt I hat it will be so ivf. i re I wTi a
the discussion conies lo an end
The nominal ion ef .Mr. Kuclnnan ;
be mini, uer in Panama to ni.i'iis un
a led on. iiinl i-d,-;, o! it vv ill
be resinned at the next e'julive .-es
sion of the soanle. i " t lodge
of the eommitlee on i f-n affairs
has "iven notice of nis intention to
move to lay on the table Senator Mm
gan's motion to reconsider a vise bv
which Air. Itn. kalian's 1:00111. alien was
continue, I. but will not make die mo ,
' ton until it is evident disi llss'lon is
exhau.ded. 'Ihe motion will lie 1111
debatable, and If it prevails will bring
the discussion to an end.
Other questions are expel to I to be
taken up during the week, tiieliiilin:'
a bill providing for a fores! reserve
in the Southern Appalachian moult
luiiis. and the resolutions perlainiii;,
to good i ads. Senator Purlon has
given notice of a speech on the lor
es! reserve bill ami Scna'or I. alime
nt one n;i ti e good ro'iiU pr e-osit ion
Al r. I at inter's no! b e Is tei next
Ti' , but Air. liurtun Ion tixed
no definite time for hi ; re-nail.- lie
v.-i'l mill e an elVorl to irv pi.s-
age of the bill after mal iag 1 'i .
:q: '.' ll.
I -. I '-'ause of R"pre-,o".t.;'.ivec.
I'lie hoi; e din ing the pre , :! v, 01 I,
'.i!l pa's die legislative and judicial
appro,), nt ,et: ill. thus d -.uo ung o!
I lie second big supply lUe.lSllte. Til '
i tii i I ' ti appropriations, expoe's.
lo tej.o.l die bill to the boils.. Aloii
d ov and lie bill will bo called up
I'ri .;.;;.. It is said that the bill will
lot ake inch a wide r.T.lge as it did
When the .e."s;oS Uppl'opl i'lt ion bill
va:-, before the house, and dial :l can
lie dispose. I of Within a le.llple 11"
The indiea' io::s now are that the ur
gent lelb-ii ncy bill, the nevl. to fo'
lo .v. Mill lie 11 ;,oi ted (o t fie In o; e no
last of this vvc-k or the first of t'n
following week. It Is desi.ed lo :.i :
.-nine of ihe appropriation lulls over
to tin leur.te as early as pos.-ible.
Then are few minor me.i '.givs about
ripe for aition. which vvijl be la'i :i 11 1
from lime to time.
Would Prevent the Transfer of tl-S
Canal Property.
WASHINGTON- A dispatch to Dr.
Herraii. Coloml inn charge d'affaires,
received from Paris, said that a
French 'ribunal had been appealed to
by an agent of Colombia with a view
to preventing the transfer of the Pan
ama Canal company's rights on the
isih'uus to the American govet iituen'.
vvithoal the commit of Colombia.
Counsel for die Colombian gove::--1
1' n according to the dispnti Ii. as
sured tho agent he thought there was
"Odd 1:1-011::, i for believing the effoit
!o prevent the transfer would be sin -
I ''e step, it is paid, is wtiii
full eoi't.i.eitieo of the Coloml.:. 01
iiiorilies and was Instituted by
agent ( f tfie government, vim ten
die Foiled Siiitos after consultat mo
with General Reyes and Dr. Ileiru
Tlie end sought to be atlaine.; is t-.
frustrate the sale of eoneossinm..
franchises and property of the canal
company to the Pnited Stales, prep
arations for which already have bom:
1 nder way. the amount to bo paid by
this government being JpHinii.imo.
Arbitration Treaty.
HOME King Victor Emanuel ha;
signed decrees giving Foreign Minis
ter Tlttonl full powers In connection
with the arbitration treaty between
Italy and Great Itritaiii, which will bo
signed in Rome when the British am
bassador has been siini fitly einpovv.
South Dakota Gold Production.
WASHINGTON. Owing to a cleri
cal error In die figures furnished t,,.
Associated Press 011 January the
amount represent ing the g ibl produc
don of South Dakota for the calciidiM'
year l!tu:i was given as $.'.SS'i.i:!7, in
siead of $(i,X.X!i,i:',V. die actual o.itimato.
Moseley Will Ask to De Relieved.
WASHINGTON-Ii is understood
that alter ihe conclusion of liivestiga.
lion into die conduct of ollico of m'c
letnry of interstate eomtiieree com
mission. I'M ward Al. Moselcv. vhn
has been for many years disbursing
dllecf of 1 body, will hsk to be i...
!ieed irom duties of disbur-ing clerk.
TIp 1 ll'ce does n il pay ntiy s'tlary
::lld its le ad, ill'lioug.h 10 .no!:-ilde i.r
Ihe ; I ,011 of employes V. ill, ing un
der li 1 111. never litis 11 (liteel , ve 11pm
He r doings.
France Will not Irterf-rc.
LONDON H.aes, finer. Him -,...,-.
lary ol tin- French 1 tiibussy. In an in-let-i
i. vv Friday said that die preset;)
airin g' no nl between Franco ami
Great Pi eiiiii vv me such th U i woofil
be initio: .-ible to (Ibtgrll the:,) -,,,
se,-., tm v s:,i. lb at even if Korea and
I 'bin. i ioii'ed .lnt. ill I hcv w ,.1,1,1 .. .
1 1 1 10 1
I be r isl-ldel ed i , pow ers VV it j. .
! llie.'.ll'ng ol ll.e I'laio o Pr,,. tr,,.lv
I and Cm!, therefore. U will not be )
! Iv that Pr:u:ee will bc called on
I Ittlelfele.