The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 14, 1904, Image 5

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-mm. 1 Melt Mini H I Will A 1 Hll WMMM I
h ah .1 6
o rvy nappy ana prosperous
N o wish to sincerely thank the pniplc of Plat tsmoutli ami viein
ity for tlieir very lilieral putrnnae to us for the tiun we have be-on
here ami we n n assure you that we are more than ralitied with the
treatment nivoul c us hy tin people of litis .(immunity.
So hoping that the jear I'.MII will !. a happy and prosperous one
i Jou, we wisli to fui solieit voia-lmtroiui".' and to help you make
ItaiiiuT year.
this tin
Help UH and we will help you.
Our prices nro riht, our oods are fresh anil of A 1 quality.
WcMpmrantee everythinu; wo Bill AS RKI'RKSKNTKD.
errors mado hero wo gladly rectify.
No will rail nndtako your orders or you can call up IMattsmoutli
Thoiie I'.IS 'iy( us your order and we w ill deliver it, or if you send
the children it makes no difference - you can rest assured your orders
will receive, the same attention as if you called in person.
Wo are continually on the market and on the lookout for any
thin'; whorohy we may benefit our nistomcrs, and thereby wo hope to
make you a customer, ami hy following this policy and by fair treat
ment wo hopo to be able to sny "once our customer, always no."
KoiiU'inbcr the place and 'ivo us a trial.
A:iin wishing you a Happy New Year, T remain,
Yours tu servo,
Wo tako this opportunity of returnin,' our
most sincere thanks for past favors, and solicit a
continuanco of your patronage in the future.
During l'.Kll, wo nhall end
market, as usual, with that
ivor to supply the
Which Suits the People!
both in quality nml prices.
Wishing all n happy and prosperous year, wo
invito all to como and bo comforted by making
your purchases from the largest furniture house
in IMattsinouth.
I Sattler &
V Absra.cts of Title V
Tf?oma5 Uallirj.
OITICK-Aiilieiiscr-llush lllcx-lc.
All kli.iliof Hontiil wnrk. I'liitt-s iiiiulc Unit
III. I'll ynirs iM rinicu. I'rlre-t rcusoimlilai,
Worli Kiiiiriuilcrd.
(IITK'K I' Itl.oCK.
'I'KI.KIMIONK Nil. 3 (ill 47
I. Tit A VIS.
I 1 1- K 1 1 ' K NO. IK.
Oi l ICR:
Waterman Hlock
'Matt, ,,
Dr. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald
Ceo. X. LaP.ue of Union was In ti e
cilv 1 lidav on hustings.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Oilice with Dr. K. D. Cummins.
Fur lease-several tine acreage tracts
m ar the city. R. Windham.
Calvaniveil Iron and cast tank heat
ers at lowest prices at John Pauer's.
lrs. J. M. Greene and T. F. Todd
were Council UlulTs visitorsMonday.
J. A. Kagoos of Cropper, Oklahoma,
remits one d kr this week to renew
for the Jour ,1.
MksAda P.oedaker of Eight Mile
drove was the guest or J. M. Leek and
family over Sunday.
If vou are a Judge of a irood smokr,
try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you
w ill smoke no other.
11. C. Slogc of El m wood sends the
wherewith this week to renew his
subscription to the Journal.
A. Kalfenbcrgcr, Christ Stoehr and
Adam FornolT or Cellar Creek weie
Plattsmouth visitors Saturday.
Mr. F. F. Gunthers called one day
last week and made himself solid for
another year's reading of the Journal.
All hands were busy as bees hi the
treasurer's cilice all day Saturday
making out tax receipts and receiving
A marriaL'c nermlt was Issued Fri
day evening to Willard L. Clites,
aged twenty-two, and Miss Myrtle
May liennett. aned twenty, both of
Albert Strange of Bethany, Ne
braska, in remitting a year's suhscrip'
l ion savs: "I can't net along without
the Journal." So they all say, Mr
Our old German friend, John West,
a prominent farmer of near Nehawka
was in the city one day last week on
business, and took advantage of this
visit to renew his faith in the Journal
another year.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riageof Mr. Charles Stiger to Miss
Whllma 0. Drot, which will occur at
at the Lcwl.ston church, three miles
southeast of Murray, on Wednesday,
January 20, 1004, at 3 o'clock p. m
Mr. Wm. S. Crane of California,
Md., suiTered for years from rheuma
tism and lumbago. He was finally ad
vised to try Chamberlain's Tain Balm,
which he did and it effected a com
plete cure. For sale by all druggists.
Loe Maytleld, of the Louisville
Courier, was In the city Tuesday, and
In company with A. T. Klopp, of the
tirniof Klopp & Bartlett, designers,
emiravers and blank book makers, of
Omaha, called at the Journal head
Joseph1 Wiles and wife returned
from California Friday, where they
have been visiting several months,
They will reside In the future on the
farm Mr. Wiles recently purchased of
Mr. M. Waybright, southwest of
T. B. Bates has severed his connec
tlon with the Journal, having sold his
half Interest to 11. A , who Is now sole
owner. T. B. and family took their
departure Monday evening for Dcca-
f -U 1 III' rJ .1. I
z "
Absolutely Puro
To Change Silver
c farmers
I Insure
S Your
8 Against
o After having once used Parke,
X Davis & Co.'s "Iilacklegoiils" as n cure
0 nnd prevent ivo for Blackleg, you will
q never use anything else. It is tho
S surest euro and easiest to use one
Vj little pill does tho work, assuring
S the same amount of medicine in each
A hyiodermic syring and n little
S box of pills is all there is to it.
Into Gold!
Use Intern
F. G.
X a if II I III L II X
Send or Call for Circulars now. giv-
ing Complete Hin clion. .
ational Stock Food!
Put the silver (or nickle or paper) in
this hank ami witness the change.
.t I'll' f nl lnU ('imiounkl
Do You Want an Up-to-Date
semi-annually will make from the
while to the yellow metal. Call and
we will gladly tell you all about it.
Plattsmouth Saving Bank.
lew winter
If you aro conlcmplatin 'ttm,' "-'
on the oiu rename tailor
Frank McElroy,
examine liis fine samples ami leave yotiror
iler in lime, ami he will do the the rest.
suit? ta
v. v
I have Just shlpned in a couple of
car loads of t'ood all pin pose horses and
marcs, which I will oiler rr sate or
will trade for .smaller horses for the
the southern market. Call and see
horses at my faun.
For Sale orTiade!
Murray Hotel, Murray. Practically
new biilhlinn -and recently repapered
and repainted and in excellent repair.
For further particulars call at Journal, or a bin st
Mus. Wm. ItiiAMNKit,
Murray, Nebraska.
ture, Illinois, where they will make
their future home, and where they
formerly resided.
W. II. Shoemaker, one of the Jour
nal's Nehawka patrons, and by the
way, one of the reliable democrats of
Cass county, was in the city Saturday
and made these headquarters a very
pleasant visit. lie was accompanied
by Mr. W. M. MeCullocli, whom we
were pleased to meet, also.
The Clarinda Poultry Co. took in
hcie last Monday one car load of
chickens, for which they paid tho
farmers of Cass county over Bve hun
dred dollars. Isn't It stranpe that we
can't have a home buyer that will
pay as much for such produce as out
JohnM. Lcls of Murdock remits
one dollar to rencsv his subscription,
and also sends a new subscriber In
the person of Geo. M. Leis. This
makes nine new subscribers at Mur
dock alone since election. If tho
friends or the Journal will only do as
well as our Murdock friends, the Jour
nal will soon boast of 1,800 or 2,000
I'ncle Nick Ilalmes pave tho Jour
nal a call Tuesday for the purpose of
renewing for another year. Mr.
Ilalmes Is a great friend of the Jour
nal and one of the big farmers of Cass
county. He grew up with the country,
coming here as early as 1S.V1, and has
been right litre ever since, and has
become one of our wealthy and Inllu-
cntlal farmers.
Agatha l stun ltarton, who was sev
eral months ago on trial at Slicridan,
Wyoming, charged with fatally shoot
ing her father-in-law at that place,
and who was acquitted by the trial
Jury, was In Uelle Fourchc over Sun
day, leaving Monday for Whltewood.
Mrs. Itarlou, or Miss Agatha Mull, as
she Is now known, was born and reared
near Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Hell
Fourche (S. I.) Northwest Post.
Last week County Clerk Tyson for
warded a statement to the state
auditor showing the cliattle mort
gage Indebtedness of Cass county for
the year P.m:i. Numticr of this kind
of Instruments tiled, 7(12, aggregating
mc sum oi jo.i,i..!o. inere were
3d Instruments released amounting
to $l.12,fili).Hi. The number of Instru
ments Hied during the year Just closed
exceeded that of l!)2 by 3, but the
amount m mortgages in I'.ki: was
greater by the amount of t."M.41. Tho
number nf chat t ie mortgnges released
In 111 - was 12.., and amounted In dol
lars and cents to i:ts,ro."i, or 113,
112 in) more than In 1U03.
"Cut Hell," the favorite cigar.
Jewel llasellurner'sat John Hauer's.
Claus shears and razors at John
Enterprise sausage grinders and
stutters at John Pauer's.
A complete line of Imported enamel
led ware at John Pauer.
(ieo. V. Cutler, or drccuwooJ, was
a county seat visitor Saturday.
Judge Travis went to Weeping Wa
ter yesterday to look after some busi
ness matters.
Ilev. Swan made a business trip to
the western part of the state the fore
part of the week.
Pianoson monthly payments of $5.00
and up per month. See A J. Jackson,
at Strelght & Strelght's.
P. S. ColTman and wife departed yes
terday for Dawson, Neb., where they
will visit for a few weeks.
T. II. Pollock made a business trip
to Lincoln Tuesday In the Interest of
the Plattsm.iuth Telephone Co.
Hon. Frank E White was down
from Ornalw yesterday shaking hands
with his many PlaUsmouth friends.
Miss Delia McCulloch, who has been
visiting the family of W. L. Street,
returned to her home at lied Oak,
Iowa, Monday.
Miss Edith Uuzzell returned yester
day morning from quite an extended
visit to Los Angeles, and other places
in California.
Mike Pries, Jr., who was sentenced
to reform school last week hy Judge
Travis, was taken to that Institution
yesterday by SherifT Mclirtdc.
For a bad taste in the mouth take a
few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. 2" cents. War
ranted to cure. For sale by all druggists.
John II. Albert who has been visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs John
Albert, for several weeks returned to
his home at Stanton, Nebraska, this
Mrs. W. R. Alexenderof Falls City
Is the guest or Mrs. A. N. Sullivan
this week. Her husband was pastor
of the M. E. church here about twelve
years ago.
Charley Sullivan came up from St.
Joseph, Mo., Tuesday morning to visit
home folks, returning Wednesday.
'Sub" is now cm ployed at Asy him No.
2, near thatcity.
Dan McCallan. of Slicridan, Wyom
ing, is visiting Plattsmouth friends.
FronV DicK TV Death.
i ii is ivinmuim .i received a very
vidJen shock yesf ruay about the
noon hour win n li e repoit came to
the city that Fianlt Dickson had died
suddenly al his home at Weeping Wa
ter at lii .'.O nYievk in the inoruiiiv.
The paiticulaisof l is (Itatli, as near
as we are able to collect them, are
about as follows:
Mr. Dicks n, it seems, was not in the
enjoyment of good health, and was
confined to his home. About 2 o'clock
yesterday mornlnu be was apprised by
telephone from F.lmwood of the death
of his brother, Louis, who bad been
ill for som time at the home of his
older brother, A. li., who resides at
F.lmwood. This sad intelligence
seemed to affect him greatly, lie was
lying down and about half-past nine
o'clock arose aiid proceeded to the
barn to look after some stock, and
upon his return to the house was ta
ken with a violent spell of vomiting.
The family physician, Dr. Hungate,
was called as soon as possible, and ev
erything In his power was dune to re
lieve Hie sufferer. In attempting to
raise up In bed he was attacked with
u fainting spell, nnd so remarked, but
ere the words had scarcely fell from
hlf lips death had clasped its Icy em
brace around him. Congestion of the
heart is supposed to lie the
i try-
cause of
his sudden demise. Hissudden death,
coming as it did, immodia tjely after
in effect
Mr. McCallan Is an old Plattsmouth
boy, and is now In the employ of the
B. & M. at the former place.
Martin Nelson, of Hartington, Neb.,
was In the city Saturday to visit Mr.
and Mrs. P. Pearson, of whom he is a
son-in-law. Mr. Nelson is In the hard
ware business, and Is prospering very
Joseph F. Mauck, living about two
miles north of Nehawka, was a county
scat caller yesterday, and while In the
city called to renew the subscription
of Mrs. Annie Pittman for another
.Jennie Stitzer, Omaha "I have
gained thirty-live pounds In two
months. Nothing did me any good
until I used Hollistcr's Kocky Mount
ain Tea." A blessing to sickly wo
man. Gerlng & Co.
Have you Indigestion, constipation,
headache, backache, kidney trouble?
Hollistcr's Pvocky Mountain Tea will
make you well. If it falls get your
money uac:. J hat s ralr. 'lea or
tablet form. 3 cents. Gering&Co.
Mrs. C. E. Cook received atelgram
from Fouts, Oklahoma, last Monday,
conveying the sad Intelligence of the
death of her sister, Mrs. Maggie Kung.
No particulars as to the cause of her
death was received. Mrs. Rung lived
near Alvo, this county, eighteen years
"The nicest and pleasantest medi
cine I have used for Indigestion and
constipation Is Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets," says Melard
F. Craig of Middlegrovo, N. Y. "They
work like a charm and do not gripe or
have any unpleasant effect." For sale
by all gglsts.
The young ladles of t he city will
give a leap year ball at Coates' ball
Friday night, January 22. The ladies
having the management of this inter
esting event never do anything by tho
halves, consequently their young gen
tlemen friends can expect something
The county commissioners Tuesday
continued the appointments of assist
ant assessors, as recommended by J. M.
Teegarden, county assessor. One was
selected from each precint in the
county; onu for the city of Weeping
Water and three for Plattsmouth. A
list of the names of the assistants w ill
appear In the commissioners' proceed
ings next week.
Supposing you are busted - haven't
a dime,
(jetting poor Isn't a serious crime;
put on a hold rront, woru wun your
You're sure to win by taking Kocky
Mountain 'lea at night, (erinu
I & Co.
the death of Louis, had such
upon liis brother, A. P., at
as to almost cause his death
Mr. Dickson was a son-ln-l iw of F,
.H. Kicney or nils city, and 'leaves a
wife and four children. 1 1 was a
member of several fraternajl orders,
and one of the most popular! citizens
of Cass county. He was comity clerk
four years; previous to this) service,
however, he was deputy comity clerk
under Pird Crilcl. Held.
Frank Dickson was poss'ssi-d of
many noble trails of character that
endeared him to all who km.w him
lie whs me soui or nonor, auu a ;en
tlemen in every sense of the tcim.hnd
bis sudden death will be mourned by
all the citizens of Cass county .
The funeral will occur in this city
at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. We
are unable to learn whether the ser
vices will bo held from church or the
Kiel icy residence.
Death of Mrs. Wallinger
Mrs. Wallinger, wife of John Wal
linger, a well known fanner living
nine miles west of this city, died on
Saturday night, January Utli, The
deceased was a most estimable lady,
and the bereaved husband and child
ren have the sympathy of a large circle
of friends. The funeral occurred Mon
day afternoon, January 11, 1!)0t, and
was attended by quite a large number
of sympathetic friends many attend
ing from tliis city. The deceased had
been in poor health for about seven
months, most of the time being confin
ed to her room.
Card of Thanlts.
The undersigned tako this method
of returning their sincere and heart
felt thanks to those kind friends and
neighiiois who administered to the
wants of our dear wife and mother,
during her recent protracted illness,
and also for t heir faithfulness until
the last sad rites at the grave. Their
kindness will ever be remembered by
each and every out of us.
John Walunoek.
Ai.hkiit Walmnokk.
John Wai.i.inokr, jk.,
Mns. G. P. Mkissinoku.
"When the butter
come put a penny m
chum,' is an old time d
i i . f .
proven), it often seems
work tho'.ih no one has ever
tokl why.
When mothers arc worried
because the children do nut
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scott's Emul
It is like the penny in th
Mi l
niiiK uecausc n works an1
because there is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is simpl
:n. f i
.i nuns, oi pure coa uver oi
with some hypophosphit
especially prepared for delicatl
Children take to it natural
because they like the tas
and the remedy takes just
naturally to the children b
cause it is so perfectly adapt'e
to their wants.
For all weak and pale an
thin children Scott's Emulsu
is the most satisfactory trer
We will send y
the penny, . e..
sample free.
r thai thU Bicuit'iTT"
Tin of a label ii on lh
r .it tvtry bottlt ot
jrou buy.
i ui a i
i ?r & nrviKTr?
y O 2 lV IT 11L..
.5 Chemists,
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
30c.andf1.oo; alldniggitti.
bnnubtal Bliss.
Ere thlyissueof the Journal reaches
its numerous patrons, Frank E. Green
and Mrs. Molllo I. Robinson will have
been Joined In the holy bonds of wed
lock. The marriage ceremony will
occur at the home of the groom's pa
rents In this city at 9 o'clock this
evening. Itev. II. H. Burgess will pro
nounce the words that will unite tho
happy couple. They will tako tho
10:28 train for Kearney, Neb., where
Mr. Green is employed as local editor
of the Daily Hubof that city. Only a
few relatives and near friends of the
contracting parties will be present.
In advance, tho Journal wishes Mr.
Mrs. Green a happy and prosperous
career as down the rugged pathway of
time they glide,
A Very Close Call., 'v
"I stuck to my cngincough
every joint ached and every nerve
was racked with pain," writes C. W.
Hellamy, a locomotive fireman, of
Burlington, Iowa. "I was weak and
pale, without any appetite and all
run down. As I was about to give
up, I got a bottle of Electric Hitters,
and after taking it, I felt as well as I
ever did In my life." Weak, sickly,
run down people always gain new life,
strength and vigor from their use.
Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed
by F. G. Frlcke & Co. Price 50 cents.
Police Judge Archer's report for tho
month of December shows that there
were seventeen arrests made, eight
tines paid and the sum of 974.70 collctud
It is claimed that the collections for
this month exceed that of any month
of the thirteen years that Judgo
Archer has held the ofllcc.
Jay E. Worlcy arrived from Kear
ney Monday, to accent his former Do-
population the same as that of Cass, sitlun as foreman of the News. Since
were paying their superintendent's electon Jay has held a similar position
this amount In salary; and it Is notli- 0I, the Kearney Daily Hub.
. .i; ....... urn i ..... Attorney l,rown of LnC0ln
nuou.u ..Uv tut: ...:, . ...K ... herc ycstcrday. W. L. will have
mosb inuusirious, luiiuiui uuiicompu
Salary Increased.
The hoard of commissioners by a vote
2 to 1 granted the petitition of Super
intendent oilman yesterday lor a
raise in his salary from $1,200 to 11,500
per year, the same going into etfect
from that date. Mr. Wortman demon
strated to the board the fact that
eighteen counties In Nebraska, with a
tent county superintendent's in Ne
braska. Ilawksworth and banning
voting for and Zink against the proposition.
Will Take an Appeal.
Tho city council Monday night In
structed City Attorney Travis to take
an appeal to tho supreme court in the
matter of Hugh Murphy against the
city of Plattsmouth. Tlilsi is the suit
in which the plaint 1 IT secured Judg
ment In district court for $,".00, which
he claimed was due him for paving
work done for the city. Tho city con
tested the claim on the ground of the
illegality of tho contract between the
contractor and the city.
A Vest-Pocket Doctor.
Never In tho way, no trouble to
carry, easy to take, pleasant and never
fulling In results are Do Witt's Little
Karly Risers. A vial or these little
pills In the vest pocket Is a certain
guarantee against headache, bilious
ness, torpid liver and all or the Ills re
sulting froiii constipation. They tonic
and strengthen the liver. Sold by P.
G. Prick c Co.
siderable business In riattsmoiRh be
tween this and tho March tcraijif tho
district court. f
For Salc-Thc S. E. i of Bcctlon 11,
town 11, range 12 For terms, ad
dress, H. U. WINDIUM,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
M Iss Olga Hagoos, who has been vis
iting with Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Todd,
In this city returned to her homo In
Louisville, Tuesday.
Mrs. Emma Rrown, after several
days visit with the family of Judgo
Archer, returned to her home In
Omaha Tuesday.
For Sale Acre tracts near town on
easy terms bargains.
It. II. Windham, Plattsmouth, Neb.
lion. Wm. Deles Dernier of Elm
wood was In tho city on Tuesday on
legal business.
C: S. Stone and Framing W. Uobb
of Murray wero county seat visitors
Sawdust for sale by tho car load or
wagon load (J. A. Kiciiaut.
T. L. Mary visited his family this
week, returning to Omaha yesterday.
What's In a fame.
Lverythlng Is In the name when it
comes to Witch lla.el Salvo. K. C.
DeWllt & Co. or Chicago discovered
so ne years ago how In make a salve
from Witch llael that is a speilllc
lor piles, lor hlinl, bleeding, Itch
ing nnd protruding piles, rc.ema.cuts,
burns, bruls"s and all skin diseases
De Witt's salve has no ciial. This
has given rise tu to i.iiiim 1011s vmuUi
li'ss counlerfrlls Ask f"r PeWltt'a
- the genuine. Sold hy p. G. Frickr
& Co.
Sick Headache?
Food' doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? B6wcls
constipated Tongue cbatcd?
It's your liver 1 Aycr'ji Pills
arc liver pills; they cure dys
pepsia, biliousness. ,
23c. AtlaruRfUU.
W urn iMmr niHiMtirh nf heard a toaaltfal
lr.iw 11 .t . .rti tilarhf Ih'lllli.
1 ,