V Ik - 12 ThePlallsiulWii ilUUII ul is lower: T. S.-ln the bin. riioTix'iioA 'a EveU Trust. motto Im Li.vul ti Jkthicii Is a law-abiding citizen. He even ibldes by technicalities when charged with bribery. Tkaoticai.ly Kuilty-technically, nut xullty," is the way Dietrich stands More the people of Nebraska. .DiKTKim drew pay for both govern or and senator at the same time. 'Technically" this is all rlht, but "rightfully" It Is all wrong. The Postmaster General conirratu- lates himself thatlthc detldt for the department isonly three Instead of the eipefcfcidfour mill Ions. Still .1,ono,000 would buyaJiarn sandwich or two. It begins to look now as If Hanna says "No" only to make It appear that his "vast number of friends" demand his candidacy. Undo Mark' "rheu matic" has affected his political sense. , DiKTuni Siiidlku of Otoe county luis been a justice of tlje peace, for ten years and during that time has never had a law suit In his court and .has never been called upon to marry a couple. SiuniuNu taxes Is a tine art In Ne- btaska. As a consequence the grafters have escaped and the debt of the state has reached the total of $2,500,000. It t believed that the new revenue law will help affairs amazingly to wring more taxes from the farmers and still Ions than formerly from the railroads uud combines. An old-line republican of Platts uioutlj halted the editor of the Journal on the street the other day with, "Say, don't we elect congressmen this year?" "Yes! Why?" we replied. "I thought no," .ld he, "I see Hurkett has Intro- ?uced another bill for an approprla ion for a postolllcc building In this city." ' '"Nationally, the republican have had charge of the conntry 's business for i some eight years, In which time we now know that incompetence and dishon esty have characterized the Postal De partment and much of the work of the Interior Department, to say nothing of iric oia supply contracts matter ana (ner unsavory criticisms or army management. 1 Lirr'ssee. It was about two years aij-p that Burkett Interested himself in behalf of Plattsmouth's postolllce J hiflldlng, and so sure were our citizens , ot getting It that they began looking around for asultable location for same. Arid what dld.thcy get? They got it In Jthe neck, while Lincoln got an appro- ' priatlon of 1300,000? It's about time for him to use more "taffy" around I'latUmoutu. A good many democrats favor Gen era Miles for president on the ground that he Is not an avowed partisan, If ho ever voted; that his record Is blameless; that s is the greatest liv ing soldier, and a hero of a hundred battles; that he has no enemies In either wing of the party, and that he himself would be all the platform that would be required. That he Is not a vociferous partisan or a profess ional politician might not Injure him Gamaliel Bradford urges that his , military achievements would constl tute his suniclcnt platform. The whig convention that met at Harris burg December 4, 1831), nominated General Harrison for president and adopted no platform whatever his opponent was Van Huron. Harrison was elected and "Van, Van, was used-up-man." So with Miles; he never did run, but perhaps ho would. Tub democrats smiled during the reading of the president's message on the 4th Inst, when he laid before con gress the facts and Incidents which aused him' to create a new republic called Panama. The contention that the canal can be built "forthwith" as the president said, If the treaty Is rat ified, when at the most conservative estimate It will take twenty, If not forty years, was enough to make any one smile. It seems tho president knew a revolution was about to burst at a given date, for he had read many newspaper articles to that effect and had seen recent travelers from Colum bia and Panama. All told the same story. Therefore ho headed It off, except the killing of ono Chinaman by sending the American navy to the Isthmus to protect American lines and Interests. The president asserted that Columbia had the power to rat Ify the Hay-Herron treaty, and give ua the canal strip at our own price and In falling to do so alTronted the I kill ted States. As the matter Is now au settled the senate has only to ratify the treaty, and the business will of course be done. To us It looks llko Parker, as the democrat Ic nominee for president, says the Jerscyvnle (III.) Democrat. Gor man Is a good man, Hearst Is a good man, Bryan Is a good man, but the man ' who will get the nomination Is the maii New York Is for, and It now looks '. IJ II I . 1 ,t t - . 1 I - . I - . as ii ranter wouiu oc ineir cnoice. a man who ran ahead of his ticket, a presidential year, over 30o,ono, Tor the highest otllce In the state, supreme Judge of the court of appeals, an nlllee higher than governor or even a t'nlted States supreme justice, can be depned. ed upon t) carry that state over any tnich an erratic fly-by-nlght as House clt. Business men may be rcpubll .cans, but ttcy will take a Hrst-clas tjoiiservatlve man for president, even If a democrat, rather than a man like Itooscvelt, who Is constantly walking around with a chip on his shoulder daring lomchody to knock It off. JtaII ASinilarCLv ' I A Similar Kvldently localities (take sonic d'if fereiicehstotlicpuiiU; Dent forciiii.r. The follow i;v, dispa ch fomi Niw York, under date o January Mb. gives an account t ? the coi vic t ion of a foi hut eonfl rssman fordo ing a!mo-t Identically Hi r-nme kind of an act that Dii-tiu I.' did. who cm' free: ''Former (Ymgiessiuaii Driggs, who was convicted here yesterday ol receiving compensation for aiding in the procurement of a contract with the government, in his defense said that, although ho had been elected Con gressman, he had not taken his seat at the time of thcallcgcd Improper trans action. Mr. Driggs' attorney contend ed throughout that his client was not a Cotigressman'.iiulil he had actually taken the oath of olllce, but the Pros editing Attorney maintained that the defendant was a member of Congress from March 4, when the preceding House of Representatives adjourned. Judge Thomas left It to the jury to de cide whether theterma.sCongres.sman had actually begun at the time in ques Hon, and the jury brought in a veidiet of not guilty." Had Deitrich's case been left to a Jury of his countrymen he also would have been convicted. and punished as lie Justly deserves. Rise, Genglemen, Rise! Mr. Dietrich began to draw pay a senator March 28, and also drew lils pay as governor up to May 1. Afii having been elected senator, lie dr. w salary from the state asgovemor to the extent of $208.31; then he drew from the federal treasury more than $3,3ihi for services as senator during the lie riod when according to the federal court's decision lie was not a senator Is it not about Hme'forsomc republi can politician to rise in his place and say someUilngubouttlie Importance ol showing to the world that Nebraska Is no longer "tainted with Bryan and Bry anism?"-Omaha World-Herald. Wk agree with the Omaha World Herald when it says that "those repub lican papers In Nebraska that make bold to assail Mr. Dietrich do their state no service when they fail to assail Dietrlchlsm. They do their stale no service when, after condemning Dietrich, the unhappy and unfor tunate Individual, they devote their energies toward the support of the influences that gave Dietrich to Nebraska, and that are fostering and will continue to foster Dietrich Ism in the politics of this state." The proper thing to do is for the people of Nebraska to demand his Immediate re signation. He hasdisgraced the state and the party that is responsible for the elevation of such a numskull to the honorable position of United States henator. Ix a hewspaper interview the other day, Perry S. Heath said: "I saw President McKinley only a few days liffore he was shot at Buffalo. He was In the White House in Washington, and I had a long talk with him pertain ing to the presidential election. Dur ing the conversation Mr. McKinley, in speaking of the man who would sue ceeu nun, sain: -i expect to sec my friend and associate. Marcus Hanna the next president of the United States I believe he will be nominated and elected.' Mr. McKinley went to Can ton the following day. and the next day thereafter was shot while at Buf falo."" Tiik Democratic National Con von Hon will be held In St. Louis July (ilh Several successful candidates for the presidency have been nominated In the old town, including Samuel J. Tilden In 1870, the ycar.of the American cen tcnnlal celebration at Philadelphia. memorable campaign followed, Tilden was elected, but Hayes .was sealed bv the manipulations of Old Zack Chand Ier and Old Moxa Morton, through the 7 to 8 process, the greatest outrage ever perpetrated upon the American people, unless It be that of turning Deitrich loose the other day. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE! Nine-room nonce. It nemo Kmitli Seventh street, at a bargain. Seven-room house and twn lnu U aC S addition. Terms vorv nviw. onable. Mx-room bouse Inst e:isf. nf I ho shops on Nlntcrstecn hill; $000 will ouy it. Six-room house on W'l d-mltn furnace heat, city water, $1,100. N llO-rooni house nn tlin rumor nf Sixth and Marble streets, well im proved, $2,100. Nine-room house bnlivpon l.'IfMi nnil sixth streets, on Marble street, city water, wen improved, good condition lor iraue or sale, .)0. Three small cot t aires no.ir ti in iduinti at oargaius. Polirtt'Cll-rOOin lmnnlinir linnvn ni South Third street, at a bargalin I have several houses for rent. Six-room house school, well improved, good barn, good water, at a bargain. If you want to Luv or rent, t en ii suit you. FAIJMS FOR SALE! 1.17 acres. 41 miles souili nml i.!wi ,,r the city, at o per acre, good Improve- menus on same. 80 acres north of tim i-iii- proved except Ing that It Is fenced. 80 acres snut Ii nod pnvt nf Minmv well Improved, and all under cultiva tion, ai $7.1 per ncre. I have several irood ranrliiw nf fnnn 1.2iki to 2,(KK) acres, in Nebiaska, for sale. F.nqulre or write to J. H. TllltASIIKU, The Real Kstate Man, Plattsinouth. Nebraska. W in.. prn &e CAR.EFUL MAN is Always Well Attalred. The careful man sees to It that we do llistailorlllL'. for wo g painful nf the careful mar. Ask anv business man as to the impression good clothes make. Ask any business in Omaha as to the Impression our tailoring makes. Fall styles now ready. Suits $20 to $40 Trousers $6 to $10 DRESHER. OPEN EVENINGS. Ijlj Karnum St.. OMAHA. N K II . Referee's Sale. Kill l' 1111 1 lrull Pllillillir fum.iu P.. f- tcrin ft. al.. Ilfffiidiinl ,. 'I'll 10 II Kl IN.A'r.l .. vv rtv I A l M l'P TtKSON. DKCKASKI). AMI A lil I'KHSONS i ii i r. k r.f i r, 1 1, will liiki' milieu that, on I'ch ruary Twenty fourth. I'.iu4. at one u'eliiek In the iirteriiimii of nl(l iliiy. the iinilerslKneil referees duly iipihilnted to msiku partition in the uIhivm imiI It liil imiiiw. u'lll .ii.ii.ii.t t order of Mill! nf the lilstrlrt Court within anil for fas tiiiniv. stiiii. .if Vi.i..iL-.. ut i... hi mill front doorof theConrt house In the City ot riaiiMiioiiiii. cuss County. .Neliraska, sell in piiDiie auction to the hlnliest lildder. suh .tect. to Hens and liiriiinliranees thereon, the following desi-rlhed real eslale: IrflbiiHiii III Iwnrli t lit. ... I'll f..iii,i It.... (5) and six (ii). in lllock el'lily-tiiree (s.1);' lots ouu ii;. iwo i.i. uiree (.11. rmir (4i. live (,il and sl (ii). In lllock two OJ) lu Voun and llavs All lion. Iils ten mil t.li..'i.n on I I .....l'.... 0-'). ill Itlock seventy-sl.v ini). all In the City of PIuUniiiouiIi. Cass Count v. Neliraska. Also part of the North Kast ijiiarter of the South viesi iiuarter: part of the Siuth lialf of the Norlli ll'i.sl iiiiii i-ti.iir 1 1... ....tl. Iiol twenty u'uj In t he South Kast iuai ter of the SollLll West nlmrli.r nml I l.n ...i I. ll'u. ItUlirter of the South West ouarler nil III tlon one (Ii. Towiisliln twelvu il-'i. KaiiL'e thirteen (llli. Ill Cass Coiiiil y. .Neliraska. eon talnhur eluhty-two (it,'i acres more or less. i iso mi one in in the .North Kast iiuarter of North Kast iii,-irter of Seeilon twenty-one (SI), loWllSllll, IWelvil It'll l.'lllil... .l.....n llll I.. said County and State, eoiitainliiK thlny-nlne ii i.-s nun,- or irs. j iso i I'si nail iv . lJt) and South Kast iiiarter (S. K. ) of Section one (I), Township lifted! (I.i). Hanifeliriy (fin), ill Clieyenne County. Neliraska. eontalniiiif four lliiinlreil una KlKhty (Ihii) acres more or leSS. Alsil l.llls t.WO C'l llllll I uri.ll'i. I'll Ii. OI....1. (4) and lits four (4) ami live (..) in lllock six (il) in Ise I'lirinelee's Addition to the City of Oinaliii. Douglas County. Neliraska; also " in u-rii ii. in iiiim'k lour (4) lu Institute 1'lace Addition to said city. Tk l(ls III.' SAI.I.' AS I iiUV. ii.... third (') cash; one-tlilnl (') payahie' In one ';" "'"I one-third (S) payahie In two years. nu lu n-ireu payiiienis lo ne secured with ap proved real estate mortaires and hear in terest at seven cri'eiil. per milium. I.ASII. S. liAMSKY, ..ttorney for I'lalnlllT. .Iiiski'h W. Johnson, ) I'hank J. .MoitiiAN. -Ueferees. AMlilth'U' II 'I'lvimi l Plrst iiulillciitloii January 14, lim4. Probate Notice. COl'NTY CUl'liT. CASS COIWTY. NkllUASICA. IN Ill the mutter nf Um iwlnt.w.r lln.,.... e llarnier. deceased. In Alfred J. llarnier. Jasper V. llarnier. Alllns l 1 1 n pint-r 'Mn.v A l.,.i..u ....i , j ... . .ii i T..II 4l, Isliac II lliirm..p iiiul nil nil.... iu.. u i.. - ., ...... .'..in. nin,iiin in terested lu said estate. You are herehy unti tled that unnn till, lllll fl:i V nf .liiiniiiru A 11 IW. Alfred J. llarnier Hied In said court Ills duly vertllled petition allenlnit. iiiuoiik oilier tilings, that llarton W. llarnier died Intestine In said county on the ;.n h day of liecemlH'r, lmM Ul'lyilll llllll tUlkvl.wul.il .if ...... I li.tfl ............. I I'Stllll. Sltllllllill 111 Klllll f i llllll v Ii. I in ... (...!.. . . .... .. ........ j ... .,,1 min istered ii n ; tliat Hie ulmve named im tsoiis are the sole helrs-at-law of said deceased and the only persons Interested In said estato. The prayer of said ietltloii U for the appoint lnelll of Isiliie I). Iltirnii.r uw iiilmliilui .ni... said estate. N'nii nn tiotliliiil itini Iii.hpIiii ...in u 1....1 UKiii said petition at the County Court Room In riallstnoutli, Cass ('uiinly, Neliraskn, on the, 'lull day of January. iki4, at ten o'clock A. M.. anil If von full i.i ii iiiu.ii i. ui w.il.l .1..... iindohject to the proccctluiKs. tlie Court may liriint the prayer or said un it Ion and the ad ministration of said estate ot Isaac I) llar nier. OF SOMII, Ollll'l" Ulllllllilli lliicuiili liiiil feed to the settlement thereof. Witness in v hand and ihe seal of t im rnntii u Court lit riattsmoiitli. Cuss County, Ne liraska, this lllll day of January A. 1 1., In. I1AUVKY Ii. TltAVIS, County J iiiIku. Sheriffs Sale. TD Y virtue of nn alias order of sale Issued hy -Maines Uolicrtson.clerk of thedlstrlct court wiiiiin ami Tor tiss county, Neliraska, and to me directed, will on the 20th Day of January, A. D 1904. "it 2 :im p. in,, of said day. at the son Hi door of nn-1 nun nouse in inecitv or I'liittsmouth. In said coiinlv. sell at piilillc auction, to n,,, hluhest lildder for cash, the followlnir real es- tauMo-wlt: West half of lottwoJ In lilock tlllrtV-four 1141 ; eusl half l.il Ihn... I'll l.l..i. thirl y-four f;il: lots eleven ami twelve (II nml :) hliN'k elithiy-llve (i ; lot seven T hlis k elirlity-elnht (ss); lot tell (10) lllock llllitv- tliree(!Ui; lot four (41 lu Mock lilnty-slx (imv lots thirteen and fount I.I and in In i,i.l..l seven (7), 'I'liomiisons iidillllou: lots three live. six. seven and cL-ht i t tl 7. ami si M,.L one (ll; l llu'erald's uddltlon; lots one an, I Tour (I ami 4) I, lock two (.') I'llk'erald's addlllon: lots one. two. three nml four II i. A and 41 liliN'k thn-e I'ltirerald's mid t on. all lu the cliv of I'Imii..,,., ass county. Nelinukn. toizelher with ilni lirlvlleites ami iipiiurliiuemes thereunto In loniihiK or lu nnvwlse aiincrtuliilinr 'I i... kiiiiiii IhIiik levied ll nun nml t ii l.i. ii ,1.., pMHTty of Mary Kllueriilil as Administrat rix, el al.. ilcfcniluiiis. t.i imiikfii. in. i of said court ris-ovcrcd hv the Count v or t'u, I n 1 1 1 1 1 IT iiKiilnst said defeiidalits. iiiiismoiiiii, Neliraska. liecemlH'r H'.lh A ". !: Joitv ii. Mi itiiiiiv .Ikssk I. ItiMiT, Sherlir Cass t oiiinv X..I. I'lalntltl .4 Attorney. 21, 30, and 35 j-allon Kiiuar kettles at John Haucr's. iii i i m iiinm ii iL-iwiiijiniMii.iiiii -iiiiim i i . ' "X i i i,j i i - a i i. u k. ...a . m c rv - a i ii im r i v i f l? i i i T i k J JGi -vm ri m i yv , J i J i "'i n uw t i its, K-i ll Vi nil sj i ra kjT4 Li i M i k. i v r ' i' r u n i ik a ' .u i i . i i ni'7 'T -i rutrrum -F ? 0Tfft'W.CRir :??' i'nni..miini"j'i" ' Has stood the test for over 60 years. FOR Cures sprains, bruises, burns, cuts, sores, lameness, piles, rheumatism, stiff joints lame back, etc. DeWitts Dew tt ll the nam to look for whm n you go to bur Witch Hazel Sa!ve. DeWltt'i Witch Huel Salve Is the original and only genuine. In fact DeWitt'sIs the only Witch Haiel Salve that Is made from the unadulterated Witch-Hazel All others are counterfeits "base imi tations, cheap and worthless even dangerous. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles. AlsoCuts, Bums, Bruises, Sprains, Lacerations, Contusions, Bolls, Carbuncles. Eczema. Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin Diseases. SALVE PHEPARKD BT E.C.DeWittCo.,Chic.. THE BIGGEST SLAUGHTER SALE Of clothing and furnishing goods ever held in tho western country, pos iineiy opens idui-sUhv, Jan. Nth. at 8:4") a. m., in Omaha, Neb., at lil'J ir.oi 11 c-. . , - j'uiiuiua oi. j lart'o concern n a neighboring city was overloaded and somethinjj desperato hud to bo done, or they had to po to the wall in order to meet their obligations. They gold tons for spot cash 'the best part of their stock at our own price. On above date we placo their poods on sale, on ourseeond lloor. Hero arc few of prices quoted at runilom, every thing in the same proportion: Men's stiff liosoined thl I'ts. with rnimtvit.i cuffs, all sizes from Hi to 17, stylish patterns, 2(c each; Koekfors, also black or tan socks, 3 pair for 10c; men's sweaters, maroon, blue, or preen, l.'c. I'tir Overcoats from ti.UO up Ilamjkcrchiofs, red, bluo and white, also fancy borders 3c each. Hoys' lon jetun pants, ajje 7 to II, at luo or a dime a pair They are worth more If you uso them . for dustinp clothes. Heavy fleece-lined undershirts, 20c eath. Mon's suits of clothes that sell most any where at $10, gale price $3.!)0. Val black sateen rhlrts, full Mno, every stitch of sewinp almolulely pttar anteed, 2i)c. Men's rain coats, !So. nianket lined duck eoiits, 48c. Small hoys' overalls, ()c a pair. Kattlln good overcoats that soil most any whore as hgh as $12.50, halo p. Ice 13.00. Mon's stronp siupendor In- i...ii. . nuuii.p cross uatUs ami leather lini-h-cd, sale pilco Dc. Shaw knit socks, l'Jo. I'rcsident tusponileri, 3'Je. Hlack worsted pants, "So a pair. Men's leather mitu. i:i r .i.it, Jlnod shoes woith 3 00, pnl prieo ll.fl'J. Men's (lof.tilo broasted, black cheviot suits $4.00. Astraeluin conn and vests 6.H0. On tho real liuo line of poods wo can live you a pile ot moucy Look for the bltf sip n. Sale 1519 1521 Douglas St., Omaha, The -Guarantee Clothing Co, Insurance, Ilusiness men and house owners who want jfllt-edt'C iiijoinnire at llrimi rate can servo their In st Interests by calllnj,' on nic before plaeltiK their risks. Ii" J. N. 'ok. MEXICAN 3i MARS ? Ill H B iTni unT-'i ' H,M Florida "Dixie i iyei n tiieie in .lacKsniiville. This exeiiisidii will lie a persnnally eondiieted one and will be in t liarpe of our Kxeurshui Manager who is tliotouplily familiar wild t lie points nf interest en route and in the state of I-'lnrhla. ' A day w ill be spent, in St. Louis, visit Inn t he World's fair pnuind and other points of interest The day lit!) it. I tip I'iditi Nashville to A I hint a, will be an interesting ami iust met ive one, as the line follows the route of (icneial Sherman's famous march to the sea. An early applieatimi for shrpinn car space isMippesLed. Write for full information and cony or Hlus traletl booklet, out lining t lie trip, lo W. I-I. I W I uu, 1402 Farnam St., Omcha, Neb. District Passenger Agent. . BY KEEPING IN LIM&! And iiiiircliin stniilit to wliere you will bo re jmiil for your trouluV by K('tti"K tin- liest on tlio niarkets. Groceries, Canned Goods. Fruits, freHli tlnily from llio markets. h VLULI AISLES, 53 ntliercd fresh every morning. 'Phone 54. 0 Watirtiiaii llliM'lc I'lattMtiiinlli. jOCCCCOSOSCCCViSiCOO'CCOOSj P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor, S x MARTIN BUILDING, b North Side - Main Street To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take L.'iatie linniio (Quinine Tab lets. All druu'k'ists refund Die money if It fails tn cure. ;. W. (imve's sig nature on each box. 2V. Fine Pigs. for Sale! I'ive I'lihind China plus Tur sale. Welk'ht 'Jon pounds. . . ;,sTl t a u 1 1 J at in. Perry's Restaurant ondShortOrderHouse n .... N .Alenls borvt'tl ut Kcgulur X Mcltl lldlllH. N Presh Oysters h (IX SKASON) S Fish or nnytliing in Market. S ij Gxaasooaxxxa N iS (ilVH I'S A CALL. S rpi a E ri mmmmM R BEAST. n r excursions! s - S VIA Dixie Flyer" Route! PERSONALLY CONDUCTED. On Thursday. January 14th, an exeinsinn will be run from Ne braska to Honda, with llirmiu'li Standard and Tourist sleeping ears from Omaha and Lincoln via llurlinptnn Koute to St. I mis and the i; ii'ii.'if-ln' y.ij'S! ni j r t Lv - rf-V i (nu-5iiU!iyyoiii; On m BOTTLL. pup .ni IPl-iillip PLATTSMOUTIl, . . i A Hall's Cash Store Vior, p;uK;i;os Malta Vita, per paolac Fotw. )or package , (hiail )ats, per package White Dove Oats, per package Anchor Matches, perpaekag., 1 Jeans, per can Corn, per can Three piuinil can Tomatoes. . . IKisel's Plains'iflcr Flour l'remain Patent Weeping Water Diamond K. II. llrakenlieltl, Patent, Twenty lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 'J 1 1 i XEbc fficst Mb(5l; q tbc Cheapest Ut tbc jn&! Poor Whisky is not only dis nreenbli' to tnstf, but undoubtotl ly injurious to the stonmch. A lit tle good Whisky is n lino tonic nml helps instond of lmnning. Sudi Wliisk it's ns ellowstoiie, for in Hlanco, will do you just ns much good us n doctor's proscription. If you don't know how good it is como in nud try it. PRICES: (luekenlieimennye, per gallon. Yellowstone, " " , Honey Dew, " " , ltltf Horn, " " . Pin ierol f. .$1 00 . 4 00 . :t oo NKBKASICA .25 .14 . ) . ) . J . ) , 9 10 cents, cents, cents, cents, cents, cents, cents, cents, cents.