1 I s THREE YEARS AFTER. , t m RUE KK? TROUBLE II CCH'llT ini C.IIILIII.IIWe. plIfFf .1 : I!:-.-: IK :;::;:.... To Prove what Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy Will Do for YOU. Every Reader of this paper May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. Weak nnd unhealthy Kidneys aro responsible for more sickness aud Buffering than any other disease, therefore, when through ncgleet or other causes, kidney trouble U permitted to continue, fatal results aro sure to follow. Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most, because they do most aud need attention first. if you aro sick or "feel badly," begin taking Ir. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, tho great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, beeauso as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all the other organs to licullu. A trial will convince anyone. The mild and immediata effect of Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Koot, tha great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands (he highest for its wonderful cures of I lie most distressing cases. Swamp Root will set your whole system right, And the best proof of thU is a trial. 14 Last 130th St., New York Ci nr. Deah Sin: Oct. 15lli, l'Cl "I liml born suffering Severely from kiilney trouble All symptoms with on hand; my (miner KtrciKth ami jjower hail left me; 1 couM lianlly ctrtu niyselt along. Even inyinen'l capacity Kus Sivim out, and often I wisliuii tu die. It was then I saw an advert ineinent of yours iu n NuwVoik paper, but woulil not liuva puiil any auenliun to it, bad it not promised a sworn jfuarnntoe with every belt loot your medicine, asertini! that your Snraiitii KiMit Is purely vegetables, and ilues not contain any harmful tiroes. I oin aevenly voatnaiutfour months eld, and with sood ennscienra 1 ran recommend tiwamp-Koot to all aulteiers from kidney troubles. Hour members of my family hava been using Kw.tnip Koot fur four dilli rcut Sidney dueats, lith the tame koimI rusults." With ruauy thanks to you. I remain, Vcij- tiuly yours. - KOUKRT BERNER. You may have a samplo bottle of this famous kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, sent free by mail, postpaid, by which you may test its virtues for such disorders as kidney, bladder and urio acid diseases, poof digestion, being obliged to- paw EDITORIAL NOTICE.-H you ttav tha slightest symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble, or if there is a trace of it . in your family history, send at once to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingharaton, N. Y., w ho will gladly send you by mail, immediate))', with out cost to you, sample bottle of Swamp Koot and a book containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. In writing, be sure to say that you read this generous offer in this paper. Nevv Club Shot Gun Shells Are "Crow Killer.. Nitro Club and Arrow Shells are factory bailed with smoke less powJcr and reduce the amount of smoke noise and recoil. THE UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO., moGtrotT, conn. Ajency, 31 j Broadway, N. Y. It aWciM with ore cn, im Thompson's Eyo Water The FREE Homestead OF Western Ganad ii Are the STAB ATTRACTIONS for 1904, Million of nrrr of tiin.-uilicent (iiain nn.lGinc ln lundi to l, hud at u fiee mft. jf lr nmrhnse fiaw Kailway Companies, I. and Coiooi.itions, etc. ' THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS Coml tro'. tlfliRlitful llllioilc, aplrndlil oliool )lein, pe-rrVrt im "at rondltlona, Xi'ritli)iml mllwity itdmitiiKi, und urulth nil olllnenrr nrqulrnl rHally, Trti roimlution of Western Canada inernaard Jlsom bv itnmiuration dutiui the l it eat, oer 50,(H)ti teinc Americana. Wtiteto nearest nuthorired Canadian Goverment Client for Canadmn A t Ina at d othet infoi ttiHtion (01 addle Sunt, of lmiminntioii.Ott.iR.Cahala' W, V. Ilruncit, hen Votk Lii'o Uuildinc, Jmalui Ni-1. THRIFTY FARMERS are In lipl letile In the tste of M.,r whrt they will II ml a ili'ik'.iKnl and heitlilir cliimie, llr-t-riats nmrK'-i .r tlieir t'nnli..-i nml vi-niw of Und a n-iis'Mnh'o prlti't. M.(i nimI Ui'm rlit! ).itti'll Iota wilt he ciii freno-i fi t'f li-siiim t. H. B4DENHOOP. Sei Slate Board ol Immigratica BALTIMORE. MD. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 3-1904 i IUns hittnt Ail list . All S. had itet t kiw Het i mitfli prrun. Tetea Ui-d. I'M in It lie. "l. tr ,1riCf,-,. LAND! 187 IBS IT TO your water frequently night and day smarting or irritation in passing, brick dust or sediment in the urine, headache, backache, lame back, dizziness, sleepless ness, nervousness, heart disturbance due to bad kidney trouble, skin eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes, bloating, irritability, wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow com plexion, or Uright's disease. If your water, when allowed to remain undisturbed in a plass or bottle for twenty-four hours, forms a sediment or settling or has a cloudy appearance, it is evidence that your kidncs and bladder need immediato attention. Swamp-Koot is tho great discovery of Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and blad der specialist. Hospitals use it with won derful success in both slight and severe cases.' Doctors recommend it to their patients and use it in their own families, because they recognize in Swamp-Root the greatest and most successful remedy. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is for sale at drug stores the world over in bottles of two M.es and two prices fifty cents and one dollar. Remember the mime. Swam-Root, Dr. Kilmers Sivump-Rmrt, and the addrtss, Bing tiimtoii, X. )'., on every bottle. COUPON. Pleas write er rtl in this coupon with yonr name and address and llr. Kilmer & Co. will end you a I ree :ample Dottk ol Swamp-k-Mt tbo Urcat Kidney Ketncdy. Name . St. and No. ... City or Town . State Mention this paper. Tho wonisn with gontiinc solf-eim-trol usually conceals her unhappy moods nntl smiles with the laughing Wllllil. De:orating Berlin Schools. The conimittee of the JJerlin town council in chargo of tho rima schools havo taken a novel dociHlon with regard to ethool decoration. Tho proposal Is to spend lO.Oot) marks ev ery year for eight, years, with tbu oh ject of painting frescoes ot the walls of classrooms and corridors. These pictures will be simple In character and will represent for the most part scenes iu German history. Before, however, the plan can be carried out, experlncnts will be made In three selected schools. Monument to Bret Harte. To mark the restiiiK plnte of the late Hret Ilarte, in Frlmley church yard. Surrey, there has just been' erected a massive and costly, monu ment. The author of tho "Heathen Chinee" and "I.uck of Roaring Camp" had resided at Frlmley for some time prior to his death, which took place early in May of last year. Around the grave havo been planted a number of joung fir trees. The monument consisla of a massive slab of white granite, weighing two and a half tons, on which Is placed a block of Aber deen granite, sloping upward Into the form of a cross. A Physician'! Statement. YorUtown, Ark., Jan. 11. I.cland WilllnmsoHi M. I)., one of our cleverest physicians, hns made a Ftntemcnl, en dorsing Dotld'a Kidney fills and say. Ing that he uses them In his dally prac tice In preference to any other Kidney medicine. Ills statement hns created a profound sensation, as It Is some what unusual for a physician to pub licly endorse anything In the shape of a patent medicine. Dr. Wllllamiea Bays: "After twenty years' practice In n sickly and malarious country I have come to the conclusion that It !s al ways best to use I ho remedy that will n'.levo nnd euro my patient::, whether ethical or not. "I have used Podd's Kidney Tills with uniform su ci ss In the Hrioiis forms of Kidney Disease. Pit In In the Pack, Gout, K h -11 ii in t tt- in . hillnmina tion ami Congestion of the Kidneys and all kindred diseases; I nlwayspre ?rribe Diidd's Kidney Pills in .siielt cases und ran testify that they In variably restoro the Kidneys to their minim! state and thereby relicv tho blood of aci'iinnibited poisons, produc ing prompt and effective rurcs." Wise Is the man who Is able to keep tils mouth nhut when bo hoi nothing to say. Collins to Coach) Purdue. Jiuimy" Collins, captain r the 3otm American league, team, haa been Klgued by the Purdue I'niverslty Athletic association to couch the base ball team next spring. The engage ment of Collins at Purdue means an iwiikening in baseball next spring. Practice in last running, batting nnd lidding will be the order the first part of the year, and the team work and individual work of the pitchers will Im developed later. Coach Cutts, who is athletic d I recto;-, has an idea that the professional player can give the team a good start, ami when Col lins must join his team in the east he will havo left them in a tit shape to continue the reason under the di rection of Cutis. Cults played with Harvard, and has coached several baseball teams. National League News. The Chicago team will go to the Pr.eifie roast March 4. ' Infieltler Paul Kritger Is to be giv en back to St. Louis gratis by tho Pittsburg club. Frank Bancroft says that Frank Dwyer, late business manager of the Det rolls, will return to the National league umpire staff. Manager John McGraw, Jack War ner, Johnny Dunn and Happy Jack Cronin are the New York players win tering in New York city. During the New York meeting Pres ident Herrmann tried to secure Out fielder Jimmy Sheckard of tho Brook lyn. The effort proved a vain one. Manager Hanlon declares that so long as Brooklyn is In tho National league be will manage the team. Af ter that lie will retire from baseball. Koger Iin-snalia:'. says that Victor Willis, Deacon Phllilppo and Noodles llahn were the most difficult pitching propositions he hail to face last sea son. According to Joe Kelly, Barney Dreyluss, at the league meet, bet Willie Keeler a hat that the American league would not last longer than one more season. A. C. Anson recently sold the $5,0ii0 of stock In the New York National league club he has owned for many years, to John T. Brush several months ago at par. Lumley, Dillon and Nadeau. the Tn cific Coast lengue players signed by Brooklyn, led that league In batting Lumley. with .382 per cent; Dillon, ,.13S, and Nadeau, .3l(i. President Brush says that though salaries will turdy be reduced, they will remain at a higher limit than prevailed before the war; also, that players who were loyal to the league will suffer little. If at all. McGraw denies the report that he hns been dickering w ith the St. Louis club for Patsy Ikmovnn's services, "I would not know where to place him." said McGraw, "If Donovan was hand ed over to me." The veteran Pitcher Jack Menefce has been given his release by Chica go nt his request. He will give his big cigar businesx at Moneasen, Pa., bis entire time unless he should hook up with some minor club as manager. The New York club held Its annual meeting on Dec. 7. re-elected Its old directors and officers am' decided to pay no dividend, although the !;;!; enjoyed tho most successful year of its history. It was stated that tho surplus would be retained in the treasury to be available for "emer gencies." The club is believed to have cleared over fioo.noo. American League Notes. Detroit Is trying to ir..baso Pitcher White from Coml.'.key. Third BiHcinnn Boh I'nglaub of Mil waukee last week MKIIcd n Boston "ontrnt t. Cotniskey Insists that Fielder Jones ind G"orge Dnvl.-t will piny wlflt Lie White Sox or not at all. Manager Sdce of Chicago turned lown a Detroit offer of Kttti and '.ns'.i for Taylor und Otin Williams. Jimmy Collins has turned down Pur ine's offer and Chick Slahl Is now be iir considered tor coach of the buse jull team. Ilcslilent Ban Johnson has a habit f landing In New York whenever tbn tion ul league men are holding a meeting. .Mr. Johnson evidently knows the advantage of press vork. It is officially and strongly denied that there is frit tion between Messrs. Gordon and Farrell of the New York club, or that Clark Griffith is to be relieved of the management of the Highlanders. Captain Lajoie returned last week to Cleveland from a month's trip to the east, which Included visits to Phil adelphia, Boston, Fall Kiver und Wuonsocket. "l.nrr,"" has gained twenty pounds since the season closed and now tips the beam at 2ii.r pounds. Outfielder Jones of the Whites, who Is spending the winter In Bolivar, N. Y, iuvesteti $S,(lliO in oil property, purchasing a quarer Interest in the Streeter-liardlson Company, which has a lease of 2 producing wells. The lease, consists of UUO acres, with a production t;f over $!00 worth of oil a month. The property is one of the best of Its size in this fluid. Western Winnowings. Wild Bill Everett is likely to man ago Denver next year. Frank Gonitis, the Omaha outfielder, will manage the Sioux City team In the event that that city enter the league. The suggestion that the Weitern league will likely give up Kansas Uity to the American association is iiot confirmed by Mr. Sexton. liughey Duffey says that Kennd, the poet-pitcher, would be the etjual of any pitcher In the business If he would only tako care of himself. Omaha wants Billy Hart for Its pitching staff next season. The Bond Hill veteran has not fully decided where he will play In 1904. ' Pitcher Blllj Hart has made an of fer for tho Teorla franchise. He wants to become a magnate In the Central league with tho Whisky City club. Des Moines Is elated over Western league prospects. Several men rec- ommended by Manager Fred Clarke of Pittsburg have been signed. J. Kd Grlllo of Cincinnati was name.I as president of the American Association to succeed Thomas J. Hit-key. who resigned. The new ex ecutive, who is uporting editor of the Commercial-Tribune, will continue in his newspaper work and his office wilt be In Cincinnati. Chicago will still be claimed as the association's head quarters, however, and all of tha regular meetings of tho organization will be h-ld In that city. Condensed Dispatches. Pitcher Clarence Qulnn, formerly of the Athletics, has Blgned a Toronto contract. Pitcher Willlnm U Lush has at last signed with the Philadelphia Nation al Iongue club. George Tebeau Is reported as nego tiating with the Omaha club to trans fer the membership to tho American B'tsoclation. The Louisville club hns signed two K. I. T. league players, namely Pitch er Brunner of Knoxvtllo and Outfield er Kd. Powers of Cairo. Jackson. Miss., will become a mem ber of Pie Cotton States league, Mr. James Thompson of that town hnv l:u put up $:iimi for a franchise. The Montgomery club has signed Second Baseman Fred M. Moore and Is negotiating with WMInm Stlckney, who Is wanted for manngercaptaln. A Washington dispatch states that the Washington club has landed Ijivo Cross and Kalph Seybold of tho Ath letics for Moran, Townsend and cash. I be New York American Ieague club lias purchased luflddcr Cnglnub from Boston, ami also traded to that dub Pitcher Tanuchlll for Pitcher IliUlie.t. An ofTer by Newark to trade O'Hu nun. O'l'r'en and Dillard for Speer, Seli-.r. uni Hemphill has been turned do-'it by th. Milwaukee American As so nit Inn club. Manager Billy HofTri announces the completion of his Des Moines team for n"l season, with the exception of catchers. Hoffcr nn 1 thre- of last year's team will do the pitching. The Infield will consist of Towne. Shu gart. Htirko, Gorman and Hoffman; Josh Clarke, Cook and McCbesnef wlli couklltute the outfield. life YJIPIM COLLINS NEERASKA JUDGES OVERLOOK ONE LAW Commission to Revise Statutes Never Appointed by Supreme Court. LINCOLN; The question has been raised here why the supreme court lias not appointed a commission of five judges of the district court to re vise the statutes as provided for by a law enacted by the legislation of 1!oL One member of the court said he had never heard of the law until his at tention was called to !'.. It was passed in 1'Jot and was approved March 'M of that year. This is shown In the enrolled bill on Hie in the- ollli e tif the secretary of state acd It is con tained in tho session laws of l!wl, but so far no one around the state bouse has been able to liml it In the statutes of 1 mi I or of P.io:i. It is possible that the court bad some j-ood reason f r n n carrying out the law. but apparently the only rea son Is that the court did not know of Its existence, it is t.aid I lie measure Is uncom-tiutt ional. though the su prenie court has not yet passed on it. Nebraska Insurance Companies. Insurance Commissioner Pierce of tho uuditor'a office has p-cpurcd a list of the insurance companies doing bnsines in Nebraska during t lit- last year. The list shows the organi.a tion of these companies in the slate: One stock fire company, one mutuul fire, two hall, two mutual domestic animal, three mutual accident, ami sickness, one fraternity company. Those companies have entered the state; Three old line stock lire, four llfo companies, two fraternal, three casualty and surety. These have withdrawn from the state: Two fire companies, one surety, two old line life two assessnuMit and one fraternal. Good Winter, for Stock. YORK. Stockmen ami cattle feed ers say that this winter is one of the best in past three years for the feed ing of stock. There has been no se vere storms and the nice weather is helping out the cattle, feeders, who havo been discouraged owing to the prices paid by the Meat Packers' trust. Cattle on full feed bnve done remark ably well, and If the prices paid for fat stock will be anywhere near right York county farmers will reali.e some thing for their winter's work. Captured Horse Thief. HOLDUKGH The sheriff of Buffalo county captured a mini about eight miles west of hero who was charged with stealing a span of horse. from Wood River. The thief had the horses with him andliad put up for the night when overtaken by the sheriff who had been tracing him up a short dis tance behind. The sheriff left next morning with his prisoner, but left the team here for the owner who is expected here soon. Tho prisoner is about thirty-five years old. Insurance Company Reports. The New. Y'orl; Life Insurance com pany of New York is the first, of all the companies to file its nuniial re port with Insurance Commissioner Pierce. The total amount of business done in Nebraska during the year was $12,7GS,42S, an increase over the pre ceding year of l,n;i:!,fiiu. The amount of money was taken out of the state in premiums was $411!,);");!. School for Guardsmen. LINCOLN General Daggett ai rived in the city, and in conjunct ion with Adjutant. General Culver will organize a school of instruction for members of the Nebraska national guard. Col onels, majors, and field ollieers will first lie instructed by the general, and then will come courses for non-commissioned ollieers and privates. Hone Thief Sentenced. DAKOTA CITY. Sheriff Sides left with two prisoners, John McCool anil Miko Kenney, who received peniten tiary sentences for horse stealing. Mc Cool will be left In the state peniten tiary at Lincoln, where he will have to serve a four years' sentence, nnd Kenney will be placed In the reform school at Kearney, where he will be kept until ho has reached the age of 21, a period of three years and three months.. Caught Under Mail Sacks. COZAD. As fast mail train No. i! on the Union Pacific passed through here S. W. Schooley of this place was seriously injured by the mail sacks striking him on the legs below the knees when they were thrown from the train. No bones were broken, but. the legs are badly sprained and bruis ed. Bystanders at the depol positively state that the headlight was not burn ing when the train passed through town, and for that reason the posinl clerk was tumble to see where he was dumping the sacks. Counties Paying Off Bonds. LINCOLN. State Treasurer Mor lensen has received $lil,nun from the county of We! Kler as redemption money for refunding bonds to that, amount. The stale held $4o,iin) worth of the bonds nnd deducting this pay ment still holds $:iM,uno. Hall county has called for $:i.uuu of its court house bonds held by the stale ns nn invest ment and they have been forwarded. The county built a fine now court bouse anil bus just moved Inio the structure. Assessments on Market Value. LINCOLN. Secretary !. D. Ben nett of the state board of etpialb-at Ion bus announced that assessors cm I return property tltb istlninies bused on (be market value. ( will Insist on Ibis at the ineelin:; of the county nssesor. In Lincoln. January 211. Hampton Getting Into Line. ftA.MI'TON'. The town ol Hampton rns lighted by electricity on January 2 for the. first time. The plant Is owned and operated by H. Madsen. STATE NEWS THi; STATE AT LARGE. A call for $J',oiii of jteneral fund warrants, to take effect January 14. has been issued by State Treasurer Mort onsen. Colonel Henry Watterson. editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, has been selected to deliver the state uni versity commencement oration next June. Gien Wllkird. a Beatrice boy Ifi years of ngo, was shot through the left hand by th accidental dist hargi of a 32-caliber rctolw: itli which he was playing. The game laws of Nebraska are val id and game wn.-den may conflscat' the guns of illicit hunters. In the ap peal of P. B. Me.Miilion of Boone coun ty the supreme court takes this view of the ninth r. President C. K. Hart ford of the State Firemen's association i.rd the tigliters of flame In Norfolk are mak ing big preparations to attend the state convention at Fremont on Janu ary 10. 2i rir.d "1. The work of Land Commissioner Fullmer and Deputy Knton In regard to the reappraisal of 'he school lands of the state, ns provided for by tho last sossirm of the legislature, will be completed by the last of January. The annua! report of the county treasurer of Dnde county was receiv ed at, the capital last week. He Is the first to comply with the law re quiring all county treasurers to file annual reports with the state treas urer. The annual mortgage report of flaw county follows: Farm mortgages fil ed, ".tiS; amount, $r.'iO,209; farm mort gages released, $1(10; amount, $(i(i4. "4:1; city and town mortgages filed. .'il!l; amount. $1X4,87."; released, 271; amount, $1.12,2iiti. Frank Ilollenbeek of Fremont was in Chicago when the Iroquois theater burned nnd saw the horrible sights that attended the catastrophe. He came near attending the performance there himself on the day of the lire, but chnnged his mind. Peddlers selling goods to farmers will escape taxation. The section of the new revenue law imposing a tax on such vendors and canvassers has been declared inoperative by the su premo court, in the reversal of the suit of George W. Mi nke against the state. The suit originated in Lancas ter county. Tlie year Just closed litis been one of unusual growtli and prosperity in Fairbury. According to statistics fur nished by tho Fairbury News, $lSu,fi(io in round numbers were spent in build ing. This amount includes tho erec tion of sixteen substantial brick busi ness blocks and a large number of collage homes. Following Is the list of mortgages filed and released in Sarpy county during the month of December, 1!)fi;!: Farm mortgages fi.d i, arr.cutut $''. lilO; released 3. amount $14. win. To.vn mortgages filed 7. amount Sl.inio; re leased 7. amount $2.S30. Chattel mort gages filed 30, amount $l.ri,02r.4j;; re leased 20, amount $7,7!tl.4.'.. At n meeting of. the directors of the State Savings and Loan association held In Beatrice. W. K. Wiilia.as, who has been secretary of the company for tho past four yca.s, lendered his resignation to accent a. position with the Louisville & Nashville railroad. O. .1. Wilcox of Bent rice was appoint ed i's Mr. Williams' successor. Judge Guy T. Graves has arranged the following schedule for holding courl in the Highlit judicial district: SPmlon (adjourned term). January 11 nnd iicptember 12: Cuming. January IT, and September Thurston. Feb ruary S and Oi toiler 1t: Dakota. Feb ruary 20 and October 17: Cedar. March 14 and November L"; Dixon. April 4 nnd December ".. At Dakota City. John McCool and Mike Kenney wen- taken by Sheriff Sides to serve the sentences imnosed upon them by District Judge Guy T. Graves for horse stealing. McCool will serve n four years' sentence in the slate penitentiary and Kenney goes to the reform school to remain until bo is ol age, which will be In April. 1007. Mrs. J. R. Ellison of Lincoln used n huge rawhide whip on the person of ('. W. Sanburn of Friend in Mr. San burn's sore ai Friend the other day. while Mr. Ellison held the merchant to prevent his escape. Blow after blow fell but he nuitle little resist ance. Mrs. Ellison alleged that San burn had lniilted her by taking un due liberty. The formal Installation of Judge Barnes as a member of the supreme court of Nebraska took place last week. At tho same time that. Judge Barnes took tiie oath of office Judge Silas llolconib became chief justice of the supremo court. The ceremony was brief, quite and impressive. Judge Sullivan, the retiring chief, was one of the first to congratulate Judge L.unos nnd welcome him to the of. lice. Blackleg has nppenred in the herd of Shorthorn cattle of Hon. j,n , C. Bremer, a prosperous York county farmer, now touring In Europe. His sons report the deatli of four last week. They have vaccinated their herd and hope to prevent any further loss. General Victor Yifqualn. for yea.-s one (r Nebraska's foremost cllh-.ens. died In Lincoln niter a long illness! General Ylfqunin was (I7 years of ago and was horn In Belgium and has, since bis residence In Nebraska, beeii a prominent fuclor in slate affairs. The 1'nion Pacific fast train si ruck Frank Matejicck as be was crossing the trick in Schuyler nnd killed bin, instantly. Ho was evidently preoein pled, nn he storied aern.-.s, became be wi'deivd unon hearing (be roar of thr approaeiiln? train, nnd did not recov er in time to rave himself. A pcnsaMnn Ban been created In Norfolk by the arrest of a number of stoonl bo?s fW breaking locks upon school buildings nnd for a large num ber of misdemeanors. Firiecn youth, are Implicated, many of them belong ing to prominent families. Eugene K. l.ario. of 751 Twentieth avenue, ticket seller in tbo I'nlou btti- Hon, Deliver. Col., says: You are at liberty to repeat what 1 first stated through our Denver pa pers about IVan's Kldiu-y Pills in the summer of IS'."!!, for I have had no reason iu the interim to change my opinion of the remedy. 1 at subject to severe attacks of back ache, always aggravated if 1 sat long at a desk. lVun's Kidney Pills abso lutely stopped my back ache. I h:iV' neer hail a pain or twinge since." Foster MHhurn Co.. Buffalo, N. For sale by alt druggists, price cents per box. Y. (0 Cirj Bribe for Buddha. If the Mnnchiitlan question Is set tled in favor of China, the empress dowager has vowed the Idol of Budd ha that she will devote $:;il0.HM) to tho erection of new temples. How's This? Wc ofW Oin- l!ii:i.lrril l)illam Ur aril fiT any rae f i aland iliul cuiufl l t-mr.t hy Hall a t. atari ll t lire. K. .1. t 1IHNKV A CO , Tii'.isIii. O W. tin UMilrraixiirit, liait loimtl 1-. .1. I'lii-urv fur lln- lat l. vrar. unit lu-lli'vo li l tu iiTfei-tl) lunr ur!lc In all fmifni- lruuiartliiM anil lliiHiirlalljr alilo li t-arry out any uMipittoii tnuili' !y It Im firm. Walimmi. klNSt dt Mot IN, W ln.lfa.li- irm;i;lai. Ii'lnlo. O. Italia Catarrh Curt" h uk.-ii hit, -ninny, arilnit illri-i'lly miiiiii tin- liliH'tl anil inui-mm mirfniva i-t ilm avMit-iu. 'IratlnniiilaU ai-iit fri-e. l'rli- ij ccula pur booln. Soul liy all Ori'trulm Take llall'a Family I'lili tor coiillttun. Parker Becoming a Statesman. Sir Gilbert Parker, the uuthor, has achieved a prominent place in the house of commons in a short time. A good deal cf this Is due to the unusual magnetism of his personality, which always attracts people. 5.S Mnnv wnmeti are denied ihr" happiness of children through derangement of the generative organs. Mrs. Beyer advises women to use Lydia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound. "Dbau Mns. Tinkiiam: I suffered with btomach complaint for years. I got so bad that I could not carry my children but five months, then would have a miscarriage. The last time I became prer'nant, my husband pot mo to take Lydi.i ll. I'inl; hum's Vepe taMo Compound. After taking tho first bottle 1 was relieved of the sick ness of stomach, and bepan to feel bet ter in every way. I continued its uso and was enabled to carry my baby to maturity. I now havo a nice baby pirl, and can work better than I ever could before. I am like a now woman." Mns. Frank Br.Ti:it, 22 S. Second St., Meridon, Conn. $r000 forfeit If orlqlml rf about letter proving genuii:eiws cannot be produced. riileE MEDICAL ADVICE TO "WOMAN. Don't Iiesifnto to write, to Mrs. Piiikhiint. Slio will inilersf;iii(l your case perfectly, and will treat you with kindness. Her advice is free, and the address is Lynn, Mass. No woman over rejrroi ted tiuvinsr written lior, und she Las helped thousands. Some men drink to drown their sor row. Of course drink brings :uore sor row, but then there's more drinks. Do Your Clothes Look Yellow? Then use I.-ilnnic Htiirch. It will kcr-i them white PI oz. for It com.-. The art of restful conversation con sists in allowing the other person to carry the big end of the load. TEM.OW C I.OTllPS AUK IINSIOIITI.T. Kotip t kom wblte with Ked Crws Hull Bluo. All grocers soil largo B or., puckugo, 5 cent Opportunity comes to many per persons, yet. Jiow few recognize thu chary visitor Mtithrr flray'a Sweet rotritrn for rhllilrora, Successfully used by Mother Grav. nursa in the Children's Home In Nr w York, cure Gonstipiitlnn, Fcvcrlshness, Hud Mniniu-li, TerthinK Disorders, niuve nnd n-Kulm- tha IlowelsHnd Destroy Worms. OverUO.Otmtw timonials. At all DriiL'KiMM. ific. ISnmple FHKK. Address A. S. Olmsted, lUuy,N.Y. Persons who are extremely careful of their dignity usually have very litllo to spare. Duo's Cure for Coi.sunipttcn Is an Inralltbl medicine fur couchs run coMa. N. W. Kajiuki, IXeun Urovo, N. J.. IY'i. 17, lino. Only a smart man can conceal from a woman the fact that, he Isn't as smart ns he would wish her lo think he is. The Best Results in Starching en n I;.- ..liliilMi'il only ,y u.sln- l),.h,ii,r. Mnrcli, I.i-I.N-m KHtltiK 4 i.. mi, tt. fr Kiiiiii; money no nmklinr retitilrnl. Tho nrlevance of not. a few women against their husbands Is thai the lat ter kIvo them no ground for griev ances. Tim WniHlnrrnl ('mini Srtmrntor. Does Its work in thirty minute and l"ites linn than 1 per ,,.nt tauter fat. The price Is rl.lli tilotislv low . n.vnul ln tu size. '.7r, to Jrl.Oil ench. Hint when .Mm li,ie one y.m wi.uM nut pai t therewith for titty iImh-h h ((,st, jr -I H Mi Till NtlTU K. with Htaiiips Tor post;,. t the John A. Snllier S- '-'l Co., .n Criiise. Wis., im. I ,'! til. i i- Inn i Ml n Ion ue, fimv tle srill.liiK this feiiiui k.ihle C,,u, Hcp lutor. n:i. I hiniilie.lM of other t-.nlK ,inrt farm feeds used hy the fanner. tV. N. U.) Woo unto nerve bus be 'he polltlclni. -otiie flieit. w 0,n Were It not for the fools th w'; Kiiyi would Rot lell. Kconomy Is the Mad li wealth PUTNAM KAtHCLMa DVB It Uiu coad to economy, 17 0 1