The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 31, 1903, Image 4

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V -4
Iji.lli' Fur Trimr 1 ?l :.
ChkM' " " K
Illfltllt'H " " "
Inspect Our Display of Useful
& SON.
B W W V W w w WW W w W
To Change Silver
Into Gold!
Put the silver (or nickle or paper) in
this bank and witness the change.
3 1-J I'tt Cent 1 'mnjumnihtl
semi-annually will make from the
white to the yellow metal. Call and
we will gladly tell you all about it.
Plattsmouth Saving Bank.
And marching
straight to
where 3-011 will bo re
paid for your trouble
by getting the best
on, the markets.
Canned Goods
fresh daily from the markets.
gathered fresh every morning.
'Phone 54.
Waterman Ii'.uck
Perry s Restaurant sj
Short Order House &
J MeaU Served at Regular 8
Meal Honrs.
jj Fresh Oysters
Q Fish or anything in Market,
UTTER BACK, Proprietor, 8
MM B O Tint Milt TUNG. V
North Side - Main Street S
) 'Msm
V.v , iti.Sff J
I hare Just shipped in a couple of
car load of wood ail purpe horses and
mare, which 1 will offer for saleor
will trade for smaller horses for the
the noun? market. Call and see
horses at my farm.
I Tli DloffcmAiifli Tnrnnoll I nd B the Caucus Rule.
Volume Twenty-four.
Again Old Kartli her annual course
run, in her accustomad pathway 'round
the sun, an. 1 starts again on another
tour of the same khi'l. And willi it
the Journal again start on another
volume of weekly visitations to the
homes of its many patrons in Ciss anil
adjoining counties. It is with pleas
ure that the proprietors announce to
their friends and the puhlic in general,
that they enter upon the year lifld with
prospects that wetn much brighter
than ever hefore in the .lournal's ca
reer. In the past two years the suh
scription list has almost douhled itself,
and so far as the patronage of the of
lice generally is concerned, we have no
kick to register. ITnder all circum
stances we feel greatly encourged to
start in with the New Vear resolved
lost ill continue furnishing our pat
rons with the hest paper published in
(.'ass county. We ft -el proud of our
business for I'.hc;. and we hope hy con
tinued fair and square t reat ment to all
alike, to increase the same in l!)ol
We wish our patrons, one and all, pros
perity and happiness during l!ul, a d
take pleasure in informing our fi tends
throughout the county that the same
old latch-string that has dandled on
the outside all t he time we have had
control of this paper, will continue to
dandle just the same in l!Hil, and vt
hope for many more years yet to come
Drop in and see us when in the city.
Monkok isa more popular name t han
Itoosevelt in South America.
Lkt us begin the new year hy all
pulling together for a now postollicc
building for Plattsmouth. What do
you say?
Skxatou IIoak's severe criticism of
IIooseAelt's Panama policy has caused
consternation on the Isthmus and in
the White House.
"(Ion forbid," exclaimed Senator
Pettus, in speaking of the Panama af
fair, "that this giant republic of ours
should ever letomc too great to main
tain its own honor!"
Conckkssman Williams, the dem
ocratic leader of the House, has be
come an ardent champion of Canadian
reciprocity: and he believes it will
make a good campaign issue.
Tiik democratic members of the sen
ate have decided to be bound by caucus
rule, and the republicans will now have
to deal with a united minority under
Senator Gorman's leadership.
By an act of congress, a widow who
has been a pensioner under the general
law and forfeited her claim by a second
marriage, can, upon becoming a w idow
a second time, cither by death or di
vorce, be restored to the pension roll.
She w ill continue to draw a pension as
the widow of her first husband.
Tkddv will learn before the winter
is over and the flowers are in bloom
again that his former occupation of
bronco-busting in the wild and woolly
west was fun compared to his present
occupation of trying to break Mark
Ilanna to the bits. If your ITncle
Mark don't dismount Teddy in the
present tourney, we miss our guess.
Somi: people can be bought with a
railroad pass who could not tic bribed
with money. This is the manner in
which some men in every community
are b complimented for their influ
ence. There is something attractive
about riding on a pass, even when you
know you possess but precious little in
fluence at home or abroad.
Eixsak IIowakd of the Columbus
Telegram si-eiks our sentiments ex
actly in the follow ing: "England played
the part of an outlaw in giving com
fort to the Confederate states when
they .ouwbt to set up a government of
their own. Roosevelt is a statesman
w hen he aids Panama to set up a gov
ernment and secede from the Republic
of Columbia. For ways that arc dark
and logic that won't track a republican
president is peculiar."
Anotheu year, w ith its enjoyments
and cares, its trouble and trials, is rap
idly closing; and as we look back over
it, we can see many mistakes, many
things that might have been done bet
ter. It is a good thing for us to note
our mistakes, that we may guard
against them in the future. There is
not one of us but makes mistakes. And
now, wishing all a Happy New Ytar
let us be thankful for the blessings of
the past, forget all our bad deeds of
the year, buckle on our armor with
the good resolution constantly before
us to do better hi 1!h)4.
Snow us a city in the I'nited States
as large as Plattsmouth w ithout a gov
ernment building and we w ill show you
a Congressman that has neglected his
duty to that particular locality. The
postofiice facilities in Plattsmouth are
not near large enough to accommodate
the patrons, and today there is not an
empty rental box, and business men in
the city doing without liecause they!
cannot be had at any price. Can you
show us a town in a like condition for
postollice facilities? Toe Tact of the
business is we should have a govern
ment building, and if the citizens unite
in one Kndt idling effort, we can '
have it. H Burkettwill do nothingin !
this direction perhaps we may be abie j
to interest Senator Millard and some
other Congressman in our behalf. I
Fifty Yccrs iho Standard
Improves ths flavor and adds to
ths healthiness of the food.
Corruption in High Places.
In the publication of an abstractor
Ceneral IhUtow's report, the country
has an aut bent ic record, supplemented
by notes from Roosevelt, of the corrup
tion which basexist.ed in the postollice
i. partment lor several years under re
publican admiuist rat ions. Here is the
result of the investigations: Four of
ficers of the department have resigned
and thirteen have been removed; forty
six indictments have been found, in
volving thirty-one persons,ten of w hom
were prominent in the postal service.
Mr. Ihistow estimates the total
amount obtained from the government
by these swindles at about $400,000,
but admits that this sum is small in
comparison with the losses involved in
the purchase, at exhorbitant rates, of
useless and unnecessary supplies. In
his review of the report, Roosevelt
praises the thoroughness of the work
done by the investigators, agrees with
the advice to extend the statute of
limitations for a period of five years
for oflicers who hold positions of trnst
under the government, and ends with
a dissertation on the evils of corrup
tion in public life, the equal guilt of
bribe-giver and bribe-taker and simi
lar platitudes, lie declares that all
offenders shall be punished but makes
no comment on the case of Perry S.
During the investigations it was dis
covered that one or the offenders,
Machen, began his dishonest practice
in 18!:5, during Cleveland's administra
tion. This fact has been thoroughly
exploited by the republicans, who are
naturally doing everything possible to
shift their inevitable responsibility to
to the people for the corruption which
has existed for years under their ad
ministrations. The crimes of Machen
in PS!3 are made very prominent in the
republican party. Ileathstill holds the
position of secretary of the Republican
National Committee. Bristow's re
port, which Roosevelt praises so high
ly, declares that Heath's summary dis
missal would have been justified. Yet
Teddy or other republicans have not
yet f (treed Heath to resign. They say
that there is no use is discussing his
case as the statute of limitations would
prevent a criminal prosecution. How
ever, this statute, w hich saved Heath,
as it did Congressman Littauer, does
not prevent a thorough report upon
what Machen did during a democratic
administration in 18!).?.
Seckktaky Root lias given a list of
General Wood's (nullifications to be
major-general: chief among them seems
to be that he is in the prime of life.
Don't forget the old man
with the fish on his back.
For nearly thirty years he
has been traveling around the
Avorld, and is still traveling,
bringing health and comfort
wherever he goes.
To the consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
he so much needs.
To all weak and sickly
children he gives rich and
strengthening food.
To thin and pale persons
he gives new firm flesh and
rich red blood.
Children who first saw the
old man with the fish are now
grown up and have children
of their own.
He stands for Scott's Emul
sion of pure cod liver oil a
delightful food and a natural
tonic for children, for old folks
and for all who need flesh and
strength. .
SCOTT A EOWNE. Chemists.
Pearl Street. NewVork.
50c. and Sl.OO; all druggists. -
i Lit!, np
Stand By the Caucus Rule.
During the present recessof congress
it is Interesting to review the progress
made so far by democrats in the Senate
and House, under the able leadership
of Senator Corman and Representative
Williams. In the Senate they have
decided to bind themselves to caucus
rule, accepting as party policy what
ever it agreed ujKjn by two-thirds of
the caucus. The - importance of this
action should not be overlooked For
years in the Senate the democratic
memlxMS have opposed the republicans
individually or in small groups; now,
(it imKrtant questions, after thecau
cus decision has I teen reached, they can
oppose as a unit and under Senator
(Jorman's leadership. The only legis
lation so far passed is the Cuban reci
procity bill. Small as are the conces
sions to Cuba they could not have
leen given without the aid of demo
cratic votes, and the democrats can
claim credit for the treaty and for the
bill which made it effective. On the
Panama question, which is now teing
considered in the Senate, the demo
crats have taken a psitive stand in
opposition to the methods by which
the treaty wasobtained, and they may
decide to prevent Its ratification, w hich
they have the power to do. Senator
Coiinan !elieves that the Panama af
fair would make a good issue on which
to fight the next presidential campaign
and is trying to unite the democrats
on a plan of opposition. Ry the time
Congress convenes again the demo
cratic attitude toward t he treaty will
have no doubt been decided upon. the ratification
or not they have already exposed the
questionable methods by which the re
publican administration had obtained
it. In this they received the aid of
Senator Hoar, -whose bitter arraign
ment of his party's administration
caused consternation in the republican
ranks, and brought him the congratu
lation of the democrats.
Leader Williams has brought the
House democrats well under control
and their opposition to the republicans
continues to be united. As advocates
of "publicity" in the postal scandals
and investigations they have been re
markably successful. The reports have
all been given to the public and the
probability of a congressional investi
gation is great. In both the Senate
and House the republicans are on the
Another indictment was found
against Senator Dietrich before the
federal grand jury adjourned last week.
Dietrich seems to be in a bad row of
stumps, and as there is a possibility
that his former friends, who now have
but little use for him now, will desert
him like rats deserting a sinking ship.
Poor Old Dietrich!
The total number of wage earners
in the cotton mills of New England
whose wages lave been cut ten per
cent! is 80,o6o. ' As Mark Ilanna told
the people before the Ohio election
that continued prosperity depended
on Republican success, this is the un
kindest cut of alT. '
The Shortage of the Baby Crop.
Teddy Koosevelt and numerous pa
pers throughout the country are be
wailing the shortage of the baby crop.
We haven't noticed much of a falling
off in the number of births in this lo
cality, but nevertheless we feel like
suggesting that Teddy deport a few of
Plattsmouth's old bachelors unless
they 4ido something." There are a
number here whoshould take steps to
ward rearing families, and for fear the
young ladies may overlook some of the
bashful boys in 1904 (leap year)
we would kindly suggest a few gentle
men who are now on the eligible list
but are too bashful to say the words
that a number of young ladies would
listen to with considerable delight.
Now there's Matt and Henry Gering,
Rob Hayes, Emmons liichey, Henry
Weidman, Tom Murphy, Bob Mauzy,
Ed Tutt, George Tartsch, Bert McEl
wain, Dr. Greene, Dr. Todd, Ralph
White, and numerous others whose
names we could mention, all nice young
fellows, and who would make model
husbands. Girl, put on your thinking
caps, take your pick, and with the
daw n of the New Year remember you
are supreme rulers of the matrimonial
market for one whole year, and that ir
you don't make a "catch" you alone
will be to blame.
A Winter in Florida.
Why not arrange to spend your w in
ter in the land of sunshine and flow
ers? The cost of a sojourn in Florida
is so small compared with the benefit
you will receive, that you cannot af
ford to risk your health in the cold,
disagreeable winter of the north. Do
,-nt. irot the irlMthnt. vnucan find first-
class accommodations only at high
priced note's. as a matter 01 iact,
there are hundreds of medium priced
iif.i-nic in vinriHn. where first-class ac
commodations can be secured at rates
of $8.00 per week, and up.
In arranging for your trip, do not
lose sight of the lact that the "Dixie
Flyer" route offers you more in the
wav of a scenic trip from St. Louis to
Jacksonville, Fla.. than any other
through car line from the west. No
change of cars between St. Louis and
Jacksonville, Fia. The "Dixie Flyer"
route reaches such points as Nashville,
Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain,
Chickamauga Park, Atlanta and Ma
con. Leaving St. Louis on the even
ing train via Illinois Central, you reach
Jacksonville the second morning in
time to make direct connections in
union depot at Jacksonville, Fla., with
all diverging lines.
Special round trip winter tourist
ir.L-otc whioii nprmit, stonovers. both
going and returning, are now on sale,
good ior return up to uuu mtiuuinis
June 1st, 1904. , ,
Write me for handsomely illustrated
booklet and detailed luformation re
garding rates, hotel accommodations,
itinerary or a trip, etc.
W. II. Bui Li,
Dist. Pass. Ag't., 111. Cent. R. R.,
Omaha, Nebraska.
"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar.
r i I" Ti 1 1 i f IT i i" r . ,nr . ... r t 7 . I
Well for Santa
fall's Cash
with Candies
Candies, per pound
Nuts, per pound
Honey, per cake
Cranberries, two quarts
Suguar, 20 pounds for
Try our Panyan Buckwheat
Carpet Weaving.
All kinds of plain carpet weavinir
done on short notice. Work solicited
and satisfaction guaranteed. Call on
Mus. GiiKud,
1H Granite Street.
Masquerade Patty.
The members of Miss 1 topping's
dancint; class will give a masquerade
partv at Coates' hall, Saturday even
in,'. I )ecemher 20, from 8 to 11 :."50. No
(kmcers on t lie lloor only tho:e invited
by the pupils. Admission to balcony,
10 cents.
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sitjn of approaching revolt
and serious trouble in your system is
nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach
upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly
dismember the troublesome causes. It
never fails to tone the stomach, regu
lates the Kidneys and Bowels, stimu
late the Liver and clarify the blood.
Rundown systems benefit particularly
a-.d all the usual attending aches van-i.-h
under its starching and thorough
eirectiveness. Electric Bitters is only
jjOc, and that is returned if it don't
rive perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed
by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists
S Furs!
SWe have an Immense
line to select from, and
?T our Drices will Quickly
Ssell them. We are pre
pared to do you some
2 k K(Kd.
l We are Here to Stay
H Special Trade fifi FANGER
8 Bulletin by j The Department Store Man. 8
X : zrT"rrT"TrTir"iri -vvn'Ti ft
, 'VC 'T'TTI i We .show you the iriot
S Ladies' j i " v
8 and Christmas Shoppers! junen and S
ri -ij y Special Reduced Prices on Xmas Goods in S Handkerchiefs
N Children S 1 Evcry Department. , !J
Clocks You cannot afford tooverlook the bargains offered in our jj
. . . . . rx . t. as we arc sell- we have ever carried. If
Bov's Cothna Department i1,' ssils w. ? ' &
m m j ... .- iih-iim: iiiiu ui .-ifih
Though a little late I wish to announce to the people
of Plattsmouth and vicinity that I am preparing to furnish
your necessary wants in Staple and Fancy Groceries,
OtiLvnsware, Dry Goods, Hoots and Shoes.
I will furnish vou with the most seasonable goods of A
1 quality at the lowest possible price. Our rule has and
always shal he: "(iive 100 cents z'une for $1.00."
Our delivery system will he such that orders will he de
livered at your door any hour from ) a, m. to 6 p. m.
If you are in a hurry call up Independent 'Phone No.
1-S and your order will receive prompt ami careful atten
tion. If more convenient or satisfactory our solicitor will call
for your orders and you may rest assured that it will receive
as careful attention as if you called at the store in person.
If we can receive the support of the citizens of this com
munity we assure you A 1 service and goods at prices zvi t '
in the reach of all.
We earestly solicit a trial, and if fair treatment will do
it, we feel that we have then gained a patron.
Remember the location,
Old Stand.
and Nuts.
10, 15, 20, 25 and 50c
5, 14, IS and 20c
Hour, 10 pound sack 4c
Fancy Dress Party.
The children of Miss Ilopping's danc
ing class will give a fancy dress party
at Coates" hall on the afternoon of De
cember 20th. Admission to balcony,
10 cents.
Sheriffs Sale.
BV virtncfif :in :i1i;irilcr of s:il- Ksurl liv
.limit's l:.lii-rtsjii.-l rk of I In-liM r ict i-oiirl
within :inl fur Cass unity. .Whraska. and to
iih? diriTtfd. I will 011 tin;
20th Day of January. A. D.. 1304.
at -.MKI p. in., of said day. at tin- south duorof
the rourt house ill tln-Hty of 11 ji 1 1 smoii t h. in
said rountv. s-M at pulilii- aii'-liun. to tl,-hi-.'h-st
l.iddi r for ash. the following ri al es
tate lo-wit : Wist half of lot two i) in llu.-k
thirty-four CM); east half lot three Ci). l.loeK
t hirt'v-four C(); lots eleven and twelve O 1 and
hloek eiirhl v-live .); lot seven (') l!o-k
eihty-ei'.'ht (s): lot ten !" liNx-k ninty
three' '!:: lotfour(l) in hloek iiint y-si x C.-ilr.
lots thirteen and fourteen i:j and 14; in hloek
seven (7). Thompson's addition; lot s three,
live, si . seven and eiht CI. .'. ti. T. ands) liloek
one C): I'it.t raid's addition: lots one ami
four (I and -0 hloek two ( l'it.-i raid's
addition: lots one. two. three and four II.
J. X and 4 1 hloek three :t. I it.irerald s
addition, all III the eily of I'lat tsinout h.
Cass county. Nehraska. tou'elln r with t he
privileges and appurtanenees l hereunto Im--lon'.'iiii;
or in anywise a pjiert a inin. 'I he
same Ix-ini; levied upon and taken as the
property of Marv I-it;.'erald as Admiuist rat a"l.. defendants, to satisfy a judgment
of said eoiirl recovered liy the Comity or Cass
plaintiir against said defendant s.
I'lallsiiiuuth. Nehraska. l'.th. A.
) .foil N IJ. Mi'liKl HK.
J ! . I:mt. Sht ri IV Cass County. . h.
I'i.-iint lit Attorney.
( n 9
9nH cennratP nnnls at ailV (id priCC. J III ! no mmiiiik ,., i, ,i f,ti...if,rt
out blutr, as I am Imre to stay. This is my home and I
want your trade. Your price is mine.
Twenty Pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00!
Don't forpet that you are paying to l.e cents a
pound for country lard, while you can come to our store
and get all you want at 8i cents a pound.
We Offer 10 Yards of OutiQg FIqqqcI for
7'- I
A Frightened Horse.
Illuming like mad diwn the street,
dumping Ihe occupants, or a bundled
other accidents, are every day occur
rences. It behooves everybody tohuve
a reliable salve handy, and there,'
iioncasiood as Buck leu's A mica Salve.
I iu ins, Cuts, Sores, Ke.ema and I'ih-s,
disappear quickly under its soothing
ellect. 2.",c at F. G. Fricke t Co. 's
drug store.
V Abstracts of Title
Tf?oma5 Ualli.
OI'TICIO-Anheuscr-Hush ISIork.
All kinds of Dental work. I'latex made t hat
fit. 'ti years ex erieiiCo. 1'rlces reason a hit;.
Work guaranteed.
Tfcl.EI'HO.NK No. 3 OK 47
KoOms H. , 10 AN li II. Watkkma. ItMWK,
I orrK K no.
Waterman Hloek
I'latts. Phone. WVS
Bee Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
Meals at all hours. Special nt-tt-ntion
to the fanner patrons. Tho
tables are supplied with tho best
the markets itlTord.
JOHN COKEY, Proprietor.
X. H. I am
here to stay. 1
won't quit unless
you compel me to.
H, V
! J
j. K t . ' " ' : -:r-?-Jr-- ' 1