The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 03, 1903, Image 8

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rr-turlri :isl r;-ts of tltlf. o n vt-yiim-lii
ami f lit In hi In;: I II It -i to ri'lil :! it -Ih1-ly.
Work iintpt-rly - kimI rhuri t rfii-wMi-Ittilt.
Illllrn:- Kihiiiih II uihI 7, .I..I1I1 I.iiimI
Miill.llnif, n-ir Court 1 1 -. l'hiil-.iiiMulli.
l(f04 H. ' II. 7rriMAX. IImd k.
ri.ATT;MM:Tii. nmu:a.ka.
orriiT. s.
I H .H IlK.X.'K.
WtUrman Hlock
I'lnr.iH. riionci
) 1 im.i-10
I WURL & 1
The Up-to-Datc
Hero you vnii wl anything
kt'pt at a first-cIasH grocery
ritor, and at prices to suit tlio
times. lino of
Canned Goods
on tho market. Don't fail to
call on them for anything in
tin; grocery lino. h.verythintf
fresh fromtho markets.
The Plattsmouth Journal
i:. A. ANI T. H. 15 AT IIS,
KiiIit'I ut 1 In ,tolJlr Ht rhittsfiioutli, Ne
braska. :it .' (Iilrl;isi imilttT.
Bee Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
I M M E 1)1 AT i: L V ( )PP )SITE
Meals nt all hours
ti iition to tho fai hut patrons, llie
tables are supplied with tho best
tho markets afford.
JOHN COKEY, Proprietor
Independent Cigar
Challenges Comparison In Quality
unit Workmanship.
Weeping Water
From tin- ICi pii ll Imii.
Horn, to Mr. ami Mrs. Win. Ken
nedy, :i nine und ly, Sunday, No-vi-hiIht
'I!, I'.hi:;.
Miss Josie Kalen, who has been
sitendirig the summer here with rela
tives, left for her home at llemmhigs
fonl, last Wednesday.
Mrs.!. V.. Young, out northeast of
town, while handling a gun Tuesday
evening was accidentally sliot in the
foot. As no Imiics were broken, the
wound is not considered serious.
LeoTighe, the sixteen-year-old son
of John Tighe, or Mauley, is husking
iiim-ty hu.shels of corn a day this fall.
Can any I joy leat tills record? Let's
hear from our hoys on the farm.
.lohn Parish, an old-time resident of
Weeping Water, passed through town
Tuesday morning on his way to his
home in California. He and his fami
ly have Uvn visiting his parents at
Edwin Richards has sold his town
residence to Troy L. Davis, who gets
possession in a short time. Mr. llieh
ards will move onto his farm at Wa
bash and will become a tiller of the
soil once more.
The switch engine was two hours
-late out of Weeping Water Saturday
evening. There was no coal in the
chutes, and they had to wait till a car
of coal coming on an evening freight
was run up into the chutes and un
loaded. Mrs. Murphy of Manley has been in
very pKr health for the past few years,
and last week at one time she was
thought to he dying. Mrs. Murphy is
advanced in years and her friends are
very much pleased at a decided turn
for the better in her condition at pre
sent. I j. Laccy and Tom Jameson have
completed a barn 24x4S for Tom Crom
well, also the finest hog shed in the
county. The latter is lSxtJt feet, and
is Ijoarded up, covered with tar paper,
and sided on top at that. It has a
shingle roof and the brood sows will
have a room which will he accommo
dated with a stove. Mr. Cromwell has
r.oo head of cattle in his feed lots and
vtiK'L tii1il A limit. VJ1 lmnrl of hnire
. a . I - - - ...... . . . - V W " ' . . V I. . V I'UpJ
bpecial nt- foI1((W the cattle, lie w ill have to buy
10,000 bushels of corn after feeding his
home grown crop.
One of the most peculiar cases the
doctors of this vicinity haver ever had
came under their notice in the case of
Mr. Chas. Murphy, living north of
town. A few weeks ago Mr. Murphy's
jaw began paining him. He went toa
number of physicians, among them be
ing Dr. Allison, of Omaha. The phy
sicians lanced his throat and his face,
under his eye, and all of the time did
not understand what was causing the
tn.uble. A few days ago a grain of
wheat came out at one of the open
ings, w hich the physicians say worked
into a salivaiy gland sometime when
Mr. Murphy was chewing a mouthful
of wheat. The wound is healing rap
idly now, and Mr. Murphy feels that
he is almost entirely recovered.
like traveling In Russia. A certificate
Is required before entering a town to
show that lie has not come from an in
fected district, and also badges are
worn. He has had to skip many towns
on account of the epidemic.
Dr. Jensen reports that In his opin
ion farmers should be very careful this
year, that the c irri stalk disease is go
ing to Ijc quite prevalent, and be has
Ijeen called to attend cases already.
Aljout the only thing possible to do
for an animal after it has the disease.
and has reached a comatose state, is to
dig a hole and bury it.
Last Wednesday Mrs. John Rughe
of Avoca, while preparing to scrub,
placed a large pan of hot water on the
noor, and while her attention was
turned to something else her little
two-year-old Ijoy backed up against the
pan and tumbled in. The child's flesh
was terribly burned and although Dr.
Rrendel was quickly summoned and all
care possible given, death ended his
sufferings Friday. The parents are al
most heart broken as he was their on
ly child. The funeral was held Sun
day at 1 p. m.
From the Beacon.
it. w. ennerhasa nice little ring
around on his linger.
The editor and wife have moved in
to the Huebner property
Little' Johnny Root fell on the stove
the other day and cut his head quite
Ross Crabtree, of near Cheney, was
in tow n a few minutes Wednesday.
Wm. Klimke returned Wednesday
night from a short visit with relatives
in Wisconsin.
We are informed that Miss Florence
Thousands Hare Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it
How To Find Out.
Fill a ljottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours ;
a sediment or set
tling indicatesan
unhealthy con
uition of the kid
neys ; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer s
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
ana every part ot tue urinary passage
It corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or hat!
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of leing compelled to go otten
during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in nftv-cent and one-dollar sizes
You may have a sample bottle and a
book that tells all
about it, both sent f ree
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., liing-
hamton. N. Y. When Homo8wj-Rooc
writing mention this paper and don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Koot. and
the address, Binghamton, N. Y.
From the Courier.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Neff, No
vember 23, a girl
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dr. M. Tritsch,
Hart.ell, who is in California for her Saturday, November 21, a girl
health, is not expected to live. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. S. 1 . Nichol
Miss Townsend. of Coodland. Kan- son a 12-pound boy, Friday, November
sas, arrived Friday night for a visit
with her brother, Dr. Townsend and
l'ostmaster F. A. Ollermann receiv
ed a telegram Sunday conveying the
sad intelligence that bis father had
died Saturday at his home at Scribner,
Neb., at the age of 86 years.
27, l'J03.
Mrs. J. O. McClain and daughter,
Mary, of Grand Island, spent Thanks
giving in Louisville. Mrs. McClain
has purchased property in Weeping
Water and will make that city her fu
ture home.
The editor of the Wreeping Water
Word reached here Wednesday that "erald is surely possessed of a wonder
Mrs. 1 1 ess, formerly Anna Steinkraut,
of this place, had committed suicide
at her home near Murdock. Later:
She failed in her attempt at suicide.
From the Herald.
Wallace l'hilpot, who was kicked on
the knee by a horse recently, was in
town Saturday, and says it works much
Since placing their new dust collec
tor in the City mill, the managers say
they have increased their capacity,
and also the quality of the Hour.
Mrs. Olander is very sick with ap
pendicitis. Her two daughters living
in Denver have been sent for. Dr.
II ungate has been attending the case
the past few days.
A numljcr of the friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Robertson paid them a
farewell visit Sunday last. The couple
leave Saturday for a winter's visit to
Denmark, their old home.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. "Will Kennedy
Kemovini of Household Goods a Saturday, November 21st, an 8i pound
boy. Will immediately paid off the
corn busker he had employed, and was
surprised later to lind the new one laid
in bed while he hustled around and did
the chores.
Fred Race writes from Texas, that
the yellow fever is so prevalent in
many partsof the state, that it is much
Specialty. Also, Heavy
Fron the Ledger.
Mrs. Lelia Dugay, accompanied by
her son Frankie, went to Rock Bluffs
precinct Wednesday evening to visit
parents and other relativesa few days.
Fred Young says he wouldn't have
us tell a lie for a thousand grains of
corn, and calls attention to a little
mistake in our figures last week. His
ear (of corn) counted 1,254 instead of
2,254, just a printer's mistake of one
3ir. and Mrs. n. l). Travis came
ful memory. He is publishing items
in his paper which he claims to have
occured twenty years ago, and bis pa
per is now in its second volume
Sneak thieves stole a dozen nice fat
ducks from Mrs. Fred Stohlman Mon
day night. She had been feeding them
up for Thanksgiving with the expec
tation of having a family reunion din
ner, and was very much disappointed
on finding them all stolen just before
Mrs. Mary Griffin, who has been an
invalid for several months, will leave
next Tuesday for Oklahoma, where she
will make her home with her daugh
ter Ida. Mrs. Griffin has been in poor
health for the past two years and re
cently been confined to her home, not
being able to scarcely leave her bed.
Little Pete Core was the victim of
from Plattsmouth yesterday, going to
Weeping Water for the Thanksgiving an accident last Sunday that will be a
dinner with friends.. Their train from warning to him that boys should not
here was about two hours late, but
that didn't take away Mr. Travis' ap
petite for turkey.
B. G. Watkins is very busy with his
patent corn husking machine, and had
only two seconds to devote. to the solu
tion of Ann's age, but he settled it in
half that time. His answer is that Ann
is a little older than her younger
brother. Right you are, B. G., go up
"Cigars on me again," remarked
Charley Garrison as he entered our of- through husking corn.
go hunting on Sunday. Pete and one
of the Wirth boys went out for a stroll
and the Wirth boy was carrying a 22
calaber rifle when it was accidently
discharged and Pete received the ball
in one of his ankles. Dr. Thomas fix
ed him up all right and he will soon be
as good as new.
From the Leader-Echo.
Quite a number of the farmers are
Ashburnham, Ontario, Testifies to
. tl)e Good Qualities of Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy.
Asuui kniiam, Out., April 1, I'.MKl
I think it is only right that I should
tell you w hat a wonderful effect Cham
berlain's (Tough Remedy has produced
j ne oay ociore j.asier 1 was so (lis
tressed with a cold ami cough tfiat 1
did not
Hal Fs Cash
i l
T-I JK I s O W A 1 1 S .
t think to lie able to take any 1 ,()() joints of stove pipe, per joint 10c
the next day, as my voice was 1n ir.,,,,, -(t(. ,.,,.1,
almost choked by the cough. The same " r . ,' ' J.. . '
day 1 received an order from you for a Well bllCWelS
bottle of your Cough Remedy. I at Coal buckets at
once procured a sample bottle, and A Litfhtnitltf Hreail Knife at
took aljout three doses of the medi- poc.c.t Knives of all kinds, sizes am
cine. To my great relief the cough i . i
and cold had completely disappeared ms al . . .... .
mul I w:Knll.tnnr.'irli tlni-o limns Jl'looWlIt 1)1 .111 KIIIW.
on Faster day. I know that this rapid One of the most complete line of Groceries in the city.
and effective cure was due to your Friday and Saturday, Stitfar 20 pounds for Si.
40cts each
and 4 cents each
. .20, 50, 75 and 00c ts
Cough Remedy. I make this testimo
nial w ithout solicitation, being thank
ful to have found such a God-sent rem
edy. Respectfully yours,
E. A. Lanukki.dt, M. A.
Rector of St. Luk'es Church.
To Chamberlain Medicine (.
This remedy is for sale by all druggists.
SM'cl:iI CorrcsiMiiidfiuv.
l'ostmaster A. L. Bakerand ourGei
man harness maker, Nick Klaurens,
were transacting business in Omaha
Tuesday .
Quite a number went from here to
Plattsmouth last Saturday night to
witness the Thoroughbred Tramp at
the Parmele.
Dr. A. E. Walker is visiting with bis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walker,
this week.
Fleming W. Robb was visiting with
his cousin, Ham Lloyd, in Union last
We kno
who is very
fellow, bu
which he possesses he is just aching to
give the writer of these items a good
roast in some home paper. Well, come
on, Mr. , we are ready to keep
even any old time.
Geo. Berger met with a very serious
accident last Wednesday night, while
coming from Plattsmouth. His team
got scared near the Jean school house
and started to run. In some manner
George dropped one of the lines and lost
control of the team and was thrown
from the buggy. He was rendered un
conscious, and lay for four hours in this
condition. He regained consciousness
about half-past three Thursday morn
ing and walked home, a distance of
about two miles. II is left leg and
was bruised considerably
and head. George's
glad to hear that he is
right, and that his m
prove more fatal.
Do You Want an Up-to-
Star FALL Suit?
If you are contemplating jrettintf one call
on the old reliable tailor
Frank McElroy,
examine his line samples and leave youror
der in time, and he will do the the rest.
8 8
w of a party in this town 8 CXsrr - T 8
y popular, also a jolly, good b wJlCQp 1 OllCt q
it with all the good traits o S
is most always the cause of chop
ped hands and faces. You
can prevent it by using
good soap.
is an Ideal Skin Soap.
fice Wednesday, and inquiry disclosed
the fact that a new son of 11 pounds
weight was added to his family circle
that morning. They certainly have
cause to observe Thanksgiving day
Mrs. Charles McXamee came in from
Akron, Col., a few weeks ago and has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. W.
Swan, and how our friend Charlie can
shout with delight at the news that
he has two nice little daughters here,
born Tuesday morning, November 24
Congratulations to the happy parents,
and Charlie please forward two Colo
rado cigars.
T. J. O'Day came down from Ne
hawka on the noon train Wednesday,
not particularly to meet his friends
Ed Swarts has moved back to town
into one of the Furguson houses.
Francis Kear, who has been sick for
the past three weeks, was able to re
sume work in the Leader-Echo office
again Monday morning.
Wm. Buster and wife, of Sterling,
are visiting their relatives and many
friends here, and incidentally looking
for a suitable property to purchase for
a home.
Grandma Mullen left Tuesday for
Butler, Bates county, Missouri, where
she will spend the winter with rela
tives. Her many f rinds here wish her
an enjoyable visit.
A special train went over the Mis
Sbowino """
rlnii-i on tl
rore of our
ie finsrers
wh:it rnori' rlcirmltii;
display cnulil lie deir
!. W li:iv rwfntly
udiifd a nt-w line of
Stone Hinos
design and
of rrf at tM'auty and dclj?n and superior
Nothing twfore produced surpasses these
rings in workmanship.
"One of my daughters had a
terrible case of asthma. We tried
almost everything, but without re
lief. U'e then tried Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and three and one-half
bottles cured her." Emma Jane
Entsminger, Langsville. O.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
certainly curesmany cases
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis,
I hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping-cough, croup,
winter coughs, night
coughs, and hard colds.
T hrc sizci : 2 Sc. Mc. SI. All irmaitU.
Consult yonr doctor. If b say take It.
then to a b ?. If b toll you not
to tak It. then don't take It. Ha knows.
Leave it mlth him. W are wilting.
j.U.llLK CO.. J-oweu. jiaaa.
the fellow he wanted to see was not souri PacItic Tuesday evening carrying
even an acquaintance of his. He was
looking for the burglar who entered
the O'Day residence some time Tues
day night and stole therefrom as much
clothing as he could carry away. Mr.
O'Day hoped to get track of the burg
lar by watching the trains here, but
his efforts were without success.
several coaches of Russians who were
returning from the beet fields of Illi
nois to spend the winter at their
homes in Lincoln.
Robt. Gamble has returned from
Canada. He spent some time in Wash
ington and five weeks in Oregon en
route home, and says he only saw three
pleasant days while there, as it was
raining almost all the time.
Mrs. Wm. Shick went to Lincoln
Monday morning, accompanying her
husband home that evening. Billy has
been in the sanitarium for a month
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests all classes of food, tones and
strengthens the stomach and digestive
organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
blood, health and strength. Kodol takin? treatment fo.r rheumatism, and
Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds wornout tis
sues, purifies, strengthens and sweet
ens the stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkin
son, of W. Va., says: "I have used a
came home greatly improved.
Figrjt Will Be Bitter.
Thse who will insist oa closing their
number of bottles of Kodol DvspeDSia ears against the continual recommend-
Cure and have found it to be a very ation of Dr. King's New Discovery for
effective and, indeed, a powerful rem
edy for stomach ailments. I recom
mend it to my friends. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Consumption, will have a long and bit
ter fieht with their troubles, if not
ended earlier by fatal termination
Read what T. R. Beall of Beall, Miss.,
has to say: "Last fall my wife had
Bilious Colic Prevented. everv svmptom of consumption. She'
Take a double dose of Chamberlain's took Dr. King's New Discovery after
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy everything else had failed. Improve
as soon as the first indication of the ment came at once and four bottles
disease appears and a threatened at- entirely cured her." Guaranteed by
tack mav be warded off. Hundreds of F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, irice,
nennle use the remedy in this wav with 50c and 1.00. Trial bottles free
r x -
perfect success. For sale by all drug
MAUZY & MURPHY have just re
ceived a large supply of paper back
A Sore Never Matters
After Porter's antiseptic healing oil
is applied. Relieves pain instantly and
heals at the same time. For man or
beast. Price 25 cents.
Maple Grove
Special Correspondence.
Wallace and Jack Philpot recei ved a
bunch of feeders from South Omaha
ast Thursday.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Ed. Gansemer has been on the sick list
for the past few days.
Quite a number from this neighbor
hood attended the dance at the Mur
ray hall Saturday night.
Mrs. Schacfer departed for Ilallera,
Nebraska, Sunday, where she wascall
ed on account of the serious illness of
her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Engelkemeier Sunday,
Chas. Boedecker and daughter, Ida,
were among the Murray visitors last
Miss Madge Young visited with Mrs
W. II. Puis Monday.
Horse for Sale.
A good four jTear old horse for sale.
Weighs 1160 pounds and as sound as a
dollar. Inquire at John Bauer's
Hardware store, Plattsmouth, Neb.
IS o ; . ,
side 8
; also his face Q
ioh.ij iuuiuadIC n eafflnrlin.nfT,
l rrT T I nif r lAnir nil I K.V
BctuiiKaiiiiK an A c U( es bot h jVore in
isfortune did not I Q mestic make. Prices
)ilet Soaps i
to suit
5 to 55c Per Cak;e.
F. G. Fricke Co.
Prescription Pharmacists.
M1 U.W-jeBW5
Lowest Pricss
The Reliable store, q
We Sell
V Abstracts of Title v
The season is now at hand when we arc made to real
the necessity of a number of small articles such is
and HOSE, and in fact everything that tends toward mak
ing up one's wearing apparel. We take especial pains to
please out of town patrons through our mail order depart
ment, and our efforts are certainly appreciated, judging fror.i
the many orders we send out each day. We want you to
Send in Your Order
Tf?oma5 Uallii.
OFFICE Anbeusc-r-Bush Block.
All kinds of Dental work. Plates made that
Ht. 'M years experience. 1'rlces reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
OFFICE Fitzgerald Block.
Telephone No. 3 or 47
Don't allow monev to lie around. It
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it.
by keeping it in a safe place such as
Ladies' silk lined cassimere gloves,
Ladies' bilk lined cassimerc gloves,
Ladies' and children's gloves at 25c,
80c, and 50c
Ladies' kid gloves, all shades, $1.00
Men's dress gloves, lined or unlined,
11.00 and $1.50
Men's working gloves and mitten?,
25c, 50c, and 9Sc
1 lot of men's socks in plain and fan
cy colors, wool and cotton, worth up to
25c at 10c
Ladies' plain black and fancy coif r-
ed lisle thread hose worth 50c at 2Sc
Ladies' wool hose in plain black and
steel gray, 25c
Ladies' fine cashmere hose at 25c, 35c
50c and 75c
Infants' fine cashmere hose, silk
heel and toe, 25c
Ladles' plain black, full seamiest
hose at 12c and lOo.
Uoy' heavy ribbod hose, regular 25o
quality at l'Jc
Men's 11.25 wool and fleece
. i : . i i -
nuirt aim uruwers, ,oc
Men's 11.50 wool bhirts and drawers
in natural gruy and camels hair per
pair 81. 00
Men's 50c heavy fleece lined shirts, 25
Men's 75 heaTy fleece lined ihlrts
and drawers in single and double
breasted styles, 45c
Extra heavy tan and gray bed blank
ets per pair 55c
Extra heavy long nap, tan, gray and
white bed blankets per pair 60c
Extra heavy and large sire 11x4 tan
and gray bed blankets worth 11.00, per
pair 75c
Extra heavy, soft finish, long nap,
gray wool bed blankets, worth 3.1i3
per pair t2.93
We clve full value for your money which the above prices
will prove. We want your mail orders. You want good qual
lty at lowest prices.
The Banh; of Cass County
You can give a check for any part of
t at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to it rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
1 6th and Dodge Streets.