The Plattsmooth Journal It issufr losay tli;it, Mrs. Ileed Smoot will not join the V. C. T. IT. Tiik fictional eace proclaimed by flu- pie-counter KpiiU icans iss(H it-ii piece." Skn a mhc I KI I lill II declares t In lias :i u)j)I. Ic defense. He'll find a use for It. I n wearing .1 small Panama Hag on his coat, Roosevelt offered a needless slight to Colombia. .1. P. Moicoan'm undigested securities seem to lie causing linancial :i jj-inli-citis in Wall st reet. is to memorialize Congress for an anti-oligamy amcnd ment to t he const it ution. Tiik statute of limitations will not Have Senator heitrich, charged with hrilM-ry and corruption. IIooskvki.t would not, dare submit to arhit ration our right to make a ca nal treaty with Panama. "T11 at was the unkindest cut of all,' said the t urkey in spirit as he grazed u I m i 1 his decapitated corpse. IH icino the last, year :;,.V; persons were killed ami W" were injured in railroad accidents in thiscount ry. If he is a opular and rising young man," how many wed ding presents a year will he hae t buy? I'osTMAstkks in other states W ll have paid money for their jolis should speak up now that, the ''graft" inquiry is on. T11 k reputlicans claim t he credit for our pat prosperity, hut they say th present business has not hi ng to do with politics. Ik even hillianl kills are not allow ed to kiss in .ion City, some of us may U able to play that three-cushioned pirn1 then. Sknatoi: IIanna is still having trouhlewith that Ikkmii. He cannot run and is too hravc to dodge, so what is the oor man to do? IJki'I'i-.i.m ans of Nehraska will now have to lay in another large supply of "whitewash.'' Auditor Weston needs several "coats very hadly. SriKNrK grows apace. From Marco ni's wireless method it is hut a step to the Koosevdt telepatli by which the news is received liefore the events take place. 'Nkiskaska is redeemed." sang the republican choir, when iH-itrich was elected governor. A few more such redemptions and our state will tie as holy as Quay-sylvania. Asti-Kooskvki.t men are planning no nominate Fairbanks for president, it is said. They are as good friends of the democrats as arc the anti-IIanna and anti-Fairbanks men. Wk now have two of a kind in Nebraska-Senator Deitrichand Auditor Weston. It seems that the republican party has "corner" on the "white wash" business just now. Why Roosevelt shouldn't be delec ted a committee of one to nominate himself to succeed himself is lieyond comprehension, but if a republican convention must be held, by all means let it lie at Omaha. IIki'kkskntativk Mkukii. of Penn sylvania has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives making itan offense under the Federal law for com mon carriers to provide separate cars for either white or black passengers. Kvkuytiiims you eat isalumed, bor axed and jilucosed until yon can't tell whether you are eating a limestone quarry, a learsk in overcoat or your last year's overshoes, and our lest brands of raspberry jams are suspected of he inn made of common hayseed and dia mond dye. In speaking in a Presbyterian church in Washington, the President said, "We can divide, and must divide, on party lines, as regards certain ques tions, as regards the deepest, as re gards the vital questions." He said nothing ''as regards' hisaction toward Colombia. All the critics of the administra tion's Panama policy have one note which they strike in unison on their harps. "What would we have done if reat Uritain had recognized the inde pendence of the Confederate States in I v, ;;; The answer is simple enough. We should proliably liave moved an army intoCanada and taken possession of the Pominion; but this answer really has as little to do with the case as the question of the critics. Nkw Yokk papers inform us that Lou Payne, a Piatt lieutenant, declar ed the other day that, if Roosevelt shall be the nominee. New York w ill go at least 100,000 democratic. Roosevelt is more popular anions the mountain lions of Colorado and ljcars of Missis sippi than with either the bulls or bears of Wall street, or in New York generally. The Payne incident was but one among many which went to show that something had to le done if Roosevelt were to feel in any degree sure of New York's support. Out of these circumstances grew Governor O'dell's sudden summons to Washing ton, and the consequent powwow that followed. Wonder ifO'delland Piatt at that powwow didn't guarantee to deliver a delegation at the next na tional convention, solid for the cowboy statesman and Panama puncher? The walking sick, wha a crowd of tlicm there are: Persons who are thin aiu weak hut not sick enough to i) to bed. "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common Hnjdish means- Ion sickness. To sloj) the continucc loss of llc-sh they ncc Scott's Hmulsion. For the furling of weakness they need Scott's Hmulsion. It makes new flesh ant gives new life to the weak system. Scott s Hmulsion trcts t 7 thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich hlood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite lor ordinary food. Scott's Hmulsion can he taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time. There's new strength and flesh in every dose. We will be glad to send you a few doses free. I"e vire Hint tin pi tiire in tfie fitrm t it l.tlu-l is on the wrapper ol evrry bottle of 1. 1 . 1 SCOTT & BOVVNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $1 1 all druggists. A Democratic Leader John Sharp Williams, the new dem ocratic leader in t he Nat ional Ilouseof Representatives, is already receiving congratulations of his party for what he has accomplished during the last few weeks. I'nder his leadership t here is a greater harmony and spirit of co operation among the democrats, than has existed for several years. His lirst success was in dealing w ith the ques tion of Cuban reciprocity. On this sub ject the democrats were divided: some favored the bill as it was introduced by the Ways and Means Committee, others opposed it, and still others did not know exactly where they stood. Mr. Williams united the party on the ol icy of object ing to the rule exclud ing the consideration of amendments, but of votiug for the treaty "as a step in the direction of freer trade." At the same time the action of the party caucus was not made absolutely bind ing, so that the democrats who came from districts where their constituents were against the bill, could vote against it without exposing themselves to the charge of party disloyalty. Klit of these democrats opposed the bill, but the rest of the party were as united in support of it as were the re publicans. In the issue suddenly raised by events in Panama, Mr. Williainsshowed great skill in preventing the democrats from taking the unpopular and losing side of the question. Although himself an advocate of the Nicaraguan route, he realized that the people favored the steps taken toward the acquisition of the Panama canal, and that it would be unwise for the democratic party to oppose the Administration on this sub ject, lie prevented members of the party from talking or introducing res olutions on the Panama question, and advised them to wait an opportune mo. ment for censuring Roosevelt for his haste in recognizing Panama and his high handed methods during the ne gotiations with the new republic. The democrats have confidence in their new leader and the republicans recognize his ability. His power over the minority is all the more remarkable as he has no committeeships or other rewards to bestow upon his followers. When the democrats get control of the House, John Sharp Williams will be "Mr. Speaker." To Cure A Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. K. W. (rove's signature on each box. 2"c. In a glass or in a Stein Peerless 'Beer is extra fine. If it isn't served where yon go, Go where it is served. The BEER of Good Cheer. Send for Free Souvenir Booklet. John Gund Brewing Co., La Crosse, Wis. A Successful Enterprise. The PJattsmouth Telephone com pany is one of the few local enterprises that has proven an unqualified success and the promoters are entitled to great credit for the manner in which they have overcome opposition and placer the business on a sound linancial foot lug. J hey tuinisheu the necessary capital to carry them through the ex perimental stages, and now that sue cess has crowned their efforts, they propose to share the good results with the citizens of Cass county. The com pany has four hundred shares of the capital stock that they expect toplac with the patrons of tlie comnany. It is proposer! to put all the money real ized from the sale of this stock in farm lines and extensions. A large numlier of applications are now onlilewith the company, and they intend to add at least Too farmers phones to their present list. This company has paid a 10 per cent dividend on the stock issued for the oast Ihiee years, and with the new phones added to the system will de rive (noiiL.'li revenue to continue their ten per cent, dividend on the entire issue of stock and lay aside suflicient for all repairs lor the future. Thi stock is nilt edge security and could he placed in the eastern market with out dilliculty, hut as the strength ol the IndeiHMMlent telephone move ment throughout the United States is the co-operation, it is the desire of t;.e otlicers of the company to secure as many stock holders as xissihle among t he patrons of the company. Mr. J. W. Kdgeiton, of Lincoln, has chargt of the stock soliciting and will make a canvass of the -county. District Court Notes In the matter of Hugh Murphy, the Omaha paving contractor, against the City of Plattsmouth, the jury decided that the city must pay the plaintir the full amount sued for ($381,4:!) with in terest at the rate of 7 per cent, from June 12, IS'.im, to November!, 1!HX). Judge .lessen affirmed the judgment of the county court in the matter of the estate of William A. Urwin, de ceased. In the matter of W. W. Coates vs. the Fidelity and Deposit Comnany, of Maryland, plaintilT wasawardeda judg ment for $l.l"n. Harry Hickson, convicted of forging an order on Mark White for two dol lars, was sentenced to the penitentiary for four years. Hickson had previous ly served a term of one year in that in st it ution for forgery. The court overruled a motion for a new trial in the matter of William Sporer, administrator of the estate of Henry Hennings, deceased. Ernest Reichter was granted natur alization papers, having relinquished all allegiance to the Emperor of Ger many, and is now a full Hedged Amer- can citizen. In the matter of A. N. Sullivan vs. Gertrude M. Wiley, the jury returned a verdiet for the plaintiff in the sum of $i;i.lO. Active Tarnets' Ball. The active Turners will give a grand ball at their hall on Saturday night. December 12, the proceeds from which w ill be for the purpose of purchasing a new bathing apparatus for the so ciety. It is the intention of the man agers to make this one of the most successful events of its character ever given in this city. The best of music has been engaged for the occasion, and all lovers of "tripping of the light fan tastic toe" are cordially invited, and a genuine good time is guaranteed all who attend. The Lone Star State. Down in Texas at Yoakum, is a big dry goods lirnl of which Mr. J. M. Ilaller is the head. Mr. Ilaller on one of his trips east to buy goods said to a friend who was with him in the palace car, "Here, take one of these little early risers upon retiring and you will be up early in the morning feeling good." For the ''dark brown" taste, headache and that logy feeling" Tie Witt's Little Early Risers are the best Pills to use. Sold by F. G. Fricke&Co. A Close Call. Albert Nyden met with an accident Sunday afternoon which was certainly a very close call for his earthly exist ence. He was out hunting, and was in the act of shooting at a rabbit when the gun exploded, a portion of the bar rel passing so close to his head with such territic force as to carry his cap juite a distance in the air and knock ing Nyden senseless from the force of the explosion. He remained uncon scious for some time, but sustained no other injuries. It is supposed the e; posion was caused oy the barrel of the gun becoming clogged with mud. The piece blown off was about four inches in length, and had it struck Mr Nvden he would never have lived to tell the tale. Death of Louis Cole. Louis Cole, who was taken to the Emanuel Hospital, at maha, about two weeks ago for treatment for heart trouble, from which he had for some time been suffering, died on Monday evening, November 30. The deceased was a resident of Murray, but for some time had been making his home with his brother, W. T. Cole and family, of this city. He was seventy-four years of age, aiida most highly respected cit izen. Ilesidcsother relatives, an only son, Harry, survives him. The it mains were taken to Murray thi Jhursday) morning, where services were held and interment made in th Lewiston cemetery. Don't Fail to Call! 1 011 are cordially invited to call at our store "any old day" all next week and see'The Malleable" steel rang in oparation. e w ill show you how to bake "just such biscuits as mother used to make," with one-half the fuel now being used. EniMiKit IIakdwahk Co. Be Quick Not a minute should be lost when child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, wil prevent the attack. It never fails, an is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Hitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regu late the Kidneys and Rowels, stimu late the Liver and clarify the blood Run down systems benefit particularly ar.d all the usual attending aches van ish under its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Hitters is only 0c, and that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. Serious Accident. As our young friend, Geo. E. Rerger, was returning home from this city on "Wednesday night of last week, and when near the Jean school house, his team became frightened and started to run. In some manner he lost control of them by letting one of the lines drop. Before he could regain it he was dump ed out on the roadside, sustaining such injuries as to rentier him unconscious for several hours. About half-past three next morning he revived and walked home, a distance of about two miles. His left leg and side was con siderably bruised, as was also his face and head. We did not learn the ex tent of damages to the buggy. The Journal is pleased to learn that Mr. Berger is almost his former self again, and it is very, fortunate indeed that his injuries are no worse. Thby are trying to boom Cannon for the vice presidency, but find it difficult to fire the old gun with that sort of amunition. REPORT OF THE CONDITION -OF TIIE- MvirraLy Sta.te Bnk, of Murray, Nebraska. Cha-rter No. 578. Incorporated In the Statu of Nebraska at the close of business Nov 17th, lit 3. RESOURCES: litmns and Discounts S )venlrafts..secured and unsecured.. Current expenses and taxes paid Due from national, state . and private banks and bankers 6 812 92 Checks and items of ex change NONE Total cash on hand 1 VH Ol : i. K- it ft- -ffr it -ft- it to if ft , f,-T- r - l --J-tti-JiJtc P ooli o PEARSON Though a little late I wish to a nun unci' lo the people of Plattsmouth anil vicinity that 1 am preparing to furnish your necessary wants in Staple and Fancy (iroccries, Oueensware, Dry Goods, Hoots and Shoes. I will furnish you with the most seasonahle pounds of A 1 quality at the lowest possible price. Our rule has and always shal he: "(iive 100 cents value for $1.00." Our delivery system will he such that orders will he de livered at your door any hour from ) a, m. to U p. m. 'Phone No. a reful at ten - l I o bod rtl (ixxixj i i O Ik fe 1 p 1 n Q- w ;- Old St.-incl. I WW 1 A m Nebraska.. Mr lliM jjlEfl If you are in a hurry call up Independent 198 and vour order will receive prompt and tion. If more convenient or satisfactory our solicitor will call for your orders and you may rest assured that it will receive as careful attention as if you called at the store in person. If we can receive the support of the citizens of this com munity we assure you A 1 service and joods at prices with in the reach 0 all. We earestly solicit a trial, and if fair treatment will do it, we feel that we have then gained a patron. Kememher the location, INDICPICNDIONT 'PHONIC 10S UNION BJLOCK, PlaLttsmovith, rv ft Bottled hi Bond. 5 o 6 Hlmost John Schippecasse is right to tho front with tho Choicest Home-made Candies :i 2T.-2 S3 M4 2.i Ttiti 111) Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in surplus runil I'lulivlded profits Individual deposits sub ject to check 5 Time certificates of de. posit ...4 . Due to national banks Total ...8 31 UK) I 5 000 00 B75 73 1 l'3 as 23 0s5 40 1 445 70 3.s0 57 54 Ull ; ai 010 9W Mrs. J. Benson, 210, So. 16th, Omaha. Our fur department is full of choice goods. I?oas, scarfs, stoles, fitted neck or cape effect, with long stole fronts, fur or silk-lined. Sable Fox, Isabelle Fox, Marten, real and imitation, Bear, Squirrel, lonjr stole fronts in Bear, Fox and Marten scarfs, lined with satin and cord fastenings, $(;,T5 up. Sable ox. with stole fronts, satin-lined, $10 up. saoie iox scan, iur-iinea, One Hundred Dollars a Box - is the value II." A . Tisdale, hummer ton, S. C.r places on De Witt's Hazel Salve. He says: "I had the piles for 20 years. I tried many doctors ana medicines, but all failed except De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured ... . A. ' A. - - 1 t me. It is a commnauon 01 me neai ing properties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics and emollients; relieves and permanently cures blind, bleed- ng, itching and protruding piles.sores, cuts, bruises, eczema, salt rheum, and all skin diseases. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. State of Nebraska. County or ass. ( I. lias. S. Stone, Cashier of the ulmve name d bank, do solemnly swear that the altove statement is correct and a true copy of the re port made to the State liankintr Hoard. CHAS. f. p-tose. casnier. Attest: .1. M. Ptose. Iniw-.fMK, .1. A. Poixahd t "- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of Nov., 1903 D. C. West. Notary Public. Jly commission expires March 15. 1907. Notice to Bridge Contractors. Notice Is hereby plven that sealed bids will Vk? received on or before 12 o'clock the 19th day of December. A. 11.1903. at the office of the county clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, for furnishing material and constructing bridses per lineal foot for said county ac cording to plans and specifications now on file with Said county clerk, for a period of one year from date of contract. Bidders are required to deposit certified check in the sum of one thousand OrlUKUW) dollars as evidence of pood faith, and to comply with Sections Kt and 4 of Chap. 7 of the compiled statutes of ."Nebraska for 1!N3. Hoard of county commissioners reserve the risrht to reject any and all bids. J one by order of the board of county com missioners of Cass county. Neb., in session the 17th day of November. 1903. L. A. Tyson. County Clerk. ipCOOOCOGOOOGOOOOOOOCCOCOa i I Perry's Restaurant Hi Short Order House $ Meals Served at Regular Meal Hours. Fresh Oysters (IN SEASON) Fish or anything "in Market. S88SS(8CSt9 GIVE US A CALL. P. UTTERBACK, Proprietor, Opposite Cass County Bank, Soutb Stte, 420 Aain St. p on Ihe market to supply tho 1 1 4 1 . i I iicmaims. aiso, inns aim p : . c 11 l. . .1 f irniis ol jiii a i mis. mm i it 1 Sfe ST V-V ALT -1 w " l Mm R. I I mm 8 a w io tbc Cbcnpcot in tbc CnM i(SiiM$firijWr Poor Whisky in not only lin Hrefaf'h to tiiKtc, but uinlouht (l ly injurious to tin stomach. A lit tlo gooci Whisky is n fino toni( find holps instead f)f hnrrning. Sim Ii Whiskicu as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just ns much good usa doctor's prescription. i you don't know how good it iK, corno in and try it. PRICES: (uckcnliciinenKyc, per gallon, Yellowstone, " " . Honey Dew, " M . Jlig Horn, " " . .n oo . 4 00 . : oo 9 A Burn Never Burns. After Porter's antiseptic healing oil is applied, lielieves pain instantly and heals at the same time. For man or beast. 2 cents. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block. I13 In illi jp PLATTSMOUTH, hierolf. NEHRASKA A Frightened Horse. Hunning like mad down the street, dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, an; every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable salve handy, and there's none as good as I.ucklen's Arnica Salve. Mums, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly under its soothing ellect. 2"c at F. (J. Fricke & Co. 's drug store. A Cut Never Bleeds. After Porter's antiseptic healing oil is applied. lielieves pain instantly and heals at the same time. For u::in or beast. Price, 2T cents. 2.", IV), and :;." gallon sugar kettl. s at John PaueJ's. MEL-ROSE Cream 25c, for -happed hands. (Jering ic Co. 3 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL A XI) SEE 99 The Malleable 66 Now in operation at Our Store. Steel Range We will show you how to bake "Just such Jiiscuils as Mother used lo make,"1 with only one-half the fuel now beinj used. ooooGoeeeocoQeooooGaooeoeccGCcoi mocococgcgcogccococooooscgcgggqi 9 Strength, Economy, Convenience, Durability Beauty Combined! S & A Great Saver of 8 Made of malleable Ntz iron and Steel! k Riveted together iboooeooGOOOOOoeoocooGGeosoecosor like a boiler! If properly used s will last a life time! Commencing Monday, Dec. 7th, ami lasting mi week-. fREE! Three minute Biscuit and Delicious Coffee served every day. pREE! "A Salesman from the factory will be here to demonstrate its Superior Qualities. EBIN6ER HARDWARE CO., 1 i i: J V t y .-jk7r