The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 03, 1903, Image 3

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The Votf in D;.".iil tor Supreme Judder, Repents of the Univcr.'.Ity
and Fifteen District Judges.
KlIF.Y ( 'OM PI. A I. VI S I t'lii
betc-H, ('.right's Disease-, lull. mi
ntrttioii of tli Kidneys. lripHv
(swelling of tlx limlis or ImmI ),
ln- rtsniit pains in the bark or
Itt Aiit it Titoi In
fl:tmm.kti"ti of Hie bladder, i:i
tliiinril pusnges. puin in pushing
urine, iiH-oiitinrm r of urine, too
irim li or too little urine.
I nn: Arm Tihi
Hli'Miinat ism. (iruvi.-l, (lout,
(lull Stone. I.ijinti:tqo.
N uvK Titot ni.H' . Nrur:J
rl.i. S ijiic :i, NitvoiidI ollapM-,
ideeplrsMies-t. M-liirn ln!i.i
M.iiiy ether disorders ;uc
rmisnl directly or indite f ly
ly f.iultv kidney net ii hi, nn-1
be readied uinl curi'ii by
iiii'h Kidney I'ills. 'I lii.-
remedy liris cured every cmn
litint recorded hImim-, :ih I over
Wl.OOO teMill.oiiijiU prove its
surprising merit.
Tit) rents per box, of sail deal
m, or inaileil on rrrript of
irieo, by Milre.H.sin I'ostor
MUbumCo., lintTaic. N. V.
are found on every American
farm where there is a live
boy. New Club loaded with
black powder. Nitro Club
and Arrow loaded with tny
smokelcsQ powder. They arc
"Duck Killers."
Catalogue free.
The Union MelalHc Cartridre Co-
Bridgeport, conn. SMI
Agency, 31 Broadway. V. f C I
To prove the tuaimir and
ClUtlS;Uj? plT7ir Of 1'ftXtllJA
Tot let AntUrptln we will
mail a l.u -f trial
63 with boolt of instruction
a.t4tiut rly fre. This is not
a tir.y sample, nut a larirt;
pa i. 4-'e. triourh to cou
vince anyone of its value.
, Women ail over the countrr
are pruiMiutr Iixt:ne for w jat
d4n" in I I trf-
fc r T3 nirnt
of rmle ltl. curin;;
a.l inflnmmstionii.iatlischiiws. w.n-lerr:il as a j
Oan-mff vauir.l rtotirhe, for sore t'iroi.-T. au-al ;
cat-irrh. ax p.iouth and t rn.ove tartar
and whiten the tec-th, S-nJ iodui ; a po-tal i-rj ,
wii? ,!(.. I
KoM rTftrac(ritorntpotpaiii brn. no
Tit lb i;. i-axton .. uJLu. Mm
iU toiumiiu Ae
- - i
. ..... . - w . !
V'e..Wu.!-ThOmpsan,$ Ey9 WSttr ;
A striking contrast
between Defiance Starch!
and any other brand will
be found by comparison.'
Defiance Starch stiffens.1
whitens, beautifies with
out rotting.
'it fives clothes beefc
their newness.
It is absolutely pure,
'it will not injure the
'most delicate fabrics.
For fine things and all
things use the best there
Is. Defiance 5tarch
10 cents for 16 ounces
Other brands 10 cents for
11 ounces.
A striking contrast
Omaha. .Ntb.
en Jewelry ao4 WBtrbe yon 2AC tend f ,t
JRfri nx'.omv rvt (rnr burgt'n tor fuurw't
d friend. CA&hOS 1LAM0HD CO.,ByrmcnM.H. Y.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
irw wane.
Vt. II NKKillltMts. tll well
known jeweler of West Main
Street. Wytlieville. Va. , K'ys :
" Some four years :i;r, an at t.iek j
of grip settled in in v Ij: k . ami I
I liave suffered o(T and on ever j
sinei: w it Ii a ili:l!. heavy u liitii; ,
neross the small of my Iciek,
always more seere in t!ie;
inoriiinir. I' w:: cliltii ult f . r '
mr to stoop or slr;iigliti-u. :tnd
if I sat down for any length of
time it, was lianl for me to
!tri.-.e. I took two ( i vet of
I hum's Kidney I'ills, anl the
dull. ilis:iree:iblc aeiin.! left
i;i'". "'
II. Ii. MrCAtivn: of V01
Cherry Street. J'orllaml, Ore
gon, inspector of freight curs
fortiie 'IraiiMoiii iiienlMl Com
pany, savs: I used Ioan's
Kidney I'ills for l:it kaelie mid
other symptoms of kidney
trouble whidi lia.l annoyed me
for months. I think a cold responsible lor tie- whole
trouble. It t-cemtd tn Kettle in
mv kidneys. Do.-n's Kidney
I'ills rooted it out. It is several
monl lis since I used tin in, and
In d:.te tliere lias been no
recurrence of the troubl'.'. "
St. Nicholas.
Th list of vise writers and artists,
soinn of tin- very host in tho land, who
hav; promisi'd their work to St. Nich
olas in the next twelve months is a
long, om Some of tho inti-iosting ar
ticles, all of whit It will be splendidly
illustrated, will tell of Japanese ath
letics fur American buys, .some cpuer
mail carriers, interesting signs of old
lnelon. c hildren in the White House,
the Kmpc ror Hadrian's wall, a day
with Hudson Maxim, how some ani
mals sleep, secret alphabets, diving
lor pearls, historic dwarfs, and many
other fascinating subjects.
Wonderful Flight of Birds.
There? is conclusive" evidence to
show that in one unbroken nocturnal
llight the Kuropean bird known as the
northern bluet hroat passes from Cen
tral Africa to tin (lerman sea. a dis
tance of l.ti'to miles. making the
journey in nine hours. From its win
ter home in Africa observations have
determined that it starts after sunset,
arriving at its far northern summer
haunts before dawn on the? next morn
ing. Insist on Getting It.
Srm miners say they don't keep IV
fiauee Stared because liiev have a stock
in huinl of 12 oz. brands, whlcli hey
know cannot sold to a customer who
lias oiiet" nseii the l'i ni. package. De
fiance Starch for same money.
Anecdote of Hugo.
Apropos of the Hugo museum, Le
flaulois recalls the story of the young
man who at one of the poet's recep
tions became engaged in argument,
and lost his temper. Hugo solemnly
rebuked him. and he subsided. Pres
ently the guests retired. One of them,
however, had forgotten his umbrella,
and returned to get it. Looking
throvthg an open door from the vesti
bule he perceived the young man on
his knees before Hugo, sobbing out
his apologies for his disrespect, yvhile
Victor Hugo, with almost regal dig
nity, extended his hand to him and
bade him rise.
Mother O ray's Swec; owners f c- Chrldrwfc
Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse
In the Children's Home in New York, cure
'oust ion. Feverish ness. Had Stomac h,
Teething Disorders, move and regulate the
HowelsHud Destroy Worms. Over 30.0110 tes
timonial. At all "Drutrtrists. 25c. Sample
: vifi- l.- a.:a a nu...,i i tv.- v
" " " "-- . j..
A Woman Teacher Preached,
i-.i-.t-, ,
Key. K. R Saunders, pastor of the
Seventh Uav I5apti.-t church of Shi-
!oh- N- J- wns ,al;on suddenly ill one
Saturday and members of the congre-
gat ion were at a loss for some one to
at as substitute. The church was
well Oiled when Miss Mary Dixon, a
potuIar teacher in the public school
there, walked up into the pulpit and
delivered an excellent sermon. So ac
ceptable did Miss Dixon preach that
her many friends a-e advising her to
abandon her profession as school
teacher and enter T:ie ministry.
more goods, brighter colors, with less
work than others.
Fees of Pope's Physicians.
The fees paid by the cardinal cam-
erhngo to the physicians who at
tended I,er XIII in his last illness
were 51.000 To i)r Lapponi. J.Tfitio to
Prof. Ma.zoni and $2,000 to Prcf. Ros
soni. lam Rure PSo's Cure for Consumption red
. ..... lurrc jrars afro. .Mrs. THOS. It iBBlA'S,
. Alaple Street. Norwich. N. Y.. Feb. 17. IsJUa
Quiet Reform.
j Those interested in the fall elec
tions vould do well to take a look at
an article in
body's if thev
the November Every
are at all uncertain
j what a reform administration can ac-1
comnlish In "Hofnrm r r . i
1 1 " i.iai 1 kriVM
j Alfred Hodder tells specifically some
or tne cnanges lor the public good
that have been brought about in New
York durine the present administra
tion notably by the commissioners of
health and charities. The quiet re
forms of which the public does not
hear are often the most significant
the stopping of a leak, accomplished,
for example, by paying fifty cents of
the public money for a gallon of al
cohol in place of a former $3.75; the
rigid Inspection of drugs and groceries
to cnecu adulteration. Keiorm may
make its mistakes, but one is Inclined
to think that these are mistakes In an
uncommonly good direction, after con
sidering Mr. Hodder's facts.
Fhysicians no longer bleed their pa
tients with a lancet.
Keep your complaints out of your
heart and they will die of neglect.
Use- Red Cross Ball Blue. It makes clothes
clean and sweet as when new. All grocers.
Distance prolongs the life of many
A woman's train of thought is often
ot her dres?.
.Mis. (It.nuc.K Wai.i.ack. Jr.,
of Klmint. N. V., wife of
(leorpe Wulliice, broker, of
West Water Street, and living
ut titj? liuldwiu Street, says:
"In March, 1H17, I was cured
of kidney and bladder trouble
bv I loan's Kidney Tills. My
physician said ut tliat time that
my life could be saved only
by mi operation. Night after
iiiirht I had been kept awuke.
for hours at a time wilh ter
rible pain in my back, and the
secretions from the kidneys
were in as bad a Mate as pos
sible. I suffered with hemor
rhages frequently and was in
a weak slate. Four boves of
I loan's Kidney Tills cured l:ie,
and I now gladly rcPiuloise the
remedy, because during the
time which has since elapsed,
nearly seven years, I have never
hud the slightest, sign of a
return of the trouble."
A Lucky Railroad Man.
Daniel Cooper of Suffern, N. V., has
retired from the service of the" Krio
lailroad after fifty-three years of serv
icjH as flagman. briKage master, sta
tion agent and conductor. In all this
time he has never had in ac c ident and
he s still a hearty old man.
Mrs. v.ii-;im-k !- iiie ffyrup.
For .':"'lreu :j-etlilii(f. Kortcim tim t'lirim. reUnrc -n--uililijlliiu,li!lu3
tinln. t-urert wlua cuUc. k a bo 1 1 la.
The Biggest Bluefish.
Neljion I. Ewcn, a member of the
live saving crew at Nantucket. Mass.,
caught the largest bluefish ever hook
ed on the Atlantic coast the other
day. It measured three feet nine and
one-half inches long and weighed a
trifle ovr twenty-seven pounds.
Tho&e Who Have Tried It
will use r.o other. Defiance 'old Water
St.ireh lias no equal in Quantity or Quality-
lti oz. for 1 cents. Other brands c on
tain only M oz.
Russell as a Decliner.
John K. Russell, the prominent Mas
sachusetts uemocrat, who died a few
days ago, was a fine type of the pub
lic spirited citizen whose powers are
devoted to the service of his fellow
men without stipulation of reward.
vithin nine months, at the height of
his political importance, Mr. Russell
is known to have refused a nomina
tion as governor of Massachusetts,
the eollectorcnlp of the port of Bos
ton, the Spanish mission, the Italian
mission and the post of secretary of
the navy. Nor did he decline these
tenders In the expectation of receiv
ing one move agreeable. It was his
de.iberate determination not to take
public office. "It would chill my In
fluence with the people, ' he said.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won't shake out or blow out; by uslnp
Defiance St.ireh you obtain better results
than possible with any other brand and
one-third more for sume money.
The road of prejudice never leads
to the Tealm of truth.
Helen Keller is a Class Officer.
Miss Helen Keller, the blind deaf
mute, has just been elected vice presi
dent of the senior class at Radcliffe
college, the woman's department of
Harvard. She is pursuing four full
courses, two in English and two in
j Latin. She has thus far passed all
her examinations with as much credit
as if she had all her faculties and is
accomplishing more in scholarship
than any other person in the world
so handicapped.
Fame and Geography.
Kendrick Bangs told the fol
story on himself at a recent'
just after my unsuccessful
i dinner:
campaign for mayor of Yonkers, a
friend of mine came up to pay me a
visit. He inquired my address or a
policeman, and I am glad to say the
policeman did not know me. My
friend thought that a corner saloon
keeper could surel- tell him. but I am
glad to say that he also did not know
me. A constituent of mine, happen
ing to overhear his inquiry, asked:
'Bangs. Bangs, do you mane that Bangs
tnat was just afteT runnin' fur mayor.'
,ut friend told him that I was the same
one. but explained that that was not
r. Bangs' only attribute to fame. He
went on to say that Mr. Bangs had
wr.tien several books, one of which a
man out in California had read from
beginning tc end. anu that a large fam
ily in bait Iake City had read an
other of his works. In fact, he said
Mr. Bangs' reputation might well be
called national. 'Well.' broke in the
Irishman, 'his repitation moight be
national all roight, but Oi'll be dahmn.
ed if it's local.' "
Some People Are Lucky.
Some people make an Intelligent
study of food and get on the right
track (pure food) others are lucky
enough to stumble upon the right
way out of the difficulty just as a
Phlla. young woman did.
She says: "I had suffered terribly
frjm nervous indigestion, everything
seemed to disagree with me and I was
on the point of starvation when one
da I happened to run across a demon
stration of Postum Food Coffee at one
of the big stores here.
"I took a sample home and a sample
oi Grape-Nuts as well and there tried
them again and found they agreed
with me perfectly. For months I
made them my main die; and as the
result I am restored to my former per
fect health and can eat everything I
want to.
"When I spoke to my physician
about Grape-Nuts he said 'It is a most
excellent food.' " Name given by Pos
tum Co.. Battle Creek. Mich.
There's a reason.
Look for the famous little book.
"The Road to Wellville." In every
package of both Postum and Grape-Nuls.
Man Who Disappeared from Wood
River is Seen in Oklahoma.
WOOD UIVKK Curl Ktev.tis.
whose disappearance ccused s: h a
se nsation some two ycirs ago and who
was pronounced dead by a larg- ma
jority of the people, is neither dead
nor sleeping, b t is alive and kicking
in Oklahoma, or at least was a few
days ago. His brother-in law, II. A.
Guy of Grand Island, received a let
ter from him on October 23. under
an assumed name. Mr. Guy conclud
ed to investigate and accordingly went
to Knid. Okl., and there found that
Cv.rt was working in a large horse and
cattle barn, and was taking his meals
at a restaurant, lie went to both
the barn and the restaurant, but was
unabl to see him. As, he was walk
ing along the street he saw Curt, but
before he could get to him Curt rec
ognized him and suddenly lurni-d and
disappeared. Mr. Guy made every ef
fort to find him. but without uail.
He fftile-d to show up at the- restaur
ant and on going to the bain found
that he had drawn his pay and left
for parts unknown. The case of Curt
Stevens is a peculiar one. His wife
and children, relatives and friends are
all very anxious for his return, and
he is aware of that fact. There is
no good reason for his staying away,
and why he should remain away and
hide from his friends and relatives
is passing strange.
Freeman Secures Writ of Mandamus
from Supreme Court.
LINCOLN The Bible will not be
read in the school of district No. 21
In Gage county, and neither will the
pupils mingle their voices i:i singing
the good old songs from the Gospel
Hymn or from the Pentecostal Hymn
book, as has been their wont, for the
clerk of the supreme court mailed to
the directors of the school district a
copy of a peremptory writ of manda
mus to compel the teac her to cut out
iill such. This is in conformity with
an opinion handed down by the court
pome months ago, which during the
recent judicial campaign became state
history, but which the directors down
in Gage county refused to respect or
abide by. Some time ago Daniel Free
man, who brought the original action,
came again to the supreme court in a
brief and asked for a writ of manda
mus to compel the teacher to desist.
This was granted, and to make sure
that it is right that it should be fel
lowed the clerk also sent to the school
board a copy of the opinion, the sylla
bus and the writ.
Fremont People Hopeful.
FREMONT All reports on the pow
er canal project seem to be favorable
to the Fremont end of it. Apparently
the Columbus people think the same
way about it. as it is now being hint
ed that they are responsible for the
delay in holding the meeting at New
York. It has been given out that the
occasion for the failure to get togeth
er recently was the substitution of a
new man on the board of engineers.
Gr?in Business Sold.
EDGAR IL C. Hart has purchased
of J. H. Pope his elevator and grain
and coal business. The consideration
of sale was about .$r."(u0.
Business M?n Goes Insane.
OAKLAND -William Bearringer. a
business man of this place, became
quite suddenly insane a few days ago.
He was taken to the county jail at Ne-
ligh and afterwards to the asylum at
YORK Henry Haberman. an em
ploye at the York foundrj-, stepped
into a barrel of hot water that had
just been blown out of the radiators
before shutting down for the day. The
flesh on the leg was badly scalded to
the knee.
Feet Numb s Wood.
HUMBOLDT Mrs. Roy Leach, nife
of a farmer a few miles north of this
city, has been the victim of a pecu
liar malady, which seems to have left
her feet wholly dead, the result of im
perfect circulation of the blood. The
condition became so serious last week
when gangrene set in that her physi
cians decided amputation was neces
sary, and took off her right foot above
the ankle. They hope to save the re
maining member, but are in doubt.
Still Looking for Oil.
PLATTSMOUTH The failure of
the Omaha prospecting company to
find coal or oil in paying quantities
in the vicinity of Louisville has not
entirely discouraged further investiga
tions in Cass count". For some time
a gentleman named Freeby. who
comes from the oil region of Penn
sylvania, has been in the vicinity of
Nehawka carrying on some prelimi
nary investigations with a view to
prospectir-s for oil aio minerals.
Deadly Snake in Bananas.
COLUMBUS While handling a
bunch of bananas in tne store Gus
Plath was surprised to see a snake
move slowly out over his arm. The
reptile was evidently chilled as he
acted very sluggish and offered to do
no harm. The snake Is a -stranger to
this country, and when examined by
those who have been in the banana
plantations it was pronounced to be a
moccasion of a very deadly character.
It was twenty-six inches long.
lircs vithi;i
fi" Ne!s( :i.
.lose ii Smith.
v ( :
lb atrlce.
Iv burned
. v. hile curling her hair.
her eye.
Ducivs ire plenthul about Humboldt,
and hunters are bugging a great deal
of game.
The barn of .John W. Buchanan, near
Auburn, was burred. The stock were
all got out.
Rev. Chauman ol Yo.-k .ias accepted
a call to the First Christian church
at Augustus, Kansas.
Johnson & Davis of Rawlins. Wyo..
have rented grounds of the Standard
Cattle company at Ame s and will feed
lo, (mio sheep this season.
It is now believed that McCocd will
have a rti'-al mail route in the near
iti tu re. An examination for appoint
ment lor rural mail carriers is bein;;
advertised for.
While returning from Kpence r. John
Tonning a German farmer living near
I hat place, was thrown from his wagon
and injuries sustained the-refroni
caused his death.
Harvey He::inger. of Plat ismout h. 1
years old, stumbled and fell with a
gun. the weapon discharging and so
seriously wounding him that his life
is despaired of.
Mrs. Susan G. Hayfon. a woman oT
distinguished revolutionary ancestry
died at the home of he"- son in Lincoln.
She was born in Spottsylvania county.
Oiiio. Three of her uncles, oner a g."n
eral. and two colonels, served in t he
war of the revolution.
A man was arrested at Carroll. la.,
who, it is thought, is the one who
forged a check on the First National
bank of Plattsmouth some time ago.
He was taken in charge there for hav
ing, it is alleged, passed a forged
check em the postmistress at Love
land. Word has been received in Beatrice
that Mrs. Laurina Stevenson, formerly
of that city, has been left destitute in
Pittsburg. Pa., by .lames Rodgrs.
whom she was about to marry. Tin
date for the wedding was set, but. it
is said, Rodgers got possession of her
money and skipped out.
The Nebraska City Water company
served notice on all users of city water
to boil the same before using. The
water served has a very peculiar taste
and pending an analysis by chemists,
the company recommends caution in
using it. No theory is advanced for
this, but it is not thought that the
water is fouled by garbage.
Edwin E. Just of Lynch, Boyd coun
ty, while being taken to the hospital
for the insane at Lincoln, jumped
from the train about five miles west
of West Point while the train was run
ning at the rate of thirty-five miles
an hour. When the train had been
stoppetl to pick up the supposed
corpse of Just, it was found that while
stunned he was apparently uninjured.
The funeral of the Rev. David Clif
ton Montgomery, who was killed in the
Philippines, October 31, 1!'2, while in
the employ of the government as
superintendent of schools, was held
from the Methodist Episcopal church
in Edgar. Rev. W. M. Porter of Nel
son nrcached the sermon. Rev. Ira
.ucuonaugny, a classmate, delivered a
short address and Rev. L. E. Hum
phrey gave a sketch of his life. The
services at the grave were in charge
of the Masons.
Henry Lippold of Ric hardson coun
ty. 18 years old. was drowned in about
ten feet of water while attempting to
cross Fisher's lake cm the ice as a
snorr cut nome. otner bovs were
wUh hjm ,)Ut nothnB tf help
him. His body was recovered after
several hours.
The count of returns in the Elev
enth judicial district gives J. R. Hanna
(rep.) a majority of two over J. R.
Thompson (fusion.) Garfield county,
in which the clerk first returned 25::
for Hanna. fiied an amended certifi
cate giving him 2Go.
A $500 monument ha just been
placed in the cemetery at Table Rock,
erected by a popular subscription, to
the memory of the unknown dead of
the late civil war. It occupies a prom
inent place in the northeast corner of
the cemetery and presents a very im
posing appearance. The ceremonies
of unveiling the monument will be
Saturday. December 5, at which time
Governor Mickey and other prominent
speakers are expected to be present
and participate.
Relatives in Omaha have word of
the death at Las Cruces. N. M., of
Clinton Llewellyn, a son of Major W.
H. H. Llewellyn. He was a native of
Omaha and took part in the Spanish
war, accompanying his brother and
father a-5 members of the Roosevelt
Rough riders. He was 22 years of
At Osceola. Mrs. Alfred Gierhart
when half way down the cellar steps
fell the rest of the way and was hurt
very badly and bruised so that it was
necessary to call a physician.
The officers have obtained no clue
to the men who held up James Hoag
land of Beatrice near Blue Springs
and robbed him of about $25 in cash
and 300 pounds of chickens while on
J his way home. Hoagland has re
turned to the city and states that he
found his team at Blue Springs the
morning after the robbery occurred.
Word has been received at Steila
that Frank Brown, the young mat whe
had his foot cut off by the cars at
that poict, died in the Missouri Pa
cific hospital at Atchison.
Th r
record M is.
r: ' rr.
Adam 1. '"" 1 '' I
Ant.-i.-i"- i. ' ."' i i ; :,s;'
)H!in r 11 I
Uluiue li7 f'-
H. ioiif 1.-44 1 l''.'i l."(i l.l"7
lioi Untie.. . 4.'7 47J f.74 ai
Uoyd :)" t:m e.7i ii.-t;
Hiown '-"-'- S3
ItufTuU 1 7uJ 1 i:' 170 I.4.
Hurt I ' 7' 1.41-
Hutler Iill 1.71- !: 174
!. '- --' i j i v
eviHr i J.M4 i 1 i-O'i
c !,, :m; :'4S u. 7 -'.
Cherry 712 ; 7i !.:
'heyen::i! -4-" "
rhv i . :. i l n i.7os i :.
Colli! x Si I I IS.' Ml 1 I '
cumin'; i i in i 4oi !.;;.; t j'i
C'ust-T .. ... J . : 1 l.SS'i l.Cej l,7i'l
lUkot.i ':!' '.' 'ivl "'
I'ulM-H .ill:' 47'i .'.:i4
Imwnoii 1 1 i:e 1.17.; 1 1.1
Dnl - 21 -j.u .'.
ItiKOit 1 In M.i 1. .." 7 ! 2
)i,il I S'.is l.'.iM 1.722 2.IH2
iiukI:ih . s. '.:: vm'4
I jii-j.i v 72 ; ::: 2: 2.v
Kill.niin- 1. . I i 7 2 1 711
I-'iHiikltu !''
Kn.miiT '.22 i. ii i ;.2
Kiirna.s l.eo; l.n2'i 1.122 :'..:
t;aK.. 2 u:'. 1.71'. S.ixs 1.V.U
ciariii-l.: 2:.'. 2n; 2:. 1 :r:
cji.Mji.-r 4"'. 4 !." : ss 112 ' ''' s" ''
c;ro.i."y r.i ;i 4-i.t 77
Mali i.:s 1 c;ss 1,21 ;
Hamilton ... 1.42.- l.:u: !:-:: I..':!..
Harlan Mil 7Ki 7'i7 7S'J
Hav.s 272 221 2'.i7 2;.
I I iti-lii oi.k 44' 422 I'.y.l .'!'.!
Holt 12 i.;2i 1. .':' 1.K1
1 looker if- ,i T'
llowanl f24 1 .S I
j-rrfr.sim i.4'.'7 1 'i4; !.:.::. 1 174
Jolnim.n 1.2.-.2 :'tl 1.212 7
K.-ai-Tioy '." ' SVN
Kfltli 227 21 I ''.:. 20."
Keju Paha... ' ''
Klmt.all HIT. f.; 12'. .I
Knox 1.4 77 1.1 v; 1.217 1.1.1..
I. un.asH-r ... 4I'7 2.7!2 .'. ' 2. '. I
I.ln.oln 1.14.2 7M l.!7' '.'7..
Logan V2 7: ' '.
I.oup l'i 12 1 1-1 '-2
Mrl'liorsua .. 7 4 21 in. 2.
Madison l.TMI 1.42;. l.r.4n 1.2.'
Merric-k ' ' :,' r'"
Nani-i- VI7 l7'i K12 7i ,
N.inaha . '.' M"'7 1.7.M; 1.7'.t
Niic-koll.s 1 221 1.110 1.272 I . I '.4
Oto 1. !.-.2 l.SM 2122
I'awnm 124 !r. 1.2'.. I v.w
JVikins 17-"'
I'ti.-lps '''' 7 1 . r. Hi;.
fierce 22 7 '.1 1 .52 74'.
Piatt) :'24 1. '."'; 3-41 1 1. !'..
1-olk S4 l.osr, 1.122
ltil Willow... 1.1 '' ';'7
KlfhariHon .. 2.122 2.'.i" 2.217. 1.U22
Rock 27X 2&; 42.. 2I'
Saline J.78: 1.577
Sarpv ;!";'.' 7hs (!(:. Wli
Sauii'.lcrK" 3 .:-: -M':i i '.:. 2.110.;
Hcotts Ulu.T.. 2X1 20!. 22 24t
SwhiiI l.ei.'S.I l.tiS.". l.'ii.i l.j'il
Shflldali f-02 411 f.4'1 ..'.'
Shermati '''" '' -
Sioux 147 U'.
Stanton i22 ei.s e;:;. ...4
'n.ay-r 1.1"2 1,!''.2 !...(.' l.l'l
Tlie.inas '2 ' l "'
Tliuisloa ... .V.2 &!'2 ,:!
Vai'v s2s ;7; 720 .!
Washington .. 1.20.2 1.0S7 1.27'; 1 .;.
v. vni. 1 .01 1 so t :i. t s.:4
WVbs-tet- 1.17" 1.022 1.227 1.102
Wliwder 12". "''' if-' ,
York -.''11 l."2:: 2. .) 1 ..."..
nii.'jOl S7.SH4 :i'.'J'J2 b;,224
The Judicial Vote.
First District.
Cv.:n A. 11. K. VV. II. K. O.
ties Hah- Ken- J-lli- Krct-
-o--k. vis. k r. .slnKfr.
Cner" 222S I'jDC 2114 IS 11
Jpff.-rson 3 527 12'Jl 1102 107
Johnson 1212 1100 1122 101S
Nomatia 1177 MVi 17.;'. 1212
Pawne-H 1i:M 1021 t'12 05
lticli'dii 12'; 17Uj 24.70 2KI4
Totals ..102S1 :U07 !40o S227
Second District.
fount los. Pun! J'S.'-n.
Cnsi 2IS1
Otoit 2IM4
Third District.
T.. Frost
JO. P. Il..l:n.s
A. J. Cornisii
Fourth District.
Unit Ioi;k- Sai-
CO 4 2
in:- To-
ton. ta!.
122C 122';1
121 12407
1214 12S:1
1221 I2,::s
ii.i.' i:i-;2i
l'.oo i:. ;2")
'.:h 1 :":!!
:2 ; iois
::4 :i27i
10.1s 1110.1
24 1 221
la.-'. s
Hfiiiok it::.". :i.-2': 7.;i
Hars 1147 SI'7 1 721
Sutton 12:11; :m".: 7si
Troup 12:7 :- 727
iiaxtt-r 1 t; ii7.ri; 12 .17
Day 17.;:; l 1272
Kstfiio- i77:i : 1:141 i.'',;
Kcre'iison 2il 7.v:'." 7 l'i
Pa;,- L.'.'i 7222 CHI
I )ii-kii:son f.;.; S.".'j4 7o7 C7.0 771"; 7-iS
IioaiiL- 2o io.;r, im
Ycisor 27i; 2110 i::i
iit-r 1'. 15.24 4.1
Iliihor 11 1.117 2s
Jacobson 12 1171 2S
Miller 11 1.1.17 3J
Morran 'J 1.1(0 40
N ieliolson lo 4;;
Sp-n-er 9 147: 27
i; is
1 ilk 2
Fifth District.
1 too
1 I OS
3 002
fount k-p.
Butler ..
Sa iiiidirs
. . 1C11
. . 12
. . i:4 4
. .2122
3 423
1 C:5
3 0072
Totals ...:76:
Sixth District.
f oun-
t i es.
Colfax ..
Do(i5 . .
Nance . .
I'ialte ..
. . V4.1
. .1770
. .10.77
. . o;i
. .1.107
son. 70.1
2 i ..1
f Irim
ison. 3 242
5 J
3 76.1
..1149 7
IaI 5852
1 SOn
JCur-kolls .
Totals 771!
Eightrj District.
Counties. Robinson.
Cdr 1547
:uminif 11SI
Dekota 7
Iixon 1112
Stanton 45
Thurston CS.1
oil (
Totals 355G
Ninth District.
Counties. Uoyd.
Antelope 163.1
Knox 1629
Madison 142
Pierce V2
Wayne !Co2
us 5299
Dr. Thomas Warns Csttle Feeders.
LINCOLN Dr. Thomas, state vet
erinarian, has returned from the
town of Adams, where he found a loss
of three head of cattle in a herd of
twenty. The owner said the cattle
had been fed on full feed of corn for
thirty days. The ailing ones were
sick from three to seven days. Dr.
Thomas made an examination and
said that death was caused by gastor
entritls or inflammation of the Intes
tines, followed by ulceration.
i s ;-J i ?
1 '...: n;n H.12
12..I l:l., ).;.,:!
1 1 ; 1-4 i.r,
1 : .. 11.' 1; 1
1 !2; ii;.i
l. 4k.'l
i 1 4 k : 2 ; ; .
4. '7 411 114 7
lKi"f 1 H 4 1: .1
JI21 1 If J l,, 4
i2i j js it;:
27 l'i'2.i I Si,!'
127.1 l-2; I i'M
s; "n 2;. 1
.'21 .;.'. 424
e;.'i e.ii'i 3ij
i;o7 i'Mi; Hi.
S'tO h2l 104.;
l.'ni l!7.'
1 ir,';:.
ii; mi :.:.s
e,..4 l.ji. ol
12'. s l.'4h 'ml
::.". ::', 1:14
loo '.i:h; '. is
204.1 i:is :'.
'.tv;s u ; ;.. e;..i;;
22V ;i"'i 22;
k.:h i',4.. i 4 :
,1. h;.'l ., I
f.: , .v.i
I jolt '.iy I
;;ni 2:14:, j.,;
.;s j'.'
11.: :;''.'. 412
!; :ii ii.
::.i r.oi, Tcij
im;'; iv 10 12 1 ;
1 4 72 1 4 7.", 1
k-.'H 7S2 ;c,4
2K.". 2;;; 2:2c
4t: 41:1 :.n7
12'.'4 1271 l.r.'.l
..2 4.t ;;:t
:; -i:i7 in.'.4
I4'.s Hit
rjc; U14 :m2
mi .k4.
2'., in
;.;: ;;i.v 2M.
10S II 40
l'.o 4 147 I I 2.2
t.-.'.r.t, :. 174 L':ie:i
1122 10M .oj
7 s ;, J;
lff.i l;i 1.2
i.:i ii
17ol !74 I 'J'.'-.
!"is :...' '.22
:2i :'j.' ;os
i;.;; ir, 11 n:t:.
I2:.i 1217 1 1"' 1
2'ir.i i;m iif::
12.".S 1242 i,Ki
i:.i; if.: k.i
'j'.f.i :i27 f.y.i
K.'f2 74 7.. I
120't 1142 i;o
y:: S4v 11144
io.". 1 ::7 i;o;t
21:11 2i:.i; )::;
410 I'lj
1K2H it.'.s 14.0
72:; .07 741
211s 2k; :uh
;:ss 2i;7 1 nr.
1701 i;;,v 1 4 r.
4HI 4;i 4"7
r.i; 4ns no
l',4 Iill 144
ff.u; i;oo ;7i
1422 12ns :ix
r.: Ca 12:
S7S f.4! .'.ill
s;:t i, 14
122s 3202 ..;;!
lo.'it; :i77 72;
ni7 mi no.-,
.X 127 14!
20.5 2007 J4l,.r.
1 .'.2:1 1 1.. 1 :fi si 22
M'.' 2 2: 21
4 7 7 1. U II
t, U A 2
1 Of..', :, (11 in 1.,
41 I'-' 22 Ii 14
.4'. ),.. (.4 4. 42
24 4 : y 14 r.
U4X ii 7H IH 7
l'i T.l .17 11 II
ir.12 '.1:1 M II 1.4
IS.. I 122 I"., HI n
I.4J f.4 4 'I K II
2.1 17 1 l
34 'i 2 io
:''2 2S i'4 12 12
M.N hi K 4 24
m:. :: 22 :i in
; r.r.t 2; ik ;i 21
iU2 141 1J if' lil
f.'. .".1 ii
4ii 21 i; i 1 it.!
Ii'4! h7 H 20 2.
Mi 4 7 4
M 73 IO. Z'.i
l.'.'l !2 1 .1 ' 1,0
i.:M : 1
21:. 17 14 : :
J .:;. ' 47 21 21
...: .. : 1 1
m 4, 40
''. c.4 :, 7 11 :
I ..I I 211 ?2. l,o (,:.
1 : .
4 '1 2 1 21 4 4
..2 is lo jo
12 I 72 e;., 112 111
K".t. i0 Ci ix 10
72, M n t,:, n
2" h I I JH
277 II 11 : :
1.M 2 ll'i 1:. i. t L'I
.4 I I o o
I"',.' 41 4' i'H 27
M7 Co i.: 44 42
S2 C7 VI !. It
n'.i 4:1 20
j4 h 4 4
inn ::i 21 21 ::
40 t2 7 2 A
1 o.r.; m c.4 2!i 2.1
221s :;4'i 2"s ;; 44
t,..7 mi 7.. '.x va
7 4 h 7 7 1
lie; 00 (I h h
. 2 4 2 2
lilt 4.. 41 lh M
711 f, hi! 12 14
f.M 2.! 4 4
1 0:111 7:, VI s; 2h
1070 40 .21; : a
:i2 i-2 f.:i '. 1
'..'i7 10s 104 14 1:1
K.K 4 4 CHI OO
:57 t.. r.i :; i.-
,12 2:1 12 1:1
i:.m; :,2 4 20 J7
i '22 ; ; 1 l'4
f.;? 47 4 1 :f'
'.f.::: .' r. 1 .',1 1.1
221 40 .-',7 2 A
MIX n2 loo 4 4 4.'.
V'i4 T.l 27 2S 20
i'i2.i v.". 10s ::k ::'
171 2'". 22 r,i CA
1 :. 17 f.i ;o 7 x
:tv:-. 4 7. 40 II II
!.'-,. 22 12 2S 37
1 27 11 K 7 7
if.'. in 17 4
;V0 JO 77 14 14
r,: 3 2 00 00
t;,o 1 o : 20 20
I.S'.e 4S 47 l.'t K.
:-2.'. 1.4 4 7 1 10 hi
i.r.:, 1 :t 1 z 11 v.:
o;; (,i, 14 14 12
H : 2 .'! 2'i 21
1427 171 H7 'J H
772'U .r,i:7 4702 2d23 3KM
101J95 'jS2'j2 7H11
Tc-:tfi District.
fount U-m
A ila ins . . .
l-'ta iiklltt .
Harlan ..
l'lx-lps ...
'.Veln te r ..
1 ir,5
AelarOH. Moll.
(Mi PJ'j
eleventh Dictrict.
Thornn- Arm
fount ley. Paul fin. hlron;:
P.laln 121 S; 10S i4
p,oon- 1277 ISM 1170 1134
Claffle-M . . . 2'.'2 2fA 217 Pil
e;raM V2 4 '.k I7
cirei-Iiy .... .Ill .4;: 7.1.1 40
Hall Ill 374S 1712 1421
Hooker 4S 4 4 f.I) '.ii
Hov.nrii . . ! :i7 4i 1 ir,:: 1020
Loup IVO 1.17 141 124
Thompi ... 72 t.f, 77 I
Vall-v :I2 A 2.1 C:i.1 t,',7
'.Vli-I-,- .. I5S 3 4 7 1 M 141
Total.-c . . i.y.fl if.'.Vl 1277 1.22M
Twelfth District.
ev.iinllis I lo--1 -i : r. I land
lluft'alo 2211 i::xf
c-'ist.-r 20't I'ji;'
Hav.-so.i I2!'4 ll'Jl
Sh,-:riii '.22
Totals y- till
Thirteenth District.
e'oimii'y. Crinn" Piufori i- I.'..; J..I .147 311
4C2 121
K-IMi 2H )Vi
Kirr.'.all I2' !,7
1.1 '!" l:i i.lll yi'.'i
I. i.x-.m 110 77
Mi Ph. rsou 10S 2.1
J'.-i-lcins 1GH 17M
K'-otts IJL.rr 42S 'Hi
Totals C:C2 2172
Fourteenth District,
conn- Jt i; j 1,.
ti'S. Oir. Wl.lto
e "l. i y 314 2M1
I;u:;ly 21.1 222
front .-r 7.15 ';!i7
Kuirins 1 1 44 3 021
';i.s i 421 422
H.tyi-K 202 201
3 ''.:
4 01
f:r,i v;!i.,;
Jlarrl: - WVft-
Countrrs 7'islK-r. Wills. tori. over.
M.x f:uf 44.7 .145 517 C71
i'-'yi 742 f'S.i -:;4 uTi
4o: 424 V, S07
' berry is t,(,r, 473 ;3j
iJ'w-8 f.ii r,5i r,o.i 5.1.J
H"'t 1239 1200 3 77S
Kf-ya Pahu .. 27 253 211 330
Kofk .Ill 357 310 314
She-ridan 43S 23 479 711
SI01.X 142 333 154 242
Totals 5497 6303 SS04 (158
Paralyzed by Cigarettes.
-NOKKOI.K A 10-yoar-old lad in
this city, named Rainey, rame very
near to death's door during the night
j because he had smoked too many eg-
1 j arettes. Contrary to the statute of
6is5 the state, he has been able to buy the
Cones. I thInKS and was prartlcallv paralyzed
S9 for a while. After the rare of a phy
3490 sIclan fcr several hours he was finally
revived ana his relatives intend to en
force the law of Nebraska hereafter
very rigidly.
Mangled Under Falling Wall.
FA lit HUH V A portion of the brlk
wall near the top of Senator Heclo'tt
new opern house building fell and
Fred Uus-ing was caunht under the
j rubbish and was frightfully mangled,
besides sustaining a fracture- of tho
skull. Fhysicians are performing an
operation to relieve (he contusion
of the brain, but give little hup, of
his recovery. Busing was fifiy-threo
years old and was a pruminiut citi
zen of this countv.