The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 03, 1903, Image 2

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    S r t, 1 nr !!. I i . ,- .r T. ii. r i.,
l,M It I .11 Ml. I
(mm . I i.rr- n. r.atti tnt he " aerifor
ai-iiu r ir ::i :lrri of I-. .I. Cutvri A- Co, .lolnit
'-!:, n In tin t itv of To . .. "o'lilty mul SIIII4
f.rf m l ili i mM Itriu will tin- amu f ON K
III MOO- l IM.I I.M.S f., r.i. h nu t r.rrf . i,
'"hm i:.t. r iti.n.t l urel l.y the t,f 11 il
I.' rNrfti ;t
Fit K J.
K worn to Vfor. nt aiibn.-rtl.. I In my rt-ieure,
IMif.ih.t f ui l".-i riil.i r. A. I. IHm.
A. V. I.l.y. ASH':,
If all Cat trrh Turn In l i';i-n lnfrn.M v, an-l !
H'rtIy flit l': I nm poiCou orfcl of ItlO
jyN&t-iia. hin 1 fur t--i." ff',
. .1. II K i .'., Tuledo.O.
Sold l.r 1 f-rutfu'UtN. 7',t.
Vll , 1'aiuily I'lll a.-a the hunt.
j Abstaining Mir.lsterc.
Il i r-.rt.-il Mint l.,T out of 2.831
(Nuigrcc, ilioiial minister in Kiigl.-iru!
ami Wal s an- total hst aiiors. while
in Ireland Scotland the proper-
lion i lill lAry.'-r.
Miss Rose Peterson. Sccre
tary Parkdale Tennis Club, Chi
cago, from experience ad vises all
young girls who have pains and
sickness peculiar to their sex, to
use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
How many beautiful younff jrirls de
velop into worn, listless and hopeless
ivoiro-n, simply because suEieient atten
tion has not been paid to their physical
lf relopurient. No woman is exempt
from physical weakness and periodic
pain, and younjf pirls just budding into
womanhood should be carefully puided
physically as well as morally. Another
flIi.HS Hannah Tl. Mershon, Co1
linswood, N-J., says:
" I thought I would write and tell
yon that, by following' your kind ad
vice, I feel like a new person. I was
nUvays thin and delicate, and so weak
that I could hardly do anything-. Men ion was irregular.
" I tried a bottle of your Vegetable
Compound and be-ran to feel better
right away. I continued its ur,e, and
am now well and strong, and men
tdruato regularly. I cannot Ray enough
for what your medicine did for me."
forfeit If original of about letter proving
Genuineness cannot be produced.
fjyilia Pink ham's Vegetable
Compound will euro any woman
in tlio lain! who suffers from
ivomh troubles, inflammation of
tho ovaries, and Llducy troubles.
Th. 1-t Ii4:iImt ff'ftM mr n.Ail irifta. anl mtm of
4b. tuLwt m.1'iA m th. No w anil LaiarjpMl LdiLiua of
of FntflLih. r-ii(rnpb, Gcrphr. Fiction,
('seful. Iloliuhle. Attractive. Istinu.
Tho New Edition Has 25,000 New Words
New Onzettcrr c f tho World
Mew ElojTaphlcal Dictionary
no ri.-i-. l:ioir:l.n. Um li 1: nJintr.
iby Rot Givo Soma One This Useful Present?
FREE- "A Test In Pronunciation."
Iiutfii-li. itnft :t-rtuunir lir tb. hti totni!.
Iliutrmfetl pnmphl-! al.w frr.
O. & C. MERRIAM CO.. Publishers,
Springfield. Mass. , U. 3. A. -nr4?nl Anniversary Hook on lat
fnKr 'til. lining noitri y l' l,lu-tratlin f uiri-han-l
si niovei.iriu. and TuluaMe la- pctn: for Invpn
('r.itncl iinnifn-tiire': al an inren'itlnir )'t t,t
l;iinci..n FREE. I..n'l alt. wrlif TO-DAY.
Patent Uovvyora, Washington, D. C.
A Great Man's Cowardice.
Thf lat Karl of ItoaronsfieM was
Kirtcd with any amount of moral and
Political courase. hut ho was an ab
jrt coward physically. Wliert he was
still lain Mr. Disraeli his wife once
said ot him: "Ilenjamin is the great
est coward I ever saw. Why. do you
I. mm- t ilways have to pull the string
of his shower hath?" And the great
man was fain to confess that this was
actually the case.
The Romsnce of Anthracite.
The anthracite trade began with an
output of 1.9." tons in twelve months.
It has grown to 7".i)0.oo tons annn-;
ally. In 1S )3 the city of Philadelphia
bought l'o tons of anthracite for use
in ttu- pumping works, but the engi-n.-ers.
not knowing how to burn It,
broke it up to gravel the walks in the
yards. In IS 1 1 two arkloads were
sold at 'he falls of the Scuylkill for
(21 a ton. A morning was wasted in
futile attempts to burn this coal, and
st noon the employer and his work
men, discouraged at their ill luck,
shut up tne furnace and went to din
ner. On their return they were as
tonished to find a roaring flre. the
furnace doors red hot and the fur
nace itself In danger of melting. From
that day dates the successful use of
anthracite in America.
Reads Like Miracle.
Friarpoint. Miss.. Nov. 30. The
Duller case still continues to be the
talk of the town. Mr. O. I Butler, the
father of the little boy. says:
'"The doctor said my boy had disease
of the spinal cord, and treated him
for two months, during which he got
worse all the time. Finally the doctor
fold mo he did not know what was the
trouble. The boy would wake up dur
ing the night and say that he was
dying. He would be nervous and trem
bling and would want to run from the
huuse. saying he saw ugly things
"hlch frightened him. After we had
tried everything else. 1 read an adver
tisement of Dodd's Kidney Pills as a
cure for Nervous Troubles. I pur
chased some and us?d them until he
Lad taken altogether eight boxes when
he was sound and well with not a sln
ple symptom of the old trouble. This
was some months ago, and I feel sure
that he is permanently cured. We owe
to Dodd's Kidney Pills all the credit
for his restoration to good health."
A Is caught mora times In his
?peeh than a woman, because you
an't Interrupt a wcrojui.
1 rC IS'
Fourth Assistant Postmaster-General. J. L. Bristow. Gives Details of tho Fraudu!ent
Iacticss Unearthed in the Postotfice Department Memorandum
of tho President.
Notify ins '.nro:n .f t'.io rfiilts of
Ihe iiiv'sti;itin into corrupt, prac
lici'S olif ;ii!iin; In tin- I'ostofTlce de
partment. President Roosevelt sent tho
following incniontiMiuiii to the legisla
tive body :
It ;i :'' II' il i" 1 'rnl.i-r. l!T2. I'ost
r;i.i.Nli r ;m r:il I'.iyn-- uml 'ni:;;r-vMiuiri
K. I-'. l.'.tH. h;iirinin of thi- mmJt t ;
mi tin- I'n: t - i:i. i- :m-l l'.vt-It.i;-.lH. Ii-M
.-iloil4 (ili.-iil(:itliiiiM M-KiOilliiK tin- pos-l.-il
m rvln.-, ami hh a result ( th-': Iri-ti-rvi'.'WS
it was 1 t 1 mlm-l that an si. on
rn iiny.ii.l'1 aftT tin- niv.-s.-a ry apirorl:i i i.Tii.l In? maili- l.y tin- ipin-cs an
in n-l iwa I ion -li'iul.l ! mail'- of Itn- r-
it-.-. Im.Mi Mi s.-ts. l'ayif ami l.oi'tl a:-;ii-
iii.r as to Up- li ! (; I In- ln -cm ! 1 1 ion
m.l lii.- ( i in.- v.i..:i II sh-.ulld t. ".; l-ir.
A r i-..rilir. y. an !.. r-- of $."i.v i:: tie-
i ,r ...ri.i t ion I ili f oi l.-i in January
was for l!'.- .ii- s m rposp of car
r 1 1 1 f on 1 1 i.i . sl iKa I l.m in i 'I'- ion.
'I'l-e in in. it i.. n mail-- l.y Mr. I'.rin
I..W .lisi!. .-.'.i a f .fill ion of ;.:ri.- i-..i-rni'tioti
in tli- o'll of III.- Kir.t ,s.'l.-:-
nit I ' ri ma.- ! r :.-m la I ami in that of
M: Assislanl Alt .rti. y ' n i ai fi r lli
I' iilli.-.- i. .arl m.-iil. In lln- -aM- of
tin- Mi.. riii !i.'. at of fr-.- ! Ii iy. .M o li
I. Him i vl I. -in .!inws that liis liiiscon-
1 i t l"-ari irniiK .'la i .ly ail. r liis a.oint
nifi t ia S. .t iiili. r, lvr;. ,i tin- as- of
lln t!.n.t a I Mioe.-iiitt rui'Kt of talari, s
:tiii a lio wa in-.-.--. I'. aM i s. ii l,-j;a:i sooa
ifl.-r In- was aoj-oitit'-il t thai plan- in
.Vt;. In tin- i-a a- if Assistant Allorin-
:-iiii.iI '!'yi:i-r il !ia:-i j;oi!" on for a i.'i'n-h-r
of jt-ar.s. hut il is i u ; .-i tl to .say
i-xa.-tly wla-n it l::;in. Tin- follow i'
a list of tin- foiu t.-.-n I'osi -oilii i-ni-lloyt-s
in Hie si-i vii-i- at the tmi lliis
v-s iK'i t i'.'i was hi..iin. who ari" alar-
nlly inn st seriously iaipiii-it.-.l in the
w roii;;,v. iii;i !ln r with an aei- iiii:t el'
(hp .s-..s hut have la-en taken hy tie-liiiV'-rimi'-nl
in i-a h ease.
l'1'he case of i-v--"irst Assistant I'
I.-n.-ra I Ilealli. who tia.l 1-ft 111'?
;- r i.-e over three years h.f.ue this in-vt-sl
!kh I ion was l i;i;n. i.-i m-1 lorth in
lire report of Mr. ISristow.l
.lanes N. Tym-r. Assiatanf Atlormy-
o-aeral for the 1'ost-i lli-e il.-part rnenl ;
a ppolll t -- I 5e-!al JlU'-'lt. I 'osl -I tlii-e e-
parltn-lit. March 7. Im'.I: wit li intervals
of a few years has hc-en In the service
ever since, ami was 1 'osl master-t Jt-m-i al
un.ler I 'i-eslileiit Urant for several
monliis- ho Was romoveil Aplil T2. l'MKi;
lie has Jnce heen in.licteil three times.
A. W. Machcn. general siiperinteri'l.-nt
free-ihli vi-ry yst'-m. oppoinleil i-h-ik lit
post-otfli-rt a l Tol.-.lo. Ohio. March -1. InST;
c ii I i ii ii ii sl in servi.-e ever siui-t; save
for three years; reino-.-e.l May 27. l'.-tl;
I: a. -i since heen imli -teil foiirttr-n times.
liiri;i- W. Heavers, etieral .siipcrln-ti-nilent
of salaries aril allowanc -s; ap
pointed to clerkship in Xew York post
office January. lvl : -ontinuous nervict;
ever Mince; resiK-ialion accepleil to take
effect March 111. has sin-e Iml-ii iu-
dictcil eiKht times.
Janus T. Mot-alf. siiperintemlont mon
ey -order syst m: apolnte.l post-ottice in-S-i-lor
Kebruary 2. l: has heen in pos
tal service ever since; removed June 17.
I:-.:!; has ti.-en i n 1 i . -1 I otn e.
1'ani"! V. Miller, assistant attorney.
l'nst- Ulice department: appoiiiti.l July 1.
l'A2: reii.oved May IMG: indietcd once;
aftvr em- mistrial was retired ami ac
quitted. Louis Kcmpnt r. superintendent regis
try system; appointed clerk in New York
post-office Aupnrt. lxh'l; removed Octobir
I'l. l'K-3.
Charles lledf;i.-s. superintemlent city
free-ilelivery service: appointed assistant
superintendent free-delivery service July
1. lv!i: removed July 22. lMiu.
James W. I'rwin. assistant superintend
ent free-dcli cry service; appomled post
otflce inspector June 27. Iss7; removed St-p-temher
hi. 1!'3: indicted once.
V. Scott Towers, superinlendent Sta
tion C". Washington. I . (.; appointed
clerk. WashiriK'on post-olfi.-e
lMKi; rein-i.'fd October, i'.i''.; indicted three
Oitu F. Wcis. assistant supei int?ndent
rr-Klstry ilivision. New York post-office:
appointed clerk. New York post-oftice
June. 1 S! n i ; i.-movd Octolwr 21.
T. W. M.-rKar, clerk, free-delivery di
vision, in charge (,f supplies; appointed
I'ost-Otflce department. March 11. lS'Jl ;
removed June il. I'm':; indi-ted twice.
C K. t'pton. clerk, free-delivery divis
ion: appointed July 1. ll'lrti; removed June
5. 1M'3: indicted once.
M. W. I.ouis. superintendent supply di
vision; a(i(iointe-.l Kansas City posi-oflii-e
April 17. 1V7; removed October 21. V.i.
Charles II. Terry, clerk, supply division;
appointed September 20, 1!"'; removed Oc
tober 21. 1303.
The three chief offenders in the Covi-m-ment
t'-rvK were Tyner. Macheii and
Ilea vers. As regards M.essrs. I.'eavers and
Maclien the corruption tor.k the form of
bribery and blackmail in connection with
the purchase of i ivernm-'nt sui.plies. In
the office of the Assistant A Urney-(3en-eral
for the Iost- iflice department, under
Tyner and Harrctt. far Kreatcr wronft
was inflicted upon the public than could
he measured hy a pecuniary standard,
for in this office the corruption of the
Government officials took the form of
favorln ifet-rich-iuick ciui"er;is and sim
ilar swiiidlinu schemes; in other words,
the criminals, whom it was the sworn
duty of these fluvernmeiit officials to
prosecute, paid them for permission to
tleeoe the public unmolested.
I heartily approve of the recommenda
tion of Messrs. Conrad and JJonaparte
that the statute of limitations be extend
ed in the case of lovernment servants
to a period of at least five years; for the
persons who in pitch positions of trust
tTKafre in corrupt practices ran ordinarily
conceal their RUilt for a lonjfer time than
is covered by the present short statute of
No crime calls for stern-r reprobation
than the crime of the corruptionist in
public life, and of the man who seeks to
corrupt him. The bribe pivc-r and the
bribe taker are equally guilty, r.oth alike
rln aprainst the primary law of the State's
safety. All questions of difference in par
ty policy sink into inslsniiicance when
the people of this country are brought
face to face with a question like this,
which lies at the root of honest and de
cent eovernmcnt. On this question, and
on all others like it. we can afford to
have no division anions; pood citizens.
Self-Kvernmt-nt becomes a farce if the
representatives of the people corrupt
othf-ra or are themselves corrupted. Free
dom Is not a gift which will tarry long- in
the hands of the dishonest or of those
so fooliuh or so incompetent as to tolerate
uishonesty in their public servants. Un
der our system all power como. from the
Water Supply Important.
ilany people who build homes In
the country fail to realize, until it is
xt late, that the question of water
;upply is the most important problem
rith which they have to grapple. The
hct is that an abundant quantity of
rater should be provided for before
he location for house or stable or gar
len is chosen. Every additional foot
Jrhich water has to be carried in
creases the expense and often dimin
ishes the supply. Country Life in
Coal Is Scarce.
When the opportunity presents itself
to. heap coals of fire on our enemies
heado. remarked the observer of
events and things, we usually find our
selves a long distance from the coal
ing station. Yonkers Statesman.
A Prediction.
Some day. somewhere, in Syria or
Ecypt. there will be found manuscripts
representing the Gospels in their orig
inal form. What a find that will be.
Bo i ton Christian Register.
people, and all punishment rests nltl
n.n !;- with tlie op:.-. The toleration of
ti'f wron. n t the exposure of the wrouR.
1.1 the leal offense.
T i ikii i i 1 1 ; J : i :o js i : -1; i .t.
Astounding Rsvelations of Long-Existing
The rcjoit of Fourth Assistant I'osl-ma-iti
r-Ci m ial .1. I.. lli istow on the
postal inestKaliin is substantially as
follows :
lie first taken u;i tin- case of Miebail
W. I.i u is of 'im lniaitl. appointed In 1X'j7
A'-tini; nd. nt f the Supply li
ision. liis .eu la l ions amounted to
many Ihousar.s of dollars. He was iv
in'c.a d in Oct ol er. 1 .n;.
' The adti.iaist; a I i e methods of T mr
ai:d I'airrtt ale ehaily lllu.tiatid in a
Mimher f ca s which wi l e passed upon
l.y t In m.
An. l'.ristow ;!-.iy.s how tv.any fraudu
lent sell, na s v. ere ao-n: .1. d protection by
f I i . 1 1 ai 1 allow. .1 u.-. of tile mails.
These ii: !ti!o many small swindles in
He shape of l'.n:y juilm-. im-r:;.--, land
im i still, al - rlli i:h i. etc.
f the --tin f - in-, esiiia nt" swiinlis Mr.
I h .stow M'.ys:
V.. J. Au;oM .V Co.. of St. l.oui.4, M
w.-i-e c.i.i.iicl ii'i; what is known as u
"t i.i f-in ( si nn nt" scheme. n Novem
ber 2-". ri'-'. the inspectors. havti:K iav.s
tii;ati.l I he company, recommend. 1 that
a fraud older be issued amiin.-tt it. In
the ni'-antlni.' the company had employed
Can. It as its attorney and paid him a
fee of J.I.imio. And insti ad of issuiuK a
fiaud Tym r nn e tlie company a
letter of corn nit -ndat ion. Two days aft"i
Tyner wrote this letter Harrctt received
a h- k of $1.11011 as an additional fee.
The company failed in Febiuary. ll'li:'.
as.-et.:. J7r..0"': liabilities. $:5.12ll,77(;.
J. J. Kyan 'o. J. J. Uyan Co.. of
Si. Louis, was a kindred Institution to
Arnold & Co. In Oetober. l'J(2. the in
spectors recommended a fraud order
against this compmiy. The company was
Riven a In ;h iii;; l.y the Assistant-Attorney
(Jenerar.s Office and another investi
gation by the inspectors was requested.
In the meantime J. M. Johns, an attor
ney al Kockville. Ind.. made a proposition
to Ryan that for a fee of J.Viion lie could
help him. through his friend L). V. Mil
ler, of the Assistant At torney-lJenerars
Of; ce. After some r. -initiations it was
uri"l that $4. .".HO won d be paid to Johns
by I Ivan if he would iive him a, "clean
fill" be-'ore the Iost OHice department.
This Joh':s aRieed to do. and Miller se
ru:nl a f.!oiablM inline; for Ryan & Co..
wh'ch he sent to Johrs. As a result of
lhi.; U;ii s i linn Miller and Johns were
Uifliii;,' of tlie safe. On April 21. 190:'..
while the iiivmllKation of the Assistant
Attorney-iieivrar.s Office was in prog
ress. Mrs. J. N. Tym-r, in a clandestine
manner, ai.'cnittcd Mrs. liarrett and Mr.
llamru-r, c. safe expert, into a I rivate
room of (no Assistant Attorney-tiencral s
Office, where lie unlocked the sfe and
took out all of the contents, which Mrs.
Tyner ' riled off. What was in the safe
no or.-o knows but the Tyr.cis. Mrs.
Tyre-f staled that she went to the office
and Kecured the contents of the safe nude.-
the direction of her husband, which
statement lie confirmed. As a result of
'.his episode Tyner was summarily re
moved from the office of Assistant Attor-ney-Ccneral
and Christiancy resigned.
For six years under Tyner's adminis
tration certain favored frauds and lotter
ies were jiivon free use of the mails,
llarrett's scht me to ifsifcn ami practice
before the Office, and Tyner' s part in
tl at scheme, as s t forth in tne body of
this report, was the climax of official per
fidy, more evil in its results and more
domoralizipfr to the public conscience
than outright embezzlement or open
Tyner and Karrett were indicted on
October ." by the Ki'iind jury for the Dis
trict of Columbia for conspiracy to de
fraud. The frauds in money-order forms, in
which James T. Metcalf. superintendent
of the money-order system, is involved,
and for which he was removed from
office, are next take-n up.
A Ions list of swindles carried out by
Atigust W. Machcn of Ohio Is enumerat
ed, and the charge Is made that he has
been guilty of forgery. The schemes by
which the government was elefrauded in
clude carriers' satchels, the (Jroff fasten
ers for letter bexes. painting of street
letter boxes, carriers' leather cases, the
cemtract for street letter boxes, package
boxes, the Montague indicator, a .device
attach d to street letter boxes showing
the hours of collection, ar.d rural carriers'
The repert continues:
"In August. 1S07. Oeorge AV. Heavers
was appointed chief of the salary and allowance-
division. Reavers' methods have
been rtckless and without rule or regu
larity. Increases of allowances for clerk
hire in post-offices were made as mat
ters of favor regardless of the necessities
of tlie service. Promotions were fre
quently made without consideration of
the merits of the clerk promoted. Long
time leases fetr post-office premises were
canceled ant! the rent increased upon the
reiommendation ef prominent political
leaders, sometimes without regard to the
rental value of the premises."
In the list of Beavers' misdeeels are
included the sale of promotions, and the
padding of pay reills for clerk hire, oper
ations which netted Beavers many thou
sands of dollars.
The report shows that the government
has been swindled out of a vast amount
of money by fraudulent leases. Twenty
cases are cited, in all of which Beavers
was implicated, and which have been
fully proved. The revelations in this
connectiem. and in the case of the pur
chasing of large amounts of "Brandt
Automatic: Cashiers," are astounding.
Mr. P.ristow says:
"Kliminating from consideration all in
dications of fraud and passing upon the
case wholly as a question of administra
tive judgment, it appears to me that this
transaction would have justified the sum
mary removal from office of First Assist
ant Postmaster-General Heath and
George V. Beavers.
"Rut the element of fraud can not he
eliminated. Men of ordinary intelligence
rarely waste the public revenues in such
a manner without a personal motive. A
bribe of $12.."o was paid Congressman
Kdmund H. Driggs to secure tne order
for 250 machines. A part of this money
has been traced to the bank account ot
Farmers' Interest in Roads.
It costs the farmers of the United
States nearly three times more to get
their crops to market than it does the
farmers of Europe on an equal ton
nage of farm products. This is be
cause the roads of Europe are three
times as good as the roads of this
country on an average. The enor
mous cost of transporting crops to
market can be reduced only by im
proving the highways over which they
are hauled. The better the roads the
less the cost. Leavenworth Times.
Few English Prayer Meetings.
x notable result of the recent Daily
News census of church attendance in
London is the discovery that prayer
meetings, which were once regarded
as the vital breath of the life of the
Church, have almost ceased to exist.
Production of Gold.
The United States furnished $SO,000.
000 of the ?295.00O,OOO worth of gold
which the world produced ia 1902. Col
orado produced 2S,000.000. California
116,000,000 and Alaska $S,00o,0(J0.
"D:i;-gs. Reavers, and MBl.-r have been
indicted by the Federal "rand Jury in the
city of Krooklyn. N. Y."
The report continues:
"Tn ls:), while John Wi-namaker was
Fosi master-! ieneral. an effort was made
to I'll r... luce the Utility time recorder for
use In the postal service, but it failed.
Later, during the administration of Postmaster-General
Wilson, upon the recom
mendation of A. W. Machen. It was adopt
ed. Machcn estimated that the entire
free-delivery service could be supplied for
"In .'I'd an effort was made by First
Assistant Pi e t ma si r-Gcncra 1 W. M.
lohusoti and his chief clerk. John M. Mas
ten, to reduce the price of these time re
i on! rs, but the effort was af terwards
"li. J Truesdi II. who was agent of the
company at the time these (locks were
'irst adopted. Males that he paid Machen
Jl.'i'i'l for his services in securing their
introduction into the service. Criminal
K tion on such payment is barred by the
statute of limitations.
Ry the purchasing of canceling ma
chine's for use ia the postal service it is
shown that the government has lost over
floil.'M i), which sum was divided among the
on.-edr-itors in! 'rested. Mere again crim
nal action is 'narr.-d , the statute of li:n
.Says Mr. liri-to-.v ;
"The most Important contract for
eling machines was that for the 1 infi
ll us. Its original promoters were W. I.
.lor.-mus. the inventor; 1. T. Miclu-ner.
m-mbi-r of the law firm of Dudley Hl
Michem-r, of Washington, and II. J.
Tru.-sdell, of Ringhamtoii. N. Y. Tlie
company was organized August 3. !!'.
and capitalized for Jim. mm, divided into
!.(Mi shares of ) each. Truesdell was on
intimate personal relations with Reavers,
ind in lM'll an order was given for 10"
machines, at $1.".D each. Long before all
of th l(N) machines had been delivered
the department received numerous com
plaints from postmasters stating that
they were worthless; and on account of
lln- great dissatisfaction with this first
Ho known as Model No. 1 the Doremus
company established a factory of its own
in Washington and created Model No. 2.
ami I Sea vers, without testing Its efficien
cy, on June 30. lifOO. contracted for 100 of
the new- machines at 3225 each. Model No.
1 also proved a failure, and Model No. 3
was made, and Reavers promptly gave an
oroer for 1X machines of that model at
322". each.
"Of the 2C0 machines purchased of mod
els Nos. 1 and 2 but 39 are now in use.
the remaining ltd being practically a net
"Six hundred and seventy-one of Ihr-so
machines have been ordered by the de
partment, at a net cost of $113,475. This is
a repetition of the story of automatic
cashiers and Klliott & Hatch typewriters,
except that it is on a, larger scale.
"In UHil Trucsdell and Green became es
tranged and Truesdell left the employ of
Lhe Runday company, and also sold his
interest in the Doremus e-ane-eling ma
chine. When interviewed by the inspec
tors Truesdell stated that before the sec
ond order on June 30, lfiOO, was given for
lot) machines Green told him he had
transferred to Perry S. Heath. First As
sistant Postmaster-General. $20,000 worth
of his stock, in consideration of receiv
ing an order for not less than 3U0 ma
chines. "Heath refused to make a written state
ment, but said verbally to Inspector Sim
mons that he never received any stock
from the Doremus Canceling Machine
Company or any remuneration of any
kind, directly or indirctlye.
"On October r, i:j3. indictments were
found against Green, Dortmus and Reav
ers for conspiracy to defraud.
"The evidence against Heath was also
submitted to the district attorney, who
decided that it was not sufficient to war
rant his indictment.
"The administration of Reavers was. if
possible, more elemoralizing upon the in
tegrity of the service than that of Ma
chen." In conclusion tho report says: I
"For the purposes of this report, the
investigation ordered by you on March
7 has been completed. In the preparation
of cases for trial where indictments have
been found, information may be secured
which will necessitate further investiga
tion and possibly involve persons not now
"The system of organized corruption
that has been disclosed began in 1Mi3 and
continued until stopped hy this investiga
tion. The amount of money secured by
the corrupt officials and their confeder
ates is small as compared to the total
loss to the Government. To illustrate:
"Barrett received ' but $6,000 from Ar
nold, yet that company defrauded the
people out of over $3,000.Ov0. Machen
probably did not receive more than $26,- I
000 from the Groff fastener. Ye-t the gov
ernment has paid approximately $130,000
for that device, which represents a net
loss, since the Department continued,
by the terms of the contract for letter
boxes, to pay for the original fasteners.
Reavers and his associates received less
than $20,000 from the automatic cashier.
Yet the Department expended $74,275 for
this wholly unnecessary machine. The
total amount that the perpetrators of
these frauds themselves received ran not
be definitely learned, but it will aggre- j
gate between $300,000 and $400,000. while !
the loss to the government, considering
the unnecessary supplies that have been
purchased and the inferior quality of
those furnished by fraudulent contract
ors, can not be estimated with any d2
gree of accuracy.
"As the gross abuses have be-en
brought to light they have been prompt
ly corrected by the proper departmental
officers. Contracts where fraud has been
discovered have been annulled.
"The results of the investigation dem
onstrate that all traveling agents of the
Department such as assistant superin
tendents of salaries and alleiwances. of
the free-delivery service, the Railway
Mail Service, and the registry system,
and inspectors should be placed under
one organization.
"A number of changes should be made
in the organization of the Department in
order to provide a more perfect check
on the operations of various divisions, and
some restrictive legislation affecting the
divisions of salarUs and allowance, of
rural free delivery, and possibly others
may be necessary. What the service
most needs, however, is honest, intelli
gent, and vigorous administration. The
corruption dlsclose-d is not due to lax
laws, but to the dishonesty of those who
have been charged with the responsi
bility of administering them."
The Next Necessity.
Congressman McAndrews of Chi
cago sent a lot of seed to his consti
tuents a few days ago and very soon
afterward received a reply from one of
them, which read: "After taking one
package of your grass seed I've be
come a hay-seed. The corn you sent
has been planted in the vacant lot
near the bank building. It is nine
inches high now and all the people re
fer to it as McAndrews park. Try to
send us a few trees and a watermelon
Roasted Coffee a Germ Killer.
Crane and Friedlander, who have ex
perimented on its bactericidal prop
erties, find that roasted coffee is a de
cidedly active agent In the destruction
of germs, including some of the more
serious and important ones.
Fortunate Wcrkhouse Inmates.
Inmates of St. Asaph (Eng.) work
house possess a pony and phaeton, a
piano, and a library of over 600 vol
umes, all provided by generously-tiis-posed
persons in the district.
Convenient and Thoroughly Up-to-date
in All Its Fittings Some
Points of Construction That Are
New and Valuable.
J. A. Ham I have to build a new
barn next summer and would ask you
to publish a suitable? plan. I prefer
to have cattle and horses all under
the same roof, as well us hay and
grain. I would like five stalls for
horses, a box utall for colts, and a.
harness room; also space for 14 or
16 cows and G o.- 8 young cattle, all
J Ui
tied In stalls, and two box stalls for
The accompanying plan shows the
arrangement of the ground floor of
the building. It has 5 horse stalls,
each 5 feet wide; 22 cattle stalls, each
3 feet wide, and varying in length
from G feet 8 inches to 7 feet 8 inches,
one box stall for horses, 8 feet wide
and 16 feet long; and two box stalls
for calves, each G by 9 feet. The sta
ble also has a harness room 4 by 8
feet; a feed alley between horses and
cattle 6 feet wide, and a good-sized
It will be noticed that the outside
doors of the feed alley and the cattle
stable are separated from the windows
only by the door jambs. This adds .
to the simplicity of construction and
admits an abundance of light.
A good plan of ventilation is to lay
a pipe underground to a stand pipe.
say thirty feet from barn; this pipe .
should have a funnel-mouthed cowl, 1
which should have a tail and stand ;
on a swivel so that the mouth will
face the wind. This is for the fresh
air which is brought in under tho
floor io grates in different parts of
stable. The out-take pipes or ven
tilators are placed in stable so as to
extend up through the barn at purline .
posts, and are made of 1 by 12-inca
boards. These ventilators should
extend to the basement floor and have
an opening at the ceiling of the sta
ble, also at the bottom to let the warm
air and steam out and the foul air
at bottom as well; the openings
should have slides for closing.
For the basement walls either stone
or concrete would be more lasting
than wood. If you have to buy all
jour material, both wood and stone,
I think stone would be as cheap as
wood. It is difficult to give an accur
ate estimate of the cost, as the price
of material varies. X. B. H., in Mon
treal Herald.
CI. cow stalls, 3 feet by 7 feet, 8
inches; C 2, cow stalls, 3 feet by 6
feet 8 inches, to 7 feet 8 inches; F,
passage behind cows; G, horse box,
8 feet by 16 feet; H, horse stalls, 5
feet by 8 feet; I I, cattle boxes, G feet
by 8 feet; J, feed room; K, doors; W,
Asbestos in Siberia.
According to a late United States
Consular report, permission to work
asbestos mines not far from the Kutal
river, a branch of the Angara, has
been granted. The deposits there are
found close to the surface, and are
said to furnish a product equal to tha
Canadian. The larger portion of tho
supply of asbestos is now furnished
by Canada, in which country the pro
duction has been increased from fifty
tons in 1878 to 40,240 tons (value $1,
203,452) in 1902. In the kitter year
the year the United States furnished
1010 and Italy and Russia S.vOO tons
of asbestos.
Good for Tired Eyes.
. ii i , .
Wnen tne eyes are meu. saiuiaic
bits of absorbent cotten with witch
hazel and lay them over the closed
lids. Lie down for half an hour, and
the eyes will be rested and strength
ened and noticeably brighter.
Probably the mule kicks because
his owner doesn't use a steam plow.
An approving conscience is better
than an applaudins world.
i "-v.. - . . - vCSi
j! ' 'mJm Muriel Arrrirtago.
Female Weakness is Pelvic
Always Half Sick are the Women
Who Have Pelvic Catarrh.
Catarrh of any organ, if allowed to pro
gress, will affect the wlioI; liody. Catariii
without nervousness is very rare, but jk-Ivio
catarrh and nervousness go hand in hand.
What is so distressing a siht as a pxir
half-sick, nervous woman, suficrir.g from
the many almost unbearable symptoms of
pelvic catarrh ? She does not consider her
self ill enough to go to bed, but she. is far
from being able to do her work without the
" It's the shots that hit that count. " Winchester
Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that is,
they shoot accurately and strike a good, hard, pene
trating blow. This is the kind of cartridges you will cct,
if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make.
i i jj.ii m I'm, in !- i nn i '
'I IIIJ l'UilKO. who 1:1 ii( ill In naiiilnir th fiTwor th A..vo nl-tn Txtirc-ritn will
receive a. valualil rrl7.. Yon will fiii'l our K-.U flnifh-l i.rrrnlimi -ivntr-h far .ii;.. i lor
anything ever lfi-r- nffrrrl f-.r a trir'ilriK r vi.--. Wr!t. v.iir Hn--r r.iilnly on iiomiil
caf.l, twthr with your nam .nl adrlr.s.i. nri'l vnu whl liK.r ui wiihlri a fry !.
tx-lllnfr you what prize you have won. if isu'-cenHf ul In tnp cout-nt.
THE EMPIUC COMPANY. 120 IJlxtrty St., New York.
The Century's New Cover.
The now cover of the; Century,
which has niarb? tho November issue.
stand out boldly on every newsstand
and bookseller's counter, is liein com
mended by readers and critics as "ar
tistic," "dignified," and "unusually at
tractive." It is of simple architectural
design, in ivory, ldack and Venetian
red, on a soft olive-Kreen ; and is said
to he the only permanent inacr;azin;
cover at tho present time in which
green is the predominant tone.
"World s ralr."
A St. I.ouis World's Fair Informa
tion Bureau has been established at
1601 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb., in
charge of Harry K. Moores, where all
information will be cheerfully fur
nished free of charge.
Of all nrin it is up to the geographer
to be worldly wise.
A Rare Good Thing.
"Am usinjr AT.bK.VS FOOT-KASE, and
can truly say I wouht not have been wuhout
it so loup, had I known the r'-lief it would
pive my achinp feet. I think it a rare pood
thinp for anyone having sore or tired feet.
Mrs. Matilda Holtwert. I'rovideru-e. K. I.''
Sold by all .Driigpists. -."ic. Ash to-day.
If a man has plenty of nerve he will
eoon get the coin.
Bhorld e in every home. Ask your grocer
for it. Large 2 oz. package only 5 cent a.
The atom of hydrogen is the small
est of the "ultimate atoms" of the
chemists, but it is 1.70 times as lare
as the corpuscles which have recently
been demonstrated a3 the elements cf
the atoms.
When Your Grocer Says
he does not have Iiefiunce Starch, you
may be sure 1 is afraid to liccp It until
hlsVtoek of VI -z. t'ckatfes ar- sold. 1
tia.nce Starch is not only better than any
other Cold Water Starch, but contains IS
oz. to the package and tells for same
money as 12 oz. brands.
The British Pavilion.
The British National Pavilion at the
World's fair, St. Louis, will be a re
production of the Orangery, or ban
quet hall, of the Kensington Palace,
in Kensington Gardens, London.
Lewis' "Single Binder" straight 6c
cigar. Made bv hand of ripe, thoroughly
cured tobacco, which insures a rich, satis
fying smoke. You pay 10c for cignrsnot
so good. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
The only certain tips on base ball
are the foul tips.
To Cure a CoVd In one rtay .
Take Laxative Bromo Uuicine Tablet. AB
druggists refund money if it fails to cura. 'SrZ.
Whisky and water is a good
"mixer" to the chap who takes too
Why It Is the Best
is borause made by an entirely different
process. Defiance Starch is unlike any
other, better and ope-taJi'd more for 10
Mist Muiicl Armitatfo, ."?( Crernwoo!
Avo , lcliut. Mm Ii., IiMii t Org.'inirrr
of thi b' Tcinj .l.iti of T'mjcrn.icj,
in a ic rnt letter, say. :
" I think that a wnm.m naturally
.htinViXioiii nuking her doublet public,
but lc-.loicd hr.-ilth Ji.ii rto much
lo i::c that I fv for tlio of ,thrr
Millet ing women it ii my duly to tell
what I'e-runa has d ticj for inn.
" I 6tifici!(l for fivo years with utrrino
Irregularities, wbi( li brought nn hy.leri
and made mo a hyiai ;.l vir k. 1 tiieJ
doctois from Ihfj diliercnt wlindi of
mcdiiine, bt;t without ;my jnn j.iibl
chaniV: in my condition. In my di-.pir
I called on an (,1 J niif.c, w!i' advi-cii ino
to try l'ciunn, and i ruini-cd K" d r
stslts if I would I 'T-i-.t nml t,. i;itrK
ul.iily. 1 1 1 1 -ii"Iit tbi'i w.ii l!,! l.-.v.t J
Ct'til'l do ard j :in tired a. ."t!l' I
H'J t.jt :i a i I be ;.:n t.i! in,; it ll. it it was
lil1 :U: il.i.iT' iiily 1jo:; anything
I h.;d lis d I rfwn
1 l;t orttal;-
in;f it. 1 I '; t tHti no 1 r ! month,
ni:l t.ica-!.! c.ii:.cI t.t i :t-; : h .i :i 1 he ilih,
an.l v. b'-ri I h .d n -d iii'ecn b"if!' I
con1. d l:iy i-:itiicy . uifd. I am
a j'.i .:Vri.l, h;;; jy woman t;-day."
r.tiv; M i;ri I Ai ijiit.c;.
I'cit.iM iiii'h eMail h of tin jw-hic
oif-airi v.illi I.Y: sai::; turcty as it imci
i .il.'iili of tho head. J Vri:t!.i lri: Ir
o!.! i c:i'i'.vi,cil a jkc i;ivit uro fur
fcf.irili; ;.i!ini-:its ly Ix-i aus) (h nib
inealj arcs mostly due to i atlan h. a
t.irr!i is au.c of tbo trouble.
I 'criin.ii cur es thj catarrh. This bymr
tor's disa pjH-ar.
greatest exhaustion. Thil is a vt..y com
mon ii'lit and is almo.t always due to jiel
vie catai rh.
It is worse than foolish for so mny
women to sullcr year alter year with a dis
ease that can bo ermaiiently cured.
Vt una c ures catari h k-i manenily. It
cures old chronic cases ns well it i a blight, the only dilb-rcncff being in tha
length of time that it tdiould he taken to
eilc t a cure.
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of I'criMia, wrilfl
at once to I r. 1 1 art man, giv ing a full state
ment of your case, and ho will le pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilarlrnan, 'resident of Ths
Ilartinaa Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
The FREE Homestead
Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904.
Million of acrs cf matrnifirrrit flraiti anl CJi
iiiK I a no's to I.'- lini mall'' vifl. ur by i.urr.hava
fioui Railway Compiiiin;,, Lund Coi porutiou .. etc
OfMKj Crop, delightful rllniMte, nplcnilld
school fJHti'in, iMTft-ct MHlul eorxllLlonx,
except loiiiil railway ml inn tape, ami wealth
and uflluenee Mfi-ulreij ciotHy.
The population t WV'.f-in Cnia iorr-t!il
J2x.l0i by ijiimiKiatfon duiiiig the fast -ar. ot-r
S'l.OO') beiiiK Ameiir aju.
Vrit to nearest author l! Cana.iian 0'iV-rminl
Asent for Caiimllan Atlas nri'l otli-r inf rniiiiiori
'ir ad'Jre. bupf:i iof-ml'-nc Imrriiciatiou. Otunil
V. V. lieriuett. 001 lcw Vol L,fu UuiMicc,
Omaha, Neb.
KB. RAW FURS wanted
Kor Imrlon Jsnaarj K1m. f)ymnni, M'ikat, Mink,
ftkunli. Itccoin nd oritur". tniiint ru-h ,rrmm t.m1,
Writ A. . Hrkbrdt Mala A. tfad. tl laastl. b
ar In-. 'ril to!e 1:i tli. fluio of Mirylar.d. whT
tliy til flnd a dllif liif ul knl henlitiv i llrr au-. flrt
clai mrk.fri for their .r'nln.-rn oiid iri1' of Mn-I
at ri-a-'.riHM prl'". Mxp and a- ripu. j.jiiili
let !U b: neiit t rr. on fcppll.-inloii to
Sec' State Board ol Immigration. BALTIMORE. K3.
Rlpn Tahiilen ar tl: tt djra
prpi n.-iviri en-r n..v.
hiiii'lrcd rr.llll.r.a of ttii-ni ja
li-rj Hold lu tin fruited hite la
a iilnir! year. Con-tlpa' Ion. l.rari
hum. l k lieadai'li, d lllni-... 1-1
hrfaT.h. ri ttir'.al, and -rT 111
Dfu ai-lnlrie 1 T mi a dUonlerril
roniarh are relieved r currd liy Klpani 'lal.ul.
One will (.'n.'rally irlre re 1 1 f wltliiri iwnty foln
u. 1 be tlve-rnt t.aclcai' Ii rnougli fur ordinary
occa!ooi. All druj;-!t aell ttiem.
(put rr l roi.LAPHBi.a tvbp:
A cubttitute for and superior to mustard or an?
oth-.r plaster, and will not blister thi moat
delicate skin. The pain ailayin and curanvo
qualities of thi article are wonderfuL It will
stop the toothache at once, and relieve head
ache and sciatica. We recommend it as the test
and safest external counter-irritant known, alto
as an external remedy for pains in the cheM
and stomach and all rheumatic, neuralgic and
gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we
claim for it. and it will he found to bo invalu
able in the household. Many people say "it Is
the best of ali your preparations." Price IA
cents, at all drutriMs or other dealers, or by
lending this amount to us in po'.tae stamps wa
will send you a tube by mail. No article should
be accepted by the public unless the same
cart ics our label, as otherwise it is not genuine.
17 State Street. New Yoax Ctt.
When Answering Advertisement
Kindly Mention This Paper.
W. X. U., Omaha.
Xo. 491903.
MiKtS Whl tit ALL Hsl i AiLS.
ftaaf 1 jiturh hvmn 'I'ftiaJa (4 an al TTaA
In ttm. f-trl hr dnvalitt.
- A-,1
1. 1