ADMIRAL Pe-ru-na Drug Co., Gentlemen: " ru-na and I believe ADMIRAL SCHLEY, one of the foremost, notable heroes of the Nineteenth Century. A name that starts terror in the heart of every Spaniard. A man of steady nerve, clear head, un daunted courage and prompt decision. Approached by a friend recently, his opinion was asked as to the efficacy of I'cruna, the national catarrh remedy. Without the slightest hesitation he gave this remedy his endorsement. It ap peared on later conversation that Pi-runa has been used in his family, where it is a favorite remedy. Such endorsements serve to indicate the wonderful hold that Peruna has upon the minds of the American people. It is out of the question that so great and famous a man as Admiral Schley could have any other reason for giving his endorsement to Peruna than his positive conviction that the remedy is all that he says it is. ThelT ism's THE FAMILY PAPER OF NATIONAL CIRCULATION. THE LIFE IT PICTURES AND THE CHARACTERS IT HELPS TO MOLD ARE TTPICAL OF OUR TIMES AND COUNTRY. Annual iSwbscrivtion Offer. The New Subscriber who cuts out and send this slip or the name ol this Paper at once with SI. 75 will receive: All the Issues of The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1903. The Thanksgiving , Christmas and New Year's Double Numbers. The Youth's Companion "Springtime" Calendar for lM, lith ographed la twelve colors and gold. Free Then the fifty-two Issoes of The Companion for f 904 a library of tbe best reading for every Member of the family, cjoi FVLV ASSOVSCEMEST AKD SAMPLE COPIES OF TUB PAPER FREE. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. BOSTON. MASS. - THERES NO USE ARGUING DdLinu Starch b tf very best Stircn a'safed. Hundreds rfl testify to It Try R once younelL J7 guarantee uthfatinn or taortj hark. You can't lose. Defiance Starch b afcsnluttly tree Eroca. A-ffitraTfc It males the clothes look beautiful and will not rot them Get R of your grocer. It ounces for 10 crt-oa-tliIr J mere than you get of A07 other brand.. THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA.. UB, V. !. DOUGLAS 3.SS&3 SHOES K You can save from $3 to $5 yearly by wearing W. L. Songl&s S3 JO or $3 ahoea. They eqnal those that have boca cwt in v: from S4.00 to The iin- metis salo cf ". L. lKni:!:u iioS provtS their superiority over 11 other make. Goi.I by retail shoo dealers everywhere. Look for name and price on bottom. That Doaclaa ae. for. aatelt prow there W valae la Dosela. nit am. areas Is tbe ale heat errmd. Pat.Leat her atwte. Our $4 em a? Lln.r.mnot MM It mail. "i Catalog, free. W. h MHttLAS. Bracatoa. FREE TO WOMEN! To prove the hemline- and eleaosintr power of Asztine) Toilet .Intieeptte we will , Kali a large trial vtclnm itb book of instructions .beolatoly frr. This Li not a tiny samoie. but a Urn package, enouea to con vince) anyone or iu value. , Women all over the countrr i are praising Paxtine for wUat lit baa doo9 in loeal trat 'ment ef feaaal tile, carina: all inflammation and dischanres. wonderful as a cleansing raainaJ doncbe. for aore throat, nasal catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth. Semi today; a postal card will do. Moid by di-ag-frteta or snt sMtpld by as. SO taw tare Nttiert.ettota COBimnitw Till M. PAXTOM CtX, Boston. tli;eiaikMa'. W. N. U Omaha. No. 421903. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. ewevwevw aac wrejm. tra Illf.a.vJ I .1. f ll I. I It V V 4 I OA ii t (vi ; ii 1 1 J l SCHLEY ENDORSES Columbus, Ohio: can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has taken Pe with good effect." W. S. SCHLEY, Washington, d. c. Companion The woman who constantly com plains is the one who understands her self least. Men of ability are not always pos sessed of attractive manners. f ' f i I baa no terrors for 1 VJI i ai themanwboweara trarramtta water rrvqr. : SAWYER'S I oneaciotning tad for all kinds of work. O.t only the ewiu that will not erm-,pe or gw kk-u. ii your oraicr doesn't Bare them, write for ealaloaiM to BL M. tAWTKB d BOS, aaifewa Jaaaa, G3Ti KKX11 At all aterea, or by naJl for tbe price ' HALLanucKCuritxrYcns. TO FAIODS We fnraish IS cow with every quarter aection of land boucht of as. Yon pay for them oat of their cream. Wa apply the crop payment plan to stock. We are lookinc for men who waat to own their nomas. We can and - WILL HELP YCU START RIGHT. If yoawant alarm or ranch in the "Garden of Proe aoiity" send for oar free list and descriptive folder. WHITRSY VTHKLOGX, 99 I ism? Co (vS S.1TIT '1' Iff ...1.1 m' U r L M mF"V m -mV oSav Te. m t , 1 laaw r?n The fact is Teruna has overcome all opposition and has won ill way to the hearts of the people. The natural timidity which so many people have felt about giving endorsements to" c.aj remedy is giving way. Gratitude and a desire to help others has inspired thousands o people to give public testimonial? for Peruna who heretofore would not have consented to such publicity. Never before in the annals of medicine has it happened that so many men of national and international reputation have been willing to give unqualified and public endorsements to a proprietary remedy No amount of advertising could have accomplished such a result, Peruna has won on its own merits. Peruna cures catarrh of whatevel phase or location in the human body. This is why it receives so many notable and unique endorsements. Address The Peruna Drug M'f'g Co., Columbus, Ohio, for free literature on catarrh. If a man's wife doesn't think him at least three time3 smarter than he real ly is. then he married the wrong wo man. ton never hear any one complain bout "Defiance Starch." There Is none to equal it In quality and quan tity, 16 ouncss. 10 cents. Try It now and save your money. Pretty girls often shower smiles so indiscriminately that they become val ueless. Some men accept attentions from women with boorish condescension. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not etaln the hands or spot the kettle, ex cept green and purple. He Begin Early. Dr. Francis L. Patton, president of Princeton Theological seminary, has a reputation not only for the excel lency of his sermons, but for the short notice at which, on occasion, he can prepare them. Some time ago he was conducting a "question box" at summer school, when be was asked by one of his auditors, "Will you tell me. Dr. Patton, your method of pre paring your sermons? Do you begin early in the week?" "Yes." said Dr. Patton, "quite early." "But," per sisted the questioner, "how early?" "About 6 o'clock Sunday mornings." Silk Made of Wood. Artificial silk Is now being made In Europe from wood fiber, tinder an English patent. The American, consul at Stettin writes of It: "The sample shown me was very soft and of a cream color. Each thread is made up of eighteen single strands. A single strand is hardly perceptible to the naked eye. As to the relative strength of a real silk thread and this imitation, the real silk is two-thirds stronger. It is said to take coloring or dyeing readily, .and when woven into pieces has the appearance of real silk. It is impossible to get samples here, or information as to the process of manufacturing, exoepting that no particular kind of wood is required and that the pulp undergoes a chemical process and is pressed through very fine tubes by hydraulic pressure, form ing the single strands which go to make up the thread." Still Another Case. Franksville, Wis., Oct. 12th. Many remarkable cures are being reported from all over the country but there It one right here in Franksville which is certainly worth publishing, and which has not as yet been given to the public. Mrs. Louis Markison of this place had been a sick woman for quite a long time and could not find anything to give her any help. She suffered all the painful symptoms of what is gen erally known as female weakness. Every woman who reads her story will understand these distressing con ditions which combine to make the lives of many women one long bur den of weakness and suffering. Mrs. Markison chanced one day to hear of a new remedy called Dodd's Kidney Pills, that was said to be a splendid medicine for women's weak ness. She determined to try some and soon found herself getting better. She kept on with the pills and was. cured. Speaking of her case, Mrs. Markison says: "I can and do praise Dodd's Kidney Pills as a remedy for female weakness. They are the best medicine I have ever known, and have done me a great deal of good." "Appendicitis" is Barred. The illness of King Edward VII brought to light the fact that the word "appendicitis," which is in gen eral use in this country, Is not so common in England. It is, as a mat ter of fact, of American origin, and it is possible that this is the reason wny-- it is ignored in the huge "New English Dictionary." Dr. Murray, however, has recently accounted for his decision on the ground that words ending in "Itls" are not English, but Graeco-Latin, and do not come within the scope of an English dictionary, unless, as is the case of "bronchitis," tbey are in popular use. In this coun try, lt least, one is used as much as the other. British medical experts seem to dislike the word equally, and Sir Frederick Treves, in a recent work, goes out of his way to condemn "appendicitis" and to find equivalents. Stop tne Cowujh and Works Off the Cold Laxative Browo Quinine Tablet. Prfos 25c Giddy girls can convert sensible men into objects of derision. Men occasionally carry fun so far that it becomes annoying. - If yon - don't get the biggecS sad best it's your own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal it In quality or quantity. It costs at least ten times as much to live according to the requirements of fashion as it does to live according to the demands of nature. TOtTK CLOTHKS VADKOf Use Red Cross Ball Bine and make wbito arain. Lanre 2 os. pexdugs, ft Women know hov to look offended without feeling It PE-RU-NA It takes a man by surprise wkes woman intelligently contradicts his pet theories. ' When a girl laughs at a man's id'e character he at once Imagines himself entertaining. A rolling stone does not make much of an upnill fight. Japan's Remarkable Progress. It has not taken Japan long to get into the ways of civilization. Less than five years ago "the consular courts, such as the civilized nations maintain for the protection of theif citizens in eeml-civilized countries, were abolished in Japan. This sum' mer an international exposition is it progress In Osaka, with exhibits from various occidental nations, and a sur prisingly large display of Japanese products manufactured in the modern way. There has been no greater mar vel ir the industrial and political his tory of the world than the conversion of the mikado's empire from the stan dards of Asiatic stagnation to western life. There are people who believe that when China awakes the world will see a still greater marvel. Famous Moated House. The. moac which so often surround ed halls and castles in the old days is now generally dry and filled up. but some remarkable specimens still remain. Perhaps the finest example of a moated house is Helmingham nan. tne seat oi Liorti lonemacne, m Suffolk, about eight miles from Ips wich. The drawbridge still remains, and it has been raised every night for more than 300 years, the ancient pre caution being observed even though the need for it has long passed by. The moat which surrounds Leeds cas tle, near Maidstone, is so wide that it may almost be called a lake. The ancient episcopal palace at Wells is surrounded by walls which inclose nearly seven acres of ground, and by a moat which is supplied with water from SL Andrews' well. A venerable bridge spans the moat, giving access throvgh a tower gateway in the other co-t ORIGIN. Of a Famous Human Food, The Story of great discoveries or in ventions is always of Interest. An active brain worker who found himself hampered by lack of bodily strength and vigor and could not carry out the plans and enterprises be knew how to conduct was .led to study various foods and their effects upon the human system. In 'other words before he could carry out his plans he had to find a food that would carry him along and renew his physi cal and mental strength. He knew that a food that was a brain and nerve builder, (rather than a mere fat maker), was 'universally needed. He new that meat .with the average man does not accomplish the desired results. He knew that the soft gray substance In brain and nerve centers is made- from Albumen and Phosphate of. Potash obtained from food. Then he started to solve the problem. Careful and extensive experiments evolved Grape-Nuts, the now famous food. Grape-Nuts contain the brain and nerve building food elements in condition for easy digestion. The re sult of eating Grape-Nuts daily is easily seen in a marked sturdinesa and activity of the brain and nervous system, making it a pleasure for one to carry on .'the daily duties without fatigue or exhaustion. The food is in no sense a stimulant but is simply food which renews and replaces tho daily waste of brain and nerves. Its flavor is charming and being fully and thoroughly cooked at the factory it Is served instantly with cream. , The signature of the brain worker spoken of, C. W.' Post is to be seen on each genuine package of Grape Nuts. Look In each paeksge for s copy of tbe famous little book, "Tbe fioad to WeUviUa." - x II Per Rheumatism jj II Neuralgia Sprains 0 11 Lumbago Bruises u ( BacKscho Soreness fi ;( Sciatica Stiffness JS fl Use the old reliable remedy II St Jacobs Oil 1 1 Prtewt 95?. avsad 50c. 1 1 ANOTHER EUROPEAN INVASION. "New York Cos Ip Are Awaiting with Interect the Visit to That Ctty cf a Number of En8lir.ri Women of Title-, Who Arc Ssid to Be Planning ta Turn tbe Table3 on the Galaxy of American Girls Who Have Married High-Corn Englishmen." News Item. For oome Time the Titled Foreigner Has Been Preferred by Our Heir esses to the Exclusion of the Home Product, but ' When ths Latter Begin to Receive Ladies l aM w-aotalrsn Undoubtedly There Will be Grand, though Belated, Recognition of the Su perior Charms of the Domestic Article. JAPAN REJECTS PROPOSAL. Russia Desires to Cut Up Korea, Tak ing Half. LONDON. The correspondent of the Daily Mail at Kobe, Japan, tele graphs that Baron Von Rosen, on October 4t presented a note to the Japanese government, contending that Japan had no right to interfere in the question of the evacuation of Man churia, which solely concerned Russia and China. The note further pro poses the partition of Korea and sug gested that Japan should take the southern half and Russia the north ern provinces. The note was discussed by a coun cil of ministers October 5, and Mar quis Yamagata, commander-in-chief of the army,' had consultations with the ministers of war and marine. The Japenese government, adds the corre spondent, then sent a reply to Baron Von Rosen, rejecting the Russian pro posal. A crisis is possible at any moment. SIR THOMAS SAILS FOR HOME Will Say Nothing About Challenging k Again for Cup. , NEW YORK. Sir Thonia3 Lfptan sailed for England Friday on the steamer Cedric. Sir Thomas said he Vas not feeling as well as he looked, but that he expected to gain strength on his way to England. Sir Thomas bade goodbye to II. II. Davies, his American representative, and Captain Webster, who were the only persons at the dock to see him off. He would not talk about the possibility of his challenging again for ne CUD The Cedric also carried J. Coleman Drayton, Dr. Hans Schwegel, Austrian vice consul at Chicago; P. H. Whit taker, M. P., and Y. H. Truesdale, president of the Deleware, Lackawan na & Western railroad. TRAVELER TURNS ON THE GAS Evident Suicide of T. F. Cox at a Lin coin Hotel. LINCOLN, Neb. T. F. Cox, whose home, according to an address found in a pass book which he carried in his pocket, is supposed to be at Gresnleaf, Kan., went into his room at the Boyd hotel here Friday morning And turned on the gas. Ho was found by the hotel clerk, almost dead, and died two hours later at aa un dertaking establishment. Cox did not regain consciousness and a reason for his act is not known. He was evidently on his way from Seattle, Wash., to his home in Kan sas. He was about 40 years old. Roosevelt Ranch Sold. BISMARCK, N. D. The old "Chim- aey Butte" ranch, made famous as the ranch established by President Theodore Roosevelt when he was a Bad Lands cattleman, has been sold Strike May be Averted. CHICAGO Indications are that the threatened strike of the employes of the Chicago City Railway company will be averted. Arrangements have been made for a conference be tween representatives of the union and General Manager McCulloeh on Monday, when it Is believed that an amicable adjustment of the contro versy will be reached. Both sides are said to be willing to make con cessions. Suit Over Division of Millions. ST. JOSEPH, Mo. In answer to suit filed in the federal court by Mrr. C C. Burnes of Chicago and her daughter, Marjorie, for a division of the Burnes estate of Missouri, valued st $15,000,000, Lewis C. Burnes, pres ident of the National Bank of SL Jo seph and head of the estate, has filed a cross bill, asking for a redistribu tion of stock, but seeking to hold the estate Intact for the present at least.. tarn, I the Flattering Attentions of the English TREATY TO AVOID WARS. France and Great Britain Agree on a General Arbitration Plan. PARIS. It was learned in authori tative quarters that the terms of the general treaty of arbitration between France and Great Britain have been concluded between Foreign Mininter Delcasse and the authorities in Lou don. All the substantial terms of tho treaty have now been settled. There only remain minor questions of detail and the signing of the treaty. Thcso formalities are so far advanced that the treaty is considered to be an ac complished fact. The advanced stato of the negotiations has not yet be-ia communicated to the public. The treaty follows the general Unas of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, which to a considerable extent served as a model. It is pointed out that the Hay Pauncefote treaty, although rejectel' by the United States senate, now serves tho useful purpose of giving a basis for this important Anglo-French treaty. The officials also view the no gotiationa as evidence of the sympa thetic attitude of the Unit'l States, France and Great Britain on the prac tical adoption of the theory of arbi tration. EXPENSES TO DE CUT DOWfl Number of Municipalities in Philip pines to be Reduced. MANILA. A commission is now engaged in reducing a number of municipalities in the different prov inces of the islands. This will greatly reduce the expenses of the govern ment. At the request of Governor Taft, Admiral Stirling has detached two gunboatc, the Iala de Cuba and the Fampamga, to Samar to search the neighboring waters for the little steamer Victoria with Johnson and Herman, the defaulting. constabulary, on board. The ccast guard vessel has also been sent out to overtake the fugitives if possible. No tVord of their whereabouts has been received from any source. GIVES MONEY TO COLLEGES. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bryan to Distrib ute the Bennett Bequests. NEW HAVEN, Conn. William J. Bryan, as executor, filed for probate the will of the late Philo S. Bennett. The will disposed of an estate worth approximately $253,000. Among the public bequests the will provides that $10,000 will be divided among twenty five colleges or universities by Wil liam J. Bryan, and $10,000 is given to Mr. Bryan to aid needy students, while a similar amount is to be dis tributed by Mrs. Bryan among deserv ing students in female colleges. NEW YORK There is an uncon firmed report here that Mrs. Philo S. Bennett will contest the will of her husband. Land Fraud Investigation. BUTTE, Mont. A special from Great Falls says: The Great Falls land office Monday received instruc tions from Washington to withdraw from entry under the desert land law all lands in the district lying south of the Missouri river. The order af fects approximately 1,150,000 acres, The officials were also, instructed to suspend, pending investigation, all des ert entries upon which patents have been issued. Appeals for Relief Funds. LONDON The archbishop of Can terbury has issued an appeal urgently representing the necessity for sub- -scriptions to the Macedonian re'Jef fund. China Buys German Guns. BERLIN The Chinese minister Is at Essen, where he is buying arms and other war material. ' OJJLLlUzLK ALL TIRtiO OUT. The wp.iry, worn out, all tlroil rc'l ln;s come to cv cry body who taxes the lild neys. nrn the kidneys aro over worked they full to perform the duties naturo ha provided for theni to do. When the kid neys fail danger otis diseases quickly follow, urinary dlxordcra. diabetes, dropsy, rheumatism, Bright'! diseaHo. Dunn's Kidney IMIla cure alt kidney and bladder Ills. Read tbe fol lowing case: Veteran Joshua HHler, of 70G South Walnut slrect, Urbsiia, 111., says: "In tbe fall of lfcJ9 aft-r getting Dosn's Kidney Pills at Cunningham IiroH.' drug store in Champaign and taking a course of treatment I told the read ,rs of the paper that they had re lieved ine of kidney trouble, disponed of a lame back with puln acroHM my loins and beneath the shoulder lladH. During the Interval which had elupved I have had occasion to resort to Doan't Kidney PHIh when I noticed warulriK of attack. On eath and every occa sion the results obtained were Jut aff satiKfactory as when the plllx weir first brought to my notice. 1 Jimt ac emphatically endorse tho preparutlou to-day as I did over two years ago." A FRF.E TKIAL of this great kliluey medicine which cured Mr. Heller will be mailed on application to any part of the United Stat en. Medical advice free; strictly confidential. AddrcHs Foster-Mllburn Co., Iiuualo, N. V. For sale by all druKgUts, price CO cents per box. Wherever inflamutioii exlHts. Ihtre you may use with perfect safety '.v SAV& although the Ralvo in chiefly recom mended Tor uIkcusch of tl eye. CURES ALL EYE AFFECTIONS. :Ah t3a CLOTHBtcJfe TNI HMjtMT inmu BAS ItlMlll TM1M -r half a centusv. tatt A J TOW I faiiTONrlAU UJA. Tone (mmm j uritt racxtc.cM. r ttiiAiu tui i n ttntm LEWIS' SiKGLE B.MDIER I Z tS IUH I O T V K lf.rR ANNUAL SUE OVER Your jobber cr direct Irom 1 -'sciory, 1'ouiU, III The Sultan a Great Reader. The sultan of Turkey, Jt is said, keeps fifteen dragoman seeretaries constantly employed in tranplating the best of the world's literature for his reading. The translations Jri'liido not cnlv serious works on history, pol itics and science, but sovels in every European language. They are writ ten on large sheets of thick whito gilt-edged paper, fastened together hj ribbons. The sultan is said to hav a special weaKnews ior tue rjporu of famous trials and for novels Is which a great crimo is the chief mo uve. I $100 Regard, 5100, The readers of t'.il rt'r will Je piefl vn lean? that tcere ! at teaxtune dreadf-d dlwaxo that tu trnrtv bu been able tu cure lu all Ita HMurt, ami ibat Is Catarrh.- llali'a Catarrli Cure Ik the m'jr piltivr cure now Icdowd to tbe n- liml fraternity. Catarrli be i db a conallljlloiial dic"e. require a eoriailtif tlonal treat men I. Hall's Caiarrb Cure I taken to temallF, a'tliir directly upon tbe Muod end tmurjue surfaces of tue iriten, thereby de.truyliix tbe foundation of the diM-aae. aud kItIijk tbe patient treufrta by building up tberonxtHutloii and altliitf nature In d'tlag U w"rk. 1 re proprietor" have ' much faith in It cu: ive i-e boa-era. that tnejr offer One Hundred Iol!a' tor any aae that lt fUis uac.rm. Send for Hit of tei rimfciU Addre'j F. J. CI1EXK v CO., Toledo, O. Sold by dragt'tu. "c. Uaii'a Family I'll In are tie belt. The Only Titled Mute. Sir Evelyn Arthur Fairbairn is the only subject of King Edward who bears an hereditary title and was born deaf and dumb. A tall, hand some man, w'th peculiarly winnir smile and attractive manner, he given no outward sign of a misfortune which would have shadowed a tem perament less buoyant than his own. Sir Artftur is a famous globe trotter, a great part of his travel having been undertaken to study means of ameli orating the lot of those afflicted as he is himself. PlM'a Cure is the) best medicine we erer tse4 for all aSectiona of the throat and huwi Wa. O. EXDSLzr, Va&buren. Iod., Feb. 10. 1900. Lots of men -have so much genius that they are unable to do anything but sit in the shade and think about It Defiance Starch Is put. up 18 oun in a package, 10 cents'. One-third more starch for tbe same money. The gentleman with the cloven hoot, usually travels with the gentleman who has a cloven breath. People whose nerves are on dgrj are incapable of cutting much of a fig ure. r' aaa of Irr Kkhi Oraat Narva h..r . er. Bend for FREK OS. OO trial (total aavd traatMa. Da. a B ILumu, Ltd.. an Area acres. FbUeAelfiasa.s' A married woman is disappointed when she starts away for a two weeks' visit unless her husband looks heart broken. . TWrs. Wlnslowa Myron. For eaiidrsa teething, aoftens the funis, redanee ts laramaMoa. allays pain, cure ne cotlc "OceanUs A woman is apt to take . offense when a man meets her sallies of wit.