The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 17, 1903, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
Til kick seems to Ixtalull in national
Mlitic.s just now, hut it is only the lull
Ik-fore the storm.
While they love to ridicule him, the
republican are at heart much afraid
Hon. Tom Johnson.
Tn kick are many indications that
the Kt miuoiis energy of the accidental
president is needed in Washington.
Tiiosk Indian Territory grafters
who have all goiw into trust companies
made an original interpretation of
Cleveland's statement that "a public
office Is a public trust."
The serene confidence in the result
of next year's election displayed by the
republicans is harmless, but it will re
ceive some severe jolts be fore the com
ing session of congress adjourns.
Sknatoic IIasna is not the first pol
itician for whose stomach Ohio repulv
liean politics have proved too strong a
diet. The doctors have ordered Mr.
Hanna to keep quiet for a few months.
Stagnation has struck the postoflice
investigation. Over two months have
passed without any developments.
One ollicial has leeii suspended and
has performed no work since the
of April, and Kand, Payne's "confiden
tial clerk," haslen absent since July
3rd, hut lx)th continue to draw their
Oxk of the out-of-town ring candi
dates was In I'lattsmoutli Saturday
"warming up" with the chief machin
ists. It was reorted that he lost his
hat on the car platform, and it was
olxserved that "he had few hairs on the
the top of his head, unlike his cam
paign cards, whichshowhairin almost
endless profusion. A noted artist once
said, "Taint me as I am." We com
mend these words to all candidates on
whatever ticket.
Wiikn it is taken into consideration
the fact that County Attorney I toot
boldly states that John I). Mcllride has
proved himself a vigilant otlicer, and
that his fees have always lieen moder
ate, is sutlicieDt to convince the hon
est voters of Cass county that the News
has Itcen unjust in its charges against
that otllcial. Mr. Itoot Is in a position
to know, while the News man is in a
position to publish any and everything
brought to him without knowing or
caring to know whether they are true.
It's all right if a member the ring or
tlie "assistant" editor brings such
rot to him, and it goes as emanating
from the "fertile" brain of the ligure
head whose name appears as editor.
Tuk republican committee of Cass
county can evidently boast of an unus
ual "bright" chairman. When Chair
man Gering of the democratic commit
tee went to him with, a proposition to
select an investigating committee to
Inquire into the charges made against
Sheriff Mcllride by the editor of the
News, consisting of ex-sheriffs Hyers,
Taylor and Wheeler, and County
Attorney Root, that "bright light" re
fused point blank to accept the propo
sition. When it came to naming Mr.
Itot, that ringster replied, "I don't
know whether ltoot is a republican."
What do the many friends of Mr. Itoot
think of that? ISecause he is in the
proper position to know the facts in
every case referred toby the News, and
because he opposes the unjust criti
cisms of Sheriff Me Bride's accounts by
the willing tool of the News, he Is be
ing seriously condemned by the ring
sters. liut the honest, sober-minded
republicans of Cass county know that
Jesse L. Itoot is an honorable man and
will not stoop to dishonest schemes to
defeat a man like John I). Mcllride,
who, Mr. Itoot, as county attorney,
knows has not been guilty of anything
wrong. This is sufficient for demo
crats and honest republicans; bufbh,
how it makes the rigsters squirm!
True as Gospel.
Very often a candidate would be
sorely tried if the papers of his politi
cal faith refused to support him. and
yet after his election he tinds in the
rush of business that all his favors in
the way of patronage must be doled out
to those in a few steps of the court
house. Weeping Water Herald. Yes,
brother, as long we tear our shirts for
some unprincipled cuss because he
claims to be a republican we can do it
and the tiguretieads in I'lattsmoutli
will reap the reward. Louisville
Our brothers have got it down pret
ty tine, and have found out that they
have not been recognized to the extent
of their worth, and we can tell them
they never will le as long as candidates
are permitted to be nomined by the
I'lattsmoutli republican ring, of which
the "figurehead" of the News predom
inates as chief fugleman in his own
selfish Interests.
Democrats Congratulated.
II. IK Travis wis nominated for
county judge by the democrats against
his will. Mr. Travis, in speaking of
his nomination to the Courier editor,
stated that in accepting the nomina
tion he did so realizing if elected he
would be money out of pocket, as the
office does not pay nearly so much
as be realizes from his practice. The
Courier agrees with Mr. Travis in this
respect. The salary paid the county
judge is shy several hundred dollars of
what it should lie, but Mr. Travis
shows that his heart is in the right
place when he consented to be his par
ty's nominee for an office tliat will oc
cupy his entire time and yet pay him
less per annum than he makes out of
IiLs practice. This is one reason why
the best men arc not always nominated
to fill these county offices. Iteally
the democrats of Cass county are to be
congratulated upon securing the con
sent of so able an attorney to fill this
Important office. Louisville Courier.
... o
FROM SEPTEMBER 14th TO 21st...
In order to prove to all our friends that the
MAJKSTIC is the most perfect ratine on the
market, we have arranged for a Cooking ICxhih
it lasting one week'.
During this exhibit we will have a MAJKS
TIC RANCiIC in operation and s hw our friends
that it will
Bake Better and Quicker,
Heat More Water and
Heat it Quicker,
with less expense than any other range.
We don't ask you to believe all our state
ments but do ask you to call at our store any
time during the exhibit, and we will convine you
that the MAJKSTIC is exactly as we represent
ed. Don't fail to give us a call note the date.
8 iLgJ ISP Hills I
Free During
Week of Exhibit
We will give One Set of MAJKSTIC Ware
Free to any one purchasing a Great .MAJKSTIC
Range during this exhibit. We make the broad
statement that this set of ware is the finest ever
offered for sale not a piece of tin in the entire
set. We have the ware at our store, if you will
call and see the set you will agree with us that it
can't be bought for less than $7.50. Hiscuits
baked in 3 minutes and served with delicious cof
fee to all who call.
Be Sure and Come!
Don't fail to call and get a Good Cup of Coffee and Hot Biscuits, and see the working of the Best
Steel and Malleable Iron Range on Eearth. A range that will cook with
half the fuel you are now using and will last a lifetime.
the Date.
506 Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. . .
The Sheriff's Fee Bill and County At
torney Root's Statement.
After the News had "bounced upon'
Sheriff MclJride in regard to the fees
that gentleman had been charging, the
sheriff addresed the "figurehead" of
that paper the following communica
tion: Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 14, iy03.
Mlt. GeoIIOK L. Farley,
riattsmouth, Neb.,
Sik: Since my nominaton by the
democratic party for the office of shet
iff, you have seen tit to lose no oppor
tunity, without investigation, of at
tacking my otlicial conduct during the
two years that I have occupied this of
fice, and at no time prior to making
these charges, which, in the judgment
(if all respectable people, are serious in
their character, have you first made
any inquiry of me as to the truthful
ness of such charges. You have evi
dently seen fit to rely upon the state
ments of ii responsible parties in mak
ing these attacks, and, in the recent
issue of your paper of September 12th,
ll03, the Evening News, in an article
designated "Question of Fees" you
have, in a little more than one-half
column of your paper, made the direct
charge, that in the case of the State
of Nebraska against William Shepard,
1 have been guilty of not only a viola
tion of my oath of otlice, but of taking
illegal fees, which charge is criminal
in its character, if true. The fair and
rational deduction to be drawn from
this article, and I believe so intended
by you to be understood by the people,
is that my conduct in that case in the
charge of fees is reprehensible as the
conduct of the man who is charged
with the crime of burglary.
No person can read this article un
prejudiced, whithout reaching the
conclusion that you are charging me
with a criminal offense when you
ought to be conscious of the fact that
the penalty of taking illegal fees under
the laws of this state is a forfeiture of
r0 to the party injured. The fact
that no criminal penalty is attached
to the taking illegal fees by officials as
I have indicated, does not in any sense
detract from the character of the
charge as It Involves the very founda
t ion of good conduct in otlicials. That
you have the right to attack not only
my otlicial conduct, but that of any
other public oilier is not denied, but
when a newspaper resorts to mis-statements
of so glaring and gross a char
acter as you have made, then such of
ficer has the right to demand such re
traction as is warranted by the facts.
The statements contained in this arti
cle are untrue, and for the purpose of
permitting you and others, who may
! interested with you in these attacks,
to fully investigate every dollar which
I received in this case, 1 attach to this
letter an itimized statement of my
charges and fees in that case. The
Hoard of County Commissioners, with
the consent of the County Attorney,
allowed me the sum of t:r,l.", for my
services, while from the attached
statement you will olserve that I
would in all gotnl conscience lie entit
led to $:7.7. I do not presume that
you make any contentiou.if 1 read your
article correctly, but what I am entit
led to live cents for each mile traveled
and that the mileage which I have
charged, if the number of miles there
in stated were traveled by me, is cor
rect. Your complaint however seems to
be that because the statute does not in
direct terms allow me for expenses,
therefore this expense account of
t!.X2 is illegal. Every penny which
the Hoard or County Commissioners,
with the consent or the county attor
ney, who thoroughly investigated the
matter, allowed me, was money which
1 actually and necessarily expended in
apprehending the man who was charg
ed with the crime of burglary as can
be verified by the severest investiga
tion which I court and ask you to
make. The only fees in this case
which I have received is the milage of
jslfj.OO. fees for the arrest of the pris
oner $1.00; attendance at Justice Court
1.00, aggregating $17.00. For this
amount 1 was engaged from Thursday
evening, April Kith until Sunday night
at llo'clock or April 19, making four
days and 2 nights.
From this statement it must be ap
parent to all fair minded men, al
though it may not be to you, that 1
have only received for my services as
Sheriff of this county for apprehend
ing a man charged with crime, hardly
&I.00 per day. You must not misun
derstand me in addressing this letter
to you, that 1 am in any way appre
hensive of what action you may take,
but merely demand that, without de
lay, you publish in your paper, either
this letter with the itemized state
ment hereto attached or make a re
traction in your paper as broad and as
prominent as you have made the ac
cusation. Unless this is done, without
unnecessary delay, J shall pursue such
a course as I believe the vindication of
my character and the dignity of my of
fice demands. It is only fair to you
that you be given an opportunity to
fully investigate the trutlmulness or
this statement and to make such
amends, if you find that you have been
mistaken, that any honorable journal
ist, who desires to be fair with the
people, would make. It is my purpose
to protect not only the position which
the people of this county have honored
me with, but my private character by
such means as are at the command of
every citizen who have been scurril
ously outraged and injured, and you
may depend upon it that whatever
may be the result of my present can
didature for office, I shall not permit
you or any other, paper to attack my
character in the manner which you
have done without an ample opportu
nity for justification.
1 have refrained from mentioning
the other attacks you have made upon
me, because you have seen fit to make
this specific charge in the belief, I pre
sume, that it is the strongest one
which you and those who are giving
you the information could find.
Concerning the other charges which
you have made of a like character, I
am perfectly willing and court the
fullest and fairest investigation and
can readily convince any citizen of
tliis community that during my in
cumbency of office which I now hold
that I have not not charged any ille
gal fees. I am sir,
Very respectfully yours,
John D. McBkibe,
Sheriff Cass County, Neb.
l m
" hotel hill and meuls 1
" " telephoning from Malvcru to
Fees for arrest; of pri.soner
A t tendance at .1 uslice Cou rt ro:iti fare from I'lattsuioiilli to Mai'
Kui I road fare from Malvern to J'latU
mouth 1 '
Lunch for Shepard
20 f
no i
79 D
Tatal fees in alwve case
Amount allowed by county coin.
.$37 S5
. 35 15
In tfie District Coukt in and fok
Cass Cocnty, Neb.
State of Nebraska,
William Shepard.
Traveling from I'lattsmoutli to Au-
hurii. Neb miles
Traveling from Auburn Ut Union X5 . "
Traveling from Union to Lincoln 4
Traveling from Lincoln to (liunlia 5a
" Omaha to I'lattsmoutli. L't
" I'lattsmoutli to Louis
ville -
IuisiUe to Weeuinir
UWninir Water to L'n-
Union to I'lattsmoutli.. 15
" " Malvern to plaou or ar
rest and return '0
Patroling Auburn. Neb.. 2 hours 10
Lincoln, one hour
, " Weeplni? Water and vicin
ity :. 1
After the above was submitted to
the man whose name appears at the
masthead of the News, as editor, and
we presume, after conferring with his
fellow ringsters, he publishes the fol
Now as to the libel suit which we
understand is under discussion bv Mr
McBrideand his friends, The News
has this to say: We are not hunting
libel suits, but if Mr. McBride has a
case that he is sure will stick, we
would suggest that Judge Jessen be
asked to call a special session of the
district court and that we have the
case disposed of at once. This is the
only manly way of having a lawsuit of
this kind. The democrats ana repur
licans alike are entitled to have the
case, if there be one, determined be
fore election dav. This would be satis
factory to the editor of The News. Is
not this a fair proposition? It would
hardly be treating the voters and tax
pryers of this county .fairly for a suit
to be filed against the editor or The
News and then dismissed after the
election is over.
In reply to the foregoing Mr. Mc
Bride accepts the proposition, and
goes him one better in the following
proposition, which has not been ae
cepted bv the "professed" News editor
up to the hour of the Journal going to
press. The voters can see at a glance
that The News never did intend to do
the fair thing from the start in the
campaign, and he is backed in his
work by the co-ringsters, and not by
the sober-minded republicans of Cass
Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept., 1G, '03
Mb. George L. Farley,
Editor Evening News,
Plattsmouth, Neb.,
Dear Sir:
In your issue of the loth you re-as
sert your charges against my otnciai
conduct in the "Shepard case" and ex
press a willingness upon your part, in
the event of my bringing an action
against yourself and "The News" for
damages, that Judge Jessen convene a
SDecial term of court, in this county
to try said action prior to the Novem
ber election.
I shall certainly bring the action an
ticipated in your editorial and hasten
to accept your proposition, with the
additional stipulation that no part of
the expenses of this special term of
court be charged to tne tax-payers 01
Cass County, but that all costs of such
suit, including the calling of the spec
ial term of court and holding of the
same, shall be taxed and paid by the
losing party.
I ask you to give this acceptance of
your propisition the same publicity
you have given your proposition to
submit your charges to a court and
jury. Very Respectfully Yours,
John IK McBkide,
Sheriff of Cass County.
- r
Commended Rather Than Condemned.
The Weeping Water Herald Is sore
because Commissioner Falter has made
money during the past nine years,
while he has Immi serving the First
district as commissioner. Mr. Fuller
should be commended rather than con
demned. Where is there a land owner
in Cass county who has managed his
affairs economically who has not made
money during the past nine years?
Show us one and we will show you a
poor financier. Louisville Courier.
Savings Bank,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
W. II. NEWELL, Pres. T. E. PA KM ELK, Vice Puns.
S. II. ATWOOI). J. M. ROBKKTS, Cashier.
Pays interest on deposits of $1.00 or more. Issues
demand or time certificates of deposit. Buys and
sells exchange. Computes interest from the first
of the month on all deposits made on or before the
12th of the month.
you make it grow.
trifi. vr:ie: trri.. r i
.iv:. if -w. . t -is
Total nillaffw 3"! "
301 miles at Scents uer mile 115 03
Paid Deputy Sheriff at Malvern. Iowa. 110 00
" for KuardiiiK Shepard at Malvern.. I l
at Weeping w aver w
" hack hire at Lincoln, Auburn
and t'luUbUioulb 1 "
- v 1
ft' V '
1 S
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
GaebeVs Salerc0rsey
At my farm, 5 miles southwest of Louisville, Nth., on
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1093, Jtwt,,,,cc, tlmte an(1 Mace
tire herd of Poland Chinas, including my herd of boar and brnodsnwsJhat
otherwise could not be bought at any price. There will be 3.' head in all, 8
old brood sows and 15 young boars by such sires as Long Chief 741 4 , One Price
Look 47lfiand Chief IT. S. Some of my brood sows possess Individuali
ty and blood lines that cannot lie duplicated elsewhere. The young boars are
fit for herd headers. JO DUROC-JERSEY BOARS. At same time and place
I will sell a draft or .10 head young boars by Chief Perfection 10U5W by Chief I
Am, King Orion 18.VJ.I, Glendale Prince WJ27, Prince Marti "0ii3 and Wannctta
Banker 11257. This is as good a bunch of Durocsas will go into a sale this year.
TERUS:t20 cash. Over $20 one year's time. Sale held in my new sale
pavillion. Free conveyance to and rom Louisville and Murdock. Write for
catalogue. merai