The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 03, 1903, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
Knterril at tlin poNtofllrn at I'laltMrmmth. N-
lira kit. t-orili-l;t mutw-r.
Democratic Ticket.
Stftt Ticket.
Kir Hupri'iitt .liultft
JOHN J. SI I.I.I VAN. .f I'hitlf C..uiily.
'ir I'nUf rslty Kt-fiitt -
WII.I.IAM . JoNKM. of A.Unis County.
IIC. K. I. WFItkC. of Situixli M County.
Covin I y Ticket.
b'ttw Twusuwr
'r County C'lt-rk -
..r Slirrlir -
Jul . . M ItKlliK.
l'r Clrrlc of the IM-Url.t Court -
lor County Julii
For A v-.s r
jai'oii i. rAimc
Kr Connwr -
lor Survfyor
I'or County Sup-rlntf ihU lit -
Kor t' r Klrtt IHstrlrt
Special Attention, Democrats!
Th most important meeting of the
county central committe will lie held
in Plattsmouth, Monday, Septemler
1th. All committeemen ami allcandi
dates will le present. Ik? sure and
come. IIknicy II. Ckkiko,
Chairman Co. Committee
Judicial Convention.
Die democratic convention of the
Second Judicialdistrk-t of the state t f
Nebraska is hereby called to meet In
the court house, in the district court
room, in Nebraska City, Neb., on Wed
nesday, September tith, at 1 o'chn k p.
in. for the purpose of placing in iiom-
inatioti one candidate for judge of said
district, and transacting such other
business as may lawfully come Ik fore
it. The counties are entitled to the
following represent ion:
Cass '20
ot rio
J. V. Mokoan,
Chairman C. C.
Barnes, the Railroad Nominee.
Io the voters of Nebraska want any
further proof that John It. Karnes was
nominated for supreme judge through
railroad influences, than the following
from the Lincoln News? Karnes had
virtually been nominated by these cor-
iiorations many months previous to
the republican state convention, as the
News article fully demonstrates, as fol
lows, to-wit: "Another remarkable fea
ture of the race for supreme judge is
the fact that no other name than
Karnes is heard in connection with the
nomination. Two years ago JuIj.,e
Sedgwick was nominated only after a
very lierce and prolonged struggle.
This year Mr. Karnes will have no op
position. The situation is remarkable,
but the xliticians have an explana-
t ion. They say that two years ago the
railroads had a light and a drag-out.
T 1 1 1 S Y K A I i T 1 1 E V II A V I : K 1 I 1 1 1 K I
Til K HATCH KT. Mr. Karnes comes
from Klkhorn territory AN1 HAS
f.lclies the food more delicious end wholesome
hovai akino fowoca Co., ntm vomc.
There arc Others.
It's going to keep sheriff McKride
busy all fall explaining why lie refuses
to serve distress warrants, lie will
also have to explain why he returns
them to the county treasurer marked
"No property found" when the parties
not only have property out they come
in and pay their hack taxes, if an of-
Frotu the llt-aeon.
Several farmers have reported to us
that they believe their corn will make
lif ty bushels per acre.
Conrad Wetenkamp, sr. has been
ticer is afraid to do his duty he should quite sick the past week and is none
resign and let some one else do the bus- letter at this writing
iiipss. Kvprv irnorl eit ien Ik willinir to I
navhisshare of the taxes but he doesn't Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schutrum are the
care to pav his own and that of others proud parents of a baby 1kv whicl
as well. We should suggest that ev- came to live witn them Saturday
erv taxnaver investigate this matter
J . J . - I m A. 11 .1 1 1 ' A
to his own sat Israel ion. .News. iart uison, mouier anu sister ar
The Journal is as much interested in rived from North Platte, Neb., Satur
having this matter investigated as the day and will make Eagle their fut ure
News dare be: and while this iuvesti- home
gation is going on, we would like to
know why the treasurer or his deputy
did not lK-rform their duty by serving
these distress warrants instead of plac
ing them in the hands or the slier ill in
the tirst place? Sheriff McKride is not
treasurer of Cass county, and therefore
the collection of taxes is out of his line
of business, unless the property is sold
for taxes and by order of the proper
authorities. The law emphatically
states that these papers shall be serv-
KKKN AN ATTORNEY FOR THAT ed by the treasurer, deputy treasurer
Uncle John Sumner returned Mon
day evening from a two months visit
with friends and relatives at his ok
nome in jioston. Jlc also visited in
Maine and Vermont.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Itahr departed
Wednesday morning for Kushville,
Neb., where they will reside in the
future. They will stop for a few days
visit with his sister, Mrs. J. Freeman,
and family near Stuart, Nebraska.
IJOAD In .Norfolk. Under the condi-
A A. B A. A !
lions mai exisieu two years uwi ins
candidacy would cause the Kurlington
people to be out with two or three
candidates, and there would be trouble
all along the line."
The Plattsmouth News prints a neat
"Invkstiuatk!" is the demand of
the hour. "What is sauce for goose is
sauce for the gander."
little roast on "soreheads," those who
go away from a county convention and
feel that they have been wrongly treat
ed. Toa certain extent the Enterprise
agrees with the News. Just because a
certain candidate does not get the
nomination is no cause to get "sore."
All the aspirants can not receive the
nomination but when delegates attend
a convention and put up honest and !.....: .... : i. r,.. I .. ..... -
iwiiwniK in me Mnj,- capable men to ue butchered by a
He threatens i-intr " Mien U the time toiret. "wire "
O V - w O w - J
or in other words it is time that hon
orable men do something to down
"machine rule." If none but machine
tinish men are to be noni in ted and they
are only to come from an "eastern
shop," then let t lie convention Ikj cut
out and save the expense. The Enter
prise man is a republican, was Imrn
that way, and does not believe in bolt
ing the ticket but we do believe in
equal rights to all men especially
when they are entitled to it. (.rcen-
wood Enterprise.
Kansas barbers have raised the
price of shaving a corpse to 10. Is that
U'cause they cannot talk to the sub
KoosKVKir is
steps of Mr. Cleveland
to whip congress into line on the cur
rency question
orshenn. This being they case, we
repeat, why did not either of the for
mer their duty, in accordance with the
laws? Is it not possible that such action
would have injured the deputy
in his candidacy for treasurer? Or
was it a scheme hatched by the ring
to defeat our worthy sheriff? The peo
ple are "onto" the ring, knowing full
well that in their desperation to save
their particular "pets'' from utter
defeat, they will resort to many such
schemes to carry their point. So "if an
otllcer is afraid to dolus duty he should
resign and let someone else do the bus
iness," or not run ror me onice at an.
Tiik democratic county ticket meets
the approbation of a majority of the vo
ters of Cass county, and without doubt
a portion of it will le successful at the
A 1'i.o.Mi.NKvr Utah paper admits
that if the republicans adopt the "full
Itaby carriage" as a campaign slogan
the democrats will have to concede
Utah. .
Anothku investigation of gigantic
frauds is on the tapis. This time it is
the Interior department, the Indian
Korean and the Dawes Commission
that are now under suspicion.
Aimu t half of the forty delegates
attended the republican judicial con
vention at Nebraska City last Tuesday
and renominated Judge .lessen. Hon.
It. K. Windom, of this city, had the
honor of serving loth as temporary
and permanent chairman of the con
Ky call elsewhere in this issue of the
Journal, it will be seen that a conven
tion will meet in Nebraska City next
Wednesday, September 1), for the pur-
pose of nominating a candidate for
judge of the district court. Cass coun
ty is entitled to twenty delegates, the
same as Otoe.
Tiik ticket nominated by the demo
crats of this county, is very acceptable
to the masses of the party. The ma
jority of the candidates are ako very
popular among a certain class of re
publicans who will support a portion
of the ticket, and are not at all back
ward in declaring their intentions.
Yes, we are eager for an investiga
tion of the "distress warrant" busi
ness. And the work of investigation
can't begin any too soon to please John
I. McKride. Ky the way, what has
become of the nine hundred distress
warrants recently issued be the treas
urer? And then, again, the Journal
would like to know if the treasuer or
deputy is not there to collect the taxes?
If not, why not?
What kjnd of a polit ical ring prod ne
ed the nomination of Wiles for county
judge? Itcertainly was not his knowl
edge of law or fitness for the duties of
the ollice. II is warmest supporters
can give no reason for their support.
I le has never tried a case of any i m port-
ance; In fact lie is not in the practice
of any profession. Why does the little
attorney adjoining the police judge's
otlice so much desire his election? lie
would not dare to take the people into
his confidence and give the real reason.
It cannot be Wiles' ability. It can not
be his good morals. The only motive
is the use expected to le made of this
incompetent, if elected. Kut the good
sense of the electors will defeat this
conspiracy tocorrupt the county court.
Skxatok Haxna's ex-slave pension
bill is doing glorious work in the south.
Thousands of dollars which might have
been spent for strong drink, have been
collected from the ignorant negroes by
a few enterprising members of the
race, ostensibly to promote the pas
sage cf the Ilanna bill.
If there is no politics connected with
serving these much-talked-of "distress
warrants," why did the county treas
urer take them to the sheriff in the
first place instead of serving them him
self, or have his deputy do so. as the
law directs? Eh?
A Political 'Boss."
The masses of the republican party
of Cass county are just opening their
eyes to the fact that they have been
for several years controlled by a self-
constituted Ixjss in this city, around
whom has been gathered a "ring" of
associates to do his bidding; and many
of them have fully made up their
minds that they will submit to his
bossism no longer.
The followers of a political boss are
his slaves in fact. They must be edu
cated to perceive that they are really
slaves, and in the estimation of the re
publican ring boss of this city, they
are classed as slaves. Serfs of a polit
ical boss are slaves by their own cor
sent; to the ring the boss is mightier
than the law,although they know that,
n his sellishness, he will desert them
in a grave moment. Many good, hon
est republicans, men who are so
from principle, see that they have been
victims of the bass's schemes, as well
as the tools for their own punishment,
and it is probable that they will treas
ure their rights more, respect genuine
liberty and renounce the mean domin
ation that has made them slaves. Koss
rule is slavery; it is nothing better.
A Burn Never Burns.
After Porter's antiseptic healing oi
is applied. Relieves pain instantly
and heals at the same time. For man
or beast. 25 cents.
In Praise of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
"Allow me to give you a few words
in praise of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, "
says Mr. John Hamlett, of Eagle Pass,
Texas. "I suffered one week with
bowel trouble and took all kinds of
medicine without getting any relief,
when my friend, Mr. C. Johnson, a
merchant here, advised me to take
this remedy. After taking one dose I
felt greatly relieved and when I had
taken the third dose was entirely
cured. I thank you from the bottom
of my heart for putting this great
remedy in the hands of mankind."
For sale by all druggists.
A Hurt Never Hurts.
After Porter's antiseptic healing oil
is applied. Keheves pain instantly
and heals at the same time.
or beast. Price, 25 cents.
For man
Removing of Household Goods a
Specialty. Also, Heavy
Stomach Trouble.
"I have been troubled with my
stomach for the past four years," says
I). L. Reach, of Clover Nook Farm,
Mass. "A few days ago I was induced
to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. I have taken
part of them and feel a great deal
better." If you have any trouble with Ladies Sllttimer Jewelry
your stomach try a box of these Tab
lets. You are certain to be pleased
with the result. Price 25 cents. For
Farm for Sale !
To the highest bidder at Mynatd
Neb., tin Sat urday, September 1!, l!o.'l
the Joseph Cook farm, consisting o
i'.Ci acres. The. farm joins Mynard
i nprovements in good repair and V. e
soil well laying. Terms, part cash and
the balance on March 1, liMil, atuhkl
time possession given.
W. D. Wiikklku, Agent.
Back to the Old Home.
On Septeinlier 1, 8th and l.'ith. and
October, ;ih the Kurlington offers
round trip tickets, good for thirty
days, to many points in Indiana an
Ohio at fare and one-third rate. An
excellent opportunity to visit old
friends in the east. Ask the ticket
agent for further particulars.
To Cure A Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Kiomo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. E. W
(J rove's signature on each box. 2."c
Creimrlnu :ilst rai'ls of title. ronvi-yuiM-inc
liml examining titles to real eslute :i siieeisil-
t v. Woik uroix-rl v loiie itiKl eliures reuson-
:ille. Onii-t-: Kimiiiis li unl 7. .lolin UiiikI
J in t ll I ni;. lu'ur Court House, l'lattsiuoutli.
All kinds of I lent ;il work. IMates nutfle Unit
lit. 'i years e. iM-riencf. I'riees reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
TH.KlilOSK No. 3 OK 47
Waterman Block
IMatts. I'lioncs j '
V Abstracts of Title
TI?oma5 Uallii$.
OFFICE Anlieuser-Jlush Itlock.
Independent Cigar
SSI .7 lv
ClialU'iifres Comparison In Quality
and Workmanship.
arc the new things m
Investioatk! Investigate! Inves
tigate! Yes, investigate the "distress
warrant" charges as soon as possible,
and then, maybe, the treasurer and his
deputy will be kept busy explaining
why those nine hundred distress war
rants are pigeon-holed in the treasur
er's office unserved. And then let
these gentlemen explain to you why an
attempt was not made last year, the
year before, and even the year before
that to serve such warrants? And, fur
thermore, Is it not the duty of the
treasurer or his deputy, as much as it
is the duty of the sheriff, to serve these
warrants? We pause for a reply.
Peoplk who are disposed to regard :
the Department of Commerce and La
bor as a small affair, are mistaken. It
employs 1,28 people in Washington.
Its appropriation for the fiscal year is
Roosevelt has found that the west
ern lamb and the Wall Street lion will
not assimilate except in a digestive
way, and he has been compelled to
abandon his financial legislation
sale by all druggists.
The designers have hit upon many
happy conceits and the makers have
carried them out skillfully.
home of this jewelry is very low
priced cheap enough to lise but it
does not look low priced. In appear
ance it is similar to jewelry costing
four times as much. 1 lie difference
in quality of material, stones, and tin
ish- accounts for the difference in
Sc CO.,
Boeck Building. Plattsmouth Neb
Half- Sick
The St. Joe Gazette wants General
Nelson A. Miles for the democratic
nominee for president. Itsumsuphis
excellent qualities: "The first friend
of the great west; the distinguished
soldier who has served his country no
bly and well; the man esteemed and
loved by the American people; hale and
hearty physically and mentally; known
and honored abroad; the outspoken ad
vocate of justice in the Philippines, of
reform In the national administration,
of political integrity; the man who can
unite all factions of the democratic
party and who can command the sup
port of the country's diversified inter
ests; In short, the Ideal candidate."
" I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla
in the fall of 1848. Since then I
have taken it every spring as a
blood-purifying and. nerve
strengthening medicine."
5. T. Jones, wicmta, Nans.
If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand
ard family medicine,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Its a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder. ti.MaMiu. ahiii.
A Sore Never Matters
After Porter's antiseptic healing oil
is applied. Relieves pain instantly and
heals at the same time. For man or
beast. Price 25 cents.
Sheriffs Sale.
Tjy virtue of an order of sale issued by Geo.
1 ' P lliiiiii-ort li frU of thp district, ponrt.
within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to
me directed. 1 will on tne '
Stb day of Oetobmr. A. D., 1903,
at 2 o'clock d. m.. of said day at the south in the city of PUitts-
niouth. in said county, sell at puoiic auction,
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate u-wii: i lie sounimtsi i urwr vi , . . . , . .
section nine !)). and the north half and the I uj keeping it in a saie piace sucn as
southwest uuarter of the southwest quarter
lor section ten (10). all in townsnipien u.
ranire thirteen 03). east of the Oth 11. m.. in
Cass county. Nebraska, toirether with the
privileges and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or anywise appertaining. The same
I wing levied upon and taken as the property
of Oeorire S. I'nton and Francis J. I ucon.
defendants to satisfy a judgment of said court
recovercu iy rue Hank oi ass county,
plaintiff against said defendants.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. September 1st. A.
li. It. Wimham. Sheriff Cass Co. Nebraska.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Don't allow money to lie around,
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it.
Ak Tonr doctor what he thlnka of irt
SarMpsjilla. H knuwi all about thta grand
old family modieino. follow bia adrtcaaod
wo WIU aatlatled. .
J. C AT1I to., Lowell, aiaaa.
Notice to Creditors.
Stateof Nebraska. ,. tn rnl.i. f!oiirt
Cass County.
In tbeniatterof the estate of Constin J.Martin.
Notice Is hereby given that the creditors
of kiiIiI decaei will meet the administratrix
of said estate, before me. County Judge of
Cass County. Nebraska, at the county court
room in riattsmoutc. in jmuu county, on me
14th day of Octolier. 19UA and on the 14th day
of March. 1904. at 10 o'clock a. m.. of each day.
examinktuWadjustment mcd allowance. , ou can give a check for any part of
months are aiiowea ror tne creditors oi i it at any time ana so nave a receipt
VfoVSSTa. E.rTtriT SSe w - for payment without asking for one
tate. from the nth day of September, imo. wnen you nave a oanic account you
witness my hand and seal or saia, county will be anxious to add to it rather than
court, at Plattsmouth. eorasna. tins i.tu
ThsBanli of Cass County
day of August, 1U3.
County Judge
spend from it. Don't
know more about it.
you want to
3obn Bauer's
XT be fear o ware
mnkes a specialty of all kinds x
of Tin work, such as Roofing, S
Guttering, etc.. and all work
guaranteed. Call and get
prices before contracting
x 506 Aain Street,
s plattsmoutb, ttebrasfca.
The Up-to-Datc
Here you can get anything
kept at a first-class grocery
store, and at prices to 'suit the
times. Finest line of
I Canned Goods
on tho market. Don't fail to
call on them for anything in
the grocery line. Everything
fresh from, the markets.
Lace Curtains
From I.:H) mt pair up in an
elcuaitt line of designs.
gjl Muslin Underwear
. to clean up at aspcclal haraln '
r1 J
on Underwear.
Do You Want an Up-to-
If you are contemplating jeltinj one call
on the old reliable tailor
Frank McElroy,
examine his fine samples anil leave youror
(ler in time, and he will do the the rest.
Savings Bank.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Y II. NEWKLL, runs. T.
S. II. ATWOOI). .1.
K. I'AI!M KLK, Virn I'iiks.
M. KOliKKTS, Oamiiiki:.
I'ays interest on deMsits of sM.oo or more. Issues
li'inaiid or time certilicates of dMsit. i'.nys ;iik1
sells exchange. Computes inU-icst from the first
of the month on all deposits made on or lie fore tin;
12tli of tin; month.
you make it uroA.
-"7" , , , .
-' ::. :,::Jir:,--: ViSVi'fe;
r . ! - XVIln4 U ,.Vv.v.i,ltVi v-.W..
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. PHARMACISTS.
Bottled in Bond.
XTbe Best XUlMe!
iQ tbc Cbenpcet
in tbc EnM
Poor Whisky in not only dia
R'reon)e to taste, but undoubted
ly iiijuriouH to the Htomach. A lit
tle good in a fine ton it- and
lieliw instead of harming. Such
WhiskieH as Yellowstone, for in
stance, will do you just as much
good as a doctor's prescription. If
you don t know how good it
come in and try it.
Cuckenhelmenllye, per gallon.
Yellowstone, " .
Honey Dew, " .
Big Horn, " " .
.11 00
, 4 00
. 3 00
. 2 GO
Dr. Elstcr, Dentist, T hn-111,l
ivutviiiMUiM wAti PLATTSMOUTH,