7 s-- A i . A.,-.. .)., I I i I, f. -fx I - CATARRH DESTROYS THE KIDNEYS Was Miserable Could Not Stand Up or Walk Pe-ru-na Cured Many Persons Have j0T 'T-ZZS J Catarrh and Don't j Mr. lames M. IWrll. rVH Troost street, Karwas City, Ma. Vice Grand of I. O. O. F., of Cherry ville. Kans., writer: . "About four yearn ao I Buffered with m severe ca tarrh of the bladder, which caused continued Irritation and pain. I wa mlaerable a nd could not atand op or walk tor any length of time without extreme wearlneaa and pa la. i be gan taking I'eruna and It greatly relieved me, and In eleven weeka I waa cum pletely cured and felt like a new man, " James M. fowell. Hundreds of Dollars Spent In Vain. Mr. Cyrus Her sb man. Sheridan. I ml, writes: "Two years ao I wm a sick man. Catarrh had net tled in thi elvie organs, making life a burden and giving me little) hfe e-f re covery. I spent hundreds of dollars in medicine which did rue no good. I was persuaded ly a friend to try I'eruna. I took it two weeks without much improve ment. Lut I kept on with it and soon Itegan to g'-t well and strong very fast. Within two months 1 was cured, and have been well ever since. I am a strung advocate of IVruna." C. Hershman. I'eruna cures catarrh of the kidneys, liver and ether pelvic org.it. simply lie cause it cures catarrh wherever located. 11 GET A" ON OUR TRADE MARJC GET TO KNOW IT VHEN YOU SEE IT AND THEN NEVER BUY DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD. IT IS BETTER. IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT THE CLOTHES. YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU ASK FOR IT. n a 3 a c SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK. MANUFACTURED BY The DEFIANCE STARCH CO.. OMAHA. When a doctor calls he always takes the pot. EDUCATIONAL. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE OA MB. INDIANA. F11X COTRSES IN Classics. Letters. Eco nomic sad History. Journalism. Art. Science. Pharmacy. Law. Civil. Mechanical ami Elec trical Knifineering-. Architecture. Thorough Preparatory acd Commercial Courses. Hooma Frea to all students who hara com-rlrt-d tbe studies required for admission into the Sophomore. Jnnios or Senior Year of any of the Collegiate Conr, Rooms to Rent, moderate chsrge to students ever seventeen prepanna for Colieciate Courses. A limited number of Candidates for the Eccle ti.itnril state will be received at special rates. St. Edward's Mall, for bors nnder 13 years. Is aniqne it the completeness ef its equipment. The Oris Year will open September 8. 1903. Catalogues Free. Address P. O. Box 256. REV. A. MORRISSEY. C. S. C. President. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY NOTRE DAME, INDIANA One Kile West ef Motra Dama University. M.M beautifully and healthfully l.watrd. Conducted y the Meter of the Holy ( roas. Chartered 155. Fn j'yinz a national patronage. Thorough Bnfliah, Classical. Scientific aad Commercial Courses, ad visee. Chemistry aad Pharmacy. Regular Col leenate Seer. Preparatory Department Trains PMpti fi r rrro!ar. !! or roiirtftate course. FbTsical Laboratory well equipped. The Conservatory ef Haste t conducted on plans ef the best Cnervstor1ea. The Art Department Is fn1r!ed after Iradlnir Art Sc h la. Minim De part meat f t children ooder twelve year. Physical Cnltar under direction f jrraduare of lr. Sargent's JiiTfnal Schoolof rhytca!Tr:n!nir. The best modern educational advantages for flttln yoo rig women for Uvea of nsefulneas. The crmatant iraaiovf tha Acailerry h aala necessitated tbe erection of additional fine building with latest HysenJe equipments. Moderate cost. New school yrr beg-'ns e-epteinber Ptn. Mention this paper. For raraiocue and sper'al tDftrntarlun apply to Th Directress of ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, ftotr) Dam, Indiana. CHAMr'iOM TRUSS 11V ?S wea r. Ak V"C I'hT.lclan a AdiUe. rtKKLKT I KKE. fbadelphia truss Co.. 61" IMUst St.. Phils . Pi. If ' . N sre a far ahead of the old fashioned" Dyes as electricity Is ef a Rush llht candle. Putnam Fadeless Dves are cleanly, as they neither stain tbe b.tp.t nor spot the kettle One 10c package colors either silk, wcoi or cotton eqnally well, and is (rua ran teed to jriye perfect results. Putnam i sUeless ljos are for sole by all good drupKists everywhere, or mailed direct at 10c a package. MONROE DRUG CO VrUonvillo M When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. Best ( ou.-b Syrup. Tastes liol. cse In time. M ov crvaj'"f. aUA. I 1 I.I s'" J No zither systemic catarrh remedy has as yot leen devised. Insist upon having I'e inn.i. There axe so medicines that can be substituted. If yoo do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of IJeruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your c e and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Jr. Uartman. l'resident of The Hartnua -Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. GRASP STARCH WITHOUT IT. NEB. if. ATWaWF;fC CILED CLOTKINC Made n b!jA or ytfom for tS kndi of wet work. On m evei Look for the 3i?n of the Fbn.ani the nm TOWcB on the buttons, a Tswis a.smH.Na w a swta caaaiax cs m Tasswrs.saa Pretty Teeth In a Csod L'sctS are like jewels well act. One- best men . and womea Lave raade Sozodoxt the Standard. BEST sa. TEETH Geisha Diamonas The Latest KrteaUBa IMarwrary. Brlht,Biarkllnfr.bMtifal. For brilliancy they ciua! lb renoiae. stand ins- ail twit andpuzrleasperta. One twentieth tha espense, 8ent free with pri il f zami nation. For panics lar. pries, tc. addreafl The K. Krerr flr. A Issat. Ca IIMII 2 210 ACRE REO "IVER VALLEY NORTH lMU DAKOTA FARM, four miles from tnsto line uf Northern Pacific. Ail under cultivation but 300 acres. 2 10 acres fenced. Ravine runs through pature. Rich black loam anil over rlayuto!L fclepant new bouae. coat S.I.0UO. otber buildlnas fair. Artealan well. Keaaun for selllnit, made rrmurh money out of this farm to Ian tbe rrt of natural life, price, per acre. $34.60. Temtery eay. I. T. LIS COLS, PA-RGO. NORTH DAKOTA. W. N. U.. Omaha. No. 35 1903. ram Even the truest of friends has him self to look after at times. mUWlZfClSiJR A L WAYS RELIABLE lour JuObcr cr direct Iioui k aciory, i'eor. 111. in Upton's "LucKy Man." HIT Thomas Upton has faith 1 tTi. ?uck of the Individual, and this year, for the first time, he will be Joined In America by his mascot. This I Mr. Carmiebael. the Herretary of tha Llr ton company, whom Kir Thomas calls his "lucky mail." Mr. Carmlchael ha been ansociated with the gwner of Hhamrook III. since almost the befria Tirng of his busincsa career, and has helped in the growth of the business which began in a small shot) in mean street of Glaspow. He Bails for New York early next month, and, like everyone associated with Sir Thomas, is confident that at the third time of asking th cup will cross the Atlantic. Willing to Wait. On a recent occasion at Princeton. Paul Van Dyke told this story as a joke on his brother, Henry, the famous author and professor of English at Princeton: "It was when we were boys." said Mr. Paul Van Dyke; "we had been out hunting all day and had not had a shot at anything. Finally along toward evening we spied covey of partridges in the long grasj at the end of a frozen tiond. We were both excited and Henry began to run around the edge of the Ice toward the partridges. 'Don't shoot 'em on the run!' 'I w-w-wont." stammered Hen ry, in his excitement. 'I'll w-w-wait till they B-stop. " West Point's Oldest Graduate. The oldest graduate of West Point is Colonel John Beardsley. now living in Athens, N. Y. He was born in Fair field, N. Y. in 181. and 'graduated from West Point In the class of J 841. He was appointed lieutenant in the Eighth regiment of infantry, served In the fcerninole war In Florida, after ward in the war with Mexico and was wounded In the battle of iuolino del Ky and compelled to resign his com mission on account of inflammation of his eyes, which threatened loss of sight. When the civil war broke out he was appointed colonel of the Ninth New York volunteer cavalry ant served as such. The J- P.'s Agree. Staunton, Ark. Aug. 31st. News comes from Duff, Searcy Co.. this state, that Mr. T. E. Reeves, a Justice of the Peace at that place, has writ ten a letter recommending Dodd's Kidney Pills in which he says: "I think Dodd'n Kidney Pills can't be beat for Kidney Trouble, and I wish them every success." The local J. P. Mr. E. B. Cox agrees with his brother Justice on this point for he says: "I had a bad case of Kidney Trou ble and was not able to do a day's work without great distress. I bought 6ix boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and after I had used three boxes I was all right. I am as well as ever, and I cannot praise Dodd's Kidney Pills too highly. "I have given the other three boxes to some friends of mine who had found out what it was that had cured me so satisfactorily and quickly and they all 6peak highly of Dodd's Kid ney Pills." No one disputes this unanimous verdict. Much of our happiness depends upon the amount oi affection we are capable ot inspiring. Love is like smallpox. Sometimes you escape, but it often leaves awful scars. Storekeepers report that the extra Quantity, together with the superior quality of Defiance Starch makes it next to impossible to s-U any other brand. When you ride on a self-acting trol ley it ia sometimes hard to control the brakes. Mrs. Wlnslaw-s stoottilns Ryrnp. . For children teethlBB. softens tbe rums, reduces io flaiamailoD, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Y. M. C A.'s Founder. The founder of the first Young Men's Christian association is a fine looking man of 82, living at No. IS Russell Square, London. He is Sir George Williams, knighted in 1894, the fiftieth anniversary of the Y. M. C. A. He and a few fellow clerks in the em ploy of Hitchcock & Rogers, now Hitchcock. Williams & Co., banded themselves together for purposes of domestic worship and mutual help, and from that small beginning grew the great society of today in Europe and America. Of course. Williams, being a good boy and faithful employe, fell in love with Hitchcock's daughter Helen and married her, becoming later a member of the firm. The possibili ties are that the society would have failed but for his gift of $25,000 to hire a hall and speed the work of the organization. GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS Tjse the best. That's why they buy Red Cross Ball Blue. At leading grocers, 5 cents. Mother-wit is hereditary. School wit is a matter of education. Mothers can teach things that the schools for get. Don't ytu know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely supe rior to any other, is put up 16 ounces in package and sells at same price as 12-ounce packages of other kinds ? . It may not be easier to coax a wom an than it is to drive her, but it'i safer. When the eye is in trouble use a reliable remedy. is a wonderful reliever of sore, weak and inflamed eves. One bottle usually effects a rnmnlrtp nirp ICUREEYIFFECTIONS. He talks and she listens during the courtship, but after marriage the plan is reversed. Some men achieve fame, some have it thrust upon them, and others are fortunate enough to escape It altogether- ETor the Individual 1796 ? 1872 ? 1952 WHERE OTHERS GIVE UP IS JUST WHERE WE GET OUR SECOND BREATH. J THIS ACCURACY REVIEW DEPARTMENT it for to-operrrtion in information to rtdufe mutually Tprnive tnUtak. Jt U for vuclian iral. commercial and prut rational people; the employer, employe -ami ctwtoiner; ind consittt of ertraett tn'cen by peniitmion from the copy righttdlettert, the lecture, note books ami librarie of Dr. Earl Jf. Pratt. When you secure on any subject an idea personally vteftl t you. and yarn rtsh to aire it fa iirn, address Mm in care of The John Crerar Library. Marshall Field Building, Chicago. He is it unting the whole world over for information of erery day us to yoc, and K regrets las inability, persoitally to reply to contributors. So far as possible hs wishes to have in this spare tke rery ideas you would lite to find here. You are at liberty to send him any suggestion yo way care to. His Arcade Index libraries were started in li2 and now con-, tain unpnblished information dating back to 77W with, systematic plan exttntiing to Your short story of some example of forethought de posited in tke Arcade Index collection may prove t bs your best monument. A brigadier general in the world of finance had an idea that a railroad would be built through his neighbor hood some day by some one. In order to have a share in the profits he decided to build a piece of road about sixty miles long, and he went at it without a charter. By his own personality he won the owners of the land and when an obstinate individual would attempt to hold him up for a certain piece of the right of way he would have a simple conversation with him and things would be ar ranged just as he wanted them. Oth ers knew what he was doing and they started occasional troubles among the workingmen, which the bosses were unable to handle; but this man of skill would go among the men and in half an hour everything would be working satisfactorily. He finished his road, which connected nothing with nothing, and a little later it be came a link in a railway chain which connected two important cities and Js now part of a large trunk system. k9H Collecting Accounts. The collection of small accounts by mail is probably one of tbe most dif ficult things for any one to attempt. A good letter is always better than a poor collector, and it may be that a good collector will do still better work than a good letter. A man writes to me that he had office-men who could collect down to three per cent by letter, while others were not able to get below fifteen per cent. He wanted to know what I could do to help his helpers. I don't know what I could do. but I believe it is possible to paint the masterpieces of tbe art galleries by machinery when we know how to make the machines. Securing Business. The expense of securing business is one of the uncomfortable things in many lines of work. Here is a college with buildings, instructors and an en dowment suitable for four hundred students, yet they have only one hun dred, and seventy-five. No one doubts there being two hundred and twenty five students in the legitimate terri tory of the college, each of whom would be greatly benefited by the in struction and who could and would attend if the subject were rightly pre sented to them. A correct presenta tion of the subject requires genuine ability of a special order. The man who can secure the most ' business may not be able to make an intelli gent report for his employer regard ing his work. A Chicago instructor told me about a two-dollar-a-day man who did not know what to do with himself, but who finally drifted to J South America and secured $30,000 1 A judge was recently looking over some of my subjects and trying to se lect something to take with him on his vacation. He ran bis finger along the list till he came to one which- read, "The True Solution of Our Difficulties." "Give me something to read under that subject," was his request. I had to reply that while every printed thing I had might come under this subject yet I had nothing with this title. He selected several things to read and I resolved, to think on difficulties and try to write For some time I have known that a very good plan to follow when in any kind of trouble is that which I would suggest to a friend. You can see through a difficulty so much better if it happens to be on the other fellow. In solving difficulties it may bene fit some lndlvirlualo to stop and in- (S THE H ARCADE 3 W INDEX ssaakw im Arcade Reports ;! ;! for Employers ;! The Solution c of Difficulties worth of business for a certain con cern, after which bis employer put him on a salary of $10,000 a year to handle foreign business. Managing Men. A Presbyterian minister told me that more ministers failed on account of lack of ability to manage others than for any other reason. This may be true of nun in other lines of work. Some men can manage an army of so licitors in a way to keep them good natured, hoppful. growing and suc cessful. A good manager is a balance wheel, causing the business to move steadily, not too fast nor too slow. But he becomes more than that, as he advances in intelligence, turning out better products day after day. His success is dependent upon his man ner and methods, knowledge and en ergy, health and continued growth His ability must be going upward every day he is in the harness. tvai Learning Methods. A quarter of a century ago I went with a playmate to a factory where his uncle was oolishinK ferrules. The uncle handed me a ferrule, but some thing in my playmate's face caused me to refuse it. After we got away from the sparks and noise I asked what was the matter with the ferrule and he told me it was hot. I in quired how it was his uncle could hold it, and he said that his uncle held it on two fingers, and then twe other fingers, changing back and forth, something which I had not rec ognized. Ever since then I have tried to find out how things are done which I eee but do not understand. Systematic Investigation. The reading of men has much to do with the correct management of men. It is easy to coax a man to do something he is able to do, but an energetic manager can get many men to accomplish more and better work in quantity and quality than they could if left to themselves. If you want to be a better manager you must become better acquainted with your self and learn how to analyze others as a chemist would analyze an un known liquid. Some books will help you a little, but observation will help you more, and the suggestions of friends and enemies will become the most useful of all. A course of pri vate, systematic investigation for re sults must be taken up, either con sciously or unconsciously. Some men think day and night withrut effort and of course they succeed. Other men decide they will think more -care-tully; they plan how to think and what to think about, and know all the time that they are thinking; these men succeed also. Self-Management. No doubt you have realized that the popular educational information turned out by the printing press dur ing the last century has caused things to be a little different from what they once STfcfe. 1'ne manager is not able to do to-day in the same . way that which he could do twenty, forty, sixty years ago. And the time is coming when, if he would be successful, he must not only have wit and a strong hand, but a humane heart and an ever clear head. As some may not recognize the necessity of an occa sional rest from every-day work, I will repeat a story I heard recently A great corporation offered a smaller one $10,000 in settlement of a claim. The small concern refused. The large one had a famous lawyer with assist ants, witnesses and money. The law yer of the little concern had little money and had to fight it alone. Aftei securing $200,000 for his clients he confessed he never could have lived through the fight If it had not been for his habit of dropping all work at midnight Saturday and not talking it up again until Monday morning. know of another man who made a practice of lying down after the most difficult morning's work of the week, and by sheer will-power forcing him self to take a fifteen-minute nap be fore starting off for the most difficult afternoon's work of the week. It is necessary to know yourself and know how to manage yourself. The success ful management of men begins in th correct management of self. Have you ever made a list of reasons for your own private study and benefit, why some succeed and why some fail in the work you are tnr It is a day- ligkt-bringcr to do so. quire of number one what would be done if number one only knew twice as much. A Cleveland merchant said in a talk to men that when he was per plexed over anything he reasoned pro and con. and then weighed the whole subject. But another man told me that when ever he reasoned on any subject he always reasoned it into the ground. I do not believe it would injure any one to spend a thousand seconds ev ery morning thinking on "Know thy self and know thyself." One- is Pauline and the othei So cratic, though I am not sure whicn is which. This I do know; I can bat ball when I pitch the ball. My arms ar6 long and my bat is long and light. To stand and bat ' flies is my best recreation, and it improves my repu tation among those who watch the ball go. But to throw a ball nearly paralyzes my arm every time I do it. Now, don't you think I would be very foolish to stop hatting ball and try throwing it for my sport T Th Century for Oeptember. "The Horse in America" i.i. perhaps, tbo widest rstchlng topic in the Sep ternber Century. It Is treated by John ;i)intr Speed in a manner to awaken dlKcii!sion. aad there Is a rare col lection of pictures of famous hor'. which will themselves be attractive to all who lire interoHted In the de velopment of the borne In the United States. It Is followed by a paper on "The Berlin Bourse," by William C. Drehor, who describes (Jerman meth ods on 'change and compares them with those of New Y.rk. The same number contains two xr traits of the late Pojie, a drawing from life by Andre Castalgne and a frontispiece drawing by H. T. Tobln from a photograph. Accompanying the3e is a brief appreciative arllco by Cardinal Gibbons on 'The o.iaracttr of Leo XIII." bared on personal im presslnr.H. Other articles relating to re ccut events are "A Wonderful Change n l'clee." by Dr. Hovey, with photo graphs taken by him on the llitnk of the new ieak. and 'Heroes In Blue k Skins," a narrative of some admirable deeds by negroes, written by Booker T. Washington, with a reproduction of the bust of the Tuokegee educator by Miss Leila Usher. The greatest lobster ought to bo able to nee why there is so much craft in a steamship game. Dealers say that as Boon as a cus tomer tries Defiance Starch it Is im possiblo to 6ell tliern any other cold water starch. It can be used cold or boiled. The either name tor hives is vari cella globularis. Tha't all. DON'T SPOIL YOUlt CI.OTIIFS. Use Red Cross Bali blue ami kwp them white as snow. All grocer. .Vs. a package. The castle that is never stormed will surely stand. F'.so'a Cure for CYnumpitoti is an tnfalltbla medicine for cough a ami colds. N. W. SiMcu, Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. 17. 1900 ' Fear, remorse and repentance are analogous terms. Htops trie though anil WorkH Off the Cold L&r&tive Bromo Quinine Tabletn. rrlce25c People who learn nothing from ex perience seldom complete their edu cation. CITC Permanently nm. jo (It or nftrvonaneaa aTtaa I I O flrat dar'a uae of Or. Kline's Orrat Kerre Keator rr. Strnd f.ir FflKK J.OO trial Dottlo and tn-atlae. Isa. U. il Klihk, LId.,KU Arvh Streot, i'ljiladeUdiia.'" A woman who loved but once and madly loved on to the end, ought to be canonized. $100 Reward, $100. Tbe reader of this paper will lp pleaaed to If am that there la at leant oue dreaded dleoe thai arlruce Iih beeu able to cure In all lis Matte, and iliat l Catarrh, liali'a Catarrh Curs la the only Dltlva cure now known to the medical fraternity. C atarrh ueiug a conauiuuuimi aiseatte. requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure I taken In ternary, actinic directly upon the Mood and mi.h ou iiurfaces of the syntorn. therehy destroying the foundatl. n of the dlaeare. and a-lvUiir the nutleut ttrenicth hy building; up the roDatltuiloit und al(!u nature In do In if Its work. Tbo proprietors have p't much faith In Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any -aae that It alls to cure. Sena for list of test ImonlslM. Address F. .1. CHESTY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by drmrglHts, 75c. Hail's Family l'llls are the best. Is Cancer Increasing? There is a feeling of great uneasi ness in England over some statistics that were recently published about the increase of cancer in Great Britain. The death rate from that disease in 1890 was sixty-eight persons in every 100,000 inhabitants, but In 1900 it was eighty-three in every 100,000. Besides, the ratio of deaths from cancer to those from a.!J other causes, among persons over 35 years of age, was only one out of twenty in 1890, but one out o twelve in 1900. These figures have given rise to much alarm, but a con servative student of mortality says that the increased rate is probably due to the fact that vital statistics are becoming more accurate every year and are now gathered from places from which no reports formerly came. Electrical Railways in Italy. Americans must not think that they are in all departments at the head of electrical progress. To say nothing of Marconi's achievements Italy is far m advance of the United States in the introduction of electrical traction, in place of steam, upon long sections oi important railway lines. The line of the Adriatic company between Lecco, on Lake Como, and Sondrio, 67 miles in length, is operated by electricity, and passenger trains tra verse it at the rate of more than forty miles an hour. A different system is in use on the line of the Meditrranean company, from Milan to Puerto Ce resio, on- Lake Lugano, 45 miles, wnere a speed of 50 miles an hour is attained by trains consisting of a motor car and three passenger car riages. A NEW ROUTE. The Road to Wellvilte. It Is by change of diet that one can get fairly on the road to health after years of sickness, for most ill health comes from improper feeding. What a boon it is to shake off cof fee sickness and nervous headaches as some can if determined. One womar. accomplished it In this way: "A few years ago I suffered terribly from sick and nervous head aches being frequently confined to my bed two or three days at a time, the attacks coming, on from one to four times in every month. I tried medicines of all kinds but could get no real relief until my par ents finally persuaded me to quit the use of coffee altogether and try Poa tum Food Coffee. It had come to a point where I was so utterly miser able that I was willing to make any reasonable trial. "A person couldn't believe what fol lowed but the results speak for them selves; that was two and a half years ago and I have never tasted coffee since. I use Postun. not only for its delicious flavor but more for the good it has done me. All of my troubles disappeared as if by magic and I have for the past two years been doing all the work for my family of six. I seldom have even a slight headache and I would not give up my Postum and go back to coffee now unless I deliberately intended to commit sui cide. "All of my neighbors it seems to me now use Postum in place of coffee and some of them have been doing so for several years with splendid re sults from the health point of view." Name given by Postum Co.; Battle Creek. Mich. Loo!; in each package for a copy of the famous little book, "The Road to Wellville." CnEATLY T.CDUCCD RATCiJ Via WABASH RAILROAD. Home VJultoru' Kxcurslnn lo rnln in Jndluna, Ohio an Kentucky. noM Kcpl. Int. Ktlr. I",fh and O't. (.III. ut vi ry Ion- iat long liralt rt turning. HALF FARE Baltimore, ?d., and return n-hl Sept. 17lh. lfclh a ti.l l'.itn. LIttie Bock. Ark., and rt-liiru nohl Oct. 'Jnd, 3rd and 41 h. IMrnlt. Midi., and rt irn fp',1 Oi t. Htli, If.tli. lGth and 17th. IIctih FcekciV Kxcursjon to many point South nnd Southern-!, no way ami found trip tickets mid tin f1rnt ruid I hu d Tuesday of er.eli muMb. Tlie Wnbavli i the only ln.c piixs iiiK the WoiM'k I'Hlr fJroutidK, isiviix all a view of the bnlldlM-- and grounds. Through coiiim i thm. Nu bus transfer thU route. Khr.u'it equipment consisting of le.trM, KHHK reelltiing chair car a:,d lnr.h back foachiH, on all train". At.k ycur ajfi-nt to route you via the Waliafch. For rates, f Mem und all Jnfof titutloti. call at Wh!..m.Ii t'My ofllce, lf.01 Furnain Htieet i r nndretiij I F AIt:t V !:. MOOHFH. (J-nl. Ant. PaH. Dept.. Oiiiali:i. Neti. Some lives are no worthlc hh they are hardly fit fr the duir.ii. 1.a( Hundreds of dealers fy the extra quantity and superior quality at De f.anco Starch Is fawt taking place of all other brands. Others my they cannot tell any other starch. Be the stake ever s-o Im-U'iiificant. as a tule it make the game. Sensible Housekeeper i will have Defiance Starch, not alonrt bocaupe Ihey get one third more foi the pamo money, but also Let ante of superior quality. Have- you thought yet what yc n il In? apt to get for Christ mas prcht nth? PUTNAM FADKLESS DYES ar fast to light and washing. Hia Family. It if a pleasant story that Dr. I'M lespie, the present moderator ol tdo Church of Scotland, tells of hew ho wan r.tviipIuKsed the other day by a ragge d urchin with whom he p t into convt-rnation. He said: "My boy. who looks lifter you?" "js.'a buddy." wan the quick reply. "Where is your father?' "He's deid." "Have you a mother?" "She's deid tae." "Have, you net a Ulster, then?" "I never had ym." "Hut Hiircly you have a brother?" "Yen, but he K ht tllasca' college." "V1I. cannot h- xpare some time !;o-u Mueller, to look after you it bit?" "No, sir; lor ho was born wi' two he.dH, and they ecp him In a bottlo." fil.OO ItlO 00-IOIJNI HTKISI KAMJi: OFJ'J.K. If 7cu ran tine tbe lxnt bltr MiimiiitmI nwl ranee Hindu in flic worl'l. ami u.rf v illlnir t-o luivn It placed Iti your own home on three rnonUiK Inn trital. juM. cut. Mr not ii-e out and M-bd to I- Ale:, lioEM en Ac io.. CMcui'O. arid you vill m ivu free hy ict urn mall a llr picture of tl.e hU t-l rnnio and many ether cooking and lualliia tlovea. ycitj mill b,1ko r-oHve the nioi-t woi l i f ii li.oo ku-i i ninice oner, an oflcr thut ytun n the tieht KteeJ rntH? or IifutlUtf Move n llir) lif.rnc of any family, auch an ofT'-r tt.ut no futiniy in the land, no mni ter u but their clrcuir.M.hfn may t'-. or low kiiimII their Income. iio-l 1 1 wit Lout the lientcooklncor li'-annic I tovt music. Alter nature stamps a man of i:o- nius Khej bicaks the die. 1 (,'anaat Pcarlrate SMsVVEWS tXCELSlOa BRAND Oiled Ciothing and Slickers IVsrrsattl WslrpMMf. VmAr It atatxt bar waar. Lost far rdrk. If ur . . 1 .u . . ih.m All ' - " ' T f ' rt If. . WYrRM Z,0.j East CaaikrMa, Ha V. L. DOUGLAS 3.SS&3 SHOES El You can save frcra $3 to $6 yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 s( They cqtnl tijos that have b'in elat ing you fro'n 4.00 to JfSjOJ. Tiio iin iiier8a1e of V. L. iJouzla, s!io?i proves tlieir superiority over all other makes. Sold by rUil fchoo dealers evtrywlieTB. Look for nam's and prl:j on hotto.n. That boof Ian ntrr for Onat'olt prom Ihrre is Talue in Dotirlsa shot. orona is m nirh-t ... VJ 5Kk sraoe rai.Lrf-at ner ninae. irtirmM,t Our $4 Gilt Id j? l ine cannot be tauallea at ariu urn r. Shorn br mall, 25 rt-ntn rilra. Illust nUtf Catalog free. W. L. IHIlULaS, Krorktoa, Jfaaa, We male all kinds of tanas. Uti Cr"" 'f White fine. Write us for prices and ve n icitllw man's r rof.L WOODEN PACKAGE MFC CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. TO FARMERS ONLY We furnish 10 cows with everr quarter taction latiO toueht of n. You par for tbem out cf tttri cream. Wa apply tbacrop payment plan tc f.iork We are looking for saen rbo want to own their homes. We can and WILL . HELP YOU START RIGHT. If you want a farm or ranch in the "Garden of Yt v per:iy"send forour free t arid dev.riptivefolJ r. WHITNEY & WHEELOCK, 23 Broadway. Far;o, N. D. FREE TO WOP.IEfJ! To Trove the hcallnr aril elenijcif power ft i'astlna Toilet Antlarptic we will rcs-ll a tariff; tritil -m fcare with took of in.'trurt.oij absolutely frr?. Tf.N i. not a tiny aample. but m lurrs package, e-nourh ft ten vlnca anrotie ef it ralue. Women all over the ountrtr are pralKinif 1'aitir.e for u;,t it hun dotfl In loe:i treat' tnetkt af fptuula !! ,1 all irflammation and rllKchnnres. wc,rntfui as a cleanMnff vnini, douche, for aore throat, basal catirrh. as a mouth w.mh nnd to r iuove Virtar nd whittti the teeth, StnU Uxhiy; a txmtal card il flo. Kohl br drnreiataor aent fwxtpald hr na, SO enta. Iarr f4tUfaetlon sjuara nu-t.. TItK Jt. 'AX TON C!, Hcxuiu, Alaaa. XI C'olurobua Ari. M, mm A R LV1 E RS! : . r . i.