The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 06, 1903, Image 4

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If You Need a Home Buy it Now!
If You Have Spare Capital to Invest, Invest it Now!
250,000 acres of Land in Nebraska at from $1.25 to $30.03 an acre. 125.000 acres in Missouri at from $1.00 to $15.00 an acre. 75,000 acres in Kansas from $1.00 to $5.00 per acre. 100,000 acres in South
Dakota at from $2.50 to $10.00 per acre. 50,000 acres in Minnesota at from $2.50 to $30.00 per acre. 20,000 acres in Oklahoma at from $10.00 to $30.00 per acre.
A Few Pertinent Inquiries.
Aro you a renter? If ho, how
loii4 have you lieen one? How
many yean havo you Hjent work
ing for Homo one else? Compute
how much you havo ai(l out for
rent. Is it not a fact that you aro
annually inlying out for rent from
one-third to one-half what you
could buy ootl land for, or what
would most wholly pay for a cot
tage in town if purchased on
monthly payments?
How many years will it take you
to buy the farm you aro living on
with what you make over what
tho rent coHts you? Jh it not a
fact that the land you are renting
is increasing in value faster than
the net prolit you are making olf
of it? Do you want to lie a renter
all your life? If you stay where
you are now is there any proRct
of you ever owning a farm? Is it
not true that if you ever own a
home of our own you must go
where land is chenier? If you do
not do so what opxrtunities can
your children have?
Is it not true that many renters
around you are poorer than they
were live years ago? Is it not
true that many former ientors in
your locality are now settled in
their own homes in tho west and
northwest? Are there not many
retired farmers in tho town near
you? Do you know of any retired
renters living in town without
working? Is it not a fact that
most of the rich men in your com
munity made their money by buy
ing land when it was cheap and
holding it for many years until it
bocamo valuable?
If you are a person of means do
you wish to invest your money so
that your children may have the
benefit of tho increase in value
which is sure to come to most
every foot of land in tho (Ireat
West? If so read over this adver
tisement, and then call or write for
additional information.
About Town Properties.
While the greatest activity now
is in land, town properties have
commence showing the effects of
prosperous times, always being the
lust to advance in value, but the
percentage of inerease is ordinarily
much greater in a given time than
in lands.
We make somo extraordinary
inducements to secure homes in
IMattsmouth now. When you
have secured a homo you will le a
better citizen, you will havo a
greater interest in tho wellfare of
of tho community to which you
are anchored, you will have some
thing more to love, your mind will
be more at peace, fou will love
your wife better, sleep easier and
retain your youth longer and your
children will hold their heads
higher. It is tho only way to live,
tho cheapest way to live and the
most independent way to live.
With these opportunities be
fore you, if you aro employed,
there is but little excuso why you
should not nwn your own home.
Mind, you get many of these
properties at less than their value,
and after you havo made your first
payment, it costs you but little
more than what you are paying
for rent to pay foi your place.
We herewith submit a few sam
ple descriptions of laud and town
properties which wo have for sale,
but wo have many others which we
will show if you will call at our
A few of Our Many Bargains in
Town Propsrty.
An 8 room houso with large col
lar, in fair repair, with one acre of
ground and a good well and some
fruit. Price 850.00; $100.00
down; $10.00 per month thereafter
until full payment is made. This
property is now renting for $10.00
per month.
A nice 4 room cottage, in good
repair with one acre of ground for
$075.00; 100 00 cash and monthly
payments of $7.00. This cottage
rents for $0.00 per month.
A fine 5 acre tract with a good
8 room houso with other valuable
improvements including fruit.
Price $850.00; $2.3)00 cash, bal
ance in payments to suit purchas
er. This property rents for. $7.50
per month, but is worth more.
A 5 room cottage and one acre
of ground in tho north part of
town with fair improvements.
Price $350,000; $50.00 cash and
$0.00 monthly payments. This
property rents for $5.00.
A 3 room cottage in the
part of town with ono lot.
$475.00; $100.00 cash and
monthly payments.
A 7 room cottage in tho west
part of town, badly out of repair,
but with six lots; can be bought
for 350 dollars; 103 dollars cash
and 5 dollars monthly payments.
(This is a good opportunity to
make money by improving the
properly with your own labor.)
A good six room house and six
lots and other improvements for
850 dollars; 200 dollars cash and
10 dollars monthly payments.
A fine 12 room houso, two lots
and other valuable improvements,
costing over 3,000 dollars. Price
1400 dollars. Part piyment in
cash, balance on time to suit pur
chaser. A 5 room cottage close to
the shops anil business. Price
450 dollars; 100 dollars cash and
10 dollars in monthly payments.
For full particulars about the
above properties and many others
which we have, call on, or address
the undersigned.
Lands and Improved Farms.
A 147 acre farm, adjoining town
and railway station in Thayer
count', Nebraska, has a new
room house, barn, granary, cribs
and other out houses; 07 acres be
fenced hog tight. Price 55 dollars
per acre. Also, a section in this
county, all under cultivation for
35 per acre.
A 400 acre well improved farm
in Cass county for 05 dollars per
acre. 200 acres of pasture and
timber land in Cass county, some
what improved for 30 dollars per
An 80 acre farm in the western
part of Cass county at 55 dollars
per acre.
In a thrifty German settlement,
in a good county in South Dako
ta, where tho land is rich black top
soil with clay sub-soil, we have a
number of well improved farms
for sale. A lino half section at
13 dollars and 50 cents per acre, a
good quarter section at 12 dollars
I)er acre; and another good quar
ter section at 13 dollars per acre,
and still another at 12 dollars and
50 cents per aero, and a half sec
tion at 22 dollars per acre. These
lands are close to railroad station
and not far from the town of Aber
deen. We have in this same state
over 50 other improved farms,
ranging in price from 12 to 25
i m 11
dollars ner acre, an oi wineii are
hound to rapidly increase in value
in tho near future.
Wo havo for sale WA) acres in
Furnace county, Nebraska, with
fine stream of running water; 200
acres bottom land, 100 acres alf al
ia, Sly) acres under plow, i room
house, 10,000 growing trees, and
other improvements
12. dollars per acre. Also a farm
of 180 acres, UK) acres alfalfa, 300
acres under fence with nice stream
of water. Price 11 dollars per acre.
5,500 acres of timber land in Or
egan count', Missouri, at 3J dol
lars per acre. If you wish to spec
ulate this is a snap.
' It would take a small volume to
describe the properties which has
been placed at our disjiosal. Wo
;aii find you bargains in lands in
any of the states above mentioned.
If you desire to locate in any par
ticular locality write us at once for
information. If you wish to go
and examine the lauds personally,
either in Wisconsin, North or
South Dakota, we can secure re
duced rates on the railroad and in
some instances, if purchase is
made, you will Ih rcfundi! you r
railroad fare. We have purchas
ers for Cass county farms at rea
sonable prices. If yours is for
sale list it with us. We have over
1500 corrcHMndcnts in tho states
west of the Mississippi river, and
can sell your lands, or purchase
others for you, with greater facili
ty and doubtless on more favorable;
terms than you can yourself. All
correspondence promptly answered.
R.. B.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
The Plattsmouth Journal
11. A. AND T. K. l: ATI-IS.
Kntered at tlie poHtotllce at t'luttsmoutli. Ne
braska, a M4'indi' matter.
Dkmocuats, don't fail to attend
your precinct primaries, Saturday,
August 15, at 8 o'clock p. m.
(Ink of our exchanges advocates the
idea of converting the missionary funds
into buying electric fans to induce peo
ple to attend church. There is noth
ing hut wind in that scheme.
Tiikkk is a duty that every demo
crat in Cass county should perform
one week from next Saturday, aud that
is to attend the precinct primaries. It
chics not take you from your work todo
this, as 8 o'clock p. in. is the hour for
meeting, and there is no excuse for your
remaining at home if you want a full
representation of your precinct in the
county convention.
A immj swallowed a purse and $52 the
other day. There Are other dogs who
who make away with the money, hut
somehow don't yet the purse.
Jacob Tkitscii. whom the demo
crats will nominate as their candidate
for commissioner on the22dday of this
month, is a man who is deeply inter
ested in the prosperity of Cass county,
and is just the kind of a man that will
l(Kk well to the interests of the tax
payers in general. No man can say
aught against him, and his character
for honor and integrity is above re
proach. Such a man is bound to serve
in thiscapacity, not only with credit to
himself hut to the people of the entire
county, if elected in Nevember.
iJood morning, Carrie! Mrs. Nation
compels recognition this time. Being
a trifle vexed with her audience, the
other day, she challenged them with
this proposition: "Resolved, that the
republican party is the bitterest enemy
to the rights of the American public
Nobody had the temerity to deny the
self-evident truth. The audience sat
glum and defeated. There was an im
pression that Carrie was looking for a
Tiik democrats of Cass county have
more than a fighting chance to elect a
portion of their ticket this fall if good.
competent men are nominated. And
every democrat can take a hand in the
selection of such candidates. If you
don't want to attend the county con
vention yourself, be sure to attend
your precinct primary and assist inse
lecting men to represent you in whom
you have the utmost confidence. Ev
ery precint should te fully represented
Let us have the biggest convention
ever held in the county. Wc can do it
Don't you think so?
The Louisville Courier seems to dc
light in misquoting the Journal;
whether intentionally or otherwise, we
are unable to determine. Listen
The Journal states that for the office
of clerk of the district court no one has
Wen mentioned on account of the sal
ary Wing too small for a good demo
crat to monkey with it." Now here
inexactly what the Journal did say:
'Candidates for clerk of the district
court are very scarce from the fact that
the pay is So small that it will be hard
work to get a competent man to ac
cept it." See the difference?
Tiik Weeping Water Herald says:
'An anti-saloon league lias Wen organ
ized at the county eit, and there is
no doubt but if proerly handled so
as to increase the interest it will
prove of greater Wnelit than a strike
of coal, oil or gas." Yes, "if" properly
handled! Cranks, of the extreme tem
perance order, never did handle such
matters only to suit their own selfish
notions, and are generally in their right
element when persecutingsomeof their
superiors, as citizens, when an oppor
tunity presents itself. Such an organ
ization isall right when conservatively
managed, but as a general rule they
go to the very extreme in attempting
to persecute instead of prosecute the
one aimed at, and thus create more ill
feeling, strife and discord in a com
munity tlian the conservative citizens
want to see. Cut it is the heigkth or
some op)es' ambition "to make folks
happy," and they generally drift into
such organizations to do it.
Ik he, whose name floats at the mast
head of the Evening News as editor,
can have his way in the republican
norni natations at the county conven
tion in Weeping Water, one week from
next Saturday, no one will be nomina
ted that fails to pledge him the entire
printing patronage of the office for
he is a candidate. This is what he
is after, and what he will have, if the
republican ring in this city is allowed to
run things to to their notion. One
year ago he did the same thing in the
nomination of Todd, as against May
field for commissioner, and 'got beau
tifully left" in the deal.
All Christendom rejoices that the
Pope chosen isa man of powerful char
acter and wide sympathy. The Cath
olic Church wields, outside of affairs of
theological faith and government, an
immense influence on the secular con
duct of the world. It directly affects a
great majority of the population in
Southwestern Europe, in Ireland, in
South America, in Cuba and in the
Philippines: a large part of the citizen
ship of the United States and Canada:
and its priests and teachers penetrate
everywhere. The personal character
of the Pope reaches the life of all this
vast IxKly of human Wings. Coming
from the people, the new I'ope may W
expected to comprehend the demo
cratic spirit which is modifyng all so
cial and political institutions in the
nations of the world. Noother choree
of the College of Cardinals would have
promised more of usefulness to the hu
man race.
Cass County Institute.
The Cass County Institute will, in
union with Sarpy county, be held in
riattsmouth the week beginning Aug
ust 17th. The law provides that all
schools shall be closed during that time
Tins institute will bean unusual one in
many respects. It will W the largest
one that has ever been held in the
county, and also the first time that an
other county has joined us. Better
taleut in the way of instruction and
on the lecture platform have Wen se
cured than usually are obtainable at
such events. County Superintendent
Wort man lias spared no efforts to make
this a grand success. The people of
Plattsmouth will do their duty in be
half of the "school marms," which
means that they will be treated roy
ally. Among the special attractions
will be a lecture by Gen. John 11. Gor
don, of Southern Confederate fame,
who will deliver a lecture on Tuesday
evening on "The Last Days of the
Confederacy." General Gordon was a
Major General in the southern army
in 18G3. He was twice governor of
Georgia, and three times U. S. Senator.
President McKinley said of him:
"When Gen. Gordon delivered his lec
ture in Columbus it was my pleasure
to preside. The lecture was intensely
interesting and patriotic." The price
of admission is 50 cents to all who are
not enrolled, but any one may enroll
and be entitled to attend all the lec
tures without charge. All should hear
General Gordon.
Omaha Commercial College.
From what we can learo, a number
of young people from this county, have
decided to attend the Omaha Com
mercial College this fall. No mistake
can W made in selecting this insti
tution and those who attend it will
never have cause for regret. Rohr
bough Bros, have owned and operated
the Omaha Commercial College, for
eighteen years and provide thorough
courses of study, first class teachers
and the Wst equipments. Those who
want to become bookeepers, stenog
raphers or telegraphers or telegraph
operators should send for a catalogue.
The fall term opens SeptemWrlstand
we understand that students who
desire can work for board. Expenses
are very low. When you send for
catalogue you will receive something
else of interest and profit.
Fully Appreciated.
The Cass county commissioners last
week induced the state Ward of equal
ization which was in session at Lincon,
in reducing the tax levy of this county
from Di to 7 mills. The Cass county
board is well pleased with its efforts,
In view of the fact that a large per
cent of the counties of the state will
have to pay the full limit prescriWd
by law which is 9J mills. The taxpay
ers of the county fully appreciate the
efforts in their Whalf made by their
representatives. Weeping Water Re
In Honor of Lieut. Guild.
The reception given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Twitchell, on
east Vine street, on Saturday evening
i last in tionor of Lieutenant George
i Guild, was one of the most magnifi
cent entertainments of its character
j ever given in Plattsmouth. A delight
ful program had been previously ar
ranged for the occasion, w hich consist
ed principally of vocal and instrumen
tal music. The rooms were tastefully
decorated with flags of various di
mensions, and draped with red, white
and blue bunting. The lawn, with its
carpet of beautiful green, was deco
rated with Chinese lanterns. There
were nearly one hundred guests
present, the greatest portion of them
Wing musicians of the city. Refresh
ments were served, and it was not
until a late hour that the merry guests
took their departure. The out-of town
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Miller,
Misses Gentleman and Gleason, of
Omaha, and Misses Aylsworth and
Stiles, of Kansas City.
End of Bitter Fight.
"Two physicians had a long and
stubborn fight with an a be ess on my
right lung" writes J. F. Hughes, of
DuPont.Ga., "and gave me up. Every
Wdy thought my time had come. As
a last resort I tried Dr. King's New-
Discovery for Consumption. The
Wnefit I received was striking and I
was on my feet in a few days. Now
Iv'e entirely regained my health'
It conquers all coughs, colds and throat
ami lung tronbles. Guaranteed by F,
G. Fricke & Co. druggists. Price 50c
and $ l.M. Trial bottles free.
Otoe's Officials Proved They Knew
Little About Ball Playing.
It was with head erect and with
proudest feelings Capt. Brant's colts
proceeded to the B. & M. depot yester
day and took the train for Plattsmouth
where they were scheduled to kick the
Cass county officials completely off the
diamond. But the colts were off their
feed and found the track too heavy to
break any records. They returned
tired and worn out last night, with
their banner trailing in the dust, the
Plattsmouth boys having given them
such a walloping that would dishearten
their most ardent admirers.
The Cass county officials evidently
realized what a soft snap they had,
were particularly kind to the nine un
sophisticated ball players from this
city. They met them at Pacific Junc
tion with a special, too them to Platts
mouth where they were given the free
dom of the city, and after dinner were
taken outon the ball ground and given
another present. But this is a subject
that is painful, so we will bring it to a
close. Judge J esse n umpired the game
and gave such good satisfaction that
no one attempted to throw him over
among the bleacher,
story tells the tale:
otok. 1
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. njb
Seven MZSon boxes sold in past 12 months. Thb Signature, ST
CarM Crip
la Two Days.
OA every
box. 25c
The following
Brant, p 0
Roddy, 1st 1 1
Cook, 2nd b -
I lay ward, c -
Shrader, cf 0
McCullum, rf 0
Kelly, If 0 -
Bischof, 3rd b -
Straight. 1st b 0
Banning. 2nd b 1
White, ss 1
Schneider, c 1
Barton, p 1
Schlater, 3rd 0
McBride, If 0
Tyson, cf 1
Douglass, rf -
3 4
1 -
0 --
1 0
0 0
1 0
0 -
- 1
- - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
1 2
Druggists' Permit
Notice is hereby given that G. W.
tilmam has tiled his petition as requir
ed by the statutes of Nebraska, with
the City Clerk or the City of Platts
mouth, requesting a permit to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for
medicinal, mechanical and chemical
purposes for the coming municipal year
in the building situatedon tne west
half (wj) lot three (3) of b!oc' thiry
five (.J.)) in the city of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. G. W. (Jilman,
August G, 1903. Applicant.
Our boys speak in the highest terms
of their treatment while in IMatts
mouth, and promise to return the
many favors shown them when Cass
county comes down here on Labor day
to play the return game. Nebraska
City News.
From East Helena, flontana.
I acknowl2dge with thanks the
receipt of your shipment which was
entirely satisfactory. My wife has
been troubled with her stomach for
more than a year and no physician
could give her permanent relief. As
soon as she began using Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine she
immediately improved and is now
perfectly well. Yours truly, Matt.
Ambro, East Helena." Triner's Ameri
can Elixir of Bitter Wine is the most
reliable remedy. All those having
used it are unanimous in that and
they certainly know best. We not
only assert that this specialty contains but pure grape wine and
selected herbs. It strengthens the
digestive organs and the nerves, puri
ties the blood, it gives new vitality.
At drug stores and at the manufactur
er's Jos. Triner, 719 south Ashland
avenue, Chicago, 111., Pilsen Station.
To Cure A Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. E. W.
Grove's signature on each box. 25c.
A Cut Never Bleeds.
After Porter's antiseptic healing oil
is applied. Believes pain instantly
and heals at the same time. For man
or beast. Price, 25 cents.
To be Held in the City of Plattsmouth,
Saturday, August 22, 1903.
rl he democratic county convention
of Cass county, Nebraska, will be held
in Plattsmouth,
at one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
placing in nomination candidates for
the following offices, to-wit:
County Treasurer,
County Clerk,
County Sheriff,
Clerk of the District Court,
County Judge,
Cou n t y A ssessor,
County Coroner.
County Surveyor,
County Superintendent of Schools,
County Commissioner 1st District
And to select 21 delegates to repre
sent Cass county in democratic state
convention at Columbus, Nebraska
August 25, 1903. And also to select
delegates to the judicial convention
fur the second judicial district
The various precincts are entitled to
the following representation, baset
upon the vote cast for W. II. Thomson
for Governor, being one delegate for
every ten votes, or major traction
Tipton 1
Salt Creek 9
Stove Creek 9
Elm wood 7
South Bend G
Weeping Water Precinct 4
Mount Pleasant
Eight Mile Grove
Itock Bluffs, 1st
Plat tsmoutlr Preei net
Weeping Water, First Ward
" Second " ...
" " Third "
Plattsmouth, First Ward .'
" Second "
Third "
Prcpurliitr alist r:its of title. conveyancing
and examining titles to real estate a sM-clal-ty.
Work riMTly done iiml i-liuryeH reason
aide. Olllce: - Kootns and 7. John OuihJ
liuildlng. IH'iir Court Mouse. I'lallsmoutli,
... 4
... 8
... 1
... 1
... y
... y
... G
Total 181
Primaries to be held on Saturday.
August 15th, at 8 p. m., at the usual
places of holding such meetings.
J. 1. Faltkk. Chairman.
Fkank Schlatek, Secretary.
" I was given up to die with
quick consumption. I then began
to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I
improved at once, and am now in
perfect heilth." Chas. E. Hart
man, Gibbstown, N. Y.
It's too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will be over. Be-
gin early with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
Three sIzps: SWr-enoneh for an orrilnarr
cold; Sue.. )nt right for bmachlUs. bosr
uw, hard eolda, etc; 1. uml economical
for etirouie rase and to keep on hand.
J. C. AYB CO- Lowell.
The Most Interesting BooH
that a man can peruse ishisowii bank
book. Uepends Uon himself whether
the figures are satisfactory or not. If
the money is deposited with
The BanH of Cass County
everything possible is done by the
management to make them so.
Let us care for your money. We
have tire and burglar proof vaults.
Waterman Block
PUtU.srLoDc. Jl
The Crop Outlook
The past week has been cold and
wet. The daily mean temperature
has averaged ' degrees below normal
in eastern counties and 0 lelow in
The rainfall was heavy and general
the last half of the week and exceeded
an inch, except in extreme western
counties; in a large portion of the
central and southern parts of the state
it ranged from 2 to 4 inches, and in a
few instances exceeded 6 inches.
The heavy rains were very beneficial
to corn, especially in southeastern
counties, where the crop was suffering
because of continued dry weather
While stacking and threshing were
delayed by the rain in central and
southern counties and harvesting in
northern, generally little injury re
sulted tocrops. Slight damage, how;-
ever, was done in limited ' areas by
high winds overturning stacks of grain
and hay and lodging uncut grain
The quality of both winter wheat and
oats is rather poor, being light weight.
Spring wheat and oats are being
harvested in northern counties: the
wheat will be a light crop, due to rust
and blight; oats a fair to good crop
Corn has grown well and continues to
improve in condition. Potatoes are
less promising. Pasture have improved.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been dis
covered will interest many. A run
down system or despondency invariably
precedo suicide and something has
been found that will prevent that
condition that makes suicide likely.
At the thought of self destruction
take Electric Hitters. It being a great
tonic and nervine will strengthen the
nerves and build up the system. It's
also a great Stolnach, Liver and
Kidney regulator." Only 50 cents.
Satisfaction guaranteed by F. O.
'ricke & Co. druggists.
From Omaha
M 4i
M ;Vl
Pittsburg, Pa t 2:1 2.
on sale Aug. 1, 2 and .'I,
return limit Auir. .'list .
Baltimore, Md.,
on sale Sept. 17, IH and
l!fth. return limit Oct.
Pittsburg, Pa
on saledaily (luring Ju
ly, August and Sep
tember. Keturu limit
:io days.
Iloston, Mass
Montreal, Canada
White Sulpher Springs,
W. Va
French Lick. Sp'gs, Ind.
Toronto, Canada
liuiralo, N. V
Charlevoix, Mich.......
Mackinac Island, Mich..
Detroit. Mich
Alexandria, Minn
Annandale, Minn
Hemidji, Minn
HufTalo, Minn
Hice Lake, Wis
Detroit. Minn
Fergus Falls, X. I
Minnetonka. Minn
Taylor's Falls, Minn
St. Paul, Minn
Minneapolis, Minn
Duluth, Minn
Ashland, Wis
Water vide, Minn
Waseca, Minn
FariUiult, Minn
I ted Wing, Minn
Spirit Lake,la.(Okaboji)
Clear Iake. la
Waterloo, la
Storm Lake, la
44 O0
. 0 U)
42 Ki
41 ;jU
li't '.''
;u 00
If, 2-
14 y ."
1H 4.
14 2T
hi u
1 25
It 15
1.J 5
12 50
12 50
Hi 50
1 50
10 5o
10 50
10 50
lr 5o
9 50
10 70
11 85
Above Rmtts art for Round
Trip Tlekott.
ltat-s V itnlntt to wlilfli im M-Ulny
ilntt-o art feliowi! are on Mile dally dur
ing July. Autrust und S-)U'riilM-r, icimmI
fur return until Oct. 3ll.
Ijike Tour via Ilulutli or Chl-atC"
and Hit, (ireat lnkvi. htratijt-r and
ku-epiiiK oar rvM-rvatlont made lu ad-YuiH-e.
Write u alxnit your trip and let
us irlvt; you full Information reirardlnir
rates, route, etc. Correpoiideiir, mo
Ik'lted and Informal Ion cheerfully (riv
en at City Ticket Ortlce. No. l Kar
11 it 111 hu. Omaha, or write
IUt. Pa. Agent.