The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 11, 1903, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journa
Kntfrtnl at tl olofTlrt :it I'l:ittriiontli, Ne
tiriiakii. Hi M4'roiMli'l:i.iH niiittr.
ICiiohkvki.t deserves some credit
He has destroyed the Hanna ''bossism
in the republican party.
pKUHAit the luck of developments in
the Washington fraud investigation
means that vacation season hasarrived
).s i.y one local crop is not effected by
tlie excessive rains. June weddings
are proof against every kind of weatli
Sknatoii Hanna islikely to lose his
popularity witli the )ahoring men. lie
surrendered in Ohio without a strike
lockout or arbitration.
Wori,ii itnotlicagood thir.g if some
of that $l.",ooo,)Mirrigat ion fuiidcouli
l devoted to restoring bridges and
roads destroy c I by recent Hoods?
Tiik Postmaster General is striking
that "pay dirt" lie has so long loved to
joke about, and it proves to have been
the lilthiest sort of dirt, too.
A mono tlie at mospheric phenomen
recently noted is a decided frost ad
tninstered to Mr. Roosevelt in Indiana.
The temperature in Ohio has risen
Tiik steel trust has made only profits in April and May. No
true republican would think of modi
tying the tariff schedule. That might
curtail the trust.; pittance.
Wk know of some distinguished gen
men who will lose their interest in the
Panama canal if they are not appoint
d to dig it with mahogany desks, re
volving chairs and electric fans.
An effective libel law is doubt less es
sential but it prevents the public from
learning the inside facts of many a po
litical deal, and paves the way for the
wholesale defrauding of the govern
Tiik Hood sufferers will not want for
money and provisions. This big coun
try has a big heart, and both rich ant
loor people have given and are giving
generously in order to provide for the
needs of those in distress.
That Brooklyn preacher who de
clares he would lie proud to make up
Booker T. Washington's led, should
invite Booker to stay with him, and
prove that he is suffering from lack of
good sense rather than from hypocrit
ical cant.
Ik the present investigation in the
postolliee department shall open the
eyes and the consciences of the public
to the fact that thousands ( no exagger
ation) are drawing pay from the gov
ernment and doing no work, it will not
have been useless.
The Postmaster General is finding
that the people will have the facts re
gardless of his efforts at suppression
lie might as well give up the task of
protecting Mr. Ilanna's political pro-
teires. who are thieves that infest
the postoflice department at Wash
A TiiouoroH investigation into some
Navy Department purchases might
furnish as unsavory a scandal as has
the probing of the postal service, but
the ex-Assistant Secretary of the isavy
will see that no naval contracts are
submitted to the scrutiny of the pub
lie gaze.
"Practical politics" in postoflic
or any other department of the govern
ment, invariably means me swinaung
of the people. Sooner or later, the
man who will appoint a ward-heeler to
an ortlce which pays a salary but de
mands no return in the way of labor,
will, if temptation arises or the oppor
tunity offers, steal outright.
It appears to worry republican edi
tors that the democrats do not set up
a candidate for their opponents to
throw stones at a year in advance of
the nominating convention. So they
must have some prospective candidate
and as (J rover Cleveland suits their
purpose to annoy southern and west
ern democrats, they are busy now in
keeping the ex-president's name prom
inently before the country, in the hope
that the democratic convention might
possibly nominate him.
The Atlanta Constitution remarks
that hereafter when Booker T. Wash
ington travels In the ncrth he may be
under the necessity of patronizing a
colored lodging-house. Probably he
will, since the north is not so slow to
distinguish between welcome and un
welcome guests. But, except for the
harm wrought upon his own people,
you can't blame Booker for being more
or less of a snob. Almost any one
would cultivate a taste for first-class
accommodations after stopping at the
White House as Teddy's guest.
The postal ring at Washinton seem
to be aliout the rottencst gang of
thieves that ever disgraced any govern
ment. The rascals should be prosecu
ted and punished to the fullest extent
of the law, regardless of the effect it
may have on any political party. The
people have a right to demand an hon
est administration of the affairs of ev
ery department of the government, and
they Insist that this be done. They
will not put up with any screening of
the guilty because they have powerful
political bacting, that adds further
shame to the whole business.
Even Colonel Henri Watterson con
tinues to ljelabor Mr. Cleveland. As
the Kentucky colonel and tlie Prince
ton fisherman lain. red in the same re
publican vineyard in I!;, and havel
ever since been regarded as alxmt
equally tarred with the same stick,
it looks like they ought to get on peace
and now prophet irl llicks says.
that all these rains and tornadoes and
Hoods must be charged to Venus' ac
count. It's all right, of course, to fix
the responsibility, and the pagan god
dess of love and liea 11 ty deserves little
consideration, perhaps, but haven't we
saddled enough of humility's woes on
her shoulders already? Prophet llicks
should go slow in adding to the burden.
Always with a willingness to cor
rect any falsi statement that may have
lieen made in the Journal, we gladly
accept the opportunity of correcting
one that appeared in these columns
week before last. In an editorial the
Journal said that the Omaha World-
Herald Imasted that in case (J rover
Cleveland secured the democratic nom
ination for president next year that
paper would support Roosevelt in pref
erence, or words to that effect. I he
editor of the Journal received tlie im
pression from other sources than the
World-Herald proper, and is now sat
isfied that it was with us an error of
the head but riot of the heart. The
World-Herald nevvr made any such
utterances, or words that could possi
. . .
bly be construed in that meaning, and
we are proud to render justice to whom
justice is due. To Mr. Metcalfe, tlie
able editor of the World-Herald, this
apology is especially extended.
The defeat of Judge Klbridge Hane
cy in Chicago last week, isa just rebuke
to the partisan judge. The courts are
most sacred institutions of the eople
and .should not lie lowered to the par
tisan line. This Judge Hanecy did,
and the people of his district would
not stand it. In fact, take the state
of Illinois throughout in the late judi
cial elections, and it shows that the
people will not vote for a partisan judi
ciary under any circumstances, and
here hi Nebraska they will do the
same. Judge ."suiiivan nas proveu to
the people that he is unquestionably
the "right man in the right place," ir
respective of the desires of a few hide-
liound, skin-flint republican, whose
partisan prejudies are so great as
to render odious the very air
they breath. Thank heaven, there are
enough honest and conscientious re
publicans in the state of Nebraska who
will throw aside politics when it comes
to voting for such an eminent jurist as
Judge Sullivan has proved himself to
be, no matter the desires of the bitter
partisan element.
llust Break, a Hoodoo.
Theodore Roosevelt is the fifth Vice
President of the United States to Le-
president by the death of the occupant
of the presidential ofticc early in the
Every one of the five manifested an
ambition to secure by election a full
term through the accident of death.
Not one of Roosevelt's four predeces
sors achieved it.
It is for Theodore Koosevelt to sliow
whether he is able to rise above those
depressing precedents. He has gone
into the contest for the nomination
with greater determination than was
displayed by either of the four prede
cessors, une conditions are more in
his favor than in the case of either of
the others. Unlesssomething now un-
looked for intervenes the probabilities
are that he will be nominated on the
first ballot and not improbably by a
practically unanimous vote. That will
break the record so far as concerns the
trie nomination, vviiemer ne w in go
into history as the hrst president bv
accident who succeeded in becoming
president by election will then remain
to be determined.
The "Ohio Idea."
Tiik Ohio Republican convention did
about what was expected of it from the
national point of view. President
Koosevelt was emphatically indorsed
for nomination in Uto4, and Senator
Hanna led the chorus very gracefully.
The platform sounded a long tumultu
ous paean of praise for the republican
party and its doctrines. The ioiiit of
special interest, the reference to the
tariff, was throughly republican, the
strictly orthodox tone being not the
east modified by a vague, ambig
uous and utterly meaningless reference
to possible future revision of the duty
schedules. The substance of the tariff
plank is found in this paragraph:
We oppose all attacks upon this (pro
tection) policy, wnatevcr the pretext.
as tending to bring lack the diastrous
days of the democratic tariff revision
and free trade. Changing conditions
and the possible benefits or reciprocity
may call for timely readjustment of
of schedules, but protection as a prin
ciple and as a policy must )e admnis-
tered by rnendsof American prosiienty
and must not be sacrificed.
The hopelessness of tariff reduction,
if left to republican pollcians, could
hardly lie more impressively borne
ionic. Even theword "readjustment'
is used in tlie place of the word "re
duction," and the country knows every
readjustment" so far made by the re
publican party has lieen upward, not
downward. To make sure that even
this excessive impression should not be
confused with the "Iowa idea" which
recognizes that the time for tariff re
duction has come and that it should be
practiced especially where high pro
tection "shelters monopoly," the plat
form later. In connection vith the
trust plank, alludes to the "democratic
plan of destroying all industrious
through tariff revision." . There never
was a more wholesale misconstruction
of the democratic principles of tariff
reform, or a more extravagant exag
geration of republican achievements
n -
than may be found in the Hanna plat
form adopted in Ohio.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is a disease prevailing in thie
country most dangerous lecause so decep
tive. Many sudden
deaths are caused
by it heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
ajK)jlexy are often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble is
allowed toad vance
the k iliiey-joison-ed
blood will at
tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of
the Madder, or the kidneys themselves
ureak down ami waste away cell by cell
ISladder troubles almost always result
from a derangement of the kidneys and
a cure is obtained quickest by a projier
treatment or uie kidneys. If you are feel
ing badly you can make no mistake by
taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy
It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain m passing it, and over
comes that un pleasant necessity of being
compiled to go often through the day,
and to get up many times during the
night. The mild and the extraordinary
enect or crwani-Koot is soon realized
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
sold by all druggists in fifty-cent ami
one-dollar size lxttles. You may have a
sample uouie ot this wonderful new dis
covery and a lunik that tells all a I mil t it
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y. When
writing mention reading this generous
offer in this pam-r. Don't make anv
wn, ir. Kiinicr s nwanip-Koot, and t he
aiiress, Uingliaiiuon, N. Y., on every
To the Very Point.
The business men of this village
(even the newspaper) are charged an
occupation tax for eonductiing a busi
ness, ana mat is an rigiit ana proper.
lor there must lie revenue to meet ex
pe list's, but it does not appear right to
tax tlie homo business men then allow
hum peddlers and other itinerants to
work their grafts withont objection.
Hie town is worked to death bv non
resident peddlers and solicitors who
take a great ileal of business ( printing
included) that rightfully ought to be
given to men who are taxed to pay the
town's ex tenses. 'J his will do for the
village otlicials to consider. Union
The same can lie said of this city in
ma 113 respects. For instauce, tlie city
allowed an entire stranger, represent-
inir t 1 afl ir1irt MaftintitilA ,v.-i ro r ir "
( whatever that may be ) to come here
advertising under the name of the fore
going company, and sell goods for
three weeks w ithout paj'ing one cent
of an occupation tax. Apparently, he
was closing out an old stock for one
of our merchants under contract, and
this being the case he should have licen
compelled to pay the regular occupa
t ion tax, if not the full amount that
itinerant salemen are taxed. He re
mained here three weeks, or until the
cream" of the bargains were
disposed of and then lie vamooses
the ranch, for another point to do the
same kind of business. If the busi
ness men of Plattsmouth are to submit
longer to an occupation tax they should
demand protection against future im
positions of this character.
July Bargains.
The Burlington offers round
tickets as follows:
Koston, Mass., and return $33.75;
June 30 to July 4.
Saratoga, N. Y., and return, $32.20;
July 4 and 5.
Atlanta, Ga., and return, $32.10:
July "t to 7.
Baltimore, Md., and return,
July 17 and IS.
Detroit, Mich., and
July 14 and 15.
St. Paul, Minn., and
July V.) to 21.
Ask the ticket agent for particulars.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist.
Ollice with Dr. E. I). Cummins.
(Sanger (K0
Canear. Tumor. Catarrh. Piles. Fistalk.' Clcem
fcocemaandaJlSklaaod Fraitla DImmm Wrtta
f or m ant rated Book. Seat free. Addrraa
DR. BY&& tosss City, L!i
Brought On Sciatic
Nervous Prostration
Dr. Miles Nervine Gave
Bach Health.
"I was laid up during the winter of 04-95
with sciatic rheumatism and nervous prostra
tion brought on l.y a severe attack of La
orippe. 1 he rheumatic pains were so se
vere at times that it was imimssible for me to
turn in bed. 1 was unable to sleep. 1 had
,L 11 ?.ur f,st rhysicians in attendance,
look all the advertised remedies for troubles
Mni i.ut pot no help whatever until I
took Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. Six
"Hies resinrpii tn.
health; I am better
,uu "r ywsi in tact am entirely relieved.
I can say with a clear conscience that it was
it. .Milts Restorative Nervine that restored
me to health. When the pains of sciatica
ami rheumatism were most severe I secured
almost immediate relief by the use of Dr.
Miles Anti-l'a.n Pills. 1 have recommended
I , Ml,Vs 'emedies to many people." Fred
Myers, Kedheld, S. I). v
"I was taken with pain in my heart and
under the left shoulder; with such heavy op
pressed feeling in my chest that I could
hardly breathe. I had palpitation so bad
an.l my heart would throb so that it would
shake my whole Uvl l.lti.j..i n
cone feel.nj; in the region of my heart. My
d.ctor treated me for liver and stomach
trouhic l.ut I failed to receive any inent
until a iru inl recominen.t.i I w i,ic 1 1 ..
Cure and Restorative Nervine.' I used both
an i one i.ox ,f the Ami -Pain Pills. I
IKHieve I am comrX.t.!.. . .1-
cured-" Mrs. I. W. f:..l.lin v..i.i...;ii-
Ind. k
.i Ar! ',rV?,;i;st.s "l'n nd guarantee first bot
tle I)r Mil. V Krin..n.- ... i i.l.
N- . vi a j
. -.t'r.vo". d Heart Diseases. AJdrru
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Commissioner's Proceedings.
Plattsmouth, Nch., June 2nd, iyo3
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment
Present, J. P. Falter and W. It. l!an
nine; absent. Turner Zink. Minutes
of last meeting read and approved. A
license was granted to Max Flot how-
to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors at Cedar Creek.
Mr. Zink arrived at this time ant
took his place with the board. The
follow intr claims wen- allowed on tluj
general fund:
(Jeo Curnahan, assesssing Stove
Creek precinct
(Jeo N. LaUue, assessing Liber
ty precinct
.1. M. Hoover, assessing Louis
ville precinct
II. K. ('oleinaii, assessing Salt
Creek precinct
Ill (JO
1(52 (iO
1). Mcllride, boarding county
I). Mcllride, Itoaiding city
80 ;)
12 JH)
D. Mcih ide, paid reward for
horse thief T0
A. II. McCann, assessing Weep
ing Water precinct
A. Helps, mdse to county
J. M. Teegarden, assessing 2nd
ward, Weeping Water
E. E. Hilton, work
T. F. Jameson, assessing 3rd
ward. Weeping Water
i no
State Journal Co., merchandise
to county
II. S. Wilkinson, assessing 3rd
ward, Weeping Water
Nebraska City Ts'ews, mdse to
F. II. Nichols, mdse to poor...
88 80
Stander & Esmay, spikes
A. H. Iickson, aid to pauper..
H. E. Calkins, road deposit re
Hans Kemp, work
C M. Leach, mdse to poor
W. F. Tracey, eironeous tax
a l
v. iiouse, saiary
Lyman Kildow, same
Ebinger Hardware Co., muse to
. Austin, team to coinmision
ers ft 40
Edwards & Bradford, lumber..
Cost Hill, State vs Louis
J. (J. Meisingcr, assessing Light
M i le ( J rove preci net
no oo
8 00
2T 00
2 50
Mrs. 11. E. Yoder, mdse to poor
Cost Hill. State vs Jones
L. J. Maytield, printing
T. F. Wiles, defending Jones..
F. It. Guthman, boarding in
sane person
J. W. Sage, team to commis
A. A. Austin, labor
John Waterman, lumber
W. H. Hyers, labor
II. F. Kropp, assessing Nchaw-
ka precinct
Aug Hach. mdse to poor
Evening News, printing
N. II. Wilkinson, mdse to poor
F. J. Bahr, nails
T.F.Carnes, boarding prisoners
C. II. Smith, envelopes
Elliott & Match Co., mdse to
W. K. Fox, juror certificate...
M. Fanger, mdse to county
Henry Hehrns, assessing Avoca
10(i 20
John Sharp, assessing 5th ward
Fred Kroehler, care of pauper.
Edwards & Bradford, lumber..
T. F. Kecklcr, assessing Center
precinct :
143 20
W. H. Banning, salary and ex
penses 31
Turner Zink, salary and exps: .
J. P. Falter, same 4
15 of
(J 0l
J. S. Branson, care of insane..
Plattsmouth Telephone Co
rents and tolls 29
II. V. Lewis, assessing South
Bend precinct 101
M. II. Pollard, road work G
O. M. Streight, assessing 3rd
ward, Plattsmouth 150
J. II. Denson, balance assessing
3rd ward, Plattsmouth 115 42
J. II. Thrasher, assessing 1st
ward, Plattsmouth 150 00
L. A. Tyson, salary and expenses 208 05
C. S. Wortman, salary and exps 102 09
G. O. Harmer, taxes refunded. 8 08
A. II. Weckbach & Co., mdse
to county . 1 20
K.JN . Fulton, use of blood nounus
L. A. Tvson, mdse to county. . .
C. S. Smith, assessing Bock
Bluff precinct
185 20
U 00
VTurl & Cotfey, mdse to poor. . .
Nebraska Telephone Co., toll
The appointment of Miss Marie 1
vanek as Deputy lieeister of Dt
was approved.
The following notice was ordered
placed upon the minutes: The Board
of County Commissioners of Cass
County, Nebraska, w ill sit as a Board
of Equalization for the purpose of
equalizing the assessments of Cass
County for the year 1903, in the Com
missioners chamber at the court house,
Plattsmouth, beginningTuesday, June
9th, 1903, at 10 o'clock, a. m., and con
tinuing from day to day up to and in
cluding June 29th, 1903. All persons
owning real or personal property sub
ject to taxation should call and exam
ine their assessments, that any errors
as to valuation may be adjusted by
said Board as the law provides
Board adjourned to meet June 9th
as a Board of Equalization.
L. A. Tyson-, County Clerk,
Startling Evidence.
Fresh testimony in great quantity is
constantly coming in, declaring Dr
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion Coughs and Colds to be unequaled.
A recent expression from T. J. Mc
Farland, Bentonville. a., serves as
example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis,
for three years and doctored all the
time without being lienefitted. Then
I began taking Dr. King's New Dis
covery, and a few bottles wholly cured
me." Equally effective in curing all
Lung and Throat troubles, Consump
tion, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaran
teed by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50, and
We promptly obtain U. 8. nd Foreign
Send model, ketch or photo of invention lor
free report on patentability. For free bonk.
Patent andJJ V 1 tl -- Q to
Opposite UTuTVatent
13 V
Estimate of City Expenditures
FOR YEAR 1903.
It is'estimated by the Mayor and
Council of the city of Plattsmouth
that the expenditures of said city for
the coming liscal year of 1003 w ill be
as follows:
For Mayor and Council 730 oo
Clerk, Treasurer, Attorney
Police Judge and Sexton . . 1 375 oo
Police and Steeet Commis
sioner 1 ;xo oo
Hoard of Health 120 oo
Printing 20O 00
Hoarding City Prisoners 3oo oo
Streets and Grading .. A.. 1 2oo oo
Fire Hydrant Kental 3 4oo oo
Fire Department 225 oo
Library 4oo 00
Park 5o oo
Interest on refunding bonds
and to take up bonds, is
sue 1S'.I9 10 ooo oo
Incidentals 2 ooo oo
Total 22 080 oo
Dated June 8, 1903.
Fi:ank J. Mouuan, Mayor.
Attest: II. M. Soknnk iiskn, Clerk.
Sheriff's Sale.
"DY v irt m of mi ordT of sale Issued ly
JJ ;'rife r. Housi'Wnrl h. lTk of llm (lis
Irict court, witliin unl for iss county, Ne
braska, ami to mc directed. I will on the
6th day ot July, A.. D.. 1903.
it, 1 1 o'clock a. m.. of said day at the sout h
door of the court house in the city of I'lsitls
mouth, in said count v. sell at oulillc auction.
to t he highest bidder for cash, tint following
real estate to-wit: lots cinht and nine (rt and
"0 in block one (Din SI ituVI mac's Addition to
I lie city of riat.tsmoiith. Cass county. .Nebras
ka, together wit h the privileges and appurten
ances uicreiinio neioiiKmn ami anywise apiM-r-
taiuiii!. I lie same Im-iiu? levied upon and
taken as t he proiM-rty of Jennie Whalcn et al
defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said
conn rccovcreil by Charles C. 1'armele. plain
tiff against said defendants.
I'lattsmoutli. Nebraska, .nine :ird. A. I.
I'.Mtf JOHN 1. .MrltlCl lK.
A. J. IIkksiin'. Sheriff Cass Co. Nebraska.
PluintilV s Attorney.
Notice to Tax Payers.
The Hoard of County Commissioners of
'ass County. Nebraska, will sit as a Hoard of
Euiiali.atioii for the pwriHise of eiiualizinir Un
assessments of Cans llouiity. for the. year of
1110.1. in the Commissioners Chamlicr at the
ourt Iiouse. I'lattsmoutli. I-L'iiiiiiii'' Tuesday
I une '.itli. at ten o'clock, a. m.. and coiitiiiuini;
from day to day up to and including
lime ami. IlHi.t All persons ownim; real or
personal property, subject to taxat ion. should
all and examine tncir assessment, mat any
errors as to valuation may Im; adiustcd bv
lid Hoard, as the law provides. Hy order of
the County Commissioners.
Ij. a. itson. county Clerk.
Notice of Referee's Sale.
' entered in the district court of Saun
ders county. Nebraska, in a suit in partition
pending ill said court, wherein Lulu XVI . Hurl but
Charles K. lltirlbut. Sarah 1. Wolfe. Frank II.
Wolfe. Cora It. Wolfe. Fred Li. Wolfe and Ixlo
H. Vancleave are plaintiffs and Mahlou O.
V'ancleave and Nettie Vancleave are defend-
mts, ordering and directing die undersigned
duly appointed referees in said cause to sell
the following descrilted real estate, towit:
I'iie east half of tlie southwest tiuarter and
the south half of the southeast quarter of
section twenty-eight, township eleven, range
nine K.. in Cass county. Aehraska.
NOTICK is hereby given, that tin tlie
day of July. 1!hj.'. at one o'clock p. m.. of said
day, at the souin iront door or the court
Iiouse. in tlie city of I'lattsmoutli. Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, the undersigned rererees will
sell the above desrrilied real estate, at public
met ion. to tlie highest bidder for cash. Said
property will le sold in tracts to suit the pur-
haser. and said sale will remain open one
hour. 1 C. W. Fl i.l.Kit. Jr..
lleferees ! F. J. Ki urn man.
Attorney for Plaintiffs. j
Legal Notice
DKNT. defendant: Vou are hereby noti
fied that on tlie llth day of June. l'.HKi. Susan J.
Donnelly tiled a petition against you in the
district court of Cass coiintyj. Nebraska, the
object and prayer of wliicii is to obtain a di
vorce from you on the grounds that you have
wilfully abandoned tlie plaintiff without just
cause for the term of seven years last past,
and for non-support. You are required to
answer said petition on or liefore tlie 2uth d-iy
Hy T. O. Moos, her Attorney.
Missouri Pacific Time Table
No. 1 5.37 am
No. 17 5.40 pm
No. 2 11.34 pm
No. VS2, local freight 7.35 am
No. 18 1045 am
to the northern lake
resorts will be more popular
this summer than ever. Many
have already arranged their
summer tours via the
Milwaukee C St. Paul
and many more are going to do
likewise. Booklets that will
help you to plan your vacation
trip have just been published,
and will be sent on receipt of
postage, as follows :
"In Lakeland" and "Summer
Homes," six cents.
"Lakes Okoboji and Spirit Lake,"
four cents.
General Western Agent,
Cheap Excursions via
Above Rates are
Oneway Settlers' and Hfdneseekers' round
points in tlie North, .Nort beast and .Northwest,
tern States, on lirst and t bird Tuesdays of eaeh month.
Summer lours via I mint Ii or ( :iiieago and Steamer ia the
lakes'. Pales to many other points.
Write me alnitit your trip and let megive you an itinerary.
ing time, eonneet ion, cost, ete.
Sleeping Car and Steamer Keservat ions made in advance.
Correspondence solicited and informal ion cheerfully iveu.
1402 Farnam St. W. f-m BRILL,
hist. pass. Agt , III. (Vol. II. Ii , Omaha. Neb
Sheriff's Sale.
BV virtue of mii execution Issued by 'icorifc
I lollscwort h. clerk of t hi- dl-.l Met court
within and for Cass count y. Nebraska, and to
tie directed. I wllloiithc
6th day of July, A. D.. 1003.
at 'Z o'clock p. m . of said day at the south
door of I he court house in 1 1 - -1 1 V ' f I'IjIIs-
lnoiilh. in said county, sell at public auction.
to I lie hhihcst. hidder for cash, tin- following
real estate tii-wit: lxls set en. lu'lil. nine,
ten, eleven and I wel t e 0, H. i. u. II ami l.'ilu
block eight (si. ami lot s one. t o. t hree. eight
and tell (I. 'J. '.I . and lu In block twenty-three
(S.'i). and I hi; undivided half of lotsfoiir and
si(l.)in block twenty-three (:.:). all in Un
original plat of the city of I'lal I slnolil Ii.
Cass county. Nebraska. together with
the privileges and 11 ppu rt ena uces there
unto iM-longiiig or otherwise appertaining.
The same being levied uxn and taken as I he
proper! v of The I'lattsmout h lim it and I erra
Col ta Manufacturing Company, defendant to
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered
by the First. National Hank, of I'lat Isiuoulh.
Neliraska. plalntill against said di-rendant.
I'lattsmoutli. Nebraska. June :;rd. A. I..
'.hi;!. Ji ill N i. Mi HI; 1 1 iK.
JlVltoN Cl.AUK. Sheriff Ca?s Co. Nebraska.
riaintiff's Attorney.
Road Notice
7 nil MV0I it muii Concent:
Tlie commissioner :t piMitntcd to view and
locale a road on tin; half sect ion line running
nort Ii and south through the south halt of
section twenty-four CIO township 10. range Ii
Also ti ponthe half section line running east
md west through said section township in.
range VS. west from tlie renter or said sec
tion, until it iiLersccts with road No. lia.
Also to vi.cate that part of road No. M.'I
running through the s w of section 'Si.
township ten. (if) range twelve (IS) east, of
the tit h 1 1. in., has reiNirlid in favor of the
location and vacation thereof; and all oh
l ions hereto, or claims for damages, must
liled in the county clerk's ollice on or be
fore noon on the 'Jut h day of July, A. !.. r.m.'I.
or such road will be located ami vacated
without reference thereto. Ii. A. Tvso.v.
Ity Ja.xiks Koio.iitshn. Iieputy. Co. Clerk.
Notice to Creditors.
Stale of Neliraska.
Cass County. -
In County Our
ii the mat ter of the est at
Stohliuaiili. deceased.
of I'redejii'k I
Notice Is hereby given I hat the creditors of
said deceased will meet the admiuisl I'l
of said estate. b-fore Inc. Count y Judge of Cass
ounty. Nebraska, at the count v couit room
in I'lattsmoutli. in said county, on I he tit h day
of August. A. I).. r.xi:t. mid on the tith day of
anuary. A. I).. I'.ftM. at 1 1 :liu o'clock a. in. each
day, for the purposeof presenting t heir claims
for examination, adjust meut ami allowance.
Six mont hs are allowed for tlie creditors of
said deceased to present I heir claims, and one
year for tint administratrix to set lie said es
tate, from tlie .'ird day of July. I'.hki.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at I'lattsmoutli. Nebraska, this nth day
of June. I '."OX J. I-:. In mo I. ass.
seal County Judge.
All kinds of Dental work. Dales made that
lit. 20 years experience. I "rices reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
OFKICK KlT.(iKUAf.I Kmm:k.
Tei.limionk No. 3 ou 17
V Abstracts of Title V
Tf?ona5 Ualli.
OFFICE Anheuser-liush Illock.
Osteopathy in Plattsmouth!
HH p. U?. (Bass,
. . .Osteopathic Physician. . .
Graduate of American School of Osteopathy
Klrksville. .Missouri.
Lady Attendant. Consultation Free.
Waterman Kuildin.
Telephone 310.
Office, hours 8:30 to li a. in. and I to 4 p. m.
KOO.MS 8. 9. 10 AND 11, WATKKMAN. I1UK.K,
s 3obn Bauer's
2bc "IbarOwarc
makes a specialty of all kinds
of Tinwork, such as Koofin,
Guttering, etc.. and all work
guaranteed. Call and get
prices before contracting
50(3 bain Street,
plattsmoutb, ttcbrasfta.
nmte. Alwur. n-Iialile. LuiIIm, wk Prtiirrlit fof
teld turtallic boxes, nealeil with blua ribbon.
Tk M rthfr. KrfuH- 4R(rrMi aabati.
lallauaiid ImilalloM. Iiiivuf your Onucriat,
ir semi 4c In xianipi for I'artietilair. Tratfl.
Baailala and - ItrllrT fnr IHllra.' ii inter,
brrvlaraNall. I,MM Tentinioiiiala. Sold by
il lirugriBUL
91 MjaalleM Wajaiar. riillX, PA.
Maallaa Ikto aapart
IndhniaiM.lis, Ind l 4"
on sale June 7, 8 and Hth.
Detroit. Midi '-I M
u sale July 14 and 151 b.
JUIIefonlalne, O 10
on Kale May 28 Just? 1st.
ISaltiinore, Md 32 25
on sale July 17 and I8tli
Post on. Mass., 33 75
on sale June 3o July 4tli.
St.. Paul, Minn 12 35
Minneapolis, Minn 12 35
iMiltilli. Minn IU 35
Waterville, Minn 10 35
on sale dally during June, July,
August and September.
Round Trip Tickets.
t rip t IcWels on Mile t4
South and Southcas-
J .........................
- 2
! WUUL &
The Up-to-Date
Ili-re you can wt anything
kit nt n lirst-f-laHH o;ro-ry
fctor mid at priwH to Huit thu
tiiiu'H. Finonl lino of
Canned Goods
on tlio market. Don't fail to
call on tliem for anything in
the grocery line. Kverythiny
fresh from the markets.
Bee Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
Menls nt nil Iioiuh. Special at
tention to the fanner patrons. Tlio
tables are supplied with the hct
the markets afford.
JOHN COREY. Proprietor.
Thg Most Interesting BooH
tliat a man can peruse is his own bank
book. Depends upon liims;lf whether
the figures are satisfactory or not. If
the money is deKsiteU with
The BanH of Cass County
everything K)ssilile is done hy the
manugement to make them so.
Let us care for your money. We
have lire and burglar proof vaults.
are tlie new things in
Ladies' Summer Jewelry
The designers have hit upon many
happy conceits and tlie makers have
carried them out skillfully.
Some of tliis jewelry Is very low
priced cheap enough to lose but it
does not look low priced. In appear
ance it Is similar to iewelrv couloir
four times as much. 1 he difference
in quality of material, stones, and tin-
ish accounts for tlie difference In
Boeck BuUdlDg, rUttBmoutb Neb
- vn . va .
' ' '- i ' k - ' I t
- . .. iV V I,