, - - "i'"--2w-. "" " 1 " TI"""',"I .-.----.-f: .jwr,.,. - V. y 'v. y ' J it Do You Neu LOCAL BREVITIES. Window glass, S-r i tr X. '.'s " Hxiuisilo?" for a ino,l. il. lit ious smoke. "I'.est paint on eaith" at Atwood's 1 1 1 1 slop. An elegant, and up to-date line or wall paM-r at iering !t 'o.'s Miss Klla Sickle, of Murray, was a riatlsinoulli vKilor Tuesday W. I. Williams, or near Louisville, was I ransart ing business here. Tues- lav. F. i. Kendall ami wife, of nar I'nion, were county seat visitors yes-t-rday. .1. K. Riley, r elect ric railway fame, was in H at Isiiioiitli yesterday t a I k i 1 1 up his H-t scheme. A. A. Wetenkamp, who receives his mail at M)iianl. is another new sub-M-rilMT to the Journal this week. Judge Archer dropped in yesterday and ordered t he Journal sent to Mrs. Maggie itlliam, at lioonslioro. Iowa, for one year. Hans Stivers, one shop force, dropped ning anl renewed ..f iiu- n. m. in Monday v for tin' Journal another year. 1 1 ii tv i It. Opt ii ian, of Omaha, w ill lx at Fricke Co.'s drug store every Monday. Kxamination free. Satis I ion guaranteed. ilny Janus, aged twenty-seven, ami Miss Klla Sheuvront, aged twenty-two tmtli of i Jrecnwood. were granted h'T mission last Friday to double up in wt'ddt'd hliss. C. K. 'IVlTt, the gentleman who would like to lie the next county judge was in the city Saturday, no doubt re paring his fences. What's the matter with Judge ougluss. Walter Stattler and Miss Nellie Katon, of 1'ninii. were married in this ity Thursday, April h, I'.mks. Judge I uglaNS suid the words that united the happy couple. Stephen Jot him and daughter were in the city yesterday. and were pleasant callers on the Journal. Mr. Jochitn is a prominent farmer near Louisville, ami while here renewed for the Journal another year. I'hilip Keil.a prominent oun; farm er of near Murray, called this morning and renewed for the Journal another year. Mr. Keil says the fanners in his neihUirhood are ettiii' alon pretty well with their sprint; work. Iawretice Kuhy, ai:ed ahout seven teen years, died at the home of his father. Martin I,. Kuhy, Saturday. April H, I'.mU. The funeral tccurred Sunday afteriuHin. and interment was made in Kitfht Mile t J rove cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Frampton, of Lincoln, spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Plat tsmouth. Mrs. Frampton left Monday morning for Louisville, where she will visit her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Lehnhotr, at College Hill. Mr. Frampton is a prominent attorney of Lincoln, and also a inenilier of the city council. .Mrs. .1. Itenson. 210. south liithstreet, Omaha. Neh. We are showing a large and handsome line of the new styles in laces and dress trimmings. Antiques. Tortious and other new styles in dilTerent widths, very popular this spring for dress trimmings. Ap plique, Uraids. Pendants and a great variety of new things in trimmings Colored velvet rihboiis will used a reat deal width frin No. 1. to M. SattJer & Fassbender. Are M Sattler & Fassbender. Want an Up-to- Date Spring Slit? If voti an- rontnnplatinj jfttin one call on tin oll rWiahle tailr Frank McElroy, rxamitif his fine sampKs and leave youror dr in li m. ami he will do the the rest. (all rr "Jut I loll" cigars, fx:. Ir. Marshall, dentist, Fitzgerald hlo k. A good lead M-ncil for lc at tiering .V Co.'s (Jiiaranli id to wear live years I'at- t oil's Sun I 'roof Faint. Sold only hy tiering t,'o. I.ivfsof INIh rim n reiiiiixl iik V inuy M rl for prizes i:iml. A ml 1 1 r t iir'. Ii :t . Ix til n-l ns l iiil-, nf IKIi t- fulli il In l:iml. I f you are a judge of a 'ood smoke, try the "Acorns" ." cent cigar and you w ill smoke no ot her. The puny and diminutive may take hope. A man who recently died in Chicago and who tipped the tcani at 4.'i0 Muuds, weighed less than 3 jKMinds at his hi i tli. James Murphy, who has for some time leen employed as watchman at the I. & M. hridge at this point, has liecn transferred to his former position on the pile-driver. He removed his family to Lincoln last week. The clothespress is swell for gar incuts nice and neat; the hay press is a good machine and does its work com plete; the cider press is lovely with its juice so red and sweet, hut the print ing press controls the world and gets there with ImUi feetr II. II. Keed, of O'Neill, Nebraska, the gentleman who has purchased the Henry Ifciuat saloon, was in the city last week, completing arrangements to take Missession of the same the 1st of the mouth. Mr. Reed has the ap- (M-a ranee of a gentleman. I. A. Hild, one of Cass county's progressive young fanners, living six miles southwest of Mynard, was in the city Friday and called at Journal headquarters and renewed for another year. Mr. Hild thinks we will have a good season for planting corn. Koe Ilinton, one of our Mynard pat rons was in Monday and renewed for the Journal. Mr. Ilinton is engaged in shelling corn for Hoht. I'ropst, who recently received a new machine that iscapahleof shelling fifty bushels of corn in two-and-half minutes, Henry Stantler was down from his farm, west of Louisville. Saturday, and found time to visit the Journa and renew for another year. Mr. Slander is one if the reliable farmers of Cass county, and also one of our most highly respected citizens. Mrs. W. M. Hunter called Tuesday and ordered the Journal sent to their address at llurwell, Neb., near which place Mr. Hunter has purchased ranch. Mr. Hunter departed Monday nightand Mrs. Hunterdeparted yester- for their new home. May success at tend Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. I;, r . I i 1 1 , or s.uiitn liend, was in Flattsmouth Saturday on business, and while here dropped in and renew ed his faith in the Journal for another year. Mr. Hill is a farmer and resides within less than a mile of South Bend He is a fine gentleman and the Journal force were delighted to make his ac quaintanee. Chris Stoehr, of near Cedar Creek was in the city Monday, and in com pany with A. B. Fornhoff, gave the Journal a call. Mr. Stoehr returned Saturday from a trip to Cherry county Nebraska, where he was visiting his son-in-law, M.O. Metzger who owns a large ranch well stocked with cattle and w hom he reports prospering. Mr Metzger sends a dollar to renew his subscription to the Journal. Any Special Prices because we are vcoinj to move or any thing of that kind, because we jxoinp; to stay riht where we are ami continue to depli cate prices made by any other Furniture House in Flatts mouth. If you don't believe we mean just what we say, come and see us and we will soon convince you of this fact. So when needing anything remember the place Sattler & Kassbender the Old Re liable Furniture Men. (io to At wood's drug store for wall paper and paint. A. J. tlraves. attorney, is sulTerlng form appendicitis. Smoke the Wurl Bros.' celebrated "tint Hell" cigars. I Kan's and hodd's kidney pills at A twood'sdrug store. L. L. Atwood and wife, of Omaha, Sundayed in this city. Lyman II. James, of (ireenwood, was a county seat visitor Friday. Dr. Frank L. Cummins, dentist. Omce with I)r. K. IK Cummins. Charles Old and wife, of MctJook, spent Sunday with Flattsmouth rela tives. Miss Margaret Iavis came in from Fairmont , Friday evening to visit over Sunday. After a short visit in this city, Lewis Hewitt returned to his home in Lincoln. All the world's a stage and every mother's son of us wants to he the property man. Mrs. W. W. Hull, who spent the winter with her daughter in Lincoln, las returned home. Leave orders for paer hangers and painters at i iering & Co.'s, and they w ill send you first class men. "K.xquisitos" is the popular cigar, and a most elegant smoker. Made only by Herman Spies. K. W. Richards, of South Bend, is a new sunscniKT to me .lournai tins week. Mr. Richards, like everyliody else, wants the test paper in the county. Ralph Towle was visiting friends in Flattsmouth the past week, coming in Wednesday of last week and remaining till Monday. Mr. Towle has just re turned from a trip to the City of Mexico, where he was visiting his brother, tiermaine Towle, who is now city editor of the Mexician Herald. Everything in Ginghams, Demities, Lawns and Mer cerized goods, especially for waistings. Lace Curtains in Brussels Net, Irish Point, Notting ham Lace and Ruffled Net i r CC Curtains from Zfrl.O TO O.WV7 Agents OiiAAn Onalitv" nPC for Down Corsets, Bvitterick Patterns. Forset Mills Hosiery and 3 UNDER.WEAR. 3 A. 11. Todd made a business trip to Council Bluffs Monday. C. A. Peasley, of Union, was in Plattsmouth on business Tuesday. John Carnahan, of Elm wood, was transacting business here Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Allen, of Omaha, spent Sunday with the family of C. E. W'escott. W. A. Davis, of Weeping WTater, was a business visitor at the county seat Monday. C. W. Wortman, county superintend ent, was in the state capital on busi ness Monday. After a short visit in the city, C. II. Itomiey, returned to Ilavelock Tues day afternoon. John Trietsch, living west of Platts mouth, is erecting a new barn 3Gx."5i, and lt feet high. Carl n raves, who has been at work on a ranch in South Dakota, is visit ing Flattsmouth relatives. Just think guaranteed to wear 5 years that's what Gering & O. do with Pat ton's Sun Prtiof Paint. John Buckingham, now employed by the Tabor ( Iowa ) Telephone company spent Sunday with his family here. Dan Smith, foreman of the B. & M. paint shop, returned Monday morning from Chicago, where he went on company business. Mr. and Mrs. Schildknecht, of Flag Springs. Missouri, are visiting the former's brother Dr. W. II. Schild knecht and family. Mrs. Minnie Fitt, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman llerold, departed for her home In McCook, Tuesday. Chief of Police Hyers is after the dogs. Keep them tied up. He is kill ing them right and left when found away from home without a tag on. Judge Douglass joined in the holy bonds of wedlock yesterday a happy couple In the persons of Mr. Charles II. Campbell, of South Bend, and Miss Cora Long, of Gretna, Nebraska. Head Hayden Bros, ad In this paper. Save money by buying at Atwood's drug store. Street Commissioner Hansen has had a force of men at work improving the st reets the past week. Open the floor, let in the air. The winds are sweet, the Mowers are fair, Joy is abroad in tin' world for me. Since taking Rxicky Mountain Tea. A little over two months only till the 4th of July. Will we celebrate at home this year or sjM-nd our money In other towns as we did last 4th? Iion't all speak at once. Now's the time Mountain Tea; it microbes of winter; to take Rocky drives out the it builds up the stomach, kidneysand liver. A wonder ful spring tonic that makes sick people well, tiering & Co. Judge Douglass on Friday last grant ed permission to Henry ti. Inhelder, aged twenty-t wo, and Miss Laura J. Ingrain, aged twenty, to waltz down the pathway of time in double harness. Both are of Louisville. (ieorge I'oisall, in addition to the work he is doing over in Iowa, has been awarded the contract for a half mile extention of the B & M. side t rack at Cullom. He will also make ditches on lxith sides of the track for a distance of two miles. His contract calls for the removal of nearly 12,000 yards of dirt, and work was commenced on same last Monday. The chicken industry in tow n is lia ble to stiller, according to the threats we have heacd more than one gardener make lately, tlardeners are tired of putting out truck for their neighlior's chickens to destroy, and the plan this spring is to shoot "on the spot." The law probably gives them the right, but a better way to maintain peace among neighliors is for those who keep chickens to keep them at home. Carpets! House cleaning time is here, which calls for a new carpet or perhaps 2 or three, and our store is the place to get them good and cheap. We havcen ( c arid 70f all wool carpets at JUC OJCallU Axminsters and Velvet Brussels new designs. A special line of Wool Velvet at 89c sewed. Sultana Carpets 25c and 40c. Mattings all grades. Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleum up to 4 yards wide. see our Line of Wash Goods Kibo Patent g Much lighter and 5? mure flexible than patent leather. g X Arbor Day. Yesterday was Arbor Day, and it was extensively observed by the school children in planting trees and in other appropriate exercises. The banks and county ollices were closed in honor of the occasion. Don't Worry. The farmers of Cullom and vicinity are opposed to the proposed electric railway line, and are circulating a petition against granting a right-of-way through their property. These farmers need not worry about such a line passing through their premises. When this line is built, they will have long since passed to realms above, and thMr present babies will be old gray-headed men and women. Mrs. George E. Sayles, of Cedar Creek, visited her son, G. R. Sayles and family here this week. oon " For two years I suffered ter ribly from dyspepsia, with great depression, and was always feeling poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa parilla, and in one week I was a new man." John McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. Don't forget that it's "Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. tl.BO a bottle. All dro((lsto. Aak yonr doctor what lie thinks or Ayer's Sstrwparilla. He kmit nil about this errand old family ru-l-iD. iulluw liia advto and will lu. a t . m4 j. c. atii to., Loweu, jaaaa. Castor ia at Gering & Co.'s Wall Paper at (iering & Co.'s "Gut Heil," the favorite cigar. Miss Teressa Ilemple visited several days in Lincoln the past week. W. II. Fuls and wife, of Maple (irt)ve, were in t lie city Friday. Klegant patterns in wall paper at Atwood's drugstore very cheap. Writing paper, pens, Ink and all writing material at Gering & Co.'s The time tlruws neur w hen no one knows Just when to Nh:iku his winter elothes. Kur if you weitr "em you fi--l Imil. And 'if you don t. you wish you hml. J. W. Connally, of near Murray, was in the city Friday, enroute for Omaha to see his w ife who is in St. Joseph's hospital receiving medical treatment. The Georgia minstrels drew a crowd ed house at the Farmele theatre on Wednesday night of last week. In fact much larger than the show merit ed. W. C. Tippens, who for some time has been foreman of the Burlington planing mills at Hannibal, Missouri, has returned to this city and accepted his former position in the B. & M.shop. The remains of George Wiles were disentered and shipped to tiraf, Ne braska, last Thursday for interment in the family burial lot. C. C Miles ac companied the remains to that place. James Allison, one of the dyed-in-the-wool democrats, of near Murray, was in Thursday and renewed for the Journal. Mr. Allison is one of the best farmers in Cass county and agood friend of the Journal. James Stander, one of the nicest men in Cass county, was down from Louisville Friday, and while here drop ped in and renewed his mother's sub scription to the Journal for another year. Mr. Stander reports everything moving in a business manner about the thriving little city. Carpets! Kid. Ailteal 1 I S7V Dress J TjW Boot. I v, C THAT THIS g Vj"' TRADE MARK V J vnTS-SI is branded V ON EVERY g HUti w Leather Louis XV. heel. Exact Reproduction of this Style Shoe. Shepherd in Limbo, William Shepherd, the Weeping Water citizen, who it is asserted broke into the Missouri Pacific depot at that place one day last week, and was in the act of opening tle railroad safe whendectected by the agent, and made good his escape through a window, has been captured. Sheriff McBride. as soon as he learned of the attempted safe robbery, set about to locate Shepherd, and finally did so in the neighborhood of Malvern, i Iowa, where his father and brother : reside. iMinaay Mieriti -Mciinde received a I telegram from Malvern, Iowa, notify ihg him that the man he wanted was there. He went after him, and the accused is now in jail awaiting a pre liminary examination, which is set for tomorrow flriday) at which time a number of witnesses will be here from Weeping Water. The accused pleads not guilt', but admits that he was caught in the de pot, and denies that he intended to take anything. Miepiiera is the man who was ar rested last winter for running a gamb ling house in Weeping Water, and was fined 200, and it is a very evident fact that he returned to his father's home to get money to rlee the country. Sheriff McBride is getting to be more of terror to evil-doers every day, and it has to be an awful sleek villian that escapes his clutches'. MaKes A Clean Sweep. - There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the salves you ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnioa Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Files. It's only 2jc, and guaranteed to give satis faction by. F. G. Fricke & Co, drug gists. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block. THE PLATTSMOUTH will $20,000 For Extensions. The Plottsmouth Telephone Company are oftYrintf for sale $20,000 of new stock, which will he fully paid up and non-assessahle, the money oMaint-d from the sale of said stock to he expended in huildiu Farm Tele phoe lines. The Plattsmouth Telephone Company have built up a very profitable business and are paying large dividends on their stock, which is getting more val uable all the time, as the Independent Telephone Companies are increasing very rapidly in Nebraska, the latest and most important company being the Western Union Independent Telephone Co., which is now building a strictly up-to-date exchange in Lin coln, and which will connect the greater part of Ne braska within the next twelvemonths with indepen dent lines. The Independent Telephone business furnishes one of the very best channels for the safe and profit able investment of money, and millions of dollars are being invested in Independent Telephone Companies by the shrewdest business men ami capitalists in the country. The stock will be sold at par value of $100 per share. Invest a few hundred dollars of your savings in Plattsmouth Telephone Company Stock' and secure a good dividend payer and stock- tf at will sell at a premium in a short time. This will be the last issue ol lock in the Platts mouth Telephone Company, so secure a block of it while you can get it at par value. Those contemplating investing in the stock' of this company are requested to call at our offices in Plattsmouth or write to us and we will take pleasure in giving any information desired. Respectfully, THE PLATTSMOUTH TELEPHONE COMPANY, T. II. Pollock, General Manager. Thomas K. Pakmkli:, President. OGOOOGCOOCOCOOCOOCOCOGCOCCO DEALER IN- Groceries 1 The Best Grades of Flour, Everything first-class. (Joods promptly delivi any part of the 8 S East Main St. Store. Elegant Residence Property for Sale. I desire to sell my South Park resi dence, consisting of nine large rroms, bath room, a number of closets, and in fact all modern imrovements, except furnace. Two good cisterns, three lots, and suitable for a retired farmer with good sized family. Will sell for but little more than the house alone orgi nally cost, if taken soon. Mrs. Doua Mookk. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: I wn in nn nwfni rniuiit irn Mv skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, paincsntinually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Hitters: to my great joy the first bottle made a decided im provement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only o0 cents, guaran teed, at F. G. Fricke !t Cos. Danger Fron) Colds and Grip. The greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that it is a certain pre ventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure a cold or an attack of the grip in less time than any other treat ment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. OOCCOCOQCCOOOGOGCeOOOQOOCCCOSOOOOSOCCOC090COC ICE CREAM SEASON IS Also, HERE! ii He CTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC TELEPHONE COMPANY si:ll- flle vs Stock Provisions Cured Meals and city on short nolio Phone 236. 8 Swellest Hats In town - in fact w w ill compete with any one this sid; of New York. We do not claim to lx; cheap, but we do claim to sell high clas millinery cheaper than anybody else. Our new department gives us room to dis play the most exclusive millinery ever shown in Omaha. For correct styles see us. Davies, 1411 Iiougias street, Omaha, Nebraska. See President Roosevent Who w ill le at Omaha from p. m. April '1", till T, a. ni., April m. Round trip tickets at fare and one-third from I points . within seventy-live miles on sale A pril 2 and 27. The Most Interesting BooH that a man can ieruse ishisown bank book. iJepends upon himself whether the figures are satisfactory or not. I f the money is deposited with The BanH of Cass County everything possible is done by the management to make them so. Let us care for your money. We have fire and burglar proof vaults. And Kveryhohy knows that JOHN SCHIAPPACASSE makes the most delicious and ice-cream on the mar confectioner! Nut Solicits Yoir -8 et. ox iruits. x Trees. q ! -. " - v 4 K