The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 12, 1903, Image 3

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Threatened With Loss of Hearing, Smell
and Sight From
the. Ravages of
Cured Him.
'm.L lp " I Feel
C31 Fuller. J
Shipments Frdm Foreign Countries
Have Loosened the Grip of the
Monopolists Proof That the Tariff
Fosters Trusts.
ACRKAT m.iny remedies to tempor
arily relieve catarrh hat e ix'cn devised
from time to tim, such as sprays,
sn litis, and otlu r local applications,
lut, as a rule, the medical profession has
litth; or no enthusiasm in the treatment
of ratarrh.
It is n.merally pronounced by thm to be
J t therefore created a preat sensation in circles when 1 r. Hartman an
nounced that he had devised a compound
tvhi h would cote catarrh permanently.
1 he remedy was named IVrnna and in a
ihort time became known to thousands of
catarrh sufferers north, south, east and west.
Letters testifying to the fact that Peruna
!s a radical cure for catarrh began to pour
in from all directions.
Thousands of such letters are on file in
the office of The I'eruna Medicine Co.
Kev. K. Stulenvo!l. l'ella. Wis., writes:
"I feel obliged to extend you my personal
thanks for my complete restoration. All
through the winter 1 suffered from throat
end lung trouble, but recovered my entire
health bv the use of jour excellent remedy,
The following letter from a prominent
gentleman of Los Angeles, is a case in point :
Mr. J. V. Fuller, 1'resident of the
Jewelers' Association of Los Angeles, Cal.,
lias been in business in that city for seven
teen years out of the forty-five that he has
been engaged in business. Concerning his
experience with l'eruua. he says:
l was troubled with catarrh of the
head for many years. It affected my
sense of smell, hearing and sight. I
spent lots of money with doctors and
the use of local applications to relieve
me but to no purpose, until my atten
tion was called to the wonderful effects
of Peruna.
I must say that I met with most
surprising and satisfactory results.
Peruna took hold of the complaint and
drove it entirely out of my system.
Alt hough well along toward the
allotted span of man's life I am pleased
as a child over the results, and feel
like a young man again." J. W.
Such letters as the above are not used for
pulJication except by the written per
mission of the writer.
A pamphlet filled with such letters will
be sent to any address free. This book
should be read by all who doubt the
curability of catarrh.
If you do not receive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of I'eruna write
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state
ment of your case, and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
When the Roynhllran majority In
Congress consented to rebate the
duty on coal for one rear It was with
the hope and expectation that the
action would not disturb the mon
opoly enjoyed by the American coal
So distinguished an exponent of
the protection gospel as Congress
man Dalzell of Pennsylvania open
ly declared that he voted for the
proposition because he was certain
that it would accomplish nothing
toward bringing foreign coal into the
country. Even Congressmen who
sincerely advocated the measure
were somewhat doubtful as to its
efficacy In curbing the extortion of
the c .1 trust.
Nevertheless it has had that effect,
on the Atlantic coast at any rate.
Henry E. Weaver, who is pretty good
authority In the coal business. de
clares that the arrivals of Hritish
coal have begun to affect the situa
tion In the way of lowering prices. In
Boston harbor alone there are ves
sels with 00,000 tons of coal on board
and we may presume that even
larger shipments are arriving at New
That is to say, the removal of the
tariff on coal which is what the re
Imto amounts to has encouraged
Hritish mine owr.ers to seek an
American market and in doing so
they have compelled the coal barons
to loosen their grip upon the throat
of the American consumer.
If that has been dene with respect
to the coal monopoly It can be done
with other monopolies which now en
joy predatory powers solely by the
grace of the protective tariff. The
duty on coal was relatively insignifi
cant, yet, we have seen, it helped the
coal barons materially in their com
prehensive schemes of plunder.
The tariff is the mother of the
trusts. It is time that the infant in
dustries were weaned.
how great Las been bis fall If ho ad
heres to his announced determina
tion not to return to Iowa to live.
What Trusts Are Doing.
They substitute one plant for many.
They reduce their clerical force by
thousands. They have taken an army
of commercial men from the road.
They have the best of labor-saving
machinery, and yet, with all these
advantages, to say nothing of the
special favors, they receive In the mat
ter of transportation, they are charg
ing the exorbitant prices in coal,
meats, oils and other montjpolized
commodities. The cutting of expenses
and arbitrary increase In prices read
ily explain the fabuous profits that pay
a tithe in conscience money to
churches, universities and libraries.
The Bid for Negro Support.
Roosevelt's hypocrisy Is but accen
tuated, retrospectively, in the light
of developments. "When he made his
bid for negro favor, It was nominally
upon the ground that he "declined to
shut the door of hope" against the
negro who was logically fit. In real
ity, as most persons cannot fail to
perceive, he went out of his way to
make unfair discriminations. Now
Congress makes for him the admis
sion, and he appears to concur in it,
that he selected persons who, all
things considered, were not reason
ably crtitled to preferment.
- - 7 laf
R3u2i7s Grapo Tonic Cures Constipation.
Vj g When the bowel3 m.-we irregularly the entire
S x, bodily system must suffer. Constipation more
ireiiueiKiy occurs among women and it mani
fests itself ia provoking profuse leucorrhea
and other serious female diseases. Regular
bowels will result in a completecure when you
use Mu LTd Grape Tonic. Unlike pills and
ordinary cathartics, this remedy is a mild,
pentle laxitive in addition to being a greater
llesh-bialder, blood-maker and strength-giver
than cod liver oil or any other preparation
recommended for that purpose. Mull's Grape
Tonic will permanently cure the most obstin
ate case of constipation, and the numerous
afilictions that invariably follow hi its wake.
No matter if it is piles, liver complaint. kidney
disorder, vertigo, palpitation of the heart,
diarrhea or the self-noisoninff which follows
jested food remains in the bowels where it putrefies and
diseased germs into the blood, such as typhoid and
i Grape Tonic will positively cure. Large sample bottle
to any address on receipt of 20 cents to cover postage,
ng Medicine CoItock Island, I1L Send name of your
uruggisia sen juuu s urape i onic at &o cents a bottle.
I when tho n
empties hi.
malaria, M
will be senl
by the Ligl
"Pecpleizing" the Trusts.
In the preface to Meiklejohn's
translation of "Kant's Critique of
Pure Reason" the reader is told by
the translator that the work of trans
lation was difficult because it was
frequently hard to tell just what
Kant meant. "Ineed," continues Mr.
Meiklejohn in effect, "I am inclined
to think that Kant himself sometimes
did not know exactly what he
There are others than Kant of
whom one is occasionally inclined to
entertain the same suspicion. The
trust question, for instance, has de
veloped a great many theorists who
discourse so profoundly upon the
subject that they are above the
comprehension of the ordinary read
er. Indeed they appear to become so
tangled up in the luxuriant wealth of
their own ideas that they cannot find
the way out. At least they do not
make the way clear to their auditors.
Judge Grosscup of Chicago, for in
stance, leaves us all at sea though
he evidently desires to enlighten us
respecting the remedy for the trust
evil. He invents a new word "peo
pleizing" to summarize his plan of
curbing the combinations, but what
"peopleizing" is and how it is to
accomplish the desired end are mat
ters of which we are left in ignor
ance. Judge Grosscup should elucidate
his system for abolishing or mini
fying the trust evil. But if by "peo
pleizing" he means that the mass
of the people should buy trust se
curities and thus control the com
binations we may venture to doubt
the value of the plan.
' The gentlemen who are in the
trust business have been trying to
Induce the public to do that very
thing, and right now they are loaded
lip with "industrials" which they will
dispose of at bargain counter rates.
The trusts are not to be busted by
buying their watered stock, if that is
.wnat juage urosscup means Dy peo
pleizing" them.
Breeding Trouble for Themselves.
Senators who are trying to check
mate the sovereign will of the people
in respect of control of the "trusts"
will not succeed. They will succeed
in convicting the system by which
sucn instruments or tne trusts are
made possible. Such witness are
they bearing against the present
method of election to tho United
States senate that there will be noth
ing left for the American people to
do, while they are establishing con
trol of the "trusts," but to establish
at the same time control of their
United States Senate.
Who Made the Request?
Senator Hanna's bill to pension
the darkies was presented by request.
Of whom? There is reason to be
lieve that the "request" came from
some fakir who expects to line his
pockets by collecting money from the
negroes to push the bill along. It
is an old dodge, and it is said that
one such concern in other days col
lected in $2 fees from the deluded
negroes as much as $200,000 to carry
through a similar bill, which was
"twice read and referred to the com
mittee on pensions."
The Issue Will Not. Down.
Apart from the feeble character
of the anti-trust legislation of this
session, it is beyond the power of
Congress, without destroying trade,
to pass any laws in restraint of in
dustrial corporations that can sup
plant the necessity of a thorough re
vision of the Dingley tariff. There
in is the only issue relating to the
little Stories Tending to Weaken
Some Popular Theories.
I watc hed my wife dressing her hair
the other evening. By Jove, her hair
Is longer and darker than it was when
we were married.
"The teacher asked ua to-day if
there was ever a greater man than
Ab-ra-ham Uncoln, and I told her 'My
papa.' " This at dinner, from Mollie,
our elrest, aged 6.
A neighbor brought my wife tickets
for a swell musicale recently. On the
night It was to come off I went homo
not particularly uplifted In anticipa
tion. At dinner my wife said: "We
won't go out to-night, dearie. You look
tired. What do you say to a rubber of
Jack Davis, an old buddie of mine,
came out to dinner the other evening,
Really, everything did run smooth
ly. I went to the door with him. He
wlllspered: "Say, old man, for ravish
ing cooking, an ideal den and the can
dy outfit all through you've got the
world beat. And say, pardon and all
that, but this is from an old pal. The
missus is one of the finest little women
I ever saw."
Last week my wife's father 'phoned
me to hustle over to his office. "My
boy," said he when I arrived, "you've
got two hours and a half to scrape to
gether every piece of collateral in
your name 150 minutes there's
something doing." It only took me
a half hour. This morning, referring
to me, one of the papers printed the
following: "The street is recognizing
a new Napoleon of finance in the per
son of young Mr. , who has just
curned a mighty clever and exceed
ingly profitable deal." Pittsburg Dispatch.
How Deacon Unwittingly Amused the
Deacon Reice of Hartford, Conn.,
was well known as being provided
with an enormous handle to his coun
tenance in the shspe of a huge nose;
in fact, it was remarkable for its
length. On one occasion, when tak
ing up a collection in the church to
which he belonged, every person to
whom he presented the box seemed to
be possessed of a sudden and uncon
trollable desire to laugh. The deacon
did not know what to make of it. He
had often passed it around before, but
no such effects had he witnessed. The
secret, however, leaked out. He had
been afflicted a day or two with a sore
on his nasal appendage, and had
placed a small sticking plaster over
During the morning of the day in
question the plaster had dropped off.
and the deacon, seeing it, as he sup
posed, lying on the floor, picked it up
and stuck it on again. But, alas! he
picked up Instead one of the pieces of
paper which the manufacturers of
spool cotton paste era the end of every
spool, and which read, "Warranted 20Q
Where the Toddy Went.
TToro ia a r"hrnrtrisHr" stnrv of
"Ubl!' 'V " &Ilomu a11 ue Captain, afterwards General George
dissolved under the operation of
economic laws the issue of tariff re
lorm would still remain.
Where a Minority Rules.
A majority cannot rule in the Sen
ate so long as there is a persistent
minority, no matter how small that
minority may be. Still, the Senate is
not convinced that a change is desir
able. It prefers to tack all sorts of
legislation upon appropriation bills
and beat around the bush in that per
nicious way rather than adopt rules
that would end profitless discussions.
There are many things that need
changing in the Senate, and continu
ous obstruction is one of them.
cartridges and shot shells
are made in the largest and
best equipped ammunition
factory in the world.
of U. M. G. make is now
accepted by shooters as
"the worlds standard" for
it shcots well in any gun.
Your dealer sells it.
Tl - Union Metallic
Oartridge Co.
Bridgeport, - - Conn.
! Country relations would be more
': warmly welcomed if they didn't al-
ways carry such horrible satchels.
makes top of the market butte"
What is known as an angel shark,
an ugly fish with an eight-inch mouth
containing three rows of teeth, has
been caught with a hand line at Felix
stowe, England.
is because made by an entirely different
process. Deriance Starch ia unlike any
oth?r. better an J oao-ttura mure tor 10
Even the" crustiest old bachelor
wants to know whether it's a gin of
a boy the minute he sees the baby.
Use the tiest. That's why they buy Red
Cross Ball Blue. At loading grocers, 5 cents.
With a great many people hvnor
runs a close race with profit.
! Mother Gray's Sweet Powtlcrs for Children.
! Successfully nsed by Mother tirav. nursa
i in the Children's Home ia New York, cure
A Simple Remedy.
A Chicago coal merchant who has
just returned from the east notes the
fact that the fnel situation in New
'England has been materially influ
enced and modified of late by the
arrivals of British and Canadian coal
When he left Boston the other day
foreign coal to the amount of 60,000
tons was in the harbor ready for
Under the sanctified Dingley bill
this shipment of coal, if made at all,
would have paid a protective duty
at the custom house amounting to
snore than $40,000. As amended in
j-esponse to public opinion the law
now provides for the admission of
this coal free of duty, and this is
bne of the reasons why the fuel situ
ation in New England has been
i"modified" to some extent.
The same remedy if applied to
?nany other trusts, combines and
snonopolies would produce similar
Jesuits. When intolerable conditions
can be favorably "influenced" and
'modified" so easily there ought to
be a persistent popular demand for
further action of the same kind.
POTTT.T T? V I nL70"r.t"1Si TT- Constipation. 1'everihness, Bad btomach.
i t-TLiiiu. iuiui'i5t mute uuu rejcuiaie In
Oulclt return ru th ii!xhf; rr:c- tr. l nation.
faci'.it! nd exp.-.Vnrrn ci-.f. j Bowels and Destroy W onus. Over 30.000 tes-
i:.tbli.kr4 tnt: ( nu. i'JK'n"-. on arugsisis, -oc. Sample
tkica Answering AJv;rtiscmetit3 Kindly
.Mention Tiiis I'apec
W. fi. V. Omaha. No. 11 1903
CUES MEE ill EtSC f 'LS.
DSt l lu-t cyrip. 'KL. IM
I FIIEE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y.
People who are good simply to Keep
from disgracing their children should
put in extra time praying to be led
not into temptation.
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of Defi
ance Starch is fast taking place of
all ' other brands. Others say they
cannot sell any other starch.
The Fall of Henderson.
. The setting sun of David B. Hen
derson's political career shines not
"with the clear and wholesome radi
ance which would tell of duties well
done and service nobly rendered. It
shines dimly through a fog of suspic
ion and distrust. David B. Hender-
'scn has listened to the song of the
siren whose accompaniment is played
on a golden harp. He has not had
the stamina to resist temptations to
use 1iis great position for personal
advantage. He has been to weak to
carry the responsibilities of public
service. Never strong in intellectual
endowment, he has shown himself
sadly deficient In moral fiber. He
has discredited himself, betrayed the
sentiment of his district and state
and abused the confidence of his con
stituents. He will only save himself
from the humiliating realization of
Not Afraid of Roosevelt.
New Jersey's governor defends the
big brood of trusts within that state,
attacking Roosevelt as a demagogue
who needlessly alarms the people by
questioning the power of the nation
to deal adequately with its own. Of
course New Jersey should fight for
its wards, but the governor's premise
is wholly wrong Roosevelt has never
alarmed anybody, even the trusts
themselves, by his recommendations.
Pickett, famous at Gettysburg. It
was at the time of the disputes be
tween England and America as to the
boundary line between British Colum
bia and Washington territory. Capt,
Pickett had just mixed nimseir a
toddy, when his attention was arrest
ed suddenly by a courier, whose mes
sage caused him to mount immediate
ly and ride off, leaving the drink be
hind him. He was gone some hours.
When he returned the empty glass
was on his camp table, whereupon en
sued the following colloquy
"Yes, sir."
"Wrhere's that toddy?"
"Threw it away, sir; thought you
had done with it, sir,
"Where did you throw it: down
your throat?"
"Yes, sir: down my throat,
sir," accompanied by a regulation sa
lute. Pittsburg Gazette.
Awkward Question to Answer.
"Why," ask the Austrians of the St
Louis fair representatives, . "why
should we go to the trouble of sending
our goods to your exposition when
your tariff bars them out of your coun
try? What benefit shall we derive
from the proceedings?" The question
is a rather awkward one to answer.
The world's fair people should apply
to Senator Aldrich or Mr. Hale for
light on the subject.
Its Paternity in Dispute.
The President wants it understood
that the Littlefield "anti-trust" bill
was in no sense an embodiment of
tne administration idea, and Rep
resentative Littlefield mournfully pro
tests that a basket baby was sub
stituted for his legislative offspring.
Now if good Deacon Rockefeller's
"counsel" would only tell the bald
headed truth about that bill's paternity!
Trusts Need Not Fear.
It is easy to believe that the Presi
aent "will take care to select as com
missioner of corporations a man whe
has the confidence of the corpora
tions as well as that of the public."
In fact, the successful candidate foi
the position is likely to turn out to
be some gentleman who would not
for the world cause a trust a mo
ment's uneasiness.
Will the Same Sauce Be Served?
Apostle Reed Snioot of Utah has
been chosen United States senator by
the Republican legislature. The mat
ter is of interest in that the world will
be anxious to know if the Republican?
of congress will consider the sauce
for the goose, Brigham H. Roberts
good sauce for the gander, Reed
An Easy One to Answer.
Representatives Brownlow and Gib
son are the only Republicans in Con
gress from Tennessee. To relieve
their loneliness they indulge in a good
deal of good-natured banter. Brown-
low took great care in selecting
persns in his distrct to stand civl
service examinations for positions,
and as luck would have It not a
single one failed toattain the requir
ed grade. Gibson was not so lucky,
and not a single man from his dis
trict passed the examinations.
"How is this, Brownlow?" asked
Gibson. "All your men have passed
the examinations, while I can't get a
single one through ia my district?"
"Oh, that's easy," replied Brown
low. "If there was a single man in
your district capable of passing a civil
service examination you wouldn't be
in Congress."
Then What Was It?
Corporation Counsel George L.
Rives attended a few days ago a din
ner where some one told the aged
story about the man who went to the
other world, and, after being refused
admission, either to the upper or
lower kingdom, bewailed the fate of
having to return once more to his
native town. In this case the town
was Rochester, and the story was told
by a Rochester man.
"He got the story wrong," said Mr.
Rlvea. "What really happened was
this: The Rochester man died and
was taken to the othtr world. After
he had been there a few days he
met an old friend. 'Well, Bill, heaven
beats Rochester,' he remarked. 'But
this ain't heaven, replied Bill."
A Vast Number of Kidney Suffering People, Cured by I)oan' Kidney Pf1f,
ay but for the Free Trial they would Atill be In Agony. 'I hi means
tiolden Merit at your Command to Test.
CoLtJMBca Citt. Ia., Feb. 10, 190.1. I
received the sample package of Dunn's
Kidney Pills and took them according to
directions. They did me so much good,
I procured a 50 cent box tit the drug htorc
and liavo been greatly benefited. I had
the backache so bad I could hardly walk ;
also had urinary troubles, that caused nio
to get up two and three times of a night.
I nm nil right now. Loug may Doau'a
Pills prosper. Yours truly, A. C. bin:.
Severe and l ng standing cases shou
take advantage of free Medical Advice.
Grand Hapids Mich.. Feb. 17. 1003.
I received the trial package of Doan's Ki
ncy Pills promptly and can truly say thd
are all and even more than rccoiiiiiiciiuc
I Buffered continually with ti severe pa
in the back, which the pills entirely ov
came, und I am able to work, which won
not have been possible but for Duni
Kidney Pills. Mn. J. A. Sciii.auii, 0
Buchanan St., Grund ltapids, Mich.
Aching bac!; nm caned. IIIp. bock, and
loin pain overcome. Swelling of thd
limlm and dropny nignn vnnlnh.
They correct urine wllh brick dunt rdl
mcut, high colored, pain In panning, drib
bling, frequency, Iwd wittlug. I)oan'
Kidney 1'illn remove calculi and gravel.
Relieve heart palpitation, fcleeplcHnncu,
headache, ncrvoiiMiicHN, di.zlncnH.
-- p
Ml fP R f0
of the Skin and Blood
Should Bein NOW
BLOOD HUMOURS, Skin Humours, Scalp Humours, Baby
Humours and every kind of Humour from Pimples to
Scrofula, with Premature Ioss of I lair, may now be speedily,
permanently and economically cured by Cuticura Resolvent, greatest
of Blood and Skin Purifiers, assisted Ly the external use of Cuticura
Ointment and Cuticura Soap.
Thousands of the world's best people have found instant relief j
and speedy cure by the use of Cuticura Resolvent, Ointment and
Soap in the most torturing and disfiguring of ITCHING, BURN
Thousands of Tired, Fretted Mothers, of Skin-Tortured and
Disfigured Babies, of all ages and conditions, have certified to almost
miraculous cures by the Cuticura Remedies when the best medical
skill has failed to relieve, much less cure.
Cuticura Treatment is local and constitutional complete and
perfect, pure, sweet and wholesome. Bathe the affected surfaces
with Cuticura Soap and Hot Water to cleanse the skin of Crusts and
Scales and Soften the Thickened Cuticle, dry without hard rubbing,
and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to allay Itching, Irritation, and
Inflammation, and Soothe and Ileal, and lastly take Cuticura
Resolvent to Cool and Cleanse the Blood, and put every function in
a state of healthy activity.
To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from Humours
of the Blood, Skin and Scalp, and who have lost faith in doctors,
medicines, and all things human, Cuticura Remedies appeal with a
force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expectation awakened
by them has been more than fulfilled. More great cures of Simple,
Scrofulous, and Hereditary Humours are daily made by them than
by all other Blood and Skin Remedies combined, a single set being
often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails.
CCTICUBA REMEDIES are sold throushout the civlllzod world. PRICES: Cutlrur fol
ert, 00c. per bottle (in the form of Chocolate fav-l I'ilU. .V. in-r rial of 00),
Cuticura Ointment, Mc. iier box. and Ciitlcuia Soap, i.'c. r cake. Send for tho STreat
work. "Humours of the Bhiod. Skin and Scalp, and How to Cure Tlim," C4 I'agei, 300 lJl
eases, with illustrations. Testimonial, and Directions In all language. Including Jauauek
and Chinese. lirltish Depot, 27-28 Charterhouse Sq., London, E. C French Depot. 6 Ku
&o la Taix, Paris. Australian Depot. U. Towns & Co., Sydney. FOTTEIt DKL'O AND CHEM
ICAL COKPOUATION. Sole Proprietors. Boston, U. S. A.
Simplicity of character is the nat
ural result of profound thought. Wil
liam Hazlett.
Ask Tour Dealer For Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns,
B anions. S ot. Callous, Achine,
Sweating Feet and Ingrowing .Nail. Allen's
Foot-Ease makes new or tight ehoes easy. At
all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Ac
cent no substitute, batopie maiieii r rex.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, X. Y.
Do not wait for extraordinary clr
cumstances to do good actions; try
to use ordinary situations. Richter.
Not Worrying About Old Trusts.
It has been ''emonstrated that com
bines "trusts, a3 we now call them
have existed since 2,000 years before
Christ. But, naturally, we are not
worrying about the "B- C." combines.
It's those that are on our chest right
now that we want to shake off.
Another Tale of Mary's Lamb.
The literary inquest over Mary and
her little lamb recalls the vivid poem,
or rather variant of It, said to have
been given to Manager Fred Comee of
Boston, by Andrew Carnegie. Whether
the verse was thrown off in the in
terval of donating acres of books de
voted to the acquisition of wealth we
cannot say: The lines are stirring and
to a native of the smoky city are
fraught with tender, nay sooty, memo
ries. Here they are:
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as scow; -:
It followed her to Pittsburg
. And now look at the d d thing! -
New York Sun.
Use Red Cross Ball Blue and keep them
wmte as snow, au grocers, be. a package.
The shortest life is long enough If
it lead to a better, and the longest
life is too short if it do not. Colton.
State of Ohio, citt or Toledo, t
FranE J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney iCo.,
doinir business in the City of Toledo. County
and State aforesaid, and that alt! tlrin will pity
the sum of O.N'E HUXDKED DOLLARS for
5ach and every citse of Catarrh that cauaot be
cured by the use o2 Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
Dreseuce, this 6ta ii&3 of Decern ijer. A. D. 18(yi
,(.... , A. W. ULEASON.
IstAi-j yotary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surface
Jl the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHE.N'EV 4i CO.. Toledo, (X
Sold by Dnitfirists, 75c.
HalT Family Fills are the best.
There is always a little water left
in the sponge.
Mrs. Wlnslo'
For children teething, softens ttie tumt. rei
II ainmsUon, silsyi ps la, cures wind colic KcsbotU
eaucet ra-
fi '.J rw " w out. pr
y 7 9 ellBlwr Ked&
Beardless Barley f j
im frodltraily proline,! C
OrleaiiiiCo..S-.y..i!eiba r
ere. Lxm wrl I ,, rr w b r
20th Centurv Oat.
The oat marrel, producing
K to n bua. per acra.
wi met Para.
r,l Colden Cat Corn.
B ri3lfiliii.hl....M.
"JiJ truly a wonderfniTartetyl
Z Macaroni Whaat.
(JrraLvit wbeat on earth
for arlrl. dry, not Bulla
IK 7eiai
k 1 f "
v IK JM troduced l.y t'.S. bepfcof f I
YyVi V: J Spaltz. .
t J Xl-TV .fJ Grwatt cereal food on
iiJSl' JVt ank olii train and
f tw J'rJ'r ton' utniine..nt ha par
JV tjj(?n Victoria Rap
jSj JLlLL'J,J make It poevthla to irrow
Bv3?'"5vr?il ''P and cattle at m"
yk!VS5f a coat of i.ut l-altj. Mar- " f
S. Ti V l'ilTtroini-.doewell
f cryt, r. That Paya.
X-V-' it! th, and milloo Dollar if,
A" lAiV& Jt fraa are ta w ir.oat f - 1
IV ''J''iVJ wonderful traw. of tha t v
cento rv. BCOMU8 pro
i rrfeii2W d-. ton. and Wl.llon ,
V- 5TTyi Oraaa IS U.n. of Uay and
r5it4 " ,"J'f l"ta auu L.taof ?.turira V
J ftVi'TlMU'edV. Pr a-ra r..w T V
Ayr-J Potato.
, 'aVViW IkVslJm t3. BO ana up a barrel. "'Jk
I VO' iT X 1.OUU.0W li. e..ntal.
r.i; lr I Wa,
E t 1 .
OO for lOe.
rUa you to try our
Treat farm aeada, ftrnca
i r w .1 1 ' m M-!i, 1 w .arm mm mu
l VJT I asmotea. Macaroni U'tiaat
. .".t-r. npaita. ac., I worm
(10 to irrt m tart) wllS ear
Cacataiog,?or Me poacafa.
I At
1 "