The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 12, 1903, Image 5

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rf-UAHUi -AUS-V i J
V. rahniT, .r 1.4iui ill.-. vi. h ill 1 1
, cily Mond.iv
C. II ngi'ii, of ,l i :ritd. a; a counly
s-at : I !-i Mmitla.v .
I.iiiih Wn k-;, .l' Soiilli 1 1. 1 1 I , ua;
li'Tf Mond.iy.
I". K. Hat haway, of 1'nion. was in
I lie city Monday.
Ir. Frank I.. ( 'iiinmins, dentist.
11i- wil li Ir. I). I. Cummins.
S. II. AIuikhI, wife and daughter,
ft iirned from t heir 'hieago I lip Mon
ila v.
Tin 3 oung int'ii of SI . John's church
will give a dance al Waterman liall.
Wednesday evening, I Vbiuary H.
Ilert Cutler, a bridge workman, had
iin' of his shoulders dislocated by I--ing
struck with a heavy tinilx-r, Sun
day. Ceo. Sayles will gie a grand mask
hall at Cedar Civek.on Saturday night.
I'. I.imry L'l, ':.. All an- cordially in-
il. l.
Wanted a good girl at poor farm to
d. general hoiisi-work. Will pay liberal
waes. Apply al pMr farm or Journal
i:iiH'inlH-r that Geo. Sa. les will
rue ;i grand mask hall aMVilur Creil
on Sat urday evening, l-'eli nary -1. All
are invited.
I'lu-le Henry l!oeek is preparing to
oil into rooms t he second lloor of llie
b idding now occupied hy Slreight it
Sleight, and will ha ve a side rot rancr
to same.
The eiileitainment at the Turner
II. ill. Sat nrda v evening. February II,
, t he topic of eon el ,i I ion. ill t hat it
i , to Im- one of I he grandest mask halls given ill I 'l.l t 1 i ion I h.
A eost inner w ill Im' in the eily Sat
urday, February 1 1 1 1 1. to supply eos
t nines for those who w ish them to at
t -iid the lallSaturdayevening. Suits
will In rented at reasonahle rates.
Will In at Turner Hall, afternoon and
evening. Pries will I' given to the
lie.esl ladies and gents cost nine and! character represented.
The Knights t Ladies of Security
v. ill hold their annual social gat hering
at the A, O. I'. W. hall, I uesilay eve
ning. I'ehrnary 17th. Theie will Ih
an entertaining program and refresh-
inents. We reipiest all ineinU'is and
I heir families to he present and have
a ltinmI time. Tencentsadmissioii will
I e collected at the door.
I'. J. Moi:i.N, Pres.
M Nki.i.ik Smith, SW.
The following named parties have
Imm'ii chosen to serve on the K-tit jury
for the March term of the distrsct
court: W. K. I'ox. Joseph IVtzer, J.
II. Thrasher, John Hans. Titos. Wiles.
Jr., W. ll.Seyhert, C. I. Maylield, .1.
A. Ilennhis, Klias Peck, J. P. Thack
er. John P.atcs. James M. Tinner, N.
Klaurens, V. W. Iteil, I. M. Wodford,
W. IS. Sackett. S. K. Smith, Wm.
Wallen. Henry I Seek mail. ( 'ha l ies ( Ma pp
William Shirk. Paul Marshall, J. C.
Li'Mioii and J ulius Jack.
I XmasisGone S
littt not all tho
Ladies Warm Shoes
from S5o to $1.75.
We sell the best quali
ty, Jersey Lejintrs.
Kxtra Flcev-e for $1.
Misses "V.
J Sherwood & Son. J2
x 6
i pi I
Sattler & Fassbender.
A New Year
The lielinble ami Popular Furniture Dertjers of Plattsmouth,
extend a Happy New Year reetinjj to nil citizens of Cass
county, ami desire to inform them that their st-ck of Furni
ture for will b fnrsuieTiot to that of 1002, and invite
all who need anything in tneir line to
Call and See Them!
Sattler & Fassbender.
Fifty Yccrs Iho Sfcr.dcrd
lllghtst Honors World's Fclr
Klghtst ttsfe U.S. Gov't Chimijtj
I)r. Marshall, dentist, I-'itzerald
Jiidkre Douglass was a visitor to the
capital this week.
Mrs. Kl!a Schwah and two children
left for 'oloiado yesterday.
W. (!. Smith, county superintendent
was in IJneoln on hn.sini ss this week
M ss Mm' Valli iv. of Klu'.iJ .Mile
J rove, is visit injr Plat tsmoi.'t h friends.
Mrs. .1. Pe lei-sen atl'iided tin
district merl iii'T of the l.' U'kahs at
WalUMi t his week.
If you are a judre f a '.'om1 smokt
try the "Acorns" cent citfar and you
w ill smoke no ol her.
.1. II. Wintersteeii, representing the
Lincoln Journal, was in Platlsinouth
yesterday in the interest of that paper
The new store it om of Streiht &
Strciirht is rapidly approachine; com
Diet ion. and with a few line (lavs will
lie cut irely enclosed.
llalsey luke, who has Ikmmi employ
ed in the P.. & M. shops hen', has lieen
transferred to llavclock, for which
place he departed yesterday.
Joseiih M iillen. one of the reliahU'
deiiKK-rats of Lhnwoirfl. was in th(
city Monday, and lert 1 uesday inorn
iie' for maha. We were pleased to
make his aeiuaiu'Laiice.
I.'olM'i t .Moore, of St. Louis, a niem-
her of the American Society of Civil
Knjjineers, was in the city yesterday
viewing the work on the IS. & M.
hride here. Mr. Moore is past presi
dent, of this society.
1 he liest mask hall ever iven in
the city will he Saturday eveninjr,
Fehruarv llth. at the Turner Mall. In
addit ion to the hall a tine entertain
ment will lie Riven. Pa rmele Theatre
orchestra will furnish the
The case of John Wood, chared
with rape is lieinr tried in Nehraska
Citv this week. This case was brought
here for trial hut ordered lack to the
district court of Otoe county, hy Judre
lessen. Wood is charged w ith raping
a younj; t-'irl under sixteen years of
I on C. I espain. oneof Plattsmoutirs
rising youn men has been appointed
hy !ov. Mickey, chief clerk in the de
part ment of lal)or, and left yesterday
to enter upon the discharre of his
duties. The salary is .hh) a year, and
the Journal is pleased to see a IMalts-
mouth loy jret it.
I have used Chamberlain's couh
remedy for a nundier of years and
have no hesitancy in sayinir that it is
the liest remedy for coughs, colds and
croup, I have ever used in my family
I lxve not words to express my confi
dence in this remedy. Mrs. J. A.
Moure. North Star, Michigan. For
sale hy all driiKKits.
When you fed blue and that eyery-
tlnnj roes w ronf.'. take a dose of Cham
lierlain's Slomach and Liver Tablets
They will cleanse and invigorate your
stomach, regulate your Liwels, nive
you a reiisn ior your mm hi anu iiiukc
voti feel that in this old world is a
. i .
'od place to live. For sale by all
dr Heists.
The scratch of a pin may cause the
loss of a limb or even death when
Mood isoniii!,' results from the injury
All danger of this may be avoided,
however, by promptly apply injj Cham
berlain's Pain P.alm. It is an anti
septic and quick' healing liniment fir
uts. bruises and burns. For sale ly
all druunists.
'Out Hell," the favorite cltfar.
"Kxaulsitos" for a most delicious
J. D. of Lnlon, whs a
business visitor Saturday.
A. II. Anderson, of Lincoln, was in
this city on business Monday.
Krnest Sailing, of Weeping Water
was here Monday on business.
Iton't fail to attend the mask ball
at Turner hall, Saturday night.
C. n..Spence. of Louisville, was a
business visitor in the city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Zaar, of South
ISend were county seat visitors Satur
Mrs. J. I). MclSride and son dnne
down to Neliawka Friday for a short
James Allison one of the Journal
patrons at Murray was in the city
Clyde Hoover arid C. I). Clapp, of
Klin wood were business visitors here
Andrew Morrow, of Murray was a
caller Saturday, and while here re
newed for the Journal.
J 'ost master Smith says the new fix
tures for the postotlice will be in place
for use by the first of March.
l red Jiorn, one or our prosperous
youritf farmers was in Saturday and
renewed for the Journal another year
I love thee, ( yes, I love thee.
Kut it's all that 1 can ever be,
For in my visions in the niht.
My dreainsare Rocky Mountain Tea
Urie Cillctt, a ranchman of Hill
City, S. I ., spent a few days visiting
his old friend II. C. McMaken this
Jlowaid Kvans, of Missouri Valley,
Iowa, was a Sunday visitor in Platls
mouth, the guest of his brother W. J.
Kvans and family.
Daniel Holm ben.-, K. and (Jus
Zefren, arrived in the city Sunday
evening from Sc-derhamm, Sweden,
and expect to make Plattsmouth their
future home.
JudR-e Archer's reort to city coun
cil Monday niht, for the month of
January, shows that lines collect
ed amounted to $l!i, while the fees
amounted to $!.,!..
Our genial Jrish friend, Wm. J
O'ISrien, of Murray, was in the city
Monday and while here renewed for
two copies of the Journal, one for him
self and one cony he is sending to
Lebanon, Illinois.
Pimples, faded complexion, chapped
skin, red rough hands, eczema, tetter.
had blood, cured in a short time, with
llocky Mountain Tea, the great
complexion restorer, (jering & Co.
some goou, w holesome energy ex
pended by our citizens would soon
bring Plattsmouth out of the "kinks.
liui some one must make a move in
the proper direction. Who will start
the ball to rolling!'
II. M. (Jault returned from his trip
to Washington county, Pennsylvania,
wither he was called several days since
on account of the illness of his father,
who is 88 years old. He reports his
father some better.
Mr. Fred D. LelmhotT who was on a
fair way of recovery, as was mentioned
in last weok's Journal, was taken with
a relapse a few days after but is again
on the road to recovery, we are pleas
ed to learn.
Cards are out announcing the
marriage or Mr. John M. Meisinger
and Miss Edna Harvey, which is to
take place February 18, 1903. at the
nomeoi me untie s parents, rour miles
eniilh of IMnttitrw.Mtli I
south of Plattsmoutli,
Repair that treacherous sidewalk.
straighten up that rickety fence, give
our city a more cheerful appearance
and put everything in shape to
blossom out with the roses when
balmy spring and summer days come
The work of issuing distress war
rants for taxes continues, and it be
hooves those delinquent to get a move
on them to liquidate the same.
Treasurer Barton and Sheriff McHride
are sworn to do their oflicial duties in
this respect.
J. W. Richardson, Walter Peterson,
Wm. Wagner, John Jenks, J. Camp
bell and John Leddy, were down from
South Pend yesterday on account of
the Leddy-Weeks damage suit, in
which case the court gave Mr. Lpddy
judgment for $15.
Last week the Journal stated that
Wm Prantner had been fully in
stalled as freight manager at the P
& M. depot, but no sooner was the pa
per out than Pill called and stated
he had stepped down and out '"by re
quest." In this issue we can say posi
tively that Mr. Prantner is a perman
ent fixture in that department, we
hope, for as long as he desires to re
A. F Poedeker, of Xehawka, wa
in the city Friday on a big real estati
deal, wherein Tooinas V. Davb
transferred to Sir. Poedecker the
southwest fourth of the northeast
quarter of the southwest fourth of the
northeast quarter of section 20, town
ship 11, range 12, for which he paid
$4,500 While here Mr. Poedekercall-
ed and paid two dollars on subscription
to the Journal.
George Cackley, of the firm of Cack-
ley Bros., wholesale liquor dealers, of
Omaha, was in the city Monday, inter
viewing Plattsmouth dealers. Cackley
Bros, make a srecialtyof their twelve-
year-old ''Jackdaw" which is one of
the finest qualities of liquorever placed
upon the market, and which can here
after be found on sale at Fred Esren-
berger's Elk Horn saloon. This was
Mr. Cack ley's lirst visit to Platts
mouth, and he was very much pleased
with the appearance of our little city.
Mr. Cackley will visit this city every
thirty days in the future.
1. fn.
44 I had a bad cougli for six
weeks and could find no relief
until I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto
ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle
cured me."
L. Hawn, Newington, Ont.
Neglected colds always
lead to something serious.
They run into chronic
bronchitis, pneumonia,
asthma, or consumption.
Don't wait, but take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
just as soon as your cough
begins. A few doses will
cure you then.
Three tlitf ! 25c.. 58c, SI. All druu'sff .
Consult your tlortur. If lie ay txke it.
tlifii iln ho H lie tell yon not
to take It. then don't take it. lie knows.
Laare it with liiin. We are willing.
J. C. A Yiat CO.. Lowell, Malt.
Call for "Gut Ileil" cigars, 5c.
At the meeting of the Daughters of
liebekah in Wahoo this week, Mrs. J.
C. Peterson was elected president for
the district.
A marriage lieeiwe' was issued yes
terday to Joseph J. (irady, aged '2't, of
Chicago, and MissKdna Pearl Ogden,
aged 24, of Avoca.
Adolph Ilawis, l'lumlier. Oilioe and
s.iop in Perkins House hlock. J mid
and Main. Phone 204. All kinds of
water and gas pipe Jitting.
Ha by sleep and grows while mama
rests if Pocky Mountain Tea is given.
It's the greatest baby medicine ever
offered loving mothers. .'. cents.
(Jering Co.
Tom Peeson, of the coach shop, had
the middle linger on his left hand bad
ly larca rated one day. this week, by
having it caught l.'et ween two heavy
pieces of iron.
When you want a good square meal
call at the Pee Hive restaurant, op
potite the court house. Mr. Corey is
catering to the wants of t he farmer in
the eat ing line.
Mike Tritsch, of Louisville, was in
the city Tuesday on business, and while
here Mr. Tritsch was a pleasant caller
at Journal headquarters where he re
newed fortheold reliable anotheryear.
After a phcrt social and business vis
it in this city Mrs. Mary Lulky re
turned to her home in Lexington,
Neb., yesterday. Mrs. Lutky is grand
chief of honor of the Degree of Honor
Hon. J. I). Patterson, of papillion
died at his home in that city Tuesday,
February 10, PlO.'). The deceased was
a cousin of lion. J. M. Patterson, of
this city, and years ago was a residei.t
of Plattsmouth.
The best physic. :Once tried and
you win aiways use unamoeriain s
Stomach and Liver Tablets," says w
. Girard, Pease, Vt. These tablets
are the most prompt, most pleasant
and most reliable cathartic in use.
For sale by ail druggists.
According to an order recently issued
from the oMice of th general freight
agent of the H. & M., no grain w ill be
received for shipment to Fast St. Louis
and none for St. Louis, unless it is foi
tracK delivery or to be unloaded in
elevators located on the company s
tracks at that point.
ieorge, son or .Joseph Lloyd, was
quite seriously injured Saturday even
imr while coastiniron Lincoln avenue.
where lie collided wjth a bridge, frac-
...... '
turinif the none jn Ins lett leg, midway
of the ankle and knee. J)r. Cook .at
tended the young man, who is getting
along very nicely considering the na
ture of the injury.
Caught His Man.
Jack Roth, a stranger in this vicin
ity, is now reclining behind the bars of
the county jail, under the charge of
robbery t On Thursday of last week
he made his advent to tho city, and
becoming quite intimate with Jacob
Vallery and Jacob Luft during the
day, it is persumed that he had no
money, they took him home with
them to stay all night. Early the
next morning he borrowed ten cents
of Mr. Vallery, and also his overcoat
to come down town ostensibly for the
purpose of getting his breakfast. When
these gentlemen arose from their
slumbers they found that Mr. Val-
lery's gold watch and glasses were
missing and also $5.00 belonging to
Mr. Luft. The fact was reported to
Sheriff McBride, but the new-made
friend by this time had departed.
Sheriff McBride found -tha-fr lie-! had
gone up the railroad track, and when
he wired to Oreopolis the thief was at
that time setting in the depot at that
point, but before Mack could reach
there he had departed for LaPJatte.
To this point he was conveyed through
the assistance of two section men and
their handcar. At LaPlatte he was
found about ready to depart for Oma
ha on a freight train. At his prelim
inary examination, Judge Kroehler
bound himover todistrict court in the
sum of $300. This is another instance
wherein that excellent official display
ed his usual alertness in capturing the
thief. Mack isa terror to evil-doers.
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation, biliousness, dys
pepsia, sick headache.
25c AH druggists.
Want tour DiouslmrliF or beard a beautiful
brown or ricb bhw-k? '1 lir-it rw
cuc:ci;:G:iAr.vs dyes
ct. or DMusn. o R. . Hm Co. . fwi. H. M.
The Misses Dovey.
Last Sunday'-Chicago Chronicle
contained half-tone photos of Misses
Ethel and Alice Dovey, da uh liters of
Mr. and Mrs. George 10. Dovey of this
city. Also an excellent sketch of their
career on the staire. They are Platts
mouth girls' and I'lat tsmouth people
are proud of them. These young ladies
show what can be brought forth by
the early training of a mother, a great
deal of their success is due to that
which was taught them by Mrs. Dovey
from the time they could lisp the
name of "Mamma." The girls de
serve credit, hut really no more so
than the mother who labored with
them in their younger days. The
Nebraska City Tribune has the follow
ing to say regarding these two young
The Chicago Chronicle of February
Nth gives excellent picturers of the
Dovey sisters of Plattsmouth, and an
extended account of their success and
achievements at home and abroad
1 lie young ladies and their family are
well known in this city where they
claim many warm friends who will he
pleased to hear again of the continued
and increasing success of the talented
ladies. They are at present with the
Marguenta Miva company,
important roles in "The St rollers"and
captivating audiences wherever they
Shadow Social.
There will be a Shadow Social at
Fight Mill' Grove school house, on Sat
urday evening, IVhruary 21, lio:. A
good program will be given at 7::!o.
The ladies are kindly requested to
bring baskets. Piocceds for a library
fund. llKitMCK Goooalk, Teacher.
Mysterious Circumstance.
One was piile um sallow and the
other fresh and rosy. Whence the
difference:' She who is blushing with
health uses Dr. King's .New Life Pills
to maintain It. Hy gently arousing
the lazy organs they compel good
digestion and head oil constipation.
Try them. Only '2c, at F. C. Fricke
& Co's druggist.
Fine Glaciers In Montana.
But few people are aware that
there are iu Montana some of the
finest glaciers in the world.
German Emigration Falls Off.
Emigration out of Germany has fal
len from 171,000 in 1883 to 21,000 a
M'Kinley Monument for 'Frisco.
Robert I. Aitkcn's design has been
accepted by the MoKinley memorial
monument committee of San Francis
co. On the monument Is a colossal
figure of the republic, with a bust of
McKinley Jn bas-relief of stone.
Improve Lot of Cripples.
The London Hospital, referring to
the introduction of lace making in a
Criples' Home and Industrial School
for Girls, says the pupils prov&U
remarkably apt and wero delighted
With their now task.
As Usual Woman to Blame,
Plame for the accident to the presi
dent's party seems likely to tail in
the same way that It did in the case
of the first human trouble. The mo
torman on the trolley car says th
driver of the carriage was at fault,
while spectators say the motorman
was at fault in driving his car at ter
rific speed. But it is said the women
in the car were urging the motorman
to "let her go," so that thoy might get
a good view of the r esidential party.
And so the blame agcin falls ultimate
ly on th weaker vessel as a last re
sort of Adam's successors.
Milk Churned In Calf's Ston-.3ch.
A Jersey calf at Galesburg, Mich.,
was treated to a breakfast of fresh
milk and then turned out to gambol
on the green. It frolicked to its heart's
content, but suddenly dropped dead. A
post-mcrtem examination showed that
the stomach was full of butter, churned
from the calf's breakfast by the ani
mal's activity, The stomach made a
Kood churn, but failed to digest Ua own
You Will Be Happy if Well.
Paine's Celery
Bestows that Health and
Vigor that Makes Liv
ing a Pleasure.
If you are sick and out-of-sorts, it is in your
power to make yourself healthy, strong, and
There is not the slightest reason why you
should go through life feeling sickly, miserable,
languid, and melancholic. To be well and
strong, means happiness and true joy.
If you are sleepless, rheumatic, neuralgic,
dyspeptic, or have the shadows of disease
hovering over you; if you are not as bright,
energetic, and strong as you were some weeks
ago, the use of Paine's Celery Compound will
tone up and fortify your whole system, cleanse
the blood, correct digestion, sharpen the
appetite, and conduce to restful sleep. Thous
ands once in a half-dead condition owe their
present good health to the use of Paine's
Celery Compound. Mr. Wm. S. Gibson, of
Pleasureville, Ky., who, through sickness and
suffering, was brought near the dark gTave,
writes as follows, regarding his marvelous
" I have been broken down in health and
strength, nervous system shattered, kidneys
out of order, had nervous and trembling spells
off and on for the last ten years. I have taken
three bottles of your Paine's Celery Compound
and all of the above-mentioned troubles have
left me. and I can now do a rood day's work.
I go about my business all day long and it
don't worry me, and I now feel better than I
have in ten years. I have a good appetite,
and can eat and get around on foot as active
as when I was a boy. My age is 65 years."
Color Jackets, Coats, Capes,
' Ribbons, Neckties, Waist.
SncHng wlS not M Q crock hn dyed with
Diamond Pyvm. Direction book and 45 dyed tanytri
DIAMOND DYES. Dniiia.t.i, Vt.
Have You Ever Thought of It?
Probably not a half dozen farmers In
Cass county ever dreamed even that It
would pay them to advertise. Advertis
ing is looked upon by the in as the mean
only of disposing of goods of the merch
ants. The Idea, however, is one quite
natural for them to hold, for the rcas
that they never give any attention to
the subject; and the reason that they
never give advert ising a thought Is be
cause it lias never lieen suggested to
them that printer's ink could Im prof
itably used. It has never occurred to
the average farmer, probably, that If
he had a cow, a horse, a dozen lings or
a Hoc k of sheep to sell, that a 0 cent
advertisement would reach hundreds
of eople and probably lie the means of
sending him a dozen buyers. Not only
would the ad. lie profit able to him hi
disposing of his stock immediately, but
It would be an advertisement to him
for months. Puyers who do not want
to purchase when the ad. appears will
remember him and eihaps visit him
in the future. When a farmer wants
to sell a horse or a cow, how does he
advertise the fact? He tells his neigh
bor something like this: "If you see
anybody that wants to buy a line cow
or horse, send him round." This is as
far as a farmer's advertising goes, and
and nine times in ten the neitrhlor
never thinks of the "line cow" or the
"good horse" again. Wiien anyliody
has anything to sell, advertising will
bring results, and can In made p roll ta
ble to the farmer as well as to the
Another Pioneer Gone.
August Krecklow, another old set
tler of Cass County, died at his home,
one mile north of Mauley, on Satur
day, February 7, 1!M2, and was buried
Sunday, the services taking place from
the German Lutheran church, south
west of Louisville. Mr. Krecklow was
a highly respected citizen of his neigh-
liorhood, and one who was loved by all
who knew him. 1 loth Mr. and Mrs.
Krecklow have been 111 for some time,
and wo regret to hear of the death also
of the latter, which occurred yester
day, and in so few days after her hus
band. Poth were very old people.
Mean Business.
Frank .1. Morgan, of Plattsmouth,
grand receiver for the Ancient Order
of United Workmen, was in the city
yesterday, the guest of Grand Master
Workman JacobJaskalek. These gen
tlemen are striving earnestly, It is said,
to make lodge No. 00 of this city the
largest in the- state. The membership
is already over sou, and it is belieVed
that a movement is now on foot to in
crease its memliership to upward of
1,000 during the present month. Mes-
sers Morgan and Jaskalek are doing
some personal work in the matter
which, It is said, means business. -
Omaha World-Herald.
Tendency of the Times.
The tendency of medical science is
toward preventive measures. The
best thought of the world Is being
given to the subject. Jt Is easier and
better to prevent than to cure. It has
been fully demonstrated that pneu
monia, one of the most dangerous
diseases that medical men have to
contend with, can be prevented by the
use of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy.
Pneumonia always results from a cold
or from an attack of influenza (grip,)
and it has been observed that this
remedy counteracts any tendency of
these diseases toward pneumonia.
This has been fully proven in many
thousands of cases In which this
remedy has been used during the great
prevalence of colds and grips In recent
years, and can bo relied upon with
implicit confidence. Pneumonia often
results from a slight cold when no
danger is apprehended until it is
suddenly discovered that there is
fever and ditliculty in breathing and
painsin the chest, then it is announced
that the patient has pneumonia, lie
on the safe side and take Chamber
lain's Cough Itemedy as soon as the
cold is contracted. It alwavs cures.
For sale by all druggists.
Special Correspondence.
r; t i i ...
iuiss lizzie ivimuniis entertained a
few of her young lady friends Tuesday
Among those present were Misses Inez
Ilesser, Anna Ilarn, Nettie Pittman
and Mrs. Dock Long.
Mrs. J. A. Walker is visiting friends
in Omaha this werk.
G. II. Manners, our local telephone
manager, who has been on the sick list,
is able to lie about again.
A valentine supper is to be given
by the ladies of the Christian church.
Friday evening, February 13.' Every
body invited to attend.
Mont Ilobb, the genial grain mer
chant at this tioint, was attending to
business in Nebraska City Monday,
II. G.Todd shipped two cars of fat
cattle to the South Omaha market
i'rof. i-ouler and Chas. Stone were
visiting the latter's parents in Ne
liawka Sunday.
It is understood that Jas. Fleming
has disposed of his pool room and con
fectionery to Kdgar Marks, of Ne
Why can't our legislature give us
some good law compelling railroads to
furnish cars when demanded. This
can be done and is done in other state?.
Gentlemen, are you afraid to pass a law-
mat w in iM'neiityourcoiintrvy If not.
then for the sake of suffering humani
ty do something if i U only to draw
! your salaries.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative liiomo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
u 11 iaiis to cure. E. W. Grove's
Low Rates Welt.
Twcnly-fJve dollars to Portland, Ta
corna and Seat tle.
Twenty-five dollars to San Francisco
and Los Angelos.
Twenty-twodollars and fifty cents to
Twenty dollars to Salt Lake City,
llutte and Helena.
Proiort lonatcly low rates to hun
dreds of other mints, Including Hlg
Horn Pasin, Wyoming, Montana, Ida
ho, Washington, Oregon, ' Ilrltlsh ()l
umbia, California, etc.
Kvery day from February l.'th to
April :( li.
Tourist cars daily to California.
Personally conducted excursion Hi ree
illWH a W4.t.k.
Tourist cars dally to Seattle.
Inquire of W. L. Pickett,
mouth, or nearest Ihirlingtoii
I'lat ts
Itoute agent.
Opportunities That Will Not Last.
7.j will buy a 4 room cot tage and :t
lots clear except taxes.
$27 will buy a .r room cottage and
lot. It will cost you ftHOOLo build the
house new.
l.rjO will buy six lots with a 0 room
house and a large barn and other im
provemennts, clear title except almut
$175 taxes.
$4o will buy an acre tract willi val
uable improvements, that originally
cost a! Mill t $MH).
$.tfOvill buy one of the finest U acre
tracts near the city, with an K room
house practically new, vineyard, out
houses and other improvements. The
hows' could not le built for the money.
!mhj will buy an 8 room house with 2
acres of land, close to the shops $2uo
down and $10 monthly payments.
$07." will buy a line cottage. Orig
inal value, including lots, $1,200. It
can In; sold on monthly payments.
I have a dozen or more cottages that
can lie bought at prices ranging from
Up tO $l,.ri4J0.
2,.'jOO will buy a line oronert v on
Sixth street, U-ing half Its original
$1,500 will buy a line property on
Sixth street, that originally cost more
than twice t lie sum.
Many of these places belong to non
residents, who wish to sell rcL'ard less
or cost.
Call at my olllce at once and secure
more complete descriptions.
Stops the Cough and Works
off the Cold.
Laxative Promo-Quinine Tablets
cure a cold In one day. No cure, no
pay. Price 25 cents.
Bee Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
Menls nt all hours. Stiecial at
tention to tho fanner pntron.s. Tlio
tnbles nro supplied with tho best
the markets afford.
JOHN COKEY, Proprietor.
4 Delirious aroma. Perfect burner. Positive- J
j ly the best. No first-Clan ri t iilli-r p
4 khould be without PcppcrlM-rii'i f
4 Huds. They are the b;st :
Main St. - - Plattsmouth.
JSTe- Suit
Leave your measure
prai?K HeElroy
After having selected a suit from
the nice samples of yooda
just received.
Same Old Stand
Over Sherwood's Shoe Storo
Repairing m-H Cleaning
: dead model, fcetctt or
al.oto j iDTtutloa Ua
Utr. fr free tiock.
How to Secure
o Ttf-nUkUUir. or frra
ppc:i3 U. LOcisnt OfTic?
I i
signature is on each box. 25c.
i ' - v.
4.- "iP