seen A. G. Hach & Co., Dealers in Groceries of Every Variety and Host Grades. Queensware, Be3t Grades of Flour and Cured Meats. . . Cash paid for Country Produce Goods Delivered to ;mv Part of the City Plattsinouth Phone 2M ismm it Was the best When your father Was a boV! OT DS THE Bm T KIOS57 1 4 t There is no test like the test of time. Cures everything that can be cured by a Perfect, Penetrating Liniment. Good for Han or Beast. One small bottle of Mexican flus tang Liniment will effect a cure when a gallon of the watery compounds sold as liniment would have no result It is money thrown away to buy them MEXICAN JULJfiQtoOOg La miMm JaiJ VcfuU LIB! For two generations Mexican Mus tang Liniment has been the standby the one Sure Remedy of farmers and stockmen. The more people know about it the more they swear by it. It goes to the very core of pain and drives it out of the body. The public believes in it for its posi tive healing powers. Sold everywhere t t 4 WURL& COFFEY. ! The Up-to-Date .GROCERS. Here you can get anything kept at n first-class grocery store, and at prices to suit the timos. Finest lino of Canned 6oods on the mnrket. Don't fail to call on them for anything in the grocery line. Everything fresh from the markets. WURL & f COFFEY, i mm EI). MTZGEEALD, PKOrRlIlTOR or Livery, Hack and Baggage Line 'he Plattmouth Jourjai Weeping' Water From tlx IK-ruM Wm. SWepurd returned homo from Plattsmouth last Saturday. Will's fathor in Iowa put up-tooold plunks ball for his appearance at the March term of the district court A. J. Box was in town Monday?" brinin In some hay to K. E. Day. The hay was retire fnm th' general merchandise business, his sneers:- us heim; Will A. Fr.ius and Winnie McNainee. The j de il lias already been closed, but all j parties find it convenient to make the change at the time stited. The new linn is to take the whole stock, arid will continue the business in the build in t; now oeeu pied by Upton. plare operated on Charlie West, resid ing one and one half miles northtast of Kl in wood, Wednesday, for boi,e tumor. The tumor was located on the ritfht limb, near the knee, and had to be chiseled off. The operation was quite a daneroiin one. owinr to its location near the arteries, but the patient came through in fine shape Greenwood From the News. Oscir Finlav was before Judire Fos- a second crop of timothy and a very tine jter, last Saturday, on the charge of article. He Siiid that oil of sixteen j violating the state law bv shooting a MOVING TAN. Removing of Household Goods a Specialty. Also, Heavy Draying. DO YOU WANT A New Suit Leave your measure with prarjK TeElroy TAILOR After having selected a suit from the nice samples of goods . just received. Same Old Stand Over Sherwood's Shoe Store Ro pairing Cleaning A SPECIALTY CALL. AT JAG HOUSE And Get a Good One NO HEADACHES In his Elegant Booze. acres tie put up three tons and a half per acre S. M. i'uterson was deliver ing part of 5.000 bushels of corn to the Day elevator last week, which he sold at 302 and 31 cents per bushel. LacK of cars delayed the delivery of all of it. ....Last Friday the public school wa clostd and the instructors all wei.t visiting at Wahoo, where they were seeking more light and new ideas on school matters. Our teachers are ai. up-to-date cm ps of instructors, willing to teach and be taught . .The case ol W. Hetts, vs. Mate ex rel lVtei JorKenseu. proceedings in error dis missed. This action grew out of tin refusal of Mr. llctts as director oi school district N. 94 to li!e and ap prove Mr. Jorgensen's bondas treasurer of said district. The case was one of mandamus and washeard before Judge lessen in the district court and the issues were found in favor of Mr. Jorgfnsen and Mr. Hetts was required to approve said bond. From this final order of the district court the case was taken on error to the supreme court and his petition in error dis missed. A. M. Kussell appeared for defendent in error and II. D. Travis for plaintiff. front the llepuMIoan. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hay, a son, on .Sunday, January 1003 Corn to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Iloback, a son. on Thursday, January 2,1903 Mrs. White of IMattsmouth, Mrs. Donelan's mother came upWednesdav morning to keep Mrs. Donelan com pany while her daughter is ill Blanche, the little daughter of Jack I'h il pot met with a serious accident Tuesiay. She was playing about the house when she fell and iii some way run a stick down her throat S. A. Barker some time ago applied salve rurnished hlui by a lady in Custer county to a cancer which nearl) surrounded his right eye. It has all came out by the roots and is doing nicely Charles Ralston and his sister, Mrs. O. D. Smith have just returned home from Iowa, having been called by telegram on last Tues day to the home of their brother who had died unexpectedly that morning from Bright's disease Dr. Davis of Omaha came down Wednesday to consult with Dr. Kickard in tin appendicitis case of Mr. Donelan V little girl. They will wait to perform the operation until she gets strongei unless she gets worse Dr. Ilungate went to Elmwood today to operate on Charley West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sid West, for bone, tumor. These tumors are very unusual, and the authorities on surgery say to let them alone, tut this is the third one Dr Ilungate has removed and he has been successful in every .operation he has performed and so far feels confident ol success in this one. Dr. 2eely of Elm wood assists Dr. Ilungate. Union From the Ledger. Mack Barger went to Plattsmouth last Friday evening, where arrange ments; have been made to have him taken care of this winter lieese Delaney went over in the vicinity of Thurman, Iowa, Tuesday, where he I bought a tine young team of bays weighing 2,590 pounds and of splendid stock... Geo. J. Spohn of .superior was here a short time last Saturday on, his way borne. He had been visiting some of hi friends in Plattsmouth acid relatives in Sehawka Joy A pplegate completed hlsarrangements for taking & show on the road, aijtf i Tuesday evening be departed ror Cedar Rapids. Neb., at which place the business starts. He has some new equipments that will enable him to give a verF creditable entertainments. ..George Graves of Plattsmouth, a Dephew of the Ledger editor, came down last Sunday and made us a visit. i lie went to Omaha Monday morning . 1 to Interview the base bali magaates, The -TLeCL t rOnt ' and was assured a trial on the Omal.a 515 Main Street Western League ball team this season. ....An important change will take place in Union's business directory on 2lfercu 1st, wbn h. S- Upton will farmer's pigeons on the public high way, near town. He was fined $5.00 and costs The elevators here are full of grain and it has been imposssl.le to get ears to remove it. This is quite a drawback to farmers who wish to sell wheat and corn as the elevator men can not receive any more till they ship some away Turner Zink, W. B. Banning and J. P. Falter, county commissioners of Cass county, were here Tuesday to inspect the new road which Congressman J. G. Cannon has made application lor. The com missioners made this ofllce a pleasant call Mollie L. Erickson, wife of P. C. Erickson, and the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George V. Brewster, formerly residents of Greenwood, died Jan. 3d, at Brewster, Neb., after a illness. To the bereaved hus band and to father and mother, the News extends heartfelt sympathy in their great sorrow Miss Malica, living west of town, was taken sud denly ill on last Monday. Dr. Miller was called and pronounced the attack that of appendicitis. He removed her to the St. Elizabeth hospital at Lin coin, on Tuesdaj, where he immediate ly operated on her for the dread disease. Dr. Miller was assisted by Dr Griffin, and as the patient is rest ing easy, this the most delicated of all surgical operations, was most success ful Gertrude, the 15-year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Orin Baldwin, is sick at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs John Armstrong, sr., of this city, with abscess of the lungs. Saturday evening her grandmother gave Gertie a spoonful of what she supposed was cough balsam, but what proved to be carbolic acid. As soon as the mistake was discovered, Grand mother Armstrong poured raw egg and butter down the burning throatof the 2irl. Doctors Millerand Talcott were nastily summoned. They pnmped the poison acid out of Gertie's stomach and she was soon feeling much better. Had it not been for the hasty relief obtained the result might have been fatal. Nehawka From the Register. It is rumored that one of our bar bers will join the benedicts in the near future Wm. Shepherd pur chased a And pair of mules of C. W Banning the first of the week . D. C, Tucker has moved onto a farm about Siven miles north of Nehawka. Bill) Tucker will farm the place vacated by D. C ...The stone work for Ne hawka's new tas plant was finished this week. The balance of lh. pipes will be put in as soon as the weather ill permit ...The revival meetings at the U. B. church were brought to a close Wednesday evening. We under stand the Methodists will began a series of meetings in the near future. J. F. Mclleynolds will leave today for Cherokee. Iowa, to accept a posi tion offered him as traveling salesman for a wholesale dealer in fresh Cali fornia fruits and provisions. Elmwood From the Leader-Echo. D. T. Tyson returned Wednesday from a trip to Oklahoma, looking for land. The country did not impress him very favorably and he did pot invest JimTurner and Mat Kunz were shooting at a maik Monday afternoon. A couple of the shot glanced, penetralingoneof Mat's arms to such a depth that he was compelled to come to town and have them picked ut by a physician Miss Lillian and J ihn Gonzales entertained a few friends at their beautiful pew hpme southwest of Elmwood last Saturday evening. Tnose participating in the evening's enjoyment pronounce it one of toe pleasantest social events of the season A very pleasant social event occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DelesDcrnier Friday evening last, the occasion being a surprise party given by Miss Myrtle DelesDernier In honor of the 15th birthday of Clayton Rosencrans Dr. Ilungate, of Weep ing Water, and Dr. 2feely, of this From the Iit-acou. Otto Boeswetter had the misfortune to lose a nice young steer by that dread disease, blackleg, last week Mrs. J. Q. Adams returned home Wednesday evening from an etftei.ded visit with relatives at Plattsmouth. ... .The younger son of Mr. and Mis. Otto Ketelhut has been very sick the past two weeks but is now on the road to recovery . ... Widnesday being th2 83rd anniversary of Uncle John Sum ners' birthday, several of his fiiends and neighbors gathered at his home to help him pass a pleasant day. A delicious dinner was served and all present did ample justice. All pre.-ent report having spent a very pleamt day Thursday morning as Will Frauck and his mother were diiing to Lincoln, one of the horses slipped and fell. The other horse became frightened and started to run dragging the horse and buggy with it, when the harness broke in several places letting the buggy free but nevertheless the buggy was upset injuring Mrs. Franck quite severely. The harness and buggy were quite badly demolished. . ..Last Tuesday a couple of young fellows from Palmyra came up to spend the day and have a good time. They got started home about seven o'clock and got about a half a mile from town when their team ran off a bridge and spilled them out. The buggy was pretty badly demoralized. The last we seen of them they were going south afoot. Loviisville From the Courier. Mr. Jochim living south of town has been very sick the last two weeks. . . .Chas. Spence took two of his blood hounds to Beatrice Monday to have them trained.... L J. Mayfield was called from Gross Saturday by the ill ness of his son Earl whom he took to Omaha to see a physician who thinks he can cure him In time On Jan. 4th Frank Stander had a straw stack blown over. He missed two calves about 7 months old. He hunted among his neighbors, but could not tind them. Wednesday the other cattle had eaten a hole into the straw straw stack and here was found the calves alive and in fair health. Twenty-four days without a drop of water and covered up in straw is very wonderful At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Urwin in this city occured the marriage of their daughter Mary Rebecca, to Mr. Charles Henry Mclntire on Wednesday evening, Jan, 28, 1903, at T o'clock, in the presence of a large number of relatives and intimate friends, Elder G. W. Mayfield officiating. After the ceremony the guests partook of a bountiful wedding supper. Miss Alice Urwin acted the part of bride's maid and Lawrence Waldron was best man. ..The school board met again this week and em ployed John Latenser of Omaha as architect. Mr Latenser has been architect for the Omaha auditorium. The surveyor was here yesterday sur veying the ground and making diagrams. Special Correspondence The weather is dark as Egypt and smells like cheese... The Eight Mile Grove Center school is being closed on account of the measles Mr. and Mrs. George Lohnes was visiting with John Meuinger last Sunday Louis Heil has purchased a tine new harness of August Gorder. His lather has also bought him a nice team of horses. Louis says that he is now looking fora wife... Wendell Heil and sons are busy shredding their corn fodder Corn shelling has again been stopped on account of the scarcity of cars.... The Duff Grain company has now over 40.000 bushels of corn on hand Miss Mary Meisinger is very sick with hemorrhage of the stomach August Schneider arrived here last Saturday. He has been out in Xew Mexico and Colorado for two months for his health. Stops the Cough ana Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets pure 4 cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. ALFALFA FARMS In the Great Platte Valley. The bust Investment today ts Al falfa !ni.J.s ai present pr cc-?, as It will produce wore nt income llian corn J. Look at thfse bargains In "Thrf Great i'lutte Valley." MEKltlCK COUNTY. ZiW M acres, oiic-h -.lf mile from town. $10.0 0. Improvements. 1'i-ice, iio per acre. Mil". C2i) acres, fair Improvements, splendid corn a"d alfalfa. land. Price, i:Jo pr acre. 3035 ?-0 v.c: good Improvements, splendid soil. Price, $37.50 per acre. DAWSON THE ALFALFA COUNTY. 513320 acres, 3 miles from town, oil fei:ced. bm ill house, splendid alfalfa land. Price. 2 p-- acre. I-ast chance to get $2'J.0J land. 2:i3 1C0 acres. mlhf from town. 3Ti acres fine nlfalfa, all splendid land. Price, $C.j. 30:s SO acres, small 3-roorn house conveniently located. Price, i-o per acre. LINCOLN SPLENDID STOCK COUNTY. 3G22-1C0 acres. 3 miles from North riant-, vj acres alfalfa, a compute hop and ulialfa farm. Price. 2:23 !Sj acres the finest kind of hay Kind, o in.ies North Piattc. Price, $io per acre. 20C1 1.40O acres alfalfa, hay and pasture land, b e: prove, la.r im provements, splendid lajjd. Price, only $15.0 0. Send for large list of birpains In 'The Groat Piatte Valley" und fine pamphlet on Alfalfa. PAYNE INVESTMENT GO. "The Alfalfa Men." OMAHA, NEB. Legal Notice. TO CHAS. L. feinluiu: You are hereby notilietl that on the :;rd day of February, lioia. .Marv K. Curlli e tiled a petition against you in the uitrict court of Cass County. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which Is to obtain a tllvorrc frli you on the ground that you have will fully abandoned the plaintiff, without Rood cause, for the term of t wo y ars last past and for non-support. You are required to answer said petition on or tcfore Monday, the 10th liny of March. M AKY K. CfhTlCE. By ALLEM J. Bfcl.SON. tier Attorney. Sheriffs Sale. TDy virtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. - ' F. Houscworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass Count, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 9th Day of March. A. D., 1003 at 11 :0ii o'clock a. m.. of said day. at the south door of the court house in the city of Platt-.-mouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate to-wit: Lot four (4) in block five (j). in the villasre of Eagle. Cass county. .Ne braska, together with the privileges and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of A. VV. Crates, first name unknown, et al. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recover ed by John M. Kobotbam, plaintiff, against said defendants. PJattsnjoutu. Nebraska. February 3rd. A. P. 19U3. .IUH l McKHlDE. H. D. Travis. Seeriff, CassCourtv, Neb. Plaintiff's Attorney. Sheriffs Sale. "Dy virtue of an order of sale, issued by Geo. J-"'F. House worth. ClerK of the District Court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and tc nie directed. 1 will on tho 2nd Day of March, A. D.. 1903, at P o'clock "a. m . of said day. at the souti door of the court house in the'clty of Platl- tnuuiii. in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the followlu; real estate towit: l-ots seven (.). and eight . in block twenty-eight. (2s) in the city of Platts mouth. Casscounty. Nebraska, together witi. the nrivlleges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in otherwise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the pro perty of .Mary r iugcrald. as administratrix, et al, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by John H. Pettilxnie, et al.. plaintiffs against said defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. January 2ti. A. I)., Is03. JNO. l. McHKIOE. Jesse L. Hoot. Sheriff Cass County. . Plaintiff's Attorney. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES FOR TIIE YEAR 1903 CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Plattsmouth, Xeb Jan. 13, 1903. At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, held on this date, the following ESTI MATE OF EXPENSES for- the year 1903 was made and ordered spread upon the minutes: Court Expenses S 10 000 County Commissioners salary 3 W0 County Superintendent's Salary 1 20 Assesslngthe County 3 aoO Making Tax List 1 uuO Books. Blanks and Stationery........ 3 "0 Election Expenses 8 ouO Fuel 25 0 Jail Expenses and Jailor Fees 1 two Pauper Expense, including Poor Farm and superintendent's Salary 5 000 Clerk's Salar i Countv Attorney's Salary 1 Bridges 40 Koads 20 1)0" Incidental Expenses 10 OiO Soldier's Helief :. 1 2uo Court House Bond Fund 10 wiu Signed 1 .1. P. Falter. County Commissioners Tcrxkr Zink. Attest: ( W. B. BasiQ. L. . Ttsos. County Clerk. nz Thousands Saved Dy OR. KING'S NEIV DISCOVERY This wonderful medicine posi tively cures Consumption, Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and- Whooping Cough. Every bottle guaranteed. -No Cure. No Pay. Price 5Qc&$l Trial bottle free.- : Neighbors Mackerel, tea, cheese, kerosene and soda crackers live together at the store Mackerel, tea, cheese and kerosene have strong flavors Soda crackers have a delicate flavor AH exposed to the air together What's the result? The soda crackers lose their own flavor and absorb the flavor of their neighbors Unless the soda crackers are Uneeda Biscuit in the In-er-seal Package JZZ7yJ with red and white seal, which protects V their flavor and. keeps them fresh NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY H 0 H A. H. Weekbaeh &Co., Leading (Grocers keep all First-Class Groceries and Canned Goods. Everything in the Provision Line and Sea sonable Goods. Their tock is always Fresh from the Markets. Telephone 54. Waterman Block. pERCMERON 5TALLIONSI MS?? 70 FIRST-CLASS YOUNG L'ereheron Stallions now in our Shen andoah stables. Our last importation arrived October 20, 1002 mostly black 5-year-olds, 30 imported stallions. An elegant string of 25 big two's and three's of my own breeding. ,a lso, 3 o'goo d mares i Purchaser given his own time. Stock all guaranteed as represented. All stallions guaranteed average sure breed er. Home, 2 miles west of town. Come and see me, write or tele phone. L. AYRES, Shenandoah, la. JSsSAsk for circulars, and when writing please mention this paper. IPIpSPX tbc Cheapest Bottled irz Bond. in tbc EnM fill A Poor Whisky is not only dis agreeable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it is, come in and try it. PRICES: GuckenheimerRye, per gallon. Yellowstone, " " . Honey Dew, " " . BUr Horn, " " . .SI 00 . 4 00 . 3 00 . 2 50 Fillip PLATTSMOUTH. rolf, NEBRASKA