7 1 J 1' J ) 1 1 ! THE PRESENT THOUGHT THE PRESENT TIME IS: PRESENT We present to vour consideration the beat of muf flers, neckwear, suspenders, hosiery, handkerchiefs, shirts, gloves, caps, sweaters, night robes, pajama'rf. underwear ami overwear. Everything "right up-to- now. LOCAL BREVITIES. "Rectol" is warranted to cure piles. SoM only at At wood's ilrutf store. Non In Omih or elsewhere carry a tetter assorted stock ol perfumes than Gcrlngi (o. f hey make nice Xmas pre sents. While other counties are complain i n of the scarcity of teachers, Cass his a full supply, but none to spare, however. I0 3'0U want to make your wife a present of a tine bedroom or parlor siiite for Christinas? Sattler & Fass I tender have Just what she wants. District court has adjourned to Jan uary 5, and Judge J esse n and Court Ueporter Dixon returned to their homes in Nebraska City Saturday morning. Several of our correspondents got their items in too late for the last issue, among which were Murray and IVdar Creek. They should always rivich here If possible, Wednesday rvening. I'lease remember this. Cash or FOR your: BUTTER AflID EGGS ! Butter up to 20c. Eggs up to 18c. Lard up to 12c. Butter to bring top price must be fresh, properly work ed and salted. Trade price is higher than cash. New Goods, Just Arrived! All Wool Sweaters for men, boys and children best qualities. A splendid assortment of durable and hand some Indies underskirts. Golf gloves, the best assort ment. All wool dress skirts and golf skirts. We aie still selling that crackerjack line of boys shoes at SI .25. $1.50 and 31.75. A completeline of general merchandise to ex change for your produce or cash. LONG'S CASH PREMIUM STORE, Plattsmouth 198 TELEPHONES Nebraska 4. UNION BLOCK. II CttBISTTVTAS II NECESITIES! We have a new lot of Fine Hair Brushes, Fine Dressing Combs, Ele- gent Hand Mirors. (all prices) Our Toilet Sets and Travel ing Cases are extra good value. Our line of Xmas Perfumes is well worth seeing and prices right. TOILET SOAP FROM 5 TO 50 CENTS. F. O. Fricke 3c Co., LEADING PMARAVISTS. mmmmmmmmmmm CHRISTMAS CHIMES! 3 Remember Your Loved Ones By Purchasing :i has the ij Sons Excellent j ware for the housewife, and c j and Ij a most elegent line of gold o ij Durable jj watches, finger rings and oth- jj presents. - er artces fr the younger t.,-,,........J ladies. Also many nice arti- o des for the young and old men. Remember c the place UNION BLOCK, o Corner Main and Sixth, Plattsmouth, Neb. . MAKING! New and elegant Ebony Toilet Articles and Cases at tiering a to. '3 Mrs. Nellie Agnew of Lincoln, visited relatives here Sunday. Useful, handsome and elegant Christ mas presents at tierinir & Co.'s J. V. Kingley, or Lincoln, was Sunday guest of Prof. K. L. House. Charles Patterson, of St. Joseph, Mo., spent Sunday in I'lattsmouth. W. II. Pitzer, attorney, of Nebraska City, was a Sunday visitor in Platts mouth. Uert Schultz, and family of Soutli Omaha, Sundayed with Plattsmouth friends. Miss Fern Miller, a former teacher here, but now teaching i.i Glenwood, was in the city a short time Sunday. The tentli annual mask ball of the T. J. Sokol will be given at their hall on Saturday night, January 17, 15J0J. Everybody invited. Geo. L. Farley went to Bellevue, Monday to serve as one of the judges in an oratorical contest which tooK place there that evening. Trade Plattsmouth. Neb. In looking1 around for such articles, bear in mind that CRABILL THE JEWELER, finest line of Silver- "S A know fitorm raged all day Sunday. OloeM from 9c to C4.00 at 6rlna Co'S They nan tin Xmas present. Itev. '.Father Carney wa a business visitor to Omaha yesterday. The commissioners are having a new bridge put tn at Weeping Water. Mm. Ada. White, teaching at Cedar Creek, was In the city Saturday. Grand mask ball at the t. j. .woi hall Saturday night, January 17, 1903. Mrs. John Koke and child departed Saturday for Marsha I ltown, Iowa, on a vi H it or several weeks. F. F. Everett has sold 100 acres of land just east of his home place to Isa bel Richie of Plattsmouth. Consider ation 14,000. Scotts Bluff Herald. ' Joshua Tighe, of Burt county, was In the city Saturday. Mr. Tighe is a former Cass county citizen, and has o come down to his old home occasion ally to see his old neighbors and friends. Nothlno you can buy would please father or mother better than a pair of gold spectacles for a Xmas pre sent. We guarantee a fit or no sale. Gerlng Co. Our merchants seem to be eniovlnz a good t rade, and with the coming of the holidays every store will be packed with buyers. 1 raders are here from a d Ma nee every day, braving all kinds of weather to test the truth of the Journal's statements. Mrs. I. Pearlman celebrated her birthday on Friday last, and In honor of the event, her husband presented tier a nanasome diamond ring, and the chlldien gave her some cut class articles. About twenty of her lady friends were invited In and assisted in making it a most enjoyable event. One week trom to-day is Christmas. Parents generally will have plenty to keep them busy and happy looking af- ter presents for theirown dearones, but witli all this, there are those who could make other lit tie ones, not so fortunate as theirown, happy also. The Journal would suggest to those who are able to do so, that they purchase and send or take a few toys to some little orphans or worse than orphans. There will be no trouble to find such little fjlrls and boys in Plattsmouth, and you will get your money's worth by seeing how hap py they will be. Try it. IE. G. We are headquarters for everything both in the ornamental for A few seasonable hints such as A Nice Umbrella, A Pair of Wool Blankets, A Fur Scarf or Muff, A Wool or Silk Dress Pattern, A Gold Medal Carpet Sweeper, Rugs, all Sizes, from $1.00 A Pair of Queen Quality Shoes. Don't forget our "Queen Quality" price competion. Call at the store and in vestigate. Also an elegant assortment of m 111 I to Candlesticks, Purses, Bags, Pillow Tops, and Novelties of all kinds. Don't forget our line of home-made Comforts, Shawls, Blankets and the best line of Hosierv and Underwear in Cass countv. gp llllil pip III p D. C. Morgan and family were Om aha visitors Tuesday. W. G. Pankonin, of Louisville, was a county seat visitor Tuesday. George Ballance, eneine inspector at the Havelock shops, visited here the fore part of the week. C G. Sheeley, the Lincoln bridpre contractor, was a business caller to Plattsmouth Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur Helps treated her Sun day school class to a sleigh ride Satur day afternoon, which was highly en joyed by the young ladies. F. J. Morgan, the live clothier, has the finest lot of calanders for 1903, that we have gazed upon for some time. The Journal returns thanks for a couple of them. Harden Bros, advertise in this issue the finest stock and variety of holiday goods ever offered In this community. Only one fare to Omaha and return. Ask your railroad agent. A marriasre license was issued Tues day to Geo Schafer, of Xehawke, and Miss Anna . Hennings of Cedar Creek. i he marriage took place yesterday at high noon, at the home of the bride. Mention was made in the Journal several weeks ago of the proposed erec tion or two store rooms on tne corner of Sixth and Vine streets by C. C. Parmele, A. W. White and Streight & Streight, just as soon as a clear title could be obtained to the lots. This has been secured and excavation for the proposed buildings commenced on Monday morning. G. W. Usborn se cured the contract for the erection of the building to be occupied bv Streight & Streight. Some of the employes of the B. & M. coach shops, last Thursday found -a hobo on the trucks with growing wings, which undoubtedly could a tale unruld equal to any of the professio nals if it could talk. It was in the fchipe of a chicken and was snugly perched on the trucks of a coach just brought In for repairs. How It got ther-t none are able to conjecture, un less being near the track when a fast ii.oviug train passed and it was sucked underthe car. Both legs were frozen. Low Rates for the Holidays. via Buillngton Route. To points within 200 miles round trip tickets will be sold at greatly reduced rates December 24, 2a and 31 and January 1. Good returning up : til January 2, 1903. For further particulars ass the Burl Urfton agent. i with friends in Lincoln. Just what a man wants f r Xmas. a trav eling toilet case, v have them, uerlna 4 Co. Several parties from tills city at tended the dance at Murray Saturday night. Mrs. John Robbins has been not 1 fled that she has been granted a pension of $8.00 per month. John C. Rauth, a Manley subscriber to the Journal, was In the city yester day on Dusiness. Charley Stone, cashier or the Mur ray State liank was a caller at Journal headquarters Thursday evening last. I)r Brendel and Judge It. V. Swear Ington, of Murray, while up to attend 4,A Strantrer in New York" last Thursday evening, trave the Journal a very brief but most pleasant call. Judtfe Paul Jessen of Nebraska City is holding court for Judge Fawcctt. lie will be on the bench till Judtre Kawcett's return from Raker City. Oregon, for the holidays. Ouiaha News. Owing to the scarcity of fuel, and the high price for what there is, there will be very little, if any, courting done in Plattsmouth this winter, un less it is done in the family room with the whole family present. One tire will have to do for the whole "shoot ing match." The amusement loving people of Plattsmouth evidently appreciate Manager l'armele's efforts to secure tirst class attractions for them. "A Stranger in New York," one of Hoyt's masterpieces, last Thursday night drew a large audience, and was highly pleasing to all. Taking advantage of the line sleigh ing one night last week a couple of Plattsmouth's young bloods together with their best girls went out to the other side of Murray, where the team ran away dumped the parties out, fractured the sleigh somewhat, and the horses were caught just before they reached Union. Our informant was a charming young lady of that vicinity, who stated that the boys ought to learn to drive before they start out to give their girls another sleigh ride. The Journal knows the names of all parties, but will not print them this time. D0EY & Prank Wooster and son Sundaved Xmas Gifts! Gnsstm Dr. J. T. Baird went to Omaha Tuesday to attend an evangelical con ference. Miss Minta Mauzy, who had been visiting in Kansas City returned Tuesday morning. This is the season when children grow happy from dreams of Santa Claus, while parents kiss dollars good bye and wonder what they will eat in January. Reports from all parts of the country are "a record breaker." Chicago re ports a $25,000,000 business; this is our experience though not quite so large; buy early before our assortment is broken. Holiday business never was better. W. W. COATES, Lehnhoff's Old Stand. See our add in this issue. SLIPPERS S! si h t h H j FOR XMAS! ) 50c to $1.65. ( ) Leggings and Gaiters. ( ) Fauntlerov cut 75c. ( ) ' j Spruced 6 Son. j j Sleds, W. W. Coates. Doll Cals, W. V. Coates. (in me Hoards. W. V. Coats. Albums, V. W. Coates. Toilet Cases, W. V. Coates. Calendars, V. W. Coates. Pictures, W. V. Coate. Pieces Fine China, W. W. Coates. Games, W. W. Coates. Dolls, W. W. Coates. Toys, W. W. Coates. 2:c Novelties, V. V. Coates. 15c Novelties, W. W. Coates. loc Novelties, W. W. Coates. .rc Novelties, W. W. Coates. Xmas Cards. W. W. Coates. Rooks, W. V. Coates. 100 V2T, ro 170 200 300 400 mo 700 8J0 too 1000 2000 3ooo Mrs. Barton Gets Ball. A special from Sheridan, Wyoming, under date of I ecember Instates t hat Mrs. Agatha Rarton nceStull, who has been an occupant of the county Jail at that place since the shooting of her father-in-law. It. W. Rarton. at Arva da, and is held to answer to the charge of murder in the llrst degree, has been released by Judge J. L. Stotts, her bond being furnished by Sheridan bus iness men. Her trial now lias been set for February C. 1 1 looks as though the citizens of Sheridan think that Mrs Rarton was justitied in killing her father-in-law. N R. Since the aUive was put in type C. Lawrence Stull, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Rarton have arrived at home, coming in Monday night. Limb Horribly Crushed. "While engaged in shelling corn on the farm of Win. Newkirk, several miles north of Ehnwood, on Friday last, John Maur in some manner got one of ids feet caught on ilie tumbling rod between the power and sheller, grinding up one his feet and a part of the leg. ere the machine could Ik stop ped. The leg was found to broken in several places, necessitating amputa tion Just below the knee. Mr. Maur is about rifty yeais old, and while he stood the shock of t lie injury andoper ation most manfully, grave fears were for some time entertained for Ids re covery. Dr. Neeley, of Elmwood, at tended the unfortunate man, and at last accounts lie seemed to be doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances. useful as well as the $4.00 Sent Free. The Well Knowo Specialist, Frank I'm Miles, M. D. LLB., Will Send $4.00 Worth of His New Treatment Free. There never was a better opportunity for persons suffering from diseases of the heart, nerves, liver, stomach or dropsy to test, free, a well tried and Complete Treatment for these dis orders. Dr Miles is known to be a leading specialist in these diseases, and his liberal offer is certainly worthy of serious consideration by every afflicted reader. His system of treatment is thor oughly scientific and immensely supe rior to the ordinary methods, it in eludes several remedies carefully se lected to suit each individual case and is the final result of twenty-five years of very extensive research and experi ence in treating this class or disease. Each treatment consists of a curative elixir, tonic tablets, laxative pills and usually a plaster. Extensive statistics clearly demonstrate that Mr. Miles' treatment is at least three times as successful as the usual treatment. Thousands of remarkable test! monials from prominent people will be sent free. These show Dr. Miles to be one of the world's most successful Dhvsicians Col. E. B. Spileman of the 9th United Ptates Regulars, located at San Diego, Cal-. lays: "Dr . Miles' special treatment has worked wonders in my son's case when all else failed. I bad employed the best medical talent and spent 2.uu0 in doing so. I believe be Is a wonderful specialist. 1 consider It my duty recommend bim." "For years I bad severe trouble with my stomarh, bead, neuralgia, sinking spells and dropsy - Your treatment entirely cured me." writes Hon. W. A. Warren, of Jamestown. N. Y. Mr. Julins Keister. of 350 Michigan avenue. Chicago, testifies that Dr. Miles cured bim after ten able physicians bad failed. Mrs. R. Trimmer of Oreenspring, Pa., was cured after ten able physicians bad pronounced ber case hopeless As all afflicted readers may have $4.00 worth of treatment especially adapted to their case, free we would advise them to send for it at once. Address Dr. Franklin Miles, 203 to 209 State street, Chicago, 111. Half Rates to Lincoln. January 18 to 24, 1903. On the above dates the Burlington will sell tickets from any point in Neb raska to Lincoln and return at one fare for the round trip. Tickets good returning until February 3rd. Ask the Burlington ayent. Laps, TiT7TTCTX'TT t Candles In Enormous ti ' . ' " ! CS nLn.iuio.1 l"J mv w w w w mm mw v mw wwm t hiib wl i r 3 5 3 3 3 3 9 3 9 3 2 s 9 5 3 5 9 Candies FOR ! CHRISTMAS! I 3 t) 9 E1 9 9 i 9 9 9 9 9 9( 9 9 9 9 6 i i: J W 0 M. FMHGER The Department Store Man gggp. SHOR TJ In order to rnino this amount hefore January 1st, I invito my city and country friends to call at my store and get goods in the fol lowing departments at almost their own price: Dry Goods, Groceries, Cloaks, Millinery, Lad i en' Dress and Golf Skirts, Opera Shawls and Fasci nators, Jewelry, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Rubber Goods, Trunks and Valises. I have just received a largo assortment of the latest style La dies' Belts and Hair Ornaments. We are now soiling goods in any of the nbovo departments regard less of cost. I have decided to continue the following special sale for a few days: 10 yards LL muslin, worth 7c a yard, for only 9c 10 yards outing Hannei for. . .39c 2000 yards Torchon lace, worth 5c yard, now goes at I C A full line of hosiery of all kinds at a very low price. Blankets and comforts at great ly reduced prices. A beautiful sample line of flan nel waists at sample prices. In Cloaks, Furs, Fascinators and Opera Shawls our prices can not be beaten. We also carry a large line of Shoes, Overshoes, Gloves, Mittens, Hats and Caps. In our'groceiy department we are offering: 20 lbs Best Granulated Sugar$1.00 Arbuclefi coffee at 10c package Good fresh country lard 12ic Other goods in this department at equally low prices. Wo always pay the highest mar ket price for all kinds of produce. Don 't Miss this Opportunity. A word to the wise Is sufficient. M. FMHGER Tbe Department Store Man. I J Bottled ik Bond. ;iiii$tiisppiflYAL OH ffllBOTTlt. F3 fillip PLATTSMOUTH, i 2s- 6 ... mrxGiA i s r I I. Vfyi?' li fer mmt VLMrAmmLMkl mm lift tXat Them AIM ji We have the regular Christ mas Candles that usually sell for l.rc er pound, at loc per pound. In th'!M gmdH wo us only pure and .wholesome ingrcd ents. Last year wo sold about ten bar rels of them during the holidays, and this year we expect to make up about double ttic amount. . . . Made in many different va rieties and you can't alTord to miss the opportunity Hut tills is not all. We also have the nicest and largest Hue of line candles, such as Choco lates, bon bons, etc., nut up in the smallest baskets and Ujxes. We pay especial attention to hese goods and make them as ure and delicious as they can be. And then there are other kinds, too numerous to mention. Also tree ornaments, nuts, tigs, dates, etc NEMETZ & F0RAL, Candy makers, Next 1 oor to 1. O. (p 4) JDarmel THEATE When We Were Twenty-One... This Dramatization was made famous by the noted actor and act ress Nat Goodwin AND Maxine Elliott. PRICES: 25-35-50-75. GXBGXB33XB . . . J WOHN M. LEYDA. A TTORNEY-A TLA W. ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. Preparing altriictf of title, convf yanclng unci examining title to real estate u sp lnl ty. Work proporly done and chart;- n-asoii-aiU. Oflire: Kooms 0 anl 7, .lohn OuikI Building, near Court House, f'latlsuioutli, Nebraska. Gbe Best Wabi8h! is tbe Cheapest in tbe Ent! Poor Whisky is not only dis agreeable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it is, come in and try it. PRICES: GuckenbeimerRye, per pallon.. .U 00 Yellowstone, " ... 4 00 Honey Dew, " ... 3 00 Big Horn, "... 2 5n ThLierolf, - - NEBRASKA. The next thing to do after the honey- moon, is to eo 10 I. PEARLMAN, 'The Old Reliable' Furniture Dealer, and fit yourselves out for house keeping. Everything in the houz furnishing line at the very lowest prices... . ... . Largest CCcc!i In Co City, R V V 1 V ' r . l- r -J v .- A ;7 - .