The Plattsmootb Journal Conobehs has wmvf iiril and the re sponsibility of looting the treasury and falling to com i) It with the demands of the people will all lie with the repub licans. TiiErepublkan party I lining up for its grand stand play at downing the trusts. As a result we expect the trusts to hate more down" In their nests. Tnc. republicans have soun'ded the first (fun In their campaign against southern representation, by challeng ing the credentials of Representative 31aM, of Virginia. If England and Germany would col lect their bad debts from the rotton monarchies In Europe and Asia, they would have a precedent for their seem ing haste to seize the port of a western republic. Some republican statesmen seem to think that a law which would give more power to the elbow of the attor ney general would make a good reason for keeping a republican at the head of the department of Justice. Tneedltorof the London Times calls President Itoosevelt a coward. You can say what you please about Teddy but to substantiate a charge of coward ice, "that's a horse of another color," and the paper that amounts to any thing to make such a charge wants to situated at least as far away as the London Times. It Is now settled that Oom Joe Can non will be the choice of the republi can caucus to succeed Speaker Hender son. Payne of New York and Dalzell of Pennsylvania, the only two eastern candidates who had ihe slightest chance of election, have formally retir ed. There never was much doubt that Oom Joe would be successful. Now that the republican party con- ironts a aemanci ror anti-trust legisla tion, Senator Cullom has found that the present law is all sufficient. We have frequently remarked that fact and have asserted that a few prosecu tions under the criminal provisions of the law would secure respect, but no republican attorney general dare cn force it. According to Engineer James C Stewart, the British bricklayer lays an average of 4oO to 600 bricks oer dav. while the American lays 2,000 to 2,700 bricks per day. When the American bricklayer gets $18 per day. which is what he earns as compared with the British laborer, wages in the United States will be as high as those paid in .England. Ohm Is not the creed of the weak ling and coward: ours is the gospel of hope and of high endeavor. Presi ripnt.'a mpssacp. Except when "we" happen to bump into a tariff-protected monopoly or a criminal trust, and then "we" do not know exactly what "our" creed is 'We wabble. 'we' dodre. "we hedtre. "we" duck. 'we" trim, and "we" await developments; for "we" are a candidate for reelection and "we' have been Informed that "our" loquac ity is likely to get "us" into .trouble "Our" gospel of hope and high endeav or has an eye single to a renomination That is what it all amounts to. "Two of a Kind." The following comparison, "Two of a Kind," is taken from the November issue of The Vanguard, published at Green Bay, Wis., which undoubtedly furnishes great food for thought to the laboring classes 01 me country: 1775 I 1902 The rights and interests of the American colon ists will be looked after and cared for not by the agitat ors or rebels, but by the kind Christ ian gentleman who I, as the direct representative of God, have appoint ed to look after my lands In the west ern world. Kino Geo roe. The rights and interests of the la boring men will be looked after and cared for. not bv the agitators, but by tne unrisiian men to whom God, in his infinite wis dom, has given the control of the prop erty Interests of the country. Pres. Bear. J. P. Falter, of this city, at the state meeting of countv commissioners in Beatrice last week, was elected chair man of executive committee of the state organization. The Burlington passenger No. 1, a through Denver train, which passes Plattsmouth at 5:27 a. m.. new the track coming into Pacific Junction Wednes day morning, derailing several cars and tearing up the track for a considerable distance. The train was running at a high rate of speed, and strange to say, no onewasnurt. The lecture of Bishop McCabe at the Parmele last night was largely attend ed, and well received. The Chaplain's age is beginning to tell on him, and he does not speak with the vim of years ago. He is yet, however, a most inter esting talker. The church realized in the neighborhood of $100 from the pro ceeds of the lecture. - If you want any article in the furni ture line for a Christmas present for your wife, or sleds, wagons or other suitable toys for the children, bear in mind that Sattler & Fassbender have just what you want. They are not selling at 20 per cent discount, but their prices are lower than their competitors, at that. In accordance with the instructions of the citizens on Wednesday night of last week, for the mayor to select six representatives of the city's interests to act as a legislative' committee tn forming a bill to be presented to the next legislature, regarding the collec tion of delinquent taxes,? Mayor Mor gan appointed the following, who have signified their willingness to act: II. R. Gering. Jesse L. Root, Frank E. White. II. N. Dovey, II. D. Travis and J. P. Falter. - . A committee representing the Commercial club, of Louisville, called on the county commissioners yester day and also the county attorney to solicit their co-operation In an effort to compel Sarpy county to bear one half of the expense in making needed repairs on the bridges across the Platte river at that, place They promised to take action in the mat ter. It looks like Sarpy county ought to do the fair thing In this matter without any compluslon on the part of less csi Cw Yccre Colliay Rates. The Missouri Pacific will sell tickets for above occasion to or from points within distance of 200 miles, at rate of one fare for round trip. Date of sale December 24, 25 and 31, 1KB, and Jan uary 1, 1C33. Final return limit to aud Inclttcflcrr JanusryJE, ltCJ. Long Hair "About a year ago my hair was coming out very fast, so I bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It stopped the falling and made my hair grow very rapidly, until now it is 45 inches in length." Mrs. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kans. There's another hunger than that of the stomach, ft Hair hunger, for instance. A Hungry hair needs food, needs nair vigor Ayers. This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy. si.Naai. Ainrmw. If your driifrirint cannot supply yoif. end us on dollar and we will expreaa you a bottle. Be tare and rive the name of your nearest espres otlu-e. AcMrn, J. C. A YER CO., Lowell, Mass. "Gut IleiL" "Exquisite.' smoke. the favorite cigar. ' for a most delicious Dr. Frank L. Cummins. rlnntUt.. Offlce with Dr. E. D. Cummins. "ElQUisitOfi" th ficrnr and a most elegant smoker. Made onlv by Herman Spies. If VOU are a'iiirltrrf nf a owvl smnlre. try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you will smoke no other. In thpannil.lktntpnnnnrllAnmpnt rf school money..Cass countv irets $4.70",.- Plattsmouth Dreclnct will rwplvo between $800,00 and $900,00. Fob sale A good piano, orginal cost $500. Can be bought now for $100. or other property can be taken In ex change. Apply at Journal ottice. W. D. Jones eniovs th snort, of sleighing about as well as the younger V - A. ones. lie nas taken out several parties of young ladies in the past week. The average housewife always wel comes a choice piece of parlor or bed foom furniture for a Christmas pres ent, and the place to get such articles is at Sattler & Fassbender's. The Eureka Water. Lift, by use. of one gallon or city water, will pump a gallon and a half of cistern water, hot or cold, to your lixtures, thus saving one-third of the meter rate. . A. C. Kawls, Plumber. A glass or two of water taken half an hour before breakfast, will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are mild and gentle In their action. For sale by all druggists. Mrs. E. E. Hilton wishes to an nounce to the ladles of Plattsmouth and vicinity that on and after Dec. 8th she will have on sale at Snyder's jew elry store a line of novelties in pyro graphy or burnt wood. Her collection will include a large variety of pieces and designs, varying in value from 25c to $20, finished in both light and dark effects. Mr. S. J. Kent, of Lincoln, for the Carpenters and Joiners Broth erhood, was in the city last night for the purpose of effecting an organiza tion here. A meeting was held in the shop of J. C. Coleman, in the base ment of the Journal office, but as there were a number of carpenters who failed to be present, another meeting will be held to-morrow (Fri day) evening for this purpose. It will be good news to the mothers of small children to learn that croup can be prevented. The first sign of croup is horseness. - A day or two be fore the attack the child becomes hoarse. This is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. Give Chamber lain's Cough Remedy freely as scon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the rough cough appears, and it win dispel all symptoms of croup, in this way all danger and anxiety may be avoided. This remedy is used by many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fail. It is. in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. ' From An Old Resident. In a letter to W. K. Fox, requesting the Journal sent to his address, cade Kodgers, a former well known citizen- of Plattsmouth, but now living in Saw telle, California, says: Mr Dear Senior: As strange as it may seem, I still live, and I may annoy the public for some time to come by living presence. -In fact, it is very sel dom tlfat people die out - here in this beautiful and healthy country, with such an abundance of sunshine, fruit and flowers at all times of the year, while you poor citizens live (or try to live) away there amongst those many freezeations and blizzards. It is how raining. Peas, potatoes and in fact garden stuff is up and looking well. Send me the Journal and oblige. De liver my love to friends, I. e., if you should happen to run on to any. In form all that may inquire of my wel fare that lam all O. K., and so well pleased with this country that if I ever should happen to die it' will be some place on this coast, as one can pass in his checks herewith less pain than he could at any other point on the globe. Truly Yours, Cade Rogers Fight Vfill Be Sitter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against the 'continual recommendation of Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, wilt have a long and bitter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss, has to say: ."Last fall my wife had every symptom of con sumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had failed.. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co, druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. . Dizzy? Then your liver isn't scting well. You suffer from bilious ness, . constipation. Ayer's Pills set directly on the liver. Fcr C3 years they have been the Stsndsrd Family Pill. bmsll coses cure. sac AH drw4st. V mat yor mowtack er a rdaaeaa lull Viwwa er rtea alack r Than bm The most Inveterate smokers declare t he "Exquisitos" the choicest cigars. Fourteen tramps were quartered in the tramp room Tuesday night and al-. so several last night. Sattler & Fassbender disposed of one of their most costly '"toys" this week. In the shape of a high grade up right piano. Charles Warner, south of the city, was the lucky purchaser. Mr. Charles M. Sinna rd and M iss Vir ginia F. Taylor, of Louisville, were unljed In the holy bonds of wedlock In this city yesterday afternoon by Judge Douglass. Mr. C. II. Sinnard, a broth er of the groom, and Miss Eba Fosberg, of Sarpy county, attended them. The tidy housewife always admires a fine article of furniture, and many prefer such to anything else for a Christmas present. Sattler & Fass bender have a most tasty and elegant line to select from. For the boys and girls they have an abunanccof toys, In cluding sleds, wagons and other arti cles calculated to make the young heart leap with joy on Christmas morn. The funeral of Hiram DuBois, an old settler of Cass county, whose death occurred last Monday, took place Wednesday urternoon, December 17, at Union. The deceased was born In Ulster county, N. Y., in 1831, served in, the civil war, after the close of which he came to Cass county, where he has since resided. He was an excellent citizen, and his friends were numbered by the score. Better Than a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on the affected parts, is better than a plaster for a lame back and for pains in the side or chest. Pain Balm has no superior as a liniment for the relief of deep seated, muscular and rheumatic pains. For sale by all druggists. Avoca ' . Seclal Correspondence. Mrs. Mead, of Talmage, is visiting at the Quinton home east of town Mesdames Ora E. Copes and J. R. Por ter were at Weeping Water Tuesday. T. Betts and family moved In from the country last week and are now Avoca residents Orlando Tefft visited in Omaha a few days this week J. W. Brendel had business at the State Capitol the first of the week....D. J. Meyers was on the sick list a few days this week Edward Morley left this week for California where he will spend the winter visiting his parents. Fred Dunekak spent Tuesday in Omaha Miss Nye, of Weeping Water, was here a few days last week visiting Miss Etta Gordon. Business Opportunities. -GET IN LINE- FOR THE -NEW YEAR 1903- OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS We Have our Own List: HOTELS. RESTAURANTS, ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSES, GROCERIES. MEAT MARKETS, BANKERS. CONFEC TIONERIES, MILLINERIES, DRUG STORES, FUR1TUUE, HARDWARE, BOOK AND STA TIONERY, ALSO GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCKS. LIV ERIES, PLANING MILL, BRICK AND TILE PLANT. BARBER SHOPS, FINE BATH HOUSE, FISH AND OYSTER MARKET. ALSO -FURNISH CAPITAL FOR- PATENTS MONEY ADVANCED BUYERS -EASY TERMS WE ITAVE SEVERAL GOOD PROPOSITIONS FOR PARTIES HAVING CAPITAL TO INVEST WITH SERVICES. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS WE CAN SA ISFY' YOU, HANDLE ONLY FIRST CLASS, LEGITIMATE OFFERS. SHOULD YOU WISH TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS, SEND US DE TAILS. WE HAVE A SPECIAL SYSTEM OF BUYING AND SELL ING. SEND US YOUR WANTS MARKS BUSINESS COMPANY Promoters of Industries 436 GOOD BLOCK. DES MOINES. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. , W. B. ELSTER, DENTIST. OFFICE: Plattsmouth., Waterman Block Nebraska s .Platts. Phones gc QIC MARSHALL. ' DENTIST. All kinds of Dental work. Plates made that fit. 26 years experience. Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed. OFFICE Fitzgerald Block. Telephone No. 3 or 47 V Abstracts of Title V " " AAA A A TJ?oma5 Uallii$. -; OFFICE Anheuser-Bush Block. This signature la on erery box of the genalae Laxative Breso-Ouidss Tablet. remedy that CARTER WIND MILLS. TOWtkS. REGULATOR. UMPS. TANKS. ETC a a fractal af raaaLtaakt F4uift. Maaafatlarrtf fey rem s caiu co . Mataak 1 tuple. CStKCIL SLUFS. IOWA KST1 MATES mada for Hock yarda,lars laafcs mmd acalas M mi i 1 1 a mi' i n ii i i. JEWELERS sjiij a its1 saipiuM Pioo Jj &C CO., t Silver Novelties - 9 ' OPTICIANS. fi bre, " ..IriylW , Ay s. , i !-g Sl-llK. 1 1 fUR stock this year is the la rtr- J I A mSB sT2r est and mostomplete we have ? 5! ' ' ever sllown and our Pr,ce8 are jSfc ' 5W& !'! witnin tbe reac,l0f evefy one- i SS tw3 W ' ! All articles purchased of us will S ri5 . ; , be engraved Frem of CAarj7 Vr Great Cloak Event of the Season AT WsnSi & Bonn's We have just closed a deal with a larjre and popular cloak concern for their complete line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks,Capes and Skirts at 40 per cent discount from their reg ular price of the dealers, enabling us to place on sale at a lower price than any store in the country can buy them for, if bought regularly. If any of your family needs a cloak this season this is an opportunity you should not let go by, as you can save over one third on your purchase. BLANKET BARGAINS. A late purchase of bed blankets enables us to place on sale a lot of bed hlankets at prices away be low early selling prices. Special 200 pairs. Special 200 pairs 10-4 cotton blankets, etc., while they last at 49c per pair. Ladies' walking and dress skirts, from $1 to $15. for a tine silk skirt that is worth 20; full range of all kinds; all this season's styles; no two alike. SAMPLE UNDERWEAR:-:) worth of Men's, Ladies and Children's underwear, union suits, vests and pants, etc., at a discount of 40 percent enabling us to sell at prices that our competors can't meet. Ladies' Monte Carlo, 27 and 45 Inch, half litted back, all the popular styles, from S2.00 to 25.00. Children's and Misses' cloaks from 87c to 12.00. SQ5-507 8 irjrnn lurvrmnnr n je. cvm nro 5 Plattsmouth, Nebraska. A. H. Weekbaeh & Co., ILeadSimg (Grocers keep all First-Class Groceries arid Canned Goods. Everything in the Provision Line and Sea sonable Goods. Their Stock is always Fresh from the Markets. Telephone 54. Waterman Block. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets cure a cold in one day. Jfo cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Kalasek. deceased. KJotlce Is hereby given that the creditors M of aald deceased will meet tbe adminis tratrix of said estate, before, me. County Judge of Cass County. Nebraska, at the Coun ty Court room In Plattamouth In said county, on tbe 89th day of January. A. 1M8, and on tbe 8Kb day of June. A. D., 1903. at 10 o'clock a. m-. each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. aix months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to ireaent tbelr claims, and one, year for tbe administratrix to -settle said c-t. from tbe tnb day of December, 1902. Witness my band and seal of said County Cort, at P. touto. Nebraska, tills 1st day Referee's Sale. "KTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of an order entered by the district court of Casa Count?, Nebraska, on tbe 12th day of November. 1902, In an action therein pending, wherein t ran If E. Scblater was plaintiff, and J. Conrad Scblater and Hattle M. Scblater are defend ants, commanding the undersigned to sell at public vendue the following described real estate situate In Cass County. Nebraska, to wlt: West half of tbe southwest quarter of section 38. In town 12. range II, save; "d ex cept one acre out of tbe southwest corner or said tract, we will, on the 22nd day of December, A. D.. 1902 at the hour of ten o'cloca. a. m.. offar at the front door of the court bouse ,t PUttsmou tt. Nebraska: and sell to tbe highest bidder the e. lernn ui saic w -" " THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Capital Stock $50 000 00 Surplus . 9 000 00 WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. OFFICERS: CnA-S. C. PARMELE. TrMldcDt. J. M. PATTERSON, Vice-President. T. M. PATTERSON. Cashier. said real estate 'raa c. Pmvri.L Edward Fitzgerald, Jobui l). McBridk. . Keferees. Dr. Elitcr. Dontlst, VJctcraon LUoolr. i tUTZ Desire to Call Attention of the Public to Their Line of Rain Coats Automobiles Golf Skirts FlanQds, Ouing Flannels. BlanKets and Cocforts A New Line of DRESS GOODS Suckweiler (Si Lutz 111-113 South Sixth Street putts, Ksl f mtpnonts fob. Ke. S