The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1901, Image 4

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Special Sale of a Traveling Man's Samples
Wm. Herold & Son s
Consisting of Sbort and Long Collars, with and without tabs; Col
larettes, Muff j, Etc., in all kinds and qunliti s of Furs Mink, Otter,
Beaver, Seal, Monkey, Etc. Tbe price at which we bought them
enables us to sell them at Even Less than Factory P.ices.
Remember, that thesj beinjj samples, selected to exhibit to merchants
throughout the country, they are batter than the usual run of Furs.
27-inch Cloaks. 42-inch Cloaks, Raglans
Our line is still completo call now bsfore the assortment is broken
Blankets and Comfortables
Just received a lato purchase in this line of merchandise at
prices from 23 to 33 per cent les3 than prices that ruled early in
the season a jobber to reduce stock before invoicing ' let out" a lot
to us at a gre.t reduction.
In same purchase was included a lot of Underwear in Men's
and Ladies'. You will find us headquarters in this class of goods,
our prices can not be duplicated in the city we are confident.
Mittens, 61oves and Caps
A bi shipm3nt of Factory Simples of Gloves, Mittens and
Cap3, at one-half off regular wholesale prices, enables us to sell these
goods at one-half the usual retail price. Call and be convinced,
as hundreds have in the past few weeks.
505-507 Main Street. Plattsmouth. Neb.
When You Buy Your
loeele 1 Diiiii
All First Class Dealers -
Handle Voegele & Dinning's Fine
For Ewry Utile
Girl lu Cass
WU make his borne at our store this year. a9 he says we
Lave tbe largest and best line in town. All indications
point to the largest trade in many yeais, so do not be one of the
last to make your selection. Only a few days more until Christ
mas. Come today, make your purchases, get it off your mind
and have the satisfaction of knowing that you had first choice of
The Largest and Grandest Assortment
tt -WOT
Prices way Down on These Goods
Violins, Guitars, Mandolins
For sterling novelties Crablll has
Gering & Co. sell Laxative Bromo
Elegant Christmas presents at Ger
ing & CVs.
Dr. V. H. Elster, Dentist, Water
man Cluck.
Sam'l Patterson, of Arapahoe, is
here for a visit.
Dolls or all kinds from lc to $10 00
at Artie Helps'.
A full line of everything in linings
at Wurl & Coffey's.
All articles bought of Crabill are
engraved free of charge.
There is nothing like it. Continen
al whiskey, at Ed Dunat's.
Remember that Crabill has the
nicest assortment of rings in town.
Special discount of twenty per cent
m Kodaks for Christmas at Gering &
Every man appreciates a box of
cigars for Christmas. Get Otto Wurl's
special brand.
When looking for Christmas pres
ents don't fail to visit Crabill's
iewelery store.
Nothing would be nicer or more ii.
itruclive than a '-Kodak" for a Christ
mas present. Gering & Co. sole agents.
Cases 50c to $4.00
We ore determined to make our. store the shopping place for even a
greater number of people than patronized us last year. Assortments
are larger, display spice increased, stocks greater, and in every line the
prices are uniformly lowest.
Lehnhoff's Mi
Brina the Children to see
Get him a box of Otto Wur I s special
Christmas cigars.
Hon. J. M.Tatterson has returned
home from his visit to Pennsylvania.
If its watches you are looking for
Crabill has them. Both solid and gold
filled in all sizes.
If you haven't tasted the Continen
tal whiskey at Ed Donat's, you dout
know what is good.
Kodaks" from 80c up. and all guar
anteed to make good pictures. Gering
& Co. special agents.
The nicest outing flannels in the
city, only 10c a yard at Zuckweiler &
Lulz's. south Sixth street.
I lu. v.! purchasers for farms. I have
acreage near town for sale and some
for rent. It. It. Windham.
Several thousand beautiful p'cture
books, for children of all ages, from
five cents up, at Artie Helps'.
We carry a complete line of men's
overalls, jacket, work shirts, sox, sus
penders and underwear. Wurl & Cor
fey. If you are looking for a bargain cal:
at Zuckweiler & Lutz's and see then
French flannels for 50c a yard, regulai
p. ice ooc.
laul Stiate, of Greenwood; was in
town on Saturday, and while hen
called at the Journal and renewed his
s inscription.
It V. Willems. of Mynard, was a
cal er at the Journal oflice on Satur
day, and renewed his subscription for
another year.
Dr. Rose's kidney and liver cure is
guaranteed to cure all kidney and
lier troubles or money lef uuded. Sold
only by Gering & Co.
Chas. S. Stone and O. A. Davis, of
Murray, were in town on Monday even
ing, and attended the performance at
the Parmele theater.
Otto Wurl is putting up a special
brand of Christmas ciifars just the
thing for appropriate and acceptable
Christmas girts for gentlemen.
Up to and including Dec. 25th Ger
ing & Co. will sell you a "Kodak" at
twenty per cent discount from cata
logue price. Call for a catalogue.
Pearlman'sdiscount sale thirty per
cent off on all furniture during the
holiday season is a genuine discount
sale for the purpose of reducing stock.
A marriage license was issued I y
the county juoVe or Douglas county
on Tuesday to Oswald Baier, aze
and Mary A. B. Young, age 4S, of
Sheriff Wheeler left for Lincoln on
the early morning train on Tuesday,
escorting Frank Work to the peniten
tiary where lie will serve a four years'
term for horse stealing.
Cold weather will soon be here, so
don't fail to get some of thecelebrated
seal brand underwear for ladies ana
children Sold only by Zuckweiler &
Lutz, south Sixth street.
In order to reJuce his large stock of
furniture, Pearl man will give a dis
count of thirty percent off present
prices during the next three weeks,
rhis is a bona fide discount sale.
Before buying your stove call on
Ebinger Hardware company. Thej
carry the best line on earth, such as
the Radiant Home Acorn base burn
ers, Quick Meal and Acorn ranges and
Round Oak soft coal stoves.
Uncle Henry McMaken. the onh
genuine ice king in this section of tin
country, will commence his annual
harvest on Monday, and says - that In
can furnish em ploy m nt fur nfty men
and teams, if he can get that many.
The Missouri river has frozen ovei
solidly during the cold weather of the
past week On Saturday last Unch
Chauncey Doty, of Bethlehem, and
three companions crossed on the ici
at a point just above the B. & M.
Mrs. William Foxwell, whohasbeen
visiting her daughter, Mis. Siatteiy
at Chadron. Jfeb , returned a ftw
days ago and is now awaiting the re
turn of her husband. Wm Foxwell
and daughter, Miss Jesse from Eng
land. The latter are expected soon.
Iron Toys 5c to $2
Wood and Tin Toys of Every Description
75c to $20
Beautiful line of
the Toys China and Cut Class
Beautiful Toilet Sets
Christmas is
Almost Here
Don't Delay
In selecting your Christmas Gifts
Has just received and is ready to
show you an extensive lino of
Of almost every description, and
an assortment of
And many oth-r nrthles suitable
for Holiday Gifts nt prices rang
ing from 5c and upwards.
Also have the usual supply of
Mixed Nuts, Fruits. Etc.
Have a nice line of candy at 8c
per pound, and the best mixed
nuts at 15j per pound.
JgST Seltct your holiday gifts
now, and have them reserved for
delivery when wanted.
Call and taste the twenty-one years
old whiskey. Continental, at Ed Do
nat's. There are no comparisons.
Chris Koehnle has been employed
until after Christmas to do nothing
hut picture rraminir for the Sattler
Furniture company. Our motto is
-prompt work." A tine line of toys and
holiday goods.
l'lease rempmber that when you
want to enjoy a really tirst class smoke
you should call for the Acorn live cent
ciyars. For sale by all first-class
dealers Ptatc & fiajec-k, manufactu
rers, corner of Main and Fifth streets,
I'laitsinouth. Nebraska."
The county Ixjard has been in session
this week, and one of the matters re
ceiving theiratt-ntion is the selection
of a man to succeed the late 1$. J.
Ilempel as custodian of the court
house. A large numberof applications
hive been filed, but thus far the
ra -rubers of the beard have been un
able to agree on any persons.
During the past week County Judge
Douglass has issued marriage licenses
to tbe following parties: William
Henry Lohncs. age 23. or Cedar Creek,
and Carrie Gertrude Ahl. aire 19, of
Louisville; August Mumm. aire 25. of
McCook. and Alma Timm. aire 24, of
I'lattsmouth: Joseph George Grebe,
aire 20. and Louise Plartrer. aire 18,
hothof Plattsmouth: William Henry
Bates, aire 19. and Grace May Criss
inan, age 16, botli of Plattsmouth.
BCSt On Earth.
One dollar per fancy box Of twenty-
five I tuds cigars. Sixty cents per box
or twelve X-mas cigars.
.1. 1epperbero, Mfr.
From the UeRlster.
Some one out hunting one day lat
week, irot a little too free with a gun
and killed a nice young calf for II. G
Strong. This is something too Jow
f ir anyone with good sense to do. and
the guilty party should be made to pay
the pena ty.
John Murdoch fell from the front of
his wagon last Tuesdy and his side
struck the wheel, inflicting a very
nainful bruise. He thinks no bones
were broken.
Daniel Tromble. who left here about
twenty years ago for the Jim River
Valley, has sold out there lie was In
town last Wednesday and says he will
start ne'xt Monday for Connecticut to
visit his wife's folks, and may conclude
to lot ate in Nebraska.
Miss Edna Tucker returned home
last Wednesday from near Murray,
where she has been attending on Mrs.
Bayless, who has bad smallpox.
The Missouri I'acific had a bridge
crew here last week repairing tl.e
bridges between here and Union.
A. H. Weckbach & Co.
All Orders Promptly Delivered.
, Call Telephone 54
Meple Grove
Special Corresjxmlence. .
Rev. Fred Spriegel was on the sic
list last week.
Quite a number of farmers are now
bus cutting wood at this grove, whic
will be partly cut down this winter
Crede Harris has rented Levi Huste;
hollz's farm lor next year.
Ed Gansemeier left on Thursday for
Gare county, where he will visit witl
his uncle for a week.
Will Puis and Phillip Ilild attended
the Modern Woodmen meeting a
Mynaid last Saturday night.
Scott Norris is lure fiom Grand
Island, and is visiting with relative
t lis week. .
Will Puis shelled hiscorn on Munda
and delivered it to Wal er & I'
at Murray. lie received Gil cents pe
Miss Anna Martin of Plattsmoutl
visited with her sister, Mrs. Chark
E.iyelkemeier on Sunday.
Miss Mate Puis visited with Marie
Spriegel on Monday.
Will Wenke had the misfortune t
mash his foot last week, and in con
sequence will be laid up for repair
fo a few weeks.
There will te a duck match at Phil
lipllild's tomorrow night, Satuiday
December 21st
Glen and Ida Boedeker were Platts
mouth visitors on Monday.
Discount Sale of Furniture.
During the holiday season Pearlma
will uive a discount of thirty ner cent
from the present pricesofall fnrnitur
in his lanre stock. This is n unusual
opportunity to buy excellent Christ
masgiftsat low prices. Tbisdiscoun
sale is genuine, and is made for tl
purpose of reducing stick. If yi
want a rocker, set of dining room
chairs or table, bed room suite, oi
anything in the furniture line now i
your opportunity to buy cheap.
or THE
Charter No. 57S
Incorporated in the Slate of Nebrask
at the close of business De
cember 10, 11)01.
Loans and discounts S13.218 9'
On riiriitls. hccun u anil un:e -ureu.. A
C irrciit a. id taxes paid 0-1
I Lit ks ana other mli itinis 7.7i a i
Cash , I.JU .31
Total ?2Mjl.
Capital stock paid in f 5.000 on
Lnuit idtd Z)
Individual subject to i-iieck .H.4d..ili
Hue lu statu anu private banks aiitl
bankers 4'Ji 2
Total i-M.l.U,
State of Nebraska i
County ot Cs Is3 I. Chas. Stoni'
cashier ul the above named hank, dosoleuinix
swear that inealwvr statement I -.correct ami
a true copy of I he r, pi.rt m.nle to the Stale
UaiiKiii uourtl. tuib. . mo.v t, Casliier.
Attest: .1. M. Slone. Director
Chas. C. I'arinele. Kirector
Subscribed ami sworu to before me this 17tl
day of leceuiOer. U0i. .1. A- I'ollako.
L?tal Notary I'ublk
Sheriffs Sale.
J ' 1-suiil by Ueorjre F. Mou.-e worth, cle k
or the tli-tri. t eourt within and lor Cits
county. Nebra-ka. ainl to inc directed. I wli
On the 6th day of January, A. O. 1902.
At H :tm o'clock a. m. of said day. at the soutl
door of the court house In the city of I Mutt
mouth. In wild countv. sell at dliIhIi audi i
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate. to-lt: rrartlonal hit firty-iiin
(till in the south half of the southwest ouartt I
(s of swi) of se tion eighteen (Is), town-hip
twelve o-J. ranire iourten (i-o. in cass count
.Nebraska, together Willi Hie privileges am
appurtenances Hit reunto lH-loiiiri.i)f or in nnv
wi-e K)px-rtHiulnf. '1 he same lu lu levien
up in anil taken as the property or Otto los
et al.. defemlant. to satl-fy a judgment ol
said court recovered by 'I'he County of Cass.
p.aiutiiT. axainsi -aiu ucieiinaui.
riattsinoutli. Neb.. lec mlar.j. A. IX iroi
w . i.
Sheriff. Cass County. Nehra ka
ny.i. u. JUnriJe. ix-paty
.lesse L. Uoot. riaiutiil's Attorney.
Sheriff s Sale.
issued by Gerre F. Housewori li. clrk
lor the out rut court within anil for !'-..
COJiity. Nebraska, and to me directed. I wil
On the 24th day of Cccemtcr A. 0. 1901.
At I :" o'clock a. m. of said dav. at the soutl
door of the court house in the Citv of Piatt
mouth, in said c unty. sell at uuhllc auctioi
to the hlifhest bidder for ca-li. the following
real estate, to-wit: Lot seven (). in block
niiie('.t); lots one ) and two (J), in block six
teen (Itl); lot one (1). lu-k eleven ill); lot tw
(J), block eleven (I i); lot Ihr. e (;). block eleven
H); lot four (-1). block eleven (H; lots one (l
and two (-'). in block seven (). in Carter's ad
dition to the city or t-cplti; water: lot
seven (7) and eiirht (). In block three M. Park
addition to the Cily of Weepinir Water, all in
Cass ounty. .ei.ra.k:i. together wnli th
privileges and appurtenances thereunto la
ionuiutc or in any wise appertaining. I he samt
lieiuic levied up m ami taken as the prop rt.i
of John M. Caru ret al.. defendants. iosatt-f t
a judgment of aaid court recovered by tin
County of Cass, plaiuliif. against said de-
Pialt-moulh. Neb.. Nov mlier 1 1. A. f. 15H1I
W. I. W iikh.kk. Sheriff.
Jesse L. Root. Plalntlii's Attorney.
Sheriff's Sale.
sale issiie-d by (jeo. F. Housewortli. clerk
of the dl-tri -t court uilliln and for Chs
county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I wil
On the 3ist day of December, A. D 1901.
At II :00 o'clock a. m. of i-ald day. at the soutl
dour of the court house In the city of Plxtts
niotith. in said county, sell at public auclioi,
to the hlithe-.t bidder for cash, the following
real estate, to-wit: Fractional lots eiKhty-
tive (a). elf?bty-six &). elxhiy-seven (o).
ei;hiy-el)Clil tan), and eighty-nine ). in lot
eleven (II. lu the southwest quartcrof.-e tion
eighteen (Is), lu town twelve IJ . raiore four
teen (14). in Cass county. Nebraska, toirethci
with the priviieKes and appurtenances there
unto ueloiiKlnK or in anywise upiHrtuiuinv
The same In lug levied upon and taken a-. lti
urooertv of urace O. Coneland el al.. defend
ants, to satisfy a judgment of said court re
eovcred by the County of Cass, plaintilt.
aicabist raid defendants.
l'lattsmoutii. iNto., .Novemoer zi. A. U. VJ I.
W. It. BCkLK I.
SherlfT Cass countv. Nebraska.
ICv.l. I). Mt:liride. Uenulv.
J. L. Root. Plaintiff's Attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
Statr or Nebraska i f
Cash Coc.Nxr f . "
In the matter of the estate of John Kautb.
deceased :
x creditors of said deceased will meet tin
administrator of said estate. In-fore me. coun
ty ludgn of Cass county. N braska. at the
county court room in Plattsmouth. in said
county, on 'he 27th day or January. A. It
M -'. and on the 'th day of June. A. D. 'floa
at ll:M o'chs k a. m. eaoh day. for the pur
pise of presenting hclr claims for examina
tion, adju-tment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and
one year for the administrator to settle said
estate irom tlie2;th day of lecemla-r. I'.M.
Witness my band and seal of said county
court, at Plattmoutb. Nebraska, this 3d day
Of De-ember, J. E. Imidolass.
9vU vtf uitt J udc.
jvlo UQtip
That's a sign you often seo on country places, bin you will never
see it on this store.
Over tho entire town, then come here and you will dcci le that
Our Drug Line is More Complete
And our Prices Lower than can bo found Elsewhere.
From the News.
Aaron Wright lias sold liis team,
waron and farm implements to Wm.
I towers, who will move to Oklahoma
in the sprint'.
Georire Cutler Is now putting up t he
walls for his new opera house, and is
piisliin the construction of the huild
lim as rapidly as pissihle. He will
probaMy adojt the new acetylene
lights for the halls.
David Teterson. a bachelor farmer
with a brand new house, was looking
about our village last Monday. Did not
learn his business here but presume
some one else did.
Geonre Nicholas lost two fine colts,
found dead in his corn field Wcdnt
lay. Oiuse of death not known, un
less it was eal inf ton much dry fodder
without plenty of water.
Call at Ed Donat's and try his twenty-one
years old Continental whiskey.
When it Comes to R.ead
Fine Fvirniture
There is no store in Cass County that compares with the immense
stock of fine goods carried by the
Sattler Furniture Company
No Christmas Present so Nice
A3 an elegant piece of furniture. Why not please your wife by
getting si mething new and useful for Christmas.
Examine and price our stock.
Settler FvirniKire Company
The Big Store on Sixth Street.
Several farmers livinu near Yutan,
Xeh., have contracted to sell their
oi ii t a Waterloo buyer for Trtc per
1 nshol. It is tvittom land corn of
excellent quality.
J. K. Hi ley. of Hattsmouth, was be
fore the board of county commissioners
last week, asking for a franchise to
mild an electric car line through
Sarpy county. Tapillian Times.
Mel Hose Cream for chapped hand?.
Sold by Gering & Co.
While wa'kinn alongside a load of
lers Sam Reed was almost instantly
killed on Monday morning. The acci
dent happened near the Wyant farm
south of Glen wood. Heed was hauling
the logs to Hood's saw mill, and was
walking beside the wagon to keep
warm. In some way the logs became
oosened and rolled off the wagon on
Reed, crushing the life out of him
tlmost in an instant.
111-113 South Sixth St.
Christmas Giffos
r r. . ire and Lamps
Fancy Chinawr K
Very Suitable for
Everything Good to Ea
fWlowed or)
it s 1 feV;
Plaits. Thorns JS
ofpice: Plattsmouth,
Waterman Block Nebraska
l. w
,'iil': II
i bj Judges
iV.... ...
Cold Medal M
sold by F. G. EGENBERGER
I'laf tsinuiit h. Nebraska
The Only Graduate of VtU-rliiiiry Medicine
In Cass County.
Weeping Water, - - - Nebraska
Five Cent Cigar
Delicious aromn Perfect burner
Positively the best.
No firt class r taller should be without
Main Street, Plutlsinouth, Xeb. f
A Lutz'
mouth. Neb.
mas Candies
hristmas Presents.
Your Christmas Dinner.
9 "