m4 Thi VOL. 21. NO. 38, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1901. $1.00 PER YEAR. PIlttttmoiittIhi OLD HOiraURNING Canton Citizens Take Touching Farwell of Their Martyred Townsman. THRONGS f ROM OYER THE STATE Crowd So (ireat that Manjr Cannot On In tbe Parting Look doling of the Cj fcet in tbe Court Honor, Perhaps for the I-t Time. CANTON. O., Sept. 19. Tenderiy and reverently those who had known William McKinley best yesterday re reived his martyred body into their -arms. Trey had forgotten the illus trious career of the statesman in the loss of a great personal friend who had grown dcearer to them with the passing; of the years. They hardly noticed the president of the United States or his cabinet, or the generals and admirals, in their resplendent uniforms. The flag-draped casket which contained the body of their friend and fellow townsman held all their thoughts. He had left them two weeks ago this very day in the full tide of the strength of a glorious manhcoiK and they had brought him back dead. Anguish was in the heart of every mac, woman and child. The entire population of the little c ity and thousands from all over Ohio, the fail strength of the National Guard of the state eight regiments, three batteries of artillery, one bat talion of engineers, 3.000 men in all the governor, lieutenant governor and a Justice of the supreme court, repre senting the three branches of the state government, were at the station to re ceive the body. The whole town was In deep black. The only house iu all this sorrow strickea city without a touch of mourning drapery was the old famil iar cotttage on North Market street, to which so many distinguished men of the country have made pilgrimages in the times that are gone. The blinds were down, but there was no out ward token cf the blow that had robbed It of its most precious posses sion. The flowers bloomed on the A lawn a they did two weeks ago. There was not even a bow of crepe on the door when the stricken widow was carried by Abner MoKinley ana Dr. Rixv into . the dirkee "Te. Only the hitching post at the curb In front of the residence had been swathed in black by the citizens in order that it might conform to the general scheme of mourning decora tions that had been adopted. Sad as was the procession which bore the body to the court house where it lay in state this afternoon, it could not compare with the infinite sadness of that endless line of broken hearted people who streamed steadily through the dimly lighted corridors from the time the coffin was opened until it was taken home to the sor rowing widow at nightfall. They stepped softly lest their footfalls wake their friend from his last long sleep. Tears came unbidden to' jKet the bier. Terhaps it was the great change that had come upon the countenance which moved them more than the sight of the familiar features. The signs of discoloration which appeared upon the brow and cheeks yesterday at the state ceremonial in the rotunda of the capitol at Washington had deepened. The lips had become livid. All but two of the lights of the chan delier abore the head were dis tinguish in order that the change might appear less noticeable, but ev eryone who viewed the body remarked the darkened features and the ghastly lips. When the body was taken away thousands were still in line and the committee In charge of the arrange ments was appealed to to allow a further opportunity today before the tody is taken to the church. But his had to be denied to them and the jasket may never be opened again. MINISTER ROUGHLY HANDLED. Speak Insinuatingly of Dead President and 14 Tarred and Feathered. HUNTINGTON, Ind.. Sept. 19. Jos eph A. Wildman. a United Brethren minister, was tarred and feather by a crowd of one hundred last night, and turned loose to wander back home be cause on Sunday night he rcse in prayer meeting in one of the city churches and said: "I suppose there have been more lies told from the pulpit and sacred desk today than was ever known be fore. While I want to give all honor that is due Mr. McKinley. still when he was living he was nothing but a political demagogue." Pocket Contents Sosplrloas. SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 19. Valen i tice Goebel attempted to commit sui cide by swallowing laudanum on a westbound Great Northern passenger train last night near Spokane. As he was being revived two anarchistic pamphlets containing seditious lan " guage were found on his person. The United States secret service is look ing tip Goebel. who was "left in care of a doctor at Elwall.'near Spokane, where he will be held for a while. ROLLENBECK THE NOMINEE. Democrats aad Populists Unit on Bins to Bead the Ticket, For Judge of the Supreme Court CONRAD HOLLENBECK or Dodge. Democrat. For Regents of the State Univer sity J. II. BAYSTON of Frontier. Popu list. FRED G. HAWXBY of Nemaha. Pop-list. LINCOLN. Neb.. Sept. 18. Conrad Hollenbeck of Fremont, judge of the Sixth judicial district, beads the fu sion ticket in Nebraska this fall. He was made the nominee of the democratic convention on the third ballot, the vote standing: Hollenbeck, 534; Duffle. 4022. and Hastings, 131, giving the Fremont jurist a majority of one. Along between midnight and 1 o'clock he received the nomination of the populist convention, the ballot re sulting: Hollenbeck, 525; Kretsinger, 503, and DuS3e, 17. The nomination in each convention was then made by acclamation. Judge Hollenbeck Is of German pa rentage and a native of Pennsylvania. He is 52 years of age. In 18G4, at the age of 15, he enlisted as a union sol dier and served nine months in hard campaigning the army of the Potomac. He has made Nebraska his home for twenty-five years. The nominees for regents of the uni versity are both populists. J. H. Bay stcn county is editor of the Frontier Faber. He has lived twenty years in Nebraska, and six years ago was the fusion nominee for the same place to which he now aspires. Fred G." Hawxby of Nemaha is an alumnus of the university of Nebras ka and served last winter in the lower house of the legislature. The flght for the head of the ticket early in the day appeared to be in clining in Judge Hollenbeck's favor, although in the democratic convention bis following and that of Judge Duffle of Omaha was very evenly divided. Judge Hollenbeck won out largely on account of his strength in the west and southwest and because of the ex tremely favorable attitude of the ma jority of the populist convention to ward him. Mr. B.ryan appeared before both con ventions during the day and address ed them briefly, refraining, however, from a discussion of political Ques tions out of regard for the solemnity of the day. In almost all the speeches before either convention, in the democratic platform, and In special adjournments of both conventions, further tribute cf respect was paid to the memory of the nation's dead. The presiding offi cer of each convention was instructed to send Mrs. McKinley the conven tion's condolence. The platforms were along the lines already laid down in state and na tional platforms of both parties. Steps were taken during the day toward the organization of a democratic state press association. Jl'DOE TITI'S IS SURPRISED. Will Not Act as Attorney for Czolffosa Unless Ordered to Io So. MILWAUKEE, Sept. 18. Judge Titus of Buffalo, whose appointment as counsel for Czolgosz was announced at Buffalo, is in this city attending a Masonic convention. When seen re garding his appointment he could hardly believe the report was true, saying he knew nothing of his ap pointment, having left Buffalo on Sun day. In an interview he said: "This is the very first intimation that I have had that my name had been even considered In that unpleas ant connection and I have no idea that the report is correct. "I left Buffalo Sunday and the sub ject had not been broached to rre di rectly or indirectly up to that time and I know of no possible reason why such a task should be imposed upon me." In answer to a question whether he would under any circumstances con sent to defend the assassin Judge Titus replied: "Not unless ordered to do so by the court." tethodlst Conference Ends. LONDON, Sept. 18. The Ecumenical Methodist conference closed its ses sions this afternoon with a memorial service in honor of President McKin ley. The platform was draped in black and white and British and American flags were entwined about the pulpit. The organ played a dead march, im pressive addresses were made and "Nearer, My God, to Thee" was sung. Ambassador Choate was among those present. Aastrians Are Not Alarmed. LONDON. Sept. 18. The Vienna cor respondent of the Times says that a semi-official communication to the Polltsche Zeitung, relating to Russia, Germany and France and supposed to have emanated from a high Russian personage, avoids all mention of Aus tria, While, however, the triple alli ance thus seems to be eclipsed, it is asserted that there Is no apprehension about insinuations that the interview has caused umbrage. BID A LAST FAREWELL People of the National Capital Do Honci to the Dead Chieftain. GREAT THRONGS IN ATTEMDANCE XtOT and Esteem for tbe Martyr Finds nttlag Expression in a Great State Funeral Body En Route to Canton "Where Intrvnt Will Take Place. WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. IS. All that is earthly of William McKinley speeds toward his last resting place in Canton, O., after the nation has of ficially and with state ceremony paid Its tribute of respect and love to the memory of -its stricken chief magis trate. This was almost the closing act in the awful tragedy which has drenched the civilized world in tears. Beneath the great white dome of the capitol funeral services of state were held yesterday over the remains of the dead president. It was eminently fit ting that the services should be con ducted In that beautiful rotunda, hal lowed by the history of the last sad rites of two other martyrs to the .causes of the republic. As befitted the occasion and the character of the man who was lying cold and rigid, the services were sim ple. They were conducted in accord ance with the rites of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which President McKinley was a life-long member. Consisting of only two hymns, a song, a prayer, and address and a benedic tion, they were beautiful and solemnly impressive. Gathered around the bier were representatives of every phase of American national life, including the president and the only surviving ex-president- Great Britain, France, Ger many, Italy and Spain and all the re publics to the southward of the United States mingled their tears with those of the American people. Despite the fact that no attempt had been made to decorate the Interior of the rotunda beyond the arrangements made about the catafalque, the pass age presented a memorable picture. The somber black of the civilians was splashed with the blue and gold of the army and navy, and the court cos tumes of the diplomatic corps'. As the sweet notes of President McKinley's favorite hyrnr. "I 3i Kindly -Ight," floated through the great rotunda the assemblage rose to its feet. Bared heads were bowed and eyes streamed with tears. At the conclusion of the hymn, as Rev. Dr. Naylor, presiding elder of the Washington district, rose to effer prayer, the hush that fell upon the people was profound. When, in conclusion, he repeated the Lord's prayer, the great audience joined with him. The murmur of their voices re sembled nothing less than the roll of the far-distant surf. Scarcely had the word amen been breathed when the liquid tones of that sweetly pleading song, "Some Time We'll Understand," went straight to the heart of every auditor. The solo was sung by Mrs. Thomas C. Noyes of this city. The beautiful refrain echoed and re-echoed by the double quartet choir. The venerable Bishop Edwin G. Andrews of Ohio, the oldest bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church, then took his position at the head of the bier. A gentle breeze stirred the delicate blooms which lay on the coffin, and the "peace that pass eth all understanding" seemed to rest on the x venerable man's countenance as he began his eulogy of the life and works of William McKinley. His words were simple, but his whole heart was in every one of them. His trib ute to the Christian fortitude of the dead president was impressive. Upon the conclusion of the sermon the aud ience, as if by prearrangement, joined the choir In singing "Nearer, My God, to Thee." The public were given opportunity to view the body. When the casket containing the body of the dead pres ident was finally closed the cavalry escort was formed and conveyed them to the special train which 13 now car rying the body to Canton. CANTON, O., Sept. 18. Canton is ready for the last home earning of William McKinley. In other days she has welcomed him with cheers, with waving banners and triumphal march es. Tomorrow she will receive him in silence with streets hung with solemn black and with the wailing notes of dirges. All day long hundreds of men and women have labored in their tasS? of arranging the decorations on thj public buildings, on the fronts of com mercial houses and over the windows and porticos of private residences. At sunset tonight Canton was shrouded In black. Sobs Weaken the Widow. WASHINGTON, Sept 18. The friends of Mrs. McKinley are seriously alarmed about her. They speak with grave apprehension of the days that are soon to come, when she wilL be borne up no longer by her sense of duty and sustaining force of her de sire to perform her full part In the ceremonies that the national charac ter and tragic ending of her distin guished husband made appropriate. They dread the approaching days. flNERAL ONE DAV EARLIER Body of President Wlil Rest in Bom at Canton Wednesday. WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. The fol lowing official statement, making im portant changes iu the plans for the funeral services over the iemains of President McKinley in this city, was given to the press last night: In compliance with the earnest wishes of Mrs. McKinley that the body of her husband shall rest in her home at Canton Wednesday night, the fol lowing changes In the obsequies of the late president will be made: Funeral services in the rotunda of the capitol will be held Tuesday morning on the arrival of the escort which will accompany the remains from the white house. The body of the late president will lie in state in the rotunda for the remainder cf Tues day and will be escorted to the rail road station Tuesday evening. The funeral train will leave Washington at .r about 8 o'clock Tuesday evening and will arrive at Canton during Wed nesday. ; JOHN HAY. ELI H U ROOT. JOHN D. LONG. HENRY MACFARLAND. WASHINGTON. Sept. 16. Secre tary Hay issued to the public the fol lowing statement: DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Wash ington, I). C, Sept. 15. The remains of the late president, after lying in state in the city hall of Buffalo during the afternoon of Sunday, September 15, will bo removed to Washington by special train on Monday. September 1G, leaving Buffalo at 8: SO a. m., and reaching Washington at 9 p. m. The remains will then oe carried, under the escort of a squadron of United States cavalry, to the executive man sion, where they will rest until 9 a. m. Tuesday, September 17. They will then be carried to the capitol, accom panied by a military and civil escort, the details of which will be given in a separate notice. The remains will there lie in state. Religious services will be held in the rotunda of the capitol on Wednesday at 12 o'clock noon. At 1 o'clock the remains, under a military escort, will be transferred to a funeral car and carried to Canton, Ohio, via the Pennsylvania railroad, arriving there on Thursday at 11 a. m.. where ar rangements for the final sepulture will be committed to the cllrge of the citi zens of Canton under the direction of a committee to be selected by the mayor of that city. No ceremonies are expected in the cities and towns along the route of the funeral train beyond the tolling of bells. JOHN HAY, Secretary of State. IGNORANT Of VICTIM'S DEATH. Assassin Czoloz Ioes Not Know lliat President is Dead. BUFFALO, Sept. 16. The assassin, Czolgosz, does not know that President McKinley is dead and probably will not know it until he is arraigned for murder. He will be indicted by the grand jury probably today and the case will be then immediately removed to the supreme court. The arraign ment will take place in that court and will" be very soon, the time depending on the returning of the indictment. No" further effort was made to alk to Czolgosz nor was the theory of poison ed bullets taken up by the police. They feelconfident that when the bullets re maining in the revolver are chemical ly examined, as they will be, no poison will be found in them. Manna's Tooc'iinc Tribute. BUFFALO, N. Y.. Sept. 1C Senator Mark Hanna, although giving utter ance to but few sentences in the elo quence of his sincerity, paid a touch ing tribute to his departed friend, the dead president: "I cannot say, I shall not try," he said, "to utter sentiments of tribute. For many years the president has been my dearest friend. My devotion to the president during all these years ought to indicate how I esteemed the man and what I thought of him." Giardins Anassin's Family. CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 16 As a precautionary measure three policemen are stationed within the little dwelling tn Fleet street that shelters the fatt er, step-mother and younger brothers and Bisters of Leon Czolgosz, the as sassin. Mrs. Hnr-art Calm. MILBURN HOUSE. BUFFALO, N. Y., Sept. 16. An affecting incident was the coming of rMs. Garret A. Hobart, wife of the former vice presi dent of the United States, with her son. Gieea Property to Hie Wife, BUFFALO, Sept. 16. President McKinley has left a will. The instru ment was executed some time before the shooting and at no time during his suffering was there any wish or oc casion to revise it or frame a codicil. It leaves the bulk of his property tc Mrs. McKinley. How much the estate Is worth cannot be stated with exact ness by those most familiar with the late president's business affairs, but It is believed to be a goodly sum. BODY LYING INSTATE Friends Gather at Milburn Hou3e to Mourn Over Their Leader. NEW PRESIDENT SADLY AEfECTED Senator Hanna Filled With Anguish Over Loss of Chief Body to lie Taken to Be Taken to City Halt and There Re main Darius; Mondjy. BUFFALO, Sept. 16 Buffalo yester day became a city of mounrners. The gay and flaming decorations of the Pan-American exposition gave way to the symbol of sorrow. The black drapery of the city's streets mrfned the tollings bells of the churches. Bits of crepe appeared on every sleeve. The sorrow was everywhere apparent. In the morning a simple service took piace at the residence on Delaware ave nue where the martyred president died. A hymn was sung and prayer was offered over the dead body. That was all. Only the immediate family and the friends and political associates of the late president were present. The scene there was pathetic in the ex treme. Then the body was borne out to the waiting cortege on the browny shoulders of eight sailors and soldiers of the republic. The cortege passed through the walls of living humanity, grief-stricken, ta the city hall. A remarkable demonstration occur red which proved how close the presi dent was to the hearts of the people. Arrangements had been made to allow the public to view the body from the time it arrived, at about 1:30 o'clock, until about 5 o'clock. But the people were wedged into the streets for two blocks. Two lines formed. They ex tended literally for miles. When 5 o'clock, came 40.000 people had already passed and the crowds waiting below in the streets seemed undiminished. It was decided to extend the tlms until midnight. Then for hours longer the streets were dense with people and a constant stream flowed up the steps of the broad entrance into the hall and passed the bier. When the doors were closed at midnight it was estimated that 80,000 people had viewed the re mains, but thousands of disappointed ones were still in the streets. The body will lie in the city-hall until morning. At 8:30 the funeral train will start for Washington over the Pennsylvania railroad. Mrs. McKin ley, the preside&t, the cabinet and rela tives and friends of the dead presi dent will accompany the remains. Mrs. McKinley bore up bravely today during the service at the Milburn house, and Dr. Rixey, her physician, thinks she will be able to support her trying part in the state funeral at Washington. The day was gray and cheerless. Heavy clouds hung over the city, at times breaking to let through a rift of sunshine and then threatening to let loose a downpour upon the gath ering multitude. The air was humid and heavy and only a light wind from the south stirred the drooping flags and the emblems of mourning. The very clecents seemeu to lend fit ting accompaniment to the scene of sorrow about to be enacted. Mrs. McKinley, the poor, grief-crushed widow, had been led into the cham ber by her physician. Dr. Rixey, and had sat a while alone with him who had supported and comforted her through all their years of wedded life. But though her support was gone, she had not broken down. -Dry-eyed she gazed upon him and fondled his face. She did not seem to realize that he was dead. Then she was led away by Dr. Rixey and took up her position at the head of the stairs, where she could hear the services. At 1:25 the body was allowed to bo viewed by the public, and a vast crowd moved along and took their last look at the dead chieftain. Meet Train at State Border. COLUMBUS, O., Sept. 16. The state officers will leave for Canton Thurs day morning on a special train. Gov ernor Nash received a telegram today from Secretary Cortelyou advising him that arrangements had been made for the governor and a committee of three, to be selected by him, to meet the funeral party at Pittsburg and go with it to Canton. Pope Prays for President. LONDON, Sept. 16. A special dis patch from Rome says the pope prayed an hour today for the soul of President McKinley. The pontiff wept with un controllable emotion on receiving the news of the president's death. All audiences at the Vatican ha e been sus pended. Pot Uir Session of Court. WASHINGTON. Sept. 16. Admiral Dewey has recalled the notices for the Schley court of inquiry. It was intended that the members should as semble and adjourn immediately after adopting resolutions of condolence, but after consideration, Admiral Dewey decided tht the proprieties would be best met by withdrawing the call. Court will be assembled aa soon as seems proper after tbe funeral of the president. POLICY Of NEW PRESIDENT. Theodore Roosevelt Stakes Known Flans to Cabinet and Ills Friends. BUFFALO, N. Y Sept. 17. Presi dent Roosevelt has outlined in some detail the policy he will follow during his incumbency. It will be remem bered that when he took the oath of office he stated with much deflniteness: "It shall be my aim to continue abso lutely unbroken the policy of President McKinley for the peace (and he em phasized that word), prosperity and honor of the country." Yesterday the president gathered to gether some personal friends in Buffalo and those members of the cabinet who were there, and gave to them such ideas as hn already formulated for the conduct of public affairs and hi3 own policy. In no sense are they divergent from what has been understood as Mr. McKinley's policy. This policy as out lined to his friends at yesterday's con ference will be for a more liberal and extensive reciprocity in the purchase and sale of commodities, so that the over-production of this country can be satisfactorily disposed of by fair and equitable arrangements with foreign countries. , The abolition of entirely commercial war with other countries and the adop tion of reciprocity treaties. The abolition of such tariffs on for eign goods are are no longer needed for revenue, if such abolition can be had without harm to our industries and labor. '. Direct commercial lines should be established between the eastern coast of the United States and the ports la South America and the Pacific. ports of Mexico, Central America and South America. The encouraging of the merchant marine and the building of ships which .shall carry the American'flag and be owned by Americans and American capital. The building and completion as soon as possible of the isthmian canal, so as to give direct water communication with the coasts -of Central America, South America and Mexico. The construction of a cable owned by the government, connecting our main land with our foreign possessions, not ably Hawaii and the Philippines. The use of conciliatory methods of arbitration in all disputes with foreign nations so as to avoid armed strife. The protection of tb.favings of. the people in banks and other forms of in vestments by the preservation of the commericial prosperity of the country and the placing in positions of trust men of only the highest integrity. FEAR MRS. M'KINLEVS FUTURE. Severest Test Will Come When She Re tarns to Old nome. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. At 2 a. m. it was stated at the White House that .Mrs. McKinley appeared to be resting quietly. Dr. Rixey, her physician, re mained at the White House all night. WASHINGTON, Sept. 16. Mrs. Mc Kinley has stood the strain of the try ing ordeal following the death of the president without breaking down and Dr. Rixey is encouraged to believe that she will go through the state cere monial without breaking down. The hours she spent beside the coffin on the train this morning were followed by a period of depression, but Dr. Rixey induced her to sleep this afternoon. Now that she has gone through with the trials and fatigues of yesterday and today those nearest to her feel that there Is little serious danger of Immediate collapse. Their dread is for the future, when the nerve tension of the present ordeal is over and when the widow is back alone in tbe old house in Canton with the flood of re flection and realization that must come upon her. CZOLGOSZ AT THE BAR. First Step Taken In Prosecution of th President's Assassin. BUFFALO. Sept 17. Leon Czolgosz alias Fred Neiman, was indicted by ths grand jury for murder in the first degree, for the shooting of President William McKinley at the Temple oi Music In the Pan-American exposition grounds at 4:15 p. m., September 6. When arraigned before Judge Emery the prisoner stubbornly refused to an swer questions repeatedly asked of him by District Attorney Penney as tc whether he had counsel or wanted counsel. The district attorney then suggested that inasmuch as the defend ant refused to answer, counsel should be assigned. After the indictment was returned the prisoner was driven to the jail across the street from tbe hall. He will probably be arraigned today. Blshon Whipple Dead. ST. PAUL, Minn.. Sept. 17. Bishop Henry B. Whipple of the Protestant Episcopal church died - yesterday at his home In Faribault, Minn. Bishop Whipple, who had been seriously ill at his home in Faribault, was taken sud denly worse last night. He had a sudden attack of angina pectoris about a week ago, but seemed to recover after the first few days' illness. H had been bishop in Minnesota sine 1859. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Latest Onolallont From South Omaha and Kansas City. SOUTH OMAHA. Cat lie Till wan tl Id day of the km son in cattle receipts, over earn being .n hale. Tile demand on Hie Part f both packers and yard trader was in aood chape, so that the market ruled active an. I steady to stronger on nearly all kind of desirable grade. There were about twenty car ot cornfed fleer on aule, uuJ It was not loiuf before they were prae tl.allv all out of llrst hands. There wa considerable competition for them a'd steady to stronptr price were paid, and nome sale looktd quite a little lilKher. The cow market a well supplied, about fifty cur beini; on sale. Packet took hold in good shape, however, and paid very near stia.'.y prices for the kind tliey wanted. In some case. Iliouah, Keller thought they .11.1 not uet quite teady prices. Hulls, calve and Ma ""'Id at right around steady price, where the quality was at all desirable. There were a kuoiI many stocker and fie.ler offered, hut anything Bond f-howlnir, weight and llesh sold at good. stroiiK prices. Choice yearlings also sold at about steady price, while those wi-lKhtnK around nuiids were neglected. Common fluff of all weights was very hard to illspise of at any pi Ice. Mors Tl; re was by no means a heavy run of hriRs and the market otend a bla: nickel higher. The hogs stalled out fell inn at Kfili'i and $6.7.5. and at those price the market was fairly active and quite a few changed hind. Packer tilled their more urgent order and then lowered their bids and tried to buy what wa Wt at fii.tiii and ii.e'.i. Selii r. however, were holdinB for the moijiinB price and as a result nothing wa done for u time. Khii There wa a bit? run of sheep, and in fact this was the biK day of the year. Other market were well upplled also, so that there was a general decline. It is pafe to call the market today MiI'h lower on both sheep and lamb. Packers seemed to want the stuff anJ as a result the trade wa fairly active at the de cline, the bulk of the offcrlnR bclnu; dis posed of In good eaon. KANSAS CITY. Cattle Market generally steady to IV higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, $:.T.Vf .::: fair to good. li."i.V stocker and feeder. ti.Wit.Z: western fed steer. I.K.Vfi5.W: western rung--steer. tXZYaiM'; Texans and Indian. t-.T fo3.75; Texas cows, $.MWi2.; nalive cow. I2.50TM.2.".: heifer. M.Ui5.5; bulls, R.iVrt 4.2T: calves, W. I log Market 5fj 15o higher; top. Pi.: bulk. Jii.ioSiC.S0; heavy. f6.K6.(iT.: mixed puckers. ..Miii.sO; light, .0Uj6.70; pigs, Jl.7ni6.10. Sheep and Lamb Market steady: lamb. fl.tKKifl.GTi; wetern wether. IIKU 3.CT.; ewe, f2.7iiCf 3.23; feeder. S3.'"a1 stockcrs, f:.(u3.7.1. NO CHANGE IN THE CABINET Hi ads of the Departments Cader McKin ley Will Keamin in Ofllre. WASHINGTON, Sept. 19. It 6tau-d on excellent authority today that all members of the cabinet have accepted the reappointment tendered by President Roosevelt yesterday. The manner in which the president made the tender icr.dered It Impossible for the members of the cabinet to taUe any other course, as they already are Iu the positions and cannot decline, but must resign their places if they de sire to leave the cabinet. More than this, they all believe In the sincerity of the president in desiring their serv ices and in return they wish to as sist him to tl-e full extent of their powers to carry out the policies of former President McKinley. which Mr. Roosevelt has adopted for his admin istration. Another feature of the relations of the new president with the last ad ministration became known today, to the effect that Mr. Roosevelt has been fully advised and has approved of the negotiations in progress relative to the proposed isthmian canal treaty with England. EXPECT BOERS TO MIGRATE Germany's Offer for Them to Settle la Damaraland Country. LONDON. Sept. 19. Recent advices from Pretoria are as follows: Some of the officials of the hoer government are hopeful that something will result from General Kitchener's proclamation in regard to the burghers who do not sui render by September 15. Many of these Boers are at points some dis tance from telegraphic communication and will probably not be heard from for some time. It is reported that the final plan of the Boers is to make for the Damaraland border and ac cept the offer made by the German consul to sell them land at 4 pence an acre. The only stipulations made by the Germans to which the Boers object are that they (the Boers) shall be liable to two years military service and that their children must be edu cated in German. Woman Cannot lie Identified. OSKAIX)OSA. Ia.. Sept. 19. The badly decomposed body of a woman was found in a patch of high weeda northeast of this city. Identification is impossible. The surroundings and the position of the body indicate foul play. No person here is known to be missing. Government to lie Antoeratle, LONDON. Sept. 19. The Brussels correspondent of the Times says that the bill for regulating the administra tion of the Congo Free State ps soon as it is annexed to Belgium has just been published. It is an interesting study as an experiment in colonial government, but compares unfavorably with the freer ideas, based on auton omy, made by Great Britain. Its lead ing feature Is the almost autocratic power conferred on the king.