The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 02, 1901, Image 1

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Tlhie Plsv,ttsinnioitIhi JJowinsJ.
VOL. 21. NO. 31,
1.00 PER YEAR,
Tive Hacked Men Halt Baltimore & Ohic
Flyer Near Chicago.
Mi F.iprm Department Because of It
I'nusnal ion Robbers Tbrratrn
to Take the Life of the Englnrcr for
the Mistake Made.
CHICAGO. Aug. 1. The Baltimore
& Ohio passenger train from the east,
which was due to arrive in the Grand
Central depot, Chicago, at 9 o'clock
lust night, was held up by five masked
men at 8 o'clock between Edgmore ani
Grand Calumet Heights, Ind., thirty
cne miles out from Chicago.
One of the mail cars, which contain
ed no monev. was wrecked with dyna
mite. The attempt at robbery was
made after the two mail cars had been
detached from the train and run a
quarter of a mile ahead. The failure
of the robbers to make a rich haul was
due to the fact that the express car,
which contained the train's treasure,
was in an unusual place. It was the
third car in the train. After wrecking
the mail car and obtaining no booty
the robbers disappeared in the dark
ness without attempting to rectify
their mistake. The only loot that they
carried away with them as a result
of their adventure was the gold watch
of the engineer.
The train was the New York anl
"Washington vestibule limited. Most of
the trainmen were shot at and had nar
row escapes from the bullets. No per
son was injured, either by the dyna
mite or firearms.
Just before climbing into the cab
the three men commenced to fire with
their revolvers to frighten away all
assistance. The shots produced th?
liveliest kind of a panic in the sleeping
cars, where the passengers made every
efiort to hide their money and valu
ables before the robbers could get at
them. No attempt, however, was mad?
to rob any of the passengers.
After mounting the cab of the en
gine the robbers, covering the engineer
and fireman with their revolvers, made
them step down and go back the length
f two cars. They ordered the men to
uncouple the first two cars, which wa
Jone. They then hustled the two
trainmen back inro the cab and. still
keeping the engineer covered with re
volvers, directed him to pull up some
distance from the rest of the train.
Engineer Collins ran up 200 feet and
vac then directed to stop. He did so.
and while one of the men remained ta
guard him the others jumped off. and
Lurling .dynamite at the door of the
car which they judged to be the ex
press car. burst open the door. Hastily
climbing in to get at the safe, they
were astonished to find that they had
broken into a mail car. They threat
ened th engineer with death for not
telling them that the cars which he
had uncoupled were not express cars
and ordered him to return at once and
uncouple the next behind the baggage
cars. Climbing once more into his cab
Collin3 backed his engine dowr
coupled on to the third car, which the
fireman was made to uncouple at the
rear end. and still with the muzzle of
the revolver at his head Collins was
ordered to run down the track as be
He drew away from the balance of
the train about the same distance as
on the first occasion, and the robbers
still leaving him under the charge of
one of their number attacked the
other car. When they reached it they
found to their great wrath that they
had opened another mail car and that
it contained no money. The train had
been delayed now fully thirty minutes
and, fearing that if they delayed any
longer, help would be coming to the
train crew, the robbers gave up their
V-cttempt to rob the train and ran into
a thicket of scrub oaks at the side of
the train and disappeared.
Kentukv Drouth Ends.
LOl I3VILLE, Ky., Aug. 1. The
drouth in Kentucky was broken last
night and this morning, when there
were heavy rainfalls in Frankfort
Owingsville. Danville. Paducah, Shel-
byville, Paris, Carlisle, ancaster, Nich
olasville. Burgin, Versailles and Hop-
Siege of Bnenos Ayrea Ended.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. The stat
department has received from the
United States legation at Buenos Ayres
telegraphic information to the effect
that the state of siege declared in that
capitol an July 5, by reason of politi
cal disturbances, has been raised.
Attempt on Life of Qaiwn.
NEW YORK, Aug. 1. A dispatch to
the Herald from Aix-Les-Bains says:
Maria Pia, queen dowager of Portugal
and mother of King arlos. has had a
narrow escape from assassination. Her
majesty was taking a course of the
baths here, but was so perturbed by the
attack upon her that she left Aix
hastily for Rome. Details of the at
tempted assassination are not obtain
able at present. The police are said to
have no clew up to the present time.
Missouri XII v er Commission Complains of
ftburugr of t uuili.
WASHING 1 O.N, July Jl. The an
nual report ot the Missouri river com
mission was received 'it the war de
partment today. For last year tha
sundry civil act carried $25O,uo0 to
preserve existing improvements and
to prevent threatened damage at Rulo,
ana other points and $140,000 to com
plete the lock and dam at Osage river,
Missouri. The committee in its re
port complains of the inadequacy of
appropriations for accomplishing use
ful results on the Missouri river, or
tor making progress toward an ulti
mate improvement. The fact that
there is little commerce on the river
the commission attributes to the con
dition of the river, which is such that
it is hazardous to run boats and im
possible to obtain insurance at rea
sonable rates. No commerce of con
sequence can be expected until the
river is put in navigable condition
and opened to the mouth."
The completion of the work from
the mouth of the river to Jefferson
City, the report says, would demon
strate that the commerce would
spring up and in addition millions
would be added to the valley by pre
venting destruction caused by ths
river. The commission estimates that
this result could be completed for
000.000 to $3,500,000, and recommends
$1,000,000 for this work during the
next fiscal year. For the Osage river
$50,200 is recommended.
Expects to Return to Havana as Soon as
Ills Health Will I'ermlt.
NEW YORK. July 31. General
Leonard Wood, military governor cf
Cuba, accompanied by Mrs. Wood and
their three children, arrived here to
day on the steamer Morro Castle from
Havana. General Wood said to a re
porter at the quarantine station:
"I am feeling much better. I have
not had any fever for ten days and
have an excellent appetite. I intend
going on board the steam yacht Ka
nawha for a short trip along the New-
England coast, where we hope to en
joy a spell of cool weather. I expect
my stay to be brief, as I intend to re
turn to Havana at the earliest possible
momer :.
"When I left Havana everything
vat remarkably quiet. I am highly
gratified by the kindness shown me bv
the whole Cuban people during mv ill- I
' R -
ness. Mrs. Wood and familv will re
main in quarantine until August 5 as
the guests of Health Officer Doty and
w ire. after which Mrs. Wood w ill proi
ably join me on a visit to friends."
General Wood left the Morro Castle
at quarantine and went on board the
f'hiladrlphia Yard .lammed With In
saleable Cattle.
amount of live stock received this
week breaks all records. Every stock
yard in the city is jammed to the
doers and cattle have to be killed al
most faster than they can be taken
care of for lack of room. Meat prices
me dropping and threaten to go to un
known depths. The cause of all this
congestion is the recent drouth in the
west. Nebraska. Kansas and Texas
are simply packing up and sending tc
the east so large an array of cattle
that the most experienced men in the
trade can thiDk of no way to work it
Strike on ia San Franeisro.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., July 31.
The labor trouble in this city reached
a crisis today and as a result mari
time traffic and labor along the shore
are almost at a standstill, and in
dustry is almost totally paralyzed.
The order for a general walkout of the
City Front Federation was made ef
rective this morning. The City Front
Federation comprises fourteen unions
and organiaztions with a full member
ship of about 13.000.
Payne Returning Home.
MILWAUKEE, July 31. Friends of
Henry C. Payne, national republican
committeeman of Wisconsin, receiveJ
advices by cable today stating that
Mr. Payne is at Nuremburg, not Ber
lin, and that he will sail for home
from Cherbourg.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. uJly 31. Today's
statement of the treasury balances in
the general fund, exclusive of the
$150,000,000 gold reserve in the di
vision of redemption, shows: Avail
able cash balance, $176,078,982; gold,
Missouri Millionaire Die.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. July 31 Informa
tion has been received in a telegram
from Baltimore of the death of Col.
John O'Day, of Springfield. Mo., from
the effects of paralysis. He was a
millionaire. In the early days of the
St. Louis & San Francisco railroad.
CoL O'Day was first vice president
and general counselor. He was chair
man of the democratic state central
committee in 1884 when his party in
Missouri sent a solid delegation.
Fiat Day's Conference Fails to Settle the
Great Steel Strike.
Association aud Corporation Men Differ
About Its Meaning Regular Men Ask
Their Discharge, but Companies Thus
Far Refuse.
PITTSBURG. July 31. Disappoint
ment and apprehension pervade the
air of Pittsburg tonight because- of the
failure of the executive board of the
Amalgamated Association of Iron and
Steel Workers to ratify the peace pro
posals arranged at the conference in
New York last Saturday between the
national officers of the Amalgamated
association and Messrs. Morgan,
Schwab and Gary, representing the
United States Steel corporation.
When the conference opened today
it. was confidently expected that an
agreement w ould - be reached in a
short time, but after a session, last
ing from 9:50 a. m. until 6:30 p. m..
the conference adjourned without ar
riving at any conclusion, so far as
known. It meets again tomorrow.
The protracted session indicates
that the board is not satisfied wilt
the provisions of the compromise
measures and unless some modifica
tions are made its ratification is
doubtful. The opening of union mills
to non-union workmen is the point on
which the board hesitates, and the
long distance telephone between New
York and Pittsburg was worked fre
quently today to get a modification
of this clause. The workmen hold that
this would give the mill owners full
opportunity of crushing the union
without a strike, by finding excuses
to discharge union men and then fill
their places with non-unionists.
Another rock of dissension is salcl
to be the retention in their present
jobs of the men who worked as "strike
breakers" at the various mills durine
the strike. It is said that these men
have been promised the protection of
the manufacturers in case of a sef
tlement and that the mill owners will
not concede their dismissal at the re
quest of the organization. The work
ers, it is said, are willing to declare
the mills now working non-union open
mill lint etrpniifintlr nlift tn mv.
: ,i n. -, , , - ,
ing all the nulls of th? combine classi-
l fied a" open mills.
All i conjecture, however, as it is
imp:.-:sil)!e to get any definite state
ment as to the day's conference from
nny of the parties interested. When
the board dispersed at C:30 evcry
member was waylaid by persistent
r.ewsppper men seeking information,
but every question was answered by
the stereotyped phrase. "We can say
nothing; there is absolutely nothing
to give to the public at this time."
It is doubtful if the members of th"?
general executive board of the Amal
gamated association were ever so un
communicative and reserved as they
are since the meeting of today. Th
full board was present, with the ex
ception of National Trustee John
Pierce, who was away on official busi
Admiral Kimberly Auks to Be Excused
from Coutt of Inquiry.
WASHINGTON. July 31. A letter
has been received at the navy depart
ment from Admiral Kimberly asking
to be excused from the Schley court
of inquiry on account of the state of
his health. The admiral is understood
to be suffering from heart trouble
The application was placed in the
nanus of Secretary Long, who will
dispose of the matter from his home
in Higham, Mass.
Admiral Schley has made answer to
the precept. The letter was mailed by
his counsel last night, but navy de
partment officials say it has not yet
been received at the department.
Cristobal Colon Raised.
WASHINGTON. D. C, July 31.
Captain C. A. Flagler has reported to
the chief of engineers that he has
completed the work of removing the
wreck of the Cristobal Colon from the
entrance to San Juan harbor, Porto
Rico, where she was sunk in an ef
fectual effort to close the harbor.
Freighted With Gold.
SEATTLE, Wash.. July 31. The
steamship Cottage City reached port
at noon from Lynn Canal with forty
passengers and $155,000 in Klondike
gold. She left Skagway July 26.
Accident on the Rock Island.
KREMLIN, Okl., July 31. The
northbound Chicago, Rock Island i-
Pacific passenger train No. 2, which
left El Reno at 7 o'clock, three houra
late, crowded with departing home-
seekers, was wrecked while going a
full speed two miles south of here at
1:45 o'clock. C. L. McLain of Enid,
Okl., was killed and twenty-four other
passengers received cuts and bruise.
It is believed, however, none -were
fatally hurt.
Offlcial Bureau Reports ConGr
Weather News.
WASHINGTON, July 30. Official
advices to the weather bureau are con
firmative of the press reports of the
prevalence of rains over the corn belt
last night with cooler weather than
yesterday. During the past twenty
four hours rain has fallen generally
over that section, with some few ex
ceptions, notably southern Ohio, Ken
tucky and southwestern Nebraska.
While not heavy in amount the rains
are described officially as pretty fair
for summer time. At Kansas City
there was over an inch of precipita
tion; from one-fourth to almost two
inches in various parts of Iowa; in
Nebraska the rainfall was fair; in
eastern and northern Oklahoma there
were some showers; in Missouri they
were pretty fair.
Showers are predicted for tomorrow
east of the Mississippi river and fair
weather west. Temperatures in the
corn l?lt were generally above 90
degrees, but in som localities they did
not get so high. For the next day or
two the temperature will be reason
ably moderate as compared with those
of the heated ptriod.
In many sections of the middle At
lantic, states there have been high
temperatures today, but in northern
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New
York they were reduced by showers.
In Washington the weather has been
exceedingly oppressive today, the
thermometer registering a maximum
of 97 degrees, with an unusual degree
of humidity in the atmosphere.
These Men Are Winners In the Oklahoma
EL. RENO, Okl., July 30. Nebraska
winners in the Oklahoma land draw
ing are:
John E. Long, Omaha, No. 496,
Lawton district.
Jacob Ridinger, Sutton, No. 14"; El
Reno district.
James H. Davey, Hebron, No. IOC;
.21 Reno district.
Joseph Shultz, jr., Schuyler, No. CI;
El Reno district.
Allen Tingley, Verdon No. 273; El
Reno district.
Alex Hamilton, Wymore, No. 3C2;
El Reno district.
Adolph Lutes. Columbus', Neb., No.
147; Lawton district.
Guy J. Stewart, Helvey, Neb., No.
112; El Reno distiict.
Iowa winners include:
Dorii Roberts. Council Bluffs, No.
C23; Lawton district.
Good Kalns Have Fallen TIirouliout the
TOPEKA, Kan.. July 30 In the
place of dry weatlier reports, ruined
ci ops and hot winds in Kansas, now
comes news of good rains, unfordable
streams and a restoration of confi
de nee.
Most of the rains have come to the
eastern and central patts of the state,
but tonight the reports from the west
indicate that the rain has extended
clear through to the Colorado line. In
Salina this afternoon the heaviest In
weeks fell. Concordia reports that it
has been Taining there for the past
fcrty-eight hours at intervals, and
that the situation is much improved.
During a thunder storm in Concordia
Carl Hammersbeck, the son of a farm
er, was killed by lightning. At Ells
worth a fine rain fell.
Fnts a Qnletns on Gossip.
WASHINGTON, July 30. Secretary
Long this morning issued the follow
ing general order:
"All persons in the naval service are
strictly enjoined to refrain from any
public statement concerning the sub
ject matter concerning the court of
inquiry requested by Rear Admiral W.
S. Schley.
"JOHN D. LONG, Secretary."
Boxers Bare 85.000 Men.
LONDON, July 29 The so-called
"allied villagers," according to native
reports, include 25,000 well armed
troops in southwestern Chi LI, says
the Pekln correspondent of the Stand
ard. Most of them are old Boxers or
disbanded soldiers. They have cap
tured all the imperial supplies sent
overland from Pekin.
Closing Green River Shops.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.; -July 30. The
Union Pacific shops at Green River
will be closed down on August 1.
Fifty men are employed there and
these will be given work in the shops
at Evanston, Rawlins or Cheyenne.
Lonf Leave Thnrsdav.
WASHINGTON, July 30. Secretary
Long will leave here Thursday for hit-
annual vacation, the major portion of
which, will be spent at his home at
Hingham, Mass. He probably will re
turn to Washington during the early
part of September, prior to the date
when the Schley court of Inquiry
meets. Assistant Secretary Haskett.
who hat been spending several weeks
at his country home in Newcastle, N
H., will a-:t as secretary.
Karnes of Lucky Applicants Come from
the Fortune Wheel.
Is Second Only to James K. Wood In the
I .a w ton District Cireat Enthusiasm
Boring the Drawing The Great Crowd
Worn Oat Waiting.
EL RENO, Okl., July 30. The great
land lottery began at 9:45 o'clock yes
terday morning. Twenty thousand
excited, expectant people jammed and
crowded about the platform on which,
from the wheels of fortune, the gov
ernment officials superintended the
drawing of the lucky numbers to
those of the 1C7.000 applicants who
will receive a homestead among the
13,000 in the Kiowa-Comanche coun
try. The approach to the stand of the
commissioners guarding the precious
bundles of envelopes containing the
thousands of applications was the sig
nal for a great demonstration that was
renewed w ith fervor from trme to time
during the progress of the arrange
ments. It was 11 o'clock when finally ten
boys, five lor the El Reno district and
five for the Lawton district, were lined
up before the two wheels and awaited
the word to draw out the first enve
lopes from the receptacle. A mighty
cheer arose, repeated again and again,
and the multitude pushed closer to the
platform. Eager, drawn faces watch
ed every movement of those about the
wheels and necks were craned to hear
the name or the nrst winner. A mo
ment later when a deputy marshal
called loudly for the order the crowd
was stilled instantly.
At 9:35 Colonel Dyer, one of the
three commissioners, read the presi
dent's proclamation relating to the
drawing. This finished, the envelopes
were placed in the wheels, each was
turned repeatedly to insure a generous
mixing up, and then in another mo
ment the drawing was on.
The first envelope taken from the
wheels contained the name of James
R. Wood of Weatherfcrd, Okl., who
had registered for a homestead in the
Lawton district.
Mattie H. Brals of Wichita, Kan.,
whose birthplace is in Missouri, drew
No. 2 in the Lawton district. The
crowd went frantic over the announce
ment, but became quiet instantly and
listened intently to hear the names f
of the other fortunates. Without
doubt Woods and Miss Beals, who
have the right to make the first filings,
will select the two quarter sections
adjoining the Lawton town site dis
trict and which are believed to be
worth $40,000 each.
When Colonel Dyer, the commis
sioner, in thunderous tones announced
the woman's age as 23, her height
the same as that of Mr. Wood, 20,000
persons shouted in chorus: "They
must get married."
No. 1 in the El Reno district is
Stephen A. Holcomb of Pauls Valley
I. T., and No. 2 is Leonard Lamb of
Augusta, Okl.
Each succeeding winning for a time
was met with shouts of applause and
merriment. All was pleasantry
Every man, though he did not draw a
prize from the wheels today, had
steadfast faith that tomorrow or the
next day would surely see him the
possessor of a slip reading him a title
clear to 160 acres of Oklahoma land
So in the success of friends or rela
tives, unfortunate ones today instead
of bewailing their lot cheered lustily
as familiar names were called out.
The crowd fairly exhausted them
selves and when the close of the draw
ing for the day was announced at C
o clock huncweds who had neither
eaten nor drank during the day sank
tc the ground where tbv stood from
sheer fatigue, or dragged themselves
to better places of rest or to refresh
ment booths uptown. The day was re
markably free from quarrels and gen
eral satisfaction with the govern
ment's method of disposing of the
land was felt.
It has been found that many hun
dred applicants have "repeated" and
that others are so ineligible that they
will be thrown out. Over this much
discord has resulted and the outcome
may be an appeal to the courts.
Secretary Boys Bonds.
WASHINGTON. July 30. The sec
retary of the teasury today purchasM
short term bonds as follows: ' Twenty
five thousand dollar 3s at $109,118;
five thousand dollar 3s at $109,118:
$5,000 5s at $109,288; $1,500 4s at
Troops at Sbsnghal to Stay.
LONDON, July 30. The Shanghai
correspondent of the Globe, cabling to
day says: The assurances given in the
House of Commons (July 23) by Lord
Cranborn, the under foreign secretary,
that the German and 1-Tench troops
are only temporarily here, are refuted
by the fact that both nations lities are
erecting massive, permanent' barracks,
which will take two years to complete,
indicating1 that many years' occupa
tion is contemplated. i
Rain Bavlng Fallen It Believes the Corn
Belt Will Get More.
weather bureau's advices from -the
great corn belt Saturday were more
encouraging than any that have come
to hand for forty days, showing in
the opinion of the forecasters that the
drouth has been broken by general
showers in many portions of that sec
tion and with a prospect of their con
tinuation today. Coincident with the
fall of rain have come reduced tem
peratures. With few exceptions the
temperatures reported were not ob
normally high, no maximums of 100
degrees being reached. West of the
Mississippi river they were generally
in the neighborhood of 90 degrees.
The forecasters, while not making
any specific predictions as to the ef
fect of the rain on the crops, express
the opinion that all those crops which
have net been irreparably ruined will
be benefited by the breaking of th"
drouth. The late crops naturally would
be helped the most.
The reports show that during the
past twenty-four hours showers were
quite general in he corn belt and were
heavy over much of the state of Iov. a
and over part of the corn belt not
hitherto visited by rains, including
western Nebraska, southern Missouri
and Oklahoma.
Tind a Means of Bolding Lands In the
OKLAHOMA CITY, O. T., July 29.
Keo Tuck, an Indian, has given notice
at the land office at EI Reno of his in
tention to file upon the quarter sec
tion of land adjoining the town site
of Lawton, which will be the rrij;;ipal
town in the new country of the Kiowa
and Comanche reservation. This is
probably the most valuable tract of the
entire 13.000 to be opened.
The application is made under a
section of the United States statutes
passed in 1SS7, which gives to every
homeless Indian the right to go to any
part of the public domain and to make
entry for any tract of land that Is not
in the possession of a homesteader.
The section has never been repealed
and the right of the Indians who have
no allotments or who were omitted
from the tribal roils is one that they
can exercise at any time, it is stated.
of Money Binappenrs from
ca Eo National Bank.
CHICAGO. July 29. A sack of 1.C0D
silver dollars has mysteriously disap
peared from the Commercial National
bank and all of the detectives have
been put on the case, but their ef
forts so far have been futile. The
package was left outside cf the vaul
y mistake when the bank closed for
the night and since then no trace of
it can be found.
mis is me second strange uisap-
pearance of a package cf money be
longing to the Commercial National
bank within a year. Detectives are
still looking for a $20,000 bundle of
bills shipped by the bank with the
Adams Express company to the Na
tional State bank of Burlington. Ia..
August 17 last. When the package
was opened at Burlington it contain
ed only Blippings of papers.
Dr. Foster. Chairman of Nebraska Com
m It tee. to Be at Land Drawing.
EL RENO. Okl.. July 29. Governor
Richards, chairman of the committee
appointed by the president to conduct
the drawing of the new lands to be
opened for settlement, suggested that
each state select a committee to be
present at the drawing to see it was
fairly and honestly conducted.
Acting upon his suggestion the Ne
braskans met and selected the follow
ing committee: Dr. H. A. Foster of
Omaha, chairman; J. E. Jones of Hast
ings, George Hess of Omana. F. A.
Sweezy of Blue Hill and Amos Quinn
of Beatrice. Their headquarters are
at the law office of Crow & Jones,
room 4, Warren block.
Kansas Thoroughly Hoaked.
ATCHISON. Kan.. July 29Tbe
d.outt in northern Kansas, whch hac
lasted without Interruption since Aptil
1L, was broken Saturday niht anl
Sunday morning. The Missouri Pacific
railroad has received reports from all
its stations which extend COO mibs
westward from the Missouri river anl
ncrihward Into Nebraska, aoc all ex
cept two or three report a downpour
oZ from one-fourth of an inch to two
'aches. The rain was a steady, dr.'-
r.'ing ore.
' Arizona's Total Acreage.
WASHINGTON, July 29. According
to a bulletin issued by the census bu
reau there are 5,809 farms in Arizona,
with a total acreage of 1,933,327 acres.
of which 254.521 are improved. Oi
these farms 1,769 are owned by In
Crisp! Growing Worse.
NAPLES, July 29. The bulletin Is
sued late tonight regarding the con
dition of Signor Francesco Crispl sayi
ifce heart trouble is increasing.
Kcxj Thousands Are in El Eeno to 'Wit
cess the Great Laid Lottery,
Everyone ('"ufldent of Being a share
bolder of the Lucky Few Not as In
citing as a -Run" Applicants Bare But
One 1'ti a ore In Thirteen to Gef a I'rise
EL RENO, Okl., July 29. All is ex
pectancy tonight amor g the thousands
of homeseekers here over the grand
lottery that begins tomorrow morning.
There are 13,0u0 claims to be distrib
uted, iind so each of the lGi.8ti3 per
sons who have registered during the
last firtcen days has about one chance
in thirteen of winning. It is a long
shot, but every one apparently feels
confident of being numbered among
the luck', and in consequence the best
of good nature prevails.
While the Bccne lacks the great ex
citement of the "run" which has here
tofore been a part of other land ojx-n-ings
in this part of the country, the
last act in the throwing open to settle
ment of the Kiowa-Comanche reserva
tions will not be without life and ani
mation. The drawing will take place
in the center of the city and will be
witnessed by thousands of people. It
will be accomplished on a large plat
form in the open air, around which
the sloping hillsides form a natural
A commission appointed last week
by Secretary Hitchcock and composed
of W. A. Richards, assistant commis
sioner of the general land office, and
who has had charge of the registra
tion, D. P. Dyer of St. Ix;uis, former
United States district attorney, and
Frank Dale, ex-chief Justice of Okla-,
homa, will have the drawing in (barge.
The actual drawing will be both
novel and extremely interesting. On
the platform will be two oblong box
wheels, each fifteen feet in length, one
to hold the names of the applicants
for homesteads in the El Reno dis
trict, and the other for those of the
Lawton district. Into these wheel
will be placed envelopes containing
names of all the registered applicants.
The envelopes will have first been
brought to the. platform in packages
consecutively numbered.
A corresponding series of numbers
upon slips will be placed in another
receptacle, from which they v ill be
drawn out at random. The packa?e of
envelopes bearing the fir.t number
drawn will be the first to be placed in
the drawing bcx and well dirtributed.
when another number will Le drawn
and another package of envelopes dis
tributed, and this course wiil be con
tinued until all of the envelopes have
been placed in the box wheels, after
which the wheels will be revolved for
a sufficient length of time to insure a
thorough mixing of the envelopes.
In each wheel there are five aper
tures from which the enevlopes will
finally be drawn. Ten men for each
aperture will perform the actual draw
ing. The order in whirh they will be
gin at each wheel will be determined
by lot.
The first envelope drawn will be No.
1, which will be at once opened and
the identification slips which it con
tains will be given a corresponding
number, and the name and residence
which appear upon the slip will be
publicly announced. This course will
be pursued, numbering each envt loje
and its contents consecutively, until
twenty-five numbers have been drawn
from one box, when an equal number
will be drawn from the other box in
a similar manner. This course will be
pursued until 500 names have been
drawn from each box, when, if the
committee deem is best to do so. ar
rangements will be made for drawing
simultaneously from each box.
After the names have been drawn
and announced they will be recorded
and a notice prepared to be made to
the one whose name is drawn. The
drawing will proceed in this manner
until every envelope in both boxes has
been drawn out.
The Exposition Is Faying.
BUFFALO. July 29. President John
Q. Millburn of the Pan-American ex
position issued a statement today
which in part says: "The exposition
has been more than paying its ex
penses since the beginning of June and
has already accumulated a consider
able surplus. An attendance during
August, September and October of the
total attendance at Chicago in Octo
ber alone will pay all the obligations
of the exposition and will leave a sur
May Cans Complications.
DENVER. July 29. William Rad-
cliffe, owner of the lease on the Grand
Mesa lakes in Delta county, has been
summoned to Washington for consult
ation with the state department. This
gives an international aspect to the re
cent shooting of two men by a deputy
game warden, the burning of Rai-
cliffe's hotel and the threatened lynch
ing of the proprietor by a mob of Delta
county citizens. Radcliffe claims to
ha a subject of King Edward.