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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1901)
Tfie Pldttsmootii Journal R. MANX, W. K. FOX. I'ublishera. PLATTSMOCTII, NEBRASKA The Arkansas river is 2,10 mika long, but at various points in its course is very narrow for its length. EMM WEES No British ship is permitted to carry a deckload of timber Into a British port between the last day of October and April 16. Emile Zola has just refused an offer of $100,000 for three books. "I once walked the streets of Paris in danger of starvation." he said, "but I am not starving now at the ae of CI." Bermuda's receiving thip. the Ter ror, has been put out of commission after perhaps the me. t i:neventiul ca reer of any naval vtvsl. She was an iron floating battery built in 1656 for the Crimean war. but was sent the following year to Bcimuda without having seen service, and for forty-four years remained moored off the Naval lub there. George Gould, like his father, is a silent man. He divides his secrets with no one. Taught in a practical school, he has the ability, the wealth and the experience to develop his plans on a scale of great magnitude. It is predicted he will make a greater repu tation as a master financier than his father left, and that he will accumu late, if he has net done so already, a much larger fortune. Vice President Roosevelt recently said in an interview with the Cherokee Indians at Buffalo: "The first shot fired in Cuba was fired by a half-breed Cherokee Indian in my regiment in the first battle of Guasimas. He was wounded eight times before he gave up. and as soon as he was out of the hospital he was back in the ranks, ready for more fight. 1 had about fifty men who were either whole or part Indian in my regiment." To this. American Horse, a noted Ogalla chief, responded: "Maybe that's the reason you had the bravest regiment in the army." Accredited Russian officials have just made overtures to a Philadelphia firm to establish a plant on the line of the Trans-Siberian railway for the making of steel and the construction of cars and locomotives. A free site has been offered, lumber, coal and iron privileges are to be granted, while the government guarantees to purchase a ertain number of c3rs and locomo tives annually. The capital of $10,000. 000 Is to be raised in the United States and the original plant shipped duty free frcm American ports. This is but one of the many indications that the Russian government is willing to make any concession to those who can and will develop Siberian Industrie?. On the 14th day of November a ter rific storm wrecked twenty-one vessels in Balaclava Bay. bearing for Britain's men ammunition and warm clothing and other necessaries for the winter. which settled in with unusual severity. Through unj ardonab'e oversight the land transport brcl;e down altogether, although it was but ton miles from Balaclava to the front. Cholera, th? germs of which had bfen brought from Varna, raged in the British lines, and those who escaped it fell victims to scurvy, dysentery, or fever. With only tents for shelter and rags far c'othing. with insufficient food, and no medical comforts, the poor fellows starved and died, and retted. Between the begin ning of November and the end of Feb ruary British troops perished in hospital. On the last of th'se dat s 13. i.'S men were r-till in hospital. A swarm of bees held up th" b isino's centre of Waterbury. Conn., the othrr lay. The bees swarnud a day before the schedule date, and as thfy mad' for the business district there was great excitement. Sfre Uoois and windrws were i-lcsed and women and children screamed and fled to the s'de streets. There was a general scamper ing down South .Main street a3 the swarm descended on this thorough fare, and. although the most traveled in the city, it was bare of everything but bees in a few minutes. Electric cars and all other vehicles went into retirement, and the bees, after sting ing 50 persons, circled about the sa loons and the livery stables until they threatened to destroy all business When the excitement was at it3 hfdzht the bees, attracted by tinners repair ing a roof, made a dead set fcr ths noise, and the way the men slipp?d down the ladders would do credit to sailors. The bees sought the spcIu sfon of the housetops, where their owner, with the usual blandishments succ eeded in coaxing the bees into a big chimney. After a successful flirtation with the queen, the man loaded the swarm in big har.dfuls into the hie brought along in anticipation of success. There are five tinis as many people la the city of Chicago as there are in the whole tate of Vermont, says the Chicago Tribune. Perhaps two-thirds as many people born in Vermont live outside that state as still reside with in its borders. Vermont has been des cribed as a state composed chiefly of hills, mountains, rocks, lakes, and stone quarries. Of its farming land 200,000 acres have been abandoned by those who formerly tilled it and can '02 bought for $4 or $5 an acre. Since the war the population of the state has practically stood still. Its sturdy sons ire attracted by the great er opportu nities to get rich offered by the fer t i 1 e West and the large cities of the coun t r y. They are widely scattered all over the Union. But wherever they go the sons and daughters of Ver mont carry with them deep and abiding love for the Green Mountain States. All over the country may be found associations of the Sons and Daughters of Vermont. In the other New England states alone there are eight great societies of the kind, with an aggregate of 100,000 natives of Vermont who are eligible for member ship. So strong is the affection of the Ver- J mont man for his old home that prep arations are now under way for a great and unique celebration in honor of it. In this celebration practically the whole state of Vermont will take part, and the state legislature, by spe cial enactment, has set apart the week of Aug. 11-16 to be given up to it. In vitations bearing the great seal of the state and the signature of the governor have been sent out to tens of thou sands of natives bidding tnem come back to the Green Mountains and join with the stay-at-home population in fitting celebration of "Old ' Home Week." So general has been the re sponse to these invitations that the plans now under way provide for the entertainment of more than 100,000 re turning prodigals. Nothing could fur nish stronger proof of the fact that sentiment is still one of the ruling forces of the world. From Boston will run at least two special trains loaded with sons and daughters of Vermont. and from al most every state word has come that parties are being formed for "Old Home Week." In the mean time the present titi- as I do. bow a Vermont man can live in one of these flat prairie states." These Green Mountain boys, wbo cut such a dashing figure In the revolution, had some practice in fighting before that war began. They were busy for several years before Lexington in driv ing out the immigrants from New York, who attempted to seize their lands under a royal g r a n t. In 1S77, in fact, the people of Vermont got t o g e t h er and declared themselves a free and in depend e n t state, with out waiting to be taken into the union o r as k I n g the Bennington Monument, consent of anybody. In this exhibition o? spunk the sons of Vermout still glory. In the record of the state during the rebellion Vermont people find another cause for just pride. When Sumter was fired on Vermont had 37,000 en rolled militia. Out of this number 35,000 promptly went into the Union army. More than 5,000 were killed and as many more ruined by wounds and disease. No other state suffered so great a loss In proportion. During the whole war not a single Vermont regi ment gave up its colors in battle, and what the Vermont man did at Bull Run. Cedar Creek, the Wilderness, and Gettysburg is a part of history. Ver mont people are jealous of the repu tation of their state in producing fighting men. If you feel inclined to pity men born in a state which is sterile and inhos- ne THE ODD C0IINE& peaks more than 3,500 feet in height within the state limits and talks with a pang r;f remembered pleasure of the glories of Lake Champlain, which stretches for 118 miles in length and is fourteen miles wide. Of all the New England states Vermont is the only one entirely cut off from the sea, while at the same time its chief city, Bur lington, on Lake Champlain, has a maritime commerce employing a fleet of 1,000 vessels and amounting in the aggregate to $12,000,000 annually. Totting Warning at Sea. Twenty-five years have elapsed since Prof. Tyndall. at the Instance of the Trinity House corporation, car ried out a series of experiments at the South Foreland, near Dover, England, to determine the value of various sounds as warnings to the mariner of his approach to dangerous spots in thick weather. The result was a large increase in the number of fog signals all round the British coast. Much knowledge has been acquired and many new inventions have been made in the intervening period, and a spe cial committee of the elder brethren of the Trinity House, assisted by Lord Rayleigh and other eminent scien tists and engineers have been en gaged for some time in making elab orate tests of all the latest improve ments in the different kinds of ap paratus for making cautionary noises. The scene of their operations is the Isle of Wight. One of their chief ob jects is to determine the relative mer its of reeds and sirens as sound pro ducers. Much attention, .also, has been given to the trumpet and various modifications of that instrument. Other careful experiments are to de termine the carrying capacity, in cer tain conditions of notes of different pitch, and the effect on the dissem ination of sound of the conformation of the coast line. etc. Another point to be considered is the question of the most effective and the most economical utilization of power. New York Post. QUEER AND CURIOUS AND EVENTS. THINGS adder- Tailed Snake with Enirmoni Heads and Great Bodies Make a Small Gnlcb la Colorado Iaterettlax tor Phjslologlsta Some Strange Tree. Tbe I-anchlng PTant of Arabia. The laughing plant is a native of Central and Eastern Arabia. It gets its pitable you will do well not to waste I name, not because the plant laughs, If a load of coal is let out of doors, exposed to the weather say. for a month it loses one-third of its heat ing qua'ities. If a ton of coal is placed on the ground and left there and another ton Is placed under a shed, the latter loses about 25 per cent ot its heating force, the former about 47 per cent. Hence it ia a great saving of coal to have it in a dry place, cov ered over and on all sides. The softer the coal the more heating power it loses, because the volatile and valuable constituents undergo a slow combustion. Emerson MtMillin. the New York banker, who formerly lived in Colum bus. O.. has promised to defray the ex penses of a week in the country for 1.000 poor children of Columbus and other towns embraced in the Columbus district of the Epworth league. Harvey Schatzman. a Cincinnati man. was arrested the other day for neglecting to support his family. At the hearing it developed that he had given his wife only 74 cents for food In fifteen days. In his pocket was found $84. zens of that state are making most elaborate plans for the reception of their returning kinsfolk. In more than 100 Vermont towns and cities special and separate celebrations will be held, and every hillside in the state will echo with the strains of ""Home, Sweet Home." No matter in what hamlet or on what hillside farm a native Vermonter was born, he will be likely to find his old friends and neighbors gathered together there in reunion during the week of the Old Home celebration. At Burlington. Rutland, and other large towns of the state, which in c om parison with the groat cities of the country are mere villages, local asso ciations have been formed which will receive aad entertain as their guests the Vermont associations which are coming from distant states. Figur atively speaking, a beacon fire of wel come will be lighted on every moun tain top. To the average man the enthusiasm of the native Vermonter for the stony state which gave him birth is hard o understand. But if he asks a Vermont man to give the reasons for the faith which is in him he is likely to be as tonlsheu. "Did you ever hear of the Green Mountain boys?" he will answer. "Do you remember how Ethan Allen and eighty-three Vermont farmers sur prised the great British stronghold of Fort Ticonderoga and forced Its sur render 'in the name of the Great Je hovah and the Continental Congress'? Does Crown Point mean anything to you? Have you forgotten Bennington, where General Stark whipped the Hes sians, killing 964 out of 1.500 men, and capturing all their cannon? If you'll go down home with me in August and climb up to the top of the Benning ton Battle Monument you'll wonder, j Room Still for the German. A German consul in a western city has warned Germany that immigra tion from all parts of the fatherland to the United States should cease, be cause. h? says, the crafts and trades in these states are overcrowded, and that no German inclined to seek new fortunes can hope to grow rich in America. That consul is evidently a pessimist of an exceptionally dolo rous sort. There is still plenty of room in this wide land for additions to the host of sturdy Germans who have: prospered so well with us and who are so devoted and loyal to the spirit of liberty and true democracy which gives the keynote to our most cherished institutions. Thousands of Germauia's sons and daughters have crossed the Atlantic and have accom plished much for the advancement of what is soundest, strongest and best in the civilization and the advance ment of conditions In this continent. Intelligent Americans desire that the volume of German immigration may be Increased largely. And there is no lack of space for our German acces sions. That western consul was suf fering from indigestion or billiousness your sympathy on a Vermonter. He will tell you that Vermont produced 40,000,000 pounds a year of the best butter in the world; that one-third of all the maple sugar in America comes from Vermont groves; that the yearly hay crop of the state is valued at $12. 000,000. and that three-quarters of all the marble quarried in tne United States comes from its hillsides. He will ask whether the horsemen of the country owe anything to the Morgan, Messenger, and Black Hawk strains, and what we should do for fine wool without Vermont sheep as a founda tion for our flock3. Vermont as the first state to be ad mitted to membership with the orig inal thirteen, its admission dating from 1791. Until a few years ago nine tenths of its population was of Ameri can birth. Recently a large number of Canadian French have come into the state to work in the great factories v.hich are being built up about the water powers lor which the state is famous. 1 nese peo ple are said, as a race, to be the most prolific i n the world and there is an expecta tion that the state will, therefore in crease some what more rapidly than it has In the past. An other effort is under way to fill up the but because It is the cause of creating laughter in any one eating its seeds. The plant is of moderate size, with bright yellow flowers in clusters, and soft, velvety seed pods, each of which contains two or three seeds resembling small black beans, which, if eaten, produce effects analagous to those of laughing gas. The flavor of the seeds is somewhat like that of opium; they taste sweet, while their odor produces a sickening sensation. The seeds are pulverized and taken in small doses. Any one taking them begins to laugh loudly and boisterously, and then sings, dances, and cuts all kinds of fantastic, capers. The effects continue for about an hour. and. when the ex citment ceases, the exhausted individ ual falls into a deep sleep, on awaken ing from which he is utterly uncon scious of any such demonstrations hav ing been made by him when under the influence of the seeds of the laughing plant. EpKogue to Aiolaado. At the midnight in the silence of the sleeptime, When you set your fancies free. Will they pass to where by death, fools think, imprisoned Low he lies who once so loved you. whom you loved so, Pity me? Oh, to love so, be so loved, yet so mis taken! What had I on earth to do With the slothful, with the mawkish, the unmanly? Like the aimless, helpless, hopeless, did I drivel Being who? One vrho never turned his back, but marched breast forward. Never doubted clouds would break never dreamed, though right were worsted, wrong would triumph Moid we rail to rise, are baffled to fight better. Sleep to wake. No. at noonday in the bustle of man's worktime. Greet the unseen with a cheer! Bid him forward, breast and back as either should be. "Strive and thrive!" cry "Speed fight on, fare ever. There as here!" Robert Browning. rrotetant Show Priest Good Will. A number of Protestant citizens of Toledo. O.. believing that Rev. Edward Hannin, a Catholic priest of that city, had overworked himself in the inter ests of his parish in the erection of a new church, quietly collected $1,000 and tendered it to defray his expenses on a health trip abroad. Father Han nin declined the offer on the ground that he cannot this year sever himself from the parish interests. To I'reterte Trallln? Arbutus. In an almost despairing effort to depopulated farms with emigrants stay, the dreaded extinction of the from Sweden, but the fact that more J fragrant trailing arbutus flower, the fertile land can be secured farther Legislature of Connecticut passed west hr.s prevented any great results j law in 1893 forbidding any person to in this direction. pull up the plants by the roots on land Almost equally with its history, the I owned by another under a penalty of Vprmnnt mmi 5i lrin Qt fill rf tlifi nntnt-nl eoft . a ... w . . . a v wuv-a. u. I . V 111! L I 111 I ,,1 . GIGANTIC STONES FALLING. The great rock3 at Stonehenge, Eng land, which have puzzled archaeolo gists for centuries, are falling and most of them are now on their sides. when he sent word to Berlin that Ger mans should stay at home because his purblind vision could see no open door for newcomers here. We want more Germans. They can help us and we can help them. New York Tribune. Wonders of a Watch A ton of gold is worth 125,583. A ton of steel made up into hairsprings is worth JC 1.576,458 more than 12 times the value of pure gold. Hair spring wire weighs one-twentieth of a grain to the inch. One mile of wire weighs less than half a pound. The balance gives five vibrations to every second. 300 every minute. 18,000 every hour. 432,000 every day, and 157,680,000 every year. At each vibration it ro tates about one and a quarter times, which makes 197.100,000 revolutions every year. In order that we may bet ter understand the stupendous amount of labor performed by those tiny works, take, for illustration, a locomo tive with six driving-wheels. Let its wheels be run until they shall have given the same number of revolutions that a watch gives in one year and they will have covered a distance equal to 28 complete circuits of the earth. The circle of stones. 100 feet in diame ter, in a ditch have been attributed to the Phoenicians, Belgae, Danes. Druids and Saxons. All this a watch does without other attention than winding once every 24 hours. An Enthusiastic Alumna. Robert Edwin Bonner, editor of the New York Ledger, is one of the most enthusiastic and active sons of Prince ton university. That this fact is well known to the students was pleasingly demonstrated by an Incident which oc curred in the course of the recent com mencement week. Two students saw Mr. Bonner walking down the street, and one said warmly to the other "There goes a Princeton hero!" "What did he ever do to make him a hero? asked the second. "I don't know what he did," said the first, "and I don't care what he did. but I do know that he's still doing." It was largely ow ing to the vigorous efforts of Mr. Bon ner that the celebration of the twenty fifth anniversary of the graduation class of '76, of which he is the presi dent, broke the record. Up to this year the largest number of men who had returned to Princeton for their twen-ty-flfth anniversary was 47. but the class of '76 had 43. Ptraare Tree to Look at. Wildwood. the resort on the Jersey coast where the ceremony of casting flowers upon the sea on Memorial day, in memory of naval heroes, was In augurated, has a good reason for its name. It is located upon an island, which is separated from the main land by Grassy sound. For about two miles a grove of trees, perhaps the most remarkable in the world, fringes tha sound. The place takes its name from the trees, which have been shriveled and distorted into all kinds of fantastic shapes by the gales which swept over it from the Atlantic for centuries. The coast is completely exposed to the full sweep of the south east and northeast storms, which in the winter rage for several days at a time. Some of the trunks of the trees have twisted into numerals, let ters of the alphabet and weird forms, which give the grove the reputation of being haunted among some of the negro servants and ignorant white people who live in the locality. One tree, which must be fully 50 years old. has been bent over until it forms the figure 8. looking at it from one side, while from another point of view it is a perfect oval. From the lower left hand corner projects a branch which startlingly resembles a snake's head with the tongue sticking out. Two of the largest trees started to grow up from the ground, then changed their minds and bent downward, shaping their trunks into the form of the let ter W. Still another tree has grown in the form of the letter N, two trunks starting from the same root below ground and a third growing from one to the other in a diagonal direction. Another consists of two trunks running straight up and par allel to each other. At no less than five different points branches or stubs have grown from one trunk into the other, forming a sort of natural lad der, for a distance of thirty feet from the ground. The warm southeaster have brought nourishment to Wild wood, and vines and plants grow luxuriantly. Some of the grapevines are of mammoth size and, trailing along the ground, have run up into trees and expanded until they seem like immense boa constrictors. Even the upper branches of the trees have been twisted into curious shapes, and a number have been cut out in the form of different articles. Three of them are almost exactly the shape of a triangle, a harp and pitcher. In walking through the grove one can scarcely find a tree which has no some odd form about it. A large holly can be seen which really consists of two trunks twisted about each other. Each trunk is fully a foot in thickness and it is supposed that when young two slips were blown around in this way and have gradually grown together. The spiral separation can be traced from the roots fully forty feet from the ground. Philadelphia Record. dicate that the serpent had no ver tebrae, but only cartilage for holding Its long masj together. One oZ U9 snakes that ha been taken out has a head 33 by 36 .inches. Four pieces of the body and the head measure seren feet In length, and weigh 700 pounds. There are fragments there much great er in size, one head weighing 200 pounds, and the discoverers of the fossil remains think there are even larger specimens there. Pennsylvania Grit. A Mosqalto Excursion. The other day a small box covered with gauze and labeled "four hundred mosquitoes" was shipped from a small station in South Carolina to the Acad emy of Natural Science, at Washing ton. The insects were quite lively when they arrived, and were apparent ly in as good health as when they started on their journey.The mosqui toes are, of course, to be used in sci eatilc investigations. The Iba XI rka FUh. One of the strangest fishes in the world has been discovered near the Gilbert islands. Dr. Augustin Krae mer, a well-known scientist, obtained a few fine specimens of It during a recent fishing excursion which he took near Butaritari. ' I wanted to gtt some specimens of another curious fish, known as ika ni peka," he says, "but as I was un able I went during the full moon in a small sailboat to Makin, a coral is land, which lies east of Butaritari. and there I found a German trader and two Chinese, who in return for some medical assistance which I was able to give them were quite willing to help me in my search for strange fish. When I told them that I was looking for ika ni peka they rep'.ied that they would first have to get some bait, and to my surprise the bait which they got was this extraordinary toothed fish. "I examined it and found that it be longed to the family of th; Trichiuri- des, and that it was as thick as my arm, 75 centimeters in length, and very scaly. The most remarkable fea ture about it, however, was the fact that it had three pairs of long canine teeth in its upper jaw and one small er pair in its lower jaw." Either flying fish or crabs are used as bait for the purpose of catching them, and, when they are caught, they in turn serve as bait for catching other fish. The hooks used on such occa sions are of a primitive kind, and can be found nowhere except in the Gil bert islands. This toothed fish is only found at a great depth, and it gener ally makes its home near precipitous rocks, which it is dangerous for fish ermen to approach. VIrchow's Queer Injury. When Professor Virchow was out walking the other day he was blown by a very high wind against a tree and sustained an injury to the head. Happily, assistance was quickly ob tained and the professor, who was un able to walk further, was taken home iu a carriage and tbe requisite surgical aid rendered by his medical attendant Profesor Virchow is approaching his. 80th anniversary. Cleveland' "Ankle Hue" Cleveland is suffering from an "ankle bug," that promises to rival the "kissing bug" in evil notoriety. It is rartial to low shoes and open-work hosiery, and its bite is said to be so severe that the swelling sometimes ex tends to the knee. In some cases the victim has been crippled for a week or more. The lecal scientists have not yet discovered the insect that causes the mischief. I'aper for Secret Writing. Now an inventer proposes to make things agreeable for lovers by putting on the market a superior kind of "pa per for secret writing." as he calls it, which will be made of note size and packed in neat boxes, accompanied by the requisite envelopes. When a young lady wishes to write to her hearfs adored, and is anxious that outsiders shall not by any chance be come acquainted with the contents of her missive, she simply dips her pen n a solution of salt water, with a lit tle vinegar added, and in that harm- ess and invisible medium indites her epistle. On receiving the letter the fortunate young man resorts to the old-time expedient of holding it near the fire, and immediately the writing becomes visible, traced delicately in lines of blue. Where this new inven tion claims superiority to anything of the kind hitherto offered is in its ex treme simplicity. Also, the paper is in convenient commercial shape, and. not least important, the writing does not fade or deteriorate a common dif ficulty with most "sympathetic" man uscript. The paper Is prepared by soaking it in soluble salts and cobalt, after which the cobalt is rendered Insoluble by dipping the paper into sodium carbonate. The process is so easy that any intelligent person who chose to take the trouble might make the paper for himself, while the house hold pantry will furnish the materials for the ink off-hand. Johnson at Work Again. Racine, Wis., July 22nd: John Johnson of No. 924 Hamilton street, this city, Is a happy man. For years he has suffered with Kid ney and Urinary trouble. He was so broken down that he was forced to quit work. Everything he tried failed, till a friend of his recommended a new remedy Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Johnson used them, and the result sur prised him. He is as well as ever he was, completely cured, and working: away every day. His case is regarded by those who knew how very bad he was, as almost a miracle, and Dodd's Kidney Pills are a much talked of medicine. fir Ken C limbing at 7. Sim Martin Conway, the famous mountaineer, who has just been elected Slade professor of fine arts at Cam bridge university, England, made hi first ascent of a mountain at the age ol 7. PIso's Cure for Consumption is an Infallible medicine for couhs ami colds. N. W. bin xjlil Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17. 1900. No man e'er 'was glorious who was not laborious. nail's Catarrh Cars Is a constitutional cure. Price, 73c. An Atchison man is so economical that he will not blow the foam off his beer. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. The reign of money is here: other events will come with the years. T.Irs. Wlniown Soothing yrop. fnr children teett'nff soften the gumt, reduces iv DauiujaUon. allay pa n. cure wkidcoilc 2jC a bouitt- You cannot take the road without the end, nor the end without the road. K adder-Tailed Snakes. There is a small gulch near Flor ence, Col., which is filled with snakes great stone snakes, whose wriggling days are over prehistoric snakes with enormous heads and tails like rud ders. The Colorado State Historical society has become much interested in the discovery, and an effort will be made to secure some of the best of the strange specimens for preservation In the collection in the state capitol. The first fossil reptiles were found several months ago, and the others, more recently. The first find was a head measuring 32 by 34 Inches. It was so unmistakably the head of a fossil animal of some sort that the finders proceeded to search for the rest of the body. They found it in sections part on one side of the gulch, and part on the opposite side. The middle parts of the immense body had been swept away, doubtless by floods, and the en tire length of the snake must have been 100 feet. In circumference the largest fragment measured 34 inches. The eye-sockets are placed in the back part of the head, and the position of the head when attached to the snake's body at the well-defined place of fracture indicates that the creature had its head lifted to look behind it. perhaps for its enemies The line of the jaw is plainly marked. Its tail is shaped like a rudder, and pitched downward, which leads the discov ers of the reptile to the belief that it was a swimmer rather than a craw'er. The shape of the body Is much like that of a salmon, with the narrow edge downward. The marks on the fractured, stony edges of the body in- A Tryst. 231 A. I. Etherus St. Trollyum awoke with a start to the psychio consciousness that it was thirty-seven seconds past the lunch hour. "Quail and champagne," be mused. "or shall it be terrapin and burgun dy? Better the latter." And at the prerslng of a button, a slide opened to the right of the diaphanous couch. His eyes ran rapidly over the rows of crystal phials and transparent box es. Selecting a box labeled "terra pin." he drew a saffron soft capsule forth and swallowed it. Then, grasp ing the phial labeled "burgundy," he held it under his nose, and after a sin gle inhalation replaced box and phial. The slide slid back into place. "I suppose I should not eat so heartily." he 6ighed. taking up the wireless telephone receiver. Hello, central give me 81H2S321X Paris." (Elapse .002321 part of a sec ond.) "Ah, that you, Electra, my astral affinity my sublime twin star? I have arranged for the tryst to-night. It was impossible , to secure a not pre viously engaged trysting place with any old world romantic surroundings, even in the Himalayas or in darkest Africa;'so I have arranged to have our astral bodies meet face to face at 7:2156173S21. Mars time, at the Rock of Ages. Convenient, I hope, my soul's essence? Yes? Good-by." ALL rr-TO-l)A1E MOlSsK KEEPERS Uso Red Cross Ball Blue. It malres olotheR clean and sweet as wlien new. All grocers. The man who packs water on both shoulders is liable to stand in the mud. Ask your grocer lor DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package tor 10 cents. All other 10-cent starca con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money rerunded. EDUCATIONAL. . I'ntttnc the Flames Out. Hand grenades for putting out fires, which were common enough fifteen to twenty years ago, consisting of glas3 vessels filled with solutions of various kinds supposed to have special fire extinguishing qualities, date back to a much earlier time than is commonly supposed. Probably the earliest form consisted of a wooden vessel or barrel containing a considerable quantity of water and having in ita center a small Iron or tin case full of gunpowder. From this case a tube was filled with a composition that readily ignited. When a room was on fire one of these ma chines was thrown into it, and the powder exploding dispersed the water in the outer receptacle in every direc tion. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, Classic. Letters, Eccnom'c and History, Journalism, Art, Science, Pharmacy. Low, Civil, riechanlcal auci Electrical tn incerinjj. Architecture. Thorough Preparatory nnd Commercial Courses. Koclesiastiral students at sjwial rules. Kootna Free. Junior or Senior Year. Collosiaiov Courses. Rooms to Rent, moderate chnrtru. St. Edward's rial), for Ivor's under 13. The 58 h Year will open Septen.ter I Oth, 1 90 1 Catalogues Free. A'Jilress kfcV. A. MORKISSfcY, C S. C. President. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY Notre Dame, Indiana. Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Cross. Chartered 1855. Thorough. English and Clas ileal education. Iicg1 ular Collegiate Degrees. n In Preparatory Department students, carefully prepared for Collegiate course. Physical and Chemical Laboratories well equipped. Conservatory of Music and School of Art. (iymnaMtim under direction of graduate of Itoston Normal School of (Ijranast ics. Cataleptic free. The 47th year will open Sept. 5, l'JOl. Address DIRECTRESS CF THE ACADEMY, St. Mary's Academy, Notre Dame, Indiana. Buy cr the Maker lofrue ready. Send So stamp and we will mull you one. A THE H. D. FOLSOM ARMS CO 314 Broadway, NEW YORK. Nature's Priceless Kerned DR.O. PHELPS BROWN S PRECIOUS HERBAL OINTMENT It Cures Through the Pores AUrrMCr.0.r.Browu.W8B wajr.Kawburcll.N. Y. Rheumatism, Neural ola. Weak Back. Sprains. Burns, Sores and all Pain. c.or5alF",', u - OUCbldl drtlKtrl.t. Hi. Mr. 1C hr dor Dot M il It. vml us hl name, anil for your troumr. we will Lrnn I ICC Send You a 1 rmi I raps Ate the Chocolate. Mamma brought home a box of can dy for Harry and Mamie, and papa was present when they opened it. There was only one cream chocolate In the box, and the two youngsters at once began a dispute na to which should have it. Papa listened to them for a little while, and then settled the de pute by eating the cream chocolate himself. SCALE AUCTION SUDS enee. . IY MAIL YOUR OWN PRICE, le Pars the rrelaht, Blachaaton, 9 V. Vbcn Aasweriiri Advertisements Kindly Mention Tbis Taper. W.N. U OMAHA No. 301901 Tne UUiUS rYHtkr. ALL f.Sr f AILS. Best c oiih Syrup. Taitea ;hm. In lime. oi ri riffffm.