The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 26, 1901, Image 1
r Hsv.tdsirmiO'mtlhi JJotarim VOL. 21. NO. 30, PLATTSMOUTU, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1901. 81.00 PER YEAR. F v.. Mil. 10NGJ1LL DELP Uiij Secretary Pleased to Grant Schley's Keenest for Investigation. DEWEY AND OTHERS fOR COUNCIL V7ishes to C.ive Santiago Uflliier fairest I'osslble Hearing- Tim Order Will He tied Moon and Become Kffectlve Later. WASHINGTON, July 25. Secretary Long, In accordance with a request from Admiral Schley, advised that of ficer that he would order a court of inquiry to examine into the entire matter of Admiral Schley's course in the Santiago naval campaign. Later the secretary announced that, owing to the extremely hot weather, the -ourt would not meet until September and that he would turn over his recep tion room to the court. The secretary taid: "It is too hot now and I don't be lieve it would be comfortable for of ficers to sit in their heavy full dress uniforms during August. I issued an order some time ago dispensing witti the wearing of full dress uniforms during a court-martial, but this caso will be so important that every fori.i of official dignity will be observed, even to the guard of marines at the door. I propose to give the court th use of the large ree?ption room ad joining my office, which is a conven'--nt and commodious place." "Will the sessions of the court be open." "Unquestionably" was the em phatic reply. "I propose to make that fact very plain. It would be a great mistake to have a secret court. The country has the right to know all that transpires in the way of testimony of fered. Personally. I should be very glad to have a court composed of a large number of officers, but the naval regulations restrict me to the selec tion of three. I hope to name the. personnel of the court today and this will give the judge advocate and re corder ample time to prepare a list of witnesses who are to be summoned. This list will necessarily be quite lengthy and it will take some little time to assemble the officers here. I do not believe that the session of tls" court will be prolonged, because. I sifter all. a great deal of talk over thf Santiago campaign is like the ;enii vapor, which can be condensed in small bottle." "Will Admiral Schley be allowed to name witnesses?" "Admiral Schley." was he reply will be afforded every opportunity for the appearance of all the witnesses he may desire. He is also entitled nn der the naval regulations to be re: resented by counsel." While Secretary Long was not ask ed whether the court of inquiry woul be asked to form and submit an opin ion upon the facts disclosed bv the Investigation. It is considered quit probable that this course will be pur sued. Unless the order convening the court expressly requires this opinion to be expressed, its report must b confined to stating the facts found. Wyomlre a. a Pastor. OMAHA, July 23. R. M. Allen president of the Standard Cattle com pany of Ames. Neb., and also con nected with the beet sugar industry there, arrived in Omaha from Wyom ing. He said that pasturage there is superb and that the stockmen are taking unusual steps in order to deriv, the most benefits possible from this fact. They are buying in Nebraska all the cheap cattle and are taking them to Wyoming feeding grounds. fanner. Take Precaution. MARSHALLTOWN. la.. July 23. Representatives of seventeen Iowa and k., ... ri pnrasna canning lactones met here to discuss the situation in view of the protracted dry weather and decid ed to withdraw all price sheets un til they can ascertain the probable shortage of the season's pick. Condition of the Trmanrr. WASHINGTON. July 23. Todav's statement of the treasury balance in the general fund,' exclusive of the $130,000,000 gold reserve in the divis ion of redemption, shows: Available rash balance. J169.054.33S: gold, $97,- 401.013. Fnneral of Mm. Krucrr. PRETORIA. Tuesday. July 23. Mrs. Kruger. wife of former President Kruger of the South African republic, who died Saturday last of pneumonia, after an illness of three days, was buried here today. Hoot Speaks of the Forts. WASHINGTON. D. C. July 25. Secretary - Root speaks in high terms of the possibilities of Forts Riley and Leavenworth as posts for military in struction. He Bays Fort Riley is an excellent post for one of the big mil itary camps of instruction and ma neuvers contemplated by congress; also that troops to the present capac ity of the quarters at Jefferson bar racks and Forts Riley. Leavenworth and Sheridan will be retained. LOOKS LIKE A LONG FIGHT. Indication, that Strike in the Steel Hllla la to Be Allowed to Drift. PITTSBURG, July 24. The strike presents practically no new situation and it appears as if the contending forces are settling down to a pro tracted struggle. While the company at the Wellsville mill received the ac cession of a few men from the ranks of the strikers yesterday, the number is not yet large enough to justify the mill in starting up in full. In the meantime the Amalgamated men are keeping a constant watch on the mill and all the avenues that lead to it, Pickets have been thrown out all along the streets and at the railroad stations, so that nothing will escape the vigilance of the strikers if the company should bring any new men in. At the Dcwess-Wood mill in Mc Keesport everything is as before. From unofficial sources, believed to be conversant with the company's plans, it is said the management has no in tention of resuming the operation of the plant at present. Nevertheless the strikers are wary and evidently do not believe this because they continue to patrol the streets for the purpose of keeping their eyes on anyone going toward the mill. Pickets are lined along the streets as well as along the river front and strangers are kindly but firmly asked to show who they are and how it happens they are ir McKecfport. NEBRASKA CORN CROP. Reporter Loveland Keviens the State by Counties. United States Department of Agri culture. Nebraska Section, Climate and Crop Service of the Weather Bu reau. University of Nebraska, Lin coln. July 24. The past week has been hot and dry. The daily mean temperature has averaged 12 degrees above the normal in eastern counties and 9 degrees above in western. The maximum temperatures for the week have generally been btween 103 de grees and 110 degrees. The rainfall consisted only of a few scattered showers, with generally very light fall of rain. The past week has been a good ono for haying and threshing," but a very unfavorable one for corn. Early plant ed corn has been practically ruin ed in the southern counties. Lata corn planted is quite generally be ginning to tassel very small and is in a critical condition. In southern coun ties it has been damaged consider ably and with rain soon would pro duce only a partial cro,). In northern counties the late planted corn is in better condition, although it has suf fered considerably from drouth. In many western counties a large per centage of the oats and spring wheat has been cut for hay and in many southern couties a large portion of the oat crop will not be threshed. Fruit of ail kinds and garden vege tables have been damaged by the drouth. Apples and peaches are drop ping badly. DR. KOCH'S LATFST THEORY. Bovlue Tuberculosis Is Not Transmissible to Human System. NEW YORK, July 24-Prof. Koch of Berlin will announce, says a Herald dispatch, from his discovery that bo vine tuberculosis is not transmissible to the human system. The famous bacteriologist, in an interview, made the statement that he has demonstrat ed that meat and milk tuberculosis in fected cattle may be consumed with absolute immunity. Dr. Allen F. Haight of Chicago, the official representntive of the American Medical association, said: "If I had not heard Prof. Koch quietly an nounce his discovery in private con versation it would have seemed to me absolutely incredible. I can only say that Prof. Koch is too profound a student and has too much reputation at stake to promulgate such a proposi tion unless convinced of its soundness beyond the shadow of a doubt. If he is able to theoretically demonstrate his claim the sanitary systems of the world will be shaken to the very roots. The word revolution but faintly expresses what the discovery will pre cipitate." Ohio Hryan Democrats. CLEVELAND. July 24. At a prelim inary meeting here of the leaders of the bolt among the Bryan democrats. George A. Groot of this city has been chosen as temporary chairman of the state convention to be held at Colum bus July 31. Dr. Abner L. Davis of Findlay will be the temporary secre tary. richt to Bitter Knd. CAPETOWN. July 24. It is reported that General Delarey has informed the Klerksdorp commando that there is no longer any chance of European ntervention, and that they must fight the war out to the bitter end. Sheet Steel Goes Up. NEW YORK, July 24. The brokers and jobbers in the sheet steel and galvanized Iron trade in this city ad vanced the price of sheet steel 1 cent per pound. VI rn ill) Admiral Is Preparing to Llaka Maclay Answer for Criticisms. ASK FOR A COURT OF INQUIRY Wishes Exoneration By Fellow Officers lie fore Any Cival Action Dewey Will Have To Serve With Illm Will Prob ably lie Ramsey and Benhana Also. WASHINGTON. July 24. The Wash ington Post last night telegraphed Ad miral Schley that in an editorial it in sisted that he owed it to himself as well as to his friends to begin proceed ings against Mr. Maclay, the author of the "History of the United States Navy," to disprove the latter's charge, adding, "Will you do this? Please wire statement." Today it received the following tele gram: GREAT NECK, L. I., July 23 Edi tor Washington Post: I believe the first step should be investigation of all matter by a court, then a civil action afterwards. I am preparing to take this course. (Signed) "W. S. SCHLEY." The Post in the morning, as a result of extensive inquiries based upon the admiral's dispatch, will say in part: Admiral Schley proposes to ask an in vestigation at the hands of a naval court of inquiry and then to sue His torian Maclay for libel. His action is the sequel to the developments during the past week, when the entire country has been surprised by the publication of the unexampled abuse poured out on him in the third volume of E. S. Ma day's "History of the United States Navy," in which publication Schley is said to hnve run away in "caitiff flight" and is, in addition, denounced as a coward, a cur and a traitor. The Schley court of inquiry will un doubtedly be one of the most celebrated cases in the naval or military history of the country. The high rank of the officers involved in the controversy and the intense public feeling which has been aroused will combine to give the investigation a dramatic interest Nothing has occurred in Washington for many years that will compare with it. The appointment of the court of in quiry is expected to be made by Secre tary Long, though it would be in the power of the president to make the se lections if he chose. This is hardly likely to occur, however. Admiral Schley's letter asking for the appointment of the court will e addressed to Secretary Long, who is his immediate chief. To address the communication to the president, ignor ing Secretary Long, would not only be a breach of naval etiquette, but would be totally at variance with Schley's careful observance of punctilious pro cedure. The court, therefore, will be named by Secretary Long unless he shall prefer to refer the matter to the president. Mr. Long has already stated that ir Admiral Schley requested a court of Inquiry he would grant the request and has also expressed his willingness to personally select the court. While he has not made any statement as to its personnel, there is every reason to be lieve that he favors Admiral Dewey and Rear Admirals Ramsey and Ben- ham, the two latter being now upon the retired list. Allen In Washington. WASHINGTON, July 24. Governor Allen of Porto Rico arrived here yes terday afternoon. He came direct from Canton. Ohio, where he saw the president. The governor will now confer with state department officials, making a more detailed report on his administration than he made to the president. It is said that he may remain here until after the issue of the president's proclamation of the 25th announcing free trade with Porto Rico. The be lief is that he will then relinquish his office, in which event the nomina tion of Hon. William H. Hunt of Mon tana, at present secretary of the island, to the governorship of the island is believed to be probable. Illinois Corn Is Wilting. CHICAGO. July 24. Although the maximum temperature in Chicago yes terday was, only 8C, five more persons died from the effects of the terrific heat of Sunday. Many others over come during that day of unparalleled torridity are in a serious condition. The government thermometer regis tered 102 at Springfield. There were several prostrations and one death. Will Ifanc; to Nearest Tree. FORT . SILL, Okl., July 24. A law and order league has been organized here to suppress the dozens of crooks who have infested the country since the Kiowa-Comanche registration be ban. The organization has decided to print and distribute 1,000 handbills bearing the following: "Notice is here by served on all confidence men, pick pockets, thieves and crooks who are caught plying their vocations that they will be hanged to the nearest tree." PLANS dlULnl 0 IP IN ARMS (GAINST TOUGHS. hooting of Slayer of California Town Wakes l'p the Cltiaens. SANTA PAULA. Cai., July 23. Mayor Hugh O'Hara of this place was shot and probably fatally wounded Sunday by Charles Waxsmith, an em ploye of the Union Oil Well Supply company. Since the shooting the town has been In a state of turmoil and for a time there was prospects of a. lynching. There was a meeting of 300 angry citizens and the greatest 3xcitement prevailed. The shooting was denounced in vigorous terms and measures were taken to rid the town of objectionable characters. The shooting was the result of the mayor's effort to preserve order among per sons who insisted on fighting in the streets. Four machinists Chas. Wax smith, George Gregg, H. A. Wokley and John Bettoms, are under arrest. The men ordered the four men arrest ed for fighting with a Mexican, but before they were apprehended Wax smith secured a pistol and deliberate ly shot the mayor, who was sitting in front of his own house. BANDITS CAUSING TROUBLE. China se Troops l' liable to Cope With the Illfllt-alty. LONDON, July 23. A dispatch from Pekin says: Disaffection caused by bandetti is prevalent in thirty dis tricts in the central part of the prov ince of Chi Li. The local officials are cither disinclined or unable, with the force at their command, to sup press the troubles. Li Hung Chang, as viceroy, is too busy to attend to provincial matters. The troops sent against the bandetti showed sympathy for them, many of them having for merly been soldiers. They are better armed than the troops. In a recent conflict 100 soldiers were killed. The troops of Yuan Shih Kai. governor of Shan Tung, are the only ones that ?an be trusted to act. The result of iespatching some of them to quell the lissatisfaction is not yet known. Even if successful in one district, an up rising is likely to occur as soon as they depart for another. Complete pacification will be extremely diffi cult. Official appeals are constantly reaching Li Hung Chang. PLAINS ARE SCORCHING. So Let rp of Hrsit ..u.l Dronth In the Southwest. KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 23. At 10 o'clock this morning the weather bureau reported a temperature of 92.5 iogrees, which was equaled to that 3f yesterday. The only report of rain or a lower temperature in the southwest during :he last forty-eight hours comes from he Galveston coast, where a quarter nch of rain fell, and the prospects ire that yesterdays's record break ng heat in Missouri, Kansas and the territories will be equalled, if not ex ceeded. In Kansas City, Mo., and Kansas City, Kan., for the thirty hours up to 10 o'clock this morning there have been fifteen prostrations. Of this aumber nine resulted fatally, yester- lay and last night five in the Mis souri city and four in Kansas City, Kan. Iltmsndi Forty Thousand Dollars. FORT DODGE, July 23. Miss Lu 11a S. Pickett, an Insurance agent of his city, has brought suit against the Sioux City & Pacific railroad for $40, W0 for injuries which she alleges she received by stepping from what was a poorly lighted platform. Depositions in the case are being taken here Prominent legal talent has been se- ured and the case promises to be an interesting one. Carrie Nation Fined. TOPEKA, Kas., July 23. Mrs. Car rie Nationa was today fined $100 and given thirty days' jail sentence by Judge Hazen in the district court for disturbing the peace and dignity o" the city by a Sunday joint raid last March. There is no appeal and Mrs. Nation must serve her time in prison. Woman Badly Burned. CLINTON, July 23. Mrs. William Titus was burned, probably fatally, by the ignition and explosion of gasoline she was using in cleaning furniture. Her clothing was burned from her body and she was terribly burned on the side and back. Early Wheat Yields Well. PIERCE, Neb., July 23. Pierce coun farmers have started to harvest their wheat. They find early wheat will yield well, but that which was planted late will not yield as good. Death of a Soldier. SIOUX CITY, July 23. News has een received of the death of James P. Scheeley of Sioux City, a member of Battery A. Fifth artillery, in the Philippines. Scheeley served with the Fifty-second Iowa in the Spanish war. More Bond's Purchased. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 23. The secretary of the treasury today purchased $31,590 short term 4 per cnt bonds at $113.0465. POWERS REACH TERMS Minister Rockhill Announces An Under standing in Brief Dispatch. PAYMENT OF THE IDEMNITY A Bond Issue of Vast Proportions A Sinking Fund Will lie Provided and Each Year Amount of Interest Urows Less. WASHINGTON, July 23. The state department received a dispatch today from Commissioner Rockhill at Pekin announcing that a plan for payment of the indemnity of the powers by the Chinese government finally had oeen adopted. The amortization of the bonds to be issued will begin in 1902, and the plan contemplates the entire liquidation of both principal and interest by 1940. It is expected that China will raise 23, 000,000 taels annually. This sum is to be used to pay the interest on tho bonds and to form a sinking fund for the ultimate liquidation of the prin cipal. Sir. Rockhill's dispatch was very brief and did not go into any details. From their knowledge of the general basis upon which the ministers have been working, however, the state de partment official" have a general idea of the conclusions which have been reached. The total amount of in demnity which China will have to pay will aggregate 430,000,000 taels and bear 1 per cent annual interest. It i3 estimated that of the 23.000,000 taels which China is to pay the first year, IS 000,0'JO will be required for interest and that 50,000,000 will be applied to the sinking fund. Eeach year the interest will grow less and the amount set aside for the sinking fund will increase, so that by 1940. when the bonds are to be liquidated, the interest will be almost normal. The sources of revenue for the pay ment of indemnity as understood here are to be derived from the Gabette, or salt tax, the maritime customs and the likin tax, a portiou to be taken from each. The principal of the paymer.t of the indemnity having been determin ed upon, what remains now is to evolve a plan for the execution. This is not regarded as a serious problem. The bonds guaranteeing indemnity are to be distributed among the vari ous powers on the basis agreed upon heretofore. There will be no Interna tional guarantes, but it is expected that governments to whom the bonds are allotted will see that purchasers will be safe in their investments. State department officials apprehend that there will be no trouble upon the part of the various governments in disposing of these securities. NEBRASKA'S DAY OF PRAYER. Governor Savage Appo nts Friday for People's Supplications. LINCOLN. July 23 Governor Sav age yesterday issued the following special message to the people of the commonwealth : Executive Department, Lincoln, Neb., July 22. 'in response to impor tunities and at the earnest request of members of the ministry that a day be set apart and designated as a day upon which the people may meet in their respective houses of worship and offer up prayer to Divine Providence for relief from destructive winds and drouth, I hereby designate Friday, July 20, 1901, as said day. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand this 22nd day of July, 1901. EZRA SAVAGE, Governor. Lone Keeps Out of It. WASHINGTON. D. C. July 23. indi- Secretary Long this afternoon cated to the newspaper men who called upon him that he did not care to discuss further the revival of the Sampson-Schley controversy. He said however, that he had received a letter from Mr. Maclay, in which the author of the "Naval History of America" agreed to his (the secretary's) state ment that only the third chapter ct his book (that relating to mobiliza tion) had been placed In the secre tary's hands upon the publication of his book. Registration at El Reno. EL RENO, I. T., July 23. All pre vious records were broken here today when 14,556 persons registered. This makes a total for El Reno of 93,048. The registration for Lawton today was 2,253, making a total of 26.2S2. Grand total 119,330. llllunls Hottest In History. SPRINGFIELD. III., July 23. All heat records In Springfield were brok en yesterday, when for three hours the mercury in the government ther mometer stood at 107. Thermometer on the street level registered as high as 110 in the shade. There were sev eral prostrations. Director Guthrie of the local weather bureau states that reports from all ot? the state indi cate that corn is withhstanding tho 3 and drouth remarkably welL . DEATH OF kRL'GER'S WIFE. Former President of Sonth Africa Loses a Worthy Helpmeet. PRETORIA, July 22. Mrs. Kruger, wife of former President Kruger of the South African republic, died yes terday afternoon of pneumonia, after an illness fo three days. She was 67 years old. Mrs. Krugers long separation from her husband and combined with the death of her favorite daughter, Mrs. Smith, last week, had completely broken her spirit. Mrs. Eloff and many other members of the Kruger family were at her bed side when she passed away. LONDON, July 22. "Owing to the Sunday telegraph hours in Holland," says a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Hilversum. "Mr. Kruger was not in formed of his wife's death until the evening. The news was broken to him by Dr. lleymans and Secretary IJoes choten. Mr. Kruger, who had just re turned from Hilversum church, burst into tears and asked to be left alone. He exclaimed: 'She was a good wife. We quarrreled only once, and that was six months after we were married.' He prayed for a long t'.me and is now calmly sleeeping, his bible beside his bed. "The Transvaal and Orange Free btate flags flying above the white villa were draped and haif-masted. Shortly before the news came a crowd of coun try girls had been singing a folksong outside the villa." TELLS THE SAME HARD STORY. Weather Bureau Reports Heat Over Kn tlre Country. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 22. The weather bureau last night issued the following bulletin: Practically the entire country was covered by the hot wave today, ex cept the immediate Pacific coast and in the states of Iowa, Missouri and Il linois; nearly all high previous rec ords were exceeded. The maximum high temperature line of 100 degrees ?ncirtles the entire great corn belt. At Davenport and Dubuque, la., and at Springfield, 111., the maximum of 106 degrees has been equalled but once be- ;ore, on August 12, 151. At cnicago the maximum of 102 degrees equals the previous high record of July 10 of the present year. In the states of Iowa, Missouri and Kansas the dura tion of the present heated term is without precedent, there having been practically no interruption to temper atures of 90 degrees or over since June 18, a period of thirty-four days. On eighteen days of this period the maxi mum temperature at Kansas City was 100 degrees or more. There are as yet no indications of any relief from the abnormal heat. No rain has fallen in the corn belt for the past three days and none is in sight. It is of course probable that scattered local thunder storms, which are always accompanied by protracted periods of heat, may fall at times, but no hope can be entertained at this time of any general rains or permanent re lief. H. C. FRANKENFIELD. Forecast Official. PRAYERS RISE, PEOPLE FAST. ll Missouri Appeals to the Almighty for Rain. ST. LOUIS. July 22. Yesterday. the day that Governor Doc.ery desig nated for fasting and prayer to God that the present drouth might be broken in Missouri, all records for hot weather in St. Louis were equalled. the weather bureau thermometer on the custom house registering 106 de grees in the shade. On the streets and in exposed places, the mercury went many degrees higher The rec ord broken was that of IOC. made in the early '80s. As early lis 7 a. m.. the day gave promise of being un usually warm. At that time the ther mometer registered ninety degrees and from then on uiuil 3:30 p. m.. the mercury steadily climbed upward un der the Impulse of a sun shining from a cloudless sky. General Cnahlng Dead. WASHINGTON. July 22. Briradier General Samuel T. Cushing. U. S. A., retired, formerly commissary general of subsistence, died here. Senator Clark in Russia. ST. PETERSEN' RO. July 22. United States Senator V. A. Clark, accord ing to Novoe Vremya has joined with Kieff capitalists in establishing a cop per company having a capital of 15,000,000 roubles, Mr. Clark rupplying 12,000,000 roubles. With M. Gargelln, one of the directors, Mr. Clark 1 go ing to the government of Semipala tinsk to examine the mines there. DEAD IN A POOL OF BLOOD. Nebraska Man Meets With Foul Flay at Lns Aagflea. SAN BERNARDINO. Cal., July 22. R. G. Sines, of Winside, Neb., was found dead on a street in Los Angeles, Cal. The body was lying lace down and in a pool of blood. The neck was broken. The fact, together with the presence of a Ccep discoloration back of tho left ear. leads to the be lief that the man was the victim of footpads. OF SETTLERS Disorder and TJifetress Are Feared After Oklahoma Opening. THE DROUTH CAUSING SUE EERIVG Thousands of Campers Have hut Scanty Rrtlou More Thau One Hundred Thousand People Are Sure to Be Dis appointed. FORT SIIJ-, July 22. Disorder and distress will, it is feared, follow th actual opening of the Klowo-Comanehe reservation Augtit C. . It in estimated that fully 150,000 person will have reg istered for a chance to secure one of the 13,000 claims to be awarded by lottery when the registration booths close July 2. Thousand of perons now on the reservation, who are neither mechan ics nor artisans and who 'iaie littlo or no money, announce thir intention of settling around Lawton if they fail to win a claim. Campers who came in prairie schooners by the thousands generally brought with them provis ions sufficient only to last from five to ten days. Continued drouth ha caused the water to be restricted and for days a hot wind has blown over the prairies and the temperature has averaged over the 100 mark. With these conditions before them many are already beginning to grum ble and when this Is followed by dis appointment over failure to draw a lucky number the hope that bore many up will doubtless give way to more serious conditions. KANSAS CITY SEES NO HOTE. Nonntl Precipitation Would ot Save Farched Fields. KANSAS CITY. July 22 The heat yesterday broke all records, the tem perature at 4 p. ni. being 101. Ther mometers on the street at 11 o'clock at night recorded 93. This is the thirty second day of the hot spell and there Is no indication of a change. In Kan sas City, Kan., four deathx due to heat were reported today. Pracrs for rain 'r offered In nearly all churches In Kansas City and generally throughout Kansas. So far as heard from no rain of any consequence has fallen In any portion of the drouth belt in the past twenty four hours, and conditions everywhere have been discouraging. In normal years the rainfall between July 21 and August 15 is light and a re turn to normal precipitation woud not save the parched fields. MINISTERIALISTS SHOW GAINS Conservatives and Radicals Lose la French Elections Cooncils. PARIS. July 22. The election for the French councils general took place yesterday throughout the provinces, there being 1.455 of these department al legislators to be chosen ia as many cantons. The importance of the elections lies in the fact that they serve a weath ercock to Bhow the drift of public opinion regarding the polI:y of tho central government. Although tho Isues involved are purely local, th? voting is invariably conducted on strict party lines. Moreover, many coun cillors are also members of the senate or of the chamber of deputies; and their re-election or defeat is Indicative of'the view their constituents take of their parliamentary acts. POWERS MIST BE FIRM. Only Way to I'revent Mew Outburst of Trooble in China. TIEN TSIN, July 22. Europeans here consider that the prevention of a speedy recrudescence of the trouble de pends entirely upon the flrrrnes displayed by the powers. It is though that this fact should be recognized in Europe and tho United Spates. The general feeling in Tien Tsln Is that China is In no wise overawed or re pentant. Li Hung Chang Is reported to have adopted an offhand tone toward a member of tho provisional govern ment and to have talked confidently of oustiug the provisional government soon. The Chinese have recommended cut ting telegraph wires. t'neasiness at T'en Tsln. TIEN TSIN. July 22. Considerable uneasiness is felt here following the resumption by the Chinese of the par tial control of the city. The native are cutting the telegraph lines outside of Tien Tsin and fears of further vio- lence are entertained. Forest rires Work Havoc. DENVER, Colo., July 22. DeatriK tion by forest and prairie fires is re ported from different points In the Btate, directly attributable to the con dition of grass and timber from th long dry spell. Timber fires have b?en burning several days near Mount Ev ans, Long's Peak and on the Kenasha range. From Boca and Prowera coun ties, the center of the stock raising dis trict, come reports of destructive pra.1 lis fires. TROUBLES