The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 19, 1901, Image 6
People and T EVents President of Chile. Don Jerman Riesco. who at the elec tion in Chile on Tuesday last, re ceived a majority for president, was supported by most of the liberals and radicals and by part of the Conserva tive party. He is a relative of the re tiring president. Senor Errazuriz. Don Pedro Montt. Riesco's opponent, was supported by a majority of the conservatives, or clericals, and by part of the liberal party. Both Senor Riesco News and Views PRESIDENT RIESCO. an Senor Montt are moderate erals. lib- JVot keeping Appointment. Carelessness in keeping appoint ments Is one cf the evils of the age. Time was when it was considered a point cf honor to be exact in such matters, and the person who did not ( fulfil hi3 promises was not regarded as lit to do business with. Most men today will promise anything, and at the moment have no thought of meet ing an engagement unless it is to their own Interest to do so. Punctual men. honorable men. faithful to every trust, j pend a large part of their time wait ing for irresponsible lagards who either arrive not at all. or if they do arrive are half an hour late and full of lame excuses. These men are rob bers, stealing the time of others in ac commodating themselves TO hen Extremes Meet. Extremes met et the recent confer ring of degrees at the University of Melbourne. The duke of Cornwall and York received his D. C. L. and an engine driver in the employ of the Victorian railway department, James Horatio O'Connell. took the degrees of master cf arts and bachelor of science. O'Connell is a towering Irish-Australian giant, and he gained these aca demic distinctions by his own unaided efforts, by constant study In his leis ure hours, indomitable pluck and per severance. Indian Tries Injunction. A decidedly interesting situation is developing in Oklahoma, where the United States federal government has been planning to throw open for set tlement the lands of the Kiowa, Com anche and Apache Indians on Aug. 9. says an editorial writer in the Chicago News. As has happened heretofore when Indian lands were opened for settlement, the "boomers" in large numlx-rs have lined up along the bor der of the territory. Some of them. In their anxiety lest they be unfortunate in the distribution, have crossed the line, in spite of all restrictions, stak ing out claims which seem desirable and preparing to seize and hold them by force. To obviate this, the federal officials have arranged a novel plan of drawing lots: the man drawing the first number receiving the right to take his pick, the one drawing the next number securing second choice and so on. As there are only 13. 473 homestead claims, it was certain that many of the boomers must be disappointed and the prospects for an open clash were bright. Now, however, a new and wholly unexpected complication ap pears in the shape of a protest from poor Lo himself. The humble red man, in the person of one Lone Wolf through his attorneys, propose to plead in the courts that under the constitu tion "no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law," and that therefore the taking of the Indian's land is uncon stitutional. Whether or not Lo is a "person" is for the courts to discover, Certainly he has not always been treat ed as such, but his present attitude of resistance indicates that he may have been undergoing a process of evolution which is turning him into one. Current Topics French Canadian Aids 'Britain. Edouard Girouard has left South Africa, and is now in England for rest and change. He is one of Kitchener's 5young men." and has had charge of all the South African railways during Kitchener's campaign. Sir Edouard Is a French-Canadian, and accompanied Ixird Kitchener to the Soudan in the '80s as a subaltern in the Engineers. He is now a colonel and a K. C. M. G., EDOUARD GIROUARD. so his advancement has been almost as rapid as that of bis chief. Heath of John FisKe. A popular vote undoubtedly would have given John Fiske the foremost ly executed. His sudden death now To Christen the tSrujeton. Isabel Truxtun. a reigning beauty of Norfolk, Va.. is to christen the torpe do boat nan-ed after her illustrious an cestor. Commodore Thomas Truxton (bom 1775, died 1S22), who was voted ISABEL TRUXTON. a gold medal by Congress. Her fath er, the late William Thalbot Truxtun, U. S. N., was the grandoon or the commodore. In the daily war for supremacy now waged In Parl3 between the police and the motormea the former are constant ly devising fresh methods for catching the latter in the act of furious driving. The authorities have just made a new move by investing in a large stock of high-priced chronometers. Special po licemen have been provided with these instruments and sent to the Bols de Boulogne to watch offending automo bilists. The policeman takes up his stand on a given spot, the distance from which to another point in view has previously been accurately meas ured. cen a motorman passes the first place the policeman times him during his progress to the second, and when he reaches the latter invariably nabs him for furious driving. In nine cases out of ten the automobilist can only plead guilty when confronted by the unimpeachable evidence of his time taken on a first-class chronometer. The Counte3 of Strafford retired from society entirely on the death of Queen VIctoriak but will resume lavish entertain ment as soon as the period o f mourning is over. Her ladyship, pre vious to marrying a title, was the enormously rich widow of Samuel Colgate, a soap manufacturer o f New York. The earl was killed by a train In England and his estate went to a brother, the countess having meantime expended a large amount of money In rehabilitating the Strafford family mansions. The late Senator Villeneuve of Mon treal bequeathed $25,000 to Laval Uni versity for the founding and endow ment of a chair to be known as the .Villeneuve chair. A six months cruise will decrease the speed of the ship 15 pit cent. JOHN FISKE. place among living American histori ans. His fame grew steadily as each succeeding year added a new link to ' the elaborate series of American his tories which he had planned and part leaves that enterprise unfinished, but the portions completed are still suf ficient to give him a permanent place by the tide of Parkman, whose succes sor in many respects he was. In artis tic beauty cf diction he was not Park- man's equal, but in breadth of knowl edge, of sympathy, and of outlook he had no superior among all the his torians the nation has produced. Pro fessor Fiske was familiarizing Amer icans with the history of their coun try from the date of its discovery. He had the faculty of infusing interest into the driest periods. His historical knowledge was encyclopedic, yet with his great powers of memory he also had a rare judgment that enabled him to tell the interesting things and leave out the rest. He wrote history as a good novelist writes stories. While his work was not always free from error. it was in the main remarkably re liable. He did not aim at the bril liancy of Macaulay or Froude. but he was more just and more accurate. He did not describe the manners, customs, and conditions of the people as Mc- Master does, for the longer period of time he covered would not allow of it. His tolerant spirit, his kindly but judicial attitude, and his clear and natural English make his books de lightful reading. After Long Ser-Vice. T. S. Gold of Cornwall. Conn., has resigned as secretary of the Connecti cut state board of agriculture after a continuous service of thirt y-f our years. Mr. Gold claims that the Seckel pear is the acme of perfection in fruit, thereby challenging the old saying that "doubtless might have a better A Fossil Mine. The state of Wyoming is a geological wonderland, for. geologically speaking, it is the newest land on the continent. There are very rich fossil deposits In the state, the remains varying in size from little invertebrates to the giant dinosaurs. In the richest portion there has been established a fossil quarry, situated in the extreme southwestern part of Wyoming, near the town of Kemmerer. at the summit of a moun tain 8.200 feet above the sea level. The geological formation is known as the 'Green River Tertiary." The share here is laminated and carboniferous and some streaks are bituminous, car rying paraffin and oil in large quanti ties. The quarry is worked exclusively by hand and there are no blasting opera tions. The shale is split into slabs, broken with sledge hammers and thrown over the bank by hand. From the top of the quarry to the "floor," a few feet below, the shale contains fos sils. When the slabs containing the specimens are cut and taken out they are very moist and are dried out to about a third of their original weight before the cleaning process begins. It is difficult to clean the fossils when the shale is too dry. for it requires the utmost skill and care to clean the more delicate specimens. Knives and saws made especially for the purpose are used. A hut or cabin is situated at the foot of the mountain, more than a mile from the quarry, and the workmen bring the slabs to this place to prepare them. The specimens when they are properly cleaned are exceedingly beau tiful, the fishes with all their bones outlined being especially interesting. The Green river fishes are considered the finest specimens of fossil fishes. CAREER FOR YOUNG WOMEN. Each ghoald Fit Herself for Somtthlng a m Vocation. The strenuous life of today demands that a young woman, no less than a young man, should have definite Ijleas concerning a career, and that her edu cational work, and particularly her college training, shall be along the line of preparation for such career. At least, this is the opinion that is en tertained by the up-to-date girl and her family, and the number of young glrla who are entering the professions or fitting themselves for business life proves that the contingent of the com munlty which believes in professional or business careers for women is a large one and steadily growing. There is one woman in town a prominent worker in clubs and philanthropic as sociations who has carved out a ca reer for herself in a literary way. and is desirous and even anxious that her boys and Kirls shall have a definite life work. Three of the children have pretty well defined ideas as to wha. they desire to make their life work, including the elder girl, who is yet at college. The remaining child, the sec ond daughter, has no settled opinions as to her "career," and her mother, in discussing her children's futures with a friend, said recently, in response to her visitor's comment upon the pretti ness of this young girl: "Yes, she is pretty, but there it ends. She Is just a dear, pretty goose, without any spe cial ability or inclinations, and I sup pose she'll have to marry." The tone more than the words conveyed the Im pression that marriage was the opposite of a desirable career, and the resort only of the girl with mediocre talent, supplemented by considerable personal charm, although the woman who made the observation was the happiest of wives and has never entirely recov ered from the effects of her husband's death some years ago. Kansas City Journal. DAN DALY'S GOLF STORY. A Princess' Carrier. The first-born of the king and queen of Italy will take her outings in an II Hits Cpoo Stage Joke Not Made to Order. "Stage jokes are rarely made to or der," said Dan Daly to a writer in the New York World. "Mine turn up in all sorts of queer ways. In a barroom the other night I heard a fellow say he was going to open a saloon on Broadway. 'Who did you ever whip?' asked the bartender. The next night I worked it into 'The Girl From Up There, and it gets a bigger laugh than anything else I say. My most suc cessful stage joke the golf story came to me by accident, too. One after noon while lounging about the Casino stage I picked up a scrap of news paper that had evidently been used to wrap up something. In glancing It over I found the golf story, credited to 'Exchange. I don't even know what paper it was, as part of the page was torn off. It looked like one of those patent in. sides used in small towns. The odd thing about it all was that I was never allowed to tea tne wnoie story. You know It goes on to explain that after you hit the ball you walk a mile, and that if you find It the same day you win. At that point the audi ence thought the climax had been reached and laughed. The first time tried to finish the story, but nobody heard me and I never tried It again. It would have been useless. The story continues that if you don't find the ball the same day you send your man to look for it the next, and if he finds it he wins. After awhile I saw that the audience was right and that the story really ended better where they insist ed it should. At first, though, it mad me pretty mad." The Chicago newrpapera and the Chicago public have become greatly excited over the mysterious society known as the White Boxers. Thisorgan ization (in its secret councils) has be gun a war of conquest against the dark er races, using the "heathen Chinee" as an object of peril to the Caucasians. Iu their meetings the "Boxers" wear gowns and masks. Their organization came about as a result of the publica tion of William Roe's "Boxer Book." This book first saw the light in Chi cago and was freely distributed among people of advanced thought. It dem onstrated (to the satisfaction of the author) the fact that inasmuch as the darker races of mankind are more pro lific than the whites, the Mongolians and Africans will In time rule the earth, with the whites as slaves. It Is shown that the darker races already form by far the most numerous divis ion of the human family. It therefore advises the whites to follow up the Biblical injunction to "increase and multiply," that the ratio of increase in population over the darker races may ward off the peril. The negroes of Chicago are naturally ''''' ' ' . L - - m- - ' f- ...... . '. PROFESSOR F1NSTERBACH AND BOXER CHIEF Indignant at the proposition, and have called meetings of protest. In the meantime the Boxers are said to be increasing at a rapid rate, and the sales of the "Boxer Book" are aid to be enormous. A public meeting was held at the Chicago Auditorium Sun day, and was addressed by the chief of the Boxers, who wore gown and mask. The speaker was accompanied by two other men similarly masked and robed. After the meeting the threo disappeared through a rear door and all attempts to trace them were in vain. Their identity was a mystery to every person in the audience but one Frank Finsterbach, 3030 Archer avenue, and he refuses to divulge it. The speaker stated that the very ex istence of the white race was threat ened by the Mongolians and negroes and that unless something was done the Caucasians would be swept from the face of the earth. lie advocated war beginning first with education and ending with cannon and sword. He told of the new society formed to promote this war, and asked his hear ers to join. The only man in Chicago publicly identified with the movement who knows the Boxer leader is Mr. Finster bach. He says that among those iden tified with the Boxers is a Chicago writer who is well known and who is the author of a pamphlet containing the statement of the beliefs and prin ciples of the order. He also says a Chicago philanthro pist who is a millionaire is backing the movement financially. The order in Chicago has one secret lodge, which meets in a place unknown to all ex cept a very fw and whos head is the speaker referred to. ' In connection with the organization is a free school at the People's Insti tute, Leavitt and Van Buren streets, where children are instructed in elo cution, music, dancing and athletics. Sunday's gathering was the first public meeting of the society, but hereafter one is to be held regularly every Sunday. YOLANDA'S PERAMBULATOR. English perambulator. The baby prin cess l clanda is not to te wheeled through the parks of the imperial cas ties in an old-fashioned baby carriage. but in what is known as an imperial canoe pattern, mounted on tee springs and proof against jolting and anything that may jar the good nature of the royal infant. Princess Yolanda's perambulator was made by a London manufacturer. Its entire framework, including the wheels, is silver-plated. The body of the little vehicle is painted a pure white and the interior is lined with a rich white satin, with an elaborate awning of white corded silk, with fine lace to protest the precious occupant from the Italian sun. God made berry than the strawberry, but doubtless He never did." The Marquis of Ripon, who recently celebrated his golden wedding, has been a dairyman for years. In and about the picturesque town of Ripon. Yorkshire, may be seen milk wagons bearing his formal title, "The most noble the Marquis of Ripon." He also has a milk store in London, where country dairy products are sold. The Empress of Japan is just about a year older than the emperor, al though she seems younger. She 13 rather fine looking from a Japanese standpoint, being short and petite. She now dresses in European style, al though when first married she wore Japanese clothes and blacked her teeth. as did all good Japanese wives thirty years ago. Today her teeth are as white as those of any American beauty and her clothes are of the lat est Paris fashion. Chairman Burton and eleven mem bers of the river and harbor commit tee, after their return from Alaska, ex pect to visit the "inland empire." They will inspect the Columbia and Snake rivers from Portland, Ore., to Iewiston, Idaho. J. W. Hell, member of the Canadian lower house of parliament, suffered a paralytic stroke on July 1, and is now at death's door. He was elected to a seat in parliament from Addlngton In 1882, and with the exception of the term of 1891-6 ha3 served ever since. He is considered one of the most en ergetic and popular members of the commons. King Edward VII has accepted from Scctt Montagu, M. P.. a number of American bronze turkeys, taken to England In a wild state. They will be housed at Sandringham. Prince Ferdin and of Bulgaria, it is reported, will shortly become en gaged to Princess Junta, a younger daughter of the Prince of Monten egro, and sister of the Queen of Italy. The matchmaker in the case Is said to be the czar himself. Giants Kettles la Mlanciot. In the Interstate Park, near Taylor's Falls, Minnesota, has been discovered a singular group of "giants kettles," or potholes, covering an area of two or three acres and ranging in diameter from less than a foot to 25 feet, and in depth from one foot to 84 feet. They have been bored in exceedingly hard rock, and In many cases they are like wells in shape, the ratio of width to depth varying from one to five up to one to seven. Mr. Warren I pham ascribes their origin to torrents fall ing through glacial " moulins" at the time when the northern territory of the United States was buried under ice. As with similar pot-holes else where, rounded boulders are occasion ally found at the bottom of the cav ties. Modern Art Not Appreciate. I. Unless some very marked change comes soon in the position of affair artists will have cause to remember the present season as one of the worst on record, says a London newspaper. Not for many years have the sales at the art galleries been so disappointing A diub by a man who has been dead long enough will fetch hundreds or even thousands, while a better piece of wck by a living artist will not find a bUSSer. Earthquake Swallows a Lake. An earthquake wrecked several buildings in the town of Aulton. Mex ico, and then passed on to Zopothon, where it sported with the waters of a big lake. At first the waters seemed in a state of great agitation, and then they subsided and gradually disap peared. The earthquake had caused a fissure In the bed of the lake, and through this the lake had passed out of sight. The old court house in Williams burg. Va., where Patrick Henry made his famous speech on the stamp act, is still in existence. It is used for ju dicial purposes and every Saturday morning petty offenders are tried there. Oar Population and Great Britain's. Forty-one and one-half millions of people are now crowded into the United Kingdom, says the National Geographical Magazine: A similar density of population in the United States would mean a total population in this country, excluding the depend encies, of about one billion thirty-six millions. Carnegie Invites Johnston. John Johnston is in receipt of a per sonal letter from Andrew Carnegie, in which the multi-millionaire invites the Milwaukee Scotchman to visit him In. Scotland. Mr. Camegle writes that he will give Mr. Johnston a "genuine Highland welcome." Milwaukee Wis consin. He who would be long an old man must begin betimes. - Jtflent Multi-Millionaires. The reticence of the multi-million aires is provoking. Several of them Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan among the number, lately returned from Europe Tney had been on the ocean in close communion for the better part of week. They must have spent most of their time in discussing grave affairs of business, just as statesmen of the same party, if thrown together on steamer, would have discussed great matters of state and would have out lined a political policy for the com ing season. The "community of inter- eat" men who were together on the Deutschland must have outlined their fall campaign. What it is they will not say, but the people would like to know. Statesmen are not always taci turn. They are often willing to take the public into their confidence. It enables them to get along better than if they were resolutely silent about their plans. Often they throw out hints of what they intend to do, and if they find a cold response they change their tactics and escape mak ing a blunder. It would not be a bad idea if'the financial and industrial po tentates of today were to try this prac tice occasionally and put out feelers to find whether the community will take kindly to some grand scheme they have In mind. If the men of high finance and consolidated industry arc to continue to play the important part they have been playing of late they ought to reign like constitutional rul ers and be a little less reserved. They should be as accessible as senators, cabinet officers, and presidents, and oc casionally they should be communi cative. If they have in mind further invasions and subjugations of Euro pean Industries the people will be pleased to know it. If they are plan ning to combine more railroads and consolidate more Industries, or If they have decided that the Dingley tariff schedules can with safety be reduced or reciprocity treaties ratified, they should give the public a preparatory hint. Chicago Tribune. Lord Strathcona, who will soon visit Canada, will spend part of the fall at Invercoe House, Argyllshire, Scotland. He owns the Glencoe grouse moors and has rented several neigh boring moors besides a deer forest. Grant? Hoy hood Street heart Georgetown. O., Correspondence Mrs Lucinda Power, who died here re cently, is said to have been one of Gen eral Grant's boyhood sweethearts. When Grant was elected President he made Mrs. Power postmistress of Bartlett Bailey, a brother of Mrs. Power, to pass the examination that gave young Grant a chance to go to West Point. Mrs. Power's husband. Dr. Henry Power, died in 1858, and subsequently JJfs. Ziiiein da Power ' Georgetown, giving color to the roman tic tale. Mrs. Power was the second daughter of Dr. George B. and Jane Bailey, who were the nearest neighbors of the Grant family while residents or Georgetown. It was the failure of their three children died, leaving Mrs. Power the sole survivor of the fam ily. On the first visit General Grant made to Georgetown after his mar riage he Introduced Mrs. Power to his wife as one of his old sweethearts. That was in the summer of 1876. 4af Historic Hotel to be Torn Dobvn. ti.. f,imHiir and fixtures of the last week without reserve preparatory Bate- House at Indianapolis were sold to the destruction of the historic old building, which will now be removed to make way for a modern hotel. The old Bates will be wiped out wholly, even to its name. For fifty years the Bates was the most noted hotel In In diana, and for a long time it has been one of the most famous hotels in the country. The house was built in 1852 by Harvey Bates, Sr., in whose honor it was named. Its first cost was $60, 000, a goodly sum for an investment of this kind in a small western town. A few years later improvements and ad ditions to the cost of $75,000 were made. Under its various ownerships the hotel entertained many eminent men. Lincoln stopped there before the civil war. President Johnson spoke from its balcony, Stephen A. Douglas was a guest within its walls, and all the noted Indiana statesmen honored the hotel with their presence at one time or another. Another national event in which the Bates figured was tne fuaeral of the late Vice President ffendrieks. and to whose obsequies eminent men came from all parts of tile country.