The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1901, Image 6

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It la suggested la a recent fashion
publication that the women should
areas according to the style of face
with which nature has favored them
(or which art has manufactured for
them) in order to obtain the best re
huIU. It is held that a girl with an
"interesting Du Maurier face" should
indnige in quaint, old-fashioned hats
and bonnets, and wear the little silk
mantillas which are being revived,
they say. in Paris. Thii is all ve:y
veil iu Iheory. by rrctice is another
The woman cf the present who has
he Du Maurier type of countenance
toes not desire as a ri;I to accentuate
ia peculiarities. In fact, the Trilby
face and it appears in almost every
one of the artist's dames cf high de
gree is attractive after a certain
fashion, but is not exactly beautiful;
all the women cf the twentieth century
Intend to be beautiful if nature and
the l,eauty doctor can make them so.
Old styles are fascinating on the
jttage for there they form part of a
living picture, but in real life new
modes are best.
If last year's gown is out of date,
why should a woman deliberately seek
to array hereof in the style of a past
decade, even for the sake of being pic
turesque, even with the desire to live
up to her particular cast of counte- i
o!ice it would be a sacrifice of good
taste and good Eense to resort to an
tiquated modes when the nove'.ties dis
played are so extremely fascinating
an J beeomin?.
Athtlr Oat of Ite.
The rage for character dressing, for
lho presentation of artistic types un
der modern conditions has become an
cient history. The peiiod of aesthetics
in dress was a painful one. all things
considered, and few would care to re
vive i. Dull hues, washed out effects,
gaunt and attenuated figures, trailing
roue and picture hats characterized
this mode; Ilurne-Jones maidens and
Kate Greenaway girls, blessed damo
with flowing raiment and care
lessly flowing or loosely coiled hair
CKW-d in stained glass attitudes. "You
hold yourself like this, you ho'd your
vlf like that; you do your very best
to look both angular and flat." sang
the representative of the cult in Pa
tience" and the results for a time were
-d to contemplate.
All Cliac aod Billows.
Everything c Ings and billows, lace
and chiffon add their charm to silk and
wool, and the gown3 resulting are both
becoming and artistic. Of course
there are ome models which
display none of these attractions,
gowns which present all the defects
and few of the beauties of the present
fashions, but these fortunately are in
the minority. There are women who
must have the very limit of the mode,
women whose straight front corsets
are extremely straight, so utterly
unyielding, that all semblance of grace
of contour is lost in the uncompromis
ing stiffness, women whose hair pres
ents an abnormal spectacle of how the
crown of glory may be put to base
uses, women who abuse the good
things of the mode In the endeavor to
excite comment in the desire to out
shine others in exploiting the latest
wrinkle and the newest fad. Natur
ally such an excess of zeal defeats Its
own purpose and such women simply
exemplify thu evlla of fashion carried
beyond its legitimate limits. Well-bred
women drts within the boundaries of
erood taste, they do not seek to make
themselves conspicuous they simply
fo!lov the rational dictates of the pre
vailing fashions leaving the defects
severely alone.
TrlantnK4 Make a iw Dnw.
o'ost other dresses iepead more or
upon trimmi'iu sad extraneous
decorations for their full effect, but
the sheer white mulls, the delicate
muslins, the dainty organdies are sat
isfying In themselves. There is some
thing about the filmy whiteness that
appeals to the eyp. something about
the softness and freshness which is
more than attractive and when the
wearers are young and have at least
the beauty of youth and good health,
if loveliness of foature be lacking,
there is a charm about the whole
which is indescribable yet po
tent. I.ace is of course the
favorite trimming for "gradua
tion" frocks and not simply
Valenciennes, which used to be con
sidered the only thing suitable, but
all manner of lacy meshes, fine, coarse,
open or closely woven are In demand.
Guipure. Mechlin. Renaissance, Lux-
ueil. Russian, all appear on the rvcest
frocks and add to their beeomMguess.
Mitrtwalt at r'nl'nr.
The new shirtwaist suits are not
quite ur to the mark. Whether this is
uue to the fact that they are inexpen
sive or whether the defect lies wholly
in the making it is rather hard to say,
to far the models which have been dis
played are not attractive. The old style j
sailor blouse suit is pretty, jaunty and
becoming, but the shirtwaist suit is a
failure. Possibly this is due to the at
tempt to make a cheap costume. A
shirtwaist is the most comfortable of
garments, but it requires to be well
put together and to be worn with a
skirt which has in it the evidences of
skillful manufacture.
Unfortunately this is not the case
with the novelty in this line which has
been put upon the market, and nowa
days it is a hopeless task to try to In
terest the feminine world in inferior
and poorly made articles.
Perhaps the shirtwaist was intended
to be worn with a separate skirt per
haps it loses all its style when fitted
with a lower petticoat of similar mate
rial. The change is not a happy one,
whatever the cause may be; it is more
than probable that the separate effects
will be maintained by those who have
the best interests of the shirtwaist at
The tailors show some highly ornate
designs in outing waists while some
of the models are chic and display taste
i and ingenuity in the trimming and
j while the cut is good and the fit per
i feet, one cannot help feeling that
j much is lost in the effort to render
I dressy a garment whose principal
! charm is in its simplicity, to decorate
with embroidery and lace that which
was meant to be stitched or simply
tucked, to add external ornamentation
to the bodice whose utility and beauty
lay in its severely simple outlines.
Rtmodeli Hatlson Bay Com-
piny' TtaJlag fetation.
One of the objects of interest at
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.. Is the residence
of F. H. Clergue, that remarkable
genius who is spending millions in the
development of the Soo water power,
Mr. Clergue, fortunately for the Soo,
is something more than a money
grubber, and so when he bought the
old Hudson bay station on the Cana
dian side of the river for a millsite, he
determined to preserve all that would
be of historical Interest. In pursuance
of this idea he has rebuilt the old
blockhouse and uses It for his home.
The stone walls of the blockhouse are
those built by the Hudson Bay com
pany more than 150 years ago. The
old loopholes can be seen. The upper,
or overhanging portion of the building,
made of logs, had to be rebuilt. IU
design is as nearly like the original as
it was possible to make it. But cf
course the polished floor. Turkish
rugs, brass beds, porceUJn bath, tele
phone and other features of the in
terior are not relics of the Hudson
Bay company's period. But it is very
proper indeed, that the man who lives
in this historic structure should be
the man who is building the first rail
road to Hudson Bay. Indeed, he has
many miles of it completed and open
to traffic, and is sending the construc
tion gang into the wilderness with the
rails at the rate af half a mile a day.
Mr. Clergue was able to locate the
old stockade which surrounded the
blockhouse, and has built a handsome
wall of ribboned sandstone to mark
the line.s of the ancient compound.
Within the enclosure pet bears and
great St. Bernards disport themselves
even as they very likely did upon the
self-same spot for the pleasure of the
fur traders two centuries ago. Mr.
Clergue has also found and preserved
the first lock by which vessels were
taken past the Soo rapids. It was
built by the Hudson Bay company 150
years- ago to enable the company's bat
teaux to come down from their trading
trips along the shores of Lake Supe
rior, and was only a little fellow, its
totai length being about sixteen feet.
The honest man has got many ene
mies, because he is too frank to flatter
the hypocrites who try to swindle him
in business.
Flerpent Morgan' Line Not So Zsapcxt
lug A Repu ted.
The Leyland line of ocean steamers
by J. Pierpont Morgan for an Amer
ican syndicate is not of overshadowing
importance in the ocean trade, as
many writers have sought to convey
of late. As compared with other lines
the steamers are not imposing, while
the carrying capacity of the line ranks
but seventh. The Hamburg-American
line stands first with 202 vessels, hay
ing a tonnage of 541,083. Three Brit
ish lines, a French, an Italian and a
German line, in addition to that al
ready mentioned have more ships and
a greater tonnage than the Leyland
Of the twelve fleets that practically
monopolize the ocean traffic seven fly
the English flag. It is said that of
the 400-odd steamships of more than
5.000 tons' burden in existence, more
than 30 are under the British flag. OI
these eighteen are in the Leyland fleet
which Mr. Morgan is to control. Should
he also get possession of the Atlantic
Transport company's fleet the number
would be Increased by several first-
class ship3. two o which the Minne
haha and the Minneapolis are listed
among the half-dozen biggest ships
in the world. The gross tonnage of
the seventeen ships owned by the At
lantic Transport company is 93.741.
Six ships, including two of 13,401 tons
each, now building, will add 59.030
tons to the total capacity of this fleet.
One is surprised to find that only three
of the big trans-Atlantic passenger
carrying lines are in the li-.t cf big
fleets. It will be observedthat the
White Star line's fleet In proportion
to its tonnage is sm.II la nombtrs.
Eleven of its twenty-four steamers
have capacities of above 10,000 tons.
It owns the oceanic, the biggest steam
ship in the world, and is building the
Celtic, launched a few days ago, which
will have a gross tonnage more than
3,000 tons greater than that of the
Oceanic. Steamship men say that a
big steamship Is much more profitable
than a small one to operate, as it can
be handled by a crew much in
proportion to Its size.
Capital Ko Longer London.
bat New York.
The financial capital is no longer in
London It is in New York. No nation
ever had in its treasury so much gold
as the United States has now in its
vaults. Our exports have recently
broken all records and they are mar
velous in their totals and variety. For
a time it was only food that we sent
to other parts of the earth now Am
erican machinery and manufactures
are carrying consternation Into the
strongholds of Europe's Industries
There is something more. It is not
mere luck that has won. It is Ameri
can excellence. Take an indirect illus
tration. Germany pays about $250 a
year for each of her soldiers. Great
Britain pays about twice as much. No
other nation approaches those figures
except one. The United States pays
an average of $1,000 a year. This
means that the man is better paid, bet
ter fed, better kept. The results show
In the practical comparisons in China,
w-herc the troops of the nations came
together in actual work, great honors
came to the United States.
There was a time when the other
nations were prone to laugh at our
ways and to scoff at our pretensions
but that time has passed. We now pos
sess the greatest country on earth;
we have more railroads than the rest
of the world; and we have the money
As to politics well, what other execu
tive except the czar could take a ten
thousand mile journey without getting
outside his own bailiwick. Saturday
EfTecta of Medicine.
When we speak about driving a dis
ease out of the body, we are talking
sheer nonsense. What we can do, and
what medicine does for us. is to favor
the body's powers of resistance and re
pair. Medicines are given to aid these
powers, while in a few cases drug3 are
known which possess actual powers of
killing the germs that beset us. Qui
nine acts in malaria, for instance, be
cause it kills the germs that develop
In the blood, and other drugs which
are specifics for certain diseases prob
ably owe their action to similar pow
ers. After all, the doctor is only the
servant of nature, in that his training
teaches him to note symptoms, to
weigh the probabilities of the case, to
be on the alert to assist nature when
occasion arises and to favor in every
way the process of natural recovery.
The Scotsman.
Bareau Man an Antlior.
Frederick Emory, who has recently
become known as the author of "A
Maryland Manor," does not make a
business of writing fiction, even of the
historical sort. As chief of the bureau
of foreign commerce In the department
of state at Washington he devotes
himself to the task of selecting from
the reports of consuls of the United
States such as ought quickly to bo
spread before the business men of the
country, so they may take prompt ad
vantage of opportunities to grasp new
trade abroad. The Issue of the daily
bulletins of consular reports begun by
him has come to be regarded as Indis
pensable, and the appreciation of th
service is shown by the frequency with
which the informatlor. contained In the
billetics is. priMcd all over thi coun
try. Physical Culture for Girls.
College girls are going daft on phy
sical culture. They are adopting all
sorts of masculine sports, but they
may as well give up all hopes of gain
ing proficiency in baseball and cricket,
for the simple reason that they can't
throw. A physician, who has often been
amused at the efforts of the Brya
Mawr girls, was talking about this the
other day. "It Is a physical impos
sibility for a girl to throw strongly
and accurately, as a boy throws," he
said. "A girl throws with a rigid arm,
and it Is out of the question for her
to acquire a free movement, such as
is possible with a boy, because her col
lar bone Is larger and sets lower than
a boy's. Philadelphia Record.
It doesn't take half so long to dis
cover the humbugs of civilization as
It does to crush them. The people will
cling to their humbug3 and give you
tie cold front If you try if teach thera
evinrcon sense.
!A TillV I No Rich. No Poor.
i No Strikes m:
Republic and No Strife.
This model republic is no experi
ment, no colony scheme born of the
brain of a social reformer, but has ex
isted for over 300 years.
Within a few hours' ride of Tokyo,
the Japanese capital, there thrives a
little community who live and work
In indifference to wars and rumors of
war. Happily unconscious of the
growing importance of Japan in the
world, or of the changes taking place,
they live free from want or the fear
of want, content to remain still while
the remainder of the race is moving
on. Hashima. off the coast of Atami,
ten miles from the watering place of
that name, is a very small Island not
quite two miles long and one mile
wide. The climate is warm and soft,
and. with the scenery, is in harmony
with the conditions of the inhabitants.
Even in the coldest winter hyacinths
and azaleas in bloom can be seen dot
ting the meadows, and camelia blos
soms nod on the miniature hills. Vis
itors to Hashima are rare, but thos
who enter the island are greeted cor
dially, says the New York World. The
islanders point reverently ty an old
temple, named TenmyojI. established
by Bishop Tenkaku. to whom belongs
the honor of founding the republic
over three centuries ago. The bishop's
laws have withstood the wear and tear
of time They are based upon one fun
damental idea the common ownership
of property. In Hashima there is no
private property in land or the instru
ments of labor. No single person
owns property, but ail the members
of the community possess an equal
share. Every one receives income and
is permitted to enjoy it. All receive the
full results of their labor.together with
what nature gratuitously confers upon
them. As a result Hashima has no
rich and there were never any poor.
There is no competition and no strife.
There is no hatred, no enmity, no
jealousy. Liberty and fraternity are
not abstract theories, but facts. The
laws of Hashima are simple. There
should not be more than forty-one
house3, no matter how the population
may Increase. There are eighty acres
of cultivated land, divided into equal
portions of forty-one pieces. There is
no rice field, but potatoes and rich veg
etables are raised, with millet and
other grains that grow on dry land.
The produce is divided equally accord
ing to the individual needs, and the
Bird Dog
"Talking about bird dogs." said the
man with tne snirty eye. in me rear
seat of the trolley car and nobody had
said a word about bird dogs or any
other kind of dogs "I had the most
remarkable bird dog that ever happen
ed. I guess, when I was living out in
Santa Barbara, Cal., in '95. I don't sup
pose there ever will be the likes of that ;
dog on this earth again. I raised him j
from a pup. He was a pointer fioni '
away back. It wa3 just as natural for
that dog to flop on to his haunches
and point at a bird as it is for us hu
mans to eat things that don't agree
with us.
"He began to point before he had"
shed his milk teeth. I took him out for
a walk one day when he was only
about two months old. and it took ns
tbout four hours to get over two miles
of ground, for that dog would sit down
and point at a bird about every 10 feet
of our progrtss.
"In the course of time pointing got
to be a regular mania of that dog's,
and I couldn't take him out for exer
cise very often on account of his hab
it of lagging behind and point at feath
ered things. Took him out one after
noon when he was about a year old.
and a furniture van with a lot of pil
lows piled on top of some beds came
alone. One of the pillows was broken
at the side and a lot of feathers es
cape. That dog of mine saw the fly
ing feathers, and blame me if he didn't
sit down and point at that furniture
van. Fact.
But that wasn't the cutest thing h
A Turkish Ban
The customs authorities have pro
hibited the entry of typewriters into
Turkey, and 200 machines now in the
custom house have been ordered re
turned to the consignor. The authori
ties have taken up the peculiarly char
acteristic attitude that there Is no dis
tinct feature about typewriting by
which the authorship could be recog
nized or a person using a machine be
traced, and that, consequently, any one
is able to put In type seditious writ
ings without fear of compromising
himself. Hektographic paste and fluid
also are prohibited for similar reasons.
ine embassies are making representa
tions on the subject with the view of
inducing the Turkich government to
take up a more reasonable attitude.
A Norelty In Bridegroom.
Seven Vienna ladies, weary of Eu
rope and Western civilization, have
married seven male members of a Be
douin troupe which has been perform
ing in the Austrian capital during the
summer and autumn. Five of these ad
venturous women are spinsters and
two are widows, and they have just ac
companied their Asiatic spouses to
their native deserts and oases, where
they are to be again married after the
Arabic ceremony. The scene at the sta
tion when they took their farewell of
"Felix Austria," says the Vienna Tag
blatt, was truly astonishing. The plat
form was crowded with sympathetic
friends, the majority of whom were
women and girls, and not a few among
them expressed their envy of their sis
ters who had won such magnficent hus
bands. All the seven brides, accord
ing to the ungallant reporter, "were of
uncertain age," and, as they all had
some property, he insinuates that the
Arabs were not so much fascinated by
their beauty and youth as by their gold
and silver. The crowd of women left
on the platform as thg train steamed
surplus is exported in exchange for
rice. The allotment of imputed rice
is reserved for festal occasions, such as
the first day of the new year, or tha
15th of July, which Is the date of the
commemoration of the foundation of
the republic. If necessary, a marriage,
birth, death or some other celebration
is used for the allotment. The rice
is stored in a common granary. Farm
ing, however, is only incidental to the
more important industry of fishing.
The men are all fishermen and own
eleven boats in common. From this
source products of the sea are secured
which are estimated to bring in 3.000
yen every year. This sum is dlvid d
among the forty-one homes without
discrimination against any one. When
one of the forty-one homes meets mi -5
fortune or accident the sufferers are
taken care of by the republic. A man
capable of doing so is. in cases of mis
fortune, sometimes charged, by sre-
cial authority, with the duty of taking
charge of a Ktore. out of which he is
! Tie I'm t 1 rl r m o L- k i cmrA yrr' t until
he has recovered. Then he has to
make room for some other unfortun
ate. There are two stores owned by
the people, one for the sale of liquors
and the other for the sale of coarse
wares. These are manufactured on the
island. The people are temperate;
drunkards are an unknown quantity.
The children of the island are educat
ed at a grammar school which Is
usually in charge of a teacher from
Amishiro, the nearest village on the
opposite coast. The teacher receives
his salary chiefly In rice from the com
mon granary, and his clothes are wo
ven and made by the young women in
turn. Hashima probably enjoys the
distinction of being the only place in
the world where communism Is in op
eration, although the Hashimians
probably could not explain what is
meant by communism or any other so
ciological term.
Found In Koine.
Another piece cf the great p'an of
the City of Rome iu marble, the
"Forma I'rbis" of the time of SulpI
cius Serverus, has been discovered in
the Roman Forum, where it was used
to stop a drain. It has engraved on
it the plan of the greater part of the
Baths of Agrippa. together with the
AnimaLl's Remarkable
Feats 8k. s Related by
Relative of Anainiek.9.
ever did. The cutest thing he ever did
was one afternoon when I took him
down to the Santa Barbara beach for a
walk on the sand. I hadn't any sooner
got him down to the beach than he sat
down and began to point out to sea. I
couldn't for the life of me make out
what he was pointing at. There wasn't
a bird, not even a seagull, in sight,
But he kept right on squatting there at
the verge of the sea and pointing out
over ine water, and it ever a man was
puzzled, then I was. At first I calcu
lated that he might be mistaking the
crests of the waves for feathers, but
no, a little reflection convinced me
that he wasn't any such a fool as to
do a thing like that. Then I noticed
tint he was pointing directly at a
white ship that lay out in the harbor.
I pulled out my field glasses and took
a look f t the ship, and then the mys
tery was clear. The ship he was point
ing at was the United States man-o-war
Petrel," and then the man with
the shifty eye executed a sudden leap
and escaped from the car before his
wrathful listeners could hop on him
and maceiate him.
Odd "eatlnr I'larav
One day the gardener at the North
Creake rectory, Norfolk. Eng., hung
up his jacket in the rectory green
house. On taking it down he found
that a wren had built her nest in one
of the sleeves. The intruder seemed
quite at home in her odd nesting place,
and has been left in undisturbed pos
session. on Typewriters
out burst into tears at the departure of
the heroes of the circus. Loudon Daily
tiamhle to Sarreri Mutlr.
There is a gambling house in Phila
delphia which employs an automatic
church organ instead oi r. lookout man.
"The scheme," says the Record, "has
worked beautifully and neither the
neighbors nor the "fly cops' of the dis
trict are onto the game. Wh?n the
organ Is started, you might think in
passing the house that a prayer meet
ing or a revival service was in prog
ress behind the closed blinds, for It
plays nothing but hymns. All the
evening It switches from Nearer, My
God. to Thee, to Rock of Ages, and
then to From Greenland's Icy Moun
tains. And all the time the chips are
rattling and the 'kitty' Is growing faL
Think of raiding a joint where the or
gan was playing "Nearer, My God, to
School Statistic of Scotland
Statistics just published state that
during last year 756.338 scholars at
tended schools in ScotlaDZ, the total
amount raised from tte education rate
was 923,358, while grants from the
government amounting to 096,607
were earned by scholars. There ara
S67 evening schools in Scotland at
tended by 43,960 girls and boys, and
altogether there are 10,845 certificated
school teachers, or one for every 58
Armlrs and l.sles Soldier.
A German surgeon has in his service
an old military man who has neither
arms nor legs, and half of whose face
was carried away by a shell in the
war of 1870. He wears a metallic
mask, which has been so skillfully ad
justed to his face that he still retains
some semblance of humanity, and haa
preserved his sight.
Secretary or Male John Hay. Sprak at
Buffalo of the Mutual Helprolne of
Conn trie Kepreaented at the Pan
Amerlrso KpoHlon.
The following brilliant address was
given by Secretary of State John Hay
at a banquet given by the directors of
the Pan-American exposition to the
National Editorial Association in Buf
falo on :t recent evening, more than
one thousand being present:
"Last night as I looked from my
window at this marvelous creation.
lined in fire upon the evening sky, and
today, as I have walked through the
courts and the palaces of this incom
parable exhibition, the words of the
prophrt have been constantly in my
mind. "Your old men shall dream
dreams: your young men shall see
visions." We who are old have through
many hopeful years dreamed ibi
dream. It was noble and inspiring,
leading to earnest and uplifting labor.
And now we share with you who are
:'inR the pleasure of beholding this
-.sion, far nobler and more inspiring
than the dream. This idol of te
brothel hood of tne nations of the
western world is not a growth of yes
terday. It was hjralded when ihe
country was young by the clarion voice
of Henry Clay; it wa cherished by
Seward and Evarts, by Douglas and
by Blaine. Twelve years ago we h?U
the first reunion of the American re
publics. Much was said and done des
tined to be memorable in our history,
opening ami blazing the way. alons;
the path of peace and fraternal rela
tions. We have made steady progress,
we have grown day by day to a better
understanding, until now we are look
ing to our coining conference in the
City of Mexico, in which we have the
right to hope that with larger experi
ence and profotinder study of the great
problems before us results still more
important and beneficent will be
reached. As a means to thoie a
concrete realization of those generous
dreams which have led us thus far,
we have this grand and beautiful spec
tacle, never to be forgotten, a de'.ight
to the eyes, a comfort to every patriot
heart that, during the coming sum
mer shall make the joyous pilgrimage
to this enchanted scene, where lake
and shore and sky, the rich, bright ci.y
throbbing with vigorous life, and in
the distance the flash and roar of the
stupendous cataract, unite their varied
attractions in one charm of powerful
magic, such as the world has seldom
seen. There has been statesmen and
soldiers who have cherished the fancy
in past years of a vast American army
recruited from every country between
the Arctic and the Antarctic seas,
which should bind us together in one
immense military power, that might
overawe the older civilizations. But
this conception belongs to the past, to
an order of things that has gone, I
hope, forever by. How far more in
spiring is the thought of the results
we see here now; how much more in
keeping with the better times in whose
light we live, and the still more glori
ous future to which we look forward,
is the result we see today of the armies
of labor and Intelligence in every
country of this new world, all work
ing with one mind and one will, not to
attain an unhappy pre-eminence in the
art of destruction, but to advance in
liberal emulation in the arts which
tend to make them happier and better,
to make this long-harassed and tor
mented earth a brighter and more
blest abode for men of good will. (Ap
Our hearts have glowed within us
as we have surveyed at every turn the
evidences of theequallty and fraternity
of progress under skies so distant, un
der conditions so varying as thosa
which obtain between Alaska and Cape
Horn. I remember how, at a World's
Fair in Paris, a great writer exclaim
ed: "What a prodigious amount of
intelligence there Is in the world." We
can say. with hearts full of gratitude
and pride: How prodigious is the prog
ress of intelligence and industry in
this New World of ours.
All the triumphs of the spirit and
of the skilled hands of labor, the gar
nered treasures of science, the witch
eries of art, the spoils of earth and air
and sea are gathered here to warn, to
delight, to encourage, and reward the
ever-striving, the indomitable mind of
man. Here you have force, which en
ables men to conquer and tame the
powers of nature: wealth, not meant,
as Tennyson sang, to rest in moulded
heaps, but smlt with the free light to
melt and fatten lower lands: beauty,
not for the selfish gratification of the
few, but for the joy of the many to
fill their days with gladness and their
nights with music.
The Lady' Slipper.
The lady's slipper, known also as
the whippoorwill's shoe and the moc
casin flower, grows in deep, shady
woods, often in company with mosses,
ferns and trilliums. It is such a pret
ty flower that few people who see it
can resist the temptation to pick it,
and it is. therefore, becoming every
day more difficult to find. It has many
attractions for the bee, for it not only
provides him wit i plenty of food, but
also furnishes him with a splendid ban
quet hall. Just over the front entrance
you will see two rows of dark spots.
They are a sign that the hungry bee
can read, and they mean: "This way
to the dining room." He pushes open
the elastic sides of the doorway to
which the dots lead, and enters the
beautiful golden chamber, and when Le
has feasted he pays for his dinner on
hi3 way out by carrying on his back
some of the lady slipper's golden pol
len dust that she wants taken to one
of her neighbors. The yellow lady's
slipper blooms about the frjginnini;
of June, a little later than her elder
sister, the pink moccasin flower.
Married Colored Girl.
Fred Zegar. a white man of Belvi
dere. 111., was married to Miss Pernie
Newman, a colored girl, at the home
of the bride's tister near Belvidere,
who is also married to a white man.
. ,, i . i . . i . i
ine aisapprovai oi relatives, no en-
treated him to change his mind, had !
no effect on Zegar.
A woman may love flattery and yet ' 10, 1792. and came to this country sev
dispise an awkward flatterer. j enty-three years ago.
Slayers of There rllow Man
Are So
Alt Illiterate.
Ijacenaire, the Manfred of the gutter,
who adorned the romantic epoch, prac
ticed a poetry of aorta, professed a
philosophy of all sorts, studied for the
bar and wrote for the newspapers,
Troppmann, gifted with a superior in
telligence, shared that passion for sen
sational novels which in the days that
pass does not necessarily stigmatize
its victims as members of the criminal
conspiracy. Barre has an exception
ally distinguished career at the Lycee
at Angers; his co-mate in study and
in sin, Lebiez, was a most promising
student, the very banner of his schooL
The lively intelligence of the Abbe
Auriol seemed to justify his uncle in
educating him for a schoolmaster and
hih superficial abilities served to pass
him Into the priesthood. The Abbe
Boudes was a man of extraordinary
parts. The Abbe Bruneau was en
dowed with excellent capacity and a
thorough education. Campi had the
right by birth and education to sit at
the table of respectable people, which
wopms an equivalent for the privilege
or keeping a gig. Pranzini had travel
ed far. had an amazing facility for lan
guages, was declared to be equally pro
ficient iu Engisli. French, Italian,
Greek, Turkish. Arabic, Russian and
Hindustani. Frado was more redoubt
able, intellectually and criminally,
than either Cainpl or Pranzini. Tho
murderer of the affair at Sidi-Mabrouk
was a Quarter-Latin man of letters, a
ready quoter of Sophocles, Taine, Do
Vlgny and Senancour. The other Al
gerian murderer chronicled by Mr. Irv
ing was a talented engineer, fond of
music and a clever talker. Albert Pel,
as repulsive physically as he was re
pulsive mentally, was fond of musiu
and fond of chemistry. Vaillant was a
student of Darwin, Buchner and Her
bert Spencer. Emile Henri was intelli
gent enough to secure an exhibi
tion from the Ecole Jean Baptiste Say
and to take his degree as bachelor of
science at 16. From Irving's Studies
of French Criminals.
Machinery Here I Not Permitted to
l.t Until Out-of-Ilate.
An experienced railroad man, writes
Victor Smith in the New York Press.
has the following to say regarding
English railway methods: 'it is sin
gular, to say the least, that the Eng
lish railway managers have just dis
covered that American locomotives
consume more coal, use more oil and
require more repairs than those of
their home make. If this is a fact
it could have been demonstrated in a
trial lasting a month. Over here we
wouldn't accept an English locomotive
as a gift. It would be regarded as an
antiquated monstrosity. I fear the
British are beginning to feel a trifle
sore over America's commercial Inva
sion of all the markets of the world,
and the Midland railway people aro
trying to knock us on our locomo
tives." Continuing, the official said:
"The chairman of the Midland made
one impressive statement, namely:
'We tend our engines carefully, rest
them, clean them and do everything
to make them last.' In this country
we rest nothing, not even ourselves.
Bishop Cumberland's familiar saying,
it is better to wear out than to rust
out,' has taken hold of us, body, soul
and breeches. The Englishman rests
his hats, shoes, trousers, coats, horses,
carriages and whatever else he may
own, animate and Inanimate, A few
advanced Americans have recently
adopted the practice of 'treeing' their
shoes for a rest, and the result Is long
er wear without losing shape. Some of
our locomotives are never allowed to
cool off from one year's end to another.
Little wonder that they do not live to
be classed among the antiques."
A Bercaford Story.
A story of Lord Charle3 Beresford's
early exploits In Parliament crops up
again. An old county member, sadly
troubled by gout, made a practice of
retiring to one of the benches under
the reporters' gallery, behind the
speaker's chair. His habit was to take
off his boots, which he placed under
the bench, lie down at full length, and
doze securely under the shade of the
gallery till his rest was disturbed by
the call for a divisiou, when he would
slip on his boots. Lord Charles Beres
ford observed the place where the
honorable member had put his boots,
and when he was sound asleep took
away one. which he hid. When the
division came the victim was com
pelled to leave his seculsion and walk
into the lobby with only one boot on.
amid the roars of good-humored laugh
ter. Reward of Ooe Penny.
"Honesty is its own reward," is the
new shape in which tne proverb pre
sents itself to Harry Ils, a mason liv
ing at 67 Lower Thorn street, Reading.
Recently picking up a purse in the
street containing 320 in notes and
gold, he was going to take It to the
police station, when work was over,
but about half an hour afterwards was
adressed by a man understood to be a
commercial traveler from London, who
proved himself to be the owner. Ilea
handed over the purse, the man gavs
him a coin, and was far away before
the other could realize that ho had
been rewarded for his find wiih one
Vanishing London.
It is stated that the proprietary
rights in New Inn, Wych. street, will
be purchased for 175,000, the site of
the inn being required for carrying
out the Ixmdon County council's im
provements in the nort?i side of the
Strand, says the London Builder. Since
the destruction of Strand inn .by the
Protector Somerset, this inn Is the
onlv law seminary that has remained
in the possession of the Middle Tem
ple society. Some 300 years ago the
site of New inn was that of a travel
er's hostelry known as Our Lady's inn
from its sign of the Virgin Mary.
Laborer lOff lear Old.
Barney Morris, famous laborer, who
s employed in Prospect park. B.ook-
lyn has just ueen cpieuraujis "
hundred and ninth birthday and is to
- - tn M- fitiq six
be found attending to his duties six
days a week tne year ruuuu.
l.nvn in County Cavan, Ireland. June
. 1 TT woa