The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1901, Image 5

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    key is a fine tonic, and helps instead of harming. Such a whiskey as
our Kentucky Yellowstone for instance, will do you just as
much good as a doctor's prescription. Tf you don't how good it is
call in and try it at
Phil Thierolfs Casino
Also agent for the Celebrated Anheuser-Busch St. Louis Beers.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. July 2, 1901.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment.
Present. Turner Zink, J. W. Cox and
J. 1'. Falter, county commissioners,
and James Robertson, county clerk.
Minutes of last session read and ap
proved. Official lond of Jos. Graham, justice
of the peace, Avnea precinct, was ap
proved. The following claims were; allowed
on general fund:
Turner Zink. salary and expenses 3.tW
J. W. Cox. salary and exienses 3.S)
J. P. Falter, salary and expenses 3"-i
G. E-TowL printing -
.1. A. Clements, printing 2.K
.1. K. Keltbley. printing '".-
.1. K. Keithley. printing 2.UU
W. C. Smith, salary and expenses I0i23
James Kohertsou. salary and expenses. 1H0.J4
County Judj;e. piistace stamps 11.15
A. C. Carey, salary Vi.OU
B. J. Hempel. salary M.00
K. F nilton. work u0
Mrs. K. K. Yinler. fare of poor 10.00
Mrs. Dora Flesliinan. cure of poor Is.iiO
Sattler Furniture Co.. Iurial .f pauper. :t7.31
Neb. City News, uidse to county 3.u..
Jones A. Mazowan. team to commis
F.liinfrer Hardware I-".. mil: to county 2.00
riallsui.MUli Tel. Co.. rents l'J.15
J. L- Koot. salary, etc. 25K.5
J. K. IX-nson. serving papers 4.45
J. I. McBride. Iwilliff certiorate 14.00
W. H. Khoads. work 1.20
A. Helps, mdse to county 8.60
Louis Ut tnat. bill, on contract iT.50
Holme Jt Anderson, mdse to poor 30.02
McKinnon ic Chevront mdse to poor. . . 10.0U
Wurl A Coffey. mds to poor 14.0U
J. J. Svotfoda. tnds' to jMr .00
S. Mathews, rent to pauper ..
Journal Co.. printing 1.3ft
Tribune Co.. printing -a"
C. II. Smith, postal cards 10.10
S. It. Funk. svr inif papers I.43
.1. I Badjrley. serving papers
Ij. Shuton. cutting hay ".ou
H. J. Robinson & Co.. mdse 1.5'i
I. A. Jacobson. mdse 5.00
Bichey & IMckson. mdse 2t.'.."5
State Journal Co- lr.dse 4ii.30
A. W. At wood, mdse 2.73
X. H. Wilkinson, mdse lu.u
A. H. Weckbach & Co.. mds- 21.T5
Win. E. Coolidjre. salary to July 1st 300.00
W. D. Wheeler, iruard at jail
Cieo. Houseworth, fees 21.80
.1. D. McBride. boarding prisoners 41.25
i. w. Thomas, work .43
Austin Weston Co.. mdse tU.OO
J. K. Sheely & Co.. building bridges 6.220.21
Board adjourned to meet July 16th,
Deputy Clerk Coolidge Resigns.
Wm. E. Coolidge, for the past live
and a half years deputy county clerk,
has resigned his position and will re
move to the Black Hills, where he will
become associated with his brother
Harry in the hardware business at
During the time Mr. Coolidge has
been in the county clerk's office he has
made many friends by his atten
tive and accommodating manner of
attending to the business of the onice,
and he has been quite frequently men
tioned of late as the probable nomi
nee on the republican ticket for
county clerk this fall.
He has disposed of his residence
property on Marble street to Joe Pe
ters, the consideration being .soo.
Save ice and money by buying the
world famous Challenge Iceberg Re
frigerators. There are others, but
none equal to this one sold and war
ranted by the Sattler Furniture Co.,
the big store on Sixth street.
Morgan, the Leading Cloth
502 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Is cheapest in the end. Poor
whiskey is not only disagree
able to the taste, but un
doubtedly injurious to the
stomach. A little good whis
Charges Against O'Brien.
The Lincoln News says: Charges
of an unknown nature, sufficient, it is
said, if true, to warrant his removal,
have been tiled with the governor
against Superintendent AV. J.O'Krien
of the state tish hatchery.
Just what those charges arc is a se
cret, locked up in in the breasts of
Governor Savage. Mr. O'Kricn and the
men who made them. The governor
decljnes to say what the charges are
and who made them, and Mr. O'Brien
is not here to tell.
A hearing was slated to be had on
Tuesday, but the parties making the
charges were unable to le present on
that date, and hearing was postponed
until July nth.
Mr. O'Brien's brother, M. E.
O'Brien, was superintendent for a
number of years, and was succeeded
by himself. Henry Hemple preferred
charges against him and endeavored
to get the place w hen he w as removed,
but a democrat from Omaha was
named by (iovernor Poynter. I'nder
the new game and tish law the go
ernor has sole jurisdiVt ion.
For sale or exchange for eastern
Nebraska lands. - ranches: all sizes.
If. 15. Windham,
Plattsmouth. Neb.
May Lose a Leg.
A little less than a month ago En
gineer F. W. Smith of the Hurlinoton
was bitten on Lis right leg by a dog.
The wound has become so serious that
amputation may liecoine necessary.
For more than a week after the occur
rence the engineer remained at his
post, although he was very lame, and
moved around w ith much difficulty.
Finally, he had to give up, and has
since t'en confined to his home at
Lincoln, while the wound has liecome
The biting happened at (Jibson.
Smith was on his way from his train
to a dining hall patronized by railroad
men, when he was beset by a dog,
entirely without provocation. With
one snap of his jaws the beast seized
Mr. Smith just below the knee and
stubbornly refused to release him. it
was onry by the application of a club
that the animal was persuaded to
desist. For fear of a worse lacera
tion Smith did not try to tear away
from the dog, but waited until he was
rescued by men with clubs. It was a
deep and jagged wound, but at the
time the engineer did not look to have
anv trouble with it.
Prisoner Is Pardoned.
Benjamin J. Valek. sentenced to
imprisonment in the penitentiary for
seven years for perjury, under extenu
ating circumstances, was married to
Maria Illavaty, a Bohemian widow,
living at Dawson, Nebraska. on .Mon-
j day, in the governor's ofTVe. Immed
iately after the marriage (iovernor
Savage commuted the sentence of the
prisoner to one year and five months,
which time he had already served, al
lowing him his liberty at once. The
commutation was granted on the ex
press condition that the prisoner, who
has been out on parole, would return
and marry the widow, who possesses
some $40,000 worth of realty.
Tis Well
to Study
Summer Styles and Values in Clo
thing before you invest your
money. We offer you
Cool Comfort
Zero Prices
In Summer Clothing. They were
designed to make such weath as this
endurable. We want the man who
is hard to please to come and
Will Retire From Business.
Joe Klein has been appointed a gen
eral agent for the Equitable Life As
surance society of the United States,
with territory covering Nebraska and
the Black Hills, and while he will con
tinue his residence in Plattsmouth,his
duties will require him to travel al
most constantly.
Owing to the fact that his absence
from the city will not allow him tode
vote the necessary time to his gents'
furnishing goods business, he has de
cided to dispose of his stock of goods
at auction, and retire from business.
He has arranged for daily auction
sales, commencing Saturday morning
and continuing until all the goods
have been disposed of.
Mr. Klein has been engaged in the
clothing and furnishing business in
Plattsmouth for a dozen years past,
and enjoyed quite an extensive trade.
During the past six months he has
been a local agent for the Equitable
company, and has met with good suc
cess, writing considerable business in
Cass and Otoe counties. His Platts
mouth friends wish him all kinds of
success in his new field.
Log Rolling Date Changed.
The date of the Cass county log roll
ing, to be held at Louisville this year,
has been changed from Sept. 11th to
Sept. 18th. The change in the date is
made to accommodate people from
Plattsmouth who would like to at
tend, and as the 11th will be B. & M.
pay day, many of the shop men and
businessmen could not conveniently
get away on that date. ,
The B. & M. band has lost one of its
best members in the departure from!
the city of W. L. Maiden, cornetist. i
Mr. Maiden goes to (Slenwoid. where!
he will be employed at the state insti-
tut ion for feeble minded.
Hot Weather Necessities
We are Making Reductions in all Departments.
What we have left of Duck
Skirts go for
Linen Color Crash Skirts,
regular price $1.50
Black Mercerized Under
Skirts go for
Genuine Linen Skirts
We have decided to reduce the stock in our Shoe Department very materially and
original cost is no object at this sale. We have not space enough to
mention half the bargains we have in stock.
Child's Slippers from 39c Ladies' Slippers from 50c
A job lot of Ladies' Slippers go for 25c.
Fine Silk Vesting Top Kid Ladies' Shoe, in Tan or Black, go for SI. 25.
Compliments Our Band.
The Lincoln Blizzard says: The B.
& M. enginemen celebrated the
4th at Lincoln Park in good style.
There were all kinds of amusements,)
including horse, bicycle and automo-1
bile races Music was furnished by
the Plattsmouth and McCook bands.
The McCook band was long on uni
formswhite pants and gay coats
but it remained for the Plattsmouth
boys to furnish the music. The Platts
mouth boys are all right, and it's play
for them to play. With them music
seems to roll out as easy and smooth
as a drop of oil spreads over the sur
face of a placid pool of water.
The only deficit the Blizzard noticed
in the Plattsmouth aggregation, Frank
Ballance could not "balance" his
basso drumo very well and called Clar
ley Sullivan to his assistance. It is
needless to remark that both the boys
were beastly sober at the time.
Drum Major Saunders did the artis
tic act very artistically. He does not
possess the physique of our own fiild
erslecve, but he has the action and the
tactics down to a nicety. The Platts
mouth band did credit to itself and
its home during its visit to Lincoln.
Teachers' Examination.
A special examination for teachers
will be held in the high school room at
Weeping Water on Wednesday and
Thursday, July 17 and 18, beginning at
8 o'clock a. m. Students desiring to
take the eighth grade examination
may do so at the same time. Teachers
and pupils will please begin the work
the first day, and complete as soon as
W. C. Smith, County Supt.
Mrs. Wm. Holtschneideranddaugh
ter. Miss Anna Schaeffer, have been
visiting with Plattsmouth friends for
a few days this week. They live at
Harlan, Iowa, where they conduct a
Not Heathen China, but tine
Chinaware, Cut Glass and Sil
verware appropriate for wed
ding and birthday presents and
anniversary gifts.
Win the everlasting regard
of your relatives and friends by
dropping into
and selectingsomething from his
of fine Wares in this line.
Snyder & Co.,
Sbc 3cvclcrs,
Boeck Block, 6th & lain Sts.,
Summer Rates Reduced.
From August 1st to 10th. inclusive,
the Burlington will sell round trip
tickets at the following rat es:
Denver !
Colorado Springs. 1.1
Pueblo 15!
(Jlenwood Springs 2" !
Ogdeu .Jo;
Salt, fike :;
For information concerning these;
rates, etc., call on lcal agent B. & M. j
or address J. Francis, general assen- j
ger agent, Omaha. Neb. j
Our 25c
Our 20c
SI. 19
Wrappers, a Full Sweep, 79c
J. K. Pollock is Injured.
From information received from
Dead wood papers it is learned that J.
K. Pollock, formerly of this city, was
the victim of a somewhat painful ac
cident, which may result in giving him
a change of facial features. Jim and
Charles Vallery wereoutdriving.when
the kingbolt of the rig broke, allow
ing the front wheels to be pulled out
from under the bed, causing the occu
pants to pitch forward. At the time
of the accident Jim was holding a gun
and in falling the hammer of the gun
came in contact with his nose in such
manner to severely injure that facial
organ. He is now at the Ieadwood
hospital for treatment. Vallery was
knocked senseless, but sustained no
serious injury.
S VV w W
..Fred Krug Beer..
Vino IViiics, Whiskies ami
('it nrs.
Best place in the for
Fancy and Mixed Drinks.
C. If. Thompson's
Sample Boom,
Weber Block, Main Street,
Drop in and get acquainted.
Joe Brodback Fined.
The feud which has existed for some
time past betw een Joe and Mike Brod
back and Max Pries has been renew ed,
and another added to the long list of
personal encounters between the par
ties, who live at Cedar Creek, where
they are employed in the quarries.
Joe and Mike were arrested on com
plaint of Pries, charged with assault
and brought before Justice M.Archer
for trial. Joe admitted having given
Max a punch in the nose without just
provocation, entered a plea of guilty,
and was lined $10 and cost a total of
$19 which he paid. Mike plead not
guilty, and his trial was set for Satur-da3-,
but on Wednesday an amicable
adjustment of the matter was ar
ranged and the charge against him
dismissed. All of the parties prom
ised henceforth to be good, and to live
in peace and harmony.
Expensive Fireworks.
It cost Henry Hoggett about $30 to
celebrate. Henry is original and when
he does a thing, wants to do it proper.
He stood at the foot of the steps in the
basement at the rear of the City Na
tional bank, lit the fuse to a stick of
dynamite, and tossed it out into the
street. The report had the effect of
draw ing about 200 people around the
spot, where they beheld about fifteen
broken window lights alxjve and lw
low, in the building. Henry said he
"didn't think the blamed thing would
do it." The report exceeded anything
heard here since the cannonading at
the last (i. A. B. reunion. -Weeping
Water Bepublican.
iKtuglas Shiun has removed bis
household goods and slock of confec
tionery, etc., to Nebraska ('it v, where
he will engage in business of a similar
niture. excepting that the restaurant
feature will be discontinued.
Wash Goods
Dimities now . .
Dimities now...
Real Mercerized Satins. nOe
kind, go for 39c
Heal Mercerized Satins. 35c
kind, go for 29c
fejf'Goods in this department all re
duced in the same proportion.
Death of Isaac Julyan.
Isaac Julyan died suddenly early
Thursday morning of apoplexy. Mr.
Ju'yan arose about 11 o'clock Wednes
day night and sat down near the door.
The next morning when Mrs. Julyan
awoke she found her husband lying on
the Moor, and, thinking he was asleep,
did not disturb him.
Soon after breakfast, Mrs. Julyan
called on a neighbor and informed her
that her husband was lying on the
floor and refused to talk. Dr. Cummins
was quickly summoned, but the physi
ciaa could do nothing, as he had ap
parently been dead for several hours.
Apoplexy is thought to have been tde
cause of his death.
Deceased was about seventy years or
age, and had resided in this city for
seventeen years. He resided on Elm,
between Jth and 10th streets. His
wife, one son and two daughters are
left behind.
Funeral services wil be held from
the late home at 0 o'clock tomorrow
Car of Horses Burned.
A car containing twenty seven head
of horses, attached to train No. 70,
east-bound, Thursday afternoon, was
discovered to be on fire just before the
train reached the city. All haste was
made to cut the car out of the train,
'but the lire had made such headway
i that most of the horses were dead be
j fore the tire was discovered. Several
j horses were gotten out alive, although
! burned somew hat.and an effort made to
save thein. Later on they were con
s dered hopeless, and were shot to put
an end to their sufferings.
Cold stuff for warm weather. The
fine, clear blocks of ice you can get
from McMaken, the ice man. Buy a
book, and save money on your ice bills.
If there's a place in town where la
dies feel satisfied that the style and
assortment of spring hats is all they
can ask, it's at Mrs. Manspeaker's.
Gering & Go's Bargains
Twenty-four Sheets of Paper
Twenty-four Envelopes, 5c
Two Hundred Best Matches, 1c
Wall Paper,
Ice Cream Soda Water, 5 Cts.
Our Famous Birch Beer, 5 Cts.
About Town.
Hammocks at LehnhorTs, ;Vk- up.
Dr. W. B. Elster, Dentist. Water
man Block.
Buy your hammocks at Iv hnliofT's
Ixtok store, .ic up.
J. A. Clements, of the Lea'ler-l-Vho
at Kim wood, was in town Tuevkn.
.Miss Anna Miller of MarsliulltovMi.
Iowa, is the gi.est of Miss Bose Win
teisteen. J. L. Polk of (ir"i wood, and O. B.
I'o'.U, of Lincoln, were in town on
Mr. A. W. AtwoH returned home
Wednesday from a visit with relatives
at Jacksonville, HI.
George B. Lehnhoff's lxok store is
headquarters for all kinds of ham
mocks, from "jiV up.
A Mrs. Velik was lined 1 and costs
by Judge Archer in police court for
using abusive language.
We call for and repair all kinds of
furniture. Callusup. Our telephone
is 1.57. Sattler Furniture Co.
Mr. and Mrs. ('. W. Grassmaii and
children returned home on Mnnlav
from a week's visit at Denver.
Kvery democrat in the county can
get new subscribers to t lie Journal if
bur asks his neighUir.s about it.
Thomas J. Thomas has gone to At
chison, Kas to undergo treatment for
a cancerous growth on his lower lip.
Lloyd Wilson has gone to Omaha,
where he will continue his employ,
ment by the Nebraska Telephone Co
Fok Sai.k Two Jersey cows, will be
fresh in two weeks. Inquire of Nor
man Slocom. two mile, south of My
nard. When you get warmed upnicclyjust
call up P.atls. Tel. 72-7:;, Neb. 72. and
get bl.K-k of COLD K the
Judge A. W. ('rites has leen ap
pointed a memlicr of the Nebraska
land transfer commission by the su
preme court .
We take especial care in repairing
watches. Let us repair your watch.
We can please you. .1. W. Crabill,
Union block.
You are looking tor a I'hoenlx &
Northern tire policy. A. W. White
will write it. He is sole agent for
Cass county.
County Clerk Jas. Uohertson has ap
pointed Clyde Met 'lain, of Louisville,
deputy county clerk, vice W. R Cool
idge, resigned.
Congressman Burkcttand daughter
Josephine were in the city for a few
hours Wednesday, while enroute home
from (ilcnwood.
Henry Kauble has gone to Omaha,
where he will be chief engineer of the
soda fountain in Sherman & McCon
nell's drug store.
C. D. Cummins expects to leave on
August 2d for his new location at
Law ton, Oklahoma, a place six miles
south of Ft. Sill
Jacob Tritsch was in town bright
ami early Wednesday morning to meet
Mrs. Tritsch. who was returning from
a visit to Illinois.
Auction Auction
Comprising all Kinds of Underwear, Shirts. Hats,
Caps. Hosiery. Umbrellas. Satchels. Etc.
Will be sold at Auction regardless of value. Remember, this is h
brand new stock, the oldest article bought only last fall, and con
tains not a cent's worth of shelf-worn stock. This will afford you
nn opportunity to buy first class goods at your own prices.
Sale Commences Saturday, July 13
And will Continue Every Day and Evening until sold out.
single roll, 4c
Telegraphic reports in Monday's pa
pers state that William Chandler of
! Plattsmouth has been granted a pen
' sion of $8 a month.
Kd. Crassinann has terminated his
connection with Israel Pearlman's
turniture store, ami will probably go
! to work at the shops.
I'rof. ii. W. Noble, represent ing the
New Kuifland Mutual insurance com
pan.v, with headquarters at Omaha,
i was in town Tuesday.
Judge A. W. Crites, of Chadron, ar
rived in the city Sunday evening,
called here bv the serious illness of his
father, Joseph Crites.
Word was received here on Monday
evening to the effect that the infant
child of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Becker
had died at Kingfisher, Okla.
Herman Toeketer, who sustained a
broken ankle a month ago, caused by
a fall from a scaffold, has recovered
Rurtieiently to be out on crutches.
Flor de Aya, Red Axe, Acorns-ask
! for one of these brands when you want
a smoke, and learn for yourself that
' the cigars of Ptak & Bajeck are eoual
, to any.
If there is one store in Plattsmouth
that makes you want to buy every
thing they have it's that of the Sattler
Furniture Co. the big store on sixth
st rect.
Tommy Beverage has tx-en a so
journer in the city bastile for the past
few days, doing penance to the extent
of 1 and costs for being unduly intox
icated. Don't forget that Ptak & Bajeck are
manufacturers of several lines of fine
cigars, which have just been put upon
the market. Try them for a tine,
sweet smoke.
W. D. Hartwell, state bank exam
iner, was in town today, making his
regular tour examining banks, and was
looking through the hooks of the Bank
of Cass County.
Elegant? Well, I should say! That's
what every one says of the line of
baby carriages, go-carts and sleepers
at the Sattler Furniture Co.'s big
store on Sixth street.
Hans Westgaard, western traveling
agent for the International Naviga
tion Company, with headquarters at
Chicago, was in town on Monday, in
the interest of his company.
We are short the issue of June 14 U
complete our files of the Journal, and
anyone having acopy of that date will
confer a great favor and be duly re
warded by leaving the same at this
The case of Margaret Bnrnemeier
vs. Aerman liorneman and Julius
Langhorst, growing out of a land deal,
was on trial in Judge Douglass' court
Wednesday and Thursday. The case
was tried to a jury, which was unable
to agree.
Wrm. Delles Denier, of Kim wood,
was in town Tuesday and Wednesday
on business. He had a rather amus
ing experience in reaching here, hav
ing been down to Nehiaska City and
hoarding the train there for thk
place, he proceeded to go to sleep, and
when awakened he found himself in