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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1901)
Commoner Extracts From W. -t4-m--:-:--:--;-m:: A Qnmtlun of Expediency. The Boston Transcript - says that there can be -'neither escape from nor evasion of the conclusion that under authority of the Porto Itican decision congress can maintain a colonial sys tem." Then the Tran script t.ays: "Today there maybe a disposition in some quarters to say that the people will not acquiesce in the supreme court's decision any more than it ac eepted the Dred Scott judgment as final, but that disposition will pass away. It is but the ebullition of a heated moment. The people will ac cept, if for no other reason than it will we the vast moral distinction )etwcen the case of Drcd Scott and that of Porto Hico. The former was in its essence a ease of morals: the Porto Kieo tariff is in its essence simply a question of ex-IH-diency." It is f-trange that such a statement as this should Ik made by a newspaper printed in the shadow of Hunker Hill monument, and within the sound of the waves that dash against the harlxr made, famous by the I lost on Tea Party. There is no "vast moral distinction lctwecn the case of Dred Scott and that of Porto Kieo." At the time of the Dred Scott de cision slavery was an institution reeogj nized by our constitution. Dred Scott was a slave who sued in the federal courts for freedom. He was put out of court on the ground that although h' bad been taken into territory covered by the Missouri Compromise, he was yet a slave and therefore not a citizen and having- no standing1 in the federal court. At the very time that the supreme court denied to Dred Scott the right to sue for his freedom there were then in the southern states at least 3.000.000 human beings in slavery and not one of these would have the legal right to jue for his freedom. If the Dred Scott matter was purely a moral one then how did it happen that no proceeding was taken in behalf of the 3,000.000 slaves? The reason was that however immoral the institution might have been, slavery in certain states had a recognized legal standing. In the Dred Scott case. then, a purely legal question was presented to the court. In giving its sanction to the slavery of this human Wing the supreme court had at least the excuse that slavery was recognized by our constitution and our laws, however inconsistent it may have been with our declaration of in dependence. In tiie Porto Kican case was involved the right of taxation explicitly fordid en ry tne constitution, it a case were presented involving the proposition that a tariff duty le levied on goods going to and coming from the state of Massachusetts, the Boston Transcript would very readily recognize that great moral as well as legal question was involved in the proposition. Such a tariff would le illegal because ex pressly prohibited by the constitution. Such a tariff would le immoral because every section of our union is entitled to equal opportunities and equal privi leges with every other section. As the I tost on Transcript says of the Porto Kican tariff, so the slave owners of the Dretl Scott period said of that case it was "a question of expediency." Lvery public wrong sought to be per petrated under conditions where fund amental law must le violated has b-en excused on the ground that it was sim ply "a question of expediency." Itoth the Dred Scott and the Porto Kican cases were cases of law. The element of immorality enters in both. it is true. Itut the Porto Kican case has the advantagelthat the immorality sought to le accomplished under the guise of a statute is forbidden bv the letter of the fundamental law and re pugnani 10 ine spirit or American in stitutions. The Dred Scott case in volved an institution likewise repug nant and inconsistent with our deelar ation of independence, but an institu tion nevertheless formally sanctioned by our constitution and laws of that period. If there are no morals in the Porto Rican case there were no morals in the Itoston Tea Party. If there is no morality in the conten tion of the Porto Kicans that they le jjiven equal advantages and opportuni ties with other sections of the country of which they are a part, then there was no morality in the contention of the men of the revolutionary period. Mr. Foraker announces that the Ohio campaign is to 1h fought out on na tional issues. This is an interesting announcement lecause Mr. Foraker's lieutenants were always loud in declar ing that state compaigns should be fought on state issues when they thought that the easiest way of win ning. The civil government of the Philip pines will le answerable to the war department. One of the first tasks set for the Filipinos is to learn the intri cacies of our elastic language. Of course Kansas has rendered thanks to the administration for permission to harvest a bumper wheat crop. It is amusing to read in a high tariff organ words of rejoicing because Amer ican manufacturers are competing suc cessfully with foreign manufacturers. The high tariff organs are continually shrieking for protection against com petition. The Ohio republicans have learned that it is not their part to think. All they have to do is to accept. Mr. Beveridge should hasten home if he expects to get his presidential boom inflated before frost time. Cirowth of ew Tork. The excess of births over deaths in New York is. on an average, about 5,000 a year, and if there were not constant immigration into New York from foreign countries and from other divisions, of the United States, the growth of the city would be 50,000 in ten years, or less than 1 per cent in a decade. Actually, the increase in population is at the rate of 3S per I cenL The territory of New York, 1 which had 2.433,000 population in 1630, had 3.437.000 in 19D0. j Comment, J. Bryan's Paper. Harrison xn. Rroirn. In his now famous, or infamous opinion. Justice llrown sought to re assure our Porto Kican subjects by telling them that thev could safelv de pend upon the lenevolence and kind ness of congress in the exercise of that body's unrestrained possession of power." The Pittsburg Post reminds us that Justice Itrown, on this point, was well answered by the Iat Uenja min Harrison. In the January num ber of the North American Review, General Harrison had an article en titled: "The Status of Annexed Ter ritorv." In that article he said it was expressibly absurd that the "constitu tion does not apply, but all these pro visions in it are in full force not with standing." Then General Harrison said: "It should be asked further, wheth er tli rule of uniformity of taxation is a part of the 'law of our civilization;' for. without it, all property rights are protected. The man whose property may le taxed arbitrarily, without re gard to uniformity within the tax di trict and without any limitation as to the purposes for which taxes may be levied, does not own anything; he is a tenant at will. Hut if these supposed laws of civilization" are not enforcible by the courts, and rest wholly for their sanction upon the consciences of presi dents and congresses, then there is a very wide difference. The one is own ership, the other is charity. The one is freedom: the other slavery however just and kind the master may be. 'Our fathers were not content with an assurance of these great rights that rested wholly upon the sense of justice and benevolence of the congress. The man whose protection from wrong rests wholly upon the benevolence of another man or of a congress, is a slave a man without rights " It would le interesting to hear what Benjamin Harrison would have to say in the presence of such a decision as was delivered by Justice Hrown. When congress levied the Porto Kican tariff General Harrison referred to it as "a serious departure from right princi ples." What would he have thought had he known that the highest court in the land had solemnly given its sanc tion to that "serious departure from right principles?" Toy in k With the Constitution. The Itoston Journal thinks the op ponents of imperialism should be thankful because of the supreme court's Porto Kican decision. The Journal says that had the court held that the constitution followed the flag and extended over our new possessions, it would be impossible to alienate any of these islands in the fu ture. This is so. according to the Journal. Wcause there is nothing in the constitution that warrants the sur render of any territory or any people once formally pronounced American. Will the Journal take another look at the constitution anil discover if it can any authority therein, either di rect or implied, for the government of subject peoples? For people who are so ready to ig nore the constitution, so quick to set themselves above the constitution, the imperialists are very prompt to rush to the constitution to find prohibition against doingr that which they do not want to do. and authority for doing that whicV.i they want to. ! i All Cunt Ion In the Cuban Affair? When the Cuban commission visited Washington they were told by Secre tary of War Root that the Piatt amend ment was the law of the land; that the president was powerless to change that law, and lefore the executive could ob tain authority to act in the premises the Piatt amendment, as a whole must be adopted. The Piatt amendment as a whole has lcen adopted, and now the Washing' ton dispatches say that the administra tion counsellors have concluded thit it would not be wise for the president to act in the matter of withdrawing the troops from Cuba, even after a govern ment shall be organized there, until he shall have submitted the question of American evacuation to congress. It is stated that the president has "fully made up his mind that he will not act upon his own responsibility in tne premises.' Is it possible to regard all thia a mere caution ami a desire to conform to the laws and the equities of the sit uation? Are not the people justified in suspecting that there is a vust amount of insincerity and hypocrisy in the ad' ministration's attitude on the Cuban question? The man who believes that he bene fits himself by taxing himself poor to make others rich is not in a good posi tion to poke fun at those who lelieve in the faith cure. General Mac-Arthur still acts on the assumption that telling alxmt it, not stealing the commissary goods, is what menaces the military situation. It is estimated that 75,000 yards of ribbon will le required to properly fit out Great Britain's South African war medals. This is only a)out three yards of ribbon for each British soldier who who has died in the unjust war upon the Boers. The money the shipping subsidy pro- motors ask for would make habitable many millions of acres of western arid land. But the benefits of irrigation would be enjoyed by the many, while the subsidy would be enjoyed by the ffW War Destroys Forest. Twtnty-five years ago. in 187, Ser via was clothed with forests and was aptly termed "the land of the forest," but the Servian-Turco troubles of 1876-78 played havoc with the forests. Thousands of acres were stripped of trees in order to serve for fortifications or to bar the advance of the Turkish army or to warm the great masses of troops that camped on the land during two winters. The war was followed by a period of ruthless destruction of tho forests, vast tracts being sold at a rid iculous price or denuded to supply the railroads. ALLISON COIINERED. CANNOT WIGGLE OUT OF DIFFICULT POSITION ri Kab of the High. Tariff Kobbery I That Atoeiloao Goodi An Uelng- Sold for Slorh Lea to Foreigner Than to Americau Tariff (Jarsiloa too lu Senator Allison was interviewed while in Washington and speaking of tariff revision and the Babcock bill, he said: "I can understand that pop ular sentiment will endorse the prop osition that American manufacturers should not sell at lower prices abroad the products which they sell to the American people at a higher price. But rMs question is not a new one. Some years ago, upon the motion of Senator Vest, we had an investigation of this assertion. lie quoted the prices at which agricultural implements were sold in Buenos Ayres to prove that the people of the Argentine Republic were getting those implements at a lower rate than the American farmers paid. We found that it was true that the wholesale dealer in Buenos Ayres did pay less for plows and harvest ers than was charged in this country, but we also found that he had to bear the cost of distribution, so that by the time the machines passed through two or three hands and freight was paid, the individual consumer paid as much as the American farmer. The manu facturers did nothing but ship the goods to Buenos Ayres, so that the expense was very light." Now that case proves the contention of those who want the tariff revised. It does not matter how many profits are made by middlemen and thus raise the price to the Argentine farmer, hut the fact that the manufacturer sold the plows and harvesters, after paying the freight, for less money to the for eign wholesale dealer than the same implements were sold to dealers here is the nub of the matter. The distri bution of them in a new country like Argentina is, of course, more expensive than in the United States, especially as the lack of railroads and the high freight rates there make it more diffi cult. It is a similar condition there as existed from I860 to 1SS0 when some of the western states were being set tled and before there were many If any railroad facilities. In those days farm machinery sold for double what it was selling for in the central states. Senator Allison is a slick and smooth politician, but he cannot dodge the fact that the trusts are selling at a lower price to the foreigner than to ur own people and to try and do so inly shows that he, with other Repub- icans, is willing to aid the trust by legislation to rob the people. THE COAL TRUST TAX. A soft coal trust is organizing, the Indiana consolidation is practically ef fected and options have been obtained on mines In other states, and it is ex pected that a complete combination will be brought about. The price of this claBs of coal will be largely ad- anced when the combine has been effected, this has been the effect of the organization of the anthracite coal trust. At this time last year anthra cite coal was selling in the market at 3.25 a ton, whiie today it brings ?6.70 and the price will rise steadily until n September it will be $7. ine i-ennsyivania combination was engineered by the Morgan interests and under an agreement in which the railroads of the state are included, a graduated price for coal has been es tablished. Beginning with May the price dropped to $6.60; this month it is $6.70. and with a gradual rise of 10 cents per ton each month the cost Is to be increased until in September the figure reaches its limit. This price is maintained throughout the winter. The prices quoted are the Chicago market and a similar advance of $1.35 per ton has gone into effect elsewhere and every family in the land Is paying that tax to J. P. Morgan and the other trust magnates to increase their al ready enormous fortunes, and yet Mark Hanna says the trusts are "good things" and must not be legislated against and the greater portion of the Republicans follow and endorse that policy. THE TRUSTS AND THE TARIFF BARONS. The trusts and the manufacturing combines are getting by the ears about the protective tariff, they cannot much longer hold together, which is some consolation to all of us who pay the taxes. "The tariff." says Senator Han na. "is so scientifically arranged that it must not be meddled with." There Is no doubt that Hanna is right about that, as far as the perpetuation of the present tariff is concerned. If the tar iff on the products of the 6teel trust is taken off it will break the combination. The carpet manufacturers will demand that coarse wool be free. The shoe people will ask for free hides. The 6ugar trust will want free raw sugar and so on up or down the whole gamut. The people will say a plague on all your houses, give us a tariff for reve nue sufficient to meet the wants of the government economically administered. V will no longer pay taxes to build up collossal fortunes or pay vast divi dends to monopolies that can take ca-e of themselves much better than tBe farmer or the worklngman can do. CUBAN RAILROAD FRANCHISES. Sir William Van Horne, the Cana dian railroad magnate. Is building railroads in Cuba and a dispatch from Santiago de Cuba reports hira as very well pleased with the conditions there. This is very comforting, but how will it be with the Cubans when Van Horne begins to tax the traffic all it will bear, will they be as pleased at the pros pect? There is another matter that will perhaps take some of the pleasure from the full cup that Van Horne and his American partners are now quaff- ng when the new Cuban government comes into possession of its own. Un der what terms and what authority was the franchise given that allows Vaa Horne to build these railroads? There has been no authorized govern ment in Cuba, except the military one that we have set up, since the Span- ards evacuated the island, and the power of eminent domain and the other franchises that are necessary ie- fore railroads can be legall7 eon structed cannot have ba coustitu tionally granted this one of the reason; why the Piatt amendment was so vigorously insisted upon by the ad ministration, so that this case migU be covered? THE TRUSTS THREATENING LABOR. The threat of the trusts to reduc the wages of their workingmen if in tariff is taken off their product'on $ an old tale and should deceive no one Reducing or taking off entirely the tar iff on trust productions wouli have no effect on the sur plus they Fell abroad and if tbs cost of what they sell at hon Is reduced it should increase con sumption here and if that is the cast the factories will be running full bias and the demand for labor will be in creased instead of diminished. Wage; follow the law of demand and supply quite as closely as the price of the ar tides made ty labor follow liks causes. It is quite likely that the steel trust, for instance, might shut down its plants if the tariff is removed from its monopolies and its workmen refused to accept a. reduction of wages, but it cannot Ions remain closed or the inter est on its bonds would he unpaid and a change of owners would again take place and it would have to fill con tracts already entered into, which gen erally extend six months ahead. WACES IN A PROTECTED IN- DUSTRY. The cok industry, like coal mining, is very profitable to the operators, but according to the figures given in cen sus bulletin No. 63. prosperity has cer tainly not struck their workmen. There has been an absolute decrease in in dividual yearly wages of more than $33. In 1S89 the average annual sum for each operative was 452.61. But in 1S99 this decreased to $416.83. or enly a slight fraction over $S a week and in many cases this small sum is dwindled by having to pay lrrge profits at the store for all they eat and wear and at which their masters compel them to deal. Now the coke industry is protected under the Dingley tariff by a tax of 23 per cent ad valorum. but it does not appear to have protected American la bor although the operators were able to build up vast fortunes which is pretty strong evidence that protection protects the rich and not the poor. THE PEOPLE PAY THE FREIGHT. How much stock the railroad manag ers have in the steel trust is an im portant question, for if they participate in the enorm;u3 profits they will not kick so hard against paying from $7 to $8 a ton more for steel rails than they would have to pay if the tariff was taken off. The railroads controlled by J. P. Morgan will, of course, have to be silent, and It is probable that some of the other railroad magnates have been squared by being on the inside of the steel trust deal. The people who travel and pay the exorbitant freight rates are the ones that suffer and they are demanding that the tariff be re vised and the passenger and freight rates lowered. The treasury officials are taking some heed of the protests of the labor organizations and are making a be lated effort to enforce the Chinese ex clusion law. There is no doubt that thousands have crossed the Canadian border either by the laxity or conniv ance of the officials. The railroads and some other large employers of labor are anxious to employ Chinese, who accept less than the going rate for la bor and do not strike for higher wages The admission of another horde of Chinese like that before the exclusion law was passed would degrade Ameri can labor and bring about the same riots that then occurred. It is rather amusing to see the way the state department treats Venezuela by transferring Minister Loomis to Lisbon. Portugal, at his own request, and sending another minister who will represent the asphalt trust just as faithfully. The department gives out the information that the new minister goes to his post "with instructions on the same lines as those supplied to Mr. Loomis." The trusts certainly do dominate our home and even our for eign policy. Our subsidized sultan of Sulu Is al ready learning the way we do things and has undertaken to exploit his sub jects by leasing the Island of Paraguao for fifty years to a foreign syndicate headed by Prince Poniatowskl. As we paid $20,000,000 for the Philippine is lands it will be interesting to know how the sultan can lease one of them but perhaps Senator Hanna or some of his friends are side partners of the prince. hich ever way we turn the sugar trust confronts us and it seems all powerful. Secretary of the Treasury Gage is its willing tool and Interprets the law in its favor by imposing coun tervailing duties on Russian sugar, This has cut off our export trade to that country which has imposed in retalia tion, for the aid given the sugar trust an extra duty of 50 per cent on prod ucts of the United States. The Atlanta Constitution wants a bill passed to pension all the con g res sicna! "lame ducks." The better way is as the president has arranged Jt. He tells them to pass a bill creating a commission, of which about twenty have come Into existence tinder this call, and then he appoints the "lame ducks" to investigate something, prin cipally, however, to draw a good, fat salary. A mutual admiration society has been organized in Iowa with two mem bers. Governor Shaw proposes Sena tor Allison for president and Allison proposes Shaw. The railroad corpora tions have too good a hold on both of them for the people to second the nom ination of either. What are the Republicans going to do with Neely and Rathbone when the Cubans set up their own government? Bring them here for trial they cannot and leave them to the tender mercies of the Cubans wouid merely result In dividing the swag with, the new of ficials. i WANTS PARTY AID. NEW YORK SUN CALLS BACK DEMOCRATIC PARTY. To tho Position It Occupies In tha Day of "Frophtthm" ray That the Jilly or the l'opuliata Miut Iter urn to Plutocracy. That Republican organ of the trusts, the New York Sun, voicing, no doubt, the general feeling of the "better ele ment of society," says: "War upon plutocracy is hopeless. The democra cy will never prevail until it satisfies the country that the Democrats, not the Republican party, are the friends and instruments of plutocracy. They must offer more favorable eondi'ons for money-making than the Republi cans can furnish, or they will remain indefinitely as poor in political strength as they are today. This brazen echo of Wall street Is as ignorant, as insolent in thus giving advice to the Democracy. The Sun evidently does not know what Democ racy means or has forgotten it. Many years ago, when it was an honest sheet. It published an essay on the wide gap between Democrats and Republicans and if the flippant editor who now holds rule will refer to It. ho may learn something to his advantage, if only not to expose his ignorance again. The Sun now believes that by the bait of success the Democrats should be willing to forego their principles and go the Republicans one better in their march of commercialism, imperialism and exploitation of the people. The war upon plutocracy will never be hopeless while the Democracy ex ists as now organized under fusion. If for a while a majority of the people are led away to worship at the shrine of plutocracy and are willing to pick up the crumbs that fall from the table of Dives they will soon find their mis take. The rule of the rich cannot be a gov ernment in the interest of the people and any party that is "the real friend and instrument of plutocracy" and that appeals to the people to support it Is a fraud, delusion and a snare that only the Sun editor could belong to. But it is well to have this exposure from such high Republican authority of what the real purpose and plans of that party are. Before this if a Dem ocrat accused his opponents of being in league with tho plutocrats he was denounced as a demagogue. Now .he can cite this high Republican authority to prove his assertion. Despite the blandishments and cor ruption of the plutocrats there are yet six million Democrats that have not wavered or bowed the knee to the golden calf they have set up in the Wall Btreet wilderness. A Fusion Democrat. A FOREIGN COMPETITOR. The steel trust is not going to have clear sailing in its efforts to export its productions to Europe. Not only will tariffs be raised to prevent its com peting in Russia, but a combination of all the iron industries of that country has been organized to hold that mar ket, according to a dispatch from Lon don, which says: American consolidation of industries has already borne fruit in Europe. V.'e have news of the formation of a gi gantic Russian iron and steel trust, whose purpose it is to compete with the American combine formed by J. Pierpont Morgan. The scope of the new trust Is a wide one. All the ex isting metal works of South Russia are to be combined into one enormous steel and iron trust, their respective shares and debentures to be replaced by shares in the trusL The immediate advantages of such a trust are obvious The price of raw products will come down and the different branches of the manufacture will be specialized Then the prices of manufactured iron and steel will be raised, as all compe tition will be done away with. All those factors which have hitherto done good work will be assured of a con tlnuance of remunerative trade. The weaker factories will be strengthened by means of the trust. When asked what benefits the trust would bring to the consumer Mr. Tra- sonstoeur, the manager, could only shrug his shoulders and look wise. He added, however, that all the iron works of western Russia and Poland would probably combine to form a similar trust and that he looked upon it as his life's mission to combine these two trusts into one gigantic whole. This, he hoped, would take place in the com ing tummer. As long as we have ultra protection which prevents foreigners from send ing any of their products to this coun try, we must expect retaliation to pre vent our products froij being pur chased abroad. A tariff for revenue is the only sensible solution. THE EXPRESS MONOPOLY. There is no greater monopoly in the United States than the express com panies enjoy. For many years they have had an agreement not to cut rates so that competition has been en tirely eliminated. It now appears pos sible, however, that a rival corpor ation may Invade the eastern section of the country and a possible rate war may be inaugurated. Express rates can be cut in two and still allow the companies to pay large dividends, no merchant or farmer who has to use this means of shipping perishable freights but has to pay these cormor ants the greater portion of his profit and in some Instances the charges have been known to eat up all the goods brought when sold on the mar ket These corporations are adepts In evading taxation and it 13 estimated that they do not pay on 10 per cent of the value of their stock or asset3. It is now stated that an express trust Is to be formed by the consolidation of the American Express Company, the Adams Express and the United States Express, of which Senator Thomas C. Piatt is to be president. The United States Express Company under Senator Piatt's management has become one of the most prosperous companies in the country and is said to be earning 20 per cent on the stock. It enjoys a monopoly of government business, procured . through Senator Piatt. The price that the government pays is kepi from the public but it 13 7,-ell known that many treasury of- ficials have franks that give them fre I use of the express service and that 1 many Senators end Representatives have like favors and as B06S Piatt is noted for r.ot giving unless he receives some equal advantage in return, the government must be fleeced to an amount that is considerable and year ly growing larger. These big pickings have Induced Georre Gould, it is said, to bring his Pacific Express Company to the east with his transcontinental line and the three companies will combine to meet the competition of the new company. May the fight be prolonged and fierce, though there is no doubt that a trust covering the whole continent will result unless some means Is found to prevent it, for competition Is im possible as long as railroad monopoly continues. FEDERAL CONTROL OF THE TRUSTS. The trusts and corporations that are monopolies are quite willing to have a law passed giving national instead of state control of such corporations. They have seen the inter-state com merce law and the anti-trust legisla tion nullified by complacent Republi can r.ttorney generals and feel that they would be safer in such hands than at the mercy of those states that have enacted laws against unjust combina tions or under the common lav which has power to suppress monopolies. It is a preposterous proposition that congress could take avvay from the states the control of corporations that have been chartered by any state, that would be an Infringement of state rights that even the most ultra fed eralist Judge would at once declare un constitutional. It would be undemo cratic and yet some few Democrats have proposed such a measure of re lief from the extortions of the trusts. The federal way to curb the trusts is to take from them the protection that a Republican tariff law has given them and thus enabled them to con trol the market. Independent Repub lican newspapers like the Washington Post, take this view of the situation. They see that some remedy must be applied or the people will revolt against the party of protection. The above named newspaper says: There could be no effective national control of corporations without amending the constitution so as to make provision for it. That is practi cally impossible. No impairment of vested rights is. or ever can be, constitutional. Existing state charters could net be annulled by national legislation. As the trusts and combines now include nearly all the great industrial interests of the country, the proposed law would have but a limited sphere of operation. The only effective anti-trust work within the jurisdiction of congress is in the tariff schedules. Only a part of the trusts are, in any way, dependent on the tariff. But there are a few great trusts or combines that are abusing protection by demanding exorbitant prices for their products. They do not need, nor does labor need, the favor which they are abusing. There is no parallel between fed eral control of barking and federal control of all business corpora tions. The law does not in direct terms prohibit state banks to issue notes. It simply puts a tax on Eiich Issues. State banks doing a deposit and loan business are numerous, and some of them are very prosperous. No constitutional amendment was re quired to open the way for national banking. Without such an amendment federal control of corporations would be impossible. And even with such an amendment all the state charters granted before its adoption would be valid. THE PROTECTED TIN TRUST, One of our infant Industries is the tin plate trade and that it is growing out of its baby clothes and has become large and strong enough to enter into competition with its older rivals on the other side of tho Atlantic is a matter of congratulation. The figures show that the exports of tin plates from the United States which in the ten months ending with April, 1899, amounted to only 183,953 pounds, and in the ten months ending with April, 1900, to 275.990 pounds, were in the ten months ending with April , 1901, 1.306,100 pounds. So, before long, we may hope that this product of the steel trust may also be placed upon the free list and thus bring about again '.he competition that It has wiped out by combining about all the tin plate mills in this country. There is also another very good reason for desiring competition and that is the deteri orated class of tinware that Is being sold to the public, which, although the price appears cheap, is dear at any price, as the tin and lead coating which covers the Iron that Is sold for tinware, will hardly stand the use of a single week witho-. being covered with rust and practically worthless. THE FARMERS FOREIGN TRADE. All this excitement about our enor mous exports would dwindle to a small matter if it was not for the farmers, as our agricultural exports Increased during the month of April nearly $6, 200,000 and made 63.53 per cent of the total. On the other hand manufac tures decreased about $5,000,000 and contributed but 29.15 per cent of the total. These comparisons snow that the American farmer is the great standby of the nation and the above percentage would be much increased on agricultural exports if packing-house products and some other articlts were transferred from the manufactured products to that of agricultural as they ought to be. The farmer who receives no protec tion on his productions, except on wool, has prospered in spite of pro tectloit and having to pay his share to make the manufacturers rich enough to be able to sell their wares in com. petition with the balance of the world. The discord in Hawaii is increas ing, eharges have been prepared against a Judge by the Dole faction who charge him with oppression and anti-Americanism because he take3 the side of the natives, which of course is a crime in the eyes of the exploiters. Dole should be removed by the presi dent and a fair-minded man appointed in his piaca- STORY ON STOCKINGS. filany Women Match Their Ciuwu with Their Hosiery. This is the story of the woman an'J her stockings. It Is a story that must be told in whispers, for the world trt gereral is never supposed to think that the woman wears anything more per sonal than hosiery. But the stocking of the woman this year are something; to dream about. The detiire for thra footwear has come In with the demanJ for light and airy fabrhs in drus.i goods, and the stockings are quite tho thinnest of them all. There are no particular stockings for any particular I purpose. The finest and most beauti ful of hosiery Is worn for all purposes. Naturally, the more elaborate deslgn-t of lace and embroidery are reserved for evening and dress wear, but ttock ings of the finest quality are worn tor all sorts of outing purposes. It h natural that, with short skirts and low shoes there should be a desire for pretty stockings, and they come with fancy clocks, open work, and with em broidered figures in little nat pit terns, as well as in more elaburat de signs. The most elaborate silk stocklijsj have medallions of laco running up over the InsteD, handsome embroidery appliqued upon net, and vertical line of lace set in with embroidered edges, and there are alternate lines of lace and open work. There arc designs In roses, butterflies, bow knots, cupiiN. baskets of flowers, and the eagle and violets In tho L'AIglon stocking. Many women like to match their gowns In their stockings, and there am tans and grays and blues. Blues al ways are in demand, for bhie Is "a popular color; It comes nearly up lo the black stocking, which Is the mast satisfactory in the long run. He'd stockings are sold to go with red shews for house wear, and there are beauti ful white stockings, which are sold 1 the bride and to wear with wh'to shoes. KEEPS KEYS OF THE JAIL. Woman Ilaa Charge of the t'onnty'e Home for Malefactor. Probably the only woman jailer in the United States In Mrs. Anna McDon ald of Marysville, W. Va. She occupies the position of a deputy sheriff am has charge of a Jail in which some of the most desperate characters are kept. She Is a widow and live alone with her two children In the Jail, in which there ant now confined two of tho mort d-tperat moonshiners ever captured In the ttat and one man charged with murder. She was appointed by Sheriff Isaac Iewls over several oth er applicants because of her great personal bravery and her skill In handling a rifle and a revolver. She does not know what fear is; t-he in a dead shot with either a rifle or a re volver, and has a killed a good deal of big game especially deer which he la very found of hunting. She will be 42 years old this month, is descended from one of the original gettlers of Grant county and has never been out of the country. Her husband died laf-t year, leaving ber dependent upon her own resources. The Jail is at Marj'" ville, but the county teat Is at Peters burg, and when her prisoners uie want ed In court she has to take them ten miles under her own protection, but none has ever yet escaped from her. Sam Self, one of the most notorious moonshiners the state has ever known. Is now in her custody. Officers havi been trying for many years to arret him, but he always managed to eludo them till a few weeks ugp, when they slipped up on him at night at hi home at tho Smoke Ho'es. After his arrest he said that he had ten gun on his premises when he was arrestee!. Scheme to Annihilate Dlttanre. A description of the propot-ed ex press electric mono-rail line between Manchester and Liverpool was given to a committee of the House of Lords. The railway Is constructed on an A shaped platform, on which is laid the line which bears the carriage. Twa sets of rails at the side, against which two sets of wheels operate, keep the car steady when running round a curve at a high speed. It Is Intended to Tun these trains at 110 miles an hour, so that if a line were constructed be tween London and Liverpool the dis tance would be covered under two hours. There is no risk of collision, as by a system of blocking and signal ing the trains are kept fourteen miles apart, London Daily Mail. O ran t for Marylaart. There is a prospect, it seems, that Maryland and Virginia may be able to add oranges to their annual crocs. The Department of Agriculture is mak ing experiments that promise well for these states. Five years ago the first experiments were begun with the Jap anese orange, which is extensively used for hedges. Later the sweet or ange was grafted upon this hardier fock, and trees representing the cross are growing vigorously In the depart ment grounds In Washington and are now covered with blossoms. Should the yield this year be up to expecta tions, steps will be taken toward planting the new variety extensively in Virginia and Maryland. Little Flnanrlal Fable. The new director was positively revolutionary In his devices. "Instead of paying all this money to detectives for catching defaulters," said he, "why not use it to effect such an increase of salaries as would place our help be yond the necessity to defalcate?" The old directors sneered withering!)-. "You evidently don't understand bank clerks," said they. "Why, if we were to raise wages that way, probably al most every man In the bonne would fall dead, and then where fhould wo be?" This made the new direc tor feel very foolish, of course. Did Sot Fanrjr "rarrhlnr Tower. One morning our washerwoman a lady of color very dark color rame hastily in, and, without any prelim inaries, exclaimed: "Sparatuallara! What is sparatuallsm, Mbs Cora?" My sister explained as well as h could and asked why ehe wished tt know. "Well, you see," she went on excitedly. "Sarah she's my daughter, you know, and she went last week to live with a lady what says nhe Is a sparatualist; and she says if Sarali takes anything che'll know it Sarah'.- going to leave!" Harper's Magazine.