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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1901)
J Tib Plasmoiiittlhi- JJourmisJ. VOL. 21. NO. 28, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1901. S1.00 PER YEAR. THE LINEJPFOR LAND Thousands Rash to Register for Claim3 ia Indian Territory. SLEEP IN STREETS TO BE 0 HAND Not Cntil July 9 Will Knrly Comers Know Their Lack Lattery Deal Spoils Plc tareUoiirs Excitement is When I ll terlopers Try to Push In. EL RENO, O. T., July 11. The total registration of homesteaders at El Reno yesterday was 4,018, 193 being women. Commissioner Richardson es tablished a separr' egistration booth for women. Mi. hardson says he can register 8,000 v .lly from now on or a; soon as orrir.iz..uion of his fore,? is perfected. EL. REXO, O. T., July 11. Follow ing out the proclamation of President JMcKinley opening up to settlement hy whites the 1,300 farms in the Kiowa-Comanche country, the first regis tration of homeseekers was made here and at Lawton at 9 o'clock this morn ing. Hundreds were still lined before the various registration boards when darkness rame tonight and tomorrow and next day the registration will -continue until all who come have been given an opportunity to file their names. The drawing by lottery will begin July 29 and until then none of the 30.000 applicants will know wheth er or not he has been lucky enough to receive a homestead. The lottery scheme robbed the open ing of the picturesque run and the exciting times incident to the great opening of the Cheiokee strip ten years ago. Compared with that event the affair today was tame in the ex treme. Although there aie perhaps 20,000 people in town .practicallj no disorder prevailed. As a rule the homeseekers were well provided with money and pro visions and aside from the tong wait in the sua before the registration booths, no serious incon venience has been experienced. Last night hundreds of people slept in the stieetj? and alleys to maintain their places in lines which began forming yesteiday at the six regis tration booths in El Reno. Many had waited on the border of the new coun try for two years or more and the last night of their long vigil was the most trying they haci experienced. The line was male up of the halt, the lame and the brawny frontiersman, sprawled out in the dust. The crowd before each booth elected a captain and each man and woman in line was given a number which they pinned conspicuously to their clothes. A company member was permitted oc casionally to absent himself from line for a short breathing spell and inva riably his place was protected by his fellow watchers. As the hour of 9 o'clock neared in terlopers tried to push in and break the numerical order of the line or ganization. This instantly raised bad blood 7and when word was passed down the line a little later that the booth officials would not recognize the line organization, but would register the first person to present themselves there were threats of violence and ri oting seemed likely. Trouble was pre vented by the early announcement that the line organization would be respecteil by the government officials. Cheers and waving of hats greeted the word and from this time forth no sign of trouble was apparent. Ap plicants were admitted to the bootas four at a time and the filing proceed ed rapidly all day long. During the day the heat became in tense, but no serious suffering was reported. The numerous women in line were treated gallantly by the men. who shaded them from the sun with c-mbrellas and furnished drinks from the lemonade venders who plied ineir ranks. The second place of registration named in the proclamation was at Lawton twenty-five miles overland, where similar scenes to those enacted in El Reno were witnessed. OPENING 0T TO BE DEFERRED. Secretary llitchrork Telegraphs There nn He No Postponement. WASHINGTON. July 11. The complaints from land offices in Okla homa other than El Reno and Lawton that they should be allowed to make registrations from the opening of the reservations are regarded officially as not well founded. The matter was taken up some weeks ago and Delegate Flynn at the time unsuccessfully en deavored to have the other Oklahoma offices included. It is claimed here that the reports of the number of cattle on the land to be opened has been exaggerated and that there are in fact on the Wichita reservation only 73,000 head. The opening of certain lands on Au gust C,. which stockmen are seeking to have postponed, is mandatorj . "A large part of the 72,000 head on the Wichlta.'lands, it is claimed, can bo Ishlped ttv -iarket "by the allotted 'time and the rest moved down to the Ki owa grazing-lands, which will not be vjfvw - " . NEBRASKA CROP CONDITIONS. Yield or Wheat Good In Quantity and Quality Corn Grows Well. United States Department of Agri culture, Nebraska Section, Climate and Crop Service of the Weather Bureau Weekly Crop Bulletin University of Nebraska, Lincoln. July 10. General summary: The past week has been hot, with heavy showers in eastern counties. The daily mean temperature has av eraged 5 degrees abovo normal. The maximum temperatures for the week generally exceed 100 degrees in southern counties and were but little below 100 degrees in the northern. The rainfall of the past week has been heavy in southeastern counties, varying from one to nearly six inch es; In the northern and western coun ties it has generally been less than half an inch. Winter wheat harvest is nearly completed and threshing has com menced In southern counties; the yield is good in both quantity and qual ity. Spring wheat and oats have been considerably damaged by chinch bugs and dry weather in central and southwestern counties, and in many fields these crops will be about a fail ure. In some places chinch bugs are leaving the wheat fields and attacking the corn. Corn has been damaged Blightly in a few southwestern coun ties by the hot weather of the past week; generally, however, corn has grown well and in a large part of the state has grown very rapidly. Corn is small for this time of year. G. A. LOVELAND, Section Director, Lincoln. Neb. RUSH IN REVENUE Of f ICE. Demand for Refund of War Stamps Makes Business Brisk. OMAHA. Neb., July 10. The de mand for the refund of money used in the purchase of stamps under the war revenue law which are not re quired under the amendments to that law which went Into effect July 1, is keeping the office force of the Inter nal revenue collector busy. It Is estimated that in this dis trict there are $30,000 in stamps sub ject to redemption, but these stamps are so scattered that the redeeming of them is a slow process. Applica tions for refunds come from people holding hundreds of dollars In stamps and from those whose total refund will not exceed 25 cents and the work re quired In each caee is the same. It is believed that the revenues of the government will be swelled to a marked extent over estimates by the failure of many persons to have their money refunded, as in many cases the time necessary to prepare the nec ?ssary papers is of greater value than the stamps to be redeemed. The redemption of these stamps coming at the beginning of the fiscal year when the force is busy preparing the reports for the year just closed, together with the fact that several new clerks are be ing Instructed in the duties of the of fice, consequent upon the change In the head of the Omaha office, keeps the force at work overtime. "SOONER" READY TO MAKE RUN. Disrecard Fart that Reserves Will Be Open.d lit lottery. EL RENO, I. T., July 10. Judge Kilpatrick. special alloting agent 'of the Klowa-Commanche reservation, said that Caddo county is full of "sooners" and that trouble is likely to occur, notwithstanding the county is to be opened by lottery and not by run. Two troops of cavalry, one each for Fort Reno and Fort Sill, have been ordered to the posts and are ex pected to arrive at their destination on Wednesday. Lew Hornbeck, of Minco Newstral, has a small follow ing here who declare they intend to locate now regardless of the presi dent's proclamation naming certain days upon which the land is to be allotted by drawing. Already some of Hornbeck's followers have entered the forbiflden country. Generally speaking, the proclama tion is satisfactory, but quite a num ber of homesteaders express dissatis faction over the clause governing the drawing. They say that endless con fusion must result in selecting land after homesteaders have secured the lucky numbers. Fonr V-rolea Granted. DES MOINES. Ia., July 10. Gover nor Shaw has granted paroles as fol lows: Arthur Moer, from Marshall county, convicted of burglary; Harvey Owens, Davis county, convicted of lar ceny; William Voshall, Iowa county, larceny, and James O'Brien, Bremer county, assault on a woman. Jessie Morrison In Prison. ELDORADO, Kan., July 10. Jessie Morrison was taken to the peniten tiary at Lansing to begin her five years' sentence for the murder of Mrs. Clara Wiley Castle. There were several hundred people at the rail way station, to take -a farewell look at' the prisoner. Half of the crowd consisted of women. Despite the ef forts of therainmen, a large number of men and women crowded Into the train to stare at Mis Morrison. Tl J II 1 i.i Offers to Eeturn to Old Tariff Status With the United States. A CHANGE IN SUGAR DIEfERENTIAL In Return Would Give l'p Unties Levied on American Good Secretary Gaga Declines The Question Is Now With the Courts. WASHINGTON. July 10 Another important exchange has occurred be tween the Russian government and the United States relative to the tar iff. The Russian minister of finance M. De Witte, has proposed that Rus sia will vacate all the additional du ties levied on American goods since j the imposition of the suar differen tial if the United States will vacate its action on the sugar differential. To this Secretary Gage has replied that the offer of the Russian govern ment cannot be accepted, as the ques tion of the sugar differential is now in the bands of the court, thus pre cluding action by the executive branch These exchanges, although made nom inally by the minister of finance and Secretary Gage, have gone through the medium of the Russian foreign of flee and the State department. The proposition of the Russian min ister of finance was the direct result of Secretary Hay's note of about two weeks ago. In that note Mr. Hay point ed out that the action taken as to pe troleum was not new, nor was it meant to have any connection with the previous 'action cf the government on sugar. This appears to have recon ciled the Russian officials in their view that the petroleum order was only another step la the policy previ ously taken respecting sugar. Accord ingly, M. De Witte's response wa3 communicated to Washington, Count Lamsdorf forwarding it to M. DeWol lant, the Russian charge here. It is not long, but it is quite to the point. It makes no further reference to the petroleum order. The chief attention Is given to sugar and the specific of fer is made to vacate Immedi ately the increased duties which Russia has levied, if the United States will vacate its action on sugar. This would amount to re-establishing the status quo which existed before the United States took its initial action relative to Russia. The Russian proposition was duly communicated to Secretary Gage, who has responded promptly that as the sugar question is now before the courts, it is not possible for him to avail himself of the Russian sugges tions. Thus the matter stands. NOT A MAN RETURNS TO WORK. Men on the Reading Road Reject the Offer of the Manecment. READING, July 10. Not a single Philadelphia & Reading striking em ploye in this city returned to work today. The men have apparently re jected the latest proposition of acting President Welsh. It is said that at the Sunday morn ing conference between Mr. Welsh, Vice President Voorhees and the strikers' representatives the railroad officials would give no assurance as to the basis of increase which the men might look for, thus leaving the men in a state of uncertainty. "That connot be considered at this time," said Mr. Welsh firmly. The situation at the Reading shops In this city continues the same. The freight handlers are still out, but the places of mr.ny of the men have been filled. The clerks at the freight depot asked for an advance, but received no reply to the request. The salaries range from $20 to $25 per month, the latter being for the chiefs. The men work from ten to fifteen hours a day, without extra for over time. TJ INCREASE fORT fACILITIES. Root Coining West to Learn Just What Is Needed. WASHINGTON, J. C. July 10. Sec retary Root expects to leave this week for a somewhat extended visit to the west, where he will inspect a number of military posts, especially those ol Fort Leavenworth. Kan., Fort Riley, Kan., and Jefferson Barracks, Mo., where extensive improvements are to be made. The government contemplates ex pending in the neighborhood of a million dollars in the erection of suit able barracks and other facilities for the accommodation of a large number of soldiers at those places. Brooms Are tn Cost More. CHICAGO, July 10. Brooms were advanced 23 cents a dozen in price today by the Central Broom and Brush Manufacturers association. The high er price takes effect at once and an other advance of a similar amount vr be made on August 1. The retailer is expected to add at leas' nt3 tc the price of every brooiir he sells. The scarcity of broom corn and the increased price of the product are the reasons assigned for the advance. RUSSIA GIVES ASSENT EUROPEAN CROP PROSPECTS. Mark Las Express Find English liar vest Short. LONDON, July 9 The Mark Lane 3xpress, in its weekly crop review, jays :t is doubtful if the tecent rains will effect great "transformation scenes" in the wheat crop of England It thinks the yield may reach an average of 284 bushels per acre. The Express considers that the en hanced price and big weekly market in Paris furnishes evidence that the French farmers consider the govern ment estimate being quite 10 per cent too high. The agricultural press puts the yield at 35,000,000 quarters. 4,000 300 quarters below the government 3stimate. Spain is reaping a magnificent har vest, estimated at 12,500.000 quarters The Italian harvest promises to reach the full average and the Roumanian harvest is estimated at 9,000,000 quar ters, leaving 3,000,000 available for ?xport. The spring wheat in Russia is less promising. In several provinces the winter wheat crop, however. Is splendid, according to the moderate standard prevailing. Their rye will make an excellent harvest. The other lutumn-sown crops are all above th. lverage, but the spring barley and )ats are below par. PIAN TO SETTEE BIG STRIKE. 4teel Combine and Labor Organizations Practically Asreed. NEW YORK, July 9. The World says: A plan has been agreed upon. which will settle the great steel strike within the next five days. As matters stand all that remains to be done U to hold a final meeting to formall- ratify the plan and announce th terms. The program now is to holu hat meeting and make that announce ment on Wednesday or Thursday of this week in New York or Pittsburg. The main point3 at issue have been settled and there will be no steel strike such as was contemplates a week ago. It may be stated that this early settlement is the direct re sut of J. P. Morgan's efforts. If the onference which is to formally end the strike is held here, it will be at the office of Mr. Morgan; if in Pitts burg ai. the office of tue American fin Plate company. Representative jf the general board of he United States Steel company, all the sub- sidavy companies whose interests ar effected, as well as the leaders of the various labor bodies in tie Amalga mated association notified on Saturday night of the coming confer ence and were invited to send repre sentatives. THESE CANNOT GET LANDS. rev-sons Disqualified from Making; Home. stead Rntry in Oklahoma. WASHINGTON. July 9. Ccmm.s- fioner Hermann of the general laad of- f ce has Issued a general order specify ing the persons who are disqualified from making homestead entry in the Wichita and Kiowa, Comanche and Apache ceded lan(!s. Those disquali fied are as follows: Any person who has on existing homestead entry, or after June 6, 1900. abandoned or relinquished such entry; i married woman, unless deserted or abandoned by her husband; those not citizens or who have not declared such intention; anyone under 21 years old rot the head f a family, unless he served in the army or navy fourteen cr more days in actual war; proprie tors of over 160 acres of land any where; anyone who has perfected title to a homestead of 160 acres by proof of residence and cultivation of five years or under section 2. act of June 13, 1880; anyone whose title acquired and now being acquired by him under the public land laws, in pursuance of entries made since August 30, 1S90, with the tract now sought to be enter ed, will make an aggregate of over 120 acres of non-mineral land. Creek Indians Celebrate. MUSKOGEE. I. T., July 9 Thi proclamation of President McKlnley, putting the Creek treaty into effect. was received here by Chief Porter anl a great demonstration is being made The treaty provides that Indians may sell their land3 to white people, and also gives title to town lots. The Creeks have 5,000,003 acres of fertile land, and a great rush of white set telrs is expected. The Creek nation contains the late big oil find at Red Fork. The Muskogee town site com mission was re-established and work resumed in accordance with the treaty. Congress Talks Too I-ont. WASHINGTON. July 9. The navy department has been advised that the Cramps of Philadelphia have a claim ol $264,000 against the government for delay incident to furnishing armor for the battleship Alabama. The delay was caused by the controversy In congress as to the quality of armor. Other claims will be made for delay in fur nishing armor to other ships. There was delay pn the armor of the llll- y on cols and Wisconsin, M HIS TRAGICAL ENDING Ambassador White's Only Son Kills Him self at Syracuse, N. Y. IS DRIVEN TO IT BY ILL HEALTH Repeated Returns of Nervous Troables Occasioned by Ancient Attack of Ty phoid Fever Make Death Seem Prefer able tirtat Sorrow Shown. SYRACUSE, N. Y. July 9. Freder. Ick D. White, son cf Andrew D White. United States ambassador to Germany, committed suicide at 5:30 this evening at his home in this city. Prolonged ill-health and a persistent and exhausting nervous disease is given as the only possible explana tlon of his tct. Mr. White had appeared to be la usual health during the day and had attended to matters of busiuess in the management of the White estate. He was alone in the house with the ser vants during part of the afternoon Mrs. White returned shortly after 5 o'clock and found Mr. White dead in the bathroom. A bullet from a rifle had passed through his brain anl death had been instantaneous. No one had heard the shot. Some eighteen years ago on com pleting his course at Columbia col lege, Mr. White had a severe attack of typhiod fever, from which he never recovered. Stomach and intestina! troubles resulted. Later Ms nervous system became weakened and within a few years ueurasthmia developed About a year ago he suffered a severe attack of the complaint. During tho recent hot spell another attack of the disease came on, leaving him in a state of acute nervousness. Mr. White had been about town during the forenoon and appeared bright and hopeful and it is believed he did not premediate suicide. From the appearance of the body when found it is supposed that he placed the barrel of the rifle in his mouth and discharged it with his foot. Coroner Matthews made, an exam jnation of the body and it was at first given out that death was due to cere bral hemorrhage. The announcement of Mr. White's death was received with great sor row in this city, where he occupied a prominent position in social circles. A cablegram announcing his death was sent to Ambassador White at Berlin. As yet no arrangements for the funeral have been mae. Frederick D. White was the only son of Ambassador White. He was born in Ann Arbor. Mich., December 13. 1839. He was educated at Cornell university and also in the University of Berlin. Prussia. He also studied in Columbia law college, New York, from 18S2 to 1881. In the latter year he was admitted to the bar at Binghampton. N. Y., and afterwards practiced his profession in thi3 city. Much of his time in later years has been devod to the man agement of the property owned by himself and his father. COMPTROLLER REEUNDS DUTY. Recent Derision of the Supreme Conrt Returns a Lures Sum. WASHINGTON, July 9. Mr. Trace well, the comptroller of the treasury. has decided that the secretary of the treasury has authority under the law to refund to Lascelles & Co. of Nev- York the duties paid by them on suga imported from Porto Rico between the tfate the treaty of Paris took effect and the approval of the Foraker act. The duties so paid amounted to over $470.- 000. This decision is based upon the recent insular decisions of the supreme court. Other claims are on file for re funds amounting to about $1,500,000. Olscier Bay a Mass of lee. PORT TOWNSEND, Wash.. July 9 The excursion steamer Queen has ar rived from the north. Her officers re port Glacier bay one mass of Ice and that no nearer than fourteen miles of Muir glacier can be reached, an ice jam from thirty to forty feet high ex tending clear across the bay. The ice floes in the channels are greater than ever known before. Councillor Bodel "rinched." LEIPSIC. July 9. Town Councillbr Bodel. president of the board of su pervisors of the Leipsiger bank, and who was absent In the United States when the bank failed, arrived here from New York. He was at once ar rested by the public prosecutor. Philippine Tariff Approved. WASHINGTON. D. C, July 9. The new Philippine customs tariff, upon which the insular division of the w?r department has been working for some time past, has been completed and approved, but will not be promul gated until copies can reach Manila. Meanwhile it will be translated into Spanish, and be printed both In Eng- lish and Spanish. The new tariff will be issued as an amendment or modi- TO CRAND DAIRY GOODS. Uncle Sans Will Inspect Rotter and Slaa liar Products for Kxport. WASHINGTON, July 8. The agri cultural appropriation act for the cur dent fiscal year authorizes the secre tary of agriculture in his discretion to apply the law for the inspection and branding of live cattle and products to dairy products intended for exporta tion, the purpose being to enable Amer ican exporters of dairy products to give foreign buyers the assurance of cer tification by the government of the United States of the purity, quality and grade of dairy products. Secretary Wilson has decided to ex ercise the authority conferred on him by establishing in the customs distric ts of Boston, New York, Chicago and San Francisco a system of inspection of dairy products and have experts in those departments gather information by means of which regulations may be drafted. A beginning will be made in a small way, with a view of bringing about a practical and honest system by which all parties may be properly protected. It is stated at the department that It i probable that at an early date the owners or shippers of products for ex port may, upon application, have th J goods marked and certified as to pur ity and quality, provided they are above the minimum grade. ELECTORAL LAW FOR CUBA. Constitutional Convention Considers It Idle to Draft Ideas. HAVANA, July 8. The Cuban con stitutional convention has not arrived at an understanding regarding the elec toral law. Several meetings were field last week, but little interest was man ifested in the proceedings, many o; the delegates being absent. The con servatives are hopeless with respect to the rescinding of the universal suf frage clause and are endeavoring to secure a plural vote for property hold ers and for professional and business men. In this they are strongly op posed by the radicals. An objection has recently been raised against drawing up the elec toral law until the United States gov ernment has approved the constitu tion, the argument being that it woul ! be useless to draft laws based on the constitution if Washington Is going to make changes in this instrument. ATTENDANCE STILL TOO SMALL. Unless It Increases Buffalo Eaposiiiou Will Not Pay. BUFFAIX), I. Y., July 8. The total attendance to date at the Pan-Ameri can exposition is 1,719,768 The ex position attendance began on May 20, but at that time many features were incomplete and the people remained away. The average daily attendance for June, including five Sundays, was over 31,000. The excessively hot weather during the last two weeks has had a deterrent influence on the attendance, notwithstanding Buffalo is rated as "the coolest city" by several degrees on account of the breezes from Lake Erie. It is believed that July and August will easily bring the total to above 5.000,000, and It will remain for September and October to brlns the remainder of 10,000,000, at which the status of guesses is set. BOERS ACCUSED Of ATROCITY. Said ro Have Put Wounded to Death in Battle. LONDON. July 8. The Daily Mail gives sensational prominence to mail advices from Viakfontein, which at tribute to the Boers Inhuman atroci ties that the censor would not allow to be described by cable. "A couple of Boers," says the Daily Mail's correspondent, "who were armed with Martinis, walked around among the dead and dying. Some they turned over to see If they were dead. If it were otherwise then one or the other of the Boers shot them as you would an ox. I saw four killed in this way. One youngster pleadfd for his life. I heard him say: "'O, Christ, don't,' and then bang went the rifle." Indians Will Try to Stop It. KANSAS CITY. Mo., July 8. A spe cial to the Times from Oklahoma City, O. T., says: An Injunction suit will be brought before Judge Irwin at El Reno in a few days for an order restraining the register of the land office here, the re ceiver, the surveyors and all other persons from proceeding with the opening of the lands of the Kiowa, Co manche and Apache Indians according to the proclamation of the president and the act of congress under which ha proceeded. No riirnd In Rio .Janeiro. RIO JANEIRO, July 8 There Is no foundation for the rumor circulated in the United States that a bubonic plague scare exists In this city. Four cases of the disease have been report ed, but all were brought from Oporto. '' Oenrre K. Keonnn In Rnitsla. ST. PETERSBURG, July S. George K. Kennan, the well known traveler and writer, has arrived In St. Peters burg, after a short stay in Finland J N TO SE J I" President McKinley Proclaims Date c( the Oklahoma Bush. SIXTH Of AUGUST WILL BE THE DAY arsimrsiion or rtppnro. w " Tenth of Jnly Sixteen Days for rillnc of the Names Kacb Appllcaas HUI Has an Equal Show. WASHINGTON, July 8 The proc lamation of President McKlnley, open ing to settlement the lands ceded by Indians in the territory of Oklahoma, was given to the public yesterday. The proclamation covers the cession made by the Wichitas and affiliated bands cf Indians In accordance witl tle act of March 2, 189S, and tho made by the Comanche, Kiowa and Apache tribes In pursuance of the act of June 6. 1900. The proclamation provides for th opening of the lands In these reserva tions which arc not reserved at 9 o'clock a. m., on the 6th of August, next, the lands to be open to settle ment under the homestead and town site laws of the United States. The proclamation says that begin ning on the 10th Inst, and ending on the 2Cth those who wish to make en try of land under the homestead law shall be registered. The registration will take place at the land offices at I Reno and Lawton. The registration at each office will be for both land dis tricts. To obtain registration the applicant will bo required to 6how himself duly qualified to make homestead entry of these lands under existing laws arid to give the registering officer such appropriate matters of description and Identity as will protect the ipplicant and the government against any at tempted impersonation. Registration connot be effected through the uEe of the mails or th employment of an agent, excepting that honorably discharged soldiers anil sailors may present their applications through an agent, no agent being al lowed to represent more than one . soldier. No person will be allowed To register more than once. Aftr being registered the applicant will be given certificates, allowing them to go upon the ceded lands and examine them in order to aid them in making an in telligent selection. It Is explicitly stated that "no on1?, will be permitted to make settlement upon any of the lands in advance or the opening provided for, and the statement is added tnat "during lh9 first sixty days following said opening no one but registered applicants will be permitted to make homestead set tlement upon any of said lands, and then only in pursuance of a homestead entry duly allowed by the local land officers or of a soldier's declaratory statement duly accepted by such of ficers." The order of the application Is tn be determined by drawing, the phm tur " lilt II is tuiijr urnjiu u. OLD FETTERMAN CANAL. Cbeyenne Capitalists Propose to Repair and Kztend Ditch. DOUGLAS, Wyo., July 8. Governor De Forest Richards and Dr. J. M. Wil son, who are interested in having the old Fetterinan canal placed In opera tion, paid a visit to the canal. After making a careful investigation they say they believe $10,000 will make the needed extension and repairs and plac the canal in working order. Upwards of 5,000 acres of fertile land lie under the canal, and it is pro posed to 6eed the tract to alfalfa and feed the Iambs raised In thli section. It ia estimated that a profitable feed ing business can be established and steps will be taken at once looking to the completion of the canal. Local capital is back of the proposition. JAMES E. YE AT MAN DEAD. Bt. I.ouls philanthropist Breathe Ills Last. ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 8. James K. Yeatman, the well known philanthro pist and one of the most respected cit izens of St. Louis, died yesterday, aged 81. from the effects of uraemia, for. which he was operated on nearly two weeks ago. James E. Yeatman was born Auug;-t 27, 1818, In Belford county, Tenn.. am' came to this city In 1842. For several years he was In the Iron business, but In 1830 entered the commission busi ness. That same year he founded the Merchants bank, which afterwards be came the Merchants National bank. Coal Transporters Combine. PHILADELPHIA, July - 8. Tho North American today will publish n story to the effect that ;the entire coal transportation cast cj the Mis sissippi river will be divided amon--; the railroads controlled by' the Penn-; sylvania, the i Vanderbilts nd the Morgan Interests. The Pennsylvania and the' Vanderbilt lipes will carry all the coal produced in the bituminoui regions, while the Morgan roa!s will control the entire anthracite outr-tit.' PE mmi ni mi 'I I I Mil IILLlULiIU "V5-:: 1 i