The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, July 01, 1910, Image 1

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    TV 1
NkWS. FMnhliht Nov. 5. 1W1
H BRA LI). Established April 18. 1864
Coruolidtted Jn. L 1896
Union Speeders Have Mi
raculous Escape From
Instant Death
Cress and PIcrson the Most Ser
iously Injured ol the
Unfortunate Party.
With a horrible grinding crash, which
wound itself seemed to mean death, the
fine Apperson touring car of Prof. (1.
W. Sweiiey tore into a fence south of
Auburn about six o'clock Tuesday
evening, while speeding at a terrific
gait, tore up several rods of fence and
turned turtle, pinning beneath it three
prominent Union men and throwing the
other two occupants of the car to the
ground with stunning 'force. The
pecders in the machine were Prof.
Cheney, superintendent of the Union
schools; William Cross, manager of the
Union Telephone company; John R.
Pierson, leading hunker of Union; State
Senator W. B. Banning, and 11. L. Up
ton, hardware merchant of Union.
The party had been attending the
funeral of the late W. F. Tracy, former
ly a citizen and banker of .Union. The
funeral had been held from the resi
dence of the deceased at Pawnee and
after the close of the services, the Union
people started home in company with
two other parties in machines driven by
L. (I.Todd and F. II. McCarthy, the
wo latter cars following a few miles in
the rear of the ill-fated machine of Mr.
Cheney's When about fifteen miles
couth of Union and not more than nine
miles from Humboldt, the chauffeur of
the leading machine opened the throttle
wide, as ho approached a smooth stretch
of road. With the machine tearing
along the road, a slight down grade set
the recording hand of the six'cdoinctcr
to the fifty mile an hour mark. At the
ierriflic sjK'ed, the ojicrator lost control
of the steering wheel, the car skidded
into a stout fence at the side of the road,
struck a post, bounded into the air and
landed up side down with Banning,
Cross and Person under the tnngltd
mass of wreckage. The occupants o
the front seat, Cheney and Upton were
thrown clear of the car but were some
what dazed by the impact.
Th second machine, following close
in the rear, was soon on ths scene of the
accident and with the help of the neigh
boring fame's, the injured men were
placed in the ear and hurried to Auburn
where medical care soon reached them.
The men, with the exception of Pierson,
were removed to their homes on the
morning train.
Dr. T. P. Livingston wan summoned
by wire at an early hour Wednesday
morning and at ten oVlock left for Union
in an automobile. With Dr. Barrett of
Union, who has the cases in charge, Dr.
Livingston examined Mr. Cross, the
most scrimpy injured of the party. He
is suffering quite severely, but unless
unexpected internal injuries develope,
his injuries will not prove to be fatal.
The extent of his bruises was greatly
oxagerated in the reports that reached
the city early in the day. Examination
showed his most serious injury to he a
fracture of his right co'lar bone. His
head and the right nide of his head and
shou'der were bruised and battsred,
until they are one great black and blue
Besides being severely rut and gashed
by the overturning machine, the other
riders were but Blightly hurt. It is con
(Continued on Page 8)
Carnival Company Arrives
and Tents Are Being
Erected on Streets
Fourth ol July Program Promises
to be the Best One Ever
Held In County.
Everything is complete for the big
gest, greatest and grandest Fourth
o' July celebrations Cass county has
ever experienced. On the Platts
mouth streets from early dawn until
nearly dawn the next day there will
be one continual round of excitement
and pleasure. Nothing has been over
looked. There are amusements and
accommodations for every one. Tues
day morning, the committee on pro
grams held a session and announced
to the public the complete program
as arranged. In the evening, a
special meeting of the promoters
the Red Men, was held and the last
detail of preparation was finished up.
Thte Program.
10:00 a. in.
Mile long parade of local merchants
and fraternal orders under the Marshal
of the Day, Chief of Police Raincy.
Line of march, up Main street from
Se o d to Sixth, south on Sixth to
Pearl, west on Pearl to Seventh,
north on Seventh to Vine, east on Vine
to Sixth, south on Sixth to Main
east on Main to Second. Grand
prize for.he lust turn-out, decoration
amount of work, and appearance to
be counted, $15; second prize 15;
third prize $5. Bed Men lloat not
considered as a competitor for hc
1 1 a. m.
Speeches at city park. Chairman of
of exercises, Judge Bcesmi. Speakers
Hon. A. L. Sutton of Omaha; Hon.
II. I). Travis of Plattsnioiith and
Hon .Hugh A. Myers of Omaha. Mu
sical selections to be furnished by lo
cal M. W. A. Band.
Childrcns games and amusements
on Sixth street between Main and
Vine. Sports to include potato races,
sack races, one legged races, etc.
1 :50 p. ni.
Big boxing contest. Bardwell and
Ilcrold, fur purse of $10. Platform at
rear of court house.
2:15 p. m.
tircat wrestling match. Tickler and
Mauer. Best two throws out of three.
Purse 20$. Contest on platform at-
rear of court house.
2:50 to 5 p. in.
Brown's big amusement company
consisting of nine shows and two free
features, slide for life and balloon as
cension. List of attractions:
Melba, bii; show.
James lioys in Missouri.
Bohemian Glass Blowers.
Dixie Land Minstrels.
Big Merry-go-round.
Nero, the Big Snake.
Skidoo 25.
Grand Ferris wheel.
McFadden's Museum.
0 p. in.
Slide for life down slack wire from
tower of court house.
5 p. ID.
Free Balloon ascension and para
chute drop. Ascension to be made
from corner of Fifth and Vine streets.
Grand Ball, Coates Hall. M. W.
A. orchestra.
Carnival company.
At the final Red Men meeting Tues
day evening, a report from the parade
committee, consisting of Thomas Wall
ing and F. E. Schlatcr showed that a
dozen different orders were busy at
work in preparing floats to represent
them in the big procession. A trip
down the alleys and side streets would
satisfy anyone that there will be a
great number of entrcs in the vcnt,
for the backyard of nearly every busi
ness institution has some wierd look
ing form, built of wood and paper, the
half constructed float of the concern.
One enthusiastic business man has
(Continued on Page 5)
Name Residence
Eva Porter, Mynard, -
Miss Daisy Twiss, Louisville -
Miss Zelma Tuey, Plattsmouth,
V Miss Maggie Gillette, Elmwood
Luella Stout, Alvo, - -
t Laura Oelschlager, Eagle, -
I Noel Tyson, Elmwood - -
A Walter Stuart, Greenwood -
JL Jess P. Rassmussen, Avoca
j James B. Earhart, Murray, -
neTnames Ire
added every day
The Great Automobile Contest Creat-
ing Much Excitemeut Through
out the Entire County.
The Standing Will be Changed Every Tuesday
and we Urge Contestants to Report
Promptly. Correspon
dents Wanted.
The standing of the votes will aain he published next
Tuesday and we urire the contestants to ret their ronnrts in
not later than Monday noon to
the list helore going to press. As the acws force expects
to join in the big lied Men celebration Monday there will be
nothing doing in the Mechanical department ou that day, but
the business oflice will be open until noon in order to take
care of those bringing in their list.
We are highly pleased with the jrood work being done
bv the contestants, and tho mist few l.ivs li.ivn
7 " ' - -vwouv- I UliU
standing of the different competitors in good shape, all of
1 1 A 1 A A XT IT 111" A ' '
which means mat me iNews-iicratu list is growing rapidly.
"We are on the read to the oOOO mark nnd when thnr. h-iw i.nn
reached we will be giving the people of Cass county a paper
far beyond their expectations. 'Hie News-Herald of today is
not the best paper in the state, is not up to the requirements
of the county this fact we know, but it requires co-operation
on the part of its patrons and as the new names gradual
ly come in the Nelvs-llerald will gradually grow better, and
pest, newsiest and best paper ever attempted iulhe county.
It is our earnest wish to secure n representative in every
district in Cass count'. We want the news of your neMi
hood that the readers miv read of the rinmovu nf tlmin 1;,.
bors. We wish to publish the
week in the Friday's issue, so
in your community, write it up,
shall be glad to give it space.
um lumiij ismur-Leu ine isews. 11 mere is a birth out
your way tell the News. When you get married tell the
News. These are the things which go to make a paper all
that it should be.
To those who have subscribed for our paper during the
contest we wish to say that if vou are not receiving your
paper regularly or if it is not correctly addressed, or in fact
if there is any error which you wish corrected, kindly let us
know at once. We do not believe that you have made a
mistake in subscribing for the News-IIerald and that you
will liud it just the paper you have been looking for, for a
longtime A County Paper-that can be read by every
member of the family. Our serial stories will be of 'interest
when the day's work is done, our feature of "Ancestry" is
interesting readinr. and there will h. new f.vit.nnw ;.,1,1.,1
all the time, such as will please
fancier, the agriculturalist and
aum tne Aews-llerald grow and lend us your aid.
Watch for the standing of t he ftoiii.pst.nnt s iwvt Tmiuilfi v
and see how they are progressing. The whole county is in
terested and the rivalrv i jrptiirnr K' trt if
this time counts a great deal, so to help your favorite along
give them a boost by subscribing.
No. of Votes
- -
n L
jive u.s ample time to prepare
correspondents letters each
if there is a happening
mail it to this office and we
When a member of your
the little folks, the poultry
the housewife.
Plattsmouth Commercial
Club Trying to Land
Pair for City
Representatives Pay Visit to the
Town, but no Conclusions
Have Been Reached.
Again tlio PhiU.sinouth Commercial
Club is showing its utorling worth nnd
getting in some fine of work.
The latest propositions which they
have on the string are for the locatino
here of two eastern factories, which,
if secured, will make employment for
several hundred men. The concerns
now negotiating with the city boosters
are an eastern automobile factory and
a gasoline engine works. Both of
the concerns in question aro well
established with a snflicicnt amount
of capital back of them to put up good
headquarters, employ the best class
of workmen and properly put their
wares on the market.
The automobile company is made up
of eastern capital and at present is
located at Cleveland, Ohio, but the
directors wish to establish a factory
in the middle west to supply their trade
in the western and Pacific coast states
A representative of the company is
now on a trip through Iowa, Nebraska
and other states of the Mississippi
valley investigating the facilities of
fered by the different towns. Ac
cording to his schedule, he will be in
the city today to confer with the city
boosters and sec what riattsmouth
has to offer to induce the location of
the big factory. The cars that this
company manufacture arc not of the
cheap variety, with which the market!
ure now being flooded, but arc of high
grade, being elaborate in constriction
and design. The cars have a chassis
similar to the big Pierce Arrow and
Winton, their chief competitors being
the producers of cars of this typo
If the concern decides to locate here
tlieir plant will not bo merely an as
sembling point for the different parts
but the castings, body, woodwork and
many details of the uipmeiit will
be made here. This will mean a very
extensive factory, einraeing foundries,
carpenter shops, tin shops, upholp
stering rooms and many other depart
ment s for the work. The Commercial
club men aro sure that Plattsmouth is
the town the automobile men are look
ing for and they will do all thvy can
to prove it to them.
The gas engine man was in the city
Tuesday and Wednedsay seeing what
Plattsnioiith could offer him. lie
was well pleased with the city and
seemed to think the facilities here
very good for his engine factory,
although it was impossible for him to
state definitely whether he would
locate in Plattsmouth or not. The
engine, which he manufactures, is es
pecially adapted for farm work and
any business where small stationary
motors arc required, to develope not
more than 10 h.p. The company has
been established in an eastern city
not very far distant for several years
but the place is not well located for
the work and has rather poor rail
road connections. Consequently the
men are wishing to make a change
and get located in a place with a lit tin
better accommodation. At present
the company is casting most of il.i
parts, and nearly all the iron work u
done at the faetoy, which employes
a good sized force of skilled lalntrers
The engine that the company turns
out is far nhouvc the ordinary gaso
line power production. The patented
construction of the engine reduces
the cost of fuel from one-third to one-
half. It is not a new experiment but
had been meeting with success for
the market for three or four yaars.
A perfect type of oiler Is used, insuring
proper lubrication at all times. A
vertiele, single cylinder and double
fly wheel arc used. One of the beau
ties of the unit plant is is compact-
(tominued on Page 8)
Movement Again Revived
For Organization of
Would Secure Sixty Members to
Carry Out Military Drill
and Tactics.
The young men of the city are tak
ing nctive steps toward the forming of
a branch of the Nebraska National
Guards, or state militia, nnd on tho
list, which is being circulated for tho
signatures of those willing to enlist
with a company, appears about fifty
names. For the launching of iho
company, a total of sixty members
is necessary, but according to tho
present outlook, littlo trouble will be
experienced in securing the additional
ten. John C. Hartigan, one of the
head officers of the state militia,
who is located at lleatricc, has been in
the city several tinmes, endeavoring
to work up interest among the young
men. Thcjast movement towards
organizing, however was commenced
by the boys themselves, among tho
foremost of whom arc the twenty
members of the Plattsmouth Cornet
Pand, Glen Rawls, Will Ramsey and
several other prominent nnd popi
lar men of the city.
The old soldiers of the G. A. R. aro
enthusiastic over the patriotic organi
zation of the young Amcncau blood,
and nothing would look better to them
than to sec their sons falling in lina
weekly to the Bound of the bugle
The young men of town will search
long before they w ill find a more profi
table way to spend two hours a week
than by joining the auxiliary of Undo
Sam's trusty blue coats. For physi
cal development, the pastime of mili
tary drill cannot be excelled; and not
only is the physical man improveJ by
his time spent in the uniform, biu his
moral is also 'strengthened
by the severe dicipline and training
of the work in the ranks.
The meeting of the guards are held
once, a week, as a rule, on 'Monday
nights. Regular enlistments are for
three years, but if it can be satisfac
torily shown that pressure of business,
removal from the city, physical ail
ments or any other important matter
prevent attendance, the member may
secure an honorable discharge. Uni
forms, rifles, and all necessary articles
are furnished by the government so
thai practically no expense is attached
to the work. Small fines are generally
collected for absences. If the com
pany is formed, a suitable hall will
be rented in onhv that dis-igreeable
weather will not interfere with drill
The headquarters will be comfortably
fitted with lockers for the uniforms
gun-racks for the rilles and storage
boxes for extra material. In many
towns of the state, the N. N. (5. meet
maneuvers, tramps, camps, etc, form
the principal amusement of the young
men and they would soon find a wwl
como place on the calendar of the
Plattsmouth boys if they were given the
the chance.
The big event of the year, which is
looked forward to with great antici
pation by all the guards, is the annual
encampment of all the organizations
of the locality, including several
states. I he camp is usually held at
Fort Riley, Kansas, an enormous
government military reserve, where the
boys spend a week or ten davs in
sham battles, pontoon practice and
other events of army life, living all
the time under canvas, eating sleeping,
and drilling to the call of the bugle.
The boys are well paid for their time
upent at Fort Riley and their expenses
are paid on tho trip. Special trains
carry the soldiers to and from the scene
of encampment and the boys get a
short touch of the real army life.
The only opposition met with in the
establishment of the state companies
is found to arise from a few union pro
moters, who are even so radical as to
(Continued on Page 6)